Updated in
2024 :
November :
8th (Friday) : DNA _Origami ;
; Updated on
8 :
11 :
2024 :
DNA Origami :
DNA Origami :
DNA Origami;
We've learnt (
henka Changing,
henka Changing),
e.g. (Yellow,
Yellow) goes away in
DNA Origami,
kuru kuru WHILE flip-flopping (Blue, Silver),
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls in Nanobot
Programming, (so, therefore, thus) I've decided that the only way to define
"normal Yellowish Variation" is by (defining, identifying)
Japanese . Syllabary .
HTML; Also see: Physics
Law 232;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Hmm!! very easy, free-of-error, and simple sir;
Origin of Jaw; e.g.
Origin of Jaw; Also see:
mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;
System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s;
Remark: in (ACT3 imaginary hyperspace, ACT2 imaginary hyperspace),
ware ware We've to think
Yellow Variation (YV) factors, in addition to
location as our earth, doko
WHERE wormhole way
LASER (ZCS) becomes very very useful, and
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (variable
DEE patterns) would be truly ACT3 level ones ... , and don't
SHAKYA KING in our universes ... ;
60 years (
4-side's Left DEE,
4-side's Right DEE), using
Artificial Intelligence (
103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g. our earth's carbon nano
Walls) to figure-out 3-side's handles ... ;
and plankton;
Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming, for avoiding earthquake in the defined region (e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ;
Also see:
DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, for variable
DEE patterns ... ;
Also see: DNA _Origami, for nanobot programming, beyond our earth based biophysics ... ;
Also see: Invisibility, for invisibility engineering in 3,4 dimensional i.e. beyond solar system ... ;
Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts i.e. beyond our solar system e.g. visiting to human beings livable moons ... ;
Also see:
Reforming Myanmar, for ethnic tribes' self R&D groups ... ; Remark: based on
3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;
(((axis; pivot;
Radical365)); (
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
Coordinate)) ...
![]() |
address | in | Chinese | language | ... | ; | |||
![]() |
address | in | Japanese | language | ... | ; |
A (a.k.a.
)), (
C (a.k.a.
G (a.k.a.
T (a.k.a.
U (a.k.a.
DNA ((A, T), (C, G))), AND (
RNA ((A, U), (C, G)))),
And Then, index (i.e. to be "normal"));
Distribution process of (item,
pattern, state of beings, things) to wider (area, field) i.e. dispersion e.g.
Water behaves like substances in
argha Holy Water _4D (this DOMAIN .
BIOPHYSICS) ... ; Also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; DNA _Origami;
structural Amino
World's 1st
Idea Processor based
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
HTML) program (webpage (DNA
Origami)), designed,
modeled, and programmed by
Rakhine American, and one of the intellectual properties of the United States of
Q&A: I wrote: what're the diff between codons
and C Sequence Number (BF2)?
Q&A: I wrote: what're the diff between codons and Jaw bone's teeth?
Q&A: I wrote: what're the diff between codons and the defined tree's leaf?
Q&A: I wrote: what're the diff between ligand and groups (Minus, Plus)?
Q&A: I wrote: what're the diff between chiral and lipid?
Q&A: I wrote: HOW can we prove unwanted airborne virus is manmade or naturally?
well trained kids!! replied: the diff between codons and C Sequence Number (BF2) :
- codons are opened system, if compare to C Sequence Number (BF2) as closed system;
- codons behave like (door, gate), so ("allow" a.k.a. "for"), ("not allow" a.k.a. "against") keywords can be realized & understood, for each protein bounding;
- codons must be on 4's side (4's side is like cod of fish alike), other wording would be: in 3,4 dimensional environment, codons are on at the side of 4, codons are not on the side of 3;
- codons are more than 2 (unlike lipids) if compare to lipids are 2 but NOT BF2 alike;
well trained kids!! replied: the diff between codons and Jaw bone's teeth :
- Jaw bone's teeth cannot be realized & understood by applying 3,4 dimensional (7 planets system) ; Remark: We're currently R&D on HOW rib-cage (causes, effects) 1/5 Protein bound (neck) to prompt approx. 90 degree diff as Jaw bone's teeth, and as you said before, "our earth is not simple like what we think" therefore, we cannot (inform, teach) you explicitly HOW 90 degree diff prompt 2 parallel DEE lines form ... ;
- more than 13+ human beings livable moons' moon waves, Solar System, Water, ... must be realized & understood, in order to realize & understand HOW teeth form naturally;
- parallel moon waves may begin, if applying (2*6) dimensional, already reserved for us; Remark: we're on our own R&D regarding your reserved dimensional (2*6), and (2*7), i.e. in addition to your (2*5) dimensional ones;
well trained kids!! replied: the diff between codons and the defined tree's leaf?
- the defined tree's leaves are BLI (Body Length Index) ending points WHICH obey iroColourWaveForm;
- 180 degree (the defined tree's leaf) if compare to codons are within 90 degree;
- the defined tree obeys water pouches and tissues as 2 is very very unique in many ways;
- if without Nitrogen gas environment, BLI becomes bigger size;
- both codons and the defined tree obey its living environment e.g. living environments of the 3 holes of our earth may be smaller than us WHO have been by outer surfaces;
well trained kids!! replied: the diff between ligand and groups (Minus, Plus) :
- Plus Ion;
- Minus Ion;
light INSTINCT, also see:
Schematic Dimensional; because of "light INSTINCT," groups know themselves
this DOMAIN 's Color Codes,
... , based Protein Wrapper ... ;
I wrote: (
ion) ...
; this DOMAIN developer
(a "Tarzan" 's way of understanding)
WHAT is "ion"
means kuru kuru
WHILE charging is on, (
WHICH) side is on, like we've (left side, right side), ion behaves the same e.g.
(minus ion, plus ion), Yes. 2 is very very unique in many ways ... ;
another good example would be: phosphate is more likely to be related to
negative charge; I need to QA (Quality Assurance) to well trained
kids!! ' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. regarding
Manmade Global
Weather (moon waves),
WHAT would be a correct answer, regarding "ion" ?
well trained kids!! replied: regarding (area,
field) of the
ware ware We've 2 options e.g.
