; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 9th (Sunday) : a Character ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 9 : 2 : 2025 : a : A : a Character;     Also see: a Usage;


100%           a*     de*     d i s *     i l *     non*     not     un*     * ;

*     * ;

a      an     ;

a, an, the, a.k.a. articles in English; Radical1, also see: Radicals;

a* ;

A grade; armor; carapace; first class; former; instep; Radical256;

abacus      abacus      abacus ;

abandon; e.g.

abandon; abolish; cessation; discarding; obsolete;

abandon; discard; give up; hurl; invest in; join; launch into; sell at a loss; throw;

abandon ;

abbreviation ; contraction; curtailment; reduction; shortening;

abbreviation      abbreviation ;

ABC (123); ABC1; Radical123, also see: Radicals;

abdomen; abdominal regions; Also see: a G T S U; l G T S U;

Gene Therapy System : (Abdomen (belly), Armpit, Chest, Groin, Neck) doko WHERE 100+ Lymph Nodes ... ;

a b d o m i n o p l a s t y (abdomen), also see: a G T S U;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (l a p a r a.k.a. abdomen)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

abide; abiding; e.g.

abide      abode     abode;

abide: accept (with decision, with rule, with recommendation);

abiding ( j o b u Abiding); deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent; e.g.

ability; capacity; skill; talent; Radical388;

ability ; container; implement; instrument; receptacle; set; tool; utensil; vessel; Radical317;

ability; power; proficiency; strength; Radical23;

two (2) is very very unique in many ways e.g. (Able, Disable), (abnormal, normal), (acceptable %, unacceptable %), (approved, NOT approved), (assemble, disassemble), (Bad, Good), (begin, end), (Bias, Neutral), (cheap, expensive), (clinically proven, clinically NOT proven), (close, open), (constant, variable), (Constructive, Destructive), (Core, Shell), (countable, uncountable), (day, night), (DEE, lights), (defined, undefined), (Dead, Live), (Directional, Heuristic), (do, don't), (down, up), (echo readable, echo unreadable), (expected, unexpected), (Explicitly, Implicitly), (FALSE, TRUE), (Female, Male), (first, last), (focused, un-focus), (foe, friend), (Hard, Soft), (hardware, software), (healthy, unhealthy), (High, Low), (Hyper, Hypo), (Illegal, Legal), (increasing, reducing), (inner, outer), (invisible, visible), (inward, outward), (interior, exterior), (joining to be together, splitting to be apart), (known, unknown), (Left, Right), (light-weight, heavy-weight), (local, remote), (lock, unlock), (Long, Short), (Manmade Global Weather, natural global weather), (marked, unmarked), (matched, mismatched), (Minus, Plus), (mono, stereo), (Negative, Positive), (no, yes), (non-standard, standard), (nothing, something), (Old, Young), (one way, many ways), (Opaque, Transparency), (project-able, un-project-able), (receive, send), (safe, unsafe), (seen, unseen), (setting, unsetting), (SQRT2, SQRT3), (wire, Wireless), (with metta, without metta), (within limit, without limit), (Wrapped, Unwrapped), (zoom-in, zoom-out), ... , also see: jinko chino Artificial Intelligence;

ablation; Also see: a G T S U;

abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; e.g.

abnormal, as opposed to normal; abnormal (alarm, alert, notice, warning) ... ; abnormal is either hyper or hypo;

Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic disorders (491694591) : abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; disorders;

Also see: ..\..\..\ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ x y Abnormalities \ x y Abnormalities ;

to be normal from abnormal, also see: Recovery;

abandon; abolish; cessation; discarding; obsolete;

about; e.g.

about ; ;

about; crown; grade; rank; some; throne;


About; Time; Toward;

concerned about; concerned about; concerned about;

above; one-time; Radical496;

above ;

above, as opposed to below;

abrupt; Radical839;

absolute  ; ;

absolute;     absolute s u n y a t a;

1st to understand body as k ā y a; also see: 2 objects to be aware of; 3 bodies of Buddha;

2nd to understand Nishida's anatta / emptiness / nothingness /     ;

3rd to realize anatta dhamma     ;

( absolve, answer, minute, solve, understanding);

 Remark: Absorptiometry (imbibe + obtain + measure + determine + law), regarding Kanji characters;

kyushusokuteiho Absorptiometry . Absorptiometry; Also see: b G T S U; CT;

absorption ;

abundant; e.g.

abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;

kan Abysmal; also see: Swastika;

*ac ;

AC , Alternating Current ;

Alternative Current ( AC);

() in Hiragana: Master's degree (i.e. academic degree); Radical380;

accent      accent ;

accept; Radical751;

accept; comply; get; have; take; Radical417;

acceptable; fair; passable; tolerable; Radical328;

to pass (to be accepted, to be approved);
to pass through; Radical711;

access       accession ;

( Accessibility, Accessibility, Accessibility, Accessibility) .  .  . ; Also see: a Computer;

