Updated in 2564
: on
2020 :
12 :
14 :
Approx. 282+idea available to develop in ACT2, and in ACT3 levels; if you're ethnic tribe, you must learn oriental languages, also see: Mini Dictionary;
end | begin; 19 kinds of beginning; in (20, 86) common, 9 kinds of beginning; begin (form) : 9, 19; Also see: Idea Processor;
Radical554) |
Radical579), also see:
level knowledge enhancement;
shusei Revise ... ;
idea ♯ 282; a hint HOW Origin of Water should be defined;
if you're ACT2 and ACT3 level space related ones, you know ZCS (s) i.e. beyond EM Pull, beyond flat panel, and also beyond memristors; because of ZCS surfaces, we're able to define many hidden secrets of our universes (e.g. many human beings livable moons EXIST and many cities have been already built; still too early to migrate to the moons, and still cannot solve BLI problems, skin disorders, ... , as of 2018/2562); easy and simple imaginary would be: 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index;
number 282 seems like 2 of 8 faces: e.g. (Day, Night); e.g. if we read from left-to-right (2 and 82), or (28 and 2), on the other hand, if we read from right-to-left (2 and 82), or (28 and 2); regarding civilizations, of course, we've to pay respect to Western civilization's 8 planets, and 2 is very very unique in many ways, on the other hand, Eastern civilization, and if we put civilizations on a map, it seems like either left-to-right, or right-to-left; regarding ((89, 52), 28), (28) twenty eight stands for kaya, also see: Idea Processor;
Dimensions: 87 x 22; Timestamp (Date Modified): 2011-11-11
23:28; i.e. of course
Remark: after 2011 earthquake and tsunami naturally happened in Japan, this DOMAIN developer has decided and developed Manmade Global Weather As System, for avoiding earthquakes in defined regions; as of 2018/2562, Rainbow Method and Reversed Momentum Method (2 methods because 2 is very very unique in many ways) might a solution for avoiding earthquakes in the defined region, also see: idea ♯ 273; HOW to avoid earthquakes;
as of 2018/2562, we've already learnt and understood: e.g. AR (flat panel based, flat surface based, with remote heat sensing method) vs. VR (CRT based); e.g. (NCS, PCS, ZCS); e.g. invisibility engineering (e.g. other side of (board, flat surface, screen, sheet, wall) doko WHERE ending point of wormhole may begin to be capture method);
not long ago, I've assigned to this DOMAIN 's well trained kids! to define Origin of Water; so, this is a hint HOW Origin of Water should be defined :
hint 1: using (2*6) as Z-index; i.e. among ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7));
hint 2: using 90 degree to each other among ZCS; NOT wormhole parameter (45, 60, 72) at this time;
hint 3: creating a DEE box; don't forget to apply Gray Scale Simulation results;
hint 4: applying the DEE box in Z-index; (e.g. toward Gene Therapy System (WHOM.txt));
hint 5: defining momentum e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g. 3,4 dimensional;
hint 6: using
that's it; good luck! and, you'll be able to define Origin of Water;
I request you well trained kids! define "Origin of Water" by
108 x 108 picture ... ; if (
you) your own hard work is matched to
me) my own hard work,
Then, I'll waive my rights e.g. your own private gravity tower, your own private
gravity machines (Automotive), your own human beings livable moon (planet), e.g.
your life expectancy to be 500+ years (i.e. deity life expectancy in Buddhism's
documentation, because of deity life (500+ years); in Union of Myanmar, we've a
dialog if I translate it, it would be: if you don't know anything, ask "deity"... ,
you'll be like a deity WHO can ask almost everything (e.g. in
21st century, many IT companies
provide voice recognition (directional to be cope in, search engine, translator
based) names ... ));
Remark: don't think that easy to define Origin of Water, because, you need to
understand dimensional, directional, iroColourWaveForm, momentum, structural,
... ;
Question: roger this, and roger that;
Answer: CE (Chief Engineer);
keyword would be
of course, also see:
Computing; do your own
... ;
"germ free" or "with germs" regarding water on human beings livable moons in our universes, also see:
b Character (blue);
g Character
idea ♯ 281; we're human beings;
accordance with Buddha & Buddhism 's documentation, 31 realms
of beings EXIST; And,
6 heavenly
beings EXIST and they are:
6 heavenly ones:
Catummaharajika; Tavatimsa;
Tusita; Nimmanarati;
Paranimmitta Vasatti; Yama;
Also see:
HOW to solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons, also see: PHYSICS law forty nine ... ;
on human beings livable moons, because of
Our Earth's Dermatological Thrive (smoothness) prompts diff (a.k.a. caused by
variations, and in
space, reversed
yellowish variation and
yellowish variation
are top military secret therefore cannot explain anymore), so,
we're human beings having "spots" on our skin naturally because of our earth's
dermatological thrive prompts diff ... ; in
ACT2 space, we're almost able to define and solve almost all
organs and
definitions (e.g.
gene therapy system is working... ); because of DEE (Gene Therapy
System), in the near future, we're human beings WHO can have any complexion
(e.g. black skin,
brown skin, pink skin, red skin, sun tan skin, white skin) we want
to be; in addition, any eye color also;
regarding ACT1
space, zombie started approx. since 1996;
regarding stronger % percentage, 1st to understand bit, NOT ONLY in binary BUT ALSO in SQRT2 design model; 2nd to understand 1% percentage seems like 1 can be local (device, machine, Processor, VM, System) i.e. since (386 + 387) in 1990s, doko WHERE instructions + maths were combined as 1; 3rd to understand stronger % percentage means users need to do (defining, developing, editing, programming, modifying) yourself, because, we're human beings and we like to share our knowledge, method, technique, ... , e.g. regarding triangulation system in the Internet (this DOMAIN), users need to develop, edit, modify, update, ... webpage (s) by yourself; good example would be: Naturally Weather Log, and defining the storm name ("") yourself ... ; another good example would be editing WHOM File (GeneTherapySystem\WHOM.txt) for defining gene therapy;
TRUE jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
system) to
do it yourself
And Then your defined storm name will be (reduce, reduced, reducing)
... ;
e.g. Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
e.g. Manmade Global Weather; Naturally Weather Log;
Instance Of Vibrating; regarding Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy
System Basic Symbol, prior to Instance Of Vibrating, we need to
understand a few symbols, they are:
![]() |
With | out | Water | ; | Also | see | : | Water | |
![]() |
With | Water | ; | ||||||
With | Water | , | "worm" | alike | Instance | without | Intelligence | ; |
Vibration; Also see:
well trained kids! replied: WHY Plus One algorithm is important in Gene Therapy sir ?
I wrote: you well trained kids! need to understand READ 2 lines (logical expression for comparisons) kuru kuru WHILE dealing with (A, T, C, G) 1st; defining good gene patterns 2nd; And Then, of course, Plus One algorithm is for adding good ones 3rd; after understanding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, And Then, you well trained kids! will be able to prove your Gene Therapy System is Working...;
well trained kids! replied: WHY "With Water" and "ZCS_*" are 90° diff sir ?
I wrote: Oh! you well trained kids! have realized and understood HOW contour mapping formed naturally; Oh! you well trained kids! have realized and understood 3rd wave of our universes and (Maroon color, Red color) are somehow limited to 2,3 dimensional space already; Oh! you well trained kids! are noticing my hidden treasure e.g. 2 surfaced ZCS; Umm! smart enough, smart enough already, good, very good, ... ; there is no WHY, yes, of course, Gene Therapy System is based on 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index; don't forget your homework WHAT I've assigned e.g. picture yourself in creative ways of Origin of Water, and I've reserved dimensional (2*6), and (2*7) for you, so do ... ; to know more and more knowledge, you must be (Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana) educated ones, And Then, learn more Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ... ; after understanding this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, you will be able to define and realize Origin of Water, of course, you need to be starting with 2 surfaced ZCS, And Then, adding walls alike structural ways to R&D e.g. 6 ZCS, And Then, you'll accomplish your homework WHAT I've assigned ... ;
idea ♯ 280; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
well trained kids! replied: WHY do you use blue color as background only at the right side sir ?
I wrote: Hmm! you well trained kids! did NOT go through CRT-to-Flat-Panel time period of designing and engineering, I guess; simple answer would be: "White Screen" ; if you like to have a white screen (only in our earth, a.k.a. ACT1), you need THAT kind of structural; so, I'm going be linking to 1990s style layer (EM Pull), because we human beings are with many layers ... ; Remember: we're developing in ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyper space here;
well trained kids! replied: we study very detail regarding your gene therapy system basic symbols, and WHY do you use graphics images in 108 x 108 sir ?
I wrote: Oh! don't forget 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g.
multiplexer (multiplexing) way, and
adder (adding) way;
Remember: we're approx. at 13, 14, 15 square based as of
2018/2062, and 23x23 square based
Blue Squared,
Squared) can handle 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 108x108 is like
imaginary IFF we keep developing (e.g. 10 years to be integrating from 10 to 15
(you well trained
kids! already have found out THAT I've hidden "13" as ..\IT\ Executable
Application \ Exe _ files \ desktop .ini),
100 years to be integrating approx. to 50, so 108 would be 200+ years ahead of
time to be as imaginary ... );
Remark: squares are manmade, and
this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts haven't found
naturally square ones in our universes yet;
well trained kids! replied: WHY your graphic images seem "weird" do sir ?
I wrote: Umm! well trained kids! are correct, however, I've learnt Eastern
Thoughts vs. Western Thoughts since I was 5+ years old
(my mother was a teacher for 30+ years),
also see:
philosophy, and realize the diff definition e.g. eastern philosophy = (seeing,
sights, views, visions) + ika (in
Pali, pronounce
meaning is "related to") + (knowledge, wisdom); without graphic
images, WHAT I've written
(approx. 28+ years of ... ) as
this DOMAIN 's contents would be very difficult to understand like
"weird" do, on the other hand,
1 picture is worth 1000 words, so, this
DOMAIN 's each graphic image has its own meaning;
well trained kids! replied: WHY do you have Table's Borders as 5 inside of Table Properties sir ?
I wrote: well trained kids! need to be taught HOW computing has been
designed, engineered, structured
Cell Path based interactive like e.g. ((left 5, right 5) also see:
side-by-side can be defined, so,
of course, I'm going to be
well trained kids! replied: WHY do you need to define Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol as a webpage sir ?
I wrote: since 2000, or
since 21st century's beginning,
way of computing has been
Remark: long long time ago, in
1980s, tables as BE (Back
End), forms as FE (Front End), and notice & realize THAT
we're still using the same, the same,
OLE (Object
Linking and Embedding) even after 34+ years, and
assuming THAT OLE might be still working... even after 45+ years, 56+ years,
... ;
so develop
Gene Therapy System,
and its
Gene Therapy System
Basic Symbol; Remark:
Theory of Eastern Civilization, you well trained kids! can bypass
Memory IFF defined graphics are
(embed, embedded, embedding) ... ; after developing
Gene Therapy
System, and its
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbols,
of course, you'll be grand prize winners (e.g. with your own private jets, with
your own private gravity towers, with your own private yachts, ... ) Oh! Oh!
don't forget me
... ;
Air, i.e. a
structural formation of DEE, to define (to represent) HOW air has been naturally
in our earth;
Blood Flow, i.e. yellow (20) travels WHILE applying 45° wormhole (aqua string
(2), cyan string (2)) of (45, 60, 72) wormhole parameter, toward veins in our
earth; Remark:
aqua, blue, and cyan are somehow related to our brain, on the other hand, gray,
silver, and white are somehow related to our heart;
IoT, (Air,
Blood Flow)
method can be used NOT ONLY in gene therapy, BUT ALSO as: air flow sensor
(automotive), oxygen sensor (medical device), pedometer (medical device), ... ,
because yellow flows, therefore this (Air,
Blood Flow)
method is different if compare to green ZCS to be fetched for changing
battery, or gaining pressure or torque of hydraulic system; this (Air,
Blood Flow)
method (yellow flows) is neither
reversed yellowish variation method nor
yellowish variation method; this time, I'm
NOT going to write a new law in Physics
(Remark: IFF bio way, 91% O2 if COPD
normal, and 95% O2
if normal in common), because we need to prove Gene
Therapy System is
Working... and, you well trained kids! need to develop like (e.g.
e.g. Blood Flow)
And Then, define yourself with graphic images inside the
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol,
And Then, write WHAT each graphic basic symbol's meaning
... ;
of course, you'll be grand prize winners (e.g. with your own private jets, with
your own private gravity towers, with your own private yachts, ... )
Oh! Oh!
don't forget me, I appreciate good foods ... ;
![]() |
Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; |
I wrote: (C Sequence Number (BF2) aqua and yellow) are eating DEE
naturally (via their mouths), and to understand this Idea, you well trained
kids! need to understand
_ Mouth structural WHICH obeys 1 way DEE 1st; And Then, 2nd to understand THAT
protein bounds are somehow related to yellow (on other human beings livable
moons, because of
yellowish variations EXIST, BLI (Body Length Index) problems begin
e.g. (BF1) length, growth rate, ... ), kuru kuru
WHILE information flow via aqua; And Then, 3rd to understand 2,3 dimensional
gray scaled simulation WHICH defines black, gray, silver, and white; brown is
for musculoskeletal;
well trained kids! replied: it's like healthy living cells are obeying your C Sequence Number (BF2) definition also in tiny ?
I wrote: without mouth would be e.g.
; and, our cells also obey
light INSTINCT (also see:
Schematic Dimensional
), and kuru kuru WHILE beings as
together (structural) to be forming, they also obey
C Sequence Number (BF1, BF2, ... ) depending upon color codes,
environments, gene codes, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: this symbol is look alike weather
contour mapping sir;
I wrote: Yes!
of course.
well trained kids! replied: if "black" is carbon, "red" is blood, "white" is hydrogen, and then, HOW would that be related to "therapeutic" ?
I wrote: I ain't know. sorry, many things I still cannot answer, so let this DOMAIN 's contents be "imaginary" ... ; correction to your question regarding colors, also see: Physics Law 146, NMR, ... ;
Remark: don't forget that we're learning Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization AND many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;
idea ♯ 279; Beating Form (our earth based);
21st century & beyond,
regarding this
Gene Therapy System,
to understand
vertical Beating Form, and
horizontal Beating Form;
2nd, we need to change our
way of understanding HOW from heart (heart rate (big light spot, large light
spot) to the brain (electrode (small light spot, tiny light spot))
doko WHERE gas (e.g. air, oxygen) travels so called (alive, beings, life)
... ;
iroColourWaveForm ((brain (aqua, cyan)), (heart
({E3,E3,E3}, silver))) ... ;
3rd to understand lights instinct, also see: Schematic Dimensional;
after understanding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, prompting "green" as kuru kuru WHILE (alive, beings, life), prompting "red" as a limitation to 2,3 dimensional momentum (our universe), therefore, it is the time to develop Gene Therapy System HOW (density, flow, pressure, protein bound, rate, ... ) good gene to be ... ;
we're developing 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index, And
Then, using (e.g. locating each 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index) for each
organ can be compared, energized, and prolonged its life expectancy, And Then,
therapeutic ways (
... ;
Remark: think that light in our heart is like {E3,E3,E3} or Silver, on the other hand, light in our brain is like aqua or cyan; veins are prompting green WHICH obeys northern green lights are NOT 90 degree to southern green lights (we've already learnt THAT "neutrino"), other wording would be Beating Form (our earth based); don't forget THAT this DOMAIN recommends methods e.g. reversed momentum method, reversed yellowish variation method, yellowish variation method, ... ; because of Beating Form (our earth based), since 1990s, zombies begin and projection technology based (AR vs. VR) should be understood thoroughly, And Then, be imaginary hyper space craft Architects, Artists, Developers, Designers, Engineers, Scientists, ... ;
idea ♯ 278; 2ZCS based;
so far, we've learnt
Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser (i.e. for
ACT2 and
ACT3 level imaginary hyper space developers)
... ;
(our earth based) level imaginary hyper space developers, (Reminder:
4 Planets Prediction (in our earth, moonwave (s) are coming in parallel)), and, we've learnt Neutrino
also see:
Schematic Dimensional;
well trained kids! replied: WHY blue color is NOT consecutive ZCS sir ?
