Last updated on 2018/2562
full moon day;
Also see: Monbusho_level_knowledge_enhancement_1;
computer, there is only
book in
our earth, therefore,
AI, Artificial Intelligence) if a tribe (ethnic) of Union of
Myanmar's idea is wrong ...
time machine in loop;
WORMHOLE; 24mm; 12mm; 6mm; 3mm; ... ;
lights as instruction ; for developing gravity dimension
computers ... ; 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper
dimensional, with C Sequence Number structure; SYNC parallel time IFF 2,3
dimensional, also IFF 3,4 dimensional; So,
develop gravity
dimension computers ... 。Regarding Southeast Asians, from 3rd world to the 1st
approach, after earning a Masters degree and age <= 35 year,
Monbusho helps 5 years
US$1800+/month with tuition waiver and benefits] full grant to earn
a Ph.D. from one of the selected universities in Japan; this DOMAIN
encourages be back to motherland after R&D
... because
HR for 3rd world to the 1st quickly; For ACT2
ACT3 development,
must learn
oriental language ...
idea ♯ 176; Solar Tree's voltage;
1st to understand one of the
Schematic Symbols (e.g.
Diff Potential)
WHEN green
vs. green (SYNC a.k.a. Synchronization),
others e.g. blue as data,
yellow as data, ... ,
WHERE red dot vs. red line can represent Diff Potential (different
potential), and notice that
line can
define potential differences
horizontally (
X), and also notice that vertical distance between red dot and red line
can define electricity density e.g. higher the voltage, longer the AB distance
vertically (
2nd to understand red dot vs. red line (
Y) can be variable; now AB distance
(a.k.a. 2 point distance) can become 2D (to be on
be mapped later), and the Schematic Symbol (i.e. Diff Potential) has been
108x108, so that
(proportion) is needed to represent real world (e.g.
Electricity Power Plug) 's
electrical power lines;
in common, distance vertically (
Y) is designed for avoiding electro magnetic interferences
(a.k.a. distortion), and distance horizontally (
X) is designed for attenuation (because of resistance);
3rd to develop
Tree (Network
Topology) based
on defined
specified item;
5W1H of
Tree as
device (e.g. monitoring),
and then the newly designed (e.g.
infrastructure will enhance Civilization Type ...
idea ♯ 175;
"tic tic tic" vs. "
2 is very very unique in
ways, e.g. 2 kinds of
are: "tic tic tic" (short form e.g. "toc toc toc") a.k.a. planet's tone noise caused by
Time, on the other hand, sound "
(long form) a.k.a. planet's (dialog pronunciation alike e.g. "a
u n") noise caused by Orbit;
Believe it or not, all human beings livable moons have "a u n" (long form) and
"tic tic tic" (short form) regarding planet's sound;
yes as
Keyword i.e. to connect, to network together, e.g. yeah,
"ah" can be Ethernet header;
IFF ACT2 stage development of earthquake prediction in our
earth, 1st to understand 2 kinds
of sounds
are; 2nd to calculate periodic, e.g. 14 days
in 2 phase lunar calendar, e.g. 10 days,
20 days,
30 days
in 4 phase lunar calendar, e.g. ecliptic symbols
for defined
month in Gregorian calendar, ... ; 3rd to predict
variable degree (°)
angle in 2D coordinate, 3D coordinate, polar coordinate, ... , along with Tidal;
and then, earthquake prediction can be i.e. in addition to eavesdropping
and then develop calculation of % (i.e. prediction of earthquake)
17 is a
factor in
DOMAIN 's numerological dimension; in programming, attaching
string (a.k.a. string
concatenation) "5"
to 17 means a factor with five is like handshake (e.g.
to be, a.k.a. day time configuration of gravity from
5 (also see: Eastern
Philosophy e.g.
5_elements_in_your_life); JP in EN (numerological dimension) is 17, and then
Remark: thousands of
Pagoda in Yangon
has been maintained by "8" character in
Myanmar language;
Directional Gravity has been
by 5 diff colors,
if necessary, define yourself more colors
for gravity
along with Orbit and Tidal;
and then creating
DNS Satellite System (Gravity Spot) to reduce earthquakes
(Remark: please do
not create gravity spot bigger than the sun); Also see:
(e.g. good
Karma a.k.a. ACTION), good results will
... ; develop
HOW to
reduce earthquakes
in our earth, using Directional Gravity;
idea ♯ 174;
Directional Gravity;
defining 5 iroColour ...
1st, gravity is somehow can only be defined
and then, gravity can be the universal super
power gun
(please do not create Gravity Spot bigger than the sun),
similar to manmade global weather, therefore,
info must
be top classified and military top secret, for thousands
of years;
2nd, for basic understanding of
Gravity Dimension
Computer, developed
Rakhine (an ethnic tribe of Union of
Myanmar) e.g. Directional Gravity can be defined
by creating Schematic Symbols,
easy to understand, right to the point, ... ;
Because, Satellite designers know exactly
"graphics" can only be
both i.e.
hardware and software, therefore physicists (also see:
are smarter than hardware engineers and software engineers;
(if you are hardware expert, dealing with patterns to prompt DEF functional
results, on the other hand, if you are software expert, dealing with words to
prompt DEF functional results); Only very very very limited & few peoples (may
be <100 people in our world) can do both (refer to hardware and software);
3rd, develop,
iroColourWaveForm, directional gravity (e.g.
blue Directional Gravity,
green Directional Gravity,
olive Directional Gravity,
red Directional Gravity,
yellow Directional Gravity)
... ;
and then, prove THAT there are many human beings livable moons
in our Shakya
universes ...
and then, prove THAT
BLI (Body
Length Index)
adjustment can be achieved
and, as a results
of decades of R&D, we human beings can live on moons
with approx. Normal Gravity space
capacitance (a.k.a.
capacitive; notice THAT
this Capacitance3 symbolizes capacitor's
value by
OS should be
and then ... ;
idea ♯ 173;
10 a.k.a.
JUN, a part of Parallel Time development
(e.g. 10,7,10);
![]() |
, |
![]() |
, |
![]() |
, |
![]() |
, | ... | ; |
dimensional | , | directional | , | numerological | , | structural | , | ... | ; |
49455196513 | , | 49953296513 | , | 5345963679313 | , | 1293323913 | , | ... | ; | | , | | , | | , | | , | ... | ; |
7 | , | 2 | , | 1 | , | 9 | , | ... | ; |
➐ | , | ➋ | , | ➊ | , | ➒ | , | ... | ; |
If you're
level elite WHO earned
Ph.D. and who likes to develop
and then you should develop 12 (a.k.a. 2*6 dimension),
or 14
(a.k.a. 2*7 dimension)
been reserved
(notice that Sqrt
2 design only, because 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, and approx. beyond 8K floating point
numbers in 2015/2559) for
... ; Also see:
Command, e.g. select
dimensional, directional,
numerological, structural
from this
DOMAIN 's ... ;
this DOMAIN 's
(a.k.a. 2*5 dimension) is copyright, all rights reserved
and intellectual property of
Rakhine (an ethnic tribe of Union of
Myanmar) Ace
Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw);
Reminder: 10, 7, 10 is a part of 108 configuration,
2 phase lunar vs. 4 phase lunar, and
time) SYNC a.k.a.
... ; on the other hand, C
Sequence Number (BF3) is this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts in very
very very far away in distance in our universe ...
; C Sequence
Number (BF2) a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional hyper space WHERE we human beings can
live on many moons (also see: BLI automatic adjustment) ... ;
Therefore, develop
... ; to do so, e.g. 1st, create 10
icons (directory) as 10 dimension, 12 icons (directory) as 12 dimension, 14
icons (directory) as 14 dimension; e.g. 2nd, develop 12 dimension
with 12 column tables
within defined domain,
or, develop 14 dimension
with 14 column tables within defined domain;
e.g. 3rd, ...
merely manipulate there "strange looking
characters" ... ,
and then, have your own
true word (a.k.a.
keyword) ... ;
Therefore, develop
... ; Also see: Address, e.g. WHY do
we need gravitational keywords ... ; Notice that ASCII ♯ (42) i.e. asterisk
(also see:
WHICH is used
for multiplication, multiplier
(e.g. either 10^2,
or 2^10), multiplexer, multiplexor, mux, wildcard,
... doko ...
WHERE hardware people ref.
software people ref. multiplication (a.k.a. multiply)
people ref. wildcard;
WHAT are
... ;
Have you ever counted how many columns (a.k.a. vertical lines) in original
window? if you've done so, you may notice that taskbar has its constraint to
handle limited icons, similar to desktop has its constraint to prompt limited
sessions, ... ; modern OEM designs have been integrated with not only vertical
lines, but also horizontal lines, and then, curvature method (e.g. 0, minus,
plus) should be called surfaces in the Internet ... ;
Martin Luther King Day (1/19/15);
idea ♯ 172; Numerological Dimensional Parity;
1st to
brain a.k.a.
(IQ of computer)
parity 1
for calculator,
parity 2 for dictionary,
parity 3 for translator, ... , so that
can be
2nd to
understand parity has been 0, 1 (e.g. even parity, odd parity), and notice that
Boolean logic (FALSE, TRUE) is applied; numerology has been 1 ~ 9 (i.e. 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) nine quantities of TRUE, with none of 1 ~ 9 would be
... ; Also see:
3rd to
develop numerological dimensional parity, to do so, numerological
word e.g.
"verify" is 459967, and its induction is 4;
"tadasu" is 214113, and its induction is 3; also
2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count;
since Numerological Dictionary
see: idea ♯ 169) with composite key has been
"verify" word will prompt English language as Composite Key, and "tadasu"
word will prompt Hiragana language as Composite
Key; notice that in addition to "numerological" , dimensional e.g. composite
key, ... ; therefore, develop
Numerological Dimensional Parity; As a result, parity
bit will be
truly duo binary
i.e. combination of binary and numerology
IQ of
Computers ... ;
idea ♯ 171; Full Duplex Characteristic;
Even Time Horizontal DEE doko
DEE (e.g. shade) is not 1 way DEE like our earth;
2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space;
IFF Active Z,
both ways
e.g. (from background to forefront) OR (from forefront to background);
Z ... ;
IFF Active Y,
both ways
e.g. (from bottom to top) OR (from top to bottom);
Y ... ;
IFF Active X,
both ways
e.g. (from left to right) OR (from right to left);
X ... ;
17 is a factor to be (2*5), (2*6), (2*7) WHERE JUN vs. Lunar can be understood, and (2*6) as 2 times momentum from 2,3 dimensional to 3,4 dimensional ... ; two a.k.a. coexistence is the key, therefore please do not change Sqrt 2 design's floating point numbers for thousands of years ... ;
Symbol (
i.e. full duplex; at 1 time,
multi ACTION; 2 ways;
Symbol (
i.e. half duplex; at 1 time,
single ACTION; 1 way only;
Notice that
full duplex and
half duplex are
Syntax vs Semantics alike,
WHERE full duplex is Syntax alike, if
compare to half duplex is semantics alike;
NIPPON (Japan) 's geographical domain name is
j p, and its numerological dimensional number is 17, and North America's
geographical domains (e.g. ca, com, gov, net, org, us, ... ) and its (i.e. North
America) defined
number is 1, therefore,
171 is very important number;
AI OS character
171 is 唃;
Develop 3 dimensional full duplex characteristic ... ;
idea ♯ 170; Artificial Wormhole vs. Natural Wormhole;
17 = ? ; a Myanmar's imaginary method would be: ((2 * 5), (2 * 6), (2 * 7)) i.e. our universe, and universal ... ;
Basic understanding of WHAT is wormhole is that WHEN lights are kuru kuru in ACTION, wormhole begins; kuru kuru WHILE lights are in dimensional, directional, (e.g. C C D technology) lights as surface can be IFF defined by structural method (using multi time lines);
Since power can be generated from combustion engine, power can be generated from fuel cells, power can be generated from solar panel, power can be generated from ... , artificial wormhole vs. natural wormhole can be further studied depending upon planets' momentum, power source's structural and so on ... ;
Therefore, develop both artificial wormhole and natural
wormhole; Remark: gateway
(also see: laser beam, sound beam, ... )
through wormholes
should be either plus or minus, in 2,3 dimensional ... ; In 3,4
dimensional space, a Myanmar's imaginary space crafts prompt BF3 (also see:
C Sequence Number), and very very very difficult to
create interior artificial wormhole, and DEE becomes naturally parallel (e.g. no
sound, a.k.a. origin of sound), and so on e.g. 4PP
(4 Planet Prediction is thousands years
old document in Buddhism) ... ; Also see:
water a.k.a.
a.k.a. H2O; because
(artificial wormhole vs. natural wormhole) can be defined
by water's pull characteristic or push characteristic, so called
gravity in dimensional and directional; Also see:
Hayabusa; Develop Ion Engine;
idea ♯ 169; Numerological Dictionary;
for scientific data modeling, for numerological dimensional numbers, for literature & IT development, numerological dictionary should be;
TIME: timestamp for each data collection;
SPACE: transcription word in Hiragana, transcription word in Kanji, transcription word in Katakana, transcription word in Pali, transcription word in ... ;
ACTION: to compile numerological dictionary with numerological index numbers; ACTION to compile numerological index numbers with its defined words;
to do so, numerological index numbers e.g. 2341119 is
kudasai, and then its induction (whole) is 3 (i.e. within 1 ~ 9); if
numerological index numbers as Primary
Key, and
then its induction (whole) number (i.e. within 1 ~ 9) should be
Key; Composite
can be designed by attaching SPACE e.g. 21212151 is
Katakana, e.g. 7139 is Pali,
e.g. 795795 is Pin Yin, ... ;
after designing meta data for ACTION, notice that keys (e.g. Composite
Key, Primary
Key) can represent any word in our world; Remark: this
project may require many people, many languages skill, ... and NOT 1 person's
work; therefore, do create / design / develop world's 1st
Numerological Dictionary, and earn Ph.D. in literature, IT, ... ;
In addition to Ph.D. degree,
if you can embed data into electronics, you will be one of the founders of
search engine companies ... ;
2014/2558 Christmas Day;
idea ♯ 168;
glow or reflect (
, on the other hand,
disappear or no reflection
; we human beings eyes perceive vision with limited
refreshing rate, IFF moving, e.g. >20 c/s (Hz) static
characteristic, on the other hand, IFF moving, e.g. < 20 c/s (Hz)
dynamic characteristic; coexistence e.g. (
color, and notice THAT reflection is somehow related to visibility,
and then, no reflection is invisibility; also see read:
idea ♯ 145;
Rainbow vs.
Wormhole; WORMHOLE method,
C C D tech alike light as
surface can be created
via wormhole i.e. kuru kuru of lights
(those timelines
should be on
i.e. variable time periods)
and then
light as
surface can be projected
kuru kuru of lights with 3 or more ... ; RAINBOW
method, diff if compare to wormhole; in 2,3 dimensional space,
like full moon days,
the most growth rate, the most visibility exists,
and then coexistence invisibility e.g.
are formed
one tangent; light pulses a.k.a.
rainbow doko
WHERE lights spread consecutively;
question would be e.g. have
you seen (visibility) rainbow on a full moon day? if you do (if it does) i.e. a
rainbow exists on full moon day, the
rainbow must be rare one and the strongest lights pulse naturally;
Parameter (invisibility, visibility) is
also related to Constellations as
planet (very very huge) THAT causes (one of the factors)
our human beings cannot see our back naturally; 2,3 dimensional momentum
(e.g. 5 moons in day configuration)
3,4 dimensional momentum (e.g. 4PP from very very very far away in distance)
cause (invisibility, visibility) as coexistence; therefore, develop
WHAT kind
of (
type of)
light (e.g. yellow light vs.
blue light)
and then
curvature prompts (invisibility, visibility) doko
WHERE structural must be defined
... ; After developing blue
vs. yellow, it is the time to
develop touch sensor on 1 surface by using toggle method, also see:
(Multi Touch
idea ♯ 167; Laser as Gun vs. Lights Screen Surface as Shield;
In 2014/2558, USA's Navy demonstrated, since then Laser as Gun has deployed; Laser is classified info;
Basic understanding of
how laser (
lights) screen surface as shield can be: e.g.
![]() |
![]() |
L | A | S | E | R |
![]() |
laser | |||||||||||||
laser | shield | ; | |||||||||||||||||
laser shield must capture laser direction;
In 2,3 dimensional space, # mm yellowish variation as distance; Yellow is the key to deal with power, heat, ... ;
Up to aung myint kyaw (1985-86, Secretary of
Physics Student Association,
Yangon University, Union of Myanmar) 's basic
knowledge, the only way to shield common type laser is by creating directional
(blue and
yellow) as
method; Believe it or not, in 1985-86, 1st laser beam in Union of Myanmar, invented
Rakhine, and one of the teachers
(Ph.D. from
NIPPON) of aung
myint kyaw;
Because of blue vs. yellow, many laser products e.g. laser printers started in
1990s and still top military secret in 21st century HOW ... ;
developer notice that 1980s'
way's of
laser becomes
variable laser
dynamic gateway through wormhole
in 21st century; Next generation
Monbusho elites
should know kuru kuru with multi time lines
(structural method)
generating WORMHOLE
and then gateway through the wormhole will
be world's super power e.g. navy
laser guns
... ;
Basic understanding of
HOW laser
can be: e.g.
![]() |
![]() |
L | A | S | E | R |
![]() |
laser | |||
laser | direction | ; | |||||||
![]() |
Laser | Direction | Up | ; | |||||
![]() |
Laser | Direction | Left | ; | |||||
![]() |
Laser | Direction | Down | ; | |||||
![]() |
Laser | Direction | Right | ; | |||||
Direction | Up | ; | |||||||
Direction | Left | ; | |||||||
Direction | Down | ; | |||||||
Direction | Right | ; | |||||||
Therefore, develop both laser as gun,
and then develop lights screen surface as shield;
To be global military super power, map all nuclear plants as global energy map
(e.g. Satellite DNS System), and then be ready to release laser (beam) as gun
into each nuclear plant; Prove that nuclear plants can be exploded one after
another IFF war i.e. by deploying global energy map with laser beam;
go Karma (ACTION), good results will ... ;
war is not
is the key to be peaceful ... ;
Laser was not variable, but after 30+ years of R&D, laser can
be variable e.g. pipe method, e.g. lens method; to do
global energy map, 1st, to test laser's characteristics inside
microwave environment (e.g. room) because *sphere (plasma cluster layer, air's
levels above as sky) in our earth are somehow related to microwave radiation;
2nd, location as specified item and then define intensity of the (dot, pinpoint,
tip) of laser beam prompts heat (heat can be explosive); 3rd, WHILE
kuru kuru, 4 corners with green define yellow with wave length, so called
laser beam as gun; Therefore, develop global energy map
i.e. to map all nuclear plants in our earth,
if worst case (e.g. world war happens) and then prove that nuclear plants can be
exploded one after another ... ; Get advance e.g. navy ship can focus < 20
miles, on the other hand, satellites can focus > 200 miles; Don't worry, be
happy, there will be laser screen surface as shield; Ace Jaw is common civilian
and nothing to do with laser and military, therefore, this laser concept may not
be 100% truth; Beyond Global Energy Map, there are 2 projects
going on (only top classified kids are allowed to study), i.e. 1. Universal
Energy Mapping, 2. Lighting Our Universe; to do so, please read basic
understanding of
Stretch ... ;
idea ♯ 166; Regional Flood Prevention;
After understanding 3 gravity spots on a tangent line in the
sky with synchronized
moon waves
e.g. 2 moons on the same orbit, and then plasma cluster can be defined
(e.g. air's direction) by 3 gravity spots as
Specified Items;
Air flow cannot define rivers' water flow, because
directional energy to surface cannot define whole volume e.g. water as plate;
Every coastal area in our earth has 2 times daily tidal, and approx. 1 meter
variation as water levels (down water level, up water level); Regarding
Directional Plasma Cluster
Method, creating gravity spot is somehow related to
wormhole method, a part of
DEE (Dark
Energy Engineering)
; Since water as plate must be defined, and then Ln
X to water's tidal waves must be overwritten to reduce, to prevent, to protect
water as plate;
1st. IFF in
WHEN raining,
limit rain drop (define number in cm) to the region; projecting sound
beam into the cloud prompts rain, vice versa, projecting laser beam into the
cloud prompts no rain, therefore limit rain drop by defined
number (you
define number # here) in
season, for each region, i.e. by using
Time Zone)
and then limit rain drop (i.e. to avoid flood);
limited volume of waterway (e.g. rivers) 's slow water flow causes flood; In
order to do MANMADE GLOBAL
WEATHER (i.e. to be good, e.g. to avoid regional flood) waterway (e.g.
rivers) must be fast water flow; To to so, using World
Line, and focus 90° angle variation
(i.e. Ln X method, NOT wormhole method)
to tidal waves' direction
location as particular item (e.g. the nearest bay area, e.g. the nearest coastal
WHILE in raining season,
(e.g. bay area, e.g. coastal area)
and then
gravity (Ln X, 90° angle variation) focus to either the bay area water or
coastal area water i.e. to do fast water flow from rivers;
Develop regional system with defined
time zone (Time) with defined
location (Space) with defined
number of rain in cm (e.g. limit rain drop), with defined
fast water flow (e.g. directional gravity),
(also see:
Protecting the
environment worldwide...i.e. inside of
index), and prove THAT starting from
2015/2558, no
flood, e.g., reduce flood in Thailand, by neither
heavy rain nor slow water flow in the region will do better living conditions ... ;
Also see:
Weather, to do good
... ;
idea ♯ 165; Directional Plasma Cluster;
Because of coal as
particle pollution (e.g. PM 2.5, e.g. PM 10) in the
Particles Pollution in the
air (e.g.
PM 2.5, e.g. PM 10) exists,
plasma cluster's
Gravity Dimension Computer
gravity spots)
approx. 1 meter size
must be consecutive each other on a tangent line (e.g. World Line alike) in the
2 moons
are on the same orbit must
Synchronization to the
3 gravity spots, because 2 events of 90°
in 2,3 dimensional momentum (3 gravity spots as 3 planets),
and then the plasma cluster's
Directions can
be defined;
Directional: e.g. particle pollution as plasma cluster (e.g.
air flow)
the nearest
and then
rain above
ocean doko
WHERE the Plasma Cluster Location
is i.e.
to reduce particle pollution (e.g. PM 2.5, e.g. PM 10) in the atmosphere;
Develop global system e.g. Satellite DNS System
(also see:
Protecting the
environment worldwide...i.e. inside of
index), and prove THAT starting from
PM (2.5) pollution, e.g., reduce PM2.5 pollution in China, breezy
air in the cities will do better living conditions ... ; Also see:
Weather, to do good
... ;
idea ♯ 164;
In both (2,3 dimensional and 3,4 dimensional) lights' length
(depth) vary; We human beings
things (objects) vary; Therefore, near future's Monbusho
elites should understand
5W1H of
Think that in DEE
(Dark Energy Engineering),
DEE itself does not stretch in our universe;
and then
WHAT makes such
stretch? e.g. gravity, light, momentum, sound, ...