(being able to reach quality (Quality means graphics!!!!! i.e. WHAT a "Tarzan" way of understanding Computers), ease of getting around, convenience of access (ACCESS is one of the RDBMS, doko WHERE (( x (a.k.a. rows in RDBMS)) + ( y (a.k.a. attributes in RDBMS))) are 2D pointers), quality of being easy to obtain), i.e. Accessibility .  .  . ; You should have your own factors ... in Z-Index ... ; Remember: worldwide, don't mess your boss (Germany, Japan, USA) in our earth, and if you like to challenge, then start with Anti-Earthquake programming, Nanobot Programming, Satellite based long range LASER (Rainbow Method), ... ;

accident      accident      accident ;

accompany (assistant);

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

accordingly; from; whereupon; Radical36;

account book ; album; notebook; also see: Numerological2;

account book; album; notebook; Radical345;

account book; ledger; register;

Account Book (Also see: 5aComputer); Accounting Book (Also see: 8aComputer);

account name ;

Account     Narrative     Scribe;

(( Radical1002), ( Radical294), ( Radical355), ( Radical432)); accountable, accountable, accountable, (of an institution, of an organization, of a person), doing (appointed, dutiful, entrusted, responsible, terms) to be justify ACTION ... ;

accuracy      accuracy ;

accurate; correct; legal; proper; right; righteous; Radical567;

acidity of aqueous (pH < 7) i.e. Acid; Radical493;

Remark: (25 °C) Water is neutral at pH 7; IFF (pH > 7) base, b a s i c i t y of aqueous;

a c o u s; acoustic; acoustical; acoustically; acoustics; e.g.

acoustics ; ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (a c o u s a.k.a. hearing)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

acronym      acronym ;

act; acted; acting; action; ACTION; actions; e.g.

act; carry out; conduct; Radical176;

 .  .  . ( action, ACTION, Action, action action) .  .  . ;

IFF (inhibit, inhibiting, inhibitor) Action against pathogen, i.e. medicine; Also see: COVID-19;

IFF suffix : action; activity; Radical396;

IFF suffix: action of doing something; Radical661;

Oriental concept e.g. Time . Space . Action;

ZCS ( layers) computing : (background layer, forefront layer) And Then, in addition : layers between the background layer and forefront layer are a.k.a. ACTION layers ... , and, in common, structural blocks (e.g. 3 memristor s, iro LED) based; Remark: genuinely OEM SONY has started ACTION in its GPS system, approx. since 2009; this DOMAIN developer copied & developed "ACTION=INDEX HTML" inside of this DOMAIN system 's FILE attrib +a +s autorun.INF ; "ACTION=INDEX HTML" ;

self activation (i.e. without service call); United States of America Cable Internet Services (DOC S IS 3.0, DOC S IS 2.0) i.e. cable labs certified ( device) service calls;

active; active;     active      active      active ;

activist ;

activity      activity      also see: karma;

actual; at the present; existing; Radical795;

adapter      adapter ;

add      add      add ;

add up ; ;

addition ; ;

address; addressed; addressee; addresser; addressers; addresses; address in Chinese language; e.g.

address in Chinese language ... ;      
address in Japanese language ... ;      

address; consign; direct; dispatch; forward; mail; post; Radical767;

a person WHO ((addresses, addressed), (send, sent), (ship, shipped), (gave speech, gives speech)), a.k.a. addresser;

a person WHOM is addressed i.e. addressee;

address      address      address      address ;

address     address     address     Address, also see: Address;

eight groups of 16 bit each, i.e. IPv6 address ... ;
e.g. local (10) group, remote (100) group, global (1000) group, universal (10000) group, ... , ... ;

Query, a question, especially ( 1, One, One) Address, addressed, addresses, addressing, ... ; Also see: q Character;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

be sufficient (adequate, enough); Radical190;

adhere; adhesion; adhesive; e.g.

adhere     adhere     adhere;

m i t c h a k u s e i Adhesion, also see: Basic Understand For Idea Processing; Physics Law 145; adhesion e.g. (Action, process) of adhering to (object, surface, ZCS) ... ;

adjective; (i) adjective; Radical537;

adjective : ... ; * b l e ; * c a l ; * t i v e ;
also see , noun ; verb ;      
* f u l ;                

adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;

adjoin; e.g.

adjoin; contact; piece together; touch;

( adjoin, closely touch, to graft onto a tree, to join a contact, to piece together, to set bones) ... ;

adjust; adjustable; adjusted; adjusted; adjusting; e.g.

adjusted; alike; equal; Radical211;

choseichu Adjusting;

administration   ;

Admiral; and again; Commander; from now on; General; just about; Leader; or; Soon;

admiral; leader; Radical344;

admit; install; pull; quote; refer to; Radical815;

adolescent & children care, adult medicine, ambulatory, also see: MD;

a d r e n a; adrenal; e.g.

Adrenal gland (kidney); Also see: g G T S U;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (a d r e n a a.k.a. adrenal)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

adulthood ;

advance; proceed; progress; promote; Radical796;

advance      advanced      advance ;

advance ; A y u (female name); progress; walking;

advantage ; benefit; profit;  Also see: Numerological7;

advantage ;

advice ;

advocate      advocate ;

aero; Aero; aero* ; e.g.

aero     aero     aero;

aero      aero ; aeronautical a.k.a. aero; aeronautics a.k.a. aero; aerodynamic a.k.a. aero;

Also see: International Domains (e.g. .aero) ... ;

aesthetics ;

affair ;

affinity      affinity      affinity      affinity ;

affirm; Radical751;

affirmation      affirmation ;

y a s u i Afford; Radical499;

afford ;

Africa; African; Africans; e.g.