(( | for | ionizing | (area, field)), | ( | against | ionizing | (area, field)) | ); | |
(( | ionizing | (area, field)), | ( | non- | ionizing | (area, field) | ) | ); |
against ionizing
(area) ... ; against ionizing (field) ... ;
non-ionizing (area) ... ; non-ionizing (field) ... ;
for ionizing
(area) ... ; for ionizing (field) ... ;
ionizing (area) ... ; ionizing (field) ... ;
Hemisphere As Ion, Southern Hemisphere As Ion) sir; because, you said that 2 is
very very unique in many ways, and they (Northern Hemisphere As Ion, Southern
Hemisphere As Ion) are similar to "charging is on" sir; another good example
would be: We've used
Coconut Electrolyte Ionizable to formulate medicine (Anti-COVID-19)
... ;
I wrote:
of course; I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained
kids!! ' knowledge, i.e. in 3,4 dimensional, how many sides should be
well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir, 3 as a group (1-side), 4 as a group (1-side), so 2 sides are, and they're like any moving object ... ;
I wrote: I like "coconut water" to demolish COVID-19, so called a "Tarzan" 's Method; I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids!! ' knowledge, i.e. Why (burning, inflammation) ?
well trained kids!! replied: lesser and lesser Water means inflammation sir;
I wrote: Why do I mention "coconut water" ?
well trained kids!! replied: the most essential "Water" is prompted naturally by coconut tree, by ion ... ;
I wrote: have you ever counted how many "parallel line" step-by-step, like bamboo stem factor? if I say WHAT is the diff "Water pouches" based tissue diff between coconut tree and bamboo ? if I say Why we human beings' Jaw's teeth and rib-cage are diff (approx. 90 degree) ?
well trained kids!! replied: No. Sir. We're not "Tarzan" sir; we cannot answer all detailed specifications of 5 protein bounds sir;
I wrote: don't forget THAT (hole, string) coexistence ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: the diff between chiral and lipid :
- (2*6)
dimensional ones, among
zodiac signs, we need to R&D further
doshite Why
dragon and
snake are naturally chiral OFF;
- if we write 2
characters next to each other e.g. "<<"
WHERE "dot" would be at the left side of the "<<" (for example: .<<) ; e.g. ">>"
WHERE "dot" would be at the right side of the ">>" (for example: >>.), so
we don't wonder our head happen naturally; Also see:
Physics Law 131, Auto
- we've already
Schematic Lipid,
WHERE FAT is very important to know;
well trained kids!! replied: HOW we can prove
unwanted airborne virus is manmade e.g.
Nitrogen Based _Virus;
Remark: we still don't know WHO created IT (e.g.
COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, militaries cannot operate if
airborne virus behaves like biomedical bombs); please do not attach
pathogen to human beings' Protein, regarding (oncological,
R&D (Research and
... ;
because, naturally circles form if water living environment, and naturally lines
form if moisture living environment, "bow tie" alike protein bound prompts both
lines-and-circles mean COVID-19 must be manmade ones; please
do not attach pathogen to human beings' Protein, regarding (oncological,
R&D (Research and
... ;
I wrote:
2020 Model
Schematic Lipid vs.
2000 Model
C Sequence Number; Also
see: C Sequence Number;
DNA _Origami;
Schematic Lipid;
3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell; Also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
Antiviral Schematic;
DNA _Origami;
Energy & Geometry;
I wrote: (specific
amino acid (sequence of 3 nucleotides), indicating the defined
Protein: a.k.a. 3 codons, so inside of the
3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell ((
4) + (
3) = (
7), also see:
Reference Books), doko
WHERE would be the "3 COD ON S" ?
well trained kids!! replied: on the (4 ones)' side sir;
I wrote:
of course;
Remark: "Chain" ... ; I've my own reasons e.g. excluding ("6") may prompt 3
I wrote: if I draw a picture e.g.
64 Aqua Cells based question, and I like you well trained kids!! to know,
doko WHERE Red and Green would be on a vertical (y y) ?
well trained kids!! replied: we don't know WHAT you're asking, please help sir;
I wrote: excuse
me, my apologies for "imaginary" questions; Red and Green would be on a vertical
(y y) like this e.g.
64 Aqua Cells based Red and Green would be on a vertical;
Remark: UDNGS and NGS are very very difficult to define, i.e. in
addition to (3 (Up Ones) 's cause to, effect to 4 (Down Ones)) can be
realized & understood as 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;
well trained
kids!! replied:
doshite Why,
Why) "Red" and "Green" are vice and versa sir?
I wrote: Oh!! Oh!!
kuru kuru WHILE 4 (Down Ones) are on their way, consecutively next to each
other, and "Red" and "Green" would be 1/2 of IT
(e.g. 4 (Down Ones) As Group);
don't forget THAT 3 (Up Ones) are 2 diff locations (e.g. left-and-right,
up-and-down), regarding any moving object ...
I wrote: can you (
Crayon) coloring ("64 Aqua Cells based Red and Green would be on a vertical") 's
(4 bounds toward 3, 4 connectors toward 3, 4 lines towards 3)
for defining A C G T ?
well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir, we've realized & understood HOW UDNGS, NGS, ... are:
((4 . Adenine (A)) =
(3 . Thymine (T))) ;
((4 . Cytosine (C)) =
(3 . Guanine (G))) ;
((4 . Guanine (G) = (3
. Cytosine (C))) ;
((4 . Thymine (T)) =
(3 . Adenine (A))) ;
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! well trained kids!! are very very smart ones already, i.e. very very good; please do NOT attach unwanted pathogen based virus cells to the human beings Protein cells; IT took me 3 years of R&D to find out a little bit of unwanted nitrogen, and my question would be: WHAT was your nitrogen content % WHILE attaching "pathogen based virus cells to the human beings Protein cells" THAT caused unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide?
well trained kids!! replied: NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, ... WHO attached "pathogen based virus cells to the human beings Protein cells" THAT caused unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, and we know 78% Nitrogen content naturally (in the air, moisture based, on the air);
I wrote: UDNGS,
and NGS are one of the military top secrets, so don't tell anyone,
because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; you may realize &
understand a little bit of HOW "Red" vs. "Green" are by now ... ; by the way, (
I) like to be a very powerful person WHO can defeat
"nuclear power" ones (by using MEDICAL biological weapon,
Remark: during COVID-19 period, militaries could not operate, and 5+ millions
peoples dead because of the unwanted airborne virus)
i.e. in addition to
2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS
(PHYSICS) ... ;
I've a very bad psychology, WHEN I become 55+ years old, I like to be the
military dictator also, because I brought-up under military dictatorship WHEN I
was young; Remark: I don't have any academic medical degree in my 1st life,
therefore, think again ... ;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) you well trained kids!! truly realize & understand (3 vs. 4) behaves like "double helix" , "two groups of moving", "two sided" , ... , after color coding of (A C G T), can we change IT?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. we cannot change color coding of (A C G T) sir;
I wrote:
of course (our earth) only; Remark:
if you're designing & modeling for "human
beings livable moons"
ware ware We've to think diff
... THAT WILL LEAD YOU HOW BLI (Body Length Index) problems can be
solved; Should I write another physics law?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No.
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) you well trained kids!! i.e. can the structural of (A C G T) be like "parallel" Jaw bone's teeth?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No.