; basic
DEE starts with lighting candle at 1.5 V
diff potential, since 2000 a.k.a.
Millennium; Hint:
HOW to make
very basic DEE starts with lighting candle at 1.5 V diff
2 surfaces' L characteristic momentum i.e. basic yellow gravity ;
stretch; Also see:
DEE as hole board (i.e. reverse engineering, and the most advance
technology (classified, therefore detail info NOT available to public);
is one of the very important factors
BLI (Body Length Index)
adjustment development;
theory, basically either hole or string exists; e.g. IFF
lights behave eccentric circles
alike i.e. basic WORMHOLE begins; e.g. IFF
lights behave parallel to each other i.e. origin of sound
begins; Therefore, start R&D with
stretch can be understood thoroughly, e.g. momentum is
(e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g.
3,4 dimensional), therefore your own
model must be variable;
idea ♯ 163; Pixel's
In 1980s monochrome era, pixel was defined as p (x, y); a.k.a. X Y coordinate;
In 1990s color monitor era, pixel was defined as p (x, y, z) and then p (x, y, z, c); a.k.a. screen;
In 2000s flat panel era, p (x, y, z, c) can be understood e.g. x as Time Line, y as Level, z as Layer, c as iro Colour;
In 2010s 3D display era, p (x, y, z, c, d) where dimension d can be understood e.g. depth, (background vs. foreground) with ACTION layers to be defined by dimension d;
Since light can be projected, depth can be (either minus or plus) where display as surface whether screen surface or projected surface; Therefore, develop p (x, y, z, c, d, s) where s as surface, also see: curvature;
Regarding gravity spot (dot), p (x, y, z, c, d, s, g)
where g
as gravity, and gravity g can be defined by
kan Weight; Therefore, develop p (x, y, z, c, d, s, g); approx.
logic to compute e.g.
and then
z, e.g.
and then
d, e.g.
and then
s, e.g.
and then
g, e.g.
and then "you've
just solved the gravity dimension computer's pixel parameter"
... ; Also read (Rainbow vs. Wormhole) idea ♯ 145, and then develop
written e.g. notice that Katakana character "ta" is in broken style of writing,
because parameter can be null, void, ... ); As a result
(not only earning Ph.D. degree but also
... ), pixel p can be defined
by gravity g;
idea ♯ 162; Dimension = Non-dimension;
Dimension | Non-dimension |
dimension as value; | non-dimension as reference; |
dimension and non-dimension are Yin and Yang alike coexistence; | dimension and non-dimension are Yin and Yang alike coexistence; |
momentum with repetition, e.g. 1 way DEE and one and only the sun (Day), monthly sign (zodiac), eclipse (2*6) twice a year, ... ; | no momentum, no repetition, e.g. planet collisions; |
constellation (approx. 31 times bigger than earth) and many human livable moons are in peaceful orbital; | very dangerous space because of no orbital, a.k.a. other side of constellation planet; |
our earth is one of the moons; | no moon to control gravitational equilibrium; |
gravitational equilibrium e.g. daily 2 times tidal because of 2 moons are on the same orbit; | no gravitational equilibrium; |
DEE can be as specified item; | unknown e.g. other side of constellation planet; |
our Shakya universe with dimensional; | our Shakya universe with non-dimensional; |
dynamic; goal; integer; linear; multilevel; multi objective; | multilevel; nonlinear; toward uncertain; |
2,3 dimensional; 3,4 dimensional; | since no orbital, dimensions must be developed here; e.g. at this point on that screen surface timestamp; |
structural e.g. C Sequence Number's BF2 environment; | HOW to design non-dimension as structural BF? |
gravity is somehow related to
DEE and
light, develop lighting our Shakya (also see:
Develop parallel universe e.g. using timestamp
and then, do ACTION based
on the defined
And then, prove that Non-dimension can be assigned and calculated based on
Dimension's known timestamps;
e.g. still can handshake (timestamp) 10 years ago,
still can handshake (timestamp) 20 years ago, still
can handshake (timestamp) 30 years ago,
means you've just solved parallel universe development;
timestamp? e.g. in space development, (timestamp) 1 second
ago is not much useful; in global military systems, (timestamp)
5 seconds ago is very powerful
(e.g. trace drone,
trace missile); in global
weather systems, (timestamp)
1 hour ago can be very preventive (e.g. weather
conditions 1 hr ago as prevention); in global
systems, (timestamp) 10 hours ago can be
very protected; regarding global news channels'
video streaming, (timestamp)
1 day ago can be unbreakable program; within
time zones, (timestamp)
0.5 second ago might be
(reaching mantissa point closer to M S B, and beyond
web might be
... ; Therefore, develop TIMESTAMP
with energy map
... ; Also see:
idea ♯ 161
; B L I, Body Length Index;
In common, there is BMI only, e.g. BMI (25) is okay, i.e.
neither too fat nor too slim; WHY do we need
B L I then? because, in 21st century,
human beings' knowledge are beyond gravity, and realized THAT gravity causes
growth rate; Without B L I automatic adjustment, we human beings become
abnormal; Therefore,
B L I (Body Length Index) is very important factor to
1st to understand one the the Schematic Symbols e.g.
Even Time Horizontal DEE;
2,3 dimensional space; doko
DEE behaves full duplex characteristic
(i.e. NOT 1
way DEE like our earth's the one and only the sun as momentum);
2nd to understand
patterns; both
2,3 dimensional space and 3,4 dimensional space;
28 is
holly number in
Buddha & Buddhism; 52
per year (i.e. adjusting to Gregorian Calendar); (28 days,
7 * 4), there is a full moon day (2 phase lunar);
(4 phase lunar), 2 phase (e.g. 4.?????) adjust to 4 phase lunar (i.e.
in Lunar Calendar), therefore
280 is easy
number to compute; 280 ≡ (52 *
21.5??) / 4.???, i.e. (our earth's
full moon
growth rate to be (normal fully grown human beings);
approx. in Eastern Civilization's calendar;
20 (a.k.a.
normal growth rate;
approx. in Western Civilization's calendar;
Civilization Type as Number;
Remark: IFF
BMI > 25, health risks exist; Also see:
Space B M D;
Space B M I; After
adjustment, we (human beings) will be immigrating to another planets,
planting (e.g. Plantation On The
MOON; don't forget
Shop For SEED), traveling
to another planets,
... ; Every
ethnic (tribe) should have their own villages for sure ... ;
IC28 ... ;
idea ♯
According to stories in the
Buddha & Buddhism
old info in 2014/2558)
, deities life span expectancy starts from
500 years; In 21st century,
some collected
or restricted
people realized
THAT cloned
human beings start in 21st century;
TRUE is started in 1995 in Gregorian Calendar; This idea is NOT
intended to be used
now, because, the most advanced
DEE (Dark
Energy Engineering)
human beings (e.g. architect, designer, engineer, professor,
... ) cannot explain DEE patterns
in our universe (refer to 3,4 dimensional ...
System has been designed
and implemented,
in common, but
scientifically proven to public yet; IFF cloned
human beings, problem is your brain, question is THAT? is this
Nama? if KAYA,
HOW to
maintain physical equilibrium accordance with planets' momentums
is a 500+ years old
question, on the other hand, if NAMA, HOW to
maintain generation of scripts
as mandra in the
Buddha & Buddhism; In 21st
century, the most challenging
question to any doctor would be: variable DEE patterns,
HOW to
maintain both Kaya &
Nama together (e.g. a person looks the same, the same brain, the same
body (Kaya), the same mind (Nama),
the same & the same for 500+ years
like deity ... ; Therefore, develop variable
DEE patterns
... ; WHY
6 senses
in Abhidhamma? ... ;
WHY (2 * 6) is a dimension in
this DOMAIN? e.g.
Z axis ... ; In Western Civilization's
documentation, there are only 5 senses
[also read the book: THE FUTURE OF THE MIND; MICHIO KAKU;
2014; ISBN 978-0-385-53082-8]; In a tribe (ethnic) of Union of
Myanmar's documentation, there are
6 senses
accordance with Buddha's
Abhidhamma; If you are nama
developer, decide yourself whether
Gateway (global address, local address, universal address), like
way doko
come-and-go, also see:
time zones
prompt the same address, so called
global address ( is no COOKIE IE 's
global address, regarding in
this DOMAIN, defined
by its numerological dimension
number 736213
(i.e. global));
Unknown address in
time zones,
within a defined
time zone, so called
local address; Universal address is defined
by highly advance organizations
(e.g. JAXA, NASA, ... ),
in common, font + graphics with I C C ID + logo, to address among
so called
universal address;
Shakya universe, also see:
Swastika; WHY do
we need to define "global address" to do manmade global weather? because, global
weather involves several time zones;
weather conditions
can be pinpointed
by (
time zone +
global address)
and then
surface in the
Internet ... ;
karma (a.k.a. khamma) ... ;
Therefore, develop gateway for gravity machine;
idea ♯ 158; MANMADE GLOBAL
Design, and software engineer, and develop
model, i.e. to do good climate conditions,
i.e. to do good weather conditions;
2,3 dimensional environment only;
this DOMAIN 's manmade
global weather model
(e.g. Weather . H T M L, its Page
Properties) is designed with aqua color
background, and Gravity_machine_in_act2_stage.GIF is marked as both
Background picture and Mark it a watermark;
Because, this DOMAIN developer guesses / predicts THAT there are 5 layers at least
to compute ... ;
Aqua color
as background is 1 layer;
Gravity_machine_in_act2_stage.GIF as another layer;
table is also a layer;
table 's cell 's background can also be layer;
Of course,
font is also a layer; Therefore, 5 layers must be understood, to design, and
software engineer, and develop global weather model;
If you like
this DOMAIN 's model (i.e.
dimensional model), copy *.* (thousands
of items
content) into your
machine; Define yourself
with "strange looking characters" ... ; Test it yourself; Do it yourself;
then, realize the gravity yourself, and reminder: you can own planets like
a tribe (ethnic) in Union of Myanmar
... ; In early 21st century,
bad weather conditions
quite often beyond common human beings' knowledge; Therefore, it is a time to do
design, develop, software engineer, ...
i.e. to do good climate conditions,
i.e. to do good weather conditions,
... ;
(24mm natural time's 1mm hole (a.k.a. analog clock tic tic tic) can be
very big like human head size doko
WHERE you don't want your head to be as strings go
through), since 1990,
Radio (e.g. XM (screen based), X Modulation, beyond
X axis'
multi timelines),
after 2020, a.k.a.
directional gravity (regarding Buddha & Buddhism, 10
directional metta to transmit and all directional
Shakya symbols have been for thousands of years, e.g. earthquake, e.g.
homemade green gravity, e.g. volcano eruption), PLEASE
2010, also see:
eccentric circles on surface (beyond X axis modulation, beyond
contour mapping on flat surface, e.g. eccentric circles can define any
curvature also see:
surface), since 2010,
gene therapy system
(computer to do neither hyper nor hypo WHILE using
life expectancy can be longer), since
diff between B L I automatic adjustment and gene therapy system (
question would be),
laser beam
(light can be projected, and
intensified, e.g. you don't want broken windows glasses & costly repair; if
location as specified item, you don't want your building's steel beam frames
become melted inside), light as surface has been proposed to be protected
automotives' interior, office's exterior, since
1980, a.k.a. dubbing strings
(in common,
heat as
particular item),
modulated radio
(2 nodes' omni non-directional, 3+ nodes'
directional), since 1965, a.k.a.
nama for humanoid
(spy agencies deploy their "robo" systems to their agents
or related people, e.g. kaya (e.g. physical present) is
there at that time because of "robo" system's one of the functional modules,
e.g. nama (e.g. mindful decision) can be by variable
environment conditions, 3 kinds of beings are clone human beings, genuine human
beings, humanoid human beings), since
plasma cluster
(air quality vs. defined gas types, HOW gas moves
in nature, HOW winds blow in momentum, e.g. global wind direction, e.g. local
wind direction), e.g. our earth's air is the thinnest WHERE lighting candle
prompts the least distance, e.g. because of momentum, lighting candles prompt
NOT the same light direction (do not forget DEE here), e.g. snail character
formation above ocean (a.k.a. storm, because gravitational pressure becomes
pivotal), since 2005, a.k.a.
remote heat sensing
(a.k.a. snaky
pattern, not only cloth but also bra and underwear can be off, in common WHERE
camera's defined room temperature's variation to defined person's body
temperature (beyond infrared radar)), since
solar energy
(perceiving light to capacitance to potential diff to
electricity), since 1975, a.k.a.
positive vs. positive,
sound beam
(3+ nodes' directional, if projecting into sky WHERE clouds
are, and then rain can be manmade), since
, Sound Pressure Level (injection method is in common Y, similar
to camera's Z tech e.g. zoom (in or out) to perceive), since
spectrum (structural (i.e. X, Y, Z) e.g. linearly
consecutively one after another, structural e.g. in number with BF), since
1985, a.k.a. lights,
teleportation method (the same bio (beings) can be at another
location, generating the same bio (beings) by using code sequence, beyond
cloning), basically TIME (e.g. period of bio availability) . SPACE (e.g. bio things) .
ACTION to be the same code
sequence, (think reversely here e.g. if same DNA & RNA, bio things like
ourselves (using directional gravity: cell to
molecule to tissue to bio parts to body self), IFF at the same time (you've just
solved teleportation method)),
World Line
(a.k.a. cloud's formation
in the sky artificially, since 1995),
prior to sound beam,
3+ nodes'
directional radio wave can carry NOT ONLY defined
frequency BUT ALSO defined
a.k.a. negative vs. negative (because positive as frequency already),
Therefore, weather can be manmade; So called
law of
directional gravity,
eccentric circles on surface,
gene therapy system,
laser beam,
modulated radio,
nama for humanoid,
plasma cluster,
remote heat sensing,
solar energy,
sound beam,
teleportation method,
World Line,
) do good climate conditions,
do good weather conditions,
... ;
go Karma (ACTION)
... ;
After knowing all kinds of known objects, it is good to be plugging off things (devices) in your living environment if not in use, you'll be healthy for sure, otherwise, good luck with medications, ... ; IFF some people know exactly the energy & its directional, and then, sleep mode might be okay if not in use (knowing exactly means NOT ONLY strings, BUT ALSO its hole boards ' dimensional directional numerological structural ... ); Welcome to our earth in 21st century e.g. China's 25 new nuclear plants & dimensional & directional & structural constructions (2010 ~ 2020) ... (think here, e.g. 1.5V diff with 24mm Natural Time can create 1mm hole to do analog clock tic tic tic, and then e.g. 1.5GV (in common, AC are e.g. 110V, 220V, 440V, ... , DC are e.g. 6V, 12V, 24, ... therefore, 1.5GV is imaginary ... ) diff with 6mm time line can create ????? therefore, please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun IFF structural can be understood thoroughly); Many unknown objects exist, e.g. animal o id s, e.g. drones, e.g. remote nama reading, ... ;
idea ♯ 157; THE ORIGIN OF SOUND;
approx. 30+ years old tech
in 2014/2558;
3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space's one of the facts ... ;
1st, to understand
energy can be parallel
X ,
2nd, to understand DEE strings' dimensional collisions; 3rd, to develop and
prove (the origin of sound);
To do so, read
DEE (Dark Energy Engineering);
and then read
and then realize (e.g.
Audio X,
Audio Y)
the origin of sound
(here, refer to "in our shakya
universes"; beyond EM; beyond plus 340 ~ minus 340 dB definition; beyond 2,3
dimensional imaginary hyper space) ...
WHY do we need to
know the origin of sound? because, sound is one of the very important factors in
science, and sound can be a tool (e.g. sound beam; e.g. SPL); Similar to WHY do
we have 2 eyes are already explained by 2 MOONS on the same orbit; But, this
DOMAIN developer still does not understand WHY do we have 2 ears? is there the
e.g. in 2,3
dimensional imaginary hyper space; e.g. in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper
space, obeying
cos Θ regarding 2 ears;
Also see:
2nComputer; Schematic Symbols;
IFF the
DEE areas
of the lemniscates (the
origin of sound), can we define left and
right in our shakya universes?
HOW do we know sound is from front or rear (back)?
if a tribe in Union of Myanmar says because of DEE 's collisions,
sound happens ... ; Still, this DOMAIN developer cannot prove WHY 2 ears do we
have? therefore, develop THE ORIGIN OF SOUND; e.g. if
sound can be defined
by numerological numbers
with defined
... ;
Do BLI auto adjustment, in 2,3 dimensional, also in 3,4 dimensional;
Because gravity is somehow directly related
to not only DEE, but also the origin of sound; From now on, to do BLI auto
adjustment with both DEE
After BLI auto adjustment is done, since many moons can be livable, owned, plant
able, ... , and then good bye to earth ... ; Also see:
adjustment, SpaceBMI;
After the
keyword e.g. THE ORIGIN OF SOUND
(Begin Audio X,
Begin Audio Y),
HOW the
sound spreads (also see:
C Sequence Number) i.e.
2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space environment, because of planets'
momentum and symmetry; C Sequence Number might not
be TRUE IFF 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space
... ;
After understanding the origin of sound,
it is a time to do reverse engineering e.g. noise cancellation
as surface (also see: Automotive); 1st,
start with C Sequence Number, because the one and only structural number
available to
you; 2nd,
positioning (
battery) 's location (position) must be structural; 3rd, from heterodyned to
parallel means you've just solved
e.g. noise cancellation;
Gravity's dimensional, directional, numerological, structural, ... are top
military secret, therefore, do it yourself ... ; Because, after all, you can own
planets like
Rakhine; After B L I automatic adjustment,
it is a time to immigrate together to another planets ... ; Instead of 100%
noise cancellation by gaining 100% DEE parallel, gray scale results similar to
parallel WHICH means 100% parallel is not necessary to be cancellation of noise
IFF in ACT1 and ACT2 stages (i.e. 2,3 dimensional space environment),
however, IFF ACT3 (i.e. 3,4 dimensional space environment), it is
necessary ... ;
idea ♯ 156; Reinventing
Lo Shu magic square with Sudoku;
1st to understand, any direction IFF
method (result)
15; Why do
we need any direction algorithm? because, beyond Sqrt 2 's floating point
numbers (e.g.
GPS can be defined
... ;
Defining those floating point numbers closer to MSB means more and more AI and
system becomes more and more intelligence itself ... ;
2nd to understand, numerological, e.g. Sudoku
algorithm, i.e.
and then,
(here you
decide whether 15
or 6);
Lo Shu 's magic square numbers
e.g. ((492,
294), (357,
753), (816,
618), (438,
834), (951,
159), (276,
672), (456,
654), (258,
852)) can define
e.g. (816, 618)
as level 1, (357, 753)
as level 2, (492, 294)
as level 3;
and then,
can be defined
Lo Shu 's magic square numbers
... ; If any direction filling,
also see: Algorithm;
3rd to develop, e.g. any direction Lo Shu
Magic Square Network Topology
with any direction numerological (e.g. Sudoku
algorithm) dimensional Network Topology ...
; To do so, write math algorithm
and then program and then testing
... ; Prove that Syntax
vs Semantics logic can be applied regarding
(Lo Shu
... ; IFF
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
among numerological dimensions,
1st to understand 9x9 (a.k.a. 21st
Nippon's invention)
and then 2nd to understand 2005 B.C.
China's Lo Shu (
15) a.k.a.
and then simple logic e.g. this DOMAIN 's number must be
specified item, e.g. previously distributed (e.g.
Distribution) numbers can also be
defined as
detail item, both inside ((either
Lo Shu or Sudoku)
OR (15
or 9x9)) ... ;
idea ♯ 155; Reinventing numerological dimensional numbers;
approx. 30+ years old technology in 2014/2558;
123 is to be starting alike; 5 is half way alike, to handshake,
to GO TO, IFF 1.5; 5 is layered
camera alike, IFF 2.5; 9, 99, 999, ... are giving alike
doko WHERE
TV 's video streaming tech in common; (1 and 1) has been to assure quality of
products in automotives; (9 and 9) has been known as
Sudoku numerical games; 2.01, 2.09, 2.19, ... are compression algorithms'
file systems to be alike; Regarding global networking, ((333, 444, 555,
... )
(234, 345, 456, ... )) are stateless vs. state
through alike; 1 and only the sun, in our globe, it behaves like 1 way
and unique
ichi One is Boolean logic TRUE alike (i.e. every system requires 1);
ima Now, this DOMAIN 's (Sqrt 2 with Sqrt 3) has been testing for dual
binary bits among
Remark: in order to test "dual", you must have "tri" 1st, this is
the idea HOW
"tri" can be built; IFF Sqrt 2 is
never ending floating point numbers,
IFF Sqrt 3 is also never ending floating point numbers, we (future's next
generation Monbusho scholars) should test another
method: e.g.
(a.k.a. adder
method) should also be tested for future's (smart and
quality) products ...
To do so, research and develop and prove that by adding e.g.
((Sqrt 2) + (Sqrt 3)) = never ending floating point numbers
... ;
Remember: left is Val. alike, and right is Ref. alike; As a
result, 3 pipelining (a.k.a. 3 tunneling) will be available for future's
( IC, Integrated Circuit,
... ; Think that Sqrt 2 is one pipelining (tunneling), Sqrt 3 is another
2nd pipelining (tunneling),
and then, IFF (((Sqrt 2) + (Sqrt 3)) = never ending floating point numbers) i.e.
3rd pipelining (tunneling) therefore three pipelining (tunneling) will be
... ;
To do so, research and develop and
prove that by adding pi
i.e. Π, π (22/7) = never ending floating point numbers ... ;
And, HOW "tri" can be tested if "qua" ; As a result, 4 pipelining (a.k.a. 4
tunneling) will be available for future's ... ;
If you can create your own numbers (refer to "never ending floating point numbers"), it is the time to do (global and universal) design ... for your nation, for your people, for yourself, ... ; Also see: Testing; Therefore, redevelop numerological dimensional numbers ... ;
Remember: reuse is one of the methods; MSB (Most Significant Bit) is the mantissa point doko WHERE those never ending floating point numbers is truncated; Like JIT (Just In Time) logistic system (in common, use of color coded card/ticket/token to control ... ), (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) method/system is originally created/invented by NIPPON;
idea ♯ 154; Reinventing the Moon Wave;
approx. 20+ years old technology in 2014/2558;
1st, to understand the
wave was invented
in mid 1990s; After 20+ years, reinventing the Moon Wave with diff people will prompt diff idea, diff
method, ... ;
2 moons are on the same orbit and toward the same direction and consecutively
one after another WHICH causes our eyes e.g. 1 eye moves, another eye moves
toward the same direction, 2 times tidal, ... ;
2nd, to understand
(IC, Integrated
Circuit; WHAT is IC? e.g. a chip, obeying Sqrt 2 can be integrated easily, e.g.
a chip, obeying Sqrt 3 can be integrated easily, i.e. IC) design e.g. kuru kuru
WHILE (in common a.k.a. counters, iterations, interrupts, ...
ri Distance defines
(e.g. 99mm, 66mm, 33mm, ... ); Also see:
3rd, e.g.
