; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 15th (Saturday) : DEE ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 15 : 2 : 2025 : DEE : DEE : DEE : DEE, Dark Energy Engineering ;

light; Radical400;

71mm, created since February 15, 2025; Also see: Satellite;

Remark: since 2000s, this DOMAIN 's web contents have been designed & modeled with 17 time lines; 71mm has been created since 02/15/2025, so 18 time lines (this DOMAIN) ... ;

this DOMAIN, using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence (Location Awareness Response) in our ( earth, Radical519 ) i.e. for avoiding Nankai Trough earthquake, e.g. 105 DEGREE iroLED lights into the sky with (Color Code {FF, CC, 99}) from North to South directional Directions, because WHEN hikari Light haba Breadth exist, Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) also exist; Also see: Manmade Global Weather; DEE; Anti-Earthquake;

Remark: using (correct, proper, suitable) directional lights can avoid earthquakes; 2025 January 16; NHK news; within the next 30+ years in Japan, prediction e.g. Nankai Trough earthquake might happen, 80% possible prediction;

humanoid Global Military General 1 hoho (way) DEE in Action . Military Grade . via USB . at 180 degree, for supporting USA worldwide (our earth) Walls DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (Electrons) for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) in Calendar.Earth.Space.War, also see: DEE; Particles; Satellite; Remark: Yagi antenna configuration alike, but diff is Electrons behave (Aqua, Water) lines: special design model to shoot down any illegal hypersonic missiles, illegal ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), illegal UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), ... humanoid Global Military General ( ware ware We) must be winners by defeating (China + Russia) militaries worldwide (our earth); in World History (our earth), winners take all, e.g. (Germany, Japan, USA) will take 4.4 trillions US Dollar from Russia, also will take 3.3 trillions US Dollar from China, concerning Ukraine-Russia War; Space War;

the Shakya King's punishments are severe e.g. since 2024, regional droughts in China;

2024 April 8 . our earth's Total Solar Eclipse . Anti-Earthquake . Action . Using Origin of Jaw . 2 eyes As directional gravity spots; e.g.

Akira (name); J i t s u (name); Ni (place name); Radical94;

2024 April 8 . our earth 's Total Solar Eclipse . Anti-Earthquake .   Action . Using     .  2  eyes  As  directional gravity spots :    
Yellow Color down arrow indicates that from North to South if in the  northern hemisphere ;            
  4 vertical Indigo Color indicate moon waves are coming naturally ;                      
at the midst , at the center ( sun character , esp. Red Color ) for heat related  our earth ;  
on 2024 January 1 , unwanted  regional earth quaked naturally indicate that approx. 100 Day , 100 Minute , or          
approx. 99 Day , 99 Minute apart in retrospective time ;    
so , iro LED lights e.g. Yellow Color fetch in g from North to South , if location is northern hemisphere      
i.e. for avoid in g naturally earthquake ;                              
Your agency 's Logo should be : here ;                            
Your nation al Symbol should be :   ;                            
Your space   system picture should be :                            
this DOMAIN 's   Anti-Earthquake design model is Intellectual Property of the United States of America ( USA ) ;        
written ,   programmed   by a "Tarzan" Rakhine American in March 2024 ;                

Also see: avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan; DEE, Dark Energy Engineering;

Yellowish Variations (YV) based; e.g.

( reflection of hyperbola for no yellowish variation DEE, reflection of hyperbola for no yellowish variation calculator frame) ... ; Also see: Anti-Earthquake;

within this DOMAIN 's contents, (define, defined, defining) normal Yellowish Variation, normal Yellowish Variation, by Japanese . Syllabary . HTML; notice, realize, and understand that normal Yellowish Variation (Method, Procedure, Technique) can be using for Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, Military Application, Nanobot Programming, and so on;

Reflection of Hyperbola .HTML;

I wrote: inside of Schematic Symbols, many (images, photos, pictures) have been defined, quiz would be WHICH ones belong to "Refection of Hyperbola" ?

well trained kids!! replied: ( DEE Handle3, 24mmNaturalTimeCalculatorFrame) sir;

I wrote: if I've ARMENIAN CAPITAL LETTER S E H ("Ս"), and GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON ("Ο"), And Then, doko WHERE would you (locate, place, put) those 2 characters, regarding "Reflection of Hyperbola" ?

well trained kids!! replied: if lighting from the East (right side e.g.  .  .  . ), ("Ս") should be at the Left Top, ("Ο") should be at the Bottom Left sir;

I wrote: Yes. Basic DEE may begin .  .  . and don't forget THAT every (image, photo, picture) has its own meaning ... ; the reason Why I need to mention here is that we're developing Anti-Earthquake ... ; Reminder, i.e. (Black, Gray, Silver) colors consecutively means USB based lighting ... ; nowadays in (2010s, 2020s), many NISSAN cars' front emblem design model are very meaningful ... Hmm!! Umm!! ;

I wrote: inside of both DEE Handle 3, and 24mmNaturalTimeCalculatorFrame, believe IT or NOT, INTERSECTION ("∩") may prompt on the other side (Processor (side-by-side); so, 180 degree diff to U), so called "reflection" ... ; harder and more difficult DEE needs (Lo Shu and Sudoku) Algorithm to represent and Mathematics should be easier to realize and understand ... ; Reminder: all human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King in our universes ... ;

  BF2 Blue gray based LASER for DEE balancing; for imaginary hyperspace crafts, kuru kuru WHILE commuting among human beings livable moons ... ;

October 6 (Friday) 2023; NHK News; Fujitsu and Riken successfully joint invented 2nd Quantum computers;

a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess (without lab report) would be: Fujitsu and Riken successfully joint invented 2nd Quantum (Reminder: Usage: "Quantum" means Electrons' kyori Distances are measured ... ), and since March 2023, Quantum Computers have been serving Japan, a.k.a. NIPPON;

another wild guess would be: lights are measured by ("AB Distance") 1st, And Then, the same iro LED based, but lights are measured by its width 2nd i.e. in addition to AB Distance 1st; in Nanobot Programming, WHEN those Electrons (lesser heat as lower potential ones, a.k.a. minus ion ones, a.k.a. negatively charged ones) As Membrane, And Then, ( pair, paired, pairing) so called receptor (e.g. agonist; Reminder: you shouldn't pair core, you should pair edge), And Then, the defined unwanted (Biopsy, Pathogen, Sample) is matched && mapped, And Then, ware ware We're able to defeat any known (enemy, foe) airborne virus, pathological patterns, oncological genes, and so on ... ; another imaginary would be: Universal Serial Bus (USB) means "using 3+ lights" in directional ... and I've a gift for you i.e. Default . Lights . Sheet . Sample .GIF; Also see: Dark Energy Engineering (DEE); 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

if you're system architect of your own nation's governmental meteorological dept, your should insert your defined flag (at the top, in the midst, 3 rows); Also see: System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s .HTML;

Also see: DEE; Display; kadosei Mobility; e.g.