I wrote:
of course; good enough for well trained kids!! to be realizing & understanding
UDNGS and NGS, ... ;
I) have
something else to do nowadays (2022-2020s),
e.g. Algorithm
(Method, Procedure, Technique), doko WHERE very
very unique 2 strings are next to each other (almost 180 degree) at supersonic
speeds, ... ;
Brief Introduction: I've learnt from NHK News online in the Internet THAT DNA is like materials (e.g. bio samples), if compare to Gene is like Information Technology (e.g. IT . index . ((A, T), (C, G)) sequences), and accordance with oriental thought (Time . Space . Action), within the defined incubation time period (i.e. Time), defined DNA prompts pattern, marked DNA prompts pattern, targeted DNA prompts pattern (i.e. Space), and knowledge based Action e.g. WHICH pattern should be (acted, appeared, changed, diluted, disappeared, inserted, mixed, reacted, transformed, unchanged, ... ) depending up on (expert, scientist) 's concept, idea, knowledge, ... so called DNA Origami (defined DNA pattern, marked DNA pattern, targeted DNA pattern) ... ;
I wrote: (
te) 1st life, (
za) 2nd life, (
tsu) 3rd life, (
ne) 4th life, (
ma) 5th life, (
bu) 6th life, (
san) 7th life, (
na) 8th life, (
(pronounce "we" in Pali)) 9th life, (
(pronounce "way" in Pali)) 10th life, ... a.k.a.
samsara (life-after-life) in Buddhism;
Also see:
Numbers _in _Dhamma; Stock;
well trained kids! replied: WHY do we need to learn (te, za, tsu, ne, ma, bu, san, na, vi, wai) sir?
I wrote:
gazo Picture
gazo Picture
gazo Picture: life expectancy of the
Biological Cell (s) are similar to samsara
(life-after-life) i.e. WHY ... ; Also see:
Eccentric _circles;
( |
a G T S U | b G T S U | c G T S U | d G T S U | e G T S U | f G T S U | g G T S U | h G T S U | i G T S U | |
j G T S U | k G T S U | l G T S U | m G T S U | n G T S U | o G T S U | p G T S U | q G T S U | r G T S U | s G T S U |
t G T S U | u G T S U | v G T S U | w G T S U | x G T S U | y G T S U | z G T S U | |||
be healthy; be healthy ones; stay healthy; stay healthy ones; |
Artificial Intelligence
Schematic .
Energy & Geometry;
ligand), i.e. (ion, molecule), been attached by coordinate bonding;
mizuaemono Hydrate,
hydrate) ... ; diff classes of
hydrates EXIST (((substance THAT contains (constituent element, Water)), i.e.
hydrate), (water molecules are chemically bounding i.e. hydrate)) ... ; Also
see: DNA _Origami;
Physics Law 113;
2022; design model; chiryoyaku Therapeutic (
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts), also see:
c G T S U;
DNA _Origami;
Physics Law 145;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids'
knowledge to be correct and right-to-the-point, so I've a quiz i.e.
kuru kuru
WHILE mapping "unwanted Amoeba" (one of the pathogens), among
(Top, Midst, Down)
WHICH one indicates "cysts" ?
well trained kids!! replied: Top one ("its look alike eccentric circles") sir;
I wrote:
of course;
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts ((bladder), (hollow organ), (liquid secretion
(cavity)), (pocket's cross-section image), (Sac, a sac), (thin-Walls),
(vesicle)) ... ; if I wonder (Time
(Incubation Period) .
Space (doko
WHERE (combating, fighting)) .
Action (react + ion))
would be for formulating
(antiviral, Anti Virus) ?
well trained kids!! replied: NOT at the Top sir, other wording would be: We should let our to fight against pathogens at the (either Midst or Down) stage, state, ... sir;
I wrote:
of course; please don't attach human beings' protein to
the defined pathogen (e.g. (SARS-CoV-2)) because COVID-19 pandemic caused "militaries
cannot operate," because
COVID-19 is one of the most
powerful biomedical weapons (more powerful than "nuclear power") ... ;
WHAT was your nitrogen % content in your lab WHILE developing
well trained kids!! replied: NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, who attached human beings' protein to the defined pathogen SARS-CoV-2;
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! IT took approx. 3+ years (2019-2022-2021)
to figure-out, find-out
WHAT is a little bit "unwanted nitrogen" believe it or not;
2021; design model;
Crayon) ... ;
I wrote: accordance with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, if I need to define ((heterodyning (moon waves) imaginary hyper space), (non-heterodyning (moon waves) imaginary hyper space)), for each ("Auto Grow"), inside of our imaginary hyperspace crafts (directional gravity spots), HOW would you crayon the ("Auto Grow") ? Remark: 2 is very very unique in many ways ... ;
well trained kids!
replied: very very easy sir, i.e.
Auto Grow With Heat;
Remark: our guess: 2, 2
to the power of hair grow toward the ("Red Color") directions,
and in our labs,
hair never grow toward the ("Black Color") directions,
and we still don't know HOW to solve
(your home work assignment)
BLI automatic adjustment project on the human beings livable moons;
ware ware We (Nanobot Programmers)
do R&D on bamboo stem growth rates,
along with Water,
but still can't solve WHAT makes BLI diff
... ; Also see:
Physics Law 131, Auto
Grow, ... ;
I wrote:
of course; Correction: we should not use the usage "hair" because it's not hair,
think of something reversed engineering e.g. WHEN a comet hits a wall, we've
circle alike, so reversed engineering would be: WHEN circles EXIST in a defined
structural space environment, its (associated, related) lines alike antenna also
exist; the defined area of "lines alike antenna" above the eyes alike 2 holes,
and their directions are upward regarding the "Auto Grow
With Heat" picture, because heat is like "Red Color" ... ; I still cannot
find a new (definition, term, wording) for the "lines alike antenna" yet, kind
of a new formation of (cell, optical nerve, tissue) ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, if we apply "Auto Grow With Heat" And Then doko WHERE ("lines alike") new formation of (cell, optical nerve, tissue) will form?
well trained kids! replied: very very easy sir; ("lines alike") new formation of (cell, optical nerve, tissue) will form at the above of 2 holes, out of "Aqua Color" area ... ;
I wrote:
of course; other wording would be "lines alike antenna" ... because of 2 holes
with structural ... ; and, I agree i.e. "hair
never grow toward the ("Black Color") directions";
Remark: we should not use the usage "hair" because it's not hair ... ;
2021; design model;
Navy Silver Pressure PCB _Holes ...
ware ware We'll be
Nanobot Programmers sir; we'll develop
Teleportation (Method, Procedure, Technique)
Gene Therapy
System ... ; Also see:
Physics Law 154;
Physics Law 140;
I wrote: WHY navy blue with silver colors, and you're not allowed to change its colors in our solar system?
well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt THAT silver is like Nitrogen, and combination of Hydrogen (Red ones) and Oxygen (Green ones) is like navy blue sir;
I wrote:
of course; you well trained kids! realize and understand "Swing By Time" (5 +
8), and secant of our universes a bit already; good, very good,
... ;
well trained kids! replied: should we create (Bio-sensors, cancer screening Method, ((guiding, marking, targeting) materials), nanobots, ... ) sir?