Wave (5
vs. 5)
to adjust
SYNC (i.e.
2; If left
is at front, right (rear) has to SYNC to left; If right is at front, left (rear)
has to SYNC to right;
IFF 2,3
dimensional, develop auto adjust to 3
(e.g. 2 events of 90°);
IFF developing universal Internet (e.g.
green blue Internet,
blue Internet,
... ) reuse moon wave; IFF developing gravity dimension computer, try to
SYNC (2,3 dimensional
3,4 dimensional) by reinventing Moon Wave;
idea ♯ 154
is for next generation Monbusho scholars WHO should know HOW moon wave was
invented long long time ago ... ;
IFF lighting our universe project (i.e. beyond our solar system), minus (propagation delay time) between 2 space stations, because if left is at front ... , or because if right is at front ... , notice that those 2 stations' propagation delay time ... ;
Therefore, redevelop moon wave ... ; Remember: reuse is one of the methods; Like JIT (Just In Time) logistic system (in common, use of color coded card/ticket/token to control ... ), (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) method/system is originally created/invented by NIPPON;
idea ♯ 153; 3D computer AND 3D computing ... ;
1st, to understand (X, Y, Z) as dimension, e.g.
line as X,
level as Y,
layer as Z;
2nd, to understand (digital camera and heat sensing) e.g. background vs. foreground, ACTION
layers between those
2 (i.e. background and foreground);
3rd, after digital camera circuit can be embedded into computer circuit,
computing frames
ro) can be defined in Z doko
cell path should be
the same like sheet,
interface (e.g. mouse, MTI, ... ) should
not be in Z
files should be researched and developed (e.g.
\\Personal\Photo\*.*), HOW compression prompts as file (doko
WHERE compression
parameter as attribute), doko WHERE zoom in to WHAT layer, doko
WHERE zoom out
to WHAT layer,
and then WHICH algorithm should apply among layers as aspect
ratio to prompt to human beings as 2D (X, Y) also known as keyword
(screen) display, where "flat" is control
keyword prior to (screen) display; Think here is
that keyword (flat) is for common printer, screen, display; Think here is that
keyword (round) is for 3D display, 3D printer, ... ; If keyword is "projected"
since light can be projected, keyword (projected) is also for 3D display, 3D
printer, ... ;
complexity region should be within
kuru kuru
Z) as
for each interrupt,
green gravity dimension should be used because
light exists
DEE also exist ... ;
's 10
folder (directory) as
dimension, notice that each folder (directory) is each
dimension (i.e. 1D for each layer) and then 10 layers computing can be further
studied including its
data, ...
designers, engineers, scientists, technicians, ... should create 10 folder (directory) as 10
dimension 1st,
and then each defined icon (user defined ICO file) as layer in
ten dimensions; IFF kuru kuru
Z) as
users will be
computing 3D ... ;
Ten is a good number, a.k.a. UP JUN, also known as dassa ("DES" usage
might derived from Pali long long time ago), and ten is a part of 4 phase lunar
calendar, and ten is 2 parts of 108 configuration;
do not forget (
method (i.e. commonly used
technique in
and then (2 and 2),
and then (3 and 3) as 3D computer AND 3D computing;
If you can design (9 and
9) a.k.a. (numerological and numerological) e.g. Sudoku
numerical game, you can twist and turn
dimension within
therefore, develop 3D computer AND 3D computing
... ;
(3,3,3,3, 10, 7, 10, a.k.a. 108 configuration) in our universe
programming), like
7 is a part of Parallel Time
development, also see:
Parameter; e.g. IFF
plus, e.g.
(7+10) 17 is very important factor ... ;
think that
light (e.g. laser,
light ray,
... ) can be
keyboard should be redesigned
dimensional lights
(WHICH is beyond 3D computer AND 3D computing; 1st to understand USB with
degree); Also see: Wireless;
idea ♯ 152;
Gravity Dimension
Computer ... ;
DEE filter;
To do so, 1st, to understand
EMI filter,
LPF; 2nd,
to test
WHEN DEE is applied; 3rd, characteristics
dBm; e.g.
... ) of DEE and its
along with planets' momentum e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g. 3,4
dimensional, ... ;
nama ... ,
for micro multimedia ... ,
for imaginary hyper space networks
... , ... ;
As a result, kuru
kuru WHILE
(think that all circuits are designed by iterations with counters, therefore, so
called kuru kuru WHILE ... ) DEE filter is applied, IFF
bio, there must be BF
(Brunching Factor, also see:
C Sequence Number), growth rate,
... , IFF
computer, there must be
kan Weight
its associated
location awareness; Develop
DEE filter;
WHY filters are needed? idea is similar to (LSB and MSB) floating points doko WHERE mantissa points define HOW advance the device is (e.g. universal products define 1 floating number more for each coming year i.e. 50 numbers in 2014/2558, and then 2015/2559 with 51 numbers, and then 2016/2600 with 52 numbers, and so on ... ); idea is also similar to 2 as coexistence, WHEN 2 diff co-exists, lower and higher must be defined HOW level in defined time line (think that time line is X, level is Y, layer is Z, ... ); idea is also similar to define constraints WHEN programming is (e.g. DEF); WHAT e.g. (minus 340 ~ plus 340) dBm has been defined (Also see: SPL); Therefore, develop DEE filter;
IFF 3,4
dimensional space (i.e. beyond our solar system a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional
Adjust SPL at 3 ... ;
... ;
Early 21st century (2014) in Gregorian Calendar, 2558 in
Buddha Calendar,
idea ♯ 151;
1st, we human beings went through 2 diff potential as
minus and
doko WHERE minus is also known as ground, lower potential, ground less,
... , on the other hand, plus is also known as higher potential, short
circuit to be prompting heat, light, ... ; Those 2 diff as 2 moons' orbit e.g. diff time slice
(i.e. on the same time line) might be very high
tech and advance
(e.g. our human beings' eyes alike, 2
moons are on the same orbit) ... ;
i.e. 2,3 dimensional environment must be fully understood 1st
... ; e.g. 2
clocks' diff time slice may prompt
devices like
phone, ... ;
IFF Space Medicine, if thyroid problem exists, eyes may not be the same, WHICH
means to be the same eyes, thyroid must be understood 100% ... ; To do reverse
engineering, start with 2 events of 90° (ears, nose,
mouth) and then try to adjust the 2 moons natural momentum (e.g. 2 eyes), you
will be solving thyroid problems WHICH causes uneven eyes, hyper thyroid causes
faster heart beats, hyper thyroid causes fever alike heat (body temperature),
... ;
2nd, if a Myanmar says, 2 event of 90° (i.e. refer to
3), and there are many villages already built on the moon (refer to 2); WHAT should
we do beyond high quantity of floating points ... ;
If stone-age Myanmar says, 1 light might be seen IFF 5 (i.e. 2,3 dimensional)
it is a time to develop 3,4 dimensional e.g. 4 lights as 4PP (i.e.
2500+ years old 4 planets prediction); 4th factor has been proved scientifically already, therefore, many modern
lights with 4 nodes (very highly advance e.g. heat vs. light
can be explicitly defined WHERE light does not require heat like 2 diff
potential) ... ; Also see:
3rd, to develop light e.g. human beings' eyes' visible light's length may vary depending upon
gravity (i.e. dimension and HOW big the planet is), e.g.
iroColourWaveForm because blue and green might be naturally but other
iroColours might not be naturally; Very highly developed nations in our globe have
started GREEN vs. GREEN for approx. 1 decade already ...
; Develop BLUE GREEN Internet, GREEN BLUE Internet,
... ; How DEE structure should be defined in 2,3 dimensional? How
photo synthesis with variable time lines must be defined? e.g. 2 moons' time
line (i.e. orbit) is fixed (NOT variable) and then how other 3's
characteristics? , vice versa, e.g. 3 planets' time line is fixed (NOT variable)
and then how 2 moons' characteristics? Prove that we human beings can be genuine
and natural only on our earth, WHY? (question: WHY human beings NOT existed, NOT
initialized on the other MOON, if a stone-age Myanmar says i.e. because of minus
and plus alike co-existence i.e. 2 ... ); Develop
DEE structures
(e.g. Sqrt 2 alike, e.g. Sqrt 3 alike) ...
; If minus as female alike recurring WHERE water may flows top to down,
on the other hand, plus as male alike splitting doko
WHERE water may flows
(NOT same like our earth)
... ; Develop Sqrt 2 and Sqrt 3 should obey universal momentum e.g. 2 moons are
on the same orbit, e.g. 2 events of ... ; Develop
gravity LED light naturally WHILE structure
(e.g. gravity dimension) should be built & designed by
so called 151 light naturally ... ;
After creating gravity LED light, using
2,3 dimensional idea,
and then develop 3,4 dimensional ... ;
Early 21st century (2014) in Gregorian Calendar, 2558 in Buddha
idea ♯ 150;
IFF Sqrt 2 design ...
(Sqrt 2 's been since 1980s);
In domains (e.g.,, 's numerological dimension, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are
induction (also see:
philosophy) alike, and each number can be SYNC
(also see:
Synchronization) at its associated
Schematic Symbols,
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) must be
zero and it behaves like default, no, non, none, not, ...
; Numerological dimension is 2500+ years old document, it should not be
patented (WHICH means use it if you know HOW e.g. changing
icon of your own, ...
Notice that (
method can be developed e.g. 2 and 2, 3 and
3, ... ; Therefore, develop durability,
reliability, ...
based on 1 and 1;
IFF 2 moons
are consecutively one after another on the same direction and
on the same orbit WHICH causes our eyes naturally ...
, on a surface e.g.
Directional Gravity Pressure
(think that DEE line is the
orbit WHICH prompts 2 moons' universal
and then, HOW DEE line character's universal
time line characteristic behaves between 2 moons; If you are hardware designers,
propagation delay time should exist between 2 moons' distance;
By using directional gravity, IFF MOON wave can be designed on the moon, and then, naturally 2 times tidal waves' WAVE LENGTH can be measured globally;
In the near future, if someone can prove
THAT universal momentum is somehow related to tidal waves
idea: e.g. 5mm yellowish diff in distance),
and then
water behave like
cushion to
Gravity Dimension; IFF water really behave like cushion, earthquake
resistance water aqueducts, water tunnels, ... can be man-made (building
more water aqueducts, building more water tunnels, ... can be more secure &
protection to earthquakes;
Notice THAT earthquakes rarely happen next to rivers, because water behaves
cushion alike to gravity; therefore, in Japan (NIPPON)
this DOMAIN recommends building more water aqueducts, building more water
tunnels, ... ); Therefore, design a structure for testing 2,3 dimensional
gravity (like hole boards, and the same method e.g. hole board's location must
variable WHILE strings exist); After
testing 2,3 dimensional gravity, directional gravity can be achieved,
earned, and invented,
and then prove THAT universal momentum is somehow related
to tidal waves; Prove that WHAT are the diff 2,3
dimensional vs. 3, 4 dimensional;
Challenging information: e.g. text books of both Easter Civilization and Western Civilization's astronomy, there is no 2 moons are on the same orbit; Therefore, this DOMAIN 's info is NOT 100% true (unless above paragraph is scientifically proven by higher civilization type people in the future); Because, you don't need to know that there are many villages on the moon already; Because, gravity is neither combustion nor high ampere (WHICH means you must find your own structural dimension e.g. green gravity 1st; WHICH means you must find your own momentum e.g. 1 second clock tic tic tic; WHICH means you must have your own hole board to ref. (i.e. time & direction); Civilization Type must be defined by 5W1H of your own ... );
This DOMAIN developer is
Rakhine (an ethnic of Union of
Myanmar) and Civilization Type might be one of the lowest (s) in the world in
20th century (because of not having fast trains, because of not having enough
tar roads distance km, because of not having enough electricity supply,
... ), but you (i) never know e.g. consider
the number 150,
in numerological dimension;
50 is the
number to match Sqrt 2 design (e.g.
pipelining of mantissa points, tunneling with each defined mantissa point) floating points' val., if
1.50, 2.50, ...
(Remark: in 2010s in Gregorian Calendar,
4K quantity of floating points already if Sqrt 2) i.e. UDF file
format you use almost everyday in your life in early 21st century e.g. CD, DVD,
BD, ... , i.e. laser disc
(where information can be calculated by
time period; doko WHERE information can be categorized and located by its
location because of if system matches to the mantissa point to
50 ); If a
Rakhine asks WHAT is the time period in 2,3 dimensional
doko WHERE 2 events 90° (i.e. refer to 3) and 2 moons' diff propagation delay time
period on a
in the
a Myanmar's non-scientific answer would be another question e.g. is this in
- green
Internet, or blue
- gray
... ; Also see: GPS;
7/4/2014/2558, USA Independent Day;
idea ♯ 149; Bedrock, Water, Well, ...
1st to read
Meta (well meta data)
doko WHERE info of wells can be understood; In USA, all wells must be
approved and documented (e.g. unique index number) by Water Dept;
Myanmar government should do the same; 2nd, to understand bedrock
vs. well water e.g. flood risk water of Samutparakun
area in Bangkok, Thailand have been solved by deeper bedrock's ground water can
be pumped (i.e. to avoid flood) since 2000;
Up to this DOMAIN developer's knowledge, in Bangkok, Thailand, there is no
landfill extension (like Singapore) yet to protect lands (i.e. waste management
can be designed to be landfill either horizontally or vertically);
After analyzing all wells information,
notice that depths vary depending upon bedrocks' slope angle; Also notice that
GPM (Gallon Per Minute) may also vary depending upon time period; Develop
(bedrock vs.
water level) HOW related to global momentum, time period (full moon day vs. no
moon day), weather, energy, ... ;
In 2,3 dimensional, also
2 (WHY one eye moves, another eye moves the
same direction) a Myanmar's non-scientific guess would be: hey, human beings livable 2
moons are on the same orbit (the same direction, the same way), moving
consecutive one after another i.e. WHY we human beings have 2 eyes, and WHEN 1
eye moves, another moves the same direction; Now, this is a time to develop HOW
global gravity is related to wells' water; 1st to gather wells' depth, possible GPM (results may
vary depending upon time period (e.g. full moon day, no moon day);
2nd, to analyze HOW gravity and water has been (e.g. on our earth, water flows
from top to down, but NOT all planets do the same); (2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 nose but
2 sides with 2 holes) are somehow related to 90°, therefore, another
non-scientific guess would be: hey, there might be 2 events of 90° (i.e. refer
Develop the best possible time period to
pump wells' water (i.e. after mapping underground bedrocks' slope angles,
possible water vol.) for
each location; This is a
data, to be calculated
(Remark: super computer
is needed); A part of
Clock development; After Water Clock
development, analyze global tidal prediction (also see: 2000 model
IT\Executable\Tidal.exe), ... ; After
Water Clock, prove that WHY water flows from top to down on our earth, on the
other hand, prove that WHY water flows from down to top on a planet; HOW water
flows & universal direction is related to
distance (e.g. 5 mm yellowish diff) IFF
And then, analyze water, light, DEE, noise (ESP. Echo),
... ,
and then universal energy, and then Universal Energy Map should be invented
... ;
Remark: please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun, because if our
earth shifts, un-natural momentum can occur ... ;
Drought in California (2012 ~ 2014), USA can be solved by water from NORTH, because man-made water supply pipe lines are connected among cities and states; Also see: WORMHOLE has been written for global energy protection ... ; WHAT is wormhole? 1st to understand water, light, DEE, noise (Esp. echo), ... , 2nd to understand momentums (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional), 3rd to understand 5W1H of gravity, gravity dimensions, gravity spots, ... ; If 1st, 2nd, 3rd cannot be defined, un-certain programming method should be applied to each wormhole (e.g. each pixel's color cannot be defined on a surface WHEN dimensional gravity is applied; e.g. each pixel's color cannot be defined on a surface WHEN multi time lines are applied to layers; e.g. each pixel's color cannot be defined WHEN applying DEE; ... ); Projecting sound-beam into the clouds will rain, but man-made rains ... ; WORMHOLE is more sophisticated and difficult to define ... ;
idea ♯ 148;
Quantum Corrections ... ;
1080 was the 1st Quantum Correction in
21st century, also see:
pixel can
be in 360°;
In a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space, one
and only the sun is the biggest gravity spot;
Bigger the planet,
powerful gravity is; e.g. HOW
can be
... ;
WHEN developing
Gravity Dimension Computer,
powerful gravity is needed;
Develop & design
from bigger gravity
(on constellation
to smaller gravity
... ;
period is >
pixel as
specified item e.g.
biological cell as
go Kharma
... i.e. this
... ; e.g.
be in
World's no.
1 imaginary ... ; do more quantum corrections ... ;
kuru kuru WHILE Sun Power LASER _Fusion _Electricity (also see: Schematic Symbols), develop gravity density index; To do so, 1st to understand basic e.g. IFF (constellation as 1 WHICH is 30K times our earth, and then naturally human livable 5 planets cause the Sun as 1 way DEE and BF2) vice versa IFF (naturally human livable 5 planets cause the sun as 1 way DEE and BF2) and then constellation as 1 WHICH is 30K times our earth; 2nd to understand basic e.g. HOW both (Day Configuration and Night Configuration) behaves as DEE (e.g. in day time, DEE is easy to be located as shade, but in night time, DEE is NOT easy to locate); 3rd to understand basic e.g. DEE can be defined by 5mm Yellowish color's variation as distance in our universe; NOW is time to develop i.e. gravity density index ... ;
WHY do we need gravity density index? because, Gravity Gun will provide unique power ... ; Military power with Gravity Gun will change civilizations ... ; Therefore, do more quantum corrections ... ;
idea ♯ 147; 3 stars on a tangent line;
1st, to understand
WHAT is constellation (e.g. night views with
ecliptic monthly view of northern sky and southern sky);
2nd, to understand
108 configuration (e.g. 3, 3, 3,
3, 10, 7, 10) i.e.
3 has been a part of sequence number
(108 has been
thousands of years old document);
3rd, to develop a factor e.g.
In the period of Aries (late March ~
mid April), if you
3 stars as tangent line;
Aries is one of
zodiac signs of Western Civilization, and Aries is one of the
ecliptic monthly signs ... ;
Since you have been in
dimensions (i.e. accordance with Buddhism's thousands
of years document)
directions; You
tangent line should be upward above of you
(IFF you are in northern); Since you
have a tangent line, you (yourself) become a circle also see:
Eccentric_circles, and realize
that you are a small circle and compare to very huge planet like constellation
as big circle
(remark: in
Western Civilization's info, constellation is NOT planet); Think
that you are standing on the earth, and your left hand and right hand are
parallel to ecliptic line (think that your fingers are pointing
toward East and West); The
3 stars are between CASSIOPEIA and ANDROMEDA in
Western Civilization's Constellations
those 3 stars are
this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts'
volcano s
in 2,3 dimensional space;
is the time
to develop Gravity Clock based on
DEE, variable light,
... obeys as momentum; e.g.
red gravity cannot be with
blue gravity; e.g.
blue gravity can be with
green gravity; In 1970s,
WHEN this DOMAIN developer was a child and looked at analog clock's 2
strings' spin as EMF toward a hole
WHICH caused
clock tic tic tic ...
(e.g. 24mm time line); In
developer was student and looked at digital clock's LED and realized that
light exists
DEE also exists; In
developer realized solar power clocks
(e.g. 12mm time line)
... ; Therefore,
3 stars
as tangent line,
HOW small circle behaves related to big circle (using
only DEE and harvested gravity) i.e. Gravity Clock;
based on reversed engineering of earth as one of the moons; Remark: in Western
Civilization info, earth is planet rotates to sun and moon rotates to earth;
On the other hand, inside of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts, gravity
clock is needed
WHILE developing
Gravity Dimension Computer
Rakhine, and the one and only
sun is the
biggest gravity spot naturally, the 1 way
DEE with
BF2, the momentum, and
7 gravity spots
exist on our
IDEA 1 4 7; 21st century & beyond, please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun, because momentum should be naturally ... ;
2014/2557 March 3;
idea ♯ 146; Super Symmetry;
1st, read the book: Pg. 121, BEYOND EINSTEIN, Michio Kaku and Jennifer Trainer Thompson, Anchor Books, 1995;
2nd, super symmetry (e.g. a * b = - b * a) can be understood;
Consider 2000s'
C Sequence Number
and then think THAT "a" as point doko WHERE BF2
begins; Therefore,
plus and
minus can
be understood; IFF
gravity's vector can be proved, you're already in directional gravity;
3rd, develop
z e.g. super symmetry @
... ;
![]() |
* |
![]() |
= |
![]() |
![]() |
* |
![]() |
i.e. |
x | * | y | = | - | y | * | x | ; | |
![]() |
* |
![]() |
= |
![]() |
![]() |
* |
![]() |
i.e. |
y | * | x | = | - | x | * | y | ; |
Notice THAT
Monbusho scholars
(future's scientists)
may add Z into above
table, regarding development of
Z ... ;
Above table's (E3,E3,E3) color seems flowers alike something related to super
IFF 3,4 dimensional
space environment, test HOW 24mm Natural Time can
be adjusted to be
super symmetry, also test WHERE
and variations,
also test
WHICH characteristic of light in ACTION
(e.g. applying
Rainbow, applying Sound Beam, applying Wormhole, ... );
and then prove THAT
Gravity Dimension Computer
can solve universally Time . Space . Action
... ;
and then accordance with super symmetry's gravity e.g. heavier weigh, lighter
weight, ... , define
But, consider tree roots (i.e. BF2) and notice that there is NO light and
gravity might go through and NOT super symmetry (e.g.
a * b ≠ - b * a) i.e.
left and right NOT the same) naturally;
But, consider mountains (many layers are almost parallel to each other) and
notice that there is NO light and gravity might NOT go through and
NOT super symmetry (e.g. a * b
≠ - b * a)
Therefore, DEE and its shapes e.g. dot char, line char, polygon char, sphere char, surface char, triangle char, ... and so on; IFF DEE are coming from our universe, if there is a light, there must be DEE, however if there is NO light but DEE are still there;
understand explicitly HOW
DEE vs. gravity? e.g. because of DEE, gravity exists,
because of gravity, universal DEE exists;
Consider common human beings' 2,3 dimensional Space BLI and its growth rate (e.g. bone, skeletal system) and notice that left and right are almost the same (i.e. super symmetry e.g. a * b = - b * a) naturally because of day and night as coexistence, because of gravity can go through;
Therefore, develop
super symmetry WHILE Z-distribution for each layer; And, notice that
super symmetry is very complicated
e.g. BF2, coexistence, DEE, gravity, light, surface, ... ; Also
see: distance for basic understand;
this DOMAIN has been using 24mm Natural Time
for billions of devices
... ;
(also see:
e.g. super symmetry but within defined
depth (i.e. C Sequence Number's
computers' the
kan Weights
(e.g. been elevated to be lighter ... )
within defined
globe (e.g.
notice THAT aesthetics is beauty of HOW
(superstrings vs. super symmetry) in higher dimensions (e.g.
