; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : December : 3rd (Tuesday) : ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 3 : 12 : 2024 : Location Awareness Response;
July 4th, Independence Day in USA; Also see: Time;
RFID | _ | electro | _ | vector | ; | ||||
RFID | _partial | _c60 | ; | ||||||
RFID | _RSA | _ | security | _tag1 | ; | ||||
RFID | tag | ; | |||||||
₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ | ₪ |
IPv6 based embedded RFID ( ( ( ₪))) for NFC IoT ... (so, verification e.g. WHEN was its last transaction, WHICH ATM site (e.g. Location Awareness Response), Personal (counter) deposited, Personal (counter) withdrew, and so on Japanese Standard ... ); Also see: ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Biometric recognition and RFID based systems; IoT; y Character;
Using Radio ID . Near Field Communication (NFC) . Embedded . Devices : IFF Military ... ; Also see: Biometric recognition and RFID based systems e.g. (biomedical war of COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, unknown ones' formula of airborne Anti Virus); Calendar . Earth . Space . War (because of Radio ID . Near Field Communication (NFC) . Embedded . Devices , "friendly fire" can be avoided in a war zone) ... ;
zahyo | Coordinate | |||||||||||||||||||||
geometry | directional | |||||||||||||||||||||
Location | ||||||||||||||||||||||
kidzuki | Awareness | |||||||||||||||||||||
Radical789 | ; | e.g. | Response | |||||||||||||||||||
using | GPS | |||||||||||||||||||||
using | Timestamp | |||||||||||||||||||||
using | 15 | degree | by | SQRT2 | longitudes | |||||||||||||||||
using | nearness | in | space | , | time | , | or | relationship | i.e. | kinsetsusei | Proximity | |||||||||||
advanced (match case, regular expression, to ignore spacing diff, whole
word only) ... ;
Find directional (all, down, up) ... ;
Find normal
Yellowish Variation (YV) esp.
(s) exist
... ;
Find tag e.g. (acronym, address, applet, area, blink, block, body, button,
caption, center, cite, code, comment, embed,
font, form, frame, head,
input, label, layer,
link, marquee, meta,
option, plaintext, script, select,
set, small, sound, span,
strong, table, text area, title) ... ;
Find WHERE (all, current, opened, selected) page (s) ... ;
Find, e.g.
(look in value, look in formula, look in comment) ... ;
(match entire content, match cell, match case) ... ;
(search by row, search by column) ... ;
(within sheet, within workbook) ... ;
WHAT to Find (Textbox + List) ... ;
WHAT to Find (choose format from cell) e.g. GIF Color, Image, Picture, ... ;
Also see:
Japanese .
Syllabary . HTML;
Remark: systems are worth more than trillions of US Dollar, so use IT, don't abuse IT;
Compiled in 2023; Encoding UTF-8 with BOM && File Size is 20 KB && Speed 246 millisecond; Standard IO, using 109, 106, 102, and 101; Timeline, using 12mm, 9mm, and 6mm; World's 1st Reduced Design Model Location Awareness Response System, for safe && secure of (Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, kadosei Mobility Security) ... ; Compiled by Toshiba (inventor of multi systems since 1980s)'s dynabook TEC RA A50-F, Device Name this DOMAIN, Operating System (OS) Windows 10 Pro Education; Remark: 369 millisecond Speed is reserved for you, regarding WHO have been working for global && public companies, corporations, governments, organizations, ... ; since 2023, this DOMAIN 's contents have been migrated into (23 columns, 23 sessions) so called "23" systems ... i.e. in addition to 10 system + 13 system, and "46" system is one of the human beings livable moons in our universes ... , and regarding "46" system, you need the Shakya King's permit, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... ;
l; Location;
doko desu ka ? (WHERE is it ? ); this dialog indicates NOT ONLY place BUT ALSO current location; Also see: l Character; locate; located; locating; location; locator; ... ;
concerned about; concerned about; concerned about;
Magnetic Field m T; Remark: Magnetic Field m T (diff, different, varies) among human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; Location Awareness Response ((human beings livable moon, our earth, our moon); momentum; orbiter; (refresh, refreshed, refreshing); suingu Swing-by Gravity Time) ... ; Magnetic Field m T, 150x15 dimensional; Also see: Physics Law 153;
( zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, Coordinate) ... ;
a; Awareness;