I wrote: you well trained kids! have learnt potential diff (V, volt, voltage) on X, and event / bin on Y already, so that you've realized & understood "blue away" events WHILE studying WHAT is "neutrino" ... ;
since, we've been
developing 6 surfaces as DEE box in Z-index, and after understanding WHAT
is "neutrino" , lengthen the blue color, non-consecutive ways should be; to do
so, we need to be setting up 1 red color ZCS as 1 surface, 1 green color ZCS as
1 surface, and they should be 90 degree right angle to each other; if you've got
character (also see: Burmese Romanization,
br) look alike "blue away" events
inside of your DEE box in Z-index, you're 1 step closer to HOW
Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino;
after understanding
character, right-most-side of the
one-by-twenty-four-Green Based should be understood as
neutrino modulation;
since, neutrinos obey non-consecutive way (in our earth), and its level (event / bin, Y based amplitude) can be realized and understood, you can prove e.g. INFO can be faster than light ... ;
after understanding
neutrino and its (direction, length, non-consecutive (SYNC
time period e.g.
once in every 1 decade to SYNC,
e.g. once in every
1 year to SYNC, e.g. once in every 1 month
to SYNC, e.g. once in every 1 week to SYNC, e.g.
once in every 1 day to SYNC,
e.g. once in every
1 hour to SYNC, e.g. once
in every 1 minute to SYNC))
leads to slow-down-time-period
(also see:
question to myself e.g.
nearby Milky Way
C Sequence Number (BF1),
WHERE iroColourWaveForm
prompt with colorful
WHAT are
the detailed lengths of floating lights ?
hair; mane;
if you design and engineer the same structural like above
question to myself,
you'll be able to communicate among
ACT2 and
level imaginary hyper space crafts'
networks and telecommunication
leads to mapping our universes project, e.g.
Yellowish Variation As
(angle degree,
counter for occurrences
and times,
scale degree, strength of alcohol, temperature degree, ... );
question to myself
: regarding our earth, IFF imaginary hyper space craft (e.g. 5 mm
variation distance
An Orbiter _ The Universe) 's side view to (our earth: north pole region's
northern green lights as ZCS and south pole region's green lights as ZCS)
because of 2,3 dimensional WORMHOLE
together with its
Parameter (
therefore, wormhole parameters are depending on
HOW human
beings livable moons' peaceful & tranquil momentums; simple
question would be WHY northern green lights and southern green lights are NOT
forming 90° ?
if you like to
develop 4ZCS based (neutrino) like this style
, you might be able
to realize 3,4 dimensional DEE refreshing rate (e.g.
Anti Heat Wave as 3rd wave of our universes), 2,3 dimensional DEE
refreshing rate (i.e. WHY blue color is NOT consecutive ZCS);
so, develop and prove THAT information can be faster than light; if you really prove HOW neutrinos in non-consecutive ways, you can be "prize" winner (e.g. 500+ years to live happily ever after, e.g. 200+ years to live happily ever after) ... ; Remark: don't forget to read PHYSICS TODAY, A publication of the American Institute of Physics, October 2018, volume 71, number 10;
idea ♯ 277; our earth 's normal Yellowish1;
well trained kids! replied: HOW to design & engineer Gravity Dimension Computer sir ?
counter for circuits; Radical510;
I wrote: 1st, using resistors, "short" circuit board must be understood; 2nd, be
able to define inductances, by using resistors (directional):
adjustable | configurable (4th factor, C Sequence Number,
Lo Shu algorithm, Rainbow Method, remote heat sensing,
Sudoku algorithm, Wall Method) WHILE whole circuit
as capacitance (oscillating, oscillation, oscillator) WHICH obeys
counter for circuits; 3rd, be able to define
structural (e.g. static way, wormhole way), e.g. EM Pull (be able to do
from CRT screen to "flat panel" to ZCS), e.g. one way DEE (slow down time period
only), e.g. SPL, And Then, you will be able to do your own
Gravity Dimension Computer;
if you're still needing help, you need to consult or hire peoples as "Technical
Consultant" ... ; Remember: in space, there is no joint venture (you do it
therefore you own it , or you don't do it therefore you don't own it); you're
welcome to many human beings livable moons in our universes;
well trained kids! replied: HOW to understand "EM Pull" sir ?
Umm! you need to know (AWG 10/1 and 10/2) 's EM pattern 1st (doko
WHERE electromagnet patterns are NOT the same), And Then, apply lesser
and lesser resistance e.g. 16/1 and 16/2, ... and so on i.e. HOW "EM Pull"
begins in basic common; think that in our earth (a.k.a.
ACT1 imaginary hyper
space) WHEN you have diff potential (V, volt, voltage), you also have
capacitance, inductance, resistance, ... ; another good example would be CT,
MRI, ... , regarding
ACT1 (EM, EMI) ... ; but,
in ACT2
imaginary hyper space, way of thinking should be different regarding Gravity
Dimension Computer, because, momentums (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g.
3,4 dimensional) are somehow different; if you're dealing with e.g.
designing & engineering
ACT3 imaginary hyper space
crafts, you need to understand 3rd wave of our universe (this
DOMAIN has used " a.k.a. 3rd wave of our universe" for reducing
"heat wave" in summer in our earth since
2018/2562), reversed yellowish variation and yellowish
variation to perceive energy to be alive, proactive, prospering, ... ;
Remark: please don't be surprised and please act like "I ain't
know" that my smart devices (e.g. smart IoT, e.g. smart phone) may become
"lighter" weights; and realize and be beyond "money" (things can be bought |
purchased : e.g.
Gravity Dimension Computer ... );
be beyond 2 nodes radio, 3 nodes radio, AM, FM, XM, ... ;
in ACT2
and ACT3
imaginary hyper space R&D (Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE)), regarding
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (Idea Processor (Gravity
Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System))), depending upon human
beings livable moons, e.g. for each human beings livable moon, Body Length Index
(BLI), (hard | soft) of beings in 31 realms,
... vary because of DEE 's refreshing pattern, rate,
... ;
Also see: Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;
for well trained kids! WHOM have been trained beyond Zero Curvature Surface (ZCS), I've a gift e.g.
our earth 's normal Yellowish1, also see:
this DOMAIN developer
realizes and understands that finding 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots inside of
GPS might be very difficult work; good luck to
you ... ; approx.
3+ decades of almost everyday R&D to know HOW GPS (gravity spots) to elevate ...
idea ♯ 276; Z-index Heat Sensing;
after decades of retrospective ways, we've learnt 4th factor (e.g. static way laser's nodes), remote heat sensing pattern (e.g. structural Zero Curvature Surface (ZCS) 's defined holes (Val, Ref)), and USB light sticks' edges (e.g. ends of the USB lights' (line, pattern) is doko WHERE capture method begins in wormhole way); now is the time to develop HOW heat can be further understood in Z-index, so called Z-index Heat Sensing; to do so,
1st, we need to refresh our retrospective memory a little bit:
we've defined
string so far e.g.
ACT2_DEE_Parallels, after defining decades ago string patterns like (
DEE _ lines _ vertical, and
DEE _ lines _ horizontal) on structural
hole board; since we can understand USB light sticks' edges (refer to
remote heat sensing), our earth based
(a.k.a. ACT1 level imaginary hyper
space), and we're developing 2,3 dimensional
(ACT2 level
imaginary hyper space) DEE box in Z-index
(a.k.a. 6 surfaces based ZCS),
2nd, we've realized that (e.g. 2,3 dimensional ZCS' either background or foreground)
Horizontal _ Our Earth Based Top View
Toward Z-Index (HOEBTVTZI), and
Vertical _ Our Earth Based Top View Toward Z-Index (VOEBTVTZI);
3rd, since 2 Heat Sensing Pattern has been defined as
"pixel" has been defined, "static" has been defined as
(i.e. HOW
directional gravity pressure is refreshed), so, we've
vision 24+7 _ Array _ in _ 2,3 dimensional;
in addition to "top view" , develop Z-index Heat
Sensing in "side view" doko WHERE "green" dots are
... ;
Radical777; it'll be similar to uncertain programming (dots) on
Eccentric_circles, like the time period
(approx. 1980s -
1990s) of from-CRT-to-Flat-Panel; but, different is that 2000
model C Sequence Number can defined structural
WHICH leads to NOT ONLY remote heat sensing, BUT ALSO Body Length Index (BLI)
and its growth rate (2,3 dimensional growth rate, 3,4 dimensional
growth rate) ... ; since we've been using defined color codes e.g. {11,11,11},
{E3,12,21}, {E3,E3,E3}, {FF,CC,99}, ...
of course, we know (explicitly, implicitly) ... ;
because, for each organ (one of the parts of ours (human
beings)), we need to know explicitly HOW "green" dots characteristics ... ; for
now, at least (
should be linked, because we've learnt that camera can be the longest distance
router and IoT can be scanner e.g. CT, MRI, ... ;
if we can fetch defined lights (static way, wormhole way), and we can prove e.g.
prolonging life expectancy by fetching lights, e.g. avoiding earthquakes by
fetching lights, and so on ... ; you can be world's richest person if you can
define fetching lights to do good ACTION ... ;
Reminder: don't forget to map the "side view" dots by using Lo Shu algorithm, and Sudoku algorithm; don't forget to mark the defined wormhole's length as distance also; And Then, realize that clouds are in higher altitude, clouds are in lower altitude, ... ; excuse me, this DOMAIN developer can no longer explain because information become military top secret; so called Z-index Heat Sensing (close environment, open environment) ... ;
this time, I'll NOT write a new physics law e.g. regarding growth rate (Z-index Heat Sensing), 2,3 dimensional growth rate, and 3,4 dimensional growth rate are different because "red" is like limitation to 2,3 dimensional, and gray is like limitation to 3,4 dimensional; because, I ain't know explicitly yet regarding (Z-index Heat Sensing, Z-index Heat Sensing) ... ; after reversed yellowish variations (a.k.a. ACT3 level imaginary hyper space) can be defined, And Then, you should write your new physics laws ... ;
ability to cope;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT is the diff between Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) sir ?
I wrote: jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence can handle
AR and VR; for better understanding, I'm creating another images
for you well trained kids! i.e. (DEE _ lines _ Causing To Left, DEE _ lines _
Causing To Right);
DEE _ lines _ Causing To Left;
using this " DEE _ lines _ Causing To Left " will be (chopping off, cutting off) left side's ZCS colors (i.e. in addition to DEE _ lines _ vertical and DEE _ lines _ horizontal in common); Remark: it is NOT directional gravity pressure, but it's trimmer alike HOW (left, right) can be defined, regarding DEE;
DEE _ lines _ Causing To Right;
using this " DEE _ lines _ Causing To Right " will be (chopping off, cutting off) right side's ZCS colors (i.e. in addition to DEE _ lines _ vertical and DEE _ lines _ horizontal in common); Remark: it is NOT directional gravity pressure, but it's trimmer alike HOW (left, right) can be defined, regarding DEE;
by the way, they are (AR, VR, Z-index Heat Sensing) all based on projection technology, and the diff is WHEN (e.g. VR in 1990s, AR in 2010s, Z-index Heat Sensing in 2020s) and so on (WHICH way (e.g. static way, wormhole way) would be architect or designer's tactic); in 1990s, we did not have wormhole way (projecting lights) because of CRT screen so called VR, if compare to 2010s (after 20 years later of CRT screen), wormhole way (projecting lights) is possible because of computing (NCS, PCS, ZCS) so called AR, and so on; notice and realize that every 20 years, new method, new product, new technology, ... because we human beings are creative and smart do (from CRT screen based VR to (NCS, PCS, ZCS) flat panel based AR to 6 surfaced based DEE box in Z-index to ... ); don't forget that we learnt (positive, negative), (plus, minus), ... based on SQRT2 floating points (98) to prompt engineering notations (10, 100, 1000, ... ) by multiplexer group or adder group; at this present, well trained kids! should realize and understand WHAT is AR, VR, Z-index, ... ;
e.g. | Z-index | : | 6 | surface | d | DEE | box | ; | |
e.g. | AR | : | ( | NCS, PCS, ZCS | ) | surface | s | ; | |
e.g. | VR | : | CRT | screen | ; | ||||
e.g. Z-index : 6 surfaced DEE box;
2020s and beyond;
e.g. AR : (NCS, PCS, ZCS) surfaces;
2010s and beyond;
e.g. VR : CRT screen;
1990s and beyond;
well trained kids! replied: HOW to define iroColourWaveForm 's defined colors on ZCS sir ?
I wrote: Umm! well trained kids! become very curious ones, that's good, that's good; very easy, e.g. create a table, and define the patterns like 3x3 GUI graphics pattern of your smart phone, or 4x4 GUI graphics pattern of your smart phone; to do so, e.g.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
your defined color code (ZCS) is here; |
3x3 GUI,
4x4 GUI)
this table is just an example, you need to be creative and
smart (e.g. apply
matrix to 3x3, 4x4, ... ), so you can have your own combination
like 3x3 graphics pattern
(?????? possible graphics patterns)
of your smart phone, or 4x4 graphics pattern
(????????????? possible graphics
patterns) of your smart phone; by a glance (looking at), you well
trained kids! know and realize assumed ZCS ' right side is going to be trimmed;
I'm getting old, and this is your time to create, develop, research, test, ...
HOW Z-index Heat Sensing (green dots) characteristics ... ;
don't forget that
you can be world's richest person if you can define fetching lights to do good
ACTION ... ;
Remark: since 1995, we human beings can be cloned human beings, since 2000s, we human beings can be humanoids; fetching lights truly change protein bounds in the defined region;
idea ♯ 275; 108 configuration;
regarding this DOMAIN 's contents, 108 configuration has been since beginning; IT 's the time to revise and develop 108 configuration; 108 can be understood in many diff ways e.g.
Buddha's footprint symbols, praying beats (form) : 108;
in Mahayana Buddhism, 108 kilesa, mental defilements (form) : 3 * 6 * 3 * 2;
in Theravada Buddhism, one hundred and eight (form) : 56 + 38 + 14;
this DOMAIN 's 108 configuration (form) : (3,3,3,3), (10,7,10);
2 groups
are multiplexer group (3,3,3,3), and adder group (10,7,10); in Numbers in
108 can be
understood in many diff ways; regarding 2 phase lunar calendar, using adder
group (10,7,10) 's seven; regarding 4 phase lunar calendar, using adder group
(10,7,10) 's ten; since multiplexer group (3,3,3,3) 's three are somehow related
to three-zero-group (e.g. instance, instant) in
Idea Processor (Ref. to
Abhidhamma a.k.a. Abhidharma)
doko WHERE "Abhi"
means in-depth, and dhamma a.k.a.
dharma means Buddha's
is very very unique in many ways
e.g. (SQRT2) 's floating points
obey ±98 for its
engineering notations
10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ; realizing &
understanding of two groups
would be
multiplexer group and
adder group; therefore,
please revise and develop 108;
IFF ACT3 imaginary hyper space engineering, in addition to (1 = 1 + 1) method, revise and develop (2 = 2 + 2) method; And Then, analyze the diff between multiplexer group and adder group; after 5 years of R&D, earn Ph.D. degree in Buddhism & History, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Math, MIS, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, ... ; Remark: (2 = 2 + 2) method is classified military top secret, therefore, whether ACT2 or ACT1 level of knowledge is all up to you and your Ph.D. project proposal ... ; this idea ♯ 275 might be non-sense to many people, until you'll know yourself that many human beings livable moons are with cities, gravity towels, flying automotives, ... ;
reversed momentum method (EMF (1mm
(hole), 24mm ones
gravity spot (this
DOMAIN must be limited to 1 meter gravity spots),
(IFF 3
gravity pressure area (refer to each surface)
Gravity Pressure Share Radical,
SPL (a.k.a.
Sound Pressure Level)),
reversed yellowish variation,
variation); develop (
marked, marking); develop
mantissa points e.g. (88...88),
(80............80................80), (070), (50
(66) 50),
... ;
reversed momentum method WHICH can be using HOW to avoid earthquakes ...
revise and
develop (multiplexer group vs. adder group) characteristics ... ;
revise and develop ((1 = 1 + 1) method vs. (2 = 2 + 2) method) characteristics
... ;
difficulties regarding idea ♯ 275, 108 configuration is that adding is similar to multiplying, but WHEN multiplying prompts odd numbers WHILE adding with even numbers; And Then, HOW to auto correct those difficulties; another example would be calculating numbers regarding ten based two vs. two based ten (a.k.a. bias);
since 2018/2562, this DOMAIN has started its "reversed momentum method" (Tectonic Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean)) to avoid earthquakes, and to avoid tsunami; because, we've Tectonic Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean) WHICH causes unwanted earthquakes naturally, and unwanted tsunami naturally;
idea ♯ 274; moon wave wireless antenna;
moonwave Wireless Antenna;
well trained kids! replied: can you explain WHY
moonwave Wireless Antenna look
like that "T" shape sir ?
