; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 5th (Wednesday) : Invisibility ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 5 : 2 : 2025 : Invisibility;

(hidden %, opaque %, transparency %), also see: Opaque;
(hidden %, opaque %, transparency %), also see: Transparency;

fetching ZCS lights' sheets onto its surface can be ( opaque% i.e. invisible to transparency%), and a part of Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE); Remark: a "Tarzan" 's suggestion would be: 7 layers should be the most for (Anti-Earthquake (Big Band), Gene Therapy System (Small Band)), if compare to military grade imaginary hyperspace crafts (e.g. M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks) with defensive Static Way (Motor Way LASER) for nearby incoming missiles + 7 layers + offensive ((3 * 5 (15) degree ones) triangle ones as light sheets) As High Density (approx. 100.98 US tons by shot) focal point (WORMHOLE Way LASER) for (demolishing, penetrating) aircraft carries worldwide in war zones (our earth); world's unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Tatanium22 tanks are designed && modeled by unknown ones with (World War 3 Ready Mode); Remark: you should be scare of, afraid of, e.g. Manmade Global Weather is beyond 100.98 US tons per shot; with metta (loving kindness), e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... if you do good ACTION, good results will ..., if you do bad ACTION, bad results will ... so do good ACTION as mush as you can;

(Auto Grow (Also see: Physics Law 131) and its sides' ears) formation are invisible;
biomedical weapons (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic worldwide) are invisible ones;
gas exchange is invisible in Nanobot Programming;
Gravity Dimension Computer (directional gravity spots) i.e. invisible design model;
investigation should be invisible until proven records;
(Invisibilities, Invisibility) may begin IFF (Aqua and Silver) colors are flip-flopping, i.e. invisible;
33 is in addition to NFC IoT (Trace, Track) as a part of invisible (5,5) ones;
military grade M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks are invisible ones;
military grade radar cannot indicate (the intruder with knowledge beyond fetching lights' sheet) i.e. invisible;
Remote Nama Reading RDBMS is invisible ones;
Satellite's WORMHOLE Way (Rainbow Method) for demolishing illegal ICBM (s) are invisible;
the Shakya King (22+ years old look alike at the age of 98+ old) is invisible;
travelling to-and-from human beings livable moons, via Elephant Hut Space Station (Bhutan) is invisible ones;
travelling to-and-from human beings livable moons, via Elephant Hut Space Station (Lao) is invisible ones;
travelling to-and-from human beings livable moons, via Elephant Hut Space Station ( Rakhine) is invisible ones;
undercover agents (with multiple ID) are invisible ones;
(Your, My) invisible sides should be safe && secure;
ZCS based camera (s) are invisible ones;

invisible, e.g. everyday, I transmit metta (loving kindness) to everyone, everywhere I visited transmit metta (loving kindness), ... ; human beings livable moons' sceneries are like a movie, so keep watching American movie, Chinese movie, Japanese movie, Korean movie, ... ;

Capillary because for each capillary's location, neither "red ones" nor "blue ones" ... ; similar to Yellow Color goes through if you do (Silver Color, Navy Blue Color) flipped-flopping, if you do (Aqua Color, Silver Color) flipped-flopping, you'll be R&D (Invisibilities, Invisibility) design model for sure ... ; since 2020s, Japanese kadosei Mobility has started Zero Curvature Surface (ZCS) based (Opaque %, Transparent %) light-sheets based (glasses, LCD (s), very thin plastic sheets, windows) in our earth, so a "Tarzan" Rakhine should know side-by-side Processor (ZCS based light-sheets) ... if military, M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks are special designed modeled with fetching ZCS light-sheets onto its surfaces called (Invisibilities, Invisibility) ... therefore don't start wars in our earth, because M1A1H17Titaninum22 tanks are unbeatable & unbreakable; unknown ones' design model, and I don't know WHO designed modeled M1A1H17Titaninum22 tanks; capillaries for Nanobots (Artery red ones, Vein blue ones), also see: c G T S U;

after realizing & understanding "Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB," you may be able to do (Opaque %, Transparent %) for each ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface), and good luck in your R&D of (Invisibilities, Invisibility) design model in 2020s & beyond ... ; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