Africa     Africa     Africa;     Africa    Africa ;     continent ;

Africa; corner; fawn; flatter; nook; recess; upon; Radical1003;

African American people safe the United States of America, e.g. Cloud computing with Keywords ... ;

Location Awareness Response ( Africa), Anti Virus (Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)) ... ;

after      after      after ;

after that ;      after that;

after, as opposed to before;

again; e.g.

act or process of becoming healthy ones again ... ; Idea Processor (level) instance of recovering ones again ... ; process of return to be normal state ones again ... ; to be normal from abnormal; Also see: Recovery;

again     again ; ;

again     again     again;

again; second time; twice; Radical591;

IFF conjunction: again; and; from now on; just about; or; soon; Radical344;

against; e.g.

against; against; against; nitaishite Against; e.g. Physics Law 169, immunological ... is against (known, unknown) pathogen;

("for"), as opposed to ("against");

2564; 2020; our earth; ware ware We're at war against COVID-19 virus pandemic;

antagonistic toward; anti; averse to (hostile to); counter (contrary to); in defiance of; in disagreement with; inimical to; in opposition to; opposed to; resistant to (at odds with); unsympathetic to; versus (in contrast with);

age; aged; ages; aging; e.g.

age; generation; society; world; Radical148;

age      age ;

c h u s e i Medieval, relating to "Middle Ages" ... ;

geological age (term); Radical919;

agencies; agency; agent; agents; e.g.

agency ; agent ; deputy; proxy; representing; substitute;

agency      agent ;

agency, a.k.a. governmental office;

agenda ; program; program m e; schedule;

aggregate      aggregate ;

agility      agility      agility ;

(former, previous) a.k.a. ago; Radical496;

( Agonist, Agonist, Agonist), also see: a G T S U;

agree; agreeable; agreed; agreement; agreements; agree upon; e.g.

agreeable; nice; pleasant; Radical735;

agreement ;

agreement; Radical751;

agree upon; appoint; decide; fix; Radical696;

agriculture; agricultural; e.g.

agricultural community; farm village; rural;

agriculture; farming; Radical619;

ahead; e.g.

ahead ;

ahead; before; future; precedence; previous; Radical498;

ahead of time  ; ;


; ;

(AAI, AI, AIA) e.g.

AAI (Advanced Artificial Intelligence) ... ;
AI (Artificial Intelligence) ... ;
AIA (Artificial Intelligence Application) ... ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ... ;

zahyo Coordinate ... ;

aim aim a.k.a. goal;

a i n ' t; nil; none; not; nothing; nothingness; Radical244, also see: Radicals;

air; e.g.

air ; ; a.k.a. ((( Gas, Gas, Gas))) ;

Air, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;

( airborne, airborne, airborne) e.g. Airborne Anti Virus;

Air _ Negative : think that DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space (a.k.a. ACT3 level space), maroon (brownish red) color is limitation and its mouth to be capturing greenish (yellowish variation), so called Air _ Negative, esp. designed for interior living environment of imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; Remark: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

( distant place, in the air, sky, state of mind, the heavens, weather) ... ;

(reducing, removing) destructive enlargement of air spaces, also see: c G T S U;

using Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway traffic, commuting traffic, fluid flow traffic, gas traffic, manufacturing logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic, public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow traffic, R F C protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic, waterway traffic, ... ) ... ;

a k a     a.k.a.     also known as ;

akin; early; tantamount; Radical887;

*al ;

alarm ;

account book; album ; notebook; also see: Numerological2;

account book; album; notebook; Radical345;

Gene Therapy System (serum albumin) also see: 6gComputer;

( alchemy, alchemy, alchemy, alchemy) ... ;

alchemy ; enchantment; magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry;

alcohol content in percentage (alcohol by volume); Radical653;

alcohol ;

alert; Alert; e.g.

  alarm s will break through e.g.
Amber Alert ; i.e. 15x15 dimensional ... ;  
Amber Alert ; i.e. 15x15 dimensional ... ;  
Emergency Alert ; Also see: phone;  
Emergency Alert ;  
Gold Alert ; i.e. 48x48 dimensional ... ;  
Gold Alert ; i.e. 48x48 dimensional ... ;  


I F F earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
I F F earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

I F F tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
I F F tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

algae and plankton; Also see: DNA _Origami; Water;

relational algebra, also see: director; manager;

* a l g i a ;

alias      alias      alias ;

alike; equal; similar; Radical251, also see: Radicals;

alike is adverb usage; IFF verb usage, also see: like;

alike ;

((alike, all, and), (neither, with)); Radical628;

alive; e.g.

alive      alive ;

(alive, being in samsara (life-after-life), i k i t e i r u, life, live, lives, living), also see: PHYSICS (law fifty six) ... ;

seizen Alive ( WHILE alive, during one's lifetime) .  .  . ; Also see: a Character; d Character; l Character; Time;

all; e.g.