10) ...
this DOMAIN developer cannot explain HOW "das sa" became "De Su" thousands of years ago;
USA's President Day 2/17/2014;
idea ♯ 145;
Rainbow vs.
rainbow can be created,
seen, only on our earth
(i.e. in 2,3 dimensional environment),
rainbow is an unique
's (spread spectrum) e.g. lights are parallel to each other;
Lights are consecutively next to each other e.g. 345 nm, 456 nm, 567 nm, also
see: swap;
light exists,
DEE also exist; Also see:
2 as coexistence; lightly rain in the sky,
rainbow happens naturally and lights bend arc character alike;
wormhole, doko
WHERE lights are
kuru kuru (e.g. Eccentric
parallel to each other;
For space engineering development,
of rainbow vs. wormhole should be R&D; And,
solve that universal weather can be man-made ... ;
WORMHOLE is a gateway to
another universe,
HOW gravity spot can be
defined by both rainbow (lights as stick, lights as arc character) and wormhole (lights as eccentric
circles)? Prove that the one and only the sun is the biggest and largest gravity
spot on our earth (e.g.
and then
HOW many gravity
spots exist in our universes?
IFF artificial
rainbow on our earth can be designed
e.g. dimension of the light spectrums, light source, rain alike
water falls, ...
, on the other hand, artificial
wormhole on our earth can also be designed
and engineered
e.g. kuru kuru of lights, ...
and then, gravity spots' characteristics e.g. directional gravity;
After designing and engineering directional
Gravity Dimension Computer)
, it is a time to
do "flying"
... e.g.
directional gravity spots for airplanes,
directional gravity spots for cars,
directional gravity spots for ships,
directional gravity spots for trains,
directional gravity spots for transmitting
(i.e. thousands of years, regarding
directions in
Buddhism) for this DOMAIN installed
artificial intelligently (e.g.
... ;
Military top secret because (Gravity and IT) as gun will be the most powerful ... ; Also see: fusion;
1st, create light as
2nd, project either rainbow or wormhole into the surface; 3rd, you are on your
own dimensional, directional, numerological, structural,
... e.g. GDC;
And then, program AI (global) wormhole, AI (universal) wormhole; Very easy like
IT, on the other hand, very difficult like gravity, because momentum is somehow
related with gravity, gravity is somehow related to weight and Space BLI, and so on
... ; Also see: Space
idea # 144; Universal Atomic Signal;
1st. to understand
Harvest Power Antenna (i.e.
neither AC nor DC) ; Beyond 0.25W
silicon CMOS circuits; Beyond natural
beat by light (in
window frames, also known as center and middle area of screen);
Purpose: short
interrupt (options) ... ;
Method: embedded design (
component) ...
; Network Topology:
Fully Distributed,
2nd. define your own inductance
so that you will have your own
frequency (RF) in defined
sample @ 44
kilo cycles
half second (kHz), data rate @
65 Mega
bit per
second (Mbps); also see:
old style wrapping wire
inductance choke; also see:
inductanceGasBalunTransformer (i.e. variable
RF band) doko WHERE amplitude dimension can prompt
RF pattern along with time dimension;
3rd. after developing
(global) atomic signal
(e.g. 15926, 31196, 3929855)
, also see:
\\ IT \ sasana year (i.e. Buddha
Calendar year) + 0\ SYN.txt if
not defined yet (ifndef); it is a time to develop
Shakya (universal) atomic
signal (e.g.
for transmitting metta, 108,
Numbers in
; e.g. Shakya
symbol + numbers,
for universal atomic signal;
![]() |
15926 | , | |||||||
![]() |
31196 | , | |||||||
![]() |
3929855 | ||||||||
; |
2014/2557 January,
NHK news, Wind Power is more
reliable than Nuclear Power; Wind
Power is the cheapest and natural
This DOMAIN predicts that in the near future,
Gravity Harvest Power
(also see: Electricity Power Plug)
... ; The most reliable because of naturally; The most difficult because
dimensional, directional, structural, ... must be
known and defined 1st;
Fusion concept must be thoroughly understood 2nd; Because of gravity,
all human livable moons and planets are owned by atta
and IFF plantation on
the moon projects are successful
(because almost daily moon is a little
bigger than our earth, and the least BLI problems, compare to IFF so huge like
constellation or other planets, BLI problems WHICH means can grow plants but so
huge size will be ... ),
and then whole global human beings might be having foods for free
... ; Also see: Systems;
IFF (global
universal) towers transmit Gravity Harvest Power Antenna
specified items
e.g. 15926, e.g.
31196, e.g.
3929855, ...
and then, depending upon embedded designers'
chip designs 5W1H of
... e.g. adding
(capacitors, counters, inductors, microcontrollers, resistors,
... ); Beyond multi time lines, timeless development
without power, ingredients all
you can have are DEE, Gravity, lights in iroColourWaveForm,
SPL, ... ; There is no
power consumption e.g.
WHILE 0.01234 milli Watt (mW)
because there is no heat, no short circuit, ... ;
In common, Radio Frequency (RF) designs are based on
power consumption e.g. 5W for 23
radius (also see: Eccentric
circles), e.g. 1 mega W for several kilo meters, ...
how many kilo meters range by how much power consumption inside of
this DOMAIN 's Satellite DNS System; A Myanmar's
imaginary would be 0.01234 mW for 4465 km radio range, and then uncommon
statement; Because, neither AC nor DC, good
luck to you ... ;
Hint: ingredients all you can have ... ;Therefore, develop
Shakya Universal Atomic Signal
... ;
idea # 143; hour (5, 6, 7) as our
earth, HOW tilted degree vs. time period in Gregorian Calendar;
Regarding our earth, 23.5 degree tilted prompt (5, 6, 7) hours variation of light naturally within 1 year (IFF Eastern Civilization, 1 of the 12 of zodiac signs regarding years; IFF Western Civilization, 12 zodiac signs regarding months) e.g. in USA, winter time period is approx. 9 hours of light if compare to 14 hours of light in summer, therefore, 23.5 degree tilted prompt (5, 6, 7) hours variation of light naturally ... ;
Since the number (2*5, 2*6, 2*7) has been
a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space crafts' dimension and momentum e.g. 2*5 as
JUN, 2*6 as year, 2*7 as Lunar, and WHILE calculating Parallel Time in ACT2
space and ACT3 space, 2*6 has been
z-index, and please understand
and then
5, 6, 7; If
PARALLEL WORLD, please read Prof. Michio Kaku's PARALLEL WORLD book (think that
almost daily moon and our earth are parallel worlds alike, and think that almost
daily moon might be a little bigger than our earth);
Our earth's variation of light has been
within the number 5 ~ 7, and 108+ moons (also see: thousands of years old
document 108 configuration) exist in our universes, and human
livable all
6 planets are
owned by
Rakhine, and WHILE developing
Gravity Dimension Computer,
and then develop and design HOW variation of
light as
specified items
for each moon in our universes cause
BLI vs.
DEE, i.e. to solve teleportation, to provide
gene therapy to this DOMAIN
... ;
idea # 142; Bio Clock vs. Solar Clock;
WHAT are the diff between Bio Clock and Solar Clock?
Solar Clock has been designed
and engineered
(since 1980s to present
in the early 21st century)
by using solar energy, converted into electrical energy as
power to do clock tic tic tic
... ; Bio Clock is beyond 2,3 dimensional (beyond ACT2 Space) idea
WHICH means HOW BLI growth
rate must be understood, HOW cells are grown accordance with
Complex Ion as Energy Strings, and then using bio cells' energy WHILE
dimensional gravity is applied, so called Bio Clock;
NOT available yet to public, because a Myanmar's hyper imaginary space crafts
are not able to SYN in ACT3 stage; Basically, Bio Clock is for
teleportation in our universes; Another example, e.g. in our earth, beings are
somehow related to constraint called light (345, 456, 567) nm; The same idea,
there are constraint in BLI, depending upon WHICH planets the beings are located
... ;
Bio Clock, in addition to Solar Clock
(also see:
doko WHERE
can be defined
distance as 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm,
... )
, in addition to
Clock (2 strings level with ADC knowledge), in addition to
EM Quartz Clock (2 strings level);
THINK that in our earth, night time means dark;
some other planets might not be the same, WHICH means e.g. dark blue is
After Bio Clock development project is done, develop Teleportation (2535769212965) Software; Prove that DEE is faster than light; Prove that gravity is faster than light; Prove that info is faster than light;
idea # 141; Center All;
1, to understand
LED, e.g. 1 as Left
String, 4 as
Square), 1 as Right
The most advance and latest technology e.g. LED can prompt
as String
i.e. in 2,3 dimensional; Think THAT
you have a lab top
or notebook
computers, made of LED indicators, and
also think THAT
distance between those LED
designed to be specific high precision
specified items) ... ;
2, to understand
location awareness, after initialization,
ro (i.e. window);
vice versa;
Think that computing screen's (1 & 1) WHICH is similar to green vs. green, and then 4 as boxes, 4 as squares are lines alike ACTION ... ; layers and z-distribution; Graph Theorem for surfaces (all curvatures) as ACTION layers; in common ACTION layers should be excluding background and foreground;
3, to develop
All, and notice that Majjhima
Way (i.e.
path) is the best
way in computing
in the early 21st century); Prove that
Right) can be using for pinpointing
each gravity spot
(e.g. 1mm gravity
gravity spot,
gravity spot,
9mm gravity
gravity spot,
gravity spot,
18mm gravity spot,
21mm gravity
gravity spot,
27mm gravity spot,
gravity spot, ...
one and only the Sun as the biggest gravity spot);
should be similar to smooth;
4, if
military systems, after mapped & pinpointed location, (lock vs. unlock) should be
developed; For each pinpointed location, develop Shield to Drones method;
If you (military software system engineers) can define "lock", you are
already unlocked;
Also see:
because mapped, pinpointed, ... are somehow related to mark;
5, if
systems, after (lock vs. unlock) pinpointed locations, contour map alike
layer must be
Develop Contour Map alike specific layer as Surface (
do so,
layer as
specified items,
and then
specified item as
surface); Therefore, develop Center
All in Majjhima
Honestly, really, sincerely, WHO can prove the statement "all nuclear locations have been pinpointed already globally" e.g. using asteroid from ACT2 Space toward nuclear location on ground in the globe would be "stone throwing" method; Develop ACT1 Space 's orbit, trajectory, and then calculate HOW asteroid as stone can be exactly onto each focused and specific nuclear location globally; HOW much time period to do such "stone throwing" deployment; Reverse simulation of orbit and trajectory must be understood 1st; Asteroid Puller vs. Asteroid Pusher, regarding HOW gravity spots (e.g. adjustment of blue vs. green) 2nd; after pinpointed, lock, launch, confirmation via verify each object 3rd; Calculate HOW much time period to shield such incoming asteroids as stone from ACT2 Space;
1st, to understand
LED ... ; DEE as spot, DEE as line, DEE as
surface, ... until you find your own gravity spots ... ; and then dimensional
gravity, directional gravity; and then you are welcome to get "land use" lease
permit because
Rakhine has owned
planets already hee, hee,
hee, ... ;
Ethically and hopefully, in the future (e.g. 21st century
and beyond ... ) human beings will NOT create gravity spot bigger than one
and only the Sun, because our earth's momentum might change if creating
gravity spots bigger than one the only the Sun; Therefore, royal families'
members' democratic votes are very important to decide 5W1H of time to STOP
creating bigger and bigger gravity ... ; Gravity is ACT2 stage restricted &
top secret info; Somehow
Rakhine (ethnic tribe in Union of
can explain a little bit of ... ;
idea # 140; Global Signal;
1, develop
broadcast technique;
Civilization's global signal (e.g. KDDI,
NTT, ... ) designer might be engineering
(2 ^ 16, 2 ^ 20, 2 ^ 24, 2 ^ 28)
max quantity as
Universal Standard e.g. multi systems by Toshiba since 1980s;
Civilization's global signal (e.g. AT&T) designer might be engineering
max quantity as
port; US Standard
e.g. "C" with main() in main.h 's TYPE DEF predefine value since 1970s;
broadcast is similar to
WHICH means without confirmation (handshake) IFF compare to
with confirmation (e.g.
browser's captured
items) ...
network engineers and technicians, using
method called
PINT WHILE configuring
networks; PINT (
P for ping,
I for ipconfig/all,
N for ns lookup,
T for trace route) also see: commands;
3 kinds of common networking methods among
router, software method, switch, ...
, are:
state through (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88) WHERE states (11, 22, 33, 44) are known as practical, and states (55, 66, 77, 88) are known as experimental,
roll over (18273645) WHERE Ethernet Cable's heads as pin number;
IFF 65536 as
max quantity of
port, within
second, bottleneck would be 65536 devices to do ACTION; Concerning
Global Signal, 65536 devices per second is very
slow ... ; Therefore, install
this DOMAIN; Because,
AI (numerological dimension
formula) WHICH means 2 ^
(any number should be less than
numbers of floating point (e.g.
decimal) WHICH is upon
bit e.g.
16, 20, 24, 28, 32, ... ); IFF dimensional gravity, 2 ^ any number as
Weight; IFF directional gravity spots,
2 ^ any number as
SPL also see:
Remark: developer Ace Jaw becomes
years old man with "white" hair and denture, therefore, no more 2, and
developing system 3; Believe it or not, some advance systems are using state
through e.g. 111, 222, 333, 444;
Therefore, develop
number of
ports, as a
your Global Signal
will be very fast ... ;
e.g. within half second,
you can
broadcast millions
of HOME instead of having bottleneck 65536 ... ;
Therefore, develop
stateless e.g. 123456789; Develop stateless e.g. 23 vs. 32, 34 vs. 43,
... ; i.e.
in addition to state through; Also see:
Test this DOMAIN
installed vs. others, regarding bandwidth, max quantity of port, speed, ... ;
Prove THAT 2 ^ any number is Working ... (e.g. 4K numbers of floating point IFF
Sqrt 2) is the highest and latest design in the world regarding
SONY 's ACT1 Stage 3D HD TV ... ; Prove THAT Global Signal is
Working ... very fast e.g. within
half second (0.5
second), millions
of uchi
HOME can
be reached because of 2 ^ any number,
and then develop System 3
... ; Good luck
around the globe
(ACT1 Stage and ACT2 Stage only), regarding
information ... ;
idea # 139; Lock vs. Unlock;
Hardware designers like to lock, on the other hand, software designers like to unlock; Hardware engineers think that designing hardware is real (e.g. Sqrt 2) hard work, on the other hand, software engineers think that designing software is real (e.g. developing system 3, based on Sqrt 2) easy work (e.g. 1 line of code with several parameters can be 1 browser);
Software designers try to define keywords via chip set's TYPE DEF, or jisho Dictionary's indexes, on the other hand, hardware designers try to define patterns via multi time lines; Notice THAT 2 "try" are like 2.2 concurrency alike, therefore, you need 2 "catch" ... ; e.g. 22132, if someone asks WHAT is THAT 22132? this DOMAIN sincerely says "hey! i don't know exactly", and then someone asks WHY only 5 numbers? this DOMAIN sincerely says "hey! i don't know exactly", 5 numbers might be related to address ... ;
Regarding Mingala
System (higher IQ of Computer), you like to be using electronic circuits by
unlocking (e.g. better and faster way); In global military systems, "lock" means
prior to "launch", "lock" also means functions are within limited usage
regarding "handle"; Honestly and sincerely, you don't want to be using "lock",
therefore, develop "unlock" ... ; To do so, you must know negative vs. color
images (WHICH means, regarding keywords e.g.
process, "service", "task",
... , all color images must be processed negative first); WHAT is
negative? negative was film based, and tape based; But, in the early 21st
century, negative becomes "Gray Scaled" (i.e. 2,3 dimensional hyper space
usage); You have been very accessible and very easy to do clicking buttons, as a
result (30+ years old info; THIS document is dated on
2013/2557), color seems very
easy; Reality is very difficult to engineer "color" WHICH means Color As
Semantics (i.e. in addition to negative); In the early 21st century, if a
Myanmar says multi layers with
z-distribution, you would say i.e. imaginary ...
; If someone says
plus (+) is for light's depth,
minus (-) is for hologram alike
projection, you might say WHAT?
Develop Lock vs. Unlock; Remark: please do not forget idea #136, so be beyond Zero Curvature; Because, before foldable computer, before roll able computer, before wear able computer, Lock vs. Unlock must be understood thoroughly for all curvatures; WHEN roll able computers become available to you in global market places, think THAT curvature might be either one of (minus -, or plus +, or zero) ... ; WHAT are the diff between 2,3 dimensional vs. 3,4 dimensional (i.e. ACT3 stage question) regarding Light as Surface; If someone says because of GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer), all those curvatures are possible functions, and then you might think THAT doko WHERE the Gravity Spots are ... ; For ACT2 stage developers only, starts with DEE ... ; For ACT3 stage developers only, starts with dimensional, directional, numerological, structural, Gravity Spots ... ; Good luck to you; Remember, the one and only the Sun is the biggest Gravity Spot (i.e. our earth, on the other hand, 1 way DEE with BF2);
Develop roll able computer for 21st century; WHICH means limited people know exactly Light as Surface, and then surface can be dimensional surfaces; Since lights can be fetched as instructions, roll able computers ... ; Difficulties levels are you (designers) must know HOW (Lock vs. Unlock) for all curvatures ... ; Welcome to you to develop in ACT2, and in ACT3 levels (i.e. world's the most advance Monbusho level knowledge) ... ;
idea # 138; Mingala;
Numbers in
Dhamma (38)
refers to Mingala in Pali,
also see: Mingala Sutta; Basically e.g. blessing
alike, fortune alike, luck alike, ... all good
things can be aggregated as one word i.e.
In Buddhism, many numbers exist, and Numbers in Dhamma
.htm is a small collection of HOW numbers are basically;
1st, be healthy is mingala e.g. 100+ years
Life Span (i.e. long period of life) and healthy, also see: Gene Therapy System;
2nd, bad and good are coexistence alike, also see:
Calculator, if System 2 i.e. Sqrt 2;
3rd, to be having good words is mingala;
this DOMAIN does not know exactly HOW to handle bad words;
Dictionary has been designed and indexed with all kinds of words, but
you need
good words only (i.e. mingala); Also see:
4th, IFF Theory of Everything is Working ... , i.e. a kind of
Mingala; To understand WHAT is everything, all languages must be known
In the early 21st
century, software defines hardware, and functional implementation of
Idea Processor HOW better and faster
... ;
5th, Develop Mingala System, also see:
your; e.g.
your location is protected and shielded by Gravity as Surface or Light as
Surface (i.e. to avoid unwanted remote sensing to you) as a result,
safety ... ; If Mingala
System is Working:
e.g. your computers do gene
therapy to you, as a result, your life span will be longer
... ;
e.g. your computers become higher IQ computers, as a result, your computers know
environmental security and self security, ... ;
Also see:
e.g. your computers do good
go Karma (ACTION),
as a result, Mingala ... ;
Mingala System should be
structural, and also see:
idea # 137; Shield to Drones;
For basic understanding of WHAT is Remote Sense,
also see:
Schematic Dimensional; And, notice that remote sensing can be harmful to
human beings e.g.
Basic Remote Sense Y = Ln X;
Therefore, develop Gravity as Surfaces to shield all kinds of Remote Senses;
can be shielded
by light as surface;
can be shielded
by gravity as surface;
After 2011
Fukushima nuclear explosion, this DOMAIN
develops WORMHOLE to prevent, to protect,
to reduce, ... ; Concerning global energy testing
(e.g. weather shield, layers holes, energy beams), also see:
(e.g. reduce bad weather globally, reduce earthquake, reduce flood, reduce noise, reduce storm's eye pressure, reduce
tsunami) ... ;
Case Study 1: IFF abnormal echo occurs or plate happens in the sea,
and then
trigger tsunami alarm WHEN the plate will arrive to shore (i.e. depending on
level of the
noise); the only way to prevent tsunami is THAT
gravity spots as holes next (prior
location) to the plate's
direction; at least
5 meter
spots are required to create
by Satellite DNS System
to fetch next (prior
location) to the tsunami (plate); WORMHOLE
do ... ;
Case Study 2: because of
4PP (
complex ion's space lengths),
temperature can be
measured via Satellite DNS System (infrared
pinpointing method); WHEN storm's eye pressure is building up in circular
direction, fetch artificial
gravity spots next to the storm's eye, and notice
that BF2 (i.e. C Sequence Number)
root will be changing,
and then the storm's eye pressure can be
reduced; WORMHOLE
... ;
Case Study 3:
sound beams
particular (e.g. dB . m) to
cloud will be
raining; flood happens because of heavy rain;
now (at this present) the only
way to
prevent flood is THAT
water flow
direction toward sea
ocean) should be faster;
to do so, Satellite DNS System measures the bay
area's water temperature and
sequence the water
temperature (e.g. cool, normal, warm)
at the defined
location to prevent flood
(cool should be outer side, warm should
be inner side); Or create artificial
wind at
direction should be parallel to the river to promote water flow faster and
ground level wind's direction should be toward bay area (i.e.
ocean) along with river's water
(i.e. ground level wind's direction should be from river to the sea);
do ...
Case Study
4: WHAT are the diff between 2,3 dimensional and 3,4
dimensional? a Myanmar's imaginary hyper
space study in our universes ... ;
this DOMAIN developer is nothing to do with global energy testing; Above Case
Study 1, 2, 3 and below Case Study 5, 6, 7 are imaginary contents, and there is no man made weather;
if it is 100% true man-made weather, it is out of a Myanmar's knowledge;
Believe it or not, in our earth (i.e. globally), all nuclear locations are
mapped (i.e. pinpointed) already ... ; To do ACTION, for each
GPS number as location can be
... ; With
go Karma (ACTION e.g. fusion)
... ;
Case Study 5: IFF
(DEE) at
specified items (
e.g. pinpointed
by Satellite DNS System; DEE goes outward
(temperature cold is gathering) vice versa DEE comes inward (temperature hot is
gathering); If bed rocks or hard rocks are pinpointed as location, earthquake
happens; WORMHOLE
do ...
Case Study 6: Drought, Fire, ... ; pinpointing
above grounds, in the air, clouds by adding (i.e. heterodyning) DEE to be
inward, droughts happen; pinpointing onto soil, using
laser as gun, fires happen;
do ...