I wrote: Umm! you need to understand
distance and resistance
calculation of Yagi antenna
1st., after understanding
distance and resistance
calculation, by using
gate for each Yagi antenna's joint, i.e. "T" shape
and then applying
DEE refreshes on one of the human beings livable moons' DEE pattern because
we're between carbon nano wall (5,6,7) with 1 way DEE, and parallel moon waves
of course,
moonwave Wireless Antenna;
before developing
moonwave Wireless Antenna,
also see:
Schematic Light,
And Then, realize HOW (
Connector Left,
String Connector Right ) can be, kuru kuru
WHILE implementing
gate modulation;
well trained kids! replied: WHY not 108x108 moonwave Wireless Antenna sir ?
I wrote: 23 lines (23x23) is good enough, and regarding
we're approx. at (13, 14, 15, ... ), and not 20 yet
as of 2018/2562;
command line parameter (23 lines) is good enough, and
this DOMAIN 's
(insectoids report to animaloids report
to) humanoids have reported that high tech undercover agents
(government, military) can by-pass ZCS a.k.a. "flat panel" by testing
command line parameter (X axis) lines nowadays;
develop Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) based wireless antenna e.g. moonwave Wireless Antenna;
moonwave Wireless Antenna should be embedded NOT ONLY
in IoT
BUT ALSO in Automotive, because, we're
building remote nama reading RDBMS via humanoids ...
; don't
forget me well trained kids! , I've applied to be Global Commander position, but
no one hire me yet;
well trained kids! replied: we still don't know HOW to do modulation on Yagi antenna's joint, i.e. "T" sir, can you please explain a little bit more please ?
I wrote: I've notice and realized that you well trained kids have not done home works on "T" shape WHILE applying yellow on flat panel surface (a.k.a. ZCS) yet; apply yellow on ZCS 1st, since structural is "T" shape, you'll notice and realize that left and right are NOT the same, of course "NOT the same" prompts modulation to begin ... ; in ACT1 imaginary hyper space, I believe that I can answer many questions, but regarding ACT2 and ACT3 imaginary hyper space, you're on your own ... ; I'll be waiting for you on one of the human beings livable moons in our universes ... , so we can do R&D together on ACT2 and ACT3 further more ... e.g. HOW to adjust automatic adjustment to BLI (Body Length Index), e.g. yellowish variations (2 mm, 3mm, 5mm), e.g. HOW to avoid earthquakes (defined regions) in our earth ... ;
http://global.tsuki.info, a part of this DOMAIN 's triangulation system ... ;
end | begin; 19 kinds of beginning; in (20, 86) common, 9 kinds of beginning; Also see: Idea Processor;
idea ♯ 273; HOW to avoid earthquakes;
Remark: only within this cope in, intentionally NOT using neither "maroon color"
nor "red color" because, earthquakes are somehow directly related to
dimensional only;
Remark: only within this scope, intentionally NOT using either "maroon color" or
"red color" because, earthquakes are somehow directly related to
dimensional only;
1st. to understand: in Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, directional can be defined by using hole-board;
avoiding earthquakes don't need to be difficult and expensive operation; regarding HOW to avoid earthquakes, we'll be using 3 boats with 3 projectors only; we'll locate those 3 boats with 3 lights, between "blue" and "green" (refer to Naturally Green Ones Because Of Salt 's mapped location);
2nd. to understand: 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. either hole or string can represent energy;
e.g. (
69 Structural,
96 Structural) think that WHILE moon waves (string)
are coming in parallel from east toward west, possible (hole)
are forming naturally, so called (
69 Structural,
96 Structural); Also see:
Gene Therapy System;
accordance with Buddha's
Abhidharma (Idea
Processor), we've (extraordinary knowing, super
natural power (form):
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3) i.e. a form because of IFF
(5), therefore, we'll be projecting 5 hours of lights
(e.g. 3 lights from 3 different boats
but forming 90 degree right angle among the defined 3 boats)
toward the underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean during 2 tidal
time periods everyday, and knowing that projecting lights will not reach the
underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean; remember, we've already learnt
"when lights exist, DEE also coexist" in Nested Theory of
Eastern Civilization, therefore, there will be
of course;
regarding HOW to avoid earthquakes, we'll be using "reversed momentum method" e.g. possible hole's location based on (69, 96) mapping with 1 way DEE (e.g. the one and only sun) refreshes from east to west as 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. (day, night); we'll be using "cone method" because projecting light's source must be smaller than projected light;
3rd. to understand:
structural e.g.
1 String 1 Hole Cause Green Structural Because Of Salt;
regarding Naturally Green Ones Because Of Salt .gif, don't forget that "green" marked area is land (e.g. green ZCS because of green plants and trees); regarding Naturally Exist Cracks In Blue .gif, don't forget that "aqua-blue" marked area is WHAT we've Tectonic Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean) naturally in our "aqua-blue" planet; since our earth (EM, EMI) obeys "northern green lights" so green is naturally upward to "north" (here, we're using idea from digital compass method regarding "green" naturally point to "north" ) if compare to normal aqua blue, in this case study (idea ♯ 273; HOW to avoid earthquakes), land ("green" marked area) is upward to "north" alike if compare to underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean; so, we're going to project "salt" alike color from our 3 light sources, because we'll be using ("2 events (5 hours) of 3 lights are 90°" in (2*6) momentum (a.k.a. ACT2 imaginary hyper space in 2,3 dimensional), "cone method" (because projector's light source must be small than projected area's light), "reversed momentum method" ) for avoiding earthquakes in the defined region; and, avoiding earthquakes don't need to be difficult and expensive operation; Remark: we don't use "maroon color" or "red color" in this case study, because, we're in 2,3 dimensional, and we're NOT in 3,4 dimensional, even though we've learnt "maroon color" or "red color" are cutting alike color in 3,4 dimensional, because this DOMAIN developer believes that earthquakes are nothing to do with 3,4 dimensional momentum, therefore, we don't use "maroon color" or "red color" in this case study HOW to avoid earthquakes;
Radical295; to
be peaceful & tranquil environment;
in (Asia;
we've Tectonic Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean) as
Naturally Exist Cracks In Blue;
since we've learnt that
1 String 1 Hole Cause Green Structural Because Of Salt,
And Then, we can guess
doko WHERE possible holes are ... ;
Green Ones Because Of Salt (e.g. mountains with green plants and trees prompt
green surface, e.g. green trees prompt green surface, e.g. islands' land as
green surface, ... ); using reversed momentum method, to
pinpoint possible holes are ... ;
3rd.; doko
WHERE to cope
in; think that lands behave like green surface, and we've naturally "cracks" as
blue lines, and ocean water prompt "salt" environment, therefore, possible holes
are between green and blue; since this DOMAIN propose 3 locations to be fetching
lights toward possible holes' locations (i.e.
HOW to avoid earthquakes)
because, we need to use "reversed
momentum method" to solve ... ;
since we've learnt that wormhole parameter (45, 60, 72) and 1
DEE (e.g. sun rise from east) daily and 2
times daily tidal (moon waves are coming in parallel), this DOMAIN 's suggestion
would be (72, 90) strings toward possible holes (for the purpose of defining
holes' energy);
Remark: for each hole, it must be between "blue" line and "green" polygon, because, we've learnt "1 String 1 Hole Cause Green Structural Because Of Salt" , and since we've 4 "naturally exist cracks in blue" , of course 4 possible holes ... ; using either Lo Shu algorithm or Sudoku algorithm (Also see: Network Topology), for directional; using C Sequence Number (90° to BF2 end points), for remote heat sensing (echo); Remember, we'll be using only 3 light sources as 3 holes (WHEN projecting, it's become "cone" alike) i.e. we'll be deploying "reversed momentum method" e.g. 2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree, and WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist;
since we've learnt that 1km hotspot in oceans, because of Jet Stream On Our Earth and 2,3 dimensional momentum; 1st.;
develop directional and structural, by applying reversed momentum method, until earthquakes can be truly reduced by Manmade Global Weather system with its Naturally Weather Log; suggestion: in world history, we human beings have done many landmarks, therefore, if implementing (2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree) in Pacific ocean for avoiding earthquakes, we should do landmark alike i.e. regarding HOW to avoid earthquakes e.g. manmade 3 lights as 3 light-sources and they're forming 90 degree at the defined location (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean) in Pacific ocean;
develop algorithm HOW to avoid earthquakes, and R&D does not need to be expensive, because using 2 (1mm ones) gravity spots of GPS system on ZCS, and fetching Lights As Sheet toward possible holes;
- using projection technology;
- using (wormhole way) kuru kuru WHILE projecting lights towards possible holes; Reminder: since 108 configuration has been designed by multiplier (multiplexer) and adder e.g. (multiplexer (3,3,3,3), adder (10,7,10)), and noticed and realized that 2 groups (don't forget 2 is very very unique in many ways), and neither multiplier group nor adder group prompt 4, therefore, WHEN dealing with 4 possible holes, manmade directional should be using 3 as its parameter; another reason WHY we should use only 3 as its parameter is that whenever 4 nodes exist, remote heat sensing may begin (we don't want remote heat sensing may begin regarding HOW to avoid earthquakes); we're using reversed momentum method, to pinpoint possible holes (Naturally Green Ones Because Of Salt) by 3 only; therefore, 3 operational locations (wormhole way) kuru kuru WHILE projecting lights towards possible holes;
- calculating FMD 's lights property e.g. aqua color is recommended to be projecting IFF Full Moon Day (FMD); because, (aqua color or cyan color) has been defined as default color to Gravity Dimension Computer;
- calculating NMD 's lights property e.g. navy blue color is recommended to be projecting IFF No Moon Day (NMD); because, our moon's night sky prompts navy blue color at its nights naturally;
develop algorithm HOW to avoid earthquakes, and R&D does not need to be expensive; after developing algorithm HOW to avoid earthquakes, using coast guard drones, or fishing boats, or military (navy) ships, to fetch lights on FMD, and on NMD; Reminder: don't forget, fetching lights' directional should be toward possible holes, because either hole or string can represent energy;
Remark: this DOMAIN is using following keywords: directional gravity spots, fetching lights, remote heat sensing, Satellite_DNS_Domain, wormhole way, ... and so on; regarding Gene Therapy System, the same method and technique are using to cure many diseases, and prolonging life expectancy;
Remark: according to this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' reports, DEE refreshes NOT the same e.g. (in our earth, DEE refreshes carbon nano wall (5, 6, 7) edges (polygons) i.e. in addition to 1 way DEE), on the other hand, (on one of the human beings livable moons, DEE refreshes parallel lines), and so on e.g. variable DEE patterns WHICH leads to our universes ... , therefore, WHEN developing "avoiding earthquakes" algorithm, DEE refreshing rate on ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) must be calculated;
- IFF without earthquake for more than 10+ years, then this idea ♯ 273 truly works;
develop algorithm HOW to avoid earthquakes;
e.g. (Time)
either (24 hours, everyday), or only on FMD, and on NMD; (Space)
3 lights to be projecting at 3 diff defined locations (3
sources); (Action)
3 sources
form (angle of 90°) right angle as (source
source B,
source C),
And Then, source A
as light A, source
B as light B, and
source C
as light C should be the same (colors, intensity, type),
And Then, distance (light C,
light B) should be the same as distance (light B, light A)
e.g. AB = CB ;
because we're creating peaceful & tranquil environment;
because we're projecting 3 lights toward possible holes' locations;
because we're scaling 3 lights' 2 distances (AB distance, BC distance) 1 cm on
scaled map should be representing 1 km distance;
because we're predicting possible holes are between "blue cracks lines and green
ZCS" regarding this cope in;
because we're symbolizing the same like (2*6) dimensional imaginary hyper space
(e.g. 2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree);
because we're using "reversed momentum method" WHICH means predicted possible
holes' locations as 3 diff defined locations;
because we're using "reversed momentum method" WHICH requires projecting lights
toward the 3 diff defined locations;
because we're applying (2*6) dimensional (2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree)
peaceful & tranquil moons prompt;
regarding HOW to avoid earthquakes, we're NOT using satellites (rainbow method, wall method); instead of using rainbow method and wall method, we'll be using cone method; think that 3 sources (3 projectors) are 3 smaller light spots, and think that projected 3 light spots WHICH are directional toward the possible holes;
Remember, WHEN
DEE also coexist, so, we've to fetch from
East, toward West; because, we're using "cone method" toward the possible holes;
since naturally we've Tectonic Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific
Ocean), so, we're creating
Manmade Global Weather
(to be peaceful &
tranquil environment); WHILE projecting lights, projector's lens
e.g. (10 cm (cone's smaller size) ones), (100 cm (cone's smaller size) ones),
... , and fetching from east toward west
(directional) ... ;
avoid earthquakes; avoided earthquakes; avoiding earthquakes;
avoid jishin Earthquake; avoided
jishin Earthquake; avoiding jishin
avoid; avoided;
jishin Earthquake;
avoiding earthquakes don't need to be difficult and expensive operation; simply using cone method, and reversed momentum method, WHILE predicting possible holes (structural: Naturally Green Ones Because Of Salt), And Then, fetching defined lights toward the possible holes (e.g. between blue string and green ZCS)' locations will solve i.e. avoiding earthquakes; IFF without earthquake for more than 10+ years, then this idea ♯ 273 truly works;
avoiding earthquakes don't need to be difficult and expensive operation; simply using 3 projectors' projecting lights toward possible holes (cone method), by applying reversed momentum method ... ;
Remark: only within this cope in, intentionally NOT using neither "maroon color"
nor "red color" because, earthquakes are somehow directly related to
dimensional only;
Remark: only within this scope, intentionally NOT using either "maroon color" or
"red color" because, earthquakes are somehow directly related to
dimensional only;
well trained kids! replied: HOW could that be "Naturally Exist Cracks In Blue" are straight lines (NOT snaky like "heat related" mountains and rivers) sir ?
I wrote: Umm! we need to exclude 4th factor, remote heat sensing pattern, USB light sticks' edges, ... , because, we're using Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) only in this case study; remember, WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist, and DEE is directly related to gravity; if we can control gravity spots, we can prove that no earthquake for more than 10+ years, 100+ years, 1000+ years by using reversed momentum method (e.g. 1 mm EMF hole to tick analog clock (24mm string) is no longer working because of the defined structural (i.e. reversed momentum method); e.g. 2 gravity spots (1mm ones) inside of GPS is no longer working because of the defined structural (i.e. reversed momentum method); e.g. manual compass direction changes because of the defined structural (i.e. reversed momentum method)) ... ; basically, reversed momentum method is like extra ordinary interrupt;
end | begin; 19 kinds of beginning; in (20, 86) common, 9 kinds of beginning; Also see: Idea Processor;
OK; okay;
2 is very very unique in many ways, e.g. 2 kinds of method (HOW to avoid earthquakes) are reversed momentum method and Rainbow Method;
OK. well trained kids! at
this present, you should realize and understand HOW
reversed momentum method
should be by using (2*6) dimensional; in addition to reversed momentum method,
if you like to be using
Rainbow Method (e.g. 90
degree to incoming parallel
DEE), also see: Weather,
And Then, realize and understand HOW
Rainbow Method, also
(avoid, avoided, avoiding) earthquakes;
During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake,
During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake), also see:
Physics Law 567;
idea ♯ 272; reversed momentum method;
many products have been designed, engineered, and marketed already e.g. analog 1.5V wall clock, motorized tooth brush, infrared remote heat spot reader, ... ; IoT has been very popular, very useful, and very remotely control can be; realize and understand the following idea number 271, 3 ways to protect ... , WHICH has been applied "reversed engineering methods" therefore,
propose reversed engineering methods;
R&D on reversed engineering methods;
so called Reversed Momentum Method; prove that either hole or string can be shifted, And Then, once you've allocated | defined | marked | pinpoint the call, condition, parameter, ... , IT should be known as Reversed Momentum Method; very easy and very cheap cost to do your own equipments and labs, ... ; e.g. this DOMAIN found out that 2 gravity spots (1mm ones) EXIST inside of GPS system in approx. 2009 WHILE very easy and very cheap cost to do your own equipments and labs, ... ; Reversed Momentum Method;
after understanding reversed momentum methods, time to do e.g.