((alike, all, and), (neither, with)); Radical628;


all      all      all       all      all ;

( , ) : all; complete; entire; overall; whole;

all; complete; entire; fulfill; whole; Radical399;

( all, everybody, everybody, everyone) ... ;

all is vanity ; ;

all members;     all + member ;

( All Purpose Water Elevator Top, All Purpose Water Elevator Left, All Purpose Water Elevator Down, All Purpose Water Elevator Right) ... , also see: Directions; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Water; Water Clock;

all right; Radical751;

all right ; ;

all the more; increasingly; more and more; Radical1004;

I F F prefix, (omni*, pan*, t o t i *) i.e. all;

Label All, also see: hospital;

allocation      allocation ;

Allosteric; e.g.

( Allosteric, Allosteric, Allosteric, Allosteric) e.g. biophysical kinetic, intermolecular bindings, ligands, shapes (a.k.a. conformational transitions), structural relationship, ... ; Remark: Greek word: a l l o s = other; s t e r e o s = object; Also see: a Character; Schematic Lipid; 7pComputer; Protein;

allot; allotted; allotting; e.g.

allot; fill; Radical886;

allow; allowed; allowing; e.g.

allow      allow      allow ;



kyokasuru Allow;

( kyokasuru Allow OR kyohi Deny) ... ; Also see: a Character; d Character; k Usage;

alloy; blend; combine; fuse; meld ( y u k a i Melding); merge; mesh;

along      alongside ;

alpha; alphabet; alphabetic; e.g.

1st Sanskrit alphabet; 1st Sanskrit letter; Radical1003;

alphabetic ;

alpha i.e. Α, α;

a r u f a b e t t o Alphabet; ( alphabet, alphabet, alphabet) ... ;

already; e.g.

already      already ;

already; by this time; now; Radical817;

also; furthermore; moreover; Radical261;

also ;

alter ; change; check; correct; examine; improve; inspect; mend; reform; replace; revise;


altitude; Altitude; e.g.

(( Altitude), ( Elevation), ( Height), ( k o d o Altitude), ( k o d o Elevation), ( k o d o Height)) ... ;

the distance to the sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;
the height of an object relates to the sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;
the point in relation to the defined sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;

Also see: Automotive; kadosei Mobility; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;


always; e.g.

always ; ;

always on; committed to the future; for a new day;

am; Am; AM; e.g.

a m   ;

A.M. a.k.a. AM (i.e. from midnight to noon); P.M. a.k.a. PM (i.e. from noon to midnight); our earth; IFF Latin, (ante m e r i d i e m (am), post m e r i d i e m (pm)); (AM, PM);

AM, Amplitude Modulation; PM, Phase Modulation; Also see: radio;

am; are; is; ;

am      is      are      was      were ;

am not ;

am not; are not; is not; ; ;

are not ;     

is not ;

was not ;

were not ;

a m a e b i, also see: Sushi;

amazing      amazing ;

amazing strength ; ;

ambassador ;

IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

a m b i * ;

ambiguity; e.g.

( ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity), quality of being open (> 1 interpretation) e.g. lexical ambiguity; Also see: a Character; Parameter; TRANSLATOR;

ambition ;

n a k a Amid;

A m i t a b h a;

among; amongst; e.g.

among; amongst; between; while; Radical512;

among ;

n o n a k a d e Among; n o n a k a d e In;

amorphous; e.g.

Amorphous (indeterminate form, non-crystalline solid in condensed matter physics, shapeless) ... ; amorphous carbon; amorphous glass; amorphous metal; amorphous semiconductor; amorphous silicon; amorphous solar cell;

amount; e.g.

amount; amount of money ; ;

amount; amount of money; number; volume; Radical225, also see: Radicals;

amount; amount; quantity; volume; Radical831;

amount; degree; distance; extent; formula; Radical625;

amount of precipitation;

amuse ;

an* ;

analog; analogs; e.g.

analog      analog  ;

e.g. analog pixel = R U G U B = number : number : number = pixel {Hex, Hex, Hex} ;

Zoom, also see: PHYSICS, law 126, Zoom ((Analog, Digital), (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out)) ... ;

analogy; analogical; e.g.

( analogical, analogical, analogical, analogical) ... ;

( Analogy, Analogy, Analogy, Analogy), comparison between 2 (items, objects, parts, things) ... ;

analysis ; ;     analysis ;

anatomic ;

anchor  ; ;

ancient; e.g.

6 oz Ancient Measurement ; Also see: measure;

ancient      ancientness , a.k.a. long ago;

ancient laws; orders; Radical1010;

and; e.g.

((alike, all, and), (neither, with)); Radical628;

and     and      AND ;

and; as well as;

and; moreover; yet; Radical261;

IFF conjunction: again; and; from now on; just about; or; soon; Radical344;

and ;

And Then ;     And Then ;     And Then ;     and then  ;      and then  ;     and then      and then ;

Android      android      android     ANDROID (OS) Operating System ... ;

anger ;

a n g i; angiogram; e.g.

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (a n g i a.k.a. vessel)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

angle; angled; angling; angles; e.g.