Case Study 7: beautiful and young zombies (since 1997) as clone human beings
(i.e. look
nama (e.g.
For Humanoid)
by invisible flies,
and then prompt
surface in the
decide whether bad person or good person, using
SQL query)
do ...
In 2,3 dimensional, strings' direction, holes' location can be pinpointed by expert engineers, expert scientists, and expert technicians; For human rights purpose and humanity purpose, Gravity as Surfaces to shield all kinds of Remote Senses; Too much damage already, no one wants b $ damage, t $ damage; everyone wants peaceful and tranquility environment; no one wants living environment with all kinds of sensors around either;
Before developing Shield to Drones,
analyzer must be understood, e.g. some Internet browsers deploy their own radio
(i.e. to avoid bottleneck, to avoid latency, to avoid pattern analyzer); After
year 2000, computing & IT becomes browser
based (i.e. WHAT kinds of window frame the browser is using), WHICH means
antenna technology and wireless technology
must be analyzed;
must know WHAT kinds of computer systems
are initialized (e.g. some people know
WHITE, some people know
BLUE, some people
(like me hee hee
hee) initialized with GREEN vs. GREEN, and so on ... )
and then developer might be able to shield the drone's system; Therefore,
develop "Shield to Drones" and then via foreign ministers' military tie
method, do military exercises as IT
(e.g. whoever wins "shield to drones" will be owning the unknown drone, because
either wireless forking or wireless tapping will be able to overwrite "the
unknown drone" 's system, and then will be owning the unknown drones)
... ;
Do ... everyone wants peaceful and tranquility environment;
But, challenges in engineering and IT should exist as military exercises e.g.
WHO can win the unknown drone remotely ... ;
nations should do the unknown drone competition as military exercises;
If you are in very well developed nations (e.g. G7 nations), or if you are in
developed nations (e.g.
time zones), you neighbors might not be plugging off
electronics WHEN
they sleep; Because of remote sensing, you might be a victim
WHO cannot
sleep well, or WHO cannot have sound sleep; If THIS Case Study is true, WHAT you
should do is THAT install this DOMAIN into
your lab top computer (notebook
computer); And then WHEN ever (also WHERE ever) before
you go to bed, you
put your computer into
and then place its (
lights toward the wall
(your sleep mode computer should be next
to the wall) doko WHERE you sleep (think that you are making a shield
to your bed ... ); Have a nice sleep peacefully; WHY? because light can be as
to shield ...
; WHY? because
Rakhine (with 103
ethnical codes,
but still does not know HOW to design Gravity as Surfaces,
but still does not know HOW to engineer Light as Surfaces,
e.g. time, dimension, numerological structural
to protect environment to be
... ) has owned 6 planets already in our universes
... ; If you believe in
Numbers in
Dhamma, 37 or 137 is somehow related to deities
(gods) ... ; The next idea #138, somehow related to
38 "Mingala" (good luck; fortune); Develop "Shield to Drones" ...
idea # 136; Gravity as Surfaces;
dB.m must be understood
2. those 2
) are on
(e.g. in common, circuit boards are designed on
zero curvature)
doko WHERE "global world line" can be
defined between those 2 (e.g. if those 2 (
are on
and then the "global world line" behaves
Y as
Ln X);
directions can
be defined
same board;
behave blue,
red, ...
as Spectrum (e.g. 345); Also see:
SPL behaves
similar to
specified items (e.g.
since 6 planets (human livable) are owned by
Ace Jaw (Aung
Myint Kyaw), curvatures
are (Negative,
Positive, Zero)
everywhere in our universes
... ; Therefore, develop
Gravity as Negative Curvature
Gravity as Positive Curvature Surface;
Gravity as Zero Curvature Surface;
reminder: (2*7) as 1 dimension in Parallel Time
development; e.g. (2*5) as Jun, (2*6) as
Z momentum, (2*7) as Lunar; A Myanmar's imaginary hyper space crafts
still cannot SYN due to very very very far away in
(might be because of diff gravity, or
because of structural dimension diff e.g. 3,4 dimensional environment, or
because of displacement of "global world line" vary, or ... );
WHY 7 biggest gravity spots exist only on our earth? HOW one and only the Sun as
the largest energy? Can human beings create energy which is larger than the Sun?
HOW many gravity spots diff among planets in our universes?
Top secret, hey! i
don't know exactly;
8. reminder: this DOMAIN has been "green vs. green"; WHICH means using 2
green; Also see: C:\ColdBoot.ini;
Think THAT 2 green
Y IFF those 2 are on X and parallel to each other on Zero Curvature circuit
board; But, if circuit board design is changed to any type WHICH
means all 3 curvatures, e.g. incoming foldable computer, roll able computer,
wear able computer, ... , "green vs. green" must also be Working ... ;
any type (
... ;
reminder: numerological dimension; Also see:
Numerical values
in numerology;
any type (
... ; As a result, "flying
automotives" in the near future;
10. Believe
it or not, in the early 21st century,
Gravity Dimension Computer
is developed by
Rakhine with thousands of years old
103 ethical
idea # 135; specific distance calculation;
Reminder: if your age = 35 years, this is your last year to apply Monbusho scholarship, and don't mind if been refused or rejected, because you might not know (e.g. "red tape" people above you, your nation's mailing system, your local embassy's local decision, your government's policy); Therefore, if you really like to apply Monbusho scholarship, go to the embassy in person and submit your application, please don't mind if been refused or rejected; Because, everyone likes to know HOW (knowledge is power) ... ;
z must be
specific, e.g.
one (i.e.
IFF Sqrt 2:
of floating point < 128
and then
level 1
of floating point < 256
and then
level 2
of floating point < 512
and then
level 3
of floating point < 1024 (i.e. 1K)
and then
level 4
of floating point < 2K
and then
level 5
of floating point < 4K
and then
level 6
of floating point < 8K
and then
level 7
of floating point < 16K
and then
level 8
of floating point < 32K
and then
level 9
of floating point < 64K
and then
level 10
Z-Distribution is defined,
DEE must be defined
for (
y) e.g. 5mm variation of
(Yellowish1 and Yellowish2) is 50000 km
long distance;
On the other hand, 1/50000 km is short distance;
Develop specific distance
calculation for Shakya (e.g.
Develop ((
remote sensing),
as a result e.g. gene therapy system
computers; Until
2013/2557, no one is able to put
all 17 into 1
ratio in (
Y) altogether yet, therefore develop
specific distance calculation; Regarding
please do not change Sqrt 2 design and its
numbers of floating point for another 100+ years,
for basic understanding of HOW ... ;
Distance calculation in
Z; (
OR truly needs humanoids' assistances worldwide, because this
DOMAIN developer is getting old
(lots of "white" hairs with some tooth
are missing, but Sake (made of rice, and rice liquor, Nippon calls it Sake) is
still very delicious), and takes much longer
time period when dealing with (levels and layers) altogether
... ;
Develop mathematical Graph Theorem, HOW XY is related to Z WHEN dealing with layers ... ; To do so,
... ;
Y) as
implement mathematical Graph Theorem,
and then,
(e.g. 2013/2557
can assist to human beings with very fast solutions worldwide;
e.g. IFF
is this DOMAIN
in the
and then using
algorithm (i.e.
adding good gene patterns)
(e.g. blood, bone, fat, flesh, hair,
liquid, muscle, nama i.e. brain, organs,
skin, vein, ... ) as
gene patterns
(i.e. no need to do gene therapy but IFF
life span increases and then do gene therapy),
IFF abnormal (e.g. Dx and Rx exist, either hyper or
hypo conditions
exist, on going Tx but doctors are given up i.e. not able to cure)
and then do
cure (i.e.
life span)
to be NORMAL, ... ;
e.g. non-binary-star calculation of
Night Sky; Concerning night sky map, WHEN 2 stars
are very close together but those 2 stars
might not be near each other, however those 2 stars
are truly together, they are called binary star systems; Also see:
If those 2 stars might not be near each other,
and then HOW
z must be
specific ... ;
e.g. from XY to Z to multi layers to
surface; XY to Z in 3D might be easy;
and then for each layer (either XY as functional plus, or XY as functional minus)
might be Working ... ;
and then HOW several
(e.g. 123 as green, or 456 as red, or
789 as blue, or ... )
static) can triangulate WHILE
kuru kuru
Z-Distribution so called
surface in the
Develop Graph Theorem;
idea # 134; using GDC;
IFF dimensional and directional and numerological,
fully functional gravity spots
heavy weights,
as a result of green vs.
green to be
synchronization, WHILE
kuru kuru in kinetic, e.g. (on
train can be faster and the
The same concept and idea can be applied to design airplanes e.g. (on flight) airplane can be (higher altitude with faster speed); In the early 21st century, some Nippon companies are designing and engineering flights e.g. Mitsubishi, Honda, ... ;
Since, fully functional gravity spots
dimension computer to test run for 1000 times
and then develop dimensional and directional and numerological flights
... ; So called
flight) airplanes
... ; Also see: Automotive;
Heavy Industries e.g. airplane builders, multi layer huge complex building
builders, ship builders, train builders, ... should install this DOMAIN
gravity dimension computer system (AI OS) and test run (i.e. elevating heavy
weights) for 1000 times
and then ... ;
idea # 133;
In the early 21st century, network system number, remote links (i.e. update here and update there), biological cell to DNA to gene codes, ... have done;
Since Gene Codes As Number can be understood, the gene codes can be remote linked between 2 diff locations (i.e. AB distance);
Reverse engineering e.g. gene codes to DNA
to biological cell can be developed; Implementation of both (Forward
engineering vs. Reverse engineering) will be functional
teleportation ... ;
But, in the early 21st century,
teleportation of whole
is not done yet, still in R&D; Therefore, develop
Biological Cell
In addition to
artificial intelligence
System, because of teleportation method, among Dx, Rx, and Tx, GoodGene
(76647555) and its internal address will provide remote gene therapy via
computer systems;
Therefore, develop Biological Cell Teleportation 1st; human organs will be 3D printed by teleportation before transplanting 2nd; whole kaya teleportation 3rd; Very very difficult to do whole kaya teleportation, because nama must be matched 100% WHICH is beyond a Myanmar's knowledge; In 21st century, nama can be read remotely but not 100% yet;
idea # 132; age of universe; galaxy distance;
(7/22/2013/2557) was
Dharma Shakya Day and Full moon day;
Also see:
1st, to understand HOW to measure age of universe;
2nd, to understand
Yellowish 1,
Yellowish 2, and HOW to measure galaxy
3rd, design, develop, engineer, and prove that a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space should be one of the factors of Eastern Civilization, i.e. after understanding Western Civilization's measurements; Also see: DEE;
idea # 131; 22 seconds via system 2; Development of layer 31 (e.g. 3 + 28);
1 Giga
(GB) is
1073741824 bytes;
its internal address is;
IFF numerological, also see: numbers
of floating point (e.g. 17);
kuru kuru ... ;
system 2
(i.e. based on sqrt 2), AI
OS (128 bit) can be e.g. 11 seconds for calculating GB;
system 3
(i.e. based on sqrt 3), AI
OS (128 bit) ... ;
Develop and
prove THAT
half second of Tera Byte (TB)
and then,
security of systems
with this DOMAIN installed,
e.g. within
the systems
must be protected
and secured
WHILE kuru kuru, in (2 * 6) universal momentum,
also known as z-index
(incoming Z in aspect ratio of XY),
half second (
z-distribution) and prove THAT
31 realms (accordance with Buddha's scripts) e.g.
within 1 surface, 31 layers exist
(early 21st century's level 7 display
factories in China can produce only 7 layers until 2013/2557); For
testing and proving of 31 realms, 31 layers
display (i.e.
level 31, or 4 times of level 7 as 28 layers) factory should be
built in the Union of Myanmar in the future WHERE Nippon
factory zone is located in "Thi La Wa"
... WHICH might be based on 8K numbers of floating
point exist within
half second of Yotta ... ;
Regarding level 31, i.e. induction of integration of
level 7 display factories in China, and then (4 times faster, 4 times deeper
light depth, 4 times MUX, 4 times of defined
ro) to be level 31 display factory in Union of Myanmar in the near
future, and Myanmar government should be rapidly building many Japanese
Restaurants (with
special seafood e.g. eels, Rakhine State's natural and wild caught seafood via "Taung
Goak" yoma roadway by daily supply of fresh sea foods,
approx. 200+ miles of transportation structure to be within 10+ hours of
driving, i.e. 100+ miles of 2 lanes "Taung Goak" yoma highway and 100+ miles of
"Pyi" - "Yangon" 4 lanes highway) nearby
Nippon's "Thi La Wa"
industrial zone;
e.g. using Gravity Dimension Computer (iroColourWaveForm) lights as instruction, using BF2 in C Sequence Number ... ; Because, Gravity Dimension Computer has been developed by Rakhine (a tribe in Union of Myanmar, or the origin of Buddhism and Buddha's region) but ... e.g. without Rakhine kingdom (regarding 128 years without Bama kingdom, 228 years without Rakhine kingdom, to be 338 years without Rakhine kingdom in 22nd century) ... ; For basic understanding of HOW approx. 22 seconds in the early 21st century; Rakhine kingdom was Asam, Minipur in West of "Myauk", "Mauk" is known by Indi (India) as north-eastern of India, western coastal area i.e. West of Bama kingdom, i.e. also Northwest of Mon kingdom, therefore, 20th century's newly born Bangladesh nation was Rakhine kingdom's property, and Rakhine has never been as Muslin for thousands of years, also read, 21st century's Buddhism vs. Muslin, regarding Reforming Myanmar; Believe it or not, many millions of Buddhist Rakhine people still exist in Bangladesh, approx. 31+ millions of people (non-muslin Rakhine people, and HOW millions of people converts their religion is depending on Civilization Type and power of Eastern Civilization vs. Western Civilization, in 21st century, i.e. out of 1 Myanmar's knowledge ... );
induction of integration of level 7 display factories in China
(think that level
7 means 7 layers as surface, level 6 means 6 layers as surface, level 5 means 5
layers as surface, ... );
idea # 130; 30%; Increase Life Span in 21st century;
Bio Clock vs.
Life Span;
(2 ends of chromosome, telomeres of cell);
IFF Algorithm,
(i.e. -1) WHILE kuru kuru
(specific Life Span) i.e. telomeres of cell;
WHY minus? because lesser resistance to
light prompts shorter and shorter period to live;
also see:
IFF Algorithm,
one (i.e. +1) WHILE kuru kuru
(specific Life Span) i.e. gene
therapy to
increase specific life span;
WHY plus? because, not to be shorter and
shorter period to live, the only way (i.e. concerning 1 way DEE), essential to
be adding plus one to prolong telomeres' life span;
Life Span (specific life span);
Specific life span
with defined
so do anti tumor, so do anti cancer cells; IFF numerological, 76647555 is
and its internal address is;
(Not including cloning of beings, graphing
of beings, and transplanting organs of beings), WHICH means genuinely and
increase specific
life span by 30% e.g. caloric restriction by
lowering calories WHEN eating, e.g.
Life Span;
After all oncologists 've given up
(withdrawn), install this DOMAIN into
book (e.g. notebook)
personal computer
built in
focus toward the patient
method is similar to
artificial intelligence
gravity with remote sensing),
do gene
treatment ...
Bio Clock vs.
Life Span);
WHY Bio Clock vs. Life Span? because Bio
Clock can define specific 2 ends of chromosome and telomeres of cell, on the
other hand, existed life span of tumor and cancel cells must be demolished by
pinpointing method with culturing or promoting defined good gene by computer
with AI OS system software e.g. adding plus one;
example, if you (age > 44 years) are having floats and flashes eyes because of
your outmost
layer of tissue of your eyes is dying, or your bio vision nerve is
not very good functional, there is no way to
cure by
physicians (i.e. after all physicians 've given up), and then, install
this DOMAIN into a book (e.g. notebook)
computer with built
in camera, and use the computer everyday, and then notice that your
vision will be cured or your vision will be improved; WHY so happen? because
... ;
Remark: please do not law suit me for not having solution, because many diff
hardware, many diff software, and THIS domain is 1 Myanmar's imaginary ... ;
Develop and prove that
increase specific
life span by using
AI system software; 1st
to understand
remote heat sensing
(snaky alike pattern because of 2,3
dimensional naturally, green can be as middle path);
2nd to understand
zoom e.g. (zoom in,
zoom out) with
DEE; 3rd to understand specific
line (e.g.
with GPS
location of the computer; 4th to
implement via Satellite DNS System
with AI OS; 5th to develop and prove that
is Working ...
; WHY computer?
(instead of liquid solution, instead of
bio metabolism, instead of injecting task oriented (specific function oriented)
cells) because the highest precision and the smallest bio beings
can only be defined
iroColourWaveForm e.g. (X = 345, Y = 456, Z = 567)
i.e. defined by light's
nm, also see:
Swap; In addition to defined
lights as color, lights go through the bio beings and stimulate the beings
as energy, vitamins, ... ; Therefore,
specific location's tumor and cancel cells can be
demolished by computer; Also see: \\SpaceMedicine\Gene;
Develop and
prove 30% ... ;
Because of
gene), a person might be the same look for more
than (i.e. >
) 100+
years genuinely and naturally; According to Buddha's scripts, deities' life span
begins with 500+ years, ... ; Also see:
P vector
one (i.e. PlusOne)
Nursing career might be booming, depending on HOW pension benefit, retire age, and so on;
Also read the book: PHYSICS OF THE FUTURE, MICHIO KAKU, published by Doubleday, 2011; Since 2013/2557, this DOMAIN implements complex ion gene therapy, and still cannot solve BLI problems, and teleportation method is not done yet;
Idea # 129; 1 as once a year e.g. birthday; 11...11;
2 can be understood as 2 times tidal in our
earth, numbers of floating point as sqrt (2) i.e. system 2, (2*6) in incoming
z as hyper dimensional universal momentum, ... ;
Collect once a year data in Gregorian calendar;
Collect once a year data in Lunar calendar (including 2 phase, 4 phase, and JUN);
Collect once a year data (a year as 6 months, by eclipses' momentum);
e.g. global weather is once a year, in common (there is only 1 raining season, there is only 1 summer season, there is only 1 winter season, ... ); WHY variable in days e.g. the first rain in May or June, in Indian ocean's coastal; e.g. the last snow in February or March, in northern America;
Develop and prove that WHY once a year as birthday, e.g. because of 1 way DEE, we human beings cannot see our back naturally; WHY our eyes cannot see through from light to dark;
once a year as birthday, answer would be (23 lunar weeks period
32 JUN time period) are behaving like (Q,
Q) flip-flopping as
1 WHERE one
is next to one begins in numerological
IFF system 2 ... , and
within 2 moments IFF counting (2*6)
i.e. incoming z index, and within 1 year IFF counting Gregorian
including (Feb 28 or 29) by 4, 400;
Create a new formula in math,
induction alike
1 can be populated as
induction alike 2, 3, 4, 5,
... ; And, prove that 11...11 in numbers of floating point
(hint: with 17,
1/8 or 1/(2^3)); this DOMAIN 's one of the defined font colors is
Hex={11,11,11} and WHY
are essential to handle
induction alike
1 as
dark color;
Prove that WHEN
becomes dimensional, in WHICH structural, and WHAT kind of
artificial environment, WHERE the numerological gravity spot exists,
and HOW to populate from
1 gravity
spot to N gravity spots on
1 surface, and so on ... ;
After populating,
induction alike
and then mathematically prove that gravity behaves (pull, push) as
2; Prove
Even Time Horizontal DEE is because of
2 ways DEE;
idea #
128; Home Made Gravity;
1st, basic understanding of LED vs.
DEE, e.g. WHEN light exists DEE also exists;
But, WHILE DEE exists, light may not exist; 24mm Natural Time with
Green gravity is recommended for creating home made gravity;
2nd, basic understanding of structural momentum e.g.
even time horizontal DEE, i.e. in our universes,
2 shadows of 1 object exist naturally; You need to simulate environment by
yourself (i.e. creating even time horizontal DEE); One and
only the Sun as momentum of our earth in 2,3 dimensional prompts 1
shadow only
and then, applying specific artificial dimensional
structural environment (IFF
even time horizontal DEE, you are having the same structural momentum of 1
location of our universes WHERE BF2 might be origin of life, live, ... and then
question is how come we human beings have been happening in this earth?
how come we human beings have not been beginning naturally on that location of
our universes? );
3rd, basic understanding of HOW structural momentum, and
DEE is gone away,
and then, gravity spot exists on a surface;
Question is: to have a gravity spot, DEE must be gone away? if DEE has cooler
char, having gravity might be hotter char or more pressure char?
iroColourWaveForm might be fetching light as instruction to GDC's gravity spots;
variable (
Sound Pressure Level, because WHILE generating gravity, SPL exists i.e.
in addition to lights;
4th, on
surface, if 2 gravity spots exist,
measure its AB distance; 50; 100;
GIS (Global Information System),
N I S (National Information System) starts with either
50 or 100, IFF numbers of floating point are base on sqrt 2; develop system 3
also WHILE using system 2;
5th, prove that
your home made gravity has pull
characteristic IFF specific dimension is applied; Also prove that your home made
gravity has push characteristic IFF specific dimension is applied;
symbol (
is for Asteroid_Pusher;
symbol (
is for Asteroid_Puller;
And they are 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional space crafts since year 2000s ... ; Using Universal Positioning System (UPS) i.e. beyond 256 numbers of floating point, but prior to 1K, 4K, develop asteroid puller and asteroid pusher;
6th, develop Gravity Dimension Computer (GDC) to
elevate, using
AI e.g. elevating automotives artificial
by using defined keywords e.g. smart device, for software developers;
Lunar has
never been secant
y to our earth; Think that 5 green planets' gravity is in 2,3 dimensional,
and then, develop artificial directional numerological
structural gravity to be secant
and then, develop Directional Gravity of our solar
system vs. 3,4 dimensional our universes; WHY secant y development is
necessary, regarding LED vs. DEE, because
artificial environment is essential WHILE concerning directional
... ; Notice that nowadays' products e.g. automotives, computers, ... are
based on structural ... ; Notice that
hee hee numerological is imaginary
numerical approach of ... ;
Internet should be defined by iroColourWaveForm's light value, e.g. green to
blue, blue to green, gray to silver, silver to gray, ... ;
And, ( 8th,
9th, and
10th) are intentionally left for
JUN (i.e. 10) people ... ; For thousands of years, Union of Myanmar has
been using 2 phase
Lunar only
(i.e. 7) and adjusting with 4 phase Lunar, also adjusting with
JUN (i.e. 10) ... ;
idea # 127; system 2's one of the factors is 17;
17 = 7 +
10; WHERE the numbers are: Lunar as
7 and Jun
(7 and 10) are
Ref, and 17 is Val;
WHEN ever 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional space
are SYN each other, (7 and 10) with
3, in
108 configuration; WHERE
2 events
of 3 lights
as momentum, in our universe;
JP in numerological numbers are 17,
and is 8, regarding
Nippon (Japan) 's
Internet domain is JP;
Concerning sqrt (2), 17 floating numbers
and then (44...44) WHERE ((1/√2) = (√2/2));
Also read the book: page 232, 233, THE SQUARE ROOT OF 2, David Flannery,
COPERNICUS BOOKS, Praxis Publishing, 2006;
Concerning sqrt (2), 17 floating numbers
and then (88...88) WHERE (√2) floating points are designed to be calculated e.g.
walking person's GPS location, missiles' GPS location, planets' very fast
orbital velocity as whole integer number as location,
and 1 Myanmar still cannot put all in 1 aspect ratio yet even though imaginary
space crafts went very very very far away in distance; More numbers in
floating points mean slower and slower GPS location can be calculated (e.g. an
ant on ground) 's GPS location
(i.e. approx. after mantissa point is
32, NOT 17); Think here the statement, in military science, if you
lose 5 seconds,
your whole domain can be lost; WHY? because more numbers in
floating point can capture lesser numbers in floating point; e.g. if
this DOMAIN is designed with 128 numbers of floating point in the early 21st century,
and then 64 numbers of floating point might be 1/2, 32 numbers of floating
point might be 1/4, 16 numbers of
floating point might be 1/8, and so on; Notice that 100% system security and
cannot be reversible IFF working with numbers of floating
In 3,4 dimensional idea, 17 is a factor to be (2*5), (2*6), (2*7) WHERE JUN vs. Lunar can be understood;
Develop a new formula (e.g. 22...22) concerning sqrt (2); Prove that (2,4,8) can be 2 events of 3 lights as momentum of our universe;
Apply directional gravity on each sequence e.g. 22...22, 44...44, 88...88, using iroColourWaveForm; e.g. green for 22...22; e.g. red for 44...44; e.g. blue for 88...88;
Prove that gravity has not only light characteristic, but also push characteristic IFF specific dimension is applied, but also pull characteristic IFF specific dimension is applied;
Prove that gravity's (pull or push) characteristics are
depending on dimension and numerology; Using Universal Positioning
System (UPS), and define the universal locations WHERE
directional gravity (i e s) are located ... ;
Develop WHY even numbers and odd numbers within the 17 numbers of floating point 's behavior is somehow related to our universe ... ; WHILE developing system 3, this DOMAIN prefers system 2 only i.e. sqrt (2) and its sequence numbers, BF2 and its tree depth, ... ;
Design and develop 256 numbers of floating point
based system to
capture this DOMAIN domain within 1 second
globally, by adding more
kuru kuru with structure;
and then, please share 128 numbers of floating point as 1/2, please, please, please,
... ; e.g.