I wrote: ( My, My, My, My) 2023 Toyota Sienna AWD Platinum Hybrid eV sport's airborne Display (at the front windshield glass), and I've a quiz its destination symbol whether ( 45, 30, 15) degree? Remark: Computers control driving, so I don't know explicitly WHICH wheel drives, e.g. sometimes structural Battery powers to drive, e.g. sometimes directional gravity pressure (gravity spots) to drive, e.g. sometimes combustion (VVTI gas engine) powers to drive, ... ; Remark:  after driving thousands of (Kilometer, Mile), I like eV Sport Mode, because no vibrations from combustion, and very quiet functional operations, in addition, torque from structural Battery would be the most advance ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy quiz, answer would be 45° sir;

I wrote: I've a homework for you, i.e. (45/√2)..., so far ware ware We've learnt (15/√2), based on (29 Days, 30 Days) ... also see: Time ( 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172) ... ;

regarding Anti-Earthquake ("2023 March 28 Alignment"), if I defined ( DEE3 (for Left), DEE8 (for Right)), And Then, DEE9 for alignment, And Then, 4_Planets_Prediction (including our earth) 's "Number in degree" would be?

well trained kids!! replied: we don't understand WHAT you're talking about, can't answer "Number in degree" regarding alignment;

I wrote: approx. 171 degree (Lunar Orbit: 4 _Planets _ Prediction), and I'll not explain A-to-Z spoon feed (Step-By-Step) style; you're on your own ... ; ACT2 imaginary hyperspace level quiz, never mind, never mind, ... I should not ask DEE questions ... ;

60 years ( 4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), using Artificial Intelligence ( 103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g. our earth's carbon nano Walls) to figure-out 3-side's handles ... ;

Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming, for avoiding earthquake in the defined region (e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ;

Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, for variable DEE patterns ... ;

Also see: DNA _Origami, for nanobot programming, beyond our earth based biophysics ... ;

Also see: Invisibility, for invisibility engineering in 3,4 dimensional i.e. beyond solar system ... ;

Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts i.e. beyond our solar system e.g. visiting to human beings livable moons ... ;

Also see: Reforming Myanmar, for ethnic tribes' self R&D groups ... ; Remark: based on 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;

Pause; Play;

Idea Processor ( DEE     DEE, the most powerful energy) must be using for peaceful & tranquil purpose only;

suingu Swing-by Gravity Time ; Remark: beyond ACT3 imaginary hyper space;

    DEE is faster than light (e.g. DEE modulation) ... ; INFO is also faster than light ... ;  

1st to understand HOW spectrum (approx. 440nm ~ 650nm) and then WHY lights disappear naturally; e.g. sound & vibration;

    DEE patterns vary (different) on human beings livable moons in our universe;  

2nd to understand HOW 5 different (a.k.a. gray scale simulation) lights are not the same between left and right (e.g. the same "black box"  in diff locations in our universes; e.g. Origin of Sound;

    DEE is very important to understand, because when light exists, dark also exists [think that WHEN you were in day time, others were in night time, WHERE you were in C sequence number brunching factor 2, and then think that you were in 4 planet prediction, 2500+ years old document, and then dark energy and C sequence number with brunching factor 2, 3, 4, ... , IFF you are in ACT2, and ACT3, ...  ], therefore coexistence as YIN and YANG, and DEE is one of the essentials to understand in ACT2 and ACT3 stage development;

3rd to develop 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space (e.g. beyond 2,3 dimensional 4 Planets Prediction, yellowish variations on human being livable moons in our universes) HOW light years in Time should be defined (e.g. 24mm Natural Time can be adjusted by );

e.g. regarding Gravity Dimension Computer, WHILE charging battery, you might be using high amp (i.e. higher heat), and your computer may become heavier kan Weight, on the other hand, WHEN battery only, you might be using low amp (i.e. lower heat), and then your computer may become lighter kan Weight, therefore, DEE is somehow cool characteristic WHICH means cooler the DEE, bigger the gravity to elevate ... ; DEE is the highest engineering & technology, and military top secret (e.g. Gravity Gun, beyond Laser Gun), therefore NOT available to public; IFF R&D, start with structural, and then analyze dimensional, and then program & test directional (e.g. 2 strings' interaction prompts 24mm Natural Time (1 second) analog tic tic tic), and so on e.g. numerological ... ;

I wrote: I'm going write a poem now e.g.

2T and Henry, how that U to be,
marking the DNA _Origami, transforming to be mRNA in laboratories,
p Vector in structural, surfaced inductances interrupt Protein dimensional,
1 way DEE As Comes-and-Goes, its environmental should be closed,
WHILE naturally Nanobots As membranes in ACTION, we're able to be defining the (Closed, Opened) architectures,
using 30 polygons for defining variants, we can do Anti Virus medicines drip/dropping, so called Teleportation ... ;


  our earth 's normal Yellowish1; Also see: y Manmade Global Weather;  

our earth 's normal Yellowish1; Also see: Schematic Dimensional;

  DEE Yellowish Variation Sample;  
Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; PHYSICS;
Remark: add your own variable DEE patterns in the "dark area" ... ;
directional gravity spots based solar powered structural Battery 10g Smart Phone ;
100  Percent Transparency DEE Box;  
  DEE Back;  
  DEE Bottom;  
  DEE Front;  
  DEE Left;  
  DEE Right;  
  DEE Top;  
  CCW1WDS, Counter Clock Wised 1 Way DEE Structural;  
DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (Electrons) for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) in Calendar.Earth.Space.War;  
  DNA Origami;  

( ... , BF2BrownZCS, BF2GreenZCS, BF2IndigoZCS, BF2LavenderZCS, BF2PurpleZCS, BF2RedZCS, BF2SilverZCS, BF2TurquoiseZCS, BF2YellowZCS, ... ) ... for Gene Therapy System therapeutic ... ; Also see: index; MD;

  108 x 108 Nesting Default;  
  DEE _lines _horizontal _Downward; Also see: Physics Law 151, ... ;  
  commutative _DEE _Capacitance;
Also see: Physics Law 135; Schematic Symbols;

DEE Density Default, also see: Schematic Symbols;


DEE _ Fan _ With _ Handle; 