Also see: P vector direction;
I wrote: I've gifts i.e. many DNA Origami patterns (image, photo, picture) in this DOMAIN; among them, select many patterns related to your DNA Origami projects; don't forget THAT attahi attano nahto ... in Pali means "you're on your own ... " therefore, create your own DNA Origami patterns, And Then, you'll be having your own copyrights, your own formulas, your own patents, ... , and be very very smart biologists, genetic engineers, microbiologists, specialists, ... ; if you can apply diff momentum for diff human beings livable moons, you'll be very very very smart (ACT3 Level) experts for sure, And Then, you'll be able do BLI (Body Length Index) automatic adjustment, prolonging life expectancy, and so on ... ;
well trained kids! replied: regarding nanobots, if we create the (defined DNA pattern, marked DNA pattern, targeted DNA pattern), And Then, trained (characteristic, culture, behavior) of the pattern should be (called, known, named) as Nanobot sir;
I wrote: I prefer Green Tea with 2 nanobots embedded ones, so we'll be healthy ones (disease-free persons) immunologically (e.g. never get sick) ... ; on the other hand, we can cure all kinds of (abnormal, disease, disorder) also; Reminder: don't forget THAT each (image, photo, picture) in the DOMAIN has its own meaning ... ; Also see: Protein;
well trained kids! replied: Yes.
ware ware We'll defeat COVID-19, ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. can you (draw,
present) 1 picture (
induction logic, also see:
philosophy), regarding DNA _Origami ?
Hint: 10 well trained kids!
mean I'll be getting 10 pictures, and I'll (draw, present) a gift i.e. my
present to you also; OK. think, think, how
to (draw, present) 1 picture, umm!! umm!! with induction logic also, umm!! umm!!
Hint: 5 colors (Blue, Gray, Green, Red, Silver) should be with ... ;
iroColourWaveForm ... ;
well trained kids! replied: Oh! No. we'll (draw, present) only 1 picture for you (we've to do Code-3 in person meetings to solve your homework assignment), because very very difficult to do;
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
and plankton, doko WHERE hole looks alike ("Algae"
: Green Color ones), and string looks alike ("Plankton" : Silver Color ones)
obey current (Also see: Water
R&D (Marimo (Algae ball) vs. Fish) in a lake (fresh
water) HOW reproductive lives ... ),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
AntiPM10.4COVID-19, it would be for (Anti
Virus . COVID-19),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
64 Aqua Cells, it would be background for the webpage
64 Aqua Cell,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
argha Holy Water _4D, it would be for (structural
Amino Acids, Water),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Auto Grow, it would be for
Physics Law 131,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Chiral, it would be for developing "Oral Route" Anti Virus (capsule, pill,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Chiral by Water Elevator, it would be for 8 quantity of
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot
(s) in gray-scaled with head-on (NOT head-off) and it is for Nanobot Programming
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
chiryoyaku Therapeutic Orthopedic, it might be for
Orthopedic Dx,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Coconut Electrolyte Ionizable ...
antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA, it would be for
Antiviral Schematic,
DNA _Origami
(Nanobot Programming),
Energy & Geometry,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Collagen, it would be for structural Protein
(Collagen), for keeping well-hydrating (i.e. with
any (abnormal, disease, disorder),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
4D, a.k.a. 4 Dimensional, it would be for marking (4D, a.k.a. 4 Dimensional),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, it would be for 2 groups of (3 ones and
4 ones), and accordance with human beings livable moons (moon waves) based
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ((2 claps to worship Buddha,
deities, gods), e.g. 2 is very very unique in many ways), we need to
remember (hole,
string) coexist,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
DNA, it would be
for defining DNA,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
DNA Origami,
it would be for presenting ("DNA Origami" , also see:
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
FISH image,
it would be for (mark, marked, marking),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
islets of L a n g e r h a n s (Also see:
p G T S U), it would be for
therapeutic pancreas (from abnormal pancreas to be normal pancreas), and we can
start our own Nanobot
Programming to cure pancreas disorders,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
it would be for (Blood Flow, flowing of the defined blood),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
("P" character's
upper-left area should form "hole"), it would be
for Nanobot iPS Cells
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
it would be for "natural cell path" C Sequence Number,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Lipid (Also see:
Schematic Lipid), it would be defining temperature in E x c i m e r State,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Nitrogen Based _Virus, we'll not attach its pathogen to human beings' Protein
AND we'll be using
Antiviral Schematic to cure the Nitrogen Based _Virus (e.g. COVID-19),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls, it may be for "our earth" only,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Origin of Human Beings,
Of Human Beings) it would be for Gene Def (Male
+ Female) in the midst,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
our earth . 78% Nitrogen in the air, it would be for
index (normal range for nitrogen in the blood),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Protein image, it would be for protein,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, we need to focus of Yellow Color single
bio cell's characteristics
kuru kuru
WHILE its Aqua Color and Navy
Blue Color are flip-flop alike (CCW, CW),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
strings in 3,4 dimensional our earth only, it would be for "our earth"
only, so we've to R&D strings ourselves HOW BLI (Body Length Index) problems can
be solved for each human beings livable moon,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
unwanted Nitrogen, it would be for
Antiviral Schematic
. COVID-19,
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
unwanted Amoeba (one of the (livestock . pathogens . p r o t i s t s)),
it would be for pathological and virological (combating, contests, fighting),
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
Water Clock, it would be a R&D
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy (
ZCS Chiral Off,
ZCS Chiral On), it would be helpful to
Energy & Geometry,
Umm!! Umm!! 1 picture to (draw, present) with induction logic (DNA Origami) ... ? very very difficult homework, Umm!! Umm!!
but we need Blue, and Red;
but we need Blue, Gray, Green, and Red;
but we need Blue, Gray, Green, and Silver;
but we need Blue, Gray, Silver, and Red;
but we need Blue, Green, Silver, and Red;
but we need Gray, Green, Silver, and Red;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well
trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. if we R&D 2+ Color on ZCS
NOT PCS), and each color has been designed & modeled by
iro LED
And Then, can you pinpoint doko
line should be for its living environment? in addition,
WHAT is the purpose of this quiz?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! the purpose
of this quiz is for "current" sir, similar to ion, ionization, ... ;
inside of the Dark Energy Engineering (
ware ware We'll (choose, pick, select)
Radical2 (e.g.