128 Q;
Design and develop 512 numbers
of floating point, 1024 numbers
of floating point
(1K HD starts here), ... ;
and then, develop system 3 ;
1080p systems with HD started since 2000s; Since 2010s, 4K HD TV has been very
expensive to purchase (i.e. approx. 40000 USD for a 4K (WHICH might be 4 * 1K)
1K = 1024
= (512 * 2) = (2^10); For basic understanding of HOW
has been e.g.
grow up))
of (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1K,
4K, ... ) and so on;
Notice that (
can be (base 10 as 1024, using
multiplication operator as (512 * 2),
base 2
as (2^10)), and also notice that
within specific defined
numbers of floating point;
Prove that multi functional system
is working with
4 bit,
8 bit (i.e.
very very old, 1980s' OS),
16 bit
(i.e. old, 1990s' OS), and also working with
32 bit,
64 bit
(i.e. current OS in the early 21st century), and also working with future's
4K, 8K, ... (i.e. future's HD
(+z, -z) resolutions);
Prove that
7 is a factor to be,
e.g. if base 10 ..., if base numerological dimension ... , if base keyword, if
... ;
System's strengths
may vary, depending on HOW bit length by numbers
of floating point is designed
and engineered;
Numerological dimensional quality may begin e.g.
16 Q,
32 Q,
64 Q, ...
doko WHERE
Intelligence (Q vs.
Q) are also known
as flip-flop ... ;
and then, develop IQ of Computers,
also see: Nama For Humanoid;
Don't confuse with data bit (e.g. LSB, MSB, sign bit, un-sign bit, within a frame as data (aka block of data)), and also do not confuse with control bit (e.g. mnemonic), they are all in base 2, and (either 0 or 1) is bit; Encoding e.g. ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8, ... are all base 2 data; Regarding mnemonic (opcode), think that 7 bit of base 2 as opcode can be calculator functions, 15 bit of base 2 as opcode can be dictionary functions, 31 bit of base 2 as opcode can be translator functions, 63 bit of base 2 as GPS functions, 127 bit of base 2 as Idea Processor's functions, 255 bit of base 2 as IQ of Computers, and so on ... ; Old style RISC architecture is using only 7 bit of base 2 as opcode, if compare to 255 bit of base 2 as IQ of Computers in the early 21st century; 1K, 4K, ... is out of 1 Myanmar's knowledge (might be able to compute an ant's location and speed, might be able to compute z-distribution with defined distance, might be able to compute whole 17 into 1 aspect ratio in our universes, might be able to define WHY wormhole exists, might be able to compute our solar system's moving direction, ... );
IFF ((10^17 is Civilization Type 1), (10^(10+17) is Civilization Type 2), (10^(10+10+17) is Civilization Type 3)), also see: W, Watt;
... ;
idea # 126; Quantity 26 as a ~ z; Calculator Key;
Artificial Intelligence
Calculator Key) e.g. IFF
Operator (
WHILE kuru kuru,
bigger (e.g. higher) number is Val
(value, e.g. constant), smaller
(e.g. lower)
number is Ref (reference, e.g. variable); Also see:
For gaining faster bandwidths, for getting faster functional results, prove that WHILE kuru kuru, higher (i.e. bigger) number is VAL, lower (i.e. smaller) number is REF;
Prove that HOW much time is needed? e.g. from yellow stage to green stage, from green stage to red stage, from red stage to blue stage, ... in 3D HD z-distribution development on a surface in the Internet;
calculator, think that
0 is yellow and yellow
(WHY "yellow", yellow has been designed for power, notice that power can be
default, also notice that power can be diff among OEMs and nations, in
numerological dimension (i.e. 1~9) IFF not (1~9) i.e. zero);
123 is green and green;
456 is red and red;
789 is blue and blue; Inside of the file (e.g. C:\ColdBoot.ini),
this DOMAIN has been initial as
青信号 green light AND あおしんごう green light, WHICH means
for basic understanding of HOW 123 is;
Some video systems have been designed as red SYN IFF (green and green) already;
Some ACT2 stage satellite systems have been designed as blue SYN IFF ((red and
red) and (green and green)) already; In ACT3 stage, 1 Myanmar's imaginary space
crafts still cannot SYN e.g. parallel times due to very weak gravity or still
not able to solve DEE thoroughly yet ... ;
Also see:
iroColourWaveForm (Gravity
Dimension Computer)
AI ... ; WHERE gravity becomes in dimension ... ;
WHICH is beyond directional gravity pressure, gravity spots on surface, SPL,
... ; 1 Myanmar still cannot prove Civilization Type and gaps e.g. the
whole 100+ tons trains are (flying vs. moving), on the other hand, not yet to be
elevating SUV 4x4 cars officially;
(Because, many people ask, engineer, research, seek, HOW gravity is, for
any price), and gravity is priceless, because of gravity, many planets can be
your own planets ... ; Develop gravity for elevating SUV 4x4
cars unofficially e.g. high amp at low RPM, dimensional structure (i.e. with
momentum) of car's body (e.g.
24mm Natural Time Calculator Frame for multi time
lines), engine, and parts;
Since this DOMAIN installed computers have prompted variable weights among
connecting devices, this DOMAIN PnP (AUX <> USB) might be elevating SUV 4x4
cars in the near future ... ;
Gravity Dimension Computer)
... ; WHICH has been defined;
WHERE to be used e.g. automotives,
kan Weight
devices; WHAT is GDC? using gravity spots on 1 surface is; HOW to elevate
artificial intelligently, also see: AI; WHEN momentum is either 2,3
dimensional or 3,4 dimensional universally; WHO is user? e.g. users
of USB equipped with GPS embedded devices; WHO is developer? e.g. directional
gravity, dimensional gravity, pressure related structure with SPL, concerning
Gravity Dimension Computer is 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional ...
; For elevating space crafts
... ;
Develop heavy weight lifting of surfaces in the Internet remotely;
Develop multi gravity spots with automatic adjustment;
Develop (FE, front end computer's kan Weight) vs. (BE, back end computer's kan Weight) as a result, global servers, using weight as instruction; e.g. 10 FE computers with 1g might be 100% served by 1 BE computer with 10g;
787's battery problem can be solved by re-positioning of batteries (i.e. multiple batteries are connected together); Because, WHERE batteries are connected together, they behave like capacitances are connected; WHEN capacitances are connected together, momentum must be concerned e.g. 0.5 second, 1 second, ... in 2,3 dimensional;
Battery's position is very important IFF multiple batteries are connected together; IFF 2,3 dimensional space, dimensional multiple batteries' position prompts cold environment if the batteries are not moving; IFF 2,3 dimensional space, dimensional multiple batteries' position prompts hot environment if the batteries are moving;
Therefore, 787's battery problem can be solved by re-positioning of the batteries;
Develop WHERE multiple batteries are connected together, their positions prompt diff environmental heat, and prove that WHEN multiple batteries are connected together, they behave like capacitances are connected together; If capacitances are connected together, momentum must be defined explicitly;
Develop in 3,4 dimensional space, IFF multiple batteries are connected together, WHAT is the diff between 2,3 dimensional space vs. 3,4 dimensional space; 1st to understand 24mm Natural Time; 2nd understand 0.5 second with Even Time Horizontal DEE, 3rd to develop HOW heat vs. light, HOW directional gravity, HOW ... ;
In 1990s, dual band mobile phones started servicing 900 MHz and 1800 MHz with modular battery, since then, battery has been modular; In 21st century, modular batteries' position (i.e. multiple batteries are connected together) prompt momentum, and layered MTI interface can charge to battery, vice versa, the multiple batteries' position prompts essential momentum; Therefore, 2 gravity spots can be achieved, IFF momentum is correct; Concerning Gravity Dimension Computer, 2 gravity spots, 4 gravity spots, 8 gravity spots, ... for each automotive, WHICH means beyond modular battery, beyond 0.5 second, beyond multi time line, beyond 2,3 dimensional idea, beyond dubbing of SPL, beyond WORMHOLE (irregular non-pattern form of iroColour should be called WORMHOLE; because, each WORMHOLE behaves irregular non-pattern form of iroColour; to define WORMHOLE explicitly, universes must be understood thoroughly WHICH is beyond 1 Myanmar's knowledge) ... ; Basic GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer) start with 1 surface in the Internet with iroColourWaveForm, WHICH means beyond 88...88 WHERE GPS location can be pinpointed in cm scale, elevating of the surface by using artificial intelligence, ... ; For basic understanding, this DOMAIN is using Sqrt 2 only so called "floating real time in 2,3 dimensional space with AI ACTION" ... ;
Design, develop, and engineer "one day battery" for
future's ♯g devices; WHAT does it mean by "one day battery"? 2 times tidal
alike, day and night co-existence alike, 2.2. alike, as a result, 1990s model
dual band mobile phone might become slimmer and slimmer, because user need
battery power for approx. 12 hours, and when day light time, layered MTI
interface can convert solar power to electricity to be stored (i.e. charging
time to rechargeable battery) once battery's life cycle is alive without
electricity for more than one day (i.e. one day battery);
And then, rechargeable battery is no longer need to be charged by electricity,
so called "one day battery" for future's ♯g devices;
to do something completely,
1st to understand WHAT is dual band mobile phone (i.e. modular battery prompts momentum),
2nd to do vice and versa e.g. early 21st century's smart phone design (i.e. one side is MTI with layered to perceive energy, another side is modular battery to be 2.2. WHICH means concurrency WHILE recharging, momentum is available, 1.1. WHICH means WHILE not recharging, momentum is also available by battery's power),
3rd to develop your own "one day battery" for future's ♯g devices ... ; a part of parallel time development e.g. satellite solar sail method, approx. 23+ years old info;
WHAT is the diff between regular battery and modular battery WHEN multiple batteries are connected together ... ; WHY regular battery's amp become lower and lower IFF cold environment (a Myanmar's answer would be: regular batteries are made of plates as partitions inside, and those partitions are parallel to each other inside to be (plus vs. minus) i.e. without dimension, i.e. without nano-gate momentum) as a result, WHEN cold environment is applied, regular battery starts losing its amp power; a Myanmar's answer would be: modular battery is made by dimension and momentum, WHICH means if moving ... , if not moving ... (think here, DEE are coming from our universe, and planets' 2,3 dimensional gravity and light are existing, develop your own structure momentum to be i.e. modular battery is made by dimension and momentum); Find your own momentum by yourself, and your momentum is yours for sure (i.e. for thousands of years ... );
In common, 2 strings interrupt cell to be active on
and then, after gaining a momentum, it is a time to bypass
(time slow down
process e.g. 5 c/s step-by-step may begin prior to MUX); Many
automotives are designed by
and 1)
method (i.e.
Q vs.
flip-flop; IFF 2 times better quality, 2
separate (1
and 1)
IFF 3 times better quality,
3 separate
and 1)
method, and so on;
Till 2013/2557,
no one has been able to calculate
1st to understand WHAT is Z-Orders, also see:
(9 layers
as Z-Orders);
2nd to understand
page 's
compilation of 9 Z-Orders to be calculated
with heat sensing
pattern; 3rd to develop HOW 1 digital camera's ♯♯MP
information can
represent Time . Space (distance) ... ;
Prove THAT for each digital camera's ♯♯MP information, distance among layers ... ; e.g. 10MP information, taken by 2,3 dimensional hyper space to 3,4 dimensional hyper space, and then HOW to calculate the Oriental Thought i.e. Time . Space . Action, concerning Spaces' distance;
2013/2557, no
with ♯♯GP
information yet to public
might have been designed to be
5 layers
max, because in (
user might not need many layers
... ;
but, near future's 3D HD
Internet services
might be with
9 layers, if (MP information to GP
information) system integration
(e.g. from 3,4
dimensional to 2,3 dimensional, infrared with defined heat,
iroColourWaveForm with directional gravity, SPL with heat sensing patterns, ...
) is successful;
IFF 1 gravity spot on 1 surface
in the Internet is prompted by
and then
Gravity Dimension Computers'
kan Weight,
and its
light depth may vary depending on HOW quality of gravity dimension is,
... ;
IFF SQRT 2, common
prompt 1.4142135 as value; Notice that floating point mantissa is at
7; Concerning
general rational fraction sequence numbers
as reference, also see:
Notice that if you keep pressing SQRT button again and again 22 times, common
calculators prompt 1;
ACT3_Imaginary_Hyperdimensional, for thousands
of years,
our universes
might have been as 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, i.e.
SYN each other within
Natural Time; this DOMAIN has
been implementing idea
processor by its numerological dimensional term
i.e. 10;
Regarding the unique number
2, SQRT 2
each dimension (e.g.
z) should prompt the same (JUN, Lunar, JUN); IFF (
10) as a
surface in hyper dimensional,
quality of hyper dimensional
quantity of 98;
directional gravity
surface ... ;
each dimension (i.e.
z) prompts
same, artificial intelligence (general
rational fraction sequence numbers
as reference) e.g.
term is 10;
quality of hyper dimensional surface, e.g. IFF (2*5,
2*6, 2*7)
equal to ((SQRT
2)*5, (SQRT 2)*6, (SQRT 2)*7),
And Then,
number as value
(e.g. 88...88);
triangulation on one surface in the Internet, also see: Testing;
Gravity Dimension Computer
IFF SQRT 2, 1.4142135623730950488016887242097 as value; 88...88;
Gravity Dimension
Computer, IFF Sqrt 2, general rational fraction
as reference; 98;
If testing, 2 vs. 5,6,7 can be either value as 2 or 5,6,7, on the other hand,
reference term as 2 or 5,6,7 i.e. vice versa, regarding SQRT 2, instead of term
is 10;
root e.g.
/, \, //, \\, ///, \\\, ... in numerological
dimension, concerning
computer program?
Concerning gravity spots
on 1 surface in the Internet, WHAT kinds of
z-distribution to be? WHICH degree of max bendable for each surface (e.g. 1
surface with 5 layers)?
Can THIS logic be
i.e. with using
multi time lines
... ;
without using multi time lines
... ;
Develop (2*6) momentum yourself so WHILE (6 and 6) ... ; i.e. 3,4 dimensional; parallel universes;
Develop (2*7) momentum yourself so WHILE (7 and 7) ... ; i.e. 2,3 dimensional; within 10;
Before a
wafer (e.g.
is dyed,
chip designer might be choosing a time line WHICH is
table alike; The defined
time lined
table might be designed by 2 dimensional (i.e. X, Y) WHERE (BL, WL)
might be vice versa for functioning control vs. data; As a result, WHILE
kuru kuru, within a defined time period, specific
output must be only by specific
input (either ref or val); If the
output is not
expected one (either ref or val),
and then system must
wait for another
kuru kuru, and later to be voided;
IFF multi time lines (e.g. total of 17 time lines) is
implemented, there is no way to hack the
chip, there is no way to eavesdrop the
either, and the (
artificial intelligence
system) might become 17 times more secure than normal dye
(i.e. IFF normal dye is using only 1 time line); Therefore, develop
a wafer (i.e. to be
chips) with 17 time lines;
wafer) is recommended to design, to dye,
to engineer, to test, ... because
platforms (i.e. several
can be easier
functions, and might become universal standard; e.g. if numerological
dimensional hyper SPACE has been designed
(e.g. 48mm for Apple, 42mm for Fujitsu SPARC, 36mm for Acer, 33mm for SONY, 30mm
for Toshiba, 27mm for hp, 24mm for Lenovo, 21mm for LG, 18mm for Hitachi, 15mm
for SHARP, ... )
and then notice that easier
do software
approach universally;
Develop a
wafer (e.g.
with 17 time lines;
Hard Disk can be partitioned e.g. partitioned name DC with
file format X, partitioned name NFL with file format Y; The same idea can be
applied to create a new kind of
battery (i.e. 2 partitioned battery), e.g. WHEN
charging, DC (Dry Cell) become alive and more populating, and WHEN using, DC
(Dry Cell) become weak and less populating;
and then, partition the battery by (green and blue) separator; The battery
should have another partitioned name called NFL
(Naturally Flying Light);
Partitioning the rechargeable battery might be suitable for future's incoming GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer), because gray scale simulation results can be applied inside NFL (Naturally Flying Light) using gray and silver;
Therefore, develop battery engineering to create a new kind of battery WHICH is 2 partitioned battery with DC and NFL, WHERE DC is for diff potential (e.g. minus, plus), and WHERE NFL is for GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer) and future's space traveling, and flying automotives; For creating NFL (Naturally Flying Light), do reverse engineering of light, momentum, DEE, SPL surface, ... , and combine with DC (Dry Cell), so called 2 partitioned battery for GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer) ... ;
As a result of 2 partitioned battery, WHEN potential diff is needed, using DC (Dry Cell), WHEN momentum is needed, using NFL (Naturally Flying Light) ... ; Therefore, engineer a new kind of battery (i.e. 2 partitioned battery);
WHY 2 partitioned battery,
battery has been designed for providing diff potential, for cranking
amp, for storing capacitance, ... , and battery has not been designed for NFL
(Naturally Flying Light)
surface; C Sequence Number
(BF2) provides structure but without momentum and surface; A new kind of
battery, e.g. with BF2 structure, might be able to project NFL
(Naturally Flying Light)
on a surface, accordance with 2,3 dimensional vs. 3,4
model, 2 partitioned battery should be marked,
plus, and directional gravity of WHERE the NFL
(Naturally Flying Light)
as a surface to be;
and then, future's 2 partitioned battery WHICH guides 3 options to user, i.e.
minus, plus, and directional gravity of WHERE the NFL (Naturally Flying Light)
as a surface ... ; Therefore, engineer a new kind of battery;
Till early 21st century,
batteries are marked with 2 options (i.e. minus, plus); After testing and
prototyping 2 partitioned battery (i.e. a new kind
of battery), the 2 partitioned battery should be
with 3 options (i.e. minus, plus, surface's direction); 2 partitioned battery
should not be patented (i.e. free to public) because
logo can be
surface and momentum; Therefore, engineer a new kind of
For testing this DOMAIN 's
numerological dimension
Dimension Computer),
before installing its CD-R, DVD, USB, ...
(i.e. contents)
into your local disk (e.g.
you should measure your computer's weight,
temperature, environmental iroColour,
... ; Because,
has been defined,
Weight has been defined,
raise has
been defined;
Also see:
IFF kan
Weight becomes variable
and then do further development e.g. directional gravity,
dimensional gravity, accordance with 2,3
dimensional momentum ... ;
water might be 2 times
tidal in our earth, but water might not be 2 times tidal in 2,3 dimensional
Gravity Dimension Computers
kan Weight standard
surface, using
108 configuration;
Believe it or not, 12+ years old tech (e.g.
noCOOKIE browser) is still working with
new OS (i.e.
model Windows 8 Pro 64 bit);
For Monbusho level system engineers,
keyword can be converted into
numerological number
and then each number prompts internal address
to be with; For each internal address can be with
knowledge based ACTION to do
(so called IQ of computers);
Now is the time to develop and test several
whether each numerological number prompts the same internal address or not; To
do so, inside the address box, type the defined number (i.e. keyword), and
analyze the address for each keyword; e.g.
developing for preventing, for protecting, for reducing, (i.e. tsunami and
quake) by defining keyword to be numerological number to be having
internal address
and then
computer with IQ to be knowing WHAT to do WHEN, WHERE,
5W1H) so called
artificial intelligence
system with IQ to be;
1st to analyze
diff i.e. whether having the same internal address or not;
2nd to create numerological number for defining
also see: aka.INF;
3rd to test defined keyword is
working with IQ or not; e.g. 10 dimensional
(for 2*5),
12 dimensional
(for 2*6), 14 dimensional
(for 2*7);
Remark: this DOMAIN has been developed by 10 dimensional only; if you like to do yourself, develop 2*6 and 2*7 (so called axis of our universe's momentum and dimension); Because (2*6) and (2*7) dimension might be working also if you do develop yourself;
If you are in bio-chemical, bio-genetic, bio-medical, ... , since "artificial", since "synthetic", WHICH has been available since 1950s, try to create human beings' brain as "artificial", "synthetic", ... ;
To do so,
1st, to understand i.e. at
translator stage (also known as
artificial intelligence) human
beings' nama can be read remotely; WHICH
means "invisible fly" with WiFi to communicate to the nearest computer to
handshake through the Internet
(approx. bet. 2000 ~ 2020);
2nd, and then via the Internet, at green5 planets, simulate the patterns of previously read "sound patterns"; Because, all electrodes can be read as sound patterns, in 2,3 dimensional environment;
3rd, using
Teleportation 2535769212965, genetic code of
genuine human beings to be simulated as the "cloned human beings" in the green5
and then, by using gravity machine engine, to
commute to our earth to physically handshake in person
(i.e. to know each other between genuine
human beings and cloned human beings) in our earth;
DONE; the truth is, since 21st century, no need of human beings as workforce;
but, I'm honored, you're honored, we're honored, ...
for "distribution of wealth"
... ;
Regarding biological research and development,
Develop artificial brains WHICH must be 100% matched to human beings' brain; THIS is beyond translator stage, THIS is also beyond idea processor stage, and artificial brains must be created 100% artificially; All you (genetic engineer, bio-scientist, engineer, ... ) can have is "sound patterns", and you must produce 100% matched "clone human beings" by 100% artificially creating cells, proteins, tissue with 100% BLI growth, weight with BMI identity, and so on;
Again, ALL DONE;
but if you like to try, ... you also can
... ;
In ACT3 stage, a Myanmar still cannot picture all 17 into 1 aspect ratio yet WHERE our solar system might be moving from GREEN to BLUE ... ; In ACT3 stage, a Myanmar still cannot pin point WHERE the DEE originally come from ... ; In ACT3 stage, 3,4 dimensional BF3 seems not similar to 2,3 dimensional BF2;
IPS Cell,
invented by Nippon, in early 21st century (approx.