- Manmade Global Weather As System;
time, I'll NOT write a new physics law, because Reversed Momentum Method
should be military top secret globally; Remark: very easy and very cheap cost to
do R&D on reversed engineering methods ... ; in space, there is no joint venture
for sure, whether you do R&D or not, and if you do R&D, therefore, you own it,
or you don't do R&D, therefore, you don't own it; if you do reversed momentum
method (e.g. brand new Toyota car, e.g. brand new Boeing airplane) and found out
that air condition does not work after testing (swapping auto parts) ... ;
if you're ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar,
do not depend your R&D on the "Bama" military government (you can do your own
very easy and very cheap cost to do R&D); because, you must be having your
identity, e.g. you cannot overrule Chinese military unless you can truly prove 1
meter gravity spots' directional wind to be cleansing air pollutions above
cities ... ; And Then, you've watched out those "Bama" military generals also,
therefore, it's good to be "unknown" e.g. NOT to write anything on web pages as
information; this DOMAIN has found out many "dens" exist in our earth, because
invisibility engineering reported that insectoids report to animaloids report
to humanoids report to RDBMS, and you're on your own like "Bama" military
generals ... many dens exist in our earth ... ;
after you've done many reversed momentum methods (auto parts,
electronic components, jumpers, ... ), you should have your own
structural ... ; e.g. to have a ball (sphere) on ZCS (zero
curvature surface) as gravity spot, you should know your own structural
(pattern) ... ,
leads to global security, regional security, national security, ... , and do
good kharma (good action), good results will
... ;
"attahi attano nahto" in Pali language means "you're on your own" ... ;
regarding HOW to protect possible unpredictable
in my once-a-week Sake time, I've to question myself that have I
ever thought of ( 1 String 1 Hole Cause Green Structural Because
Of Salt; Also see:
Dimensional) WHEN salt water (ocean) is surrounding, reversed momentum
methods is whether directly related to salt or not ?
think of trees as green ?
think of {E3,E3,E3} or "white" dot as hole coexists with string like light stick (straight line) ?
since green can be understood in many ways, since hole can be understood as directional gravity spot on ZCS, since landslide and earthquake's center can be predicted, reversed momentum method would be 3 ways to protect possible unpredictable earthquakes ... ; if you still have questions HOW to protect natural weather, please do install this DOMAIN 's contents in your defined regions ... ; because, either hole or string can be shifted by defined structural (i.e. reversed momentum method) ... ;
excuse me! because I've grown up as ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, and "rebellious way" has been for 50+ years already, therefore, this DOMAIN 's contents are very easy and very cheap cost (do it yourself way) ... , and notice that way of thinking is very different ... ;
idea ♯ 271; 3 ways to protect possible unpredictable earthquakes;
uncertain programming, i.e. one of the computer programming methods;
please read, realize, and understand (9/8/2018) Naturally Weather Log ; And Then, be able to do 3 ways to protect possible unpredictable earthquakes;
in Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization :
- (hole, string) are coexistence, and 2 is very very unique in many ways;
- if earthquake is like holes, possible strings' locations can be calculated; e.g. 1.5V 1mm hole as analog clock tick by (EMF) string, and creating another string to interrupt the 1.5V 1mm hole NOT to be as analog clock tick by (EMF) at the same defined clock, i.e. reversely design string (defining directional string in reversed engineering, because hole has been shifted), and after understanding reverse engineering methods, realize and understand the possible unpredictable string, And Then, design and engineer 3 ways to protect possible unpredictable earthquakes ... ; ACT1 imaginary hyper space; Remark: this example is very basic idea for better understanding;
Time (9/8/2018),
(landslides in
Atsuma, Japan),
Action (e.g. HOW to
protect possible unpredictable earthquake) should be 3
ways to protect possible unpredictable earthquakes ... ; notice and
realize that hole can be shifted by reversed engineering methods, therefore,
believe it or not,
this DOMAIN 's
Manmade Global Weather
can shift NOT ONLY
holes (e.g. earthquake)
BUT ALSO strings(e.g.
landslide); NOT to
happen the worst case e.g. overwriting & resetting of GPS systems'
destinations can demolish any defined regions;
Reminder: don't forget to install this DOMAIN 's contents, in the defined regions; Myanmar government should contact to only five Union of Myanmar persons WHO live in Hokkaido, Japan, and, at least they should install this DOMAIN 's contents into their computers to protect landslides in the defined regions ... ;
idea ♯ 270; Idea Processor system;
well trained kids! replied: WHY
only three (3)
ro (square) boxes and they seem like "repetitions" character in
Kanji sir ?
well trained kids! replied: don't underestimate us (we know "Big Band" theory a-to-z), we know it is 3D barcode sir, we also know "we can see the worlds" keywords also, and we also know it is beyond regular common 2D barcode sir;
I wrote: you well trained kids' question seems very easy and simple, but NOT that easy and simple to answer;
in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, two events of ninety degree , regarding (2*6) dimensional (according to Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization), 3 light (s) are 90 degree, i.e. naturally, if you travel outward of our universes, you must have "reference" e.g. two events of ninety degree ... ;
my suggestion would be: 1st to understand three (3) inside
the Idea Processor
... ; "one O eight" configuration,
2500+ years old document in Buddhism can be understood as
((3,3,3,3), (10,7.10)), so, three (3) has been very very very unique like two (
... , and notice that three (
3) s are in one group, and, ten, seven, and
ten are in another group;
square is manmade, and
there is no such square naturally in our universes, and
this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts have been designed and
programmed to find "square"
but, in our universes, there is no such square can be found naturally, so,
square is manmade;
sincerely, my understanding of computing system would be:
(right side and bottom of a screen) has been designed and modeled for anonymous
(FTP usage)
e.g. system time can be truly variable, if you
designed and modeled
Time Zone;
in 4th factor, each remote heat sensing has been
bar-coded like
Standard Remote Heat Sensing Structural
define ... ; Also see:
musen Radio;
there are many
in our earth, so it's similar to there are many
in our our earth, therefore, I truly believe in
Zen way, mountains are mountains, rivers are rivers, ... ; one word would
be: attahi ... ;
develop barcode, ID, label, name tag, RFID; Also see: UPC vs RFID;
well trained kids! replied: should we 3D barcode the Idea Processor's (forms) sir ?
I wrote: attahi ... (you're on your own); if you like the forms, you can 3D barcode each one (form) as item, object, thing, ... , And Then, don't forget combination of items, objects, things, ... would be system, And Then, so called Idea Processor system ... ;
develop Idea Processor system; it will take approx. 5+ years to do so; suggestion: read 1st, then try to understand numbers form entities regarding the mind (mano); don't memorize the forms by heart, because there are many forms;
IFF Idea Processor in hardware (approach, aspect, method),
also see:
forty six): (NCS, PCS) must obey
kuru kuru DEE;
EBEML, also
Schematic Dimensional;
Remark: if you're designing imaginary hyper space crafts, you
might need EBEML, for your exterior/interior ... ;
Also see: Gene Therapy System Usage, qGTSU;
idea ♯ 269; momentum;
1st, collecting momentums e.g.
- 2020s model our universes' 3rd wave prompts DEE refreshes 2 or 3 times naturally, doko WHERE heat and light are understood explicitly, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks;
Also see:
Anti Heat Wave (i.e. 3rd wave of our universes);
Also see:
kuru kuru DEE (i.e. beyond 1 way DEE);
- 2010s model 3,4 dimensional (gray, silver), 2,3 dimensional (maroon, red), doko WHERE 1 way DEE, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
Gravity Pressure Share Radical;
Also see:
2 Rings;
- 2000s model remote heat sensing (C Sequence Number), doko WHERE BF1 growth rate, BF2 (branching factor, brunching factor), so Rainbow Method and Wall Method may begin, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
one-by-twenty-four-Green Based (i.e. Origin of Carbon Nano (5,6,7) ... );
Also see:
Standard Remote Heat Sensing Structural; (i.e. a.k.a. 4th factor
(static way);
- 1990s model bio clock, doko WHERE cell-activator prompts (re-activated, re-lived, re-generated), so Buddhist way (e.g. ..\Buddha\index) of samsara (life-after-life) begin scientifically, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
Bio Clock;
- 1980s model
digital (dark, green) watch, doko WHERE flat panel
display ( DEE) prompts squares of calculator based by memristor, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
zero Curvature;
- 1970s model analog clock tick, doko WHERE 1.5V inductance (EMF) prompts one second clock tick, i.e. momentum;
Also see:
clock 1D _ basic;
Also see:
string does not go through at the defined location;
pinoatai Value of Pi, doko WHERE (π/2)
regarding "at" (@) ;
- 2500+ years model 108 configuration ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)) doko WHERE 2 phase lunar calendar ((NMD (No Moon Day)), (FMD (Full Moon Day))) vs. 4 phase lunar calendar (up JUN, mid JUN, down JUN), i.e. momentum; Also see: 2020/2564 model Buddha's Abhidhamma based Idea Processor and its forms ... ;
Also see:
Origin of Sound;
2nd, after collecting all kinds of momentums e.g. 1 km
hotspots (in
ocean, on land), e.g. directional gravity spots
(start with two of
1mm gravity spots inside of GPS) to prevent regional flood, e.g.
incoming parallel moon waves' directional gravity pressure spots
(can prevent and
protect earthquakes), e.g. plasma cluster wind
(directional wind),
e.g. sound beam (directional) triggered rainfall, ... , 2 is very very unique in
many ways (a.k.a.
coexistence (hole, string)) also read:
Theory of Eastern Civilization;
3rd, develop - base on BF1 growth rate, BLI automatic adjustment (for human beings livable moons) ... ;
3rd, develop - base on calculator based by memristor, structural squares in NCS, PCS, ZCS, ... ;
3rd, develop - "Origin of Water" as a picture, after realizing "Origin of Carbon Nano" , "Origin of Sound" , ... ;
3rd, develop - power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;
3rd, develop - "red" is a limitation to 2,3 dimensional momentum ... ;
3rd, develop - "silver" is a limitation to 3,4 dimensional momentum ... ;
3rd, develop - your own algorithm (momentum) after realizing (1st, collecting momentums) ... ;
Remark: momentum is important to understand because in oriental thought (Time . Space . Action), e.g. space of wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser must be defined by 3rd wave of our universes' momentum (i.e. time), And Then, action e.g. WHEN projecting its distance (kilometers long, miles long) can be functional ... ;
one algorithm is worth one Ph.D. degree, therefore, after 5+ years of R&D, earn your dedicated Ph.D. degree and good luck to you ... ; so, develop your own algorithm (momentum) ... ; Oh! Oh! don't forget that after earning your dedicated Ph.D. degree, keep up like this DOMAIN 's contents by decades of time period, And Then, by centuries ... ; because, notice & realize that by decades of time period, idea, thought, ways of thinking vary for sure ... ;
e.g. I've never think of 2020 model 3rd wave of our universes to solve heat wave problem in summer; e.g. I've never think of origin of carbon nano wall is directly related to 2 human beings livable moons' orbital; e.g. I've never think of 1970s model analog clock tick is directly related to SPL IFF string does not go through; e.g. I've never think of 1990s model green light as surface to energize battery cells is directly related from activating of cells to be reborn in samsara; e.g. I've never think of we can maintain our brain's definition (using 3,4 dimensional momentum to maintain "silver"), ... ;
well trained kids! replied: doko WHERE is the sun as momentum sir ?
I wrote: don't forget daily sun is one of the seven gravity spots (one of
the human beings livable moons, our earth, with EM, yellow core, and our earth's approx. location in our universes
defined inside of
Schematic Dimensional), therefore, the sun belong to (10,7,10)
group of 108 configuration; Yes, the daily sun is one of the momentum;
well trained kids! replied: HOW can we prove 7 gravity spots EXIST in our earth sir ?
I wrote: you need to understand very basic 4 lines (3 holes) with EM Pull 1st (like a palm of arm, 4 fingers (lines) are with 1 thumb (EM)), And Then, you'll realize & understand, several gravity spots EXIST because of incoming parallel moons waves, our earth's tidal waves selves 2nd, And Then, after realizing and understanding HOW comets are, and heat & light explicitly, you'll realize and understand e.g. 3rd wave of our universes (DEE refreshes 2 or 3 times only), and sincerely I ain't know and still working on HOW many (count, countable, counted, counting) gravity spots EXIST for each human beings livable moon in our universes, And Then, I'll teach for sure (e.g. HOW to picture "Origin of Water") ... ; 1st to believe in Buddha & Buddhism, And Then, learn e.g. samsara means life-after-life, ... ; 2nd to believe that "directional" means hole board defines strings (a.k.a. wall method), "dimensional" means HOW (dot, pixel, point) on screen WHICH can be measured, other wording would be ((2*5), (2*6) Z-index, (2*7)); 3rd, develop - your own algorithm (momentum) after realizing (1st, collecting momentums) ... ; by the way, we don't need to prove 7 gravity spots EXIST in our earth, because, in Eastern civilization, no one is honored for the "name" ... ;
Also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;
idea ♯ 268; Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser;
![]() |
Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser; 108 x 108; | ||||||||
south bound directional (from-top-to-bottom) only; | |||||||||
using location awareness; | |||||||||
military grade; | |||||||||
drone equipped with Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser (missile); | |||||||||
develop wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser (military grade), And Then, drones should be equipped with wormhole way multi length neutrino laser ;
global (our earth) security;
regional security;
national security;
after developing wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser , pay respect to civil rights, human rights, humanity (e.g. NOT to pinpoint its directional toward civilians' heads) ; classified (top secret) only, beyond this info, cannot explain anymore;
IFF the king of our universes (Shakya King) defines WHO is the foe a.k.a. the opponent, And Then, wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser can be used as gun;
after 5+ years of developing wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser, earn Ph.D. in Eastern History, Ph.D. in Eastern Philosophy, Ph.D. in Literature, Ph.D. in Mahayana Buddhism, and, Ph.D. in Theravada Buddhism; Oh! Oh! please don't forget this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw's resume (current objective): to be chief architect of upcoming UNIVERSAL LINEAR COLLIDER; hint/remark would be: starting with very basic "string" connector, then dubbing strings (WHILE green strings don't go straight but yellow strings go through) at the defined location, then hopefully NOT to violate civil rights, human rights, humanity, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: WHY Ph.D. degree's (subject, topic) title and high tech powerful methodological technique is so different sir ?
I wrote: it is for your safety and security, because, we never know the other side; to change civilizations in our earth, we have to do things like that; remember this DOMAIN developer wrote: 200+ millions peoples must be killed in order to change civilizations in our earth; if you're related to (re-activated, re-lived, re-generated) because of 1995 model cells-activators, do good kharma actions ... ;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT are the different between "incoming parallel Moon Wave (s)" and Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser ?
I wrote: I ain't know exactly (my sincere suggestion would be: you
need to understand
Tail Alike Momentum in
imaginary hyper space
i.e. very very basic understanding 1st), since I've been an ethnic tribe of
Union of Myanmar, (a "Tarzan") a Rakhine
American's wild guess would be
parallel moon waves are somehow related to "silver"
(e.g. 1 km
hotspots in oceans), on the other hand, HOW
could that be WHILE green strings
(are travelling) prompt
yellow strings go straight line, and WHEN attenuation occurs, using "String
Connector" e.g.
to lengthen (kilometers long, miles long) so called Wormhole Way Multi Long
Length Neutrino Laser;
NOT to mention very basic concept of "dubbing" of course;
Are you going to hire me as "chief architect of your "universal linear
collider" project" ?
well trained kids! replied: Umm! you're NOT cheap, we can't
Radical499), (effort;
Radical566)) hire you and pay 1K (1024) times higher than average California
household income and you don't have engineering drafting (blue print a.k.a.
engineering drawing) skill and you also don't have particle analysis skill
either and you don't have any physic related career (job/work experience) either, therefore, can't be "architect" ;
I wrote: my a little knowledge make me "no good" , "not qualify
one" but I'll
try to be good, e.g. avoiding earthquakes, e.g. NOT to be overwriting & resetting 2+ hours of GPS
well trained kids! replied: "security" , "security" please, global (our earth) security, regional security, national security;
I wrote: don't you notice that very very very different contents' idea (s), e.g. beyond "1 way DEE" algorithm, e.g. beyond "blue" away algorithm, e.g. beyond C Sequence Number for remote heat sensing, e.g. HOW to define Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser would be very very very classified (top secret) and beyond this info, cannot explain anymore; I don't mind you well trained kids don't hire me, but please don't bother me personally;
well trained kids! replied: you're on your own, attahi ... ;
I wrote: (okay;
Radical751) OK. have a great "yellowish
variation" measurement begins ... ;
Remark: because of Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser,
any nuclear related one can be shot down (destroyed as target);
therefore, drones equipped with Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser is powerful weapon, if you well trained kids know HOW to define keywords e.g. map, camera (zoom-in, zoom-out), focus, pinpoint, (lock, unlock), Shakya King's permit, set as target, launch, ... , regarding 21st century and beyond, satellite bands based weapon (military grade) would be invisibility deployment, humanoid control drones operations, ... ;
ray (any set of
line WHICH is passing through 1 point);
at the focal point of multi long length
neutrino laser, no material can EXIST
( (e.g.