awareness awareness kidzuki Awareness;
Also see: Idea Processor, easy and simple, easy to understand, the one and only Abhidharma based HOW "awareness" can be ... ;
embedded devices e.g. GPS is embedded, i.e. Location Awareness;
facade facade facade;
IoT, Internet of Things, using this DOMAIN 's (method, procedure, technique), awareness of embedded devices ... ;
IoT must obey NFC3; NFC2; NFC1; NFC, Near Field Communication;
NFC4, Near Field Communication 4; Also see: Electricity Power Plug; IoT; Remark: Hex={51,51,51} i.e. (Custom Color (Blue 81, Green 81, Red 81); custom color (Hue 160, L u m 76, Sat 0)) ;
r; Response;
answer; reply; response; solution; Radical789;
IFF Browser based computing, also see: Cloud (BE, FE, IoT, V M);
((BE, Back End), (FE, Front End), (IoT, Internet of Things), (V M, Virtual Machine)) ;
IFF Keyword, e.g. (alert, caution, notification, warming) can prompt (S M S message, text, TXT) ... ;
Gene Therapy System . . . . . . . . . . . . chiryoyaku Therapeutic (DEE) patterns . . . ;
S M S, Short Message System;
TXT, TEXT file extension name;
urgent response; medical response (rescue) team; emergency response; disaster relief response team;
respond; responded; responding; ("response"), also see: ( kharma Action, kharma Action, kharma Action) e.g. good Actions ... ;
("switch" , "switch-able" , "switched" , "switching"), also see: Physics Law 198;
(time-dependent response, equilibrium response) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 567;
using iroColourWaveForm timestamp, also see: Synchronization;
108x203Default, for each
G T S C A_* (Gene Therapy System
Chiryoyaku Area)_
... ,
G T S C A_* (Gene Therapy System
Chiryoyaku Area)_
... ,
G T S C A_* (Gene Therapy System
Chiryoyaku Area)_
... ,
also see: Gene
Therapy System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
2,3 dimensional ( 2, 3), also see: Physics Law 170, leading 3 naturally, ... ;
dimensional; directional; logical; numerological; structural;
dimensional : e.g.
Amber Alert; Amber Alert; i.e. 15x15 dimensional ... ;
Emergency Alert; Emergency Alert; Also see: phone;
Gold Alert; Gold Alert; i.e. 48x48 dimensional ... ;
directional : e.g.
Bearing; course of action; Direction; geometry directional; Orientation; Way;
direction; way; Radical92;
Remark: approx. 45+ years of R&D everyday, to realize & understand 1 km radius gravity spots in oceans, 1 way DEE, 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots as embedded device GPS, directional gravity pressure, (hole, string) of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, moon waves, ... , also see: this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS laws e.g. any moving location of point ... ;
logical : e.g.
Artificial Intelligence; Idea Processor;
Manmade Global Weather : Physics Law 67, Avoiding volcanic eruption, ... ;
mountains are mountain, rivers are river, i.e. Zen way, also see: philosophy;
( position, status) ... ;
Remark: for each human beings livable moon, marked by its river count to define, to solve BLI (Body Length Index) problems, ... ; for each imaginary hyper space craft, measured by its gravity spot count to define, to solve civilizations' problems ... ; Also see: Gravity Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System) ... ;
numerological : e.g.
2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count;
using 108 algorithm ... ;
i.e. ((
using 108
algorithm ... ; i.e. ((
Remark: 108 algorithm, invented by
Rakhine American, for 21st century & beyond, e.g. either multiplexing way or
adding way is OK ... ;
using I CHING algorithm ... , e.g. a group of 6 consecutive ones, ... ;
using Lo Shu algorithm ... ; i.e. ( 6, 6) e.g. numerological (15) is 6; Lo Shu Magic Square topology, a.k.a. Magic Square topology; Remark: 3 level (s);
using Sudoku algorithm ... ; i.e. ( 9, 9) e.g. numerological (♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯) is 9, and 9 level is the most advance, the highest technology, achieved, earned, invented by NIPPON; Remark: 9 level (s);
structural : e.g.
Sub-6; e.g.
Sample (Sub-6) for . . . (since 2024, this DOMAIN 's contents are ready e.g. ( hatsugen Statement, State, stated, statement) AND waiting for USA's official war declaration against (China + Russia) . . . ; the Shakya King 's punishments are severe e.g. since 2024, ;
Remark: do you really know " . . . " means 90 degree different in USB design model?
Remark: do you really know means Satellite (s) based?
Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Directions; Location Awareness Response; this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp; Reminder: don't mess with your boss (Germany, Japan, USA); OH+ OH+ since 2025, Apple Computer has started with 7 rolls, 24 inches Display, M4 Processor, ... quiz would be: have you ever wrapped (roll, roll-able, rolled, Sushi Roll) surfaces before? We're getting 7 rolls Oh My Lord!!
15 degree by SQRT2 longitudes; e.g.
15 degree by SQRT2 longitudes;
I wrote: 1st to realize & understand Lunar Orbit (e.g. 29, 30), also see: Time; 2nd to realize & understand 30 degree / 2; 3rd to realize & understand THAT Number e.g. 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172, and 10.60660172 are special designed & modeled for Security (Global Security, Regional Security, National Security), regarding GPS ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! SQRT2 design model, and SQRT3 is your secrets sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course;
Gram negative; Gram positive; e.g.
( ( ( Gram negative, Gram negative), ( Gram positive, Gram positive ) ) doko WHERE rods look alike Bacilla AND spherical Cocci are ) ; in common, ZCS (Alcohol %, Water pH Number), charged by diff potential, similar to ions; Also see: g Character; Location Awareness Response; n Character; p Character;
IVC; e.g.
Inferior Vena Cava ( IVC) filter, also see: Cardiovascular Dx; h G T S U; l G T S U; p G T S U;
place; space; spot; e.g.
(( place, place, place), ( space, space, space), ( spot, spot, spot));
s o n o b a d e In situ, (in the original place, situated in the original place), also see: FISH; i Character; Location Awareness Response; s Usage;
soshin Send; Radical767;
(info, information, message, string) breaking news, headline news, latest news, ... ;
(military science) tactic in 21st century & beyond would be: NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting ... ; Radical344;
( show position, show position, show position) e.g. geo-location, showing a position Info of the current location, the Browser's Location Awareness, also see: this DOMAIN 's one of the buttons (Show Position) Latitude Number, Longitude Number, ... ; Also see: 9pComputer;
POP? e.g.
I wrote: POP (interactive WINDOW, MSG, MSG BOX, OLE Dialog Box, OLE Dialog Box, Size of "ro", ... ) is really important in Computers SYSTEM (s), HOW skillful you're, regarding IT (Information Technology) is THAT this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp (Coordinate-GUI) is;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! (cast, casting), SO (pop cast, POP CAST, pop-casting) will be really important ... radio based (Method, Procedure, Technique) sir ... ;
I wrote: don't forget to use my LTEXM for you!! to be safe living environments!! i.e. beyond "radio" ... ; Remark: 500 ms Speed would be excellent!! in common, however, you would like to have your own Time Line (i.e. your own top secrets should be, and don't tell anyone your time lines' speeds ... ) Umm!! Hmm!! ... ; between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day in 2024 (if you're a Buddhist person, simply add 543 years to current Gregorian year (our earth)), I've created Reflection .HTML, for BLI (Body Length Index) Auto Adjustment Medicine, for each human beings livable moon's BLI problems to be solved (Also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D), and proving DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (variable DEE patterns based "Reflection") would be in ACT3 Level Imaginary Hyperspace ... (i.e. beyond YV, Yellowish Variation) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We've searched you very thoroughly but still cannot find your RADIO SPECIFICATION (Browser) sir;
I wrote: once upon a time in 1990s, I popped to my favorite professors WHO gave me A Grade, on the other hand, I popped to my secret loved ones also, SO POP (directional, logical) started since 1990s ... ; nowadays in 2020s, WHAT kind of (pop, POP) to be cast e d, casting e.g. ("is it iroColourWaveForm based colorful ones?, does it (receive, send) with multi-layered ones?, NCS?, PCS?, ZCS?") OR {51,51,51} GPS based ones with Gray Color ones? Reminder: don't forget to use "105 degree" if Anti-Earthquake design model for you to be safe living environments!!
regarding "search" ... I've a gift (2024 Merry Christmas!!) to you e.g. ( SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH), i.e. every (object, item, part, things) should be right ... ; TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, a "Tarzan" doesn't know (BE (i.e. Back End Server) . Line1) must be matched to (FE (i.e. Front End Desktop) . Line1), And Then, (BE . Line2) must be matched to (FE . Line2), And Then, (BE <> FE) Synchronization (s) prompt, And Then, at the Line3, you may enjoy functional "search" ... ; i.e. HOW a "Tarzan" realized && understood Computers . . . ; Also see: Location Awareness Response; sCharacterExtension1; 9sComputer; Remark: SEARCH ENGINE is worth more than trillions of US Dollar; Remark: after 33+ years of almost everyday R&D, I still don't know how to design model SEARCH ENGINE, so Tarzans are "Tarzan" ... ;
( nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity), also see: Location Awareness Response; p Character; Satellite; Time;
reflect; reflection; e.g.