DEE _lines _vertical) because
2+ Color on ZCS must obey its current sir;
I wrote:
of course; Yes, keep the Algorithm (factored
Number: dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural)
for your super power, because we human beings like to be the most
powerful ones
(e.g. in
COVID-19 pandemic worldwide (our earth) caused more than
"nuclear power of civilizations") ... ;
Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Umm!! Umm!! we ;
5 base pairs of
RNA are with (U, Uracil), in addition to 4 base pairs of DNA;
4 base pairs of DNA are (((AT, CG), (AT, GC)), ((TA, CG), (TA, GC)), ((CG, AT),
(CG, TA)), ((GC, AT), (GC, TA)));
A, Adenosine; one of the 4 nucleotides; if specific pairs, A with T;
T, Thymine; one of the 4 nucleotides; if specific pairs, T with A;
C, Cytosine; one of the 4 nucleotides; if specific pairs, C with G;
G, Guanine; one of the 4 nucleotides; if specific pairs, G with C;
Deoxyribonucleic Acid; DNA, a chemical name for the molecule, carrying "double
helix" instructions of living things;
Ribonucleic Acid; RNA, a messenger, carrying instructions from the DNA;
living tissue uracil (U) in DNA (within the defined incubation time period i.e. Time) its place (i.e. Space) is taken by (i.e. Action) Thymine (T); representing with (A, (G, C), U) or (A, (C, G), U); in common, Adenosine a.k.a. Adenine (A) && replacing Thymine (T) during DNA transcription; so RNA can be realized and understood by either 4 base pairs or 5 base pairs, depending upon nations' companies, groups, universities, ... ;
![]() |
![]() |
GPS | , | cm | scale | please | |||
![]() |
C5H6N2O2 | a.k.a. | Thymine | ( |
Formula | : | C5H6N2O2 | | | |
![]() |
C5H5N5 | a.k.a. | Adenine | (![]() |
Formula | : | C5H5N5 | | | |
![]() |
C4H4N2O2 | a.k.a. | Uracil | ( |
Formula | : | C4H4N2O2 | | | |
![]() |
C4H5N3O | a.k.a. | Cytosine | ( |
Formula | : | C4H5N3O | | | |
![]() |
C5H5N5O | a.k.a. | Guanine | ( |
Formula | : | C5H5N5O | | | |
structural |
biophysics Tool; Also see:
Schematic Lipid;
Object) ... ; Also see:
DNA _Origami;
Energy & Geometry;
o Character;
1 cm (Centimeter) is equal to 0.393701 in (Inches)
... ;
1 cm (Centimeter) is equal to 10 mm (Millimeters)
... ;
well trained kids! replied: may we know
WHAT are the diff between Nanobot and DNA Origami
I wrote: I'm going write a poem now e.g.
2T and Henry, how that U to be,
marking the DNA _Origami, transforming to be mRNA in laboratories,
p Vector in structural, surfaced
interrupt Protein dimensional,
1 way DEE As Comes-and-Goes, its
environmental should be closed,
WHILE naturally Nanobots As membranes in
ACTION, we're able to be
defining the (Closed, Opened) architectures,
using 30 polygons for defining variants, we can do
Anti Virus medicines
drip/dropping, so called Teleportation ... ;
I wrote: the diff between Nanobot and DNA Origami are:
- DNA itself is
(biological, biomedical) material, sample, ... ; Also see:
- DNA Origami is based on its (defined DNA's) gene patterns, i.e.
information, also see: index;
- Nanobots are DNA Origami based,
And Then, they're (guided,
- Nanobots have more
Artificial Intelligence than DNA
Remark: without having (concept, idea, knowledge) of DNA Origami, there is no way to create Nanobot, therefore DNA Origami must be realized & understood 1st; Are you working on my homework? (creating 1 picture with induction logic of DNA Origami);
well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! we like to be Nanobot Programmer sir, can you teach us HOW to be;
well trained kids! replied: inside of (Anti Virus . COVID-19), you mentioned THAT this DOMAIN 's Protein Wrapper sir, and our question to you is: can Nanobot be Inhibitor alike blocking (defined ones, specific ones, targeted ones) ?
I wrote: advanced oncological medicines nowadays (21st century & beyond) are already done so, (e.g. defined gene pattern, e.g. specific gene pattern, e.g. targeted gene pattern), if "blocking," we should call it Inhibitor, on the other hand, if defeating the unwanted ones, we should call it nanobots; since we've used (Judo Method, Karate Method, Sumo Method), you should realize & understand (Inhibitor, Nanobot, Protein Wrapper) ... ; Don't forget that I prefer Green Tea with 2 nanobots embedded ones ... ; before I train you well trained kids! to be Nanobot Programmer, you must have Shakya King's permit, because our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think ... ; Remark: one good example would be: many advanced nations have many products NOT to export ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we're already Nanobot Programmer sir, may we know another advanced name you would ever create for us?
I wrote:
Teleportation Programmer,
WHERE you can work from your HOME, and you can provide drip/drop
medicines via
Teleportation embedded machines, so
that you don't need to be in your (lab, office, work place) 9-to-5 weekdays, with
unregulated working hours ... ;
Remark: Remote Nama Programmer
is limited to (Buddhist monk, Mahayana monk,
Zen monk) only because keywords are in Pali
(holy language in Buddhism) transcription words
in English (EN)
... ; Remote Nama Programmer is the
highest knowledge based but NOT for commercial persons, common persons, ... ;
Remember: our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we've read your
Stock, and already realized
& understood THAT we've to do several LLC ourselves sir;
Remark: we've
already learnt THAT we must realize and understand thoroughly e.g. "Invisibility
Engineering" 1st, to do Remote Nama programming, beyond SPL patterns (IoT, NFC),
... ;
I wrote:
of course; OK. let's get back to DNA _Origami:
WHERE is my homework?
fusogenic, Bio-cells (fusion) ... ; fusogenicity, the defined condition (fusion, beings) of the defined cells;
syncytia (Plural Usage), syncytium (Singular Usage); syncytia, structural (forming, joining) of 2 or more cells;
h e n k a n
Transformation, (change, changed, changing, changes) appearance, (e.g. (
U) factors)
i.e. from DNA to RNA ... ; Also see:
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We're Nanobot programmers sir; since you've mentioned
THAT (sound beam, SPL), should we have another factor regarding
structural (binding, forming, joining) of cells in our own
lab sir?
I wrote: Yes. you need Nano-scaled microphone to
listen, regarding kuru kuru
WHILE (binding, forming,
joining) of cells in your own lab; since this DOMAIN has
defined (
from -340 dB, to +340 dB),
and in (-1 dB, Minus One dB) diff between East Coast and West Coast of
USA (approx.
dB) for offices, approx. 7-8 dB for residential, i.e. Telecommunication
(Cable) ... , and I personally believe THAT (binding,
forming, joining) of cells prompt (Number
dB) audio, noise, sound, ... ; Yes. to be
Nanobot programmer,
you should have Nano-scaled microphone to listen ... ; by the way, I
created Inductance for you to understand
better, for your defined (closed
space environment,
open space environment) ... ; because,
1990s modeled "zombie"
design specification is somehow related to remote (in SQRT2 design,
a.k.a. 100 of (±98))
and knowledge must be beyond medical radiological;
Remark: if you don't have "zombie" machine's design
specification in 2020s,
think that you're approx. 31+ years behind this DOMAIN developer's
knowledge ... ;
Remark: as of 2022, Usage ("zombie") has been changed to better and proper usage as "Samsara ones," also see: Physics Law 1024, Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) ... ;
DOMAIN . Nanobot . DNA Origami ... ;
this DOMAIN . Nanobot . DNA Origami ... ;
well trained kids! replied: Oh!! No. ("zombie") No. we know you're like "duper" sir; Remark: NOT "super" sir; Umm!! Umm!! we'll copy your Inductance (idea, info, knowledge) also, Umm!! Umm!! ;
I wrote: don't forget my homework assignment i.e. 1 picture must be presented HOW DNA _Origami should be; without understanding Inductance, HOW could you be Nanobot Programmer? that's the reason, I wrote "Inductance" ... ;
well trained kids! replied: Aw!! I see; by the way, we don't like to deal with "zombie" sir, HOW should we live in the future sir?