2,3 dimensional Laser Pointer) i.e. static way
) , also see: PHYSICS,
(law thirty
six) ... ;
idea ♯ 267; Idea Processor Level Synchronization;
Synchronization .GIF; (108 x
33); Also see:
develop Idea Processor level synchronization method;
it will take approx. 5+ years, if starting from
2018/2562, and (developers, post
grad students, researchers, software engineers, system designers) should be able
to define HOW we human beings
form naturally; after developing Idea Processor, WHICH will help
not only Gene Therapy System,
but also computing
systems e.g. jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence ... ;
this DOMAIN 's content compilation version C122 or later versions, the FILE
(Synchronization .GIF) has been changed; prior to C122, logical gate was using;
after C122 or later versions, the FILE Synchronization .GIF is using to do Idea
Processor level matching of nama; Synchronization .GIF; 108 x 33; Remark: it is
not easy understand above Synchronization .GIF, because it is NOT easy to
understand 3rd wave of our universes in ACT3 imaginary hyper space; after
understanding 3rd wave of our universes, it is NOT easy to apply HOW that 3rd
wave of our universes effect to ACT2 imaginary hyper space; And Then, a little
bit of knowledge to know HOW bridge alike pons
pons (pontes);
happen naturally in ACT1 imaginary hyper space (e.g. Gene Therapy System), And
Then, 5W1H of truly we human beings' brain vs. Artificial Intelligence,
regarding Nama For Humanoid;
well trained kids! replied: we can guess that right side's triangle alike "black" color represents wall alike without heterodyning, and 33 means 2 parameters of 108 configuration, and WHILE human beings livable moons dwell with peaceful & tranquil orbital (s) prompt heterodyning, so do you agree ?
I wrote: WHERE is limitation ("maroon" color" , "red" color") ?
well trained kids! replied: if we select the content, we'll get ("maroon" color" , "red" color") as limitation;
I wrote: don't forget very very unique (
2) two; as of
2018/2562, you well trained kids!
still cannot picture "Origin of Water" yet; good luck to you ... ;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT is left side's "black" color rectangular sir ?
I wrote: if you copy and paste (33
x 108)
Mussel _ v s _ Scallop, you'll get that;
idea ♯ 266; Radio Specification of Computer System;
safety; trusted; verify;
WHEN rescuing defined regional environment :
for long period of time, using (day,
... ;
for short period of time, using (second,
... ;
Manmade Global
Weather, at this present for long period of time;
Manmade Global
Weather, at this present for short period of time;
... ;
(cycle, frequency,
wave) ... ;
interval, period of time;
1st to understand and able to analyze 2018/2561 design model Manmade Global Weather, and Naturally Weather Log;
2nd to notice and realize that this DOMAIN developer (Ace
Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) is NOT able
to bypass radio specification of computer system
rescuing defined regional environment in
Real-time; because, after
defining beyond days (e.g.
... ),
WHEN dealing with Real-time system < day, notice that this DOMAIN is not able
rescue bad weather condition, in the defined region;
3rd, in common, "Real-time"
systems are defined by short period of time e.g. second; but, we need to develop
Manmade Global Weather, WHEN rescuing defined regional environment, both long
period of time and short period of time should be;
this DOMAIN has defined "power of the Internet must be peaceful &
in war;
well trained kids! replied: we'll use NAT (Network Address Translation) protocol to define routers regarding radio specification of computer system sir;
I wrote: wow!
... , you well trained kids are smarter than me, i.e. WHAT I want;
to do so, I'll help you a little bit by defining inside the FILE Keyword To Port Number as:
NAT (Network
Address Translation) protocol 12344/tcp this DOMAIN NAT。
NAT (Network Address Translation) protocol 12344/udp this
well trained kids! replied: after reading your contents, we've noticed and realized that you've used "Red" color highlighted in a webpage -time .htm; can you explain us WHY do you use "Red" color sir ?
I wrote: Oh! I explained it already, but you well trained kids forgot;
OK. long long time ago in
1980s, WHEN developing "closed
circuit" system, to be (close, closed, closing), inside of RGB system, "Red" has
been chosen to define (close, closed, closing) because we only had 3 colors
(Red, Green , Blue (RGB)) ... ; therefore, "Red" has been used (e.g.
highlighted) prior to circuit;
don't forget oriental concept Time . Space . Action; somehow, in
21st century & beyond, we've
noticed and realized that our imaginary hyper space crafts prompt "Red" is the
limitation to 2,3 dimensional momentum (doko
WHERE many human beings livable moons EXIST); in Idea Processor based system,
using "Red
" may vary depending up on (5W1H,
Keyword (words)),
e.g. in Chinese tradition, "Red" symbolizes good luck, e.g. regarding Japanese
flag, "Red" symbolizes brave and prosperous future, e.g. Red Cross symbolizes
hospital, e.g. red traffic signal to stop, and so on ...
; since we've been developing
Gravity Dimension Computer,
Time (e.g.
Time, e.g.
webpage -time) . Space (e.g.
circuit board, motherboard,
PCB) . Action (e.g. clicking on the "Red") to be (close, closed,
closing) ... ;
well trained kids! replied: thank you;
I wrote: you're welcome. by the way, I truly need to learn radicals, because I like to be educated by Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana ... ;
Bio Clock)
timestamp, also see:
Idea Processor;
carrier transition; (conversation, reserved conversation); CRC; (encapsulation HDLC, loopback set); (Gateway, Distance); Hardware is Idea Processor (NCS, PCS, ZCS) XYZ Serial; keepalive set; Key-chain; queuing strategy | Gravity Dimension Computer (weighted) fair; Routing Protocol; underrun; whois interface; Remark: Keepalive set (3 sec) was before; on 07/25/2018, regarding this DOMAIN system's configuration, updated to Keepalive set (second, minute, hour, day) because, WHEN rescuing defined regional environment, Real-time system should be both long period of time and short period of time ... ;
idea ♯ 265; Logic;
logic; reason;
we've learnt very very unique 2 (categories, kinds, methods, types,
ways) of logic are (deduction logic, induction logic),
doko WHERE : deduction logic
(form), also see:
Radical669; induction logic
(whole), also see:
Radical399; in common, two kinds of logic are deduction logic and induction
logic; Also see:
we've realized that Boolean Logic is somehow related to induction logic e.g. (either true or false), on the other hand, Fuzzy Logic is somehow using percentage % for both (form, form's validities) and (either true or false) ... ;
IFF programming e.g. (
multi level,
toward uncertain) ...
; Also see: Algorithm;
develop your own new logic (s) :
e.g. very very very unique 3 based logic; e.g. duo-binary (i.e. SQRT2 with SQRT3); e.g. (X, Y, Z) based; e.g. 3 surfaces based;
e.g. toward uncertain logic (programming) ... ; e.g. heuristic logic;
e.g. nonlinear logic (programming) ... ; e.g. fully distributed topology's 2 sequences (MIN sequence number, MAX sequence number) ;
e.g. multi objective logic (programming) ... ; e.g. multiplexing; e.g. multiple feedbacks;
e.g. multi level logic (programming) ... ; e.g. Y based; e.g. (run, running) value can be defined by edges;
e.g. linear logic (programming) ... ; e.g. in common, X based;
e.g. integer logic (programming) ... ; e.g. numerological;
e.g. goal logic (programming) ... ; e.g. synonym based; e.g. selecting color of defined channel, for getting its associated & related channels;
e.g. dynamic logic (programming) ... ; e.g. variable (define, defined, defining, not defined, predefined, redefined, undefined);
also see:
Remark: whenever you see the combination numbers 1 and 1 (also see: inside of ..\\Desktop\OS.txt), think that upper 1 must be (AND logic) with lower 1; whenever you see either 20 or 86, think that "20" is more likely to be using in browser's address box (e.g. space, spacing); whenever you see the combination numbers 2 and 2, think that 2 plus 2 algorithm has been the latest one if compare to 1 plus 1 algorithm; this DOMAIN developer has never seen 3 and 3 (3 plus 3 algorithm) yet;
well trained kids! replied: we'll copy your
C Sequence Number (BF1, BF2,
BF3) and make it our own,
And Then, we'll develop ourselves & our own logic to it (e.g. C Sequence Number
logic) to analyze & determine Remote Heat Sensing WHY growth rate obeys BF1,
WHEN BF2 begins, and so on ... ;
I wrote: yes, Yes! i.e. I won't say no, because, everyone likes to have
own algorithm, own logic, own ... ; since Shakya
King rewarded me one of the human beings livable moons, the true is I
don't need much materials (e.g. gravity towers, private gravity hyperspace
crafts, sky buildings, ... ), thus, yes, Yes! copy, copy it ... ;
Oh, Oh! don't
forget "square is manmade" e.g. 15x15, 23x23, 108x108, ... ; you should have
your own squares;
idea ♯ 264; Protein Bound;
bind; fasten; join; tie;
fit; join; suit;
2 ways to cure diseases and disorders, and they are bio way (a.k.a. MD's medical Dx and Tx), and physical way (e.g. this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System) in PHYSICS way; regarding physics' way, consider the
Our Moon's Protein Bound Toward East;
Tail Alike Momentum, also see:
Our Earth's Protein Bound Toward East;
tanpakushitsuketsugo Protein Bound;
well trained kids! replied: your defined images look like snow-pea leaves sir ?
I wrote: yes, protein bound looks like snow-pea leaf;
well trained kids! reply: we've learnt in bio medical way is that lesser the "bound" , higher the medicine (drug) 's efficiency is, because in bio availability time period (WHEN medicine traversing (a.k.a. diffusing) through cell membranes), blood proteins bind to globulins (α, β‚ γ), glycoprotein, lipoprotein, and serum albumin;
_ Mouth;
Remark: in Buddhism, 31 realms of beings EXIST, of course "eat" ... ;
Umm! smart kids! know HOW micro organisms are;
I wrote: yes,
of course; but, since this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System has been in physics
way, protein is defined by iroColourWaveForm based
"yellow" , and notice that above 2 defined images
Moon's Protein Bound Toward East,
Our Earth's Protein Bound Toward East)
don't have "yellow" , because, yellow disappears
(a part of invisibility engineering,
beyond remote heat sensing, also beyond 4th factor) naturally IFF
({E3, E3, E3} or silver) as background; other wording would be: in Dark
Energy Engineering (
DEE), we cannot define yellow forefront as
surface IFF ({E3, E3, E3} or silver) as background
leads to above defined patterns
(remember, many variable DEE patterns
yes, protein bound looks like snow-pea leaf;
create your own new law e.g. in our earth, we cannot define yellow forefront as surface IFF ({E3, E3, E3} or silver) as background; create your own therapeutic method, based on naturally way of defining "yellow" as protein;
well trained kids! replied: WHY toward east sir ?
I wrote: 1 way DEE starts as early morning sunrise daily;
well trained kids! replied: we still cannot believe that daily sun is the biggest gravity spot sir;
I wrote: I ain't know either e.g. 2 of 1 mm (millimeter) gravity spots have been embedded inside of GPS devices since 1990s, and I ain't know WHO designed it;
well trained kids! replied: can we use left side's DEE patterns (your micro SD design, edges of USB light sticks' ends) to define right side's protein patterns sir ?
directional, also see: Directions;
I wrote: Yes!
of course!
you can.
develop Gene Therapy System (protein bound) to do good protein binding ... ; good luck in your post grad R&D time period to earn Ph.D. degree in agricultural, bio, chemistry, genetic, IT, medical, physics, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, radiological, ... ;
I wrote:
(USB-A drives,
USB-A ports)
is recommended IFF Gene
Therapy System ... ;
e.g. regarding the defined environment, insert or plug this DOMAIN 's contents
(USB) into the Auto, Computer, TV, ... for curing many diseases and disorders;
well trained kids! replied: WHY USB-A sir ?
I wrote: Oh! Oh! don't forget "A" has been somehow related to heat related Ampere; "-A" means without "A" WHICH represents literally (implicitly) defining, expressing, and saying that "no heat" ; remember, since heat and light are at the same location in our earth (no yellowish variation), "USB-A" is recommended IFF Gene Therapy System; Also see: Products;
I wrote: regarding human beings livable moons in our universes, we're
still in R&D (Research & Development)
HOW to
solve BLI (Body Length Index) problems; still NOT able to
solve BLI problem because of I ain't know exactly (explicitly)
yet e.g. HOW Origin of Water should be, e.g. variable DEE patterns, e.g.
yellowish variations as distance, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we'll try to solve WHAT you can't solve;
I wrote:
of course!
idea ♯ 263; Mapping Methods;
chizu Map;
many mapping methods EXIST; since, we've been
Gravity Dimension
Computer, we need to develop mapping method regarding
e.g. Our Earth Based 45 Degree Default ZCS can be
understood as
develop Mapping Methods, for ACT2 imaginary hyper space, and also for ACT3 imaginary hyper space; good luck!, regarding your Ph.D. (art, bio medical, engineering, information technology, math, science, specialties in medicine) project time period;
e.g. dBm (a.k.a. dB . m) mapping method;
e.g. SPL mapping method; Origin of Sound based (dBm, SPL) mapping
e.g. color code mapping method;
e.g. microwave mapping method;
e.g. moon wave mapping method; arc based gravity spot mapping method;
e.g. radar mapping method;
e.g. radio stack mapping method;
yellowish variation
mapping method;
reversed yellowish variation mapping method;
Reminder: don't forget that all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King; after developing mapping methods, then develop Gene Therapy System (to prolong life expectancy), Manmade Global Weather (to do good weather conditions globally), ... , based on your own mapping method;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT kind of mapping method have you been using in this DOMAIN sir ?
I wrote: SQRT2 design model's floating points, regarding embedded calculator;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT kind of structural mapping method have you been using in this DOMAIN sir ?
I wrote:
of course, C Sequence Number, for remote heat sensing;
well trained kids! replied: WHAT kind of numerical mapping method have you been using in this DOMAIN sir ?
I wrote: numerological;
Remark: this is your time to develop: new algorithm, new formula, new method, ... ; Good luck!
Oh! Oh! I'm getting old, and forgetting things to
mention i.e. regarding
mapping our universes project
(approx. 20 years old, as of
2018/2562), don't forget to apply "arc method" to
Equillibrim Of Light
; 4 sides, using wormhole (45)
degree only; also see:
(law twenty five) ... ;
one of the methods (techniques) of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space
crafts' ACT3 DEE Sensor ... ;
well trained kids! replied: kuru kuru WHILE testing gravity (directional gravity pressure, gravity spot) devices, we've "noise" problem sir, can you teach us HOW to reduce "noise" caused by minus dB definition sir ?
I wrote:
Umm! it seems you well trained kids! still don't understand
Origin of Sound; think "yellow strings are
colliding each other" ; on the other hand, I need to know WHAT kind of
mapping methods you have been using also
i.e. depending upon
mapping methods,
method (technique) to solutions may vary; in common, basically
WHILE "yellow strings are colliding each other" causes "noise"
... ; 1st, try to understand
Origin of Sound); 2nd, try to understand (
Begin Audio X,
Begin Audio Y
) ; 3rd, after understanding (Origin
of Sound,
Begin Audio X,
Begin Audio Y)
And Then, you'll be able to reduce "noise" for sure;
well trained kids! replied: we still cannot design and engineer "no noise" inside of our rechargeable battery based automotive because we still don't know HOW to reduce "noise" from electric dipole sir, can you teach us please;
I wrote: Umm! it seems you well trained kids! still don't understand 1 way DEE to bypass (electric dipole), and you well trained kids! still don't understand HOW to charge battery by fetching "green ZCS" to its battery cells; Umm! methods for stimulating of cells info is restricted, so I've to say: I ain't know, and I'll be driving taxis, trucks, ... , deliveries ... ; Good luck!