IPS cell can transform into
any one
... ;
IPS cell works within 2,3 dimensional environment only
(i.e. ACT1 stage
and ACT2 stage);
IFF 2,3 dimensional environment,
directional gravity pressure
and then, artificial intelligence
(calculate and analyze)
BLI growth,
ratio of
iroColourWaveForm ...
IFF 3,4 dimensional environment, a Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional space crafts prompt BF3 ... ; Because DEE are parallel to each other due to very very far away in distance of our solar system (WHERE our solar system might be moving from GREEN to BLUE accordance with gray scale simulation's results, regarding Universal Position System), and 24mm Natural Time slow down problem exists, ... ;
Develop HOW to cure BLI problems
of cloned
after defined time period ... ; Develop HOW
old tissues
newly grown tissues
by using
IPS cell
... ; Develop HOW to adjust
BF3 to
BF2 by using directional gravity
... ;
Develop numerological dimensional symmetrical control system, by applying Idea (algorithm) might be centric automata alike WHERE cores (e.g. 1.1, 2.2) are invariance WHILE cores are in concurrency; Also see: nuclear1, nuclear2;
( e.g.
might be WHERE
aggregate function with
z-distribution prompts as
file system (FS+,
is working ... ;
and then, triangulation
Internet, by using
Natural Time
(i.e. in ACT1 basically), so SWITCH (e.g.
static) for each object;
is not moving (i.e. NORMAL
e.g. static) ... ; IFF
object is
moving (i.e. MOBILE
e.g. dynamic) ... ; Regarding ..\MOBILE\
... ,
IFF Sqrt 2, WHILE calculating triangulation, degree (i.e. ♯ °) can be further studied;
e.g. IFF floating point mantissa is at 50, i.e.
walking person's GPS device triangulation degree;
decimal points after 50th mantissa;
e.g. IFF floating point mantissa is at 25, i.e. flying airplane's GPS device
triangulation degree;
decimal points after 25th mantissa;
e.g. IFF floating point mantissa is at 5, i.e. launched missile's location can
be pinpointed by triangulation in the Internet;
decimal points after 5th mantissa;
1st to develop
GPS embedded floating poly plastic devices
in oceans
around the world,
for preventing
(not to happen again e.g. Fukushima
accident in 2011), to do so, those GPS
embedded floating poly plastic devices must be
triangulation in the Internet as MOBILE devices; IFF
triangulation on one surface,
each MOBILE device's speed can be defined,
each MOBILE device's speed can be
(e.g. measuring 2.2. for triangulation in the Internet) also;
... ;
and then, 2nd to develop a Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional space crafts'
maximum possible
in ACT2 stage in 2,3 dimensional ... ;
triangulation on one surface's degree might become in
variable integer
number WHICH is (NOT decimal points,
NOT floating points)
e.g. very fast moving objects
like planets,
and then degree is integer number
time line should be lesser than
24mm because
Natural Time slows down in
space; using
directional gravity pressure ... ;
and then, 3rd to develop (teleportation
vs. imaginary hyper dimensional space crafts' speeds),
in ACT3 stage in 3,4 dimensional ... ;
artificial intelligence warning tsunami, calculating triangulation on one surface in the Internet, ... ;
Formula e.g.
any type,
and then, artificial intelligence
... ;
is proposed and written;
Before writing above formula,
1st to understand 1.1, 1.2, swap,
therefore 2.1 for each
concurrency at 2.2.,
(because of 2.2., 4, 8, 16, 32, ... ) and then 4.32 (i.e. interval e.g. enumerator); 2nd to
understand (line*actions)!/(!actions)
line; 3rd to understand
type; 4th to understand any type of artificial intelligence (array;
record) as both reference and function; 5th to develop interval for each domain
e.g. artificial intelligence (array; record) with
start Square root 2
(for basic understanding, this DOMAIN
is using Sqrt 2 only; 1 satellite designer can change system's value to 2.01,
2.09, 2.19, and so on);
length integer;
(unit) enumerator; Therefore,
any type ... ;
approx. 15+ years old info, e.g. dim in Basic programming language; with dim,
any type of ... ;
Therefore, develop
any type (e.g.
dim) for each domain in the Internet ... ;
After understanding any type as dimension for each domain in the Internet,
triangulation in the Internet; After triangulating via
the Internet (e.g.
web) develop
your own Internet software system yourself ...
Because, future's gravity dimension computers, future's GPS
based flying
automotives, future's space crafts for universal traveling ...
Regarding concurrency, please read the book: 1997, Springer-Verlag, On
concurrent programming / Fred B. Schneider, GRADUATE TEXTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE;
Remark: if you understand this book thoroughly in numerological dimension, you
might be able to design and engineer translator, because this book is the only
book in English HOW conceptually understanding from calculator to translator,
and this DOMAIN still cannot find a book in English HOW dimensional GPS and
its weights (gravity spots) yet;
however, implementation of AI has been with
translator stage since
gravity dimension computer (
any type)
might be able to do
2535769212965 (i.e.
universally ... ;
In early 21st century, statement like " 3 salted planets WHERE human beings can
live " might be very very early stage in space traveling ... ; WHO will be the
owner of the planets? WHAT are the green5 planets' names? WHICH directional
testing numerological dimensional 2.2.
core for
concurrency, also see:
Testing internal
address; Remember
BF2 is C Sequence Number's
brunching factor in 2,3 dimensional;
(minus Z) is light depth,
(plus Z) is hologram, vice and versa, IFF
(minus Z) is hologram,
(plus Z) is light depth; Also see:
Develop flexible, roll-able, thin layered display with toggle switch; Beyond z-distribution, light depth vs. hologram should be categorized, e.g. minus Z is light depth, plus Z is hologram ... ; Users can do button (on or off) so display can be 3D HD with both light depth and hologram; Directional gravity is recommended with numerological dimension;
perform ♯ 285 circle
(area) in ACT2 and ACT3 stage, also see: Curvature usage in
Eccentric circles; instead of
using r2 or radius * radius, Using
because idea is diff, because radius might not be the same, ... , prove that
better problem solving approach, technique, ... ; this idea can also be applied
in engines, remote sensing, ... ; this idea can also be applied to adjust energy mapping of a
space due to a statement, "lights vary, light varies, if gravity is
applied" ... ;
programming, r2
is programmed as: r * r; notice that 2 parameters are r, r, with multiplication
operator; for calculating a circle's area, r should be the same, however,
concerning bio-metric tensors in N dimensions, holes, multi-processors' real
times, milli-bar pressure oriented
remote sensing, warm=holes, ... , also concerning parameter r
as reference [if parameter r as value, WHICH is constant alike, WHEN
might not be in real time], also concerning curvatures (- OR 0 OR
+) , Using
... ;
Concerning system platform, e.g. compilation of source code, generating source code, engineering software project: this DOMAIN installed vs. uninstall should be further studied; Because, IQ of human beings is diff; Because, IQ of computers is diff;
After this DOMAIN C65, its directories (i.e. folder) contain, i.e.
The reason is this DOMAIN would like to test IQ of computers;
Human beings' IQ varies, depending
on (23 Lunar i.e.
approx. 23 * 14 = 322
or 32
JUN i.e. approx.
32 * 10 = 320) sequences, e.g. if very early age, if very old age, IQ
may vary depending on aging; Similarly, IQ of computers may vary;
Therefore, develop IQ of computers (5W1H) and develop each characteristic of HOW diff among, i.e.
Humanoids' IQ varies, depending on
(23 Lunar i.e.
approx. 23 * 14 = 322
or 32
JUN i.e. approx.
32 * 10 = 320) sequences, e.g. STM, LTM, ...
; e.g.
book might
be using 12mm; e.g. instead of using 12mm, e.g. using 15mm,
and then (5W1H) each characteristic of ... ;
Find and list the intelligence (s) of this DOMAIN installed computers ... ; For billions of devices ... ; beyond lock (device), unlock (device), ... ; 5W1H of each device's intelligence, so called IQ of computers;
As of today,
2012/2556 years old info, ancient
and then traditional,
accordance with Buddha's sasana (i.e. Buddhism)
108 configuration was written a
few years ago, in 2000s; Its numerical numbers are 3, 3, 3, 3, with 10, 7, 10;
In 2,3 dimensional, 3,3,3,3 are symmetrical lights and its numerical
induction is 4 WHICH is similar to 2 events of 3 lights are 90°; 3,3,3,3
's numerological number is 3; According to a Myanmar's imaginary space
crafts' gray scale simulation result, 5 sections'
DEE are not the same at left and right; In 3,4 dimensional, our solar
system is moving against (GREEN,
YELLOW) 's direction;
green5 is unknown; unofficial info until higher civilization type society's
authorization; because our eyes cannot see through the Sun;
- BLUE - sky blue; our Earth in day time;
- RED - the Sun rise and the Sun set are daily as 2, WHERE the red; low power;
- YELLOW - like a electrical bulb, the momentum of our Earth, the Sun; power;
Concerning "our solar system is moving" WHICH direction, 10, 7, 10 can be JUN, Lunar, JUN; therefore, time line can be solved by 2 * 6; Since, green5 is unknown for thousands of years, a Myanmar's imaginary would be from GREEN to BLUE direction;
Do not confuse here, because (GREEN, BLUE, RED, YELLOW) 's direction is toward the daily Sun; "from GREEN to BLUE direction" is outward of daily Sun (i.e. IFF day time);
Think the
statement "our solar system is moving" WHY,
Think the statement "5 sections' DEE are not
the same at left and right" WHY,
a Myanmar's imaginary would be, very very very very very very very huge universe out there, and unknown, or velocity of planets are faster and faster, or our Earth becomes warmer and warmer, or ... ;
Develop a system,
that let human
beings know around the globe officially; Because, some information must be
endorsed and announced only by higher civilization type society; Develop a
system WHICH proves the statement "our solar system is moving" from
BLUE direction;
Develop 3,
1st to understand co-existence logic (e.g. Male and female, Pros and cons, Yin and yang),
2nd to understand syntax vs. semantics logic (e.g. cause and effect, actions and events) might not be co-existence like 2, after functional fuzzy logic,
3rd to understand sub logic
(e.g. true or
Neither 1 nor 0 is 2.)
and then, develop 3; For example, instead of
using 1 line (e.g. 5 for left end, 5 for right end; 5 for top end, 5 for down
end; i.e. 1 AND 1
design WHICH has been the best and simple, approx. 33+ years old info (1970s ~
2010s), and calculator based;), using 3 lines;
e.g. develop 3 AND 3 design (e.g.
parallel universe 108 configuration for both 2,3
dimensional and 3,4 dimensional);
and then 4;
after that 5;
parallel universes (a Myanmar still cannot prove 31 yet); 。Its font size is 24pt; 7;
endo (i.e. inside) phyte (i.e. plant), endophyte; endophyte s, many unknown properties ... ; because 2 events of 3 lights are 90°, 2,3 dimensional with eclipses, 2 * 6 can be considered as 2 years (i.e. 12 months period in Gregorian calendar), 23 JUN (i.e. 2 * 5) vs. 32 (i.e. 2 * 7) Lunar (e.g. to be born as human beings), DEE vs. lights (i.e. gravity can be faster than light, Info can also be faster than light), ... ; am fungi; arbuscule; endophyte s, inside plant, help each other and live together; spore; naturally give and take; IFF 2,3 dimensional, BF2;
Develop dimensional gravity WHEN naturally give and take prompts asymmetric characteristic; DEE must be thoroughly understood 1st;
Develop WHERE even time horizontal DEE prompts BLI (i.e. left and right) symmetric; to solve 21st century's BLI (i.e. Body Length Index) problems, because after cloning process, after 92 JUN (approx. 4 * 10 month), BLI problems exist;
Develop WHICH yin-and-yang of ACTION s (i.e. clock wise orbital lines; counter clock wise orbital lines) prompts C Sequence Number's BF to be 2, 3, 4, ... ; plantation on the moon results BF not the same (i.e. 2,3 dimensional vs. 3,4 dimensional); Question is, green5 planet's plant grows the same IFF on Earth; Question is, Earth's plant grows the same IFF on green5; Question is, spore to-and-from cell does the same reaction function?
; 10;。 Its font size is 8pt; our location (e.g. Earth, green5, moon, ... );
AM radio, FM radio, Wireless radio, XM radio, ... have been engineered, and have been functionally implemented, MTLM, Multi Time Lines Modulation radio with dimensional gravity should be developed; Info can be faster than light, to do so,
1st to understand,
MTLM, also see:
multi; 2nd
to understand DEE for each color with
iroColourWaveForm, because WHEN light (i.e. multi colours) exists DEE also
exists; 3rd to understand WHERE directional gravity
is applied, DEE varies, and WHICH light (i.e. multi colours) also varies;
Therefore, develop multi time lines modulation radio ... ; Furthermore, teleportation method can be implemented because iroColourWaveForm produces multi colours, and then DEE for each color with directional gravity, IFF within 1 time machine, you have just created MTLM ... ; And then, prove that Info can be faster than light;
A Myanmar's hyper imaginary space crafts went very very very far away in distance (i.e. from 2,3 dimensional to 3,4 dimensional space) ... ; 17 is a factor to be parallel universes ... ; A Myanmar still cannot solve 31 yet ... ;
iroColourWaveForm based
disc printer
is not available yet to a common person; Commonly available printers are dot
matrix printer, ink jet printer, laser printer,
photo printer (i.e. poly plastic layered),
... ; Please open the file (i.e.
FoldingPaper_CD) and notice
that disc can be printed like a paper; IFF disc printer can print disc like a
paper, easy to fold and ship, flex to bend and roll, punches to file by folder,
... ; Since poly plastic layered printers are available, since metal and plastic
can be sealed together, since plastic and paper can also be sealed together,
disc printer should be invented, marketed, ... ;
Till 2012/2556, commonly available disc printers physically WRITE onto physical
disc; IFF available, disc printer will be environmentally friendly because no
need of disc cover box, no need of plastic wrap cover, only 1 sheet like paper,
recycle-able, ... ;
Instead of octet sector, disc track ... ; Instead of disc's track, disc layers ... ;
Instead of kuru kuru, grid alike table style ro ... ; And then, disc printer will be ... ;
using birds'
analyze 285 report
669 each human universally,
... , also see:
... ; IFF
computer, using
artificial intelligence
... ;
(i.e. Quantum Computer)
color code for each human universally
... ;
; humanoid
... ;
cluster AND
grid) yet till
2012/2555, by a browser
COOKIE 34.);
Therefore, develop 3D HD with z-distribution to
prompt 10
dimensional DEE, multi-dimensional time lines,
multi-dimensional layers,
... ; To do so, for each eccentric circle,
by cluster sensor; Since, multi-layers
with z-distribution, for each grid, can also be
by cluster sensor; IFF (cluster and grid)
are together to be computing, you have just created
(cluster and grid)
... ; Then DEE is applied
to each dimension for future's
flying automotives
... ;
this DOMAIN recommends organizer based for each eccentric circle, for each
line, for each
WHILE 4 directional
DEE exist, also see:
4, 2
must be in 1 directional orbiting
... i.e. WHEN 1 way around (i.e. orbital
alike) kinetic momentum (2)
... ; prove and simulate that THIS statement is TRUE IFF 2,3
dimensional ... ; prove and simulate that THIS
statement is FALSE IFF 3,4 dimensional ... ;
Flip-flop idea has been for more than 50+ years in computing, since mainframe era with its main-line computing (approx. 4 lines without z-distribution); flip-flop (timing) functions e.g. hold, input data from (D-type, J-K, R-S, T-type, ... ), propagation time for the flip-flop, set, ... are measured by % ... ; collector (i.e. collector-coupled FF) WHERE left's F must prompt 1, and right' F must also prompt 1,
similar to airplane's flying take off (i.e. from surface to be above ground) real time system,
similar to airplane's landing touch down (i.e. from above ground to be on the surface) real time system,
i.e. collector-coupled flip-flop ... ; so, bi stable ... ;
Nowadays, WHILE elevating by gravity dimension computer, by using DEE, with gravity spots, e.g. GPS devices, the flip-flop idea should be reused;
Develop elevating balancing real time system ... , by using gravity dimension computer (e.g. adjusting the device's elevating balance by fetching variable lights into a gravity spot [in ACT1 stage and ACT2 stage, gravity spot is white color to human beings' eyes WHERE DEE are pivotal in 2,3 dimensional ... ]) ... ; Because, common GPS devices are made of less than 4 gravity spots inside, and future automotives and future GPS devices should be with more than 10 gravity spots inside, because more numbers of gravity spots inside means easier to software program i.e. elevating balancing real time system ... ; Simulate and engineer the elevating balancing real time system ... ;
this DOMAIN recommends 10
directional elevating balancing (10 gravity spots) because in
numbers in dhamma,
WHILE transmitting metta, WHILE distributing
metta, 10 directions
have been practiced for thousands of years ... ;
Sound tracks are run by number ... ; And, sound tracks are electrode alike, WHICH means they are similar to strings alike; Within a short period of time, existence ... ; So many commercial songs have been engineered and compiled with such "sound tracks are run by number" ... ; Devices e.g. calculator, dictionary, translator, ... have been engineered, embedded, marketed, and very familiar to common people, but there is no such Sound Track device yet to be known in standard yet;
Therefore, develop common person's editable, usable, ... " sound tracks are run by number " i.e. Sound Track Device ... ; As a result, gravity dimension computer will be using variable lights and sounds; And, computer operating system will be with such Sound Track Device ... in the near future, i.e. idea similar to standard text editor alike WHICH means TTF files are under font directory alike, sound tracks should also be under Sound directory WHERE sound tracks are run by number, and changeable like font, sound tracks should also be changeable ... ;
this DOMAIN started
using 3 indexes, e.g. index.html, INDEX.HTML, default.aspx, and its Desktop.ini
file has been developed in z-distribution approach; Because,
layers must be
categorized, e.g. The Language Bar (layer) should be in front of
Start Button
(layer); Start Button (layer) should be in front of
Task Bar (layer), and so on; Therefore, this DOMAIN
added one more index file into its root directory
i.e. default.aspx;
z-distribution is also registered inside regedit by
Publisher.reg; Dimensions e.g. x, y, z are categorized explicitly by Desktop.ini,
and ## Milli Meter IFF
exists ... ;
Develop layer in numerological
dimension i.e. layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4, layer5, layer6, layer7, layer8,
layer9; And then test the
z-distribution in ## Milli Meter (distance) with
several defined indexes e.g. index.html, INDEX.HTML, default.aspx, ...
; And
then, test and engineer to reduce the z-distribution (the plates i.e. layers)
distance to # Milli Meter (distance) instead of ## Milli Meter ...
; Each
noCOOKIE browser might be functional as ACTION layers ...
between The
Language Bar and Desktop Background, or between
Start Button and Desktop
Background, or ... ;
Develop numerological dimensional
with z-distribution, e.g. front, back, action,
... ;
IFF 3 layers for front e.g. font, button, bar, ... ; 3 layers for rear e.g. background, desktop, F8, ... ; also see: 108 configuration ... ;
Remark: no more Desktop.ini inside this DOMAIN version C66~ or later, because compiled by Windows 8, because Desktop becomes one of the ro(s) as window;
vs. 34x23 Gravity Machines;
1st, read the book: Prof. Michio Kaku's PHYSICS OF THE FUTURE, 2011; 2nd, using
GPS device e.g. SONY nav-u, with USB cable and testing
cell path control to the GPS device by computer; 3rd to engineer ACT2
stage space elevating by using gravity spots, at
the edge of rectangular, i.e. 2 gravity spots, 4 gravity spots,
... ; Develop ACT3 stage
directional gravity
... ; IFF
numerological dimension is needed to do cell path control to the GPS device,
install this DOMAIN latest versions ... ; Because, this DOMAIN allows its
idea for loyal free testing, R&D, ... e.g. Swap, BF2 by structure C Sequence
Number, noCOOKIE browser, 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional, ... ;
Because of space
elevating, flying automotives, directional gravity, ... , this DOMAIN
recommends GPS equipped automotives with more than 10 gravity spots inside ... ;
Circles are designed for
locations of ... ; Also see:
artificial intelligence
asteroid puller)
IFF its orbit is abnormal Earth bound
location, pull the asteroid outbound
direction of
the Earth ... ;
artificial intelligence (
asteroid pusher)
IFF its orbit is abnormal Earth bound
location, push the asteroid outbound
direction of
the Earth ... ;
dual core or 2 processors is proposed for 3D GUI development, because, in
addition to 2D must be fixed "not variable",
processor should be redesigned to be not only blocks but also triangles
... ; and then with hyperlinked groups ... ; also
see: Lucky88...88; 1st to
understand L to R # for x pixels, R to L # for y pixels,
2nd to understand dimensional location, 3rd to develop
3D GUI ... ;
Notice that time line should be
variable and should also be
SYN to
processor1's 1~N blocks ... ;
IFF engineering 3D GUI, do not
forget "transparency glasses" WHERE application's location, size, ... , but they
are all blocks i.e. rectangular only, therefore, 1 hardware designer should
decide whether rectangular with extended triangle, or triangle without
rectangular, or dual core both, or ... ; to do so, 1st to
(transparency glass)
... ; 2nd to26
be25 glasses; 3rd to
do software R&D method e.g.