I wrote: doko WHERE ((hansha Reflection, surface (heat, light, sound), throwing back), Reflect, Reflection) ?
well trained kids!! replied: 2 layers of the sea Water 's Color, and environmental "Jelly Fish" are sir;
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! reminder: moisture vs. water might be a little bit diff;
six surfaced DEE Box, regarding ("our earth") As Location; e.g.
regarding (("our earth") As Location, (, , )) doko WHERE facing toward WHICH direction? 1. East; 2. West; 3. South; 4. North; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
ten point six zero six six zero one seven two; e.g.
1st to realize &
understand 30 degree (Lunar Orbit) e.g. (29, 30) ... ; Also see:
2nd to realize & understand 15 = (30 / 2);
3rd to realize & understand SQRT2 e.g.
15 degree by SQRT2 longitudes; so, GPS can be realized &
understood (Distance calculations) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! Yellow Color is for other side of our earth's moon, Blue Color is from Jupiter, and Distance should obey 15 degree by SQRT2 longitudes sir;
I wrote:
of course, you should QA (NOT to happen
2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS), for
global security,
regional security,
national security,
... ;
&& waiting for the Shakya King's (flag, permit) ...
; this DOMAIN
developer Ace Jaw doesn't like wars, and this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw likes
"you make some money, I make some money," ... ; I've a gift for
you, so I've created 1 Icon, called "15 degree by
SQRT2 longitudes .i c o," and it will be using inside of GPS ... ;
t o m y; e.g.
, * t o m y suffix, incision, (surgical cut, surgical focal point) to a surface e.g. (ZCS: bone, flesh, muscle, skin, tissue) ... ; if GPS, mm scaled please!! ; Also see: CphT Pharmaceutical Terminological Prefixes And Suffixes; Location Awareness Response; z Character;
unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022); e.g.
Anti Formaldehyde Chemicals, also see: f G T S U;
Anti NO2, also see: n G T S U;
( Anti PM0.1), ( Anti PM2.5), ( Anti PM5.0), also see: p G T S U; Remark: in Dhamma a.k.a. dharma, (51) fifty one "tsutai" initializes to be a life form, And Then, WHEN ("tezo" (heat) in Pali, "oza" (e.g. gravity wave) in Pali) effects on each (0, zero), the zero populates a new one; (3 (0, zero)) three zero initializes ((begin, began, begun), beginning), also see: Physics Law 141 ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. among PM0.1, PM2.5, and PM5.0, WHICH one would be ((begin, began, begun), beginning) ?
well trained kids! replied: PM5.0 is like worm alike, and ((begin, began, begun), beginning) sir;
Anti PM10 (allergens and pollen) ; this DOMAIN 's Anti PM10.4 COVID-19;
I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. regarding PM10 vs. PM10.4, (thorn alike vs. mouth alike), WHICH one would be populating ?
well trained kids! replied: PM10.4, and we've to be immune (d) ones sir;
Anti VOC, also see: v G T S U;
DEE, Dark Energy Engineering ((DEE _Radio), radio), verify ((foe, friend), (known, unknown), (illegal, legal), (marked, unmarked), ... ) ... ;
IFF Gene Therapy System, e.g. (adding good gene pattern, curing (abnormal, disease, disorder), curing marked oncogene, curing tumor maker, demolishing targeted oncogene, ... ) ... ;
IFF Manmade Global Weather, e.g. (avoiding category >1+ storm, avoiding drought, avoiding earthquake, avoiding tsunami, avoiding volcanic eruption, ... ) ... ;
IFF Network Topology, also see: Anti Virus; International Domains; Internet Connection; Router;
IFF Security (e.g. National Security, Regional Security), indicate illegal drone, indicate illegal missile, indicate illegal ones, ... , using RDBMS (insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids) ... ;
jushin Receive; Radical417;
(any moving location of point, bio cell, dot, spot) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 113;
any moving
location of point; Also see:
a G T S U;
bio cell; Also see:
c G T S U;
dot; Also see:
d G T S U;
spot; Also see:
s G T S U;
Laser Shield (invisibility-drone 95491929392749655/t c p INVISIBILITY DRONE, invisibility-drone 95491929392749655/u d p INVISIBILITY DRONE), also see: Keyword To Port Number;
Web Extension Logical; e.g.
108x108 Web Extension Logical;