Remark: if you're working for air force (military) of your country, then, develop A and B (2-point distance) 's incoming (item, object, thing) current-location-and-speed should be defined, and then, drones (drone A, drone B), using 2,3 dimensional Laser Pointer (multi long length neutrino laser in wormhole way) to shoot down IFF incoming (item, object, thing) is opponent; military exercises should be competing (drones vs. drones), then, winner should take control (e.g. taking keys to nuclear related ones (nuclear bombers, nuclear labs, nuclear medicines, nuclear plants, nuclear submarines, nuclear thermal rods)) among military exercises ... ; Remember: longest distance router is camera (in addition to vision);
idea ♯ 262; countless; hakarishirenai;
hakarishirenai; incalculable;
e.g. inside of
Numbers_in_Dhamma, system variables (http-equiv), defined as: Name
(incalculable) = Value (3133.123);
e.g. regarding Keywords : "d" as keyword; "i" as keyword;
e.g. regarding SQRT2 design model, floating points without mantissa point
(truncating point);
therefore, cleverly using of constant, constraint, defined value (e.g. 3133.123), limit, and this way only (e.g. if you're developing directional gravity pressure, gravity spot, gravitational IoT, ... , you'll need to start with Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) ... );
well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt that 2 inconsistencies in math are problems of infinity and problems of "cracks" WHICH kill symmetries;
I wrote: Yes.
of course. Also see: Mathematics;
don't forget; Reminder: regarding WORMHOLE (2-sided surface), if WORMHOLE 's length is longer than defined distance, capture method begins ... ; Also see: Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;
well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt that if we define ±98 in SQRT2 design model, we'll get engineering notations i.e. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, ... ;
I wrote: Yes.
of course.
good luck in your SQRT3 development
leads to duo binary ... ;
Remark: "duo binary" usage
is originally by
Japanese multinational provider of Information Technology (IT)
NEC (Nippon Electric
Corporation, www.nec.co.jp; also see: NEC
Online TV,
hikite Handle;
develop SQRT3 with SQRT2; develop
HOW to
countless; hakarishirenai; incalculable;
well trained kids! replied:
HOW to
handle billions and billions of
IoT devices sir ?
I wrote: using
Multi Time Lines Port (95x95) would be a solution to
Handle (a
handle, bands,
, sessions,
Y axis's panes)
... ; Also see:
Keyword To Port Number;
Schematic Symbols;
idea ♯ 261; arc
defines gravity spot's sizes ... ;
1 Arc minute; 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g.
(circle modelled ones,
square modelled ones)
... ; "from ZCS to 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index" would be the most advance
(Method, Procedure, Technique), and don't forget THAT (2*6) is a part of this
DOMAIN 's defined dimensional ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) ... ; Also see:
Physics Law 789;
Physics Law 178;
consider the physics law
thirty seven (
28-108_beyond_DEE_mouth); DAL method, originally
designed & developed by Sharp (NIPPON); the Sharp
company was sold to Taiwan in 2017;
one of the DAL (s) e.g. doko
Y = 1/X; IFF
wormhole (45), fast track authentication can be;
one of the DAL (s) e.g. doko
= Ln X; IFF
keywords, e.g. (lower, upper), (down, up), ... ;
one of the DAL (s) e.g. doko
(10, 100, 1000, 10000, ... )), ±180
... ;
one of the DAL (s) e.g. doko
= X^2; IFF
wormhole (60), balancing of ... , leveling of ... ;
Also see: Schematic Symbols;
notice that gravity spot's sizes have NOT been defined by
arc yet; therefore, algorithm in Mathematics should be developed;
circle; round;
28-108_beyond_DEE_mouth.GIF has been SQUARE design e.g. (15x15), (23x23),
... , (108,108),
... , and arc should defines gravity spot's size;
two plus two algorithm;
Hint: modulation on X is a.k.a. XM (x-modulation); modulation on Y if not 90
degree, you should call it YM (y-modulation);
Hint: kuru kuru WHILE (mouse's cursor, finger, pointing device) is focusing on the browser's (address bar, address box, URL definition with protocol), notice that the arcs ... ;
well trained kids! replied: can we use other methods instead
of DAL method ( arc) sir ?
I wrote: Yes! you can .
e.g. in tangent method (circle ), using multiple AB (lines), And Then, for each AB (line) endpoints ... ; Remark: USB light sticks and each light stick's endpoint a.k.a. "snaky heat sensing" pattern WHICH leads to SD design; 4 colors because of USB;
e.g. in secant method, segment oriented (circle ), using multiple AB (lines), And Then, for each segment ... ; think that our universe is like a segment of our universes; (({E3,E3,E3}), gray, silver) 3 colors because of universes;
the diff is that AB distance (e.g. longer line, shorter line) doesn't matter in "tangent method" because of endpoints only (e.g. lines-vectors' degrees can define the circle), on the other hand, AB distance (e.g. longer line, shorter line) in "secant method, segment oriented" can define the circle ... ;
Yes! you can . by the way, on human beings livable moons,
![]() |
has been for decades already by (2*6) momentum; regarding our universes (inner, outer), e.g. 2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree (i.e. one of the definitions of our universe), Yes! you can also be using 3 (inner) as | |
![]() |
WHICH leads to the most advance ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts ( | |
![]() |
) ... ; Also see: Schematic Dimensional; |
since 1990s,
GPS design model in common, 2 gravity spots
bigger the gravity spot, better the quality is (e.g. heavy lifting
(a.k.a. elevating) requires bigger gravity spots); dear sir, how big the gravity
spot to elevate 26,100 tons ? well trained kids ! answer would be: I ain't know;
hint: started with
2 gravity
(1 mm ones) for each GPS device
(I ain't be wondering my mobile smart
phones become heavier because of they behave like server (IoT) devices),
And Then,
4 gravity spots
for drone,
And Then,
8 gravity spots
for car, ship, train, And Then, ... ; modulation of
radio (XM, YM), radar (polar coordinate),
reversed yellowish variation,
variation, ... ;
remember: heat and light are NOT at the same location in
ACT2 and
ACT3 imaginary
hyper space (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g. 3,4 dimensional)
... ;
Develop your own algorithm WHICH can define SQUARE design (e.g. (15x15), (23x23), ... , (108,108), ... )' arc defines gravity spots' sizes ... ; good luck in your (5+ years) Ph.D. post grad study in computer science, DEE (Dark Energy Engineering), genetic structural engineering, math, physics, ... ; Remark: in the era of approx. 2020 (early 21st century), Lexus and Toyota's front bumper design model are "bold tie" look alike, and Acura and Honda's front bumper design model are also "bold tie" look alike;
idea ♯ 260; DEE _ Mouth vs. Two Events Of 90 Degree;
1st to understand our earth has been naturally by carbon nano wall (polygons (5,6,7)) and parallel strings e.g. Moon Waves; 2nd to understand structural DEE patterns (regarding Z-index's (2*6) momentum, (remember, (2*6) is a part of ( (2*5), (2*6), (2*7) ) ) ) e.g. on our moon (WHY carbon nano wall is gone and only parallel DEE (s) exist); 3rd to understand this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts went very very very far away in our universes, and humanoids report (beyond multi surfaces (e.g. DEE Box) analysis) prompt:
e.g. WHY do we have 3 holes in our skulls ? answer would be:
e.g. WHY do we have mouth in our heads ? answer would be:
Remark: as of 2018/2562, this DOMAIN developer still cannot solve "we" human beings' whole body; but, this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System has started since 2018/2561;
Remark: as of
2018/2562, this DOMAIN developer
still cannot solve
Origin of Water
(Also see:
thirty five): 108 = ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)) for each water pattern), after born and raised with hundreds of books, after being taught by teachers
(parents, friends of parents, and relatives), after R&D for many decades,
... ;
Dark Energy Engineering (
DEE) is worth more than our earth ... ;
to self e.g. if "gray" or "silver" can defined both our universe (2,3
dimensional) and other universes (3,4 dimensional), regarding "mouth"
, WHY "maroon" or "red" cannot define "mouth" ? Remark:
above DEE _ Mouth (JPG) file is with 5 vertical DEE lines, and WHEN applying
defined 1 way DEE pattern as coming from the EAST (right) to WEST (left), gray
prompts mouth alike;
our teeth built-up naturally WHEN we were from young to kid, and naturally "white" WHICH leads to 20, Calcium, Ca, 40.0, And Then, another question self would be: in our universe (2,3 dimensional), we've already learnt that "red" is a limitation and our lip (i.e. "maroon" or "red") filtering our mouth naturally ? therefore, we need to understand WHY "we" human beings happen naturally, and we need to define every part of "we" human beings by using Artificial Intelligence (I'll consult to my system, and its dependable and reliable humanoids) ... ;
well trained kids ! this is your time to develop DEE _ Mouth vs. Two Events Of 90 Degree ... ; develop & prove "we" human beings' whole body, and every part of "we" human beings has its own definition ... ; And Then, don't forget to develop & prove "Origin of Water" ... ;
idea ♯ 259; DNA repairing enzyme;
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Gene | Therapy | System | ( | ||||||
kouso |
![]() |
enzyme | , | ||||||
shuri |
![]() |
repairing | , | ||||||
![]() |
DNA | , | |||||||
Number | e.g. | ( |
code | ) | , | ||
Algorithm | ( | Good | Gene | ) | |||||
) | ; |
IFF CME (Q&A), also see: 2561 2018 CME no.200;
well trained kids! replied: we've noticed that you highlighted aqua (a.k.a. cyan) with lime color font, and highlighted fuchsia (a.k.a. purple) with maroon (a.k.a. dark red-brown) color font, WHY ?
I wrote: think that we're on 2 moons traveling together (so that we're a part of 13 strings (Moon Wave) group in our universe) WHILE blue and green are flip-flop alike, and our earth's gravity spots (stimulating of cells) somehow obey blue-to-green (NOT green-to-blue, I've already explained that on our moon, you must do blue-to-green reversely), WHICH characteristic is similar to "elevating" (elevating, as opposed to landing); regarding 2 Rings momentum (2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional), "red" is somehow limited to inner ring (2,3 dimensional) of our universe (i.e. ACT2 imaginary hyper space info); double stranded DNA is cut by type II restriction enzyme (i.e. bio medical way), since this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System (world's 1st and the most advance one-and-only-one system) has been designed by applying, by implementing Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (e.g. abnormalities, diseases, disorders, ... ) can be cured by physical (PHYSICS) way also; therefore,
aqua (a.k.a. cyan) with lime color font (double stranded DNA), and fuchsia (a.k.a. purple) with maroon (a.k.a. dark red-brown) color font (enzyme) is using ... ; think that every color has its own meaningful color codes, and web sites, using many colors naturally ... ; after understand this idea ♯ 259, it is the time to develop ACT3 imaginary hype space info e.g. based on yellowish variations on human beings livable moons in our universes, prove that HOW to adjust Body Length Index (BLI), and also prove that C Sequence Number (BF1) table for all human beings livable moons ... ;
well trained kids! replied: you're welcome to our labs on human beings livable moons;
I wrote: within 20 (also see: twenty;
Radical64) years, don't you know that many cities have been built on the
human beings livable moons, so I'll visit,
of course, I'll teach you more e.g. HOW to adjust Body Length Index
(BLI), e.g. HOW to adjust C Sequence Number (BF1) growth rate;
induction logic (results) would be: Gene Therapy
System ... ;
well trained kids! replied: are you using
Wave in your
Gene Therapy System
sir ? we like to know
HOW to
design Moon Wave sir ?
I wrote: 1st to understand
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index
(computing), e.g. to have blue ZCS and green ZCS together
(90 degree to each other as 2 surfaces),
DEE pattern must be triangle pattern toward {E3, E3, E3} ; if you don't
understand this very simple explanation, I would say,
attahi attano ... in Pali
(in English:
you're on your own); 2nd, you must be already trained for
micro SD design and its structural, otherwise, you well trained kids!
will not understand, and I don't want to waste my time writing Blah! Blah! Blah!
Remote Heat Sensing;
Heat Sensing Radical;
idea ♯ 258; Heat Sensor;
well trained kids! regarding idea ♯ 257, (2*6), for each imaginary hyper space craft in ACT3 (traveling outward of our universe in space), you well trained kids! might need heat sensors; heat sensor method can be used for ACT1 military vehicles, anti-missile location pinpointing technique, Gene Therapy System for prolonging life expectancy, ... ; very simple and very easy to understand method would be Rounded rectangular callout Heat Sensors ... ;
![]() |
blue | Rounded | Rectangular | Call | out | Heat | Sensor | ; | |
![]() |
green | Rounded | Rectangular | Call | out | Heat | Sensor | ; | |
![]() |
olive | Rounded | Rectangular | Call | out | Heat | Sensor | ; | |
![]() |
red | Rounded | Rectangular | Call | out | Heat | Sensor | ; | |
![]() |
yellow | Rounded | Rectangular | Call | out | Heat | Sensor | ; |
WHY do you choose "Rounded rectangular callout" as string sir ? well trained kids ! nuclear plants' plates are like that, and bottom of the "Rounded rectangular callout" is connected to pipe, then thick wire, and so on ... ; i.e. regarding no yellowish variation (our earth) 's common design ... ;
Reminder: regarding ACT2 imaginary hyper space, red color is limited to inner ring a.k.a. our universe (heat) e.g. red color is limited to 2,3 dimensional, regarding 2 Rings (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional) momentums; (blue color and green color) are flip-flop alike between our earth and our moon (a.k.a. our solar system);
in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts indicated that "red color" is somehow gone (disappeared, no longer EXIST), and this DOMAIN developer (creator of the imaginary space crafts) still cannot solve many unknown facts, info, knowledge, ... e.g. if well trained kids! quiz WHY "red color" is gone in 3,4 dimensional (outer side of 2 Rings, a.k.a. our universes), answer would be: I ain't know; confession e.g. I know a little bit, not much;
develop heat sensors e.g. your own "silver Rounded Rectangular Callout Heat Sensor" (e.g. if you redraw bottom "drain" part of the Callout, to the left bottom edge of it or right bottom edge of it, noise might be reduced) , ... ; prove that heat and light are at the same location (our earth); prove that heat and light are NOT at the same location on many human beings livable moons;
well trained kids! replied: regarding
imaginary hyper space laboratory, HOW can we develop heat sensors without having
our own space crafts sir ? Oh! Oh! you kids forgot your own big indoor swimming
pools' floors' DEE patterns to be in structural; to do so, very easy and simple
method would be, parallel DEE lines at wall (s), And Then, let 45 degree
WORMHOLE to analyze WHY carbon nano wall changes to parallel DEE (at the pool's
floor), i.e. very basic and one of the concepts regarding
Theory of Eastern Civilization;
Remark: pool's structural should be known e.g. circular
structural, e.g. hearty structural, e.g.
Rounded rectangular structural, e.g. square structural, and so on
... ;
approx. 28+ years old info, as of
2018/2562; this DOMAIN 's remote nama
reading (humanoids report) prompted that Taiwanese (s) are very very smart WHILE
building fish tanks (pools), this DOMAIN recognizes many
imaginary hyper space laboratories EXIST in
Taiwan naturally; "naturally" means without explanation, pools look very
natural ... ; in Japan, the same style, very
naturally if without explanation, and this DOMAIN notices & realizes that
Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) has many
ACT3 imaginary hyper space laboratories and
imaginary hyper space laboratories already for many years ... ;
humanoids are reliable, and humanoids are smarter than
genuine human beings, regarding connectivities and getting animaloid (s) and
insectoid (s) reports;
e.g. in Southeast Asia, monitor military generals for NOT having military coop,
and update remote nama reading RDBMS daily, if necessary (e.g. WHO violate
civilians' law and order), start using multi long length neutrino LASER in
wormhole ways toward military generals, ... , i.e. one of the methods of "no
need to declare war" in 21st century and beyond civilized power, a.k.a.
invisibility deployment against "Flower Basket" black book tactic ;
regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization , readers may have diff idea ... ;
Personal remark: since,
Monbusho scholarship application was rejected to me in
1999, I (Ace
Jaw, a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) have to do my own
(e.g. hoho way) by myself (e.g.