    2LDEE, two (2) Layered Dark Energy Engineering; Also see: PHYSICS law sixty two ... ;  
  many human beings livable moons are orbital and tranquil (peaceful) in our universes, and then distance is measured by yellowish mm variation;  
  C Sequence Number e.g. BF2;  
    Constellations (1 of 6 with water, and human livable but BLI problems);  
    e.g. 2 of 5 without water; 2 in 1 direction; 6, 5;  
    DEE might be 2 strokes 8 alike; light's directions vary depending upon 2 planets' direction; 2,3 dimensional only;  
    Even Time Horizontal DEE; Carbon only?; e.g. 2 shadows for each object;  
    BF? e.g. BF3 (i.e. BF2 environment is no longer valid);  
    (2*5) dimension causes JUN (e.g. 10, 20, 30) WHERE 10 is up Jun; 20 is middle Jun; 30 is down Jun;  
    4PP in (2*6) dimension (depth of our universes) WHILE 4PP, 2 in 1 direction causes BF2; 4 phases lunar may begin; 3,4 dimensional only;  
    (2*7) dimension (also known as 2 phases lunar); IFF 2(2*7) = 28 WHERE momentum of 108 configuration causes e.g. eclipses;  
    Do not forget 2 claps when worship (Nippon's thousands years tradition);  
    (3,3,3,3)=81; (10,7,10) = 27; 81 + 27 = 108; Therefore, if 3 can be SYNC, 7 and 10 should be SYNC (i.e. Synchronization);  
  variable, but 180°, because of 1 way DEE; variable, but NOT 180°; Therefore, USB with degree (e.g. 90°, 180°, ... ) is very important to understand, and still BF2 in 2,3 dimensional i.e. structural dimension (e.g. C Sequence Number) is still valid in 2,3 dimensional ... ;  
  20 (a.k.a. mid JUN) years is normal growth rate;   BF2 (Brunching Factor 2) structural dimension (e.g. C Sequence Number) is no longer valid in 3,4 dimensional ... ; Therefore, B L I automatic adjustment ... ;  
  plus or minus 5 cm diff, i.e. normal; After B L I automatic adjustment is done, then time (Time), another planets to be (Space), we human beings will do (Action) e.g. immigrating to a planet, e.g. Plantation On The MOON, e.g. traveling to a planet, ... ;  
  Integral; Also see: Optics;  

  G D C a.k.a. Gravity Dimension Computer (this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts) ... ;

  IFF yellowish variations, using Gravity Dimension Computer ( Solar Sail) i.e. to be self alive using ( lights, gravity) only ... ; and then, map e.g. Universal Positioning System (UPS) ... ;  
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (one of the factors to adjust BLI (Body Length Index)) on human beings livable moons ... ;
DEE _ CSNBF1 _ CS (Dark Energy Engineering _ C Sequence Number Branching Factor 1 _ Close Space);
DEE _ CSNBF1 _ CS (Dark Energy Engineering _ C Sequence Number Brunching Factor 1 _ Close Space);
DEE _ CSNBF1 _ OS (Dark Energy Engineering _ C Sequence Number Branching Factor 1 _ Open Space);
DEE _ CSNBF1 _ OS (Dark Energy Engineering _ C Sequence Number Brunching Factor 1 _ Open Space);
Remark: based on "white" ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) screen e.g. if you can do DEE patterns like here, you will get "white" screen for sure ... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN
's contents are ACT2 and ACT3 imaginary, and notice that Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization is NOT officially EXIST as of 2018/2562;
ACT2 Remark: think that using 1 light stick is like USB (Active Y); think that using 2 light sticks are like USB2 (Active Y); think that using 3 light sticks are like USB3 (Active Y); think that edges of the parallel DEE energy prompts 1/2 fish DEE pattern a.k.a. micro SD (8) ... ; Also see: this DOMAIN 's Method, i.e. human beings livable moons' 1 and only 1 multi-systems ... ;  
ACT1 doko WHERE heat can be pinpointed by Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE) ...

heat Dimensional, also see: Schematic Dimensional;


1 way DEE and BF2 (Green Gravity Spots) imaginary space environment (our earth);


     ㈰     ㈰               ㈰     ㈰    

  Remark for understanding, e.g. 1-side-only on zero curvature surface (normal yellow, no yellowish variation, yellow as core), let Radical2 as 1 way DEE (e.g. from east to west) goes through, notice that green gravity as gravity spots (green color lights) prompt naturally; this idea will let developers begin to understand, "Natural Water Elevator" methods; remember, 13 = 8 + 5; very basic understanding of surface analysis; this idea can also be used in interior design of imaginary hyper space crafts; And Then, after understanding wormhole, 2-sided like 2 times tidal waves ... ; And Then, "reversed yellowish variations" for interior design of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts WHICH went very very very far away in our universes ... ;  

2 gravity spots based ( GPS) structural;
6 remote heat sensing: IFF 2 @ X, And Then, 4 @ Y; IFF 2 @ Y, And Then, 4 @ X;


DEE _ Mouth; mouth happens naturally because of 2,3 dimensional DEE _ Mouth; 1st to understand parallel DEE on human beings livable moons; 2nd to understand our earth's carbon nano wall (polygons) vs. parallel DEE; 3rd to understand "gray" has been naturally for both 2,3 dimensional and 3,4 dimensional;


k u r u k u r u DEE;  
yellow Structural;  
white Structural;  
turquoise Structural;  
red Structural;  
indigo Structural;  
green Structural;  
gray Structural;  
gold Structural;  
blue-gray Structural;  
black Structural;  
DEE _ lines _ Causing To Left;  
DEE _ lines _ Causing To Right;  
DEE _Radio;  
DEE _Radio;  
DEE _Radio;  
no Yellowish Variation Inbound M a s s u g u Up;  
plasma cluster up vertically;  
R Y A P B, Red Yellow Aqua Purple Black; 1 way DEE environment; without yellowish variation;   

26M45DMWW, (2*6) Momentum 45 Degree Moon Wave Wormhole; Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty three, ... ;

 D C S D D, Digital Calculator Style DEE Dot;  
plasma cluster Sensor;  
Water Clock;  
ZCS _Edge _Connector;  
ZCS _Light _Sheet _Connector; Also see: Physics Law 10000;  

Regarding this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space, age of universe must be measured by time period of HOW ice is melted (or HOW water happened e.g. max space lengths of water drop may vary), (in Western Civilization's astronomy, Hubble Constant (H0) is used);

galaxy distance must be measured by HOW candle light's directions e.g. above table's yellow colors' distance, e.g. if 5mm variation of (Yellowish1 and Yellowish2) is 50000 km distance, and then 6 mm variation of (Yellowish1 and Yellowish2) might not prompt 60000 km distance, and then WHAT are the uncommon proportions? i.e. to measure galaxy distance (in Western Civilization's astronomy, light year is used, base on Milky Way galaxy's location); and then, design and engineer Universal Positioning System (UPS) at mantissa point 128 AI numbers of floating point and beyond; and then, prove that 1 way DEE causes our human beings cannot see our back naturally; and then, prove that DEE is the one and only source of HOW gravity can be made; and then, prove that deployable DEE can make electricity to be throw able;

Regarding above table (similar to ACT2 stage gray scale simulation's result), think of (left's light property vs. right's light property) are not the same, WHY?, WHAT kind of universal force make such not the same? ... ; Eastern Civilization's power starts in 21st century, therefore, after understanding the Western Civilization's measurements, design, develop, engineer, and prove that this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space is one of the factors in Eastern Civilization's space technology (e.g. measuring age of universe by HOW ice is melted, e.g. measuring galaxy distance by mm variation of (Yellowish1 and Yellowish2), and so on); More idea & info, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, for thousands of years ... ;

IFF human beings can live naturally and universally e.g. 6 (gravity machine equipped buses are needed for touring or immigrating to the planets, invite 1 person from each ethnic tribe around the globe WHEN touring to another planets), number (in a series) with once in approx. 6 months spin speed (if compare to our earth's spin speed is approx. 1 day) doko WHERE 4 Planets Prediction ... ;