45 i.e. forty five e.g. 45 degree (angle) toward 1 way DEE (e.g. ecliptic line), also see: PHYSICS, law eighty ... ;

angle      angle ;  ;     angle ;

angle degree, scale, temperature degree, ... ; Radical653;

point of view, i.e. angle; Radical181, also see: Radicals;

a n h e l a t i o n; Also see: a G T S U;

t a m a s h i Anima; t a m a s h i Apparition; t a m a s h i Ghost; t a m a s h i Shadow; t a m a s h i Soul; t a m a s h i Spirit;


e.g. Radical30 (wild goose);

e.g. Radical114 (cattle; cow; ox; oxen);

e.g. Radical115 (dog);

e.g. Radical159 (sheep);

e.g. Radical174 (bug; insect; cricket; moth; worm);

e.g. Radical185 (hog, pig);

e.g. Radical186 (badger; clawed dog; snake); snake, one of the zodiac signs;

e.g. Radical204 (bird, old bird);

e.g. Radical210 (IFF zodiac symbol, also see: rabbit);

e.g. Radical223 (horse);

e.g. Radical233 (fish);

e.g. Radical234 (bird, chicken);

e.g. Radical236 (deer);

e.g. Radical238 (tortoise, turtle);

e.g. Radical246 (green frog);

e.g. Radical255 (Monkey zodiac sign);

e.g. Radical266 (sign of snake; serpent);

e.g. Radical828 (Goat (zodiac); sign of the Ram);

www.google.com translator 's writing style ( elephant);
www.jisho.org 's writing style ( elephant);

animation; anime; Anime; e.g.

( Anime     anime       anime), a.k.a. animation      animation ;

beyond USB, i.e. ( Aqua Gray Type-C, Aqua Navy Type-C, Aqua Silver Type-C, Gray Aqua Type-C, Navy Aqua Type-C, Silver Aqua Type-C) e.g. ("123ms anime speed"), also see: 23 second NFC IoT system Idea Processor ... ;

announce; Radical892;

announce ;

annual; annually; e.g.

annual     annual;

n e n j i Annual a.k.a. yearly; once every year (annually);

another; extra; particular; separate; Radical494;

( t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous) i.e. unknown name, unknown ones, ... ;

another     another ;

Also see: and then;

answer; answered; answering; e.g.

( absolve, answer, minute, solve, understanding);

answer; Radical751;

answer; reply; response; solution; Radical789;

answer ; solution;

ante* ;

antenna      antenna      antenna ;

(anterior a.k.a. ventral, posterior a.k.a. dorsal), also see: a G T S U; p G T S U;

(toward the back (posterior)), as opposed to (toward the front (anterior));

toward the front ( z e n b u Anterior), also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;

anti; anti* ; e.g.

Anti- ; Anti- ; Anti- ;     anti*     * ;     anti* ;

Antiviral Antibody     Antiviral Antibody     Antiviral Antibody; Also see: aGTSU; Anti Virus; Physics Law 169;

immunological antibodies for each unwanted virus, using 1080 nm, also see: Gene Therapy System; PHYSICS;

( ANTIGEN, ANTIGEN), also see: a G T S U; g G T S U; m G T S U; Physics Law 169;

Anti Inflammatory, as opposed to inflammation;

antithesis; couple; pair; set; Radical991;

Anti- ; Radical529;

Antiviral     Antiviral     Antiviral;

Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;

Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;

Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;

Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;

Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;

Anti Virus;     anti-virus ;

hanjishin Anti-earthquake;

hankazanfunka Anti-volcanic eruption;

kotai Antibody ((blood protein counteracts to specific antigen), (blood protein responses to specific antigen)) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 145;

opposite; IFF prefix: anti* ; Radical991;

WHILE (production of antibodies), WHICH k o g e n Antigen (foreign substance, toxin), inducing I m m u n o h i s t o c h e m i c a l response; Also see: Physics Law 144;

doko WHERE therapeutic Immune Cells, using (((({11,11,11} a.k.a. Black) with (Maroon a.k.a. Dark Red)) for hydrogen), ((({E3,E3,E3} a.k.a. Silver) with ({11,11,11} a.k.a. Black)) for nitrogen), (((Green, including Aqua) with White) for oxygen)) to (Def, define, defined, defining) antibodies (defined unwanted virus); antibody (defined unwanted virus); Antigen _to _be _Anti Virus ;

antlers; Radical181, also see: Radicals;

anus (genitalia, GI, rectum); Also see: a G T S U; g G T S U; r G T S U;

anxiety  ; ;

any; e.g.

any     any     any      any one ;

any (component, device, item, object, part, thing) WHICH ;

any moving location of point, also see: PHYSICS law 113 ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (a o r t a.k.a. aorta)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 113, e.g. for chiryoyaku Therapeutic (aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm) if abnormal (aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm) exist ;

apartment; cellar; chamber; greenhouse; room; Radical966;

aperture; e.g.

aperture; cave; den; hole; slit; Radical145;

aperture (e.g. camera) beginning to speak, opening 1's mouth, ... ;

s h i b o r i Aperture ( aperture, aperture, aperture), also see: Optics;

apex; Apex; e.g.

apex      apex ;

Apex; Crest; Elevation; Peak; Vertex; Zenith;

sleep apnea; Also see: a G T S U;

apostrophe; e.g.

apostrophe ( 's )     * 's     * s'      * s' ; possessive article; Radical36;

(by herself, by his self, by myself, by their selves, by themselves, her, his, its, itself, their, their selves) i.e. without apostrophe (possessive) ... ;

* s' ;

t a m a s h i Anima; t a m a s h i Apparition; t a m a s h i Ghost; t a m a s h i Shadow; t a m a s h i Soul; t a m a s h i Spirit;

app; application; applications; apps; e.g.