Manmade Global Weather
(e.g., reduce earthquake in Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON)))
... ;
idea ♯ 257; (2*6);
I wrote: (2*6) ... ;
well trained kids! replied: oh! i.e. one of the dimensions, regarding ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)), and we already know you reserved (2*6) dimension, and (2*7) dimension for us; we already know that your 10 dimensional imaginary hyper space system is in (2*6) As Z-index ... ;
I wrote: Carbon Nano Wall ... ;
well trained kids! replied: oh! like our earth, we already know that no yellowish variation, with EMI, yellow core, ... ; we already know (5,6,7) polygon edges form Carbon Nano Wall in our earth ... ; we looked at several times that our own big outdoor private swimming pools' floors' prompt DEE naturally (carbon nano wall) ... ; since we've learnt (artificially vs. naturally) WORMHOLE in (45°, 60°, 72°), our indoor big private swimming pools' walls have been structural designed accordance with Origin of Sound Method, Rainbow Method, Wall Method, ... , and we can also define our big indoor private swimming pools' DEE patterns on floor sir; like you, we've our own new PHYSICS laws sir; Remark: that's good, you should have your own new PHYSICS laws kids; don't forget to form your own billionaires' club also;
by a glance at your
SQRT2 WORMHOLE, we've already learnt that we don't need to do
filling all 360 either, regarding your (45, 60, 72) wormhole
SQRT2 WORMHOLE look alike
squares sir ? well trained kids! yes, squares are
manmade; notice and realize that you don't need to do
juten filling 360 degree; so called
don't forget i.e. we're doing zero Curvature 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index
(computing) for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts
... ; Also see:
since Radio Method can define (Active X, Active Y), if compare to GPS Method (location awareness) e.g. Eccentric circles, map, radar, ... , I've decided (Oh! Oh! if you know someone, please recommend me to be Chief Architect of upcoming project - the UNIVERSAL LINEAR COLLIDER) using squares are manmade ... ;
I wrote: Parallel DEE lines ... ;
well trained kids! replied: oh! you're now talking about our moon; we already know variable DEE patterns EXIST on human beings livable moons, and yellowish variations EXIST sir; WHAT else ?
well trained kids! : we've already learnt, And Then,
reduced earthquakes and volcanic eruptions by using your idea i.e. on (FMD, NMD)
WHEN Moon Wave (s) are coming in parallel, we've made sure (deployed,
implemented) possible holes' pressure (s) should be reducing by directional
Lo Shu and
Sudoku algorithm;
of course by reversed engineering method (with knowing common method is
that string can be defined by hole board) sir;
I wrote: Wonderful! very good, very good; I write any of you "well trained kids" can picture one of the retrospective ways to our Solar System ? since, I know all of you 10 (selected & restricted) kids for the future has been trained, and you well trained "out-of-school" kids are getting bad grades and having funs;
well trained kids! replied: those "in-school" kids mean under 10 millions United States of America dollar sir, e.g. physician (the highest prestige career) means less than 2 millions US dollar;
I wrote: Oh! my well trained kids are very very smart already, and can even measure life-long wealth for top notches ... ; if physicians mean low profile (physicians can have a few houses and no problem), however, by civilizations' text book, physician is the highest prestige career among peoples, and then, what about I'm a truck driver, in this case, you well trained kids would smile and say: I (Ace Jaw) need to start with rights (e.g. human rights, but no human rights for bastards or swapped ones, but no human rights for captives (detained ones) with wrong DOB) ... is it right ? ; but you well trained kids still don't answer my question i.e. "picture one of the retrospective ways to our Solar System" ... ; Remark: after 34+ years of almost everyday R&D, I still cannot picture Origin of Water; I've already explained "red color" belong to inner ring, "gray color" belong to both inner ring and outer ring, and 2,3 dimensional means inner ring of our universe, and 3,4 dimensional means outer ring of our universe;
well trained kids! take your time now ... ;
of course,
answer will ... ;
Theory of Eastern Civilization, every part of our body has its own meaning
i.e. WHY formed naturally ... ; 1st to understand
108 configuration e.g.
3,3,3,3, and
10,7,10; 2nd to understand 2 eyes happen because of 2 moons are on
the same orbit (i.e. regarding 2,3 dimensional, a.k.a. inner ring of
2 Rings
momentum); 3rd to understand that in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper
space, since "red" has been limit to our universe (NOT our universes, NOT
silver), tooth happen naturally (2 is very very unique in many ways, upper tooth
and lower tooth), here realized that WHY this DOMAIN developer has never fill
360 degree WHEN
filling; now, please understand WHY mouth has been naturally ... ;
2 events of 90° (Remark: defined 13+ years ago, as of 2018/2562) belongs to light, and human beings livable moons' momentum, retrospectively can be seen IFF travelling outward of our universe (i.e. Space); and, 2 events of 90° obeys (2*6) i.e. Time; therefore, regarding Action
Retrospective To Our Solar System
- blue and green are flip-flop alike between our
earth and our moon;
- DEE line refreshes 1 time, therefore, the least yellowish variation, i.e. on
our earth (1 way DEE);
- its orbital lines obey 2,3 dimensional (carbon nano wall vs. parallel
- peaceful & tranquil moons' orbits as strings WHICH prompt "Nested
Theory of Eastern Civilization" ;
- red as limitation, regarding remote heat sensing (C
Sequence Number (BF2));
- two human beings livable moons are on the same orbit;
- two events of 3 lights (3 human beings livable moons are in 90 degree) WHICH
defines 2 moons are on 1 orbital line;
- volcanic eruption, tsunami, and earthquake happened naturally because of
Moon Wave (s) are coming in parallel;
- water: origin of water is still cannot defined (as
of 2018/2562);
Origin of Sound can be defined (e.g. yellow
strings are no longer parallel means Origin of Sound
i.e. this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper
space crafts' ACT2 info); easy & simple explanation would be
Begin Audio X, and
Begin Audio Y;
Two Events Of 90 Degree;
Remark: IFF out of our solar system: blue and green are no longer flip-flop alike; DEE line refreshes more than 1 time (yellowish variations begin) and this DOMAIN still cannot solve BLI problem (as of 2018/2561), and this DOMAIN developer still cannot draw 1 easy & simple picture regarding "Origin of Water" (as of 2018/2562); orbital lines obey NOT ONLY 2,3 dimensional, BUT ALSO 3,4 dimensional; gray scaled begins, and all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;
well trained kids! replied: we understand thoroughly in
PHYSICS, and we like to know WHY jaw happens sir ?
I wrote: I ain't know; sometimes I've many questions like you
(well trained kids!) are
e.g. WHY jaw happens
... ; good luck to you in your new
... ; WHAT I can think of is that (neck, jaw) are "up-and-down"
able but they are not the same (might be because of 1 way DEE, or might be
because of "up-and-down" event of 2 moons' distance based momentum, or I ain't
know ... );
well trained kids! replied: we'll try to picture WHAT you can't e.g. Origin of Water as picture;
I wrote: BMP, GIF, JPG, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: graphic FILES' extensions to be defined sir; we've already known e.g. 1 picture is worth more than 1000 words; defined graphics can be using for :
- can be defining directory (folder) 's definitions;
- can be flowing as algorithm (function,
procedure) by Flowchart, by Linked-combination, by Working-flow,
... ;
- can be moving as
anime (
animation) via group
- can be representing as images (multi-layers) and signs (ready to compile as
- can be symbolizing as schematic symbols (i.e. hardware technique);
and, so on ... ; Wow! well trained kids are very smart ones already, and very highly knowledge based (beyond juten filling) also; very good, very good;
well trained kids! replied: we also know (explicitly, implicitly) sir, "explicitly" is like constant alike BMP, GIF, JPG, ... , and "implicitly" is like variable e.g. font alike phrases, sentences, words, ... ;
now is the variable alike blah, blah, blah personal paragraph
(logical code) ,
, me
: I write biologically (DNA) report to me ... ;
accordance with Shakya King's remote nama reading INFO, via humanoids' report
(DNA matching RDBMS data), confession e.g. I've many sins, e.g. without my
consent, my sperm was collected, and as result (top secret), don't tell anyone
e.g. 2 sons in China, 1 daughter in Japan, 1 son in USA, ... ; without
humanoids' remote nama reading INFO, I would never know;
well trained kids! reply: should we have "the same DNA" party in USA sir ? answer would be: you never know like I would never know, on the other hand, don't lie as much as you can ... ;
I wrote: humanoids ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we've already had our own humanoids sir; do you have your own humanoid sir ?
I wrote: doko WHERE that noise comes from, WHILE elevating heavy (item, object, thing) ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we ain't know HOW to elevate heavy (item, object, thing) sir; can you explain a little bit more please ?
I wrote: Hey!, well trained kids! don't you know heavy industries nowadays use zero Curvature (green color) surface to fetch along with its hydraulic pressure (fluid) i.e. for enhancing (force, torque) ... ; since, you've designed your own big indoor private swimming pools' floors' to be defining variable DEE patterns (e.g. carbon nano wall ones, parallel ones, ... ), you should know HOW to fetch zero Curvature lights as surface; Oh! Oh! i.e. idea ♯ 257; (2*6);
well trained kids! replied: good bye for now; see you later (10 gravity spots, 12 gravity spots, 14 gravity spots) ... ;
idea ♯ 256; String Connector;
stringed instrument;
String Connector; Regarding - upcoming 5+ billions United States Dollar
project the
NIPPON), develop
string connectors ; notice that this String Connector
is intended
for basic understanding e.g. (45, 60, 72) wormhole parameters' easy one i.e. 45
degree aqua (a.k.a. cyan) string connector; develop 60 degree, and also develop
72 degree; develop iroColourWaveForm based more
colors, for each WORMHOLE degree;
WORMHOLE String Connector;
(60°) WORMHOLE String Connector;
(72°) WORMHOLE String Connector;
IFF ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts, develop reversed yellowish variations as:
WORMHOLE String Connector;
(60°) WORMHOLE String Connector;
(72°) WORMHOLE String Connector;
can you explain
WHY String Connector
symbol looks alike this sir ? well trained kids !
1st to understand light's
instinct in
imaginary hyper space e.g. in
imaginary hyper space, WHEN particle travels through inside a pipe, think that
the traveling particle is string, therefore, a hole to be connector like this
(in this symbol, white area is representing hole); since this
String Connector symbol is
intended for our earth, regarding Linear Collider (ACT2
imaginary hyper space's the traveling particle
e.g. 234 GeV particle in 23 kilometer),
aqua (a.k.a. cyan) will continue as aqua (a.k.a. cyan), so called
String Connector;
Remember: in
Theory of Eastern Civilization, 2 is very very unique in many ways (e.g.
hole and string) for each particle ... ;
that's all, but just to know String Connector, it might cost 13 billions United
States Dollar;
2nd to
Structural Equillibrim Of Light, e.g. bulb alike, at the center of cylinder, at
the center of flat surface, location symbol alike (2 or 3 rings (with dot
character at the center) within 1
symbol), ... ;
3rd, regarding
2 Rings
momentum (2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional) should be understood
... ; after understanding
2nd, and
And Then, adding (ACT2
imaginary hyper space INFO,
imaginary hyper space INFO) into the upcoming INTERNATIONAL LINEAR COLLIDER
HOW many holes are needed to be 23 kilometer distance (string) sir ? well trained kids ! I ain't know exactly yet, because the project (international linear collider) has not started yet, info as of 2018/2561;
Remark: if you like to
hire me for
UNIVERSAL LINEAR COLLIDER project, 1024 times average California
household income is one of my objectives, also see:
Ace Jaw; if I'm hired, I'll guide NOT
ONLY post grad students (selected & restricted ones), BUT ALSO implement (with
EMI way, without EMI way) linear collider regarding particles ... ; Oh! Oh! ,
since yellow core (our earth, no yellowish variation (heat and light are at the
same location)) 's electronic green line (electronic compass design) is pointing toward north, I'll also
assure travelling quality of the particle's stability; I'll also teach HOW
Wall Method (2 gravity spots) in addition to Rainbow Method,
leads to Manmade Global
Weather ... ;
Are you going to hire me (Ace Jaw) without license ? because, I've been
unemployed for more than 23+ years, since 1989; I've been dealing with either
under-qualified or over-qualify whenever apply for employments, and I only have
California Driver License; I don't have benefits (e.g. 401K, pensions) either;
I'm no longer hunger like being in Union of Myanmar, therefore, no need to
declare war, I'll try good kharma ACTION, e.g.
NOT to happen 2+ hours of
overwriting & resetting destination of automotives ... ; I love
trucks! I rather keep driving clean trucks (clean truck means without x-ray,
without heterodyning inside; clean truck means healthy truck driving) e.g. 4/4
truck, e.g. heavy truck, e.g. light truck, e.g. pick-up truck, e.g.
truck with trailer, e.g. trucks, ... ; HOW could you truck driver knows all these
info sir ? well trained kids ! you might need deliveries (e.g. block delivery,
e.g. cabinet delivery, e.g. component delivery, e.g. frame delivery, e.g. module
delivery, e.g. packet delivery, e.g. pipe delivery) ... ; Also see: Particles;
in common, LINEAR COLLIDER 's string connectors are made of high quality alloy, or high quality stainless steel; therefore, software (like software router) approach string connectors should be developed; high quality alloy pipes, or high quality stainless steel pipes are used and connected by the String Connector, so that inside, Particle As String can travel ... ;
similar to directional method (doko WHERE hole board can define string's direction), on the other hand (in this case of "linear collider" , think reversed way: strings define holes WHICH is very unusual accordance with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, but, don't forget sometimes we like to do "Big Band" theoretical physics e.g. particles' collisions ways), LINEAR COLLIDER strings (particles) define holes e.g. camera and sensor are installed at defined String Connectors;
Remark: regarding high
energy, ultra high energy, 25 new nuclear plants have been under construction in China, and those 25 new nuclear plants with
linear collider, particle analysis, string collision, ... will soon be available
by year 2020, in
early 21st century; I ain't worry
about 25 new nuclear plants, because,
this DOMAIN 's (Satellite_DNS_Domain) system has mapped our earth with multi
long length neutrino LASER in WORMHOLE way already; approx. after
year 2020, WHEN those 25 new
nuclear plants are up and running, this DOMAIN developer's guess would be:
(, reduce) coal based energy
("energy from coal" causes PM2.5 air pollution above cities), then this DOMAIN will no longer
need to serve open system plasma cluster services (e.g. 3 of (1 meter) gravity
spots in tangent) a.k.a. manmade directional wind for cleansing air pollution above cities' sky in China;
regarding 25 new nuclear plants in
China , think that 25 ultra high energy spots (very high amp (hot
(A), very hot (A)); very highly different potentials e.g. 8800V, 4400V) in
China ;
Diff Potential has been defined by green vs. green (SYNC a.k.a.
Synchronization); since 2 nodes can
produce 1 string, since 3 nodes can produce 2 or more strings, (e.g.
fully distributed topology would be
300 connections
= ((25(25-1))/2),
And Then, open
system multi long length neutrino LASER (s) will be our earth's
the most powerful Manmade Global Weather (heat,
light) i.e. beyond civilizations ... ;
therefore, look-up and pay respect to China; assuming that
23 kilometer long string can be projected into open system, assuming that 23
kilometer long string can be designed & engineered, since we've learnt in
structural heterodyning of strings can be many
method (s) and very very interesting WHICH
((Also see: a Pali), i
, me
want to be Chief
hee, hee, hee,
... ;
develop fully distributed connection numbers e.g. 300, 276, 253, 231, 210, ... ; And Then, realize that minus the node (nuclear plant, volcano) 's number can be as algorithm, so called minus-the-node-number algorithm;
Remark: all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by the Shakya King, and this DOMAIN 's ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts have used (-340 dB.m ~ +340 dB.m) inside of its space crafts, along with 300, 276, 253, 231, 210, ... , for mapping our universes project, long long time ago ... ; this minus-the-node-number algorithm is also similar to milestone marks in space, tracing GPS embedded floating devices' functionality, and so on ... ; therefore, this minus-the-node-number algorithm can also be using in upcoming 5+ billions United States Dollar project the INTERNATIONAL LINEAR COLLIDER, in Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON); don't forget 2 is very very unique in many ways, therefore, sequence should be 2 sequences' ... ;
HOW minus-the-node-number algorithm works sir ? well trained kids ! regarding zero Curvature light as surface, WHEN computing 6 surfaces for each DEE box in Z-index, for each String Connector, ... ;
WHY minus-the-node-number algorithm is important in particle analysis (linear collider) sir ? well trained kids ! fully distributed connection numbers seem numerically MAX, and in reality (in practice, in real world) all nodes are not connected;
regarding 21st century and beyond, Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) has been promoting non-nuclear (our earth) nowadays (early 21st century) and HOW would political role plays regarding 25 new nuclear plants in China sir ? well trained kids ! since I've been ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar (e.g. Rakhine American), my answer would be: I ain't know and I'm out of politics; Remark: this DOMAIN 's contents are "imaginary" ... ; notice that well trained kids can learn lots of knowledge in this DOMAIN e.g. keep learning Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, ... ;
reduce volcanic eruption, IFF
fully distributed topology (Also see:
Network Topology), Monbusho
level knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 256, String Connector (minus-the-node-number algorithm), e.g. 25 volcano
(s)' minus-the-node-number algorithm would be: 300, 276, 253, 231, 210, ... ;
since 2 is very very unique in many ways, sequence should be 2 sequences (MAX
sequence, MIN sequence), and MIN sequence would be: 21, 15, 10, 6, 3;
kind of network topology would be representing (from 3 to 25, (3~25), (3-25)) nodes (nuclear
plants, volcano (s)) :
MAX sequence is 300, 276, 253, 231, 210;
MIN sequence is 21, 15, 10, 6, 3;
Answer: Fully Distributed Topology;
Remark: 2 is very very unique in many ways, therefore, 2
sequences ... ;
so called minus-the-node-number algorithm ... ;
ima Now is the time to count e.g. HOW many volcano (s) EXIST in Japan, and well trained kids know ... ; IFF echo prompts that possible volcanic eruption, WHAT well trained kids should do e.g. using String Connector to be aqua (a.k.a. cyan) will continue as aqua (a.k.a. cyan) ... i.e. HOW to reduce volcanic eruptions; if you still don't understand IT, I would say, attahi attano nahto ... in Pali (in English, you're on your own, and if you do good ACTION, good results will);
ima Now is the time to count e.g. HOW many nuclear plants EXIST in our earth, and well trained kids know ... ;
Moon Wave (
string connector) can be realized (i.e. a part of
And Then,
believe it or not,
this DOMAIN 's (e.g.