I wrote: human beings livable moons are very very nice place to be; a few hours of gravity equipped imaginary hyperspace crafts will bring you to be there;
well trained kids! Oh!! No. No. we know you're like "duper" sir; Remark: NOT "super" sir; Umm!! Umm!! we've learnt in our text books THAT light-years ... , NOT a few hours;
I wrote: I rather drive taxis, delivery trucks, and be handyman without license, never mind ... ; our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think ... ; among (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural), inductance can define "directional" therefore I wrote "Inductance" for you, because you'll be the nanobot programmers ... ; but, for understanding (anatomical, physiological), everyone must be dealing with ("zombie") for at least 1 year, so that our body parts, name definitions, and their (i.e. body parts') functionalities can be thoroughly understood, but after that 1 year of ("zombie"), you can be WHAT you want to be e.g. NOT to be dealing with ("zombie"), but be Nanobot Programmer!!
well trained kids! replied: some of us like to be "zombie" machine programmers sir? HOW could that be?
I wrote: you must have Shakya King's permit to be "zombie" machine programmers; don't forget THAT all human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King;
I wrote: during COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, I created
Schematic .
Energy & Geometry (for developing NOT ONLY DNA _Origami BUT ALSO
Teleportation Method (drip/dropping medicine)) and I've a quiz i.e.
regarding (
one-fourth Break), how many gases would you like define?
well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! i.e. very easy quiz sir, we've learnt already Maroon a.k.a. Red is like Hydrogen, Silver is like Nitrogen, Green is like Oxygen, Aqua is like Water; since Silver has been special designed and modeled next to Blue (our earth), DNA must be "our earth only" Sample; since you drew Yellow at the top above Maroon, we will be guessing that good protein at the (Left, Top) if "Location Awareness" ... ; Are we getting correct answer sir?
I wrote: Yes. but, don't forget my homework: you well trained kids!! need to submit 1 picture to represent DNA _Origami ;
I wrote: regarding ("Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
I've a quiz i.e. since we've designed & modeled edges (i.e. since 1990s
Method of switching from NORMAL (squared
ones' edges) to MOBILE (rounded ones'
edges), and nowadays (2020s) NFC IoT with
structural Battery with directional gravity
spots), And Then, (notice, realize, understand) horizontally (X
axis) Left's side and Right side are NOT the same, so WHAT do you think
of IT?
well trained kids! replied: we don't know sir;
I wrote: think of 3 lights of 90 degree are at the left 2 times, you should think of (Audio, Noise, Sound) at the left (because, "Origin of Sound" has been defined); think one of the Directions of 1 way DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) in this case should be Left to Right; without realizing & understanding very basic DEE patterns' (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural), there's no way to do DNA _Origami; so, step-by-step learning & understanding is a must ... ;
. if geotechnical engineering, surfaced based computing can be "Manmade
Global Weather" ... ;
. if IT (Information Technology), surfaced based computing can generate
defined SPL patterns ... ;
. if medical, surfaced based computing can be functional "Gene Therapy"
... ;
. if military, surfaced based computing can be functional "Invisibility
Engineering" ... ;
. if PHYSICS, surfaced based computing can be functional "Gravity
Dimension" ... ;
Remember: within this DOMAIN, 15000+ ITEMS EXIST and each (image, photo, picture) has its owning ... ; inside of the Shakya King's 1000 years book (Also see: Referenced Books), computers can be programmed NOT ONLY by languages BUT ALSO by Graphics (image, photo, picture), believe IT or NOT;
I wrote: don't forget my homework: you well
trained kids!! need to submit 1 picture to represent DNA _Origami,
WHERE is my homework? believe IT or NOT,
there're many human beings livable moons in our universes ...
ware ware We still can't solve growth rate (i.e. BLI
problem) in the human beings livable moons
i.e. in ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace environments;
well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! thinking of how to draw a picture to represent "DNA _Origami" ... ; it should take a few seconds to draw, or it should take a decade to draw, Umm!! Umm!! our idea might not be the same like your idea for sure, Umm!! Umm!!
by the way, we copied and edited one of your 2016
modeled (i.e.
Mussel _v s _Scallop) ones to
Mussel_vs_Scallop_2, And Then, we're seeking your comment?
I wrote: Aye. one of my imaginary hyper space crafts
has been being back to one of the human beings livable moons' space
stations, i.e. My Comment ... ;
Remark: don't forget THAT the Shakya King owns all
human beings livable moons in our universes
... ; you well trained kids! become a little bit of realizing,
understanding, ... non-heterodyning
(out-of-our-universe, without moon waves), to heterodyning with moon
waves ... ; very very good question,
good R&D works!!
desu (bravo!!)
for your knowledge based question;
NiMH), Nickel Metal Hydride ... ; Also see:
Physics Law 179;
structural Battery;
Remark: "structural Battery" can be using NOT ONLY in Automotive, BUT ALSO in Gene Therapy System; Also see: DNA _Origami;
I wrote: you well trained kids! mentioned THAT you're
Nanobot Programmers, so I've a quiz i.e. HOW would you (
Crayon) the defined
Uric Acid Formula C5H4N4O3, regarding its structural ?
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, we'll color (5 Black Color +
4 Red Color + 4 Silver Color + 3 Green Color), regarding structural
... ;
I wrote:
of course; Be good (intentions,
Nanobot Programmers ... ; Also see:
u G T S U;
285 DNA, shape like 1 double helix, IFF unwind (285
DNA molecule)
9526 2 separate helixes, naturally
within 24mm Natural Time, 285 DNA's
each separate strand
creates (copy
of itself, 27 grabbing 6526 organic molecule)
recreating 285 missing helix ...