( 2DEE boxes representing 2 lungs, dubbing 2 or more ZCS holes as heart beats), also see: PHYSICS, law eighty five ... ; Gene Therapy System;

4 planet prediction, 108 configuration, parallel time synchronization, ... should be read, and understood, and then gray scale simulation, artificial lights, ... , along with P M E, ... , and then time to think about and start engineering DEE;

2022 Model Credit Card Size Connector;

e.g. , , ... can be realized and understood ... ; Also see: DEE; Physics Law 151; Remark: variable DEE patterns look alike at the USB connector (left most);

comet ACTION downward; comet ACTION left; comet ACTION right; comet ACTION upward; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 251, comet;

108x310 pixel, dark _energy _invisible .GIF, has been designed as a schematic symbol,

To do so, hole and stick coexistence must be understood, therefore 24mm natural time can be engineered, in ACT1; 4 vectors make the Sun, the icon of Japan, and WHEN Sun exists, lights exist, and think lights as sticks, do not forget Dark Energy is coming from our universe, in ACT1 ... ; And then, think that out there is very very very dark in our universe ... , and very boring ... ;

White cloud, gray cloud, dark cloud, ...
blue sky, green sky, yellowish sky, ...
4 Planet Prediction and sticky pairs, ...
2 times tidal daily water, so not cold cold cold like out there, ...
parallel time not able to be synchronizing, ...
dark energy engineering is incoming, ...
once dark energy deployable, just flat panels throw-able.

( 402nm, 498nm, 571nm, 643nm), also see: PHYSICS, law eighty six, jinko chino DEE Box ... ;

DEE Earth Light; DEE Moon Light; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 184, G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth) ... ;

ACT1 Sun with Dark energy, should read Pg. 225, Hyperspace, Prof. M i c h i o K a k u, 1994, and then think that Dark Energy is coming from our universe, Yin and Yang effects of the Sun and the Dark Energy as coexistence; And then WHY circles like samsara, IFF the whole structure is concerned i.e. Gravity (time, space, ... )  ... ;

    1. approximation of visible Sun in eccentric distance;

    Sun's 1D distance by its size may vary, along with location on the Earth; If X axis is Earth e.g. 7x2 in 24mm Natural Time Clock, and then Y axis e.g. 5x2 in 24mm Natural Time Clock, and then Z axis e.g. 6x2 in 24mm Natural Time Clock should be in 2*6 dimensional ... ; 310x108pixel; Also see: artificial eyeballs;

    2. dark energy is being applied to 4PP;

    108x108pixel; 3 common patterns in 4PP approach, ACT1 distance based; IFF parallel time testing, 10,7,10 should be used because 2*5 is JUN, because 2*7 is lunar, 3 entity as ACT3 lights, ... ;

    3. visible Sun vs. dark energy;

    108x108pixel; 2 common patterns in dark and earth and sun; Sun's position must be in 1D; IFF 2D concerns, also see: 2,3 dimensional array along with dark energy in segment, Schematic Light; Do not forget the black color area, similar to the book Hyperspace Pg. 225's structure ... ;

ACT1 Sun with Dark energy, applying to Artificial Eyeballs

    1. outer circle V is in dark color due to the natural sun; outer circle V is a layer to perceive vision, so retina alike, Eccentric distance AV must be a constant;

    2. time T in axis, so that sensing dark energy strings begin; inner circle A is a layer to start schematic light, so pupil alike; At this present, DEE is in inner circle A's segment;

    3. 2,3 dimensional array, 1 table is 2D array of [ x, y ], WHEN 1. and 2. start, 3. should be in [ 2, 2 ] [ 3, 3, 3 ]; Also see: Fuzzy Set [ 2, 2 ] [ 3, 3, 3 ]; Remark: in 3,4 dimensional, think that WORMHOLE with defined time line, are parallel to each other, e.g. ||||  think that gray scale simulator's ACT3 result ... ; This Info might be worth tons of gold, but free to public ... ; Concerning "defined time line", only 1 satellite designer can change its distance, e.g. 12mm, 6mm, 3mm with square root 2.01, square root 2.19, and so on; For basic understanding, this DOMAIN, using SQRT2 only, and using 24mm Natural Time only, and so on ... ;


Basic understanding of DEE line, also see: DEE line;


Basic understanding of Static in DEE;

Basic understanding of Kinetic in DEE



block elements, also see: AI FONT;

, creating more microbiological ( Antiviral Antibody,  Antiviral Antibody, Antiviral Antibody) pathological lives artificially e.g. ( ColdFusionAntiviral1, ColdFusionAntiviral2, ColdFusionAntiviral3) ... ; Also see: Fusion; Physics Law 169;

DEE _ Fan _ With _ Handle vs. Magnetic Field Scan, also see: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System (w G T S U) ... ;


DEE . s h a b u . s h a b u; e.g.

DEE . s h a b u . s h a b u ; Remark: DEE heat Distribution; Also see: DEE; Distribution; Heat; Sushi; Also see: Physics Law 153, EM Pull, ... ;


since we've learnt that "red" is a limitation of our universe (2,3 dimensional), inner side of our universes, regarding on our earth, 2 yellow dots are at left and right; so, called DEE_1Line_ToBe;

DEE grid vs. Gravity:

for flying automotives in ACT1, ACT2, ACT3 ... ;

ni in Katakana, and Radical7 are written intentionally and precisely as upper horizontal line is shorter than lower horizontal line;

DEE _ L _ Shape _ With _ 2 Yellow Dots;

aqua surface may begin between the 2 Yellow Dots and 90 degree of 3 cyan dots, And Then, Gene Therapy System can cure (GE, Gastroenterology; HEM, Hematology; H M P, Hematology; HO, Hematology and Oncology; ON, Oncology; P C C, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine; PHO, Pediatric Hematology Oncology; U, Urology) disorders ... ; DEE _ L _ Shape _ With _ 2 Yellow Dots;

DEE21; Also see: PHYSICS law sixty four ... ;

D E E I P, Dark Energy Engineering Idea Processing :

D E E I P, Dark Energy Engineering Idea Processing; Remark: daily & naturally, from east, one and only the sun naturally light, on the other hand, snaky alike heat sensing coexists, so that brain recognizes vision; heat & light are at the same location only in our earth (no yellowish variation) ... ; 5 colors (aqua a.k.a. cyan, black, gray, silver, white); Also see: Idea Processor; PHYSICS;

Structural G Y R;

Structural R Y G;

DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment :

retrospectively in 1990s, prior to embedding devices (e.g. calculator, dictionary, translator, ... ), we had to do adjustment to the circuit board, so called "adjustments" ... ; in 2010s, we've to do the same, the same, DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) needs "adjustments" ... ; therefore, they are :

DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment X;

DEE _ Jitter  _Adjustment Y;

Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

DEE juten Filling; Also see: Physics Law 151, Gravity Harvest Power Antenna, step-by-step HOW, ... ;

Enzyme; e.g.