Artificial Intelligence,
Global Weather) systems can reduce
volcanic eruption (e.g., reduce volcanic eruption in Japan) ... ;
idea ♯ 255; juten
Also see: 6fComputer;
Also see: Schematic Dimensional e.g. (CCWRW, CWRW) ... ;
after understanding above contents,
it may take approx. 5+ years to earn Ph.D. degree in
Computer Science
... ; Good luck to you; regarding Computer
Graphics, classification and restriction
EXIST, because it (juten
filling) can be using for military science, national security, ...
IFF ACT3 imaginary hyper space, prove WHY red color is only valid for inner ring of our universe; also prove that {E3, E3, E3} color, gray color, and silver color are valid for both 2,3 dimensional inner ring of our universe, and 3,4 dimensional outer ring of our universes;
IFF ACT2 imaginary hyper space, develop (SQRT2, SQRT3) based 6 surfaced DEE box, layers, Z-index, ... ;
randomly & unexpectedly questioned, WHAT is gene therapy sir ? well trained kids ! quick answer would be: blue color is at our heart's bottom, green color is at our heart's top, and curtain alike defined by red (remember, we human beings are born within inner ring of our universe) 4 holes EXIST, i.e. our heart, and it obeys gravity (from blue to green), since, our earth obeys 1 way DEE, our hearts also obey Clock Wise (C W) flow ... ; Also see: CME (Q&A) no. 141; develop filling methods for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts WHICH lead to gene therapy ... ; Remark: heavy industries nowadays is HOW green surface can be 1 way DEE (i.e. beyond hydraulic pressure) to enhance force and torque;
IFF ACT1 imaginary hyper space, keyword prior to (load, loaded, loading) would be "filling" ... ;
idea ♯ 254; Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) color code;
We still don't understand HOW to compile and make-it-happen
Gene Therapy System sir, can you please explain a little bit more ? well trained
kids ! like a story, long long time ago (also see:
long time ago;
Radical81), in the era of CRT pixel was made by
screen's phosphor dot, and WHEN projecting electron from electron gun (yoke)
through vacuum, so that whenever the electron hits the screen's phosphor dot, we
see the dot i.e. light; we human beings are very smart, so that we did
adjustments (e.g. intensity of electron) then colorful pixels were as result; in
DOS, it was known as (x, y, color code) for each pixel on CRT screen;
a.k.a. Active X; And Then, we human beings are very smart, so that
we used memristor to prompt a pixel, i.e. instead of using electron gun, instead
of using electron through vacuum, instead of using phosphor dot; so, flat panel
can be understood; later, we human beings are very smart, so we realized that
instead of using memristor (s) and its backlighting, and invented colorful LED
(Also see: iroLED;
Radical347), so the same flat panel but different method of projecting or
presenting colorful dots; Oh, oh! i.e.
zero Curvature surface
HOW each Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) color code
is defined,
also see:
Server; e.g. from
aqua to ...
(regarding our
well trained kids !
you need to be selected and special trained to understand 1
light stick (USB), 2 light sticks (USB2), and 3 light sticks (USB3), because
businesses have been worth billions and billions of dollar (as of
2018/2561); so, if
you're selected and special trained ones, after your post grad study (5+ years) to
earn a Ph.D. degree; think that those
8 light sticks obey C Sequence Number
(BF1) distance, so that in a defined
distance they end (Also see:
Radical99), e.g. 1/2 fish DEE
pattern begins, so called SD, micro SD; after understanding above
explanation, i.e. approx. 34+ years of almost everyday R&D, directional gravity
spot can be defined;
a.k.a. Active Y; other explanation & wording would be: micro SD is
like leaf, leaves, fruit, ... of USB light sticks' end;
WHEN there
is a light surface, there is a (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) can be defined
e.g. projector's PRESENTATION LAYER, regarding
(Also see: Duo
Binary OSI
Model), therefore, embedding
to above defined DEE _ lines _ vertical, And Then, doko
WHERE Active Z
(dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) ..........
; since DVD design obeys SQRT2 model (e.g. plus or minus) with its engineering
notation 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... obey (±98),
projection vs. injection begins,
And Then, Active Z can be defined;
HOW much Gene Therapy System worth sir ? well trained kids !
if USB and micro SD are worth billions and billions of dollar, And Then, I would
guess, Gene Therapy System may be worth trillions and trillions of dollar;
ima Now
, you
do understand HOW to design, develop, and engineer Active Z color codes for
Gene Therapy System; if you still don't understand HOW, I would say
attahi attano ... (that means you're on your own in
... ;
therefore, develop Active Z (dot,
pixel, point, sphere, spot) color code for Gene Therapy System;
Remark: look at your palm, and realize that 4 fingers prompt 3
snaky heat sensing patterns (i.e. naturally by 10 years, 20 years, 30 years),
And Then, doko WHERE the hole is, because 3 strings
will prompt at least 2 holes; the same concept, the same method, whenever you've
light as surface, doko
WHERE Active Z color codes
for defined (
ring, sphere,
... ; since, somewhere within this DOMAIN,
DEE has been explained and
And then, creating
location awareness DEE (circle, dot, pixel, point, ring, sphere,
spot) will prompt lights to be flowing ... ; the same concept, the same method,
therefore, develop Active Z color codes for Gene Therapy System;
HOW much
would you like to sell it
(this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System)
for sir ? well trained kids ! I will sell it for trillions and trillions of
dollar, if you like to buy it, if you ain't, I'll donate IT for free, regarding civilizations and prolong
(stretching) life expectancy, ... ; after
understanding ((x, y, color code) in
Active X), (1 light stick,
2 light sticks, 3 light sticks) USB and (1/2 fish DEE pattern) micro SD in
Active Y,
And Then, Active Z can be easily realized e.g. 90° to (Active X and Active Y)
would be: Active Z;
in addition to the formula regarding Active Z e.g. 90° to (Active X and Active
Y), this DOMAIN 's
Parameter (45, 60, 72))
would be universal solution; since,
Gene Therapy System
Gravity Dimension Computer)
has been defined e.g. approx. normal gravity (aqua)
and we've been with many other
naturally, therefore, do R&D (e.g. multi color (45°), e.g. multi color (60°),
e.g. multi color (72°))
leads to Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) color
code; good luck to you kids ! you'll be world's leading scientists,
system architects, and you'll be able to prolong 300+ years life expectancy
... ;
WHY do we need Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot)
color code sir ? well trained kids ! gene code A, C, G, and T are commonly
available in mono display
DOS style black-and-white; color codes (A, C, G, and T) are military top secret,
and many peoples around the globe are working on it;
so, develop Active Z (dot, pixel, point,
sphere, spot) color code ... ; e.g.
this DOMAIN 's Idea Processor based
Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) color code
Gene Therapy System
index, for (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient),
user) ... ;
And Then, prove that
21st century and beyond 's Nested Theory of
Eastern Civilization is
Working... e.g. diseases and disorders can be
cured NOT ONLY by bio medical way, BUT ALSO by physical (PHYSICS) way; another
example would be: create a sleeping-machine, and let (individual, patient,
person, Pt (Patient), user) sleep for 10+ hours inside;
sleeping inside of sleeping-machine, do gene therapy, and prove that diseases
and disorders can be cured NOT ONLY by bio medical way, BUT ALSO by physical
(PHYSICS) way ... ; another example would be: create
gene therapy system (bed) for
hospital and nursing home, and let (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient),
user) on it; during the period of on the
gene therapy system (bed) prove ... ;
idea ♯ 253; Remote Heat Sensing;
Also see: ..\Buddha\index;
sensing, a.k.a.
because of remote heat sensing, we human beings can be in dangerous situation and unhealthy environment; remote heat sensing has begun since approx. 1970s, regarding static LASER, using 4 structural nodes was the 1st one; since then, methods & techniques have been developed, engineered, and invented; as of 2018/2561, this DOMAIN 's (our earth's) the most advance REMOTE HEAT SENSING would be:
Remote Heat Sensing Radical, also see:
Remark: I cannot explain
anymore; I can't have big mouth anymore; because, (Computer Science + Physics)
can be military science; And, I don't want to be in destructive way (e.g. war),
and I believe that there is no joint venture in space (you do it, therefore,
you've earned it), so do good
karma ACTION, good results will ... ;
- 21st century
style Gene Therapy System (Remote Heat Sensing)
... ;, reduce volcanic eruption in Japan;
Reminder: you need to install this DOMAIN 's contents,
WHERE nearby
defined volcano's location awareness computer, if
you like to deploy (implement) functional Idea Processor
... ;
- 2010s style gravity spots; e.g. 1 km hotspots in oceans, because of jet stream;
- 2000s style plasma cluster; end of the parallel DEE lines (snaky pattern at edge i.e. also Remote Heat Sensing); Also see: Weather;
- 1990s style
P vector with direction;
bio genetic, also see:
- 1980s style
2 dots;
- 1970s style
structural 4 nodes, e.g.
resonance Dimensional, also see:
Regarding 21st
century style Gene Therapy System (Remote
Heat Sensing),
the diff between memristor method and LED method sir ? well trained kids ! 1
memristor based screen cannot do z-index, if it does, it would be extra
unnecessary like many M U X requirement; correct design would be 2 memristor
(s), 3 memristor (s), and notice that they (multi memristor s) obey strings
(i.e. hole and string, also see:
Theory of Eastern Civilization); on the other hand, LED method
(Also see: iroLED)
is like using comet method, because whenever lights hit a surface, it behaves
(Also see:
Eccentric circles); Good
luck in your post grad study e.g. advance gene therapy (BLI automatic
adjustment), e.g. WORMHOLE way neutrino laser (mapping our universes), e.g.
3,4 dimensional based comet and momentum, ... ;
Remember, difficulties regarding ACT3 imaginary hyper space is: heat and light
are NOT at the same location;
if you're restricted and selected ones, after earning your Ph.D. degree, do R&D on HOW surface can be defined for each:
because compound (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen) should
... ;
HOW to define color code for each zero
Curvature surface sir ? well trained kids ! you need to do like me e.g. I've
JAPANESE STYLE NOODLES since 1980s (approx. $6/box) to present (2018/2561,
approx. $15/box) in many different culinary ways, and since 2 is very very
unique in many ways, I (Ace Jaw) always
have 2 boxes, and stack them together all the time; hint: you may realize that
HOW ... ;
HOW to program ", reduce volcanic
eruption in Japan" sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand
display (e.g. flat panel a.k.a. zero Curvature surface) by using more than 2
memristor (s)
e.g. Remark: my 17.3"
Toshiba Satellite Pro computer is
designed by using 3 memristor
(s) method, because if you like to design, you must have 3 memristor (s) at
least, because you like to be beyond DVD method (±98),
because to do projection or injection (referring to Z-index 's (plus or minus)),
you must be based on 3 memristor (s) at least (i.e. one of the methods, and
memristor method is NOT LED method);
2nd to understand iroLED and its methods
e.g. comet method and wormhole method
(i.e. beyond old style 4 nodes structural
method); 3rd to understand in addition to Rainbow Method, Wall Method, adding
Remote Heat Sensing As Method,
And Then, after mapping (our earth, our universe, our universes), defined
location (e.g. this DOMAIN 's contents installed computer nearby volcano) via
Satellite _ DNS _ System can prove e.g. ", reduce volcanic eruption in Japan" ... ;
this DOMAIN would like to be (proof, prove, proved, proving) from annually 8000+ earthquakes naturally to annually 0 (zero) earthquake artificially;
Also see: ..\Buddha\index;
idea ♯ 252;
Gene Therapy System;
Gravity Pressure Share Radical, also see:
Remote Heat Sensing, also see:
Heat Sensing Radical;
to design and engineer Gene Therapy System sir ? well trained kids
! regarding
bio measurements (e.g. %, name, per), define
"common" , "normal" , "standard" , ... ;
And Then, system is a combination of items, objects, things,
... and kuru kuru
WHILE (e.g. running triangulation system in the Internet, also see:
5W1H), using methods
Comet Method; hole & string as method; e.g. Rainbow Method; e.g. Sound Beam
Method; e.g. Wall Method; e.g. WORMHOLE Method) by directional gravity spots;
since Body Length Index (BLI) and growth rate (BF1) can be defined (e.g. by
using C Sequence Number; e.g.
by using Network Topology; e.g. by
using Yellowish
Variations for each human beings livable moon in our universes),
this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System can cure many (individual,
patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) via its system (e.g. computer, device, display,
76647555 (Good
good gene patterns,
IoT, monitor, remote heat sensing nodes) ... ; Also see:
12 Hours Fasting Glucose ( 12HFG), also see:
12 hours Fasting Lipid Panel (
12hFLP), also see:
ALT), also see:
Complete Blood Count (
CBC), also see:
Creatinine & Calculated Glomerular
(Kidney) Filtration Rate (
CCGFR), also see:
Potassium, also see:
PSA, also see:
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (
TSH), also see:
Uric acid, also see:
Gravity Dimension Computer
Gene Therapy System)
... ;
accordance with
Theory of Eastern Civilization, 2
(two is very very unique in many ways)
methods are:
bio way,
also see:
physical way,
also see:
kuru kuru
WHILE gene therapy, (1 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm) directional gravity spots
Therapy System)
using WORMHOLE parameter (45,
60, 72)
... ; for basic understanding of Gene Therapy System would be:
P vector direction defined
mutation of
T, ... ; constraint (e.g. filter) environment has
been defined by
index "aqua" , so that gene sequences can be defined; since mutant
EXIST (e.g. using Protein Mutant Database (
good gene patterns
can be defined by using
of Gene Therapy System i.e.
... ; do good gene;
since 2018/2561, this DOMAIN has started its gene therapy system, and it
is one-and-only system and 1st among human beings livable moons in our
Remark: {11,11,11};
resource, also see:
service, also see:
Gene Therapy System Server;
Gene Therapy System Server; Also see:
idea ♯ 251; comet;
projecting single comet;
projecting multiple comets;
IFF bio (gene sequence, medical), R&D: e.g. HOW projecting single comet and projecting multiple comets cause our human beings' gene sequence;
IFF IT (NIS, National Information System), R&D: e.g. info can be faster than lights (DEE band, DEE modulation); e.g. can comet carry code and info? ; e.g. HOW far the distance, the projecting single comet can travel?
![]() |
comet ACTION upward | ||||||||
comet ACTION left |
comet ACTION right |
![]() |
comet ACTION downward | ||||||||
for each imaginary hyper space craft, using aspect ratio
(Light Sheet Storage), analyze
physics (
Manmade Global Weather), R&D: e.g. HOW projecting single comet and projecting
multiple comets cause defined location's weather conditions;
- projecting defined travelling time period of single comet;
GPS location;
- projecting defined travelling time period of multiple
comets; defined
GPS location;
tremor; computed tomography with ioflupane (single photon) emission, also see: Method;
computer, there is only
book in
our earth, therefore,
AI, Artificial Intelligence) if a tribe (ethnic) of Union of
Myanmar's idea is wrong ...
time machine in loop;
WORMHOLE; 24mm; 12mm; 6mm; 3mm; ... ;
lights as instruction ; for developing gravity dimension
computers ... ; 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper
dimensional, with C Sequence Number
structural; SYNC parallel time IFF 2,3
dimensional, also IFF 3,4 dimensional; So,
develop gravity
dimension computers ... 。Regarding Southeast Asians, from 3rd world to the 1st
approach, after earning a Masters degree and age <= 35 year,
Monbusho helps 5 years
US$1880+/month with tuition waiver and benefits] full grant to earn
a Ph.D. from one of the selected universities in Japan; this DOMAIN
encourages be back to motherland after R&D
... because
HR for 3rd world to the 1st quickly; For
ACT3 development,
must learn
oriental language ...
Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;
![]() |