; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : July : 20 (Wednesday) : Updated : m : M ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



M♯ molecules e.g. M1, M2, M3, M4, ... ; Also see: gene therapy; C♯; P vector direction;

24mm Natural Time Calculator Frame; horizontally (i.e. x) stretchable (i.e. multi time lines) WHERE ACTION keyword may begin at the ends of the horizontal line, also see: Schematic Symbols; e.g. very fast automotive trains are made of 4 gravity spots (for each modular car) WHILE synchronization with Calculator Frame; IFF vertically (i.e. y) stretchable (i.e. multi time lines) WHERE ... ;

IFF layers e.g. z-distribution; 

IFF Automotive , maintain e.g.        
maintain sensible distance ( i.e. to avoid accident )
and then accelerate IFF way ahead is clear ;

IFF nuclear (e.g. Nuclear1, Nuclear2), maintain cool environment (thermal rods) ... ;

IFF global manmade weather, maintain good weather condition (i.e. to avoid Bad Weather Conditions);

Malta, , , , 356;

Mauritius, , , , 230;

M a x t h o n, browser name;

Mbps i.e. Mega bit per second; IFF devices, also see: AI Router; Synchronization;

content type e.g. all, document, Font, image, Media, other, Script, style sheet, X H R, ... ;

Media created;

metric ;      
          Also see : SAE ;

m i s *, also see: Prefix And Suffix;

oracle (M M A N, Memory Manager) D B A;

Mod (remainder division operator);

monitor; Display ( ) 3D ... ; PAGE .DMP; pipelining : 66 (extract; load; log; monitor; transform) ... ;

morality, a.k.a. a part of kusala, also see: k Pali;

Morocco, , , , 212;

SONY time zone (GMT+0:00) Casablanca  ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;

( motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion, motion) ... ;

      DEE , Dark Energy Engineering ;
    motion ;      
      flow ;        

Remark: ACT1 imaginary hyper space, approx. 34+ years ago (as of 2017/2561), our earth's DEE motion flow would be like above table's presentation ... ; since 2010, zero curvature surface based ... ;

HOW to create a surface by using light sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand iroLED and its structural (e.g. heart shape DEE pattern prompts 1 line, and then, DEE lines in spiral prompts Light As Sheet ... ); 2nd to understand structural e.g. green light 1 round to charge a battery (our earth's DEE motion flow) and here complexity is electronic green line WHICH prompts north naturally and our earth has been within solar system (moving between green and blue); 3rd to develop 6 surfaces (e.g. cube) a.k.a. DEE boxes in Z-Index, And Then, your own imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; Remember: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

ର; motion capture sensor; pattern recognition; remote heat sensing;

ro, Also see: Nippon Syllabary;

    mouth ;          

mouth of a bottle; mouthpiece; nozzle; spout; Radical38;

mouth; box; Radical39;

IFF keyword (e.g. DEE Box, display, monitor, screen surface), ... ;

DEE _ Mouth vs. Two Events Of 90 Degree, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 260 ... ;

M P L S label, i.e. system (open flow) ... ; Also see: HYBRID ... ;

access; address; bit; custom subnet; mask ROM; M R O M, mask read-only-memory; net; shadow; subnet;

MSDN (M i s c (Accept Button; Cancel Button; Key Preview)) ... ;

M S MS , one of the brunch -
able keyword s in Cloud Computing ... ;    

Above table's (cell and table) border is defined as Aqua color, and please do not change its color; Also see: Gravity Dimension Computer's poem, e.g. approx. Normal Gravity;

AI, Artificial Intelligence (MS, Memory Service) also see: A C M S;

MS ゴシック, 1 font;     MS 明朝, a font;

databases (e.g. IBM DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, My SQL, N e t e z z a, Oracle, Sybase, Vector wise) also see: Cloud;

(e.g. audio); Mute; Un mute

brightness, hibernate, lock, mute, output, power plan, sleep, touch pad, wireless, zoom; Also see: FN;

Myanmar, , , , 95;

ASEAN cyber security;

as of early 21st century (2019), IFF mobile carrier,
e.g. M P T (Myanmar Posts & Telecommunications), www.mpt.com.mm;

Myanmar (i.e. Burma);

(Sanyo World Clock) BURMA: Rangoon ... ; (world time);

SONY time zone (GMT+6:30) Yangon  ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;

M y S Q L ,    
            My SQL ,  
My SQL   , Structure Query Language
; also see : LAMP ; oracle ;  