Two is very very unique in many ways e.g. ( DEE vs. Optics) doko WHERE ( hikari Light re-Action ( CO2, ( Enzyme, Enzyme), H (Hydrogen), O2, Water) Energy, delivered by the Light, to tsukuru Make (Carbohydrate, Sugar)) a.k.a. photosynthesis, i.e. way of HOW tissues happen ... ; 1 lipid acting like (gate, pore ("opening pore" means allow the gas in)) WHICH ... , also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Reminder: because of (Carbohydrate, Sugar), fat, oil, ... may begin, e.g. 1 bio Physical lipid (Fat + Oil) can pass through Biological Cell ... ;

finding a yellow; e.g.

finding a yellow;

I wrote: I've a quiz regarding "finding a yellow" because reversed yellowish variations, yellowish variations, ... are very very important to realize & understand, so quiz would be: doko WHERE the sun should be located? a. Left & Top; b. Right & Top; c. Left & Bottom; d. Right & Bottom; e. at the midst;

well trained kids!! replied: we don't know what is your question sir; we give-up;

I wrote: answer is the sun should be either Left & Top, or Right & Top; so, you may continue with your iro LED design models ( ZCS) ... ; light source is essential ones whether you're in motor way or wormhole way, ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: we've never thought of this way sir; thank you;

I wrote: don't be like ogle or "Tarzan" , on the other hand, I don't want you to be having civilization gap problems;

yellow; Radical240;

Gravitational L e n s i n g:

IFF in Eastern Civilization's astronomy, dark is coexistence ( Yin and Yang) as light; Also see: force;

TIME lines must be defined; Essential (more than necessary) to learn oriental language;
ー SPACE must be defined e.g. WHERE mantissa AI numbers of floating point is e.g. if < 32 numbers of floating point, translator cannot exist, if < 64 numbers of floating point, GPS cannot exist, if < 128 numbers of floating point, Idea Processor cannot exist, ... ; Develop system 3 WHILE using system 2; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1 for further information ... ;
ー ACTION (e.g. go Karma) including WHERE holes and strings are in WHAT kind of structural with WHICH momentum, and then, dimensional and directional ( DEE) as gravity prompts HOW dark energy is; 10 dimensional ... i.e. this DOMAIN 's system e.g. using 10 icons with 10 Directory (Folder) using numerological (e.g. 1 ~ 9 as value, and none of 1~9 is default, void, zero, ... ); therefore,

this DOMAIN (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) ... ; common Myanmar (Burmese) are dark skin peoples, since they've eaten rice, noodle, and they are Buddhist people, therefore, they belong to Eastern Civilization ... ; too much gap in Civilization Type is NOT acceptable, also see: Reforming Myanmar, because Union of Myanmar needs truly help from Eastern Civilization to do "red book" implementation (e.g. start with NOT to swap infant and children i.e. violation of Human Rights) ... ;

structural chip set design model, doko WHERE DEE defines length of the lines; e.g. micro Secure Digital card, a.k.a. micro SD card; in both SQRT2 design model, and SQRT3 design model, longer the floating numbers' mantissa point, higher the quality of products, therefore, computers seem the same, but quality is not the same, a.k.a. IQ of computer; also see: 8cComputer (card, e.g. micro SD);

IFF in Western Civilization's astronomy, gravitational l e n s i n g is a process;

- background galaxy's light's travel path exists and cluster lies in the path;
- cluster causes the light's travel path bends and distorts;
- halo (a.k.a. ghost images) forms around the cluster;
- because of dark matter, halo patterns vary;
- processes of Gravitational L e n s i n g prompt HOW dark matter is;

Believe it or not, in 21st century, Gravity Dimension Computer is developed by Rakhine (ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar) ... ;

DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks;

Remark: because of realizing and understanding "DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks," this DOMAIN 's contents become able to avoid volcanic eruptions, by applying reversed momentum method with 3 "L" shapes (iro LED) ... , and, regarding its applied logic HOW, also see: Manmade Global Weather; Naturally Weather Log;

 light ; (yellow color highlighted as background, green color font as forefront) intended for developing Solar Sail Method in our universes ... ; and, Solar Sail Method is early 21st century's the latest & highest technology in our universes ... ; because, one of the this DOMAIN 's techniques HOW to collect gravity as energy ... ;

in reverse engineering, light is structural DEE, WHICH human beings can see as vision ( Radical180, also see: Radicals) , because human beings livable moons' peaceful & tranquil orbital momentum, and lights include e.g. black hole, iro LED, neutrino, stars, the one and only sun as gravity spot, ... ;

this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts are equipped with Solar Sail Method (directional gravity, gravity spots, ... , a.k.a. mapping our universes project) regarding ACT2 (2,3 dimensional) stage space development, and ACT3 (3,4 dimensional) stage space development; therefore, all space organizations should install this DOMAIN 's contents, because this DOMAIN (very advance idea) has defined beyond combustion technology, beyond jet engine, beyond rocket fuel, beyond solar power, ... ;

h i k a r i a i s o r e t a O p t o isolator     o p t o isolator     o p t o isolator     o p t o isolator ;

Lighting our universe project: this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space;

2 events of 90°, IFF distance (   > ) ... , in 24mm Natural Time ... ; ||||Natural Lights, from 3,4 dimensional to 2,3 dimensional, to our Earth, ... ; Gravity Dimension Computer returns surface of time line (Remark: 17 time lines are designed and used in this DOMAIN) ... ; DEE; Universal Positioning System (UPS) ... ; 13x28;


To do so, transformer should be thoroughly understood; 1st to read insulator, so that gas' dielectric strength, ACT1 characteristics such as breakdown voltage   kV.mm-1;   density@15°C   g.cm-3;   electric resist i v i t y @ 81°C   Ω . cm;   flash point   °C; inductive capacity; kinetic viscosity @ 40°C   mm2.s-1; tan δ @ (60Hz AND 81°C)   %; Because characteristics vary if insulator varies; this DOMAIN recommends C sequence number with brunching factor 2 for lighting our universe, because yin and yang as 2, yin and yang as coexistence, yin and yang as a pair, light and dark also can be as a pair, but somehow in ACT2 and ACT3 ... ;

Also see: imaginary hyper dimensional dark energy invisible vs. 3 energy invisible;


Lighting Candle:

2000 model lighting candle has been as ; candle light without blowing by wind prompts staple and symmetrical; Do not think that everywhere in our universes prompt the same ? ;

Therefore, simulate an artificial environment WHERE candle light breaks its staple and symmetry;

Under the sun, DEE prompts naturally in a swimming pool, on the floor; Think that in the ocean, under the sun, DEE does not prompt naturally like being in a swimming pool; WHY?