Basic, Transparency Glasses As Object Name; 。
2D GUI is 20+
years old info, 2D GUI computing has been done by "end of the
line" i.e.
end, WHERE
1st to understand hyperlinks, hyper
graphics, hyperspace
[Prof. Kaku created the usage
"HYPERSPACE" since 1994]; 2nd to understand HOW window has been,
i.e. ... dot dot dot ... as time line in 2D
GUI aka command line
parameters; 3rd to develop 3D GUI, base
on 2D GUI or totally different model to compute e.g. instead of blocks,
triangles by dual core; e.g. instead of blocks, circles by dual core; e.g.
instead of back lighting by raining alike strings, structured lights WHERE
lights can be controlled by gravity; Develop 3D GUI
end; for example, highlight and underline "3D
end", notice that if there is a graphic file, block
(text) can be underlined, but 2D GIF cannot be underlined WHICH means Format...
>> Font... >> Effect options are L to R, or R to L, but not in 3D yet;
Develop Hyper3D Font... as totally different model i.e. without command line
parameters ... , or
iroColor should be in dimension, HERE problem is if pixel
is defined by 3D array as [x , y, color values ] and then fallacy to 3D GUI;
Notice that z axis should not be pixel's color value; Develop Hyper3D by
fixed 2D table, e.g. spread sheet alike INDEX can be at
this DOMAIN .net.suo,
StartCD alike, WHICH means
instead of prompting to root, totally different
model i.e. the whole fixed 2D INDEX can be to root ... ; And then solve the
problem i.e. pixel is defined by 3D array as ... ;
While developing gravity dimension
computer, z axis should not be pixel's color value; So, develop
Hyper3D GUI... 。
3D ..., multiple systems
with 108 configuration ... e.g. system 2.01, system
2.09, system 2.19, system 3.00, ... , e.g. ... multiple operating systems
with 108 configuration ... , can be run within 1 AI
OS system;
Develop AI OS system's
... ; Engineer, test, and develop
the285 system 3.00, as a result, in addition to
3D TV,
also; + IFF ACT2, adjust with
; + IFF ACT3, adjust
with 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, ...
; prove that
) ... aka
Ȣ can
engineer 3D
... ;
2 worm=holes; AI;
95 88...88;
108x108; REDUCE 12 pin; REUSE numerological dimension;
9526 processor: lights 11 instruction;
Kuru Kuru of 5 ... ; for
each 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... ; IFF 2,3 dimensional, adjust
Develop Gravity Dimension Computers ... in 3,4 dimensional; in addition to electronics engineering, material engineering is needed, for designing gravity dimension computer from A to Z; this idea might be fallacy, because 2WormHolesFullDuplex1LightBeforeCalculatorFrame prompts only 1 light, even though kuru kuru of 5 for each 1,2,3,4,5,..., but 2D AB distance, and with grid this prompts 2D index but not 3D; therefore, triangle has been proposed i.e. Gravity Dimension Computer (3D) ... ; also see: 1 worm=hole; 3 worm=holes。
149.149 aka AVI.avi aka
WHICH beep
5 Audio; 1st to understand 5 audio as 5 parameters; after
understanding "type", light depth
vs. 5 audio
can be R&D; Idea similar to
can be further study ... ; IFF matching "type" among
parameters, 3D GUI can be ... ;
Develop 3D GUI windows ... ; Also see:
IFF Numerological Dimensional Imaginary Hyperspace ... ;
system), also see: numerological
dimensional 149.149 ... 。
BF1 | (N+1) | (N+(1+(1*1))) | (N+((1+(1*1))+(1*1*1)) |
BF2 | (N+2) | (N+(2+(2*2))) | (N+((2+(2*2))+(2*2*2)) |
BF3 | (N+3) | (N+(3+(3*3))) | (N+((3+(3*3))+(3*3*3)) |
BF4 | (N+4) | (N+(4+(4*4))) | (N+((4+(4*4))+(4*4*4)) |
BF5 | (N+5) | (N+(5+(5*5))) | (N+((5+(5*5))+(5*5*5)) |
BF6 | (N+6) | (N+(6+(6*6))) | (N+((6+(6*6))+(6*6*6)) |
BF7 | (N+7) | (N+(7+(7*7))) | (N+((7+(7*7))+(7*7*7)) |
BF8 | (N+8) | (N+(8+(8*8))) | (N+((8+(8*8))+(8*8*8)) |
BF9 | (N+9) | (N+(9+(9*9))) | (N+((9+(9*9))+(9*9*9)) |
Step by step
numerological dimension has been
developed, for ACT2 ACT3 developers, therefore, ACT1 stage 26 can be understood
as strings, 1st to
understand ImaginaryGUI; 2nd to
understand creating C Sequence
Number with structure AND
time, so (L
3rd to develop ACT3 stage
synchronization(L AND
R), because a Myanmar's imaginary hyperspace
craft went very very far in distance
but still cannot SYN, because 24mm Natural Time
slow down problem, because gravity
dimension computer is not done yet, also see:
Heavenly Wheel Topology; ... 。
vice versa -88...88+
aka gravity dimension computer, also see:
Reason behind co-existence of positive
and negative
is 8 with time constraint;
YINandYANG can explain WHY 8; light vs.
gravity vs.
so that heat vs. light can be further studied; so that IFF by
4 Nobel Truths in Dhamma
can be understood, so co-existence of art & science ... ; IFF in ACT3
dimensional engineering, it is very difficult to engineer such positive and
negative potential diff WHICH leads to gravity
[1st to
understand spring alike EM obeys to 8, 2nd to understand this DOMAIN OS.TXT's one of the AI Characters Ȣ
aka voice/sound/noise/..., 3rd to
understand AI OS's Ȣ WHICH can be in 1 dimension IFF gravity applied e.g.
ACT2 stage gray scale simulation, 2,3 dimensional engineering, and then
develop gravity dimension computer
step by step,
approx. 5 Ph.D. candidates / group / 5
years might prove ... ]; apply
and test not only + and - direction, but also up and down direction, and
then develop ACT3 stage 3,4
dimensional Ȣ, so parallel
universe thus
31 can be further
studied ... ;
think 8 as upper O and lower O, WHEN upper O and lower O are diff in distance WHICH causes spring alike EM, co-existence of + and - WHERE upper O and lower O meet, IFF see through the Sun is upper O and then others would be lower O, IFF northern green lights [IFF |/, apply FuzzySVM] due to cold and cannot see through the Sun by natural eyes and then southern would be magnetic pivot, hopefully technology break through by +88...88- vice versa -88...88+ gravity approach, and then gas OR sound OR DEE can be applied to the ACT1 environment, gravity dimension computer might be able to prove stones alike stars in the sky by classifying light vs. DEE, ... ;
also see: numerological dimension BASIC.HTML is developed for testing future's incoming gravity dimension computers; a Myanmar way of understanding "Quality" ... 。
♯-1, also see: div/2
aka (♯(♯-1)/2 aka
Notice that C Sequence Number's brunching factor 2,
3, 4, ... (♯+2), (♯+3), (♯+4), ... ; Develop ♯-2, ♯-3, ♯-4, ... and
scientifically prove that light obeys numerological
dimensional gravity; Because, in ACT3 stage
3,4 dimensional WHICH is beyond 2,3
dimensional, and light may vary due to DEE
diff in 3,4 instead of 2,3 ... ; Prove WHY + vs.
-, also see: FS+.sys
vs. FS-.sys, in numerological
dimension; Also see:
31 planes
Question is IFF light obeys ♯gravity, and then will DEE also obey?
for example: function (...) { ... <div class="♯gravity?((♯+2), (♯+3), (♯+4))&DEE; ((♯-2), (♯-3), (♯-4))&DEE"> ... </div> return ... }; Will this function return TRUE DEE? ;
another example: IFF ♯gravity?〱Ć& .sys; 〉ç& .sys。
0 KB files inside
this DOMAIN are ㈰; 123; DOS.OS;
File.TXT; ... 2+ files
[0 KB file] exists inside
this DOMAIN; also see:
testing.htm; Test and develop
AI aka
Artificial Intelligence, fault tolerance global characters
i.e. OS.txt ..., so OS aka Operating System will
be functional among devices, models, platforms, versions, ... ; IFF slicing 24mm
natural time into 3 3 3 3 ...
[also see: 108 configuration]
and then whole
1 ... can be, and then by deploying
"light rate" to test and develop systems ... , please use this
one and only 0.23 second
cursors ... if testing 0.5 second ... 。
1.4142135623730950488016887242097 and notice that "40+ years old technology" 24mm natural time has been sliced smaller than 10^-9 already [beyond -nano with light rate, 10+ years old technology], also see: bridge.2.01.sys & bridge.inf; IFF 2....2 ♯88...88 2.2, also see: div/2;
1st to understand
Yagi vs. Bridge Mode
antenna; Also see:
2nd to understand parallel time development is in progress by trying to match numbers in enzyme induction approach, so can also solve human beings' BLI problems [in addition to BMI]... ;
3rd to develop sound
pattern of 2 machines with given specific point, e.g. machineX's 13
should be matched to machineY's 13
and so on ... ;
For ACT1 developers: test satellite . this DOMAIN . net's 1 & only bridge for channel testing, load balancing, topology adjustment among buses, and etc.;
For ACT2 developers: develop ACT2 level world's fastest bridge, from 13 to 23 ;
For ACT3 developers: develop ACT3 parallel time in 88...88 ... 。
1ms round trip time has been developed by this DOMAIN,
in 2553, but still need to develop 1ns; 1ps; ... ; In common, 100ms, 200ms, 300ms, and so on ... ; Micro-computer was in 1980s; Nano-computer; Pico-computer;have been already;Therefore, ping command should be developed, to do so, 1st to understand 1ms round trip time by testing this DOMAIN, 2nd to develop ping command in ns aka Nano second, ps aka Pico second, ..., 3rd to test "parallel time" between our earth and a Myanmar's imaginary hyper-spacecraft WHICH went very very far a way in distance, so its IN CK and FN CK [due to 24mm natural time slow down problem] might be able to solve with very very fast round trip time ... ;
since 2554, this DOMAIN has been using
as its AI system's multiplier,
because it is REDUCE; IFF % percentage, using
IFF this DOMAIN installed, regarding speed, FrontPage Estimated Time to Download prompts 28.8; 56; 128; 256; 384; 512; 1,000; 1,500;
by the year 2555, this DOMAIN started compiling its pages, using hr:min@128Kbps, because noCOOKIE browser prompts NHK news better with system128 ... ;
2011/2555 i.e. version C56 or
later, start compiling
this DOMAIN page size @
1,000Kbps; The reason using
yellow color here is nowadays computers are using yellow color, red color, green
color, blue color, silver color, ... WHERE
yellow is more likely to be normal power,
is more likely to be low power ... , blue is more likely to be " take it for
free " or " sharing like blue sky", silver and green are more likely to be
vertical DEE for control ... ;
Remember, WHEN
gravity is applied, lights vary ... , therefore, gravity dimension computer ...
can be engineered ... ; 。
2 phases vs.
phases, 1st to understand full moon
day; 2nd to understand 10 7 10 with 3,3,3,3 aka 108 configuration so
that Parallel Time development of JUN Lunar JUN, Lunar JUN Lunar, ... can
be understood; 3rd to prove 3,4 dimensional parallel universe, aka
3rd in tipitaka
aka abhidhamma pitaka
is consist of 7 books; Write an algorithm 2 phases vs. 4 phases, and
predict time among calendars ... ;
2*6; also see:
theory and its strings。
water drops alike writing characters in primary voices, also see,
NipponSyllabary; WHEN worshiping or praying, 2 times of clapping might be
for co-existence ...
alike; 20 might also be for
... for middle path ...
; water prompts light more
visible, dropping water prompts ACT1 gravity, in ACT2 dropping water prompts
2,3 dimensional ... , WHAT is the diff in ACT3
WHEN dropping water inside artificial interior in 3,4 dimensional ... ; Simulate e.g.
WHILE lighting, DEE vs. Water ... ; Directions of writing characters alike, water
drops' direction can be guided by light? can be
guided by gravity?, 1st to do is HOW Ȣ sound's dB or voice
pattern vary ... IFF lighting is applied ... , 2nd ... , 3rd ... , ... 。
50 vs. 2phase 4phase: 50 G c/s has been functional GPS light rate, WHERE 50 is from reduce design sqrt 2 only, WHERE G c/s is 10^9 cycles per second, WHEN 24mm Natural Time tic tic tic; IFF 3 or more devices are SYN each other triangulated, so location can be defined, so called GPS;
Professor Michio Kaku's Parallel worlds: a journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos, 11th dimension, GPS and relativity, Pg. 257, 2005, is recommended to read;
_ G c/s can be variable IFF system's speed is
developed by ^6, ^7, ^8, ^9, ^10, ^11, ^12, ... ;
_ sqrt 2 can be variable IFF system's
base is 2.0, 2.01, 2.09, 2.19, 2.50, and so on ...
_ 2 * 50
has been functional ACT2 stage IFF in aviation ... ; also see:
2*6; 2*7;
device: (WHICH2,
WHEN SYN, NOT triangulate)
Develop from GPS to
Hyperspace Parallel Universe Positioning System Synchronization by using
Parallel Time; Develop
GPS by adding device's weight as
system's parameter WHILE developing gravity dimension
computer in addition to
dimension; Instead of "B" based, "G" based adjustable rate can also be
developed; Prove that future's incoming "flying
automotives" can also rely on 〱light
rate 〉in
Remark: satellite . this DOMAIN . net GPS device light rate has been
from visible green to visible red, since 2005, via SHARP MM20
notebook, WHEN hardware switch from Normal mode to Mobile mode
WHILE boot; 5+ years already, still functional ..., still
testing ...
10710/tcp;10710/udp;are system parameters of this DOMAIN, for testing hyperspace's parallel time in ACT3 stage;A Myanmar's imaginary hyper-spacecraft went very very far a way in distance [beyond 3,4 dimensional space ... ], due to 24mm natural time slow down problem, still cannot SYN yet... 。
theoretically that natural
kinetic energy in 2,3 dimensional might not be able to
SYN in ACT3 by adjusting only 24mm
natural time。
this schematic symbol in
Theory: 1 mm hole in 24 mm natural time, in ACT2 and ACT3 stages; Solve WHICH
environmental variables and conditions must be concerned/matched to have 1mm
hole, 2mm hole, 3mm hole ... ; This schematic symbol might be a solution to
time with energy map [ also see:
time without
energy map ]。
1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6, ...
= distance; ACT2 and ACT3 stage parallel time calculation is in progress ... ;
Develop Plantation on the MOON by proving
Time + Number = Distance effects plant's DNA growth pattern; Simulate the
ACT3 DNA growth
pattern for Plantation on
the MOON。
2,2,2 ACT2 vector [to understand basically, ACT2_HyperdimensionalCraft_Imaginary_NaturalHeat.GIF file inside Heat vs. Light.htm should be opened, and then 3 sticks and 1G string's in the middle should be seen ]must be developed, to do so, 1st to understand natural time in 4 planets prediction [WHY head and torso happens naturally], 2nd to understand natural heat in ACT2 stage [so, 3's direction and its distance variation as holes, on the other hand, 2's direction also must be understood], 3rd to understand 1G string in ACT2 stage [to engineer in ACT1, approx. 44 strings with 4 holes are needed to understand], and then 2,2,2 ACT2 vector must be developed, so that a helpful factor to plantation on the MOON may happens ... 。
2,3 dimensional remote sensing can be developed, to do so 1st to understand 2,3 dimensional load, 2nd to understand remote sensing, 3rd to engineer and test 2,3 dimensional sensing point capacitance(s), ... ; IFF 2,3 dimensional sensing point capacitance(s) have been engineered, and then deploy 2,3 dimensional remote sensing to do ACT2 stage gray scale simulation, ACT3 DEE, ACT3 parallel time development, ... 。
3 dots in our universe, for ACT3 stage developers only,
for non planet
existence because too small in 1D, and 2D, within ACT2 stage's dimensional
area/space/2nd lighter gray colored horizontal section in hyperspace
imaging/24mm natural time within/..., but ..., the one & only
Myanmar language prompts in diff direction ... ; After understanding 3,
and then time to develop ACT3 stage hyperdimensional hyperspace craft's
FN CK, IN CK, ... 。
3 * 3 ACT3 vectors, and its dimension must be further developed, a new ACT3 dimension must be developed; For ACT3 simulation developers, develop 3*3 ACT3 vectors, therefore a Myanmar's imaginary hyperdimensional hyperspace crafts can be able to do displacement of number at parallel time, therefore ACT3 distance calculation can be further developed ... ; 1st to understand numerical values in numerology; 2nd to understand syntax vs. semantics logic so that only 3 is essential; 3rd to understand homological 2 and 3 solves 4PP + JUN = 6; Also see: 3,4 dimensional。
3 * 3 * 3 * 3,
and 10, 7, 10 can be 108;
Mathematically prove that 108
[C108.GIF] is the
unique number in our universe; 4 vectors make the SUN, also the
icon of Japan;
5 entities, including 3, 3, 3, 3 entities and 10, 7, 10 make the
icon of
China, assuming that our universe's origin as no moon day; IFF 108 can be proved
scientifically, and then mathematically also can prove no big bang theory;
Therefore, in ACT3 stage, prove 108 mathematically; 108 is one of the
2500+ years old traditions, inside
Buddha calendar,
originally from Eastern Thought, therefore, 3,3,3,3 and 10,7,10 can also
be as
time shifts from 2,3,7,10,22,23,24 to
for ACT3 stage testing]; Before developing 108,
heat vs. light must be understood thoroughly ... ; to
basic understand
108 configuration ... 。
2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count, written in 2011/2555, inside this DOMAIN handmade version C55, for gravity dimension computer, also for unique number indexing, e.g. artificial intelligence automatic character correction system, e.g. artificial intelligence automatic audio pattern correction system, ... ; Because, writing characters prompt numerological dimensional numbers, on the other hand, numerological dimensional numbers prompt writing characters, i.e. vice versa; Since transcripted words (e.g. ka, ki, ku, ke, ko, ... ) prompt audio patterns IFF base (translator) ... , on the other hand, audio patterns prompt numerological dimensional numbers, i.e. vice versa; Therefore, develop AI ... , by classifying linear, non-linear, structure (e.g. C Sequence Number structure ... ), ... ;
IFF structured C Sequence Number with 2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count, multi-functional artificial intelligence system can be engineered for gravity dimension computers ... ;
normal mode
mobile mode, IFF structured C
... ;
Myanmar's imaginary dimensional
hyperspace, vector machine ACT2 stage
simulation: develop 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 kernel function for each Lagrangian point by
using fuzzy set { ... with distribution AND
gravitational machine's mass equilibrium。
imaginary hyperspace craft is returning back from ACT3 stage in hyperspace
[still cannot find
anything yet except
4 planets prediction in lunar time
* 7
* 5 JUN time,
human breathable environment [water] to be
parallel universe is still too early in future time], on the way,
the dimensional craft likes to take space photo of all space objects in ACT2
stage. Simulate the
path from ACT3 to ACT2, and then ACT2 to the motherland Myanmar? 1st to
calculate time of available light in our very very dark universe. 2nd to predict
momentum of universe.
3rd to design all the possible paths/routes of locations and
ACT1 theoretical laws and properties to ACT2, by deploying 2*7 Lunar Time and 2*5 Jun Time; Also see: ACT1TheoreticalLawToACT2。
ACT2 gravitational:light:O2:water ratio must be developed, therefore ACT2 stage human beings' space traveling will soon be possible, in addition to PME, also see: ACT1 plantation。
ACT3 parallel time toggle switch, by developing
7,10,7, to
engineer and launch a Myanmar's imaginary ACT3 stage hyperdimensional spacecraft
again ... ; Therefore, develop
, vs.
a.k.a. 7,10,7 vs. 10,7,10 a.k.a. Lunar, JUN, Lunar vs. JUN, Lunar, JUN
and then design FN CK, IN CK of the ACT3 parallel time toggle switch。
AI global characters' IQ aka intelligence quotient, which can be developed and tested artificial intelligently; [this DOMAIN 's AI global characters aka OS.txt, ... ]; To do so:
1st to understand ACT3 parallel time toggle switch;
2nd to understand Mutual exclusion; 2π mechanical toggle vs. physical hole toggle;
3rd to understand 3 * 3 ACT3 vectors; Numerical values in numerology;
4th to understand
numerological dimension;
NumerologicalDimension23 [ 2D + WHILE
loop + AND
gate + ... ]; meta analysis [ Key + Pivot +
Reduce + ... ];
5th to develop time diff between
points [also see: Distance, D Number,
...] numerological dimensions
e.g. NumerologicalDimension9, NumerologicalDimension15,
NumerologicalDimension23, ...
by applying
TogglingModeForHumanoids with "light rate CRC" [CRC can be understood by
even parity, odd parity, also see:
parity bit... ];
6th to develop time vs. number:
since 2D + WHILE loop + AND gate + ... algorithm generates random numbers [also
see: Sudoku
puzzle games ... ], and then by changing NumerologicalDimension, notice that not
only numbers, but also time ... ; so 2 * 3 = 6 can be further studied ... ;
Result of testing time reversely, 1D half duplex vs. 2D
full duplex in toggle ... ;
Result of testing time reversely, WHERE space is defined by numbers in dimensions
... ;
Result of testing time reversely, AI
global characters' intelligence quotient aka IQ ... 。
AI nama for humanoid:
some people do with rules based reasoning
... ;
_ some people do with patterns based
recognizing ... ;
_ in early 21st century, WHILE using
synthesis sound i.e. Nippon,
linking "strange looking characters" i.e.
translator gives
credible answer, so called AI,
Artificial Intelligence ... ;
NamaForHumanoid was written in 2003, and notice that humanoids don't paint pictures i.e. based on translator; Therefore, develop artistic intelligence, develop drawing intelligence, develop painting intelligence, ... , like "credible answer", to do so,
1st, genuine human beings programmer should write a poem, or a lyric in Nippon, i.e. synthesis sounds ... ;
2nd, using dictionary as a reference book, linking "strange looking characters" i.e. Chinese, ... ;
3rd, in addition to be translating into Nippon (i.e. "translator gives credible answer") as synthesis sounds, develop artistic intelligence, develop drawing intelligence, develop painting intelligence, ... ;
So called, AI nama for humanoid, in addition to "translator gives credible answer", develop ... ; Remark: genuine human beings' poem written in Nippon as synthesis sounds WHICH is fetched from dictionary to translator, and then WHEN translator gives credible answer, develop artistic intelligence, develop drawing intelligence, develop painting intelligence, ... ; 。
Artificial Intelligence, IFF auditing accounting result, WHICH can be programmed, also see: Biz; Develop AI numerological dimensional sequence number diff ... , for auditing accounting ... ; 1st to understand number 2 and number 9 to be divisor