ZCS light-sheets based server, also see: Server;

Using USB based integrated laser to shoot down (enemy, enemies, foe, foes);

(visible, visibility), as opposed to (invisible, invisibilities, invisibility), doko WHERE human beings' naturally (visible, visibility) wavelength range is approx. from 400 nm to 700 nm; Also see: Invisibilities; Invisibility; Optics; v Character;

I wrote: regarding approx variable DEE Patterns, if I like to have (Navy Color lines, Silver Color lines) As Walls, WHAT kind of color should I have at its (roof, top) ZCS of ( 100 Percent Transparency DEE Box) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! Purple Color ZCS at its (roof, top) sir;

I wrote: you must be in ACT3 level now!!! Yes. Correct.

I wrote: 1 more quiz would be: regarding 2+ (Level6) M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks (approx. 2+ weeks to demolish any nation's military), for demolishing incoming unwanted ones (e.g. illegal bullet, illegal drone, illegal missile, illegal rocket, illegal UAV, illegal UFO),  WHICH way of LASER should you use?

well trained kids!! replied: concerning Calendar . Earth . Space . War (M1A1H17Titanium22), Motor Way (LASER) As Walls sir, by the way, it behaves like unbeatable & unbreakable sir;


Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER Base2 Node for Wormhole Way Directional,

Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER for anti-flying-objects At Right,

Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER for anti-flying-objects At Left,

Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER Base3 Node for Wormhole Way Directional

), also see: Physics Law 678, (military App, space App)  ... ;

60 years ( 4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), using Artificial Intelligence ( 103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g. our earth's carbon nano Walls) to figure-out 3-side's handles ... ;

Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming, for avoiding earthquake in the defined region (e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ;

Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, for variable DEE patterns ... ;

Also see: DNA _Origami, for nanobot programming, beyond our earth based biophysics ... ;

Also see: Invisibility, for invisibility engineering in 3,4 dimensional i.e. beyond solar system ... ;

Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts i.e. beyond our solar system e.g. visiting to human beings livable moons ... ;

Also see: Reforming Myanmar, for ethnic tribes' self R&D groups ... ; Remark: based on 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;

Anti-Earthquake Indigo Blue-gray wrapper, n i t o t t e For Anti-Earthquake Engineering;

103x28 dimensional Invisibility, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts ... ;

IFF our earth, ( 60) years (Navy Blue Color) Lunar Orbit, doko WHERE (Aqua Color) is our earth ... ;

21st century & beyond (designed & modeled in 2566: 2022):
21st century & beyond (designed & modeled in 2566: 2022):

a Rakhine American's (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ; Remark: reversed yellowish variations (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering) based, using directional gravity spots, and Invisibility (e.g. fetching light sheets to its surfaces) ... ; world (our earth) 's 1st and the most powerful manmade for Manmade Global Weather ... ; Also see: GPS; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; beyond 10000+ MPH Speed ... ;


invisibility: e.g. day time of our earth, objects in outer space, in our universe, i.e. invisibility, because day time of our earth (blue) shields the vision to objects in outer space; and then, notice that WHAT kind of energy e.g. moon, in the day time of our earth is visible; Moon Wave;

Also see: Invisibilities;

forces of our universe (E M (yellow as core), Gravity (directional gravity, gravity spot), radio (modulation, e.g. DEE modulation, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, X modulation), Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force) invisibility ... ;

Before reading the following contents, please read Chapter 2, Pg. 17, and page 16 with 2, INVISIBILITY, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008;

31, IFF ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) = 17 objects in our universe, not yet in history, invisibility ... ; Invisible, because of distance, because aspect ratio cannot prompt, till year 2555, there is no technological design distance with compression algorithm WHICH means time lines with surfaces must be compressed in order to technological design whole 17 to be in 1 aspect ratio, to fit into 1 aspect ratio to prompt ... ; device ( USB) lights technology is similar to time lines compression by using light rate, but lack of time lines with surfaces, but not yet to be within 1 aspect ratio;