Answer would be gravity has light characteristic and dark characteristic; Earth's location in our universes prompts 1 way DEE, and 2 ways DEE has been defined as Even Time Horizontal DEE i.e. 1 location of 5 green planets in our universe, behind the Sun, think that Day Time's Natural Planets (they are all mine, h e e h e e h e e);

Under the sun, think that WHEN 1 way DEE is gone (think that shading is similar to 1 way DEE in our earth), i.e. starting WHERE the gravity becomes symmetrical; On the other hand, if artificial environment exists, concerning LED vs. DEE (also read Monbusho _level _knowledge _enhancement,  idea # 128, Home Made Gravity), WHEN DEE is gone, gravity spot exists ... ;

Create your own artificial environment e.g. garden with directional gravity flowers naturally;


Natural Heat Reducer:

DEE _Natural Heat Reducer ... ; 1st to understand remote heat sensing, similar to natural tree's leaves WHERE curves vary along with heat, similar to natural tree's fruits WHERE curves vary along with heat; 2nd to understand iro Colour gravities e.g. iroColourWaveForm ... ; 3rd to structure engineer distance based DEE lines; Heat can be reduced naturally ... ; Similar to 0.5 second solar powered kinetic momentum structure method; Also similar to lights vary WHEN gravity is applied structure method; e.g. closer look at the new products from Toshiba notebook computers, heat sink and cooling fan were used in old design, and then realize the Toshiba's latest designed products without heat sink, without cooling fan; Approx. 5+ years technology, by using structure method of lights vs. DEE, by using structure method of gravity vs. light, and so on ... ; TOSHIBA invented the Natural Heat Reducer, after year 2010; holes board is restricted info, therefore not available to public, do it yourself holes boards in mm distance, and apply 2,3 dimensional idea, apply structural, ... ; Also see: Schematic Symbols;


No Excessive Lighting, for peaceful & tranquil living environments ... ;


OS developers, IFF ten dimensional development, you need to copy this DOMAIN 's 10 dimensions system, or you need to create your own defined 10 directory (folder) system (i.e. with your own compression to be files); WHY do we need 10 dimensions implementation? because future's 3D computers and 3D computing 's system requirement, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement (e.g. idea ♯ 153; 3D computer AND 3D computing) ... ; Also see: boot; Cold Boot . i n i; Ten is a good number e.g. can be value like (10 = (2 * 5)) i.e. this DOMAIN 's one of the imaginary hyper space dimensions, e.g. up JUN ... ;


( our Earth Only _Gravity Spot _structural Battery), also see: Physics Law 179 ... ;

Rakhita Rakhine independent nation; e.g.

However, (Russia Military + China Military) 's radio signals are NOT valid in Indian Ocean (our earth), because DEE radio (NFC IoT chips) work very well; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War;

reaction; e.g.

( reaction, reaction, reaction, reaction) ... ;

ten dimensions; Panel Dark Energy Density, also see: ACT3 Imaginary Hyper dimensional; Our Shakya universe ... ;



DEE14; DEE15; Remark: structural toward east;

DEE16, DEE17; Remark: structural toward west;

DEE20; Also see: Eccentric _circles;

Think that the book (Prof. M i c h i o K a k u 's) Hyperspace's Pg.225 structure here; Dark Energy are coming from our Shakya universe; WHY do we need DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) Network Topology? because, dark energy is coming from our Shakya universe, so we need to adapt the DEE as patterns (e.g. 10 dimensional patterns), because, in order to handshake (e.g. imaginary hyper space network), DEE patterns must be defined, and then, teleportation ... (here, prove that DEE is faster than light; reminder: do not forget Info is also faster than light); 10 dimensional DEE patterns will be used in this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space for space engineering, 2, 3 dimensional hyper space teleportation, 3, 4 dimensional hyper space teleportation, ... ; So called DEE   (Dark Energy Engineering) Network Topology ... ;  

WHEN injecting laser beam into a bulb, dB . m becomes higher

WHEN injecting dark energy into a water hot pot dB . m becomes lower

prove that dark energy exists along with light, therefore a statement "when light exist, dark also exist" can be scientifically proved and developed; Is this a beginning of sound beam? or is this a beginning of P M E?


Very high tech watches are Casio watch, Citizen watch, Seiko watch, ... ;

solar power as light, also see: CITIZEN Eco-Drive watch's l u x ; doko WHERE numerological numbers as address ... (i.e. imaginary hyper space ... );


Spectrum: human beings' visible array of light waves, e.g. 444nm, 555nm, 666nm, ... ; IFF in particle physics, spectrum can be further classified into radiant energy with band spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, mass spectrum, ... ; also see: GPS ; IFF specific (spectrum) antenna, e.g. 108 ... ;


WHEN not similar [conductors in diff potential, diff., inductance, layers next to each other, ... ] diff potential begins, so think + and - (e.g. plus, minus), coexistence, hole and stick, YIN and YANG, ... , WHERE coexistence connects and then heat vs. light begins [e.g. alternating, charge, short circuit, ... ], HOW water and WHICH gas against/protect heat vs. light [e.g. A r inside a bulb, He inside a fuel injector, ... ], WHEN light exists, dark energy begins [syntax vs. semantics logic, ... ], WHEN heat and light exists, carbon nano wall also begins, ... ; WHAT not similar [e.g. 2 inconsistencies such as infinity and crack; dark and non-dark, ... ]; Also see: Inductance;

( 285 time AND 285 space ) warp i
n g 26 ... , Application back ground 11 102
. GIF , i . e . 24 m m
Natural Time Clock . exe ;        
669 each surface i . e . 5x2 , 6x2
, 7x2 , measure quantity 66 ( second ,
minute , hour ) WHILE 285 95
direction 26 spin ... ;          
gravity ( time , space ) swap iro Colour
, measure quality 66 ( iro Colour ) e .
g . n m , n m ,
n m ;            
fetch light s 11 instruction 95 26 Gravity Dimension Computer
' s processor ... ;          
WHICH ( ) planet , e . g .
earth , moon , 5W1H orbit ;

DEE lines ... , i.e. like 1 ball is spinning on 1 string, think that 285 string behaves like a line here, 285 ball WHICH defies gravity; Once DEE lines can be engineered, 1 step elevates to WORMHOLE (ion engine), also 1 step elevates to Solar Sail, ... ; Approx. 32+ years old info ... ; IFF 2000/2544 model C Sequence Number is applied with DEE lines ... , with 0.5 second momentum, 1 step elevates to P M E ... ; And then, do your own space crafts yourself, e.g. your own Satellite, and then your own space system, ... ; Building your own satellite system can be worth $$$$$$$$$ ... a.k.a. tons of gold, or free to public ... ;

DEE lines horizontal ... ; 108x108; Also see: l u x;