App      i.e. (computer) application      App ; application ;


application form ; ;


ASN, Application Service Node; Also see: IoT; resource;

embedded; Radical693 (application) ... ;

appearance; e.g.

air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;

appearance ; ;

appearance; complexion; look; Radical172;

appearance; figure; form; shape; Radical793;

appearance; form; shape; state; style; way; Radical537;

append; appending; e.g.

append ; ;

append     append     append;

a p p e t i s i n g      appetizing ; ;

apple      apple      apple      apple ;

appliance      appliance ;

apply; Radical751;

apply  ; ;

appoint; e.g.

agree upon; appoint; decide; fix; Radical696;

appoint; duty; entrust; responsibility; term; Also see: Radical432;

approach ; line of action; policy; position; principle;

appropriate ; ;

approval  ; ;

to pass (to be accepted, to be approved);
to pass through; Radical711;

approx. ; Radical761;

April = 4 ;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

A Q I, Air Quality Index; Also see: 9aComputer; Manmade Global Weather; Weather;

Aqua; e.g.

64 Aqua Cells; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;

aqua      aqua      a.k.a. āpo; liquid; water; IFF color, aqua a.k.a. bluish green, aqua a.k.a. cyan, aqua a.k.a. light blue;

diode Aqua, also see: iro LED;

* a r ;


A r a k a n a.k.a. Rakhine, Buddhist people, Rakhine State is the western coastal of Union of Myanmar, and Rakhine have lived in the Bay of Bangle area, for thousands of years ... ; Some Union of Myanmar's government employees settle in Rakhine State, since 20th century; Some Rakhine have settled in Yangon (Dagon, a.k.a. Rangoon, a.k.a. Yangon, ... originally Mon ethnic tribes belong to Dagon a.k.a. Rangoon a.k.a. Yangon, ... );

Remark: if you're a Mon ethnic tribe, you decide in rekishi History i.e. "B a m a" military means whether constructive or destructive; if you're ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar (Burma), I would say we've civilization gap problems; for adjusting civilization gap problems, we ethnic tribes should be sent to human beings livable moons for educational trainings, language trainings, technical trainings, well manner trainings, ... ; this DOMAIN developer still doesn't know WHO designed & modeled

each ( , ) character alike Gravity Tower, on each human beings livable moon in our universes;

by year 2025, this DOMAIN developer is still working on HOW to solve Body Length Index (BLI) abnormal formations on human beings livable moons, and still doesn't have a New Formulary medicine HOW ... ; in our earth, the most technical challenge would be (Anti-Earthquake (big band), Nanobot Programming (small band)) design model ... ;

arc; Arc; Arch; e.g.

(( Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc), ( Arch, Arch, Arch, Arch), ( Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow)) ... ;

1 Arc minute; Also see: Constellations; Time; arc min or Symbol ('), 1° angular measurement ("of a turn"), therefore 60° Arc seconds can be considered as 1 Arc minute; in Degrees, 1/60° is 0.016°; angular measurement of degrees (e.g. Number Arc minute, Number Arc second) lead to Circumference; regarding circumference (e.g. /2, , 2), measurements in Radians ("unit of angle") can also be considered as ( Pi / 10800) is approx. 0.000290888 (rad, Radians) e.g. 1 Arc minute As Distance; Remember: 108/16 is 27/4, and 27/4 is 6.75; Also see: Distance;

arc ; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 261, arc defines gravity spot's sizes ... ;

archery bow; bow for violin; Radical66;

world's 1st Artificial Intelligence Arch, also see: this DOMAIN (since September 6, 2024) ... ;

archaism (very old, old fashioned, old style) usage;

archetypal ; ;


are      are on      is on ;

area; e.g.

area;     area;     area      area      area      area      area ;

area ; domain; field; regime; region; r y o i k i; territory;

area; environment; region; space; spot; Radical957;

area unit, approx. 654 meter by 654 meter; Radical197;

IFF 3 gravity pressure area (refer to each surface) , Gravity Pressure Share Radical, also see: Radicals;

www.google.com translator's writing style: area;
www.jisho.org online dictionary 's writing style: area;

areola; Also see: b G T S U;

argument; Radical811;

argument; discourse; Radical301;

arise      arose     arisen ;

arise ;


arm; hand; Radical86;

arm; weapon; Radical84;

arms; halberd; Radical139;

A grade; armor; carapace; first class; former; instep; Radical256;

army ; ;     army ; ;

aroma; fragrance; odor; perfume; redolence; savor; smell; ... ;

chen Arousing; also see: Swastika;

arrangement; justice; truth; Radical598;

arrange ; ;     arrangements ; ;

arrive; attain; climax; proceed; reach; result in; Radical167;

arrow ;

arrow; Radical140;

arrows, also see: AI FONT;

art; e.g.

art      art  ;     art  ;     art  ;     art      art ;

art; decoration; figures; literacy radical; literature; plan; sentence; style; Radical89;

art; Radical298; art; magic; means; resource; skill; technique; trick;

article; articles; e.g.

article      article      article ; ;     articles ; ;

article; clause; item; Radical925;

article; goods; Radical222;

article; object; stuff; substance; thing;

counter for articles; individual; Radical588;

artificial intelligence e.g.

artificial intelligence ; artificial intelligence; jinko chino;

Artificial Intelligence;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ;

artisan ; ;

artist      artist ;

* a r y ;

t o s h i t e As ("as" is one of the conjunctions in English); As ;

Remark: "fan boy" is easy to remember e.g. (for, as, nevertheless, but, otherwise, yet);

as a result ; ;

as if; better; equal; such as; Radical392;

as is; safe; unaffected; Radical321;

as it is; Radical129;

as much as possible; Radical566;

ascend ;  ;    ascend ;

also see: descend ;

ascetic ;

ASCII; e.g.


(ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 5;

this DOMAIN 's suggestion: to survive in 21st century & beyond, all ASEAN citizens must believe in Buddha & Buddhism, therefore, hurry-up and have Buddha statue, And Then, have blessing of Buddha and good deities; e.g. invisibility deployment: remote nama reading via humanoids' reports to survive in 21st century, and beyond ... ; e.g. sharing human beings livable moons' resources ... ;

ASEAN     (www . a s e a n .org)     i.e. ASEAN ;

ASEAN nations should encourage & promote China's 50000+ Satellites Program to map our earth ... ; Remark: I like to (encourage, promote, prove, support) : Eastern Civilization is more powerful than Western Civilization, in 21st century & beyond;

10/2019 /2563, VIN FAST, the 1st Vietnamese Automotive, ... , also see: Automotive;

as of 2018/2562, Vietnam has successfully launched 4 satellites; June 8, 2018 NHK news;

since 2016, Vietnam people have started Japanese language learning officially in its education system;

since 2015, Union of Myanmar has been reforming into democratic way; Also see: Reforming Myanmar; all ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar must learn NIPPON language;

water e.g. in our earth, less than twenty (<20) nations have nationwide tap water (drinking water) supply system installed as of 2018/2562;

Asia; Radical383;

Asia      Asia      Asia ; Also see: continent ;

2021 October 17, China launched world fastest, highest precision, longest range, "Made in China" missiles (military power) demonstration ... ; >5 Mach speed missiles cannot be intercepted by air-to-air missile interceptors; I'm very proud of China's military missiles launched (military power demonstration), world's the fastest speed (approx. 4000 miles per hour speed), (approx. 6180 kilometer per hour speed), the highest precision guided technology, the longest distance range, ... ; therefore, Eastern Civilization is more powerful than Western Civilization since 10/17/2021; Western peoples may not like this news; Eastern peoples will be proud of China; Also see: a Character; cCharacterExtension1; m Character; Reforming Myanmar;

ASIA is the most powerful as of 21st century & beyond;
power of civilization is presented by military bases; Also see: military;
the most powerful (e.g. Manmade Global Weather);
the most powerful (e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS);
ware ware We don't need rebels, and we'll kill all rebellious persons in ASIA ;

Asian; if you're Asian Americans, try to be in West Coast, closer to Pacific Ocean, because in 20th century, USA tested nuclear testing (s) only in Pacific Ocean, and in 21st century & beyond WHEN Asians become the most powerful human beings, Atlantic Ocean might be for testing (s) also, therefore, if you're Asians, try to be in West Coast, closer to Pacific Ocean, USA;

Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ((hole, string ) are coexistence (e.g. YIN and YANG) and 2 is very very unique in many ways) ... ;

Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;

Asian People e.g. , , , ware ware We must be in the USA, United States of America, in our 1st life, 2nd life, 3rd life, ... , because USA has many military bases in Asia (as of 2564 in Buddha sasana calendar, as of 2020 in Gregorian calendar), and we must rewrite our earth's history, good examples would be : Gene Therapy System; Manmade Global Weather; PHYSICS; ... ;

2560; 2016 September 22, NHK news; NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan) will protect all immunological viral cases in Asia;

this DOMAIN developer's self remark: PMD (Protein Mutant Database) has been solved already; no mutation means easy to pinpoint and accomplish treatment (Tx) for each immunological viral case; therefore, if NOT able to cure (in common, caused by mutation) virus, Asia nations should contact to NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan); HOW to do immunological development? 1st, collect mutation data e.g. PMD (Protein Mutant Database); 2nd, be able to pinpoint mutation patterns; 3rd, able to define mutation pattern means easy to accomplish treatment (Tx); easy to say & write as web page, but in reality, very difficult to accomplish because virus must be matched by P M D 's pattern (for each database's dataset's record (row (fields)) as pattern), and then prescription (Rx) in massive production must match supply-and-demand in JIT (Just In Time) system by air freights; therefore, if NOT able to cure (due to virus, e.g. after diagnosis (Dx) prompts THAT fever cannot be reduced, e.g. after diagnosis (Dx) prompts THAT symptom resists to treatment (Tx), ... ), Asia nations should contact to NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan); gravitational flights from human beings livable moons' villagers are very very smart, and ready to save & safe our earth's humanity problems (e.g. immunological viral cases) ... ; Asia is very important, because (1.2+B Chinese, 1.2+B Indian, ... ) live ... ; Antigen _to _be _Anti Virus ;

ask; Ask; e.g.