; Also see:
d Computer;
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We've copied your
Origami, because we've realized & understood THAT 2 human beings livable
moons are on the same orbit, in this case, i.e. 2 Aqua Color (Cyan
Color) are on the same orbit; on the other hand, 2 Yellow Color gravity
spots are (causing, prompting) the defined environment's Growth Rate;
ware ware We've realized & understood the ("Auto Grow") belongs
to "head" alike; we'll be using your "DNA Origami" for developing
Nanobot programming ... ; ("Gray Color") should be non-heterodyning
directional (because, in our universes, heterodyning by human beings
livable moon waves and non-heterodyning are obeying very very
unique 2 environments), if we compare the defined environment's (Aqua, Green, Red,
Silver, White, Yellow) as solar system (heterodyning with Moon Wave,
a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional, 2,3 directional),
including Swing-by time period (13+) ... ;
Yellow Color in the midst is like "2 sides of the DNA 's double helix" ;
ware ware We've realized & understood THAT (polygon alike,
triangle alike) Silver Color, surrounded by White Color prompts
naturally female reproductive system, male reproductive system, tail
alike if 4 ending points (spinal cord) diff, and so on ... ; if we obey
Origin of Human Beings,
Of Human Beings), And Then, we (Nanobot Programmers) can create human
beings also;
well trained kids! replied: we've many questions to you i.e. HOW we human beings' (anatomy, item, organ, part, physiology, tissue) form naturally sir? because, you mentioned THAT every part of we human beings has its own meaning ... ;
I wrote: I like to (drive, navigate, operate) imaginary hyperspace crafts
(e.g. flying trucks!!!!!;
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (very very huge imaginary hyperspace
craft (e.g. 8787 persons can space travel together, inside of 103
story, many modular built-in living environments)), also see:
Physics Law 198,
switch for hyperspace craft's (
Landing)), using naturally rechargeable batteries
(Solar Sail), and elevated tons of weight by using structural
gravity spots ... ;
Remark: don't forget THAT "Tarzan" alike
Rakhine (an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar),
without lab, but I learnt from the Internet, journal, magazine,
newspaper, and NHK news; Yes. if you like IT, copy,
And Then, develop IT (e.g. DNA Origami) ... ;
Origami, and HOW BLI (Body Length Index) varies,
naturally HOW structural formations of (beings, lives, livings) vary,
and so on ... a.k.a. 31 realms of beings in Buddhism, also see:
DNA _Origami;
Numbers in Dharma;
Physics Law 198;
according to Buddha's dhamma, (human beings
(Also see: Idea
Processor, e.g.
((89, 52), 28))),
(deities), (The Four
Celestial Kings alike beings), ("ariya"),
("v i n a y a" i.e. beings but without specific
body), ("t h a t t a w a" i.e. beings with body
but nama may vary), (...), EXIST within
31 realms of beings
... ; Buddhism and Hinduism may vary WHEN concerning ((89,
52), 28) e.g. in Hinduism, every Kaya
(Body) is with its Nama (gods); because of
4 great principles (e.g. m a h ā - p a d e s a),
in Buddhism (diff groups, diff numbers) ...
Chiral; Chiral by Water Elevator; e.g.
Chiral by Water Elevator, ... , also see:
_Origami ... , doko
WHERE you may start your own Nanobot Programming R&D
... ;
Remark: our earth only (ACT1 level); if ACT2 level, you must apply many
additional parameters e.g. Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), Yellowish Variation
(YV), ... ; if ACT3 level, there is no joint venture in true space (universes)
... so you must be on your own ... ; this DOMAIN recommends
numerological (map, mapped, mapping, maps) e.g.
Lo Shu,
Sudoku, ... 1st to realize & understand world's 1st algorithm e.g.
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan
HOW step-by-step explicit explanation,
And Then, 2nd. to realize & understand
structural, And Then, 3rd. HOW biophysics (hole, string) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: regarding "stem" cells, your Chiral 's 4
consecutive ones looks alike "stem" sir, and we've question i.e. inside of
108 configuration,
there is no numerical 8 sir, (
doshite Why,
Why) ?
I wrote: OH!! 1st. you need to realize & understand
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, so biological cells can be
represented by either hole or string, 2nd. I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well
trained kids!! knowledge i.e. HOW do you define (
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls)'
directional ? because you
need to realize & understand usage "kuru kuru
WHILE flip-flopping (Navy Blue Color, Silver Color)," Yellow Color
As String in between,
WHEN Green Color is surrounded;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! 2 sided Yellow Color
WHAT you're talking about;
I wrote: Yes. you've got it WHAT I'm explaining; either hole
or string is OK
(I've mentioned several times THAT 2 is very very unique in many ways)
e.g. inside of
DNA _Origami ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! both sides (4-ones' side) and (3-ones' side) must obey your Physics Law 1, C Sequence Number (BF2) at their end-points, and we've read, realized & understood your Algorithm (3,4 dimensional) e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan sir;
I wrote:
of course; I've a quiz now for your Nanobot Programming R&D, inside of "DNA
WHICH picture represents directional (define, indicate, prompt) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir,
Chiral by Water Elevator) 's Aqua Color will guide its (
course of action,
geometry directional,
Directions sir;
I wrote:
of course, correct, right, sure, thrive, ... ; 3rd. I need to QA (Quality
Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. regarding to match
108 configuration
(numerical Number 7) to be 7 biological cells together of (
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot), Green Color and Red Color
must be flip-flopping at doko
WHERE ? very very difficult question because very very unique 2
kinds (Male kind, Female kind) are going to be realized & understood;
well trained kids!! replied:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
ware ware We've realized & understood THAT (
Chiral) 's middle + bottom, (1 Silver Color and 1 White Color)
should be off, IFF flip-flopping (Green Color and Red Color) sir,
so we've just realized & understood that WHAT is (numerical Number 7) inside of
108 configuration sir;
I wrote: I've to be ready for another round e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound, concerning global airborne antiviral COVID-19 pandemic worldwide ... ; Umm!! Umm!! it took me 3+ years to find-out, and remember I don't have any medical academic degree in my 1st life;
DNA _Origami; Nanobot Program; structural Amino Acids; e.g.
Electrons), (
ion), (
Water)) doko
DNA . ((
A) Adenine) coexist with ((
T) Thymine)
C) Cytosine) coexist with ((
G) Guanine)
WHICH (DNA _Origami,
structural Amino
Action (
. heavy ion : e.g. (
... ) ... ;
1 Arc minute DNA marker, for antiviral medicine R&D
... ;
select this DOMAIN . Protein Wrapper
WHERE antiviral medicine = SARS-CoV-2 pathogen
; Remark:
COVID-19 was one of the most powerful biomedical weapons in
Electron configuration of potential ±V,
formulating nuclear medicine for defusing nuclear explosion) ... ; Also see:
DNA _Origami;
Nanobot Programming;
55; five five; e.g.
55) i.e. 2-sided ones ... ; Also see:
Display . Robotic LCD;
DNA _Origami;
Physics Law 113;
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
z G T S U;
ligand; e.g.
ligand), i.e. (ion, molecule), been attached by coordinate bonding; Also
see: Antiviral
Schematic; DNA _Origami;
l G T S U;
Lipid; e.g.
biophysics Tool e.g. (
As Good Lipid Sample,
As Bad
Lipid Sample), also see:
Schematic Lipid;
Origami is transcript word, originally from Japanese traditional folding paper, decorative artwork, ... ; regarding "folding paper," this DOMAIN developer created 2 files, they are Folding Paper _CD, and Folding Paper _Tea Cake;
Usage ("DNA _Origami")
is this DOMAIN developer
("a Tarzan")
's artworks, imaginaries, ... ; another good example would be: from
GI to pulmonary (gas exchange), reflection of moon lights, ...
aesthetics (Also see:
philosophy) ... ;
pixel; e.g.
pixel) for airborne ZCS Display (1 minute area) ... ;
Protein; Enzymes; DNA _Origami; e.g.
shigeki Stimulate; Stimulate; e.g.
Inoculation, living (antigen,
pathogen) into (alive, living) organism to (
shigeki Stimulate,
Stimulate) the production of antibodies;
structural Battery Server (
Gravity Dimension
Computer) ...