Solar powered DEE lines are 1 time machine alike, WHICH means all hardware must obey the solar powered DEE lines' distance, e.g. 24mm Natural Time, 12mm, 6mm, 3mm, ... ;

e.g. 1 satellite designer has never engineered GPS device longer distance than CRT device, because GPS device's time line must be shorter than CRT device's time line;

e.g. 1 OS designer, with administrative privileges, has never created THIS taskbar longer distance than its manager's green color CPU or green color Memory, because CPU, Memory, HD, ... are semantics alike if compare to syntax alike taskbar (e.g. F8 >> C:\explorer >> both F1 and taskbar);

e.g. this DOMAIN, using specific 108x108 DEE lines ... , approx. 55mm IFF Screen Resolution is 800x600, and nowadays computers are believe to be high precision engineered by using 5 meter long DEE lines inside high tech labs ... , and approx. < 3 meter is for TVs, and approx. < 2 meter is for monitors, and approx. < 1 meter is for lab top (a.k.a. "laptop") computers, and so on ... ; In the early 21st century, very few limited people can change from THIS time line to THAT time line ... inside all hardware because of the distance of the DEE lines ... ; i.e. 1st to understand WHAT is DEE line ... , 2nd to understand wormhole alike DEE lines are distance based high precision time lines ... , 3rd to develop iroColourWaveForm by DEE lines for Gravity Dimension Computers ... ; DEE line curves because of momentum of our universe, and IFF ACT1 military scientists, develop DEE lines 1st, and then distance to be high precision points; IFF ACT2 military scientists, develop DEE lines to be longer than 1 meter, and WHEN and WHERE its curves are in 2,3 dimensional ... ; IFF ACT3 military scientists, develop WHY DEE lines are wormhole alike, and parallel to each other in 3,4 dimensional, and gray scale simulation, and iro Colour ... ;    Also see: Clock; functional FN CK, functional IN CK, ... ;

IFF X ( Begin Audio X) also see: Schematic Dimensional; IFF any direction (fill) also see: Lo Shu , IFF any 2D (numerological dimension) also see: 9x9, Sudoku, IFF any structural (BF2) also see: C Sequence Number, ... ;


DEE lines vertical ... ; 108x108; Also see: lux;

Notice that DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) are parallel to each other either horizontally or vertically; IFF location is 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space, OR 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space, OR artificial dimensional structural environment on our earth, WHICH (environment) represents NO sound, NOT noise, NOT audio, ... ; This technology can be found only in East Asia 's very high tech labs; (approx. 30+ years old tech, if today date is 10/8/2014/2558) but still military top secret, because it is worth planets to be owned;  Now is the time to define WHAT is audio, noise (usage "noise" is more likely to be in negative expression), sound, ... doko WHERE everyday we human beings live with (here, refer to the origin of the sound);

IFF Y (Begin Audio Y) also see: Schematic Dimensional;

P r o g I d, a.k.a. program ID; also see: Radicals;

IFF 2,3 dimensional and 24mm Natural Time Clock (1 minute different) orbit, gravity dimension computer adjusts with ... ; specific swapped light; measure quantity ... ; measure quality ... ; processor;

For ACT1 developers, prove mathematically that 4 holes should not be in full moon day vector ... ;

For ACT2 developers, develop a water clock ... ;
For ACT2 developers, L i D E 200's dpi*2, but scanning speed varies, prove light and DE ratio scientifically ... ;

For ACT3 developers, develop D number, DEE, ... ; WHILE 4 directional DEE exist, 2 must be in 1 directional orbiting ... ;

For ACT1 global tsunami prevention system developers, also see: WORMHOLE;

keyword (steady flow of lights) also see: ION ENGINE ... ; Ion Engine is ACT2 and ACT3 level space development, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement;

DEE Without Direction;

DEE kinetic energy (e.g. 1 way DEE) rate is in slow motion, IFF compare to moons' peaceful and tranquil orbital motions, therefore, DEE is reversely related to planets' motions; the highest technology on our earth is slow motion measurement of 1 way DEE rate, for each gravity spot on a surface ... ; after designing the DEE rate (surface) and then directional gravity ... ; and then, ACTION (e.g. software method: easy and simply I plug my USB drive into my automotive 's USB port) ... ;

DEE Natural Pressure WHERE the location (dot) is ... ; millibars are DEE line alike; IFF (( growing) OR ( plantation)) THIS 3, 2, 3 growth pattern ... ; 3, 2, 3, i.e. ACT1 Natural ... ; IFF ACT2, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper dimensional space craft's interior design for BLI ... ;

iro LED, WHERE lights exist without heat ... ; Remember, WHEN lights exist, DEE also co-exists ... ;

Even Time Horizontal DEE, WHERE 2 ways DEE exists i.e. not our earth's location in universe; 1 way DEE causes our human beings don't see our back; 2 ways DEE causes symmetrical of 2 ... ; There is no 3 ways DEE yet, but 2555 model imaginary space crafts should be re-designed with BLI symmetrical interior, accordance with Universal Positioning System ... ; Do not forget the statement "lights vary WHEN gravity is applied" ... ;

Home made, and hand made gravitational automotive can be ... ; Do it yourself,

step by

step, IFF DEE lines are pivotal ... ; Also see: P M E; In 21st century, 1st to understand iroColourWaveForm, 2nd to understand DEE with natural pressure, 3rd to develop "flying automotives i.e. cars, buses, ships, trucks, trains, ... "; In addition to "flying automotives", building structure engineering e.g. without 3 piles onto "rock layer" to have stress by 1 pile to be up into air by layers of floors, IFF applying gravity at top i.e. hanging alike; ... ; Another example, IFF applying gravity to interior structure design can be e.g. floating style stairs, floating style escalators, ... ;

Using AI (printing system) for each global region, also see: Printing Guide To Mini Dictionary;

IFF 2,3 dimensional space or 3,4 dimensional space, using artificial intelligence (printing system) for each universal region, for each day, iroColourWaveForm (print) ... ... ... ... .......... ....... .......... ;

Regarding ACT1 stage \\MD\, using iroColourWaveForm, no moon day (i.e. max DEE) for i p s Cell ... ; full moon day (i.e. min DEE) for i p s Cell ... ; IFF (MD) BLI, Body Length Index (e.g. BF2 in ACT1 but not BF2 in ACT3, growth rate is also depending on HOW big the planet e.g. if human beings livable ACT2 stage planet is 3 times bigger than our Earth and then newly born human beings babies will be almost 3 times bigger than Earth's naturally human beings, e.g. water and gravity must be thoroughly understood, ... ), using Clouds ... ; WHAT is max? because, WHEN format cells (Category), each record can be measured (e.g. average, max, min, ...); 1st to understand 2D index; 2nd to understand functions; 3rd to develop Gravity Dimension Computer for ACT1 stage; DEE, Dark Energy Engineering is classified and top secret among nations, therefore, not available to public i.e. do it yourself; this DOMAIN truly (regard and respect) to WHOM with its own momentums (e.g. 0.5 second, 1 second, solar, DEE, ... , and your momentum is yours for thousands of years (no need to do patented); Another example, if you can do Gravity Dimension Computer inside your cars, raise evenly WHILE rpm<1888 with dealership's idle position and try to keep and maintain the idle position of evenly for ACT1 stage; And i.e. your momentum is yours for thousands of years for sure; In Union of Myanmar, some scientists are trying to engineer 1 second momentum i.e. analog quartz clock with 24mm naturally time; In Thailand, some scientists might be trying HOW to engineer a whole car (i.e. beyond 24mm natural time); In Taiwan, some scientists might be trying HOW all new NIPPON products can be reversed-engineer; In USA, some scientists might be trying to prove explicitly diff between hardware and software (i.e. some systems do not have software; some systems can be with chip-sets' keywords; some systems are hardware only with manually human beings' buttons (e.g. nuclear1, nuclear2), and the most easiest and silliest way is with operating system (software) for sure) but on the other hand, if you know keywords explicitly, you can be acting like a king ... ; Also see: Cloud Computing e.g. (text support and 1 word) ... ; 