Also see: 5W1H, e.g. "counter for questions" ... ;

ask ; ;     ask       ask ; ;

ask for ;

ask ;

ass; buttocks; Radical145;

assemble; assembler; assembly; e.g.

assemble; association; braid; construct; cooperate; grapple; plait; unite; Radical366;

assembler      assembler      assembler      assembler ;

Assembly Assembly;     assembly      assembly      assembly ;

assets ; ;

assist; help; Radical358;

assistance     assistance ; ;

assistant (supplement);

associate; associated; associating; association; associations; e.g.

assemble; association; braid; construct; cooperate; grapple; plait; unite; Radical366;

associate ; association (meeting) ;

be associated with ; be limited to; factor;

to associate with; to join; to mix with; Radical111;

assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;

asteroid belt; conduction band; valence band; Radical629;

*asthenia ;

Gene Therapy System ( therapeutic Asthma) ... ;

( Asthma, disease of the bowels), also see: a G T S U; b G T S U;

at; e.g.

actual; at the present; existing; Radical795;

at boot time ;

at last      y a t t o At Last ;

at present ;

at that time ;

at the present; ; ; ; ; this DOMAIN, using Idea Processor, ... ;

de HIRAGANA ; at ;

@ (i.e. At, if symbol); IFF in Katakana : at; Also see: Pi;

n i HIRAGANA preposition : at ; at ; at ; (at , in , into , on , to , upon );

( atmosphere of a gathering, company, party) ... ;

atom a.k.a. particle ;


attach; attachable; attached; attaching; attachment; e.g.

attach     attach     attach;

attach      attachment ;

attached to; furnished with; included with; Radical975;

IFF (without medicine, without vaccine), do NOT attach (biogenetic engineered, biological, biomedical, pathological) virus to human beings' protein (P) ; Remark: we're NOT in a war, no need to create (biogenetic, biological, biomedical, pathological) weapon;

arrive; attain; climax; proceed; reach; result in; Radical167;

attempt; ordeal; Radical765;

attendant ; Radical179, also see: Radicals;

attention; desire; feeling; idea; sense; thought; wish;

attention ; ;

attitude; consider; degrees; times; Radical653;

attorney      attorney ;

attract      attraction ; ;

audacious; drawing; extraordinary; map; plan; Radical714;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (a u d i a.k.a. hearing)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

audio; Audio; e.g.

Also see: Audio;

audio  ;     audio ;

Audio     Audio     Audio;

(White Color, Red Color) for Audio, and (Yellow Color) for Video, also see: Physics Law 140, ... ;

8 August ;

aunt  ; ;

(North Pole aurora, South Pole aurora), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

authentication      authentication ;

author ;

authority; connoisseur; Radical711;

authority      authority  ; ;

auto; automatic; automatically; e.g.

  auto adjust a.k.a. automatic adjustment ;

Auto     Auto     Auto     auto      AUTO      auto;

Auto Grow; IFF (our earth), bio cell ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Physics Law 131;


automatic      automatic      automatic;

automatic date AND time; using network provided time;

automatic time zone; using network provided time zone;

in computing (garbage collection (GC)) : automatic process of freeing-up space, by removing (no-longer required data, not-in-use data) computer's memory; Radical956;

j i d o Automatic     j i d o Automatic     j i d o Automatic; Also see: j Usage; Physics Law 131;

automotive; automotives; e.g.

automotive      automotive      AUTOMOTIVE      AUTOMOTIVE ;

automotive; car; vehicle; Radical855;

j i d o s h a Automotive     j i d o s h a Automotive     j i d o s h a Automotive;

autonomy ;

available      available      available in service;

avenue; commute; pass through; traffic; Radical711;

average; e.g.

average     average      average ;

average; level; Radical414;

code; quote; average; Also see: Radical880; Radical883; Radical881; Radical882;

aversion ;

to avert; to ward off; Radical981;

aviation      aviation      aviation      aviation ;

avoid; avoided; avoiding; e.g.

avoid; avoided; avoiding; Radical981;

avoiding bad gene patterns; avoiding bad ones; avoiding bad weather conditions; avoiding category 4+ storm; avoiding earthquake; avoiding tsunami; avoiding volcanic eruption;

HOW to avoid earthquakes, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 273, HOW to avoid earthquakes;

awabi                    also see: Sushi;

awake; sober up; Radical454;

awake      awoke     awoke ;

awake ;

award ;

be awarded; be given; be presented with; collect; garner; Radical417;

awareness; e.g.

awareness     awareness     kidzuki Awareness; Also see: Idea Processor;

awareness ; consciousness; mano-vijnana ; sense;

awareness of mind, also see: 3 kinds of knowledge;

away; e.g.

away from the midline ( yokohoko Lateral), also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;

go away;


axe; e.g.

ancient Chinese's long handled dagger axe, Radical84, also see: Radicals;

axe; Radical91;

axial; axis; axle; e.g.

( axial, axial, axial, axial, jikuhoko Axial) ... , also see: Directions; Hexaxial Reference System; Orthopedic Dx;

axis      axis      axis ; kuru kuru WHILE measuring coordinates (1 fixed reference line) ... ;

axis; axle; shaft; Radical794;

axis; pivot; Radical794;

aye; e.g.

aye     aye     aye      aye ;

aye; Radical751;

azimuth      azimuth ;

azimuth angle e.g. number of degree with direction (e.g. ♯° N; ♯° S);

azure      azure ;