15 , an object e.g. meta material (reflection AND shadow) null, invisibility ... ; Meta material, within a substance, E M waves 26 bend 95, invisible ... ; IFF 15 invisible to radar, e.g. stealth fighter jet by (ceramic + fiber composite + metal component + Teflon) start using GPS with DEE (285 invisible to radar) within 2,3 dimensional space, with multi time lines i.e. ((2*5) or (2*7)) only, and WORMHOLE to protect and to prevent ... ; Pin point 285 invisible to radar within 5 seconds, X positioning the invisible to radar, Y positioning the invisible to radar, ... ;

IFF military (air force, army, navy) space ... , using aspect ratio WHERE (X positioning AND Y positioning) within 2,3 dimensional ... ; AI analyze (285 invisible 26 radar) Synchronization to 2,3 dimensional space, using laser to pin point the object i.e. 285 invisible 26 radar, start reducing time lines' distance to < 24 mm Natural Time; Log data of 15 ...

index of refraction, light bends, ... ; IFF (index 66 refraction 95 1 meta material) AND (light pass around 15 object) 285 invisible ... ;

Meta material, for blue light, also for green light, 2 silver layers with 50 nm thick silicon nitrogen insulator in between; pass the blue light; pass the green light; meta material application begins ... ; negative index of refraction begins ... ; Entering and exiting by laser light, of the blue light, of the green light, bending of the laser lights of meta material might prompt negative index of refraction; THIS technology may lead to Plasmonics Technology, WHICH is one of the Nanotechnologies, so chips use light, the chips no longer use of electricity, 26 process ... ; iroColourWaveForm, also see: Schematic Symbols;

IFF too much of dark a.k.a. DEE, invisibility ... ;

IFF too much of light, invisibility ... ; e.g. cannot see through gravity spot, e.g. cannot see through light source's other side;

Meta material, for red light, with 1 glass sheet, coating of silver, coating of magnesium fluoride, coating of silver, forming 100 nm think fluoride, creating 1 large array of holes by etching, since holes are 100 nm wide i.e. < wavelength of red light, pass the red light, meta material application begins ... ; negative index of refraction begins ... ; Rendering and bending of the red light around an object might prompt invisibility ... ; THIS technology may lead to Photonic Crystal Technology, WHICH is one of the Nanotechnologies, so chips use light, the chips no longer use of electricity, 26 process ... ; iroColourWaveForm;

1st to understand dimensional Shakya, 2nd to understand diff orbits, ... , also see: Swastika;

telepathy (sound waves of brains) capable of controlling minds within distance, ... ; Nama for humanoid; ... ; emotion e.g. (angry, happy, peaceful, sad, ... ) ;

Develop a telepathy center ... ; IFF base on calculator, words, creating pattern, artificial intelligence (dictionary of thoughts) universal translator ... ;

telepathy via radio, universal translator ... ;

( u a v, U A V), also see: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ... ;

variable light, WHERE in plasma windows, IFF photo chromatic (opaque) invisibility of background, within 1 aspect ratio ... ;

5W1H, e.g. kuru kuru WHILE meditating, human beings can know 2, and then 3 becomes invisible ... ; In common, one two steps human can perform ... ; In common, monks recommend focus on 1, while meditating e.g. breath in, breath out; Basically, (anatta) impermanence of mind can then be realized, focus on 1 again and again might be spiritually level up to know 2, and then 3 becomes invisible ... ; 6 senses in Abhidhamma can explain ... ; IFF daily meditating, one can know super spiritual knowledge e.g. foreseeing, knowing without informed, transparent mind, and so on invisibility ... ;

Remark: invisibility engineering, one of the highest technologies in 21st century & beyond; invisible; invisible; System variables (HTTP-EQUIV) : Name (i Oriental) = Value (invisible); System variables (HTTP-EQUIV) : Name (Time . Space) = Value (Invisibility);

Also see: Invisibilities;