 DEE_Radio, a part of Gravity Dimension Computer development; Also see: radio; Schematic Symbols; Regarding our earth, 23.5 degree tilted prompt (5, 6, 7) hours variation of light naturally within 1 year (IFF Eastern Civilization, 1 of the 12 of zodiac signs regarding years; IFF Western Civilization, 12 zodiac signs regarding months) e.g. in USA, winter time period is approx. 9 hours of light if compare to 14 hours of light in summer, therefore, 23.5 degree tilted prompt (5, 6, 7) hours variation of light naturally ... ; Also see: radar;

Quote from reference book; 1995, BEYOND EINSTEIN, M I C H I O K A K U AND JENNIFER THOMPSON, ANCHOR BOOKS, A DIVISION OF RANDOM HOUSE, ISBN 0-385-47781-3, Part III BEYOND THE FOURTH DIMENSION (10; page 144) wrote: "Dark matter is a strange substance, unlike anything ever encountered before. It has weight but cannot be seen".  20+ years old info (i.e. in 2014/2558), and very true; in 2010s (after 20+ years of R&D), dimensional gravity can define weight; directional gravity can define our solar system's direction and iroColourWaveForm 's light directions, ... ; numerological gravity and structural gravity are still in R&D stage e.g. how many gravity spots are required to be defined for WHAT kind of automotives, HOW Space B L I and growth rate can cure our human beings (e.g. Gene Therapy System), ... ;

ACT3 stage info is military top secret, therefore NOT available to public e.g. for each planet (e.g. moon) DEE patterns are ... ; For basic understanding of ACT1 stage, or ACT2 stage developments, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement e.g. MANMADE GLOBAL WEATHER;

lyric to remember: DEE info WORMHOLE ways, My Imaginary Space;

DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) is NOT Western Civilization's documented data, as of 21st century, NOT in Western Civilization's text books; Electricity is Western Civilization's documented data (refer to milliamp at home to Giga amp at nuclear plants); in 21st century, WHO is the boss ? is really challenging i.e. beyond humanoid nama programming, beyond invisibility & teleportation, beyond military bases vs. captives, ... ; answer would be: hey, NOT ME, for 100% sure ... ; but, you never know ... e.g.  can't explain anymore, counter-to-counter tactic, you're on your own, ... ; in Buddhism, m i n g a l a r means somehow related to good, healthy, time-gained-cloned, wealthy, ... , so, Yin and Yang (in Pali, Attahi ... ) ; very basic knowledge would be: human beings livable moons in our universes ... Have you ever heard of ? Have your ever informed ? very basic knowledge would be: HOW Light vs. Water; Remark: 2500+ years ago, one of the questions WHICH, Buddha did not answer HOW our universe was found ?

( DEE, Dark Energy Engineering) as the most powerful weapon (i.e. Military Science) in our universes; Radical344;

DEE, Dark Energy Engineering motion flow is the highest technology in our universes ... ;

WHAT is DEE motion flow sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand 2Rings momentum i.e. Time; 2nd to understand rate (kuru kuru WHILE running, also see: run) e.g. bout rate, memory's speed, meter's rate, processor speed, ... ; 3rd to understand slow-down time period's HOW DEE 's behavior and characteristics, i.e. reversed of light's speed, reversed of screen's refreshing rate, ... (think that our hair don't grow that fast regarding BF1, think that heat is not spreading that fast at dawn regarding BF2); i.e. DEE, Dark Energy Engineering motion flow, and it is the highest technology in our universes ... ; DEE motion flow is military top secret e.g. ACT3 space's momentums, Solar Sail definitions, ... ; Remember: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

      DEE _ Aqua _ Horizontal _ Stability ;        
DEE _ Aqua _ Vertical _ Stability ;  

Also see: Schematic Dimensional;
  MaxHoldingDEE1 MaxHoldingDEE2 MaxHoldingDEE3 MaxHoldingDEE4  
  MaxHoldingDEE5 MaxHoldingDEE6 MaxHoldingDEE7 MaxHoldingDEE8  
  Also see: DEE (Dark Energy Engineering); Physics Law 198;  

( My, My, My, My) 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index becomes a very huge spacecraft, believe IT or not  (Capacity: 8787 persons, 103 story (embedded gravity spots, modular design e.g. 103 stories can be as 1 story in case of emergency, modular design e.g. 50000 Satellites can be as 50 Satellites in case of emergency) structural floors with (external (dock, port) and service vehicles, garden build-in, (gym, play-ground) built-in, hospital built-in, lab built-in, library built-in, load-balancing structural gravity spots embedded Walls, logistic-and-stores built-in, monastery built-in, movie theater built-in, post office built-in, robotic (3D Printer based) manufacturing factory built-in, school built-in, several restaurants built-in, walk-way "exterior space-seeing" built-in), bigger than an arena (spot complex), bigger than an ocean container liner), ... ; Also see: Physics Law 198;

1980s style, A A B P H (Aqua And Blue Parallel Horizontal) ... ;
1980s style, A A B P V (Aqua And Blue Parallel Vertical) ... ;

1 way DEE : there are many ways to define "1 way DEE" e.g.

2 Yellow Gravity Spots; a.k.a. a.k.a. Tail Alike Momentum; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing;

a combination of (, ), handling defined storm's path, naturally ecliptic line with its variation (5,6,7), therapeutic glands, and so on ... ;

Another Way To Define 1 Way DEE;

CCW1WDS, Counter Clock Wised 1 Way DEE Structural;

dubbing 2 or more ZCS holes as heart beats;

1 way DEE;

R X X; R X Y; e.g.

(( R X X, R X X, R X X), ( R X Y, R X Y, R X Y)), also see: DEE; PHYSICS; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; x G T S U; y G T S U;

variable DEE pattern, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

y o j a n a in Pali (approx. 2500+ years old info); ri in Katakana (i.e. Nippon Syllabary); mm in metric as unit;

strength; STRENGTH; e.g.

((((( strength, strength for 2 suns refreshing planet, strength, STRENGTH))))) Also see: (DEE, Gravity Dimension Computer, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index :: Calendar . Earth . Space . War);

triangle (Method, Procedure, Technique); e.g.

((13, 12, 5), (10, 8, 6), (5, 4, 3)) i.e. right triangle ones .  .  . ; Also see: DEE; Mathematics; Parameter; Schematic Light; ( hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge) ... ;

zoomed 25% e.g.

DEE_lines_horizontalZoom25%; 40x40;

DEE_lines_verticalZoom25%; 40x41;

very smart Browser, because originally (Black and White) only e.g. Monochrome Bitmap, but if closer look at IT, automatic adjusted to its (associated, related) ones ... ; Also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium ... ;

Also see: approx variable DEE Patterns;