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot; e.g.
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality
well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz, i.e. regarding Japanese (a.k.a.
NIPPON) 's invention (biological, directional,
iPS (also see:
Nanobot iPS Cells),
WHERE Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's
directional Action should be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's directional Action should be toward 3's side (a.k.a. right side of the Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot) ... ;
I wrote: so
desu (correct), and I wonder
kind of characteristic its behavior Action would be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! (CCW (Counter Clock Wise), and CW (Clock Wise)) behaves like flip-flop, similar to earth-worm's movement sir;
I wrote: so
desu (right), and I guess that "earth-worm's movement" because of 4's
side, and regarding programmable, WHICH area of the (Single-Bio-Cell
Programmable Nanobot) should you focus on? Remark:
500 nm;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're Nanobot Programmers sir, focus on
Yellow Color (kuru
WHILE flip-flopping Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color) only;
I wrote: regarding (Plus a.k.a. Positive, Minus a.k.a. Negative), if I'm using (2+ phosphate (bi-phosphate), 3+ phosphate (tri-phosphate)) then ion should be Negative or Positive?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! Negative should be charging sir;
I wrote: inside of
Schematic Lipid (e.g.
Lipid), And Then, WHERE should be flip-flopping Aqua Color and
Navy Blue Color)?
well trained kids!! replied: 4's side sir;
I wrote: OK. OK. good enough for
"programmable" regarding
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot
... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
I wrote: be good
Nanobot Programmers!! and keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e.
don't attach viral pathogen to human beings' Protein,
because we're not in a war, and I believe in Zen Buddhism, mountains are
mountain, rivers are river, ... ;
WHEN you become older, and if you like to earn "tons of money,"
And Then, instead of
attaching viral pathogen to human beings'
Protein, you can attach oncological pathogens to human
beings' Protein,
And Then, your own
programmable nanobots will make you "tons of money" And Then, your
own formula, your own medicine, ... ; knowing, realizing, and understanding of
(messenger RNA, mRNA), also see: DNA _Origami;
Reforming Myanmar;
Water Clock;
I wrote: should
I write another additional physics law, for flip-flopping e.g. we need (wake-up,
sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ... , accordance with (Time .
Space . Action) Oriental Thought,, and
WHAT is this
's flip-flopping (Silver Color and Navy Blue Color) time period for a
well trained kids!! replied: the shortest time period of flip-flopping sir;
I wrote: if I wonder WHAT is the longest time period of flip-flopping, and we need to guess?
well trained kids!! replied: 500 years sir, because in Buddhism's documentations, deity life expectancy starts with 500 years in 31 realms of beings;
I wrote: if I wonder 1000 years, how do you describe IT?
well trained kids!! replied: 1000 years = (600 years + 400 years) sir, and 600 years is originally from China's documentation, and 400 years is originally from Gregorian Calendar (Western Civilization) in our earth sir;
I wrote: you
should write a new physics law,
WHEN you become older, regarding flip-flopping time period for
(wake-up, sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ...
WHICH should lead to BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment for
many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;
I've a gift for you i.e.
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls;
you need to realize & understand 1990s design model Flat Panel (WHERE diagonal lines are),
you need to realize & understand 2000s design model (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering),
you need to realize & understand 2010s design model Walls;
you need to realize & understand 2020s design model (3,4 dimensional) avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
you need to
realize & understand
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot 's Yellow Color strings WHILE flip-flopping
Silver Color (a
"Tarzan" 's guess: may be from our moon) and Navy Color
(a "Tarzan" 's
guess: may be from Jupiter), along with (
60 years .
103x28 dimensional Invisibility) ... ; so called "Origin of Carbon Nanowalls,"
for our earth only; Also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
Reforming Myanmar;
types, e.g.
A Type Gene;
C Type Gene;
RR Gene Type ... ;
RX Gene Type ... ;
XX Gene Type ... ;
Also see:
world's 1st; e.g. this DOMAIN is using
Blue | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Green | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Indigo | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Purple | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Yellow | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Also see: DNA _Origami; Gravity Dimension Computer; Manmade Global Weather;
300 Degree * ZCS * ; e.g.
), (
), (
)), also see:
Antiviral Schematic;
DNA _Origami;
Energy & Geometry;
Physics Law 300;
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
1??1G, also see:
Bus Connector and
WHEN you're older and become microbiologist, pathologist, virologist, ... don't
forget to use this webpage's algorithm, because (
Zoom-In (defined biological virus),
Zoom-Out to human beings livable moons (Also see:
they're the same, e.g. a "Tarzan" (this DOMAIN developer) way of realizing &
understanding: think of Up-ones (3) are a triangle with 3 edges (i.e. the least
edges among polygons is called "triangle" in other wording), so "Polymerase"
becomes more meaningful, And Then,
peaceful and tranquil consecutively (1-4) next to each other (Down-ones (4)) on
their way, so "Chain" can be realized & understood
better; believe it or not, inside of virus' cells look the same (3) circle-ones
as 1 group (triangle), (4) consecutive-ones as 1 group (chain), but they're all
circle-ones and "Reaction" e.g. they (unwanted
virus) don't break-down apart after getting into
Protein means we've
unwanted problem like COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2020-2021-2022);
therefore, this webpage's algorithm is truly important HOW 2 groups (Up-ones
(3)) vs. (Down-ones (4)) are related to each other;
haya Now (already, by this
time), you well trained kids! should realize & understand options e.g. (C, C++),
e.g. engineering schematics, e.g. quantum mechanics, And Then, numerological way
is much better, better precision, and easy & simple to do (e.g. Sudoku
Algorithm, 9x9 Table) ... ; Also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
DNA _Origami;
Remark: be good Nanobot Programmers, do
good Kharma Action, good results will ... ; approx. 3 years to figure-out, to
formulate antiviral COVID-19; WHAT is next challenge e.g. avoiding earthquake in
the defined regions ... ;
I wrote: before doing (gene
therapy system programming, nanobot programming (DNA
_Origami)), I need to QA (Quality Assurance) very basic "blood" related
knowledge based, so quiz would be: HOW to indicate among
(Platelets count), (
red blood cells count), (
WBC COUNT (White Blood Cell)) ?
well trained kids!! replied:
(Platelets count) indicates ("plumbing usage clogging"
, "pathological usage
clotting") ... ;
red blood cells count) indicates "
O2 Transportation" ... ;
WBC COUNT (White Blood Cell)) indicates "immune, immune d ones, immunity"
(sophisticated wording would be: "immunological") ... ;
I wrote:
of course; well trained kids!! are very very smart ones
already, very very good; Also see:
C D G W T;
Physics Law 113, any moving location of point;
H2O), a.k.a. Water
... ;
: | Nanobot Programming | ; | |||||||
: | Reference Books | ; | |||||||
: | this DOMAIN 's Color Codes | ; | |||||||
seizen Alive
WHILE alive,
during one's lifetime) . . . ; Also see:
![]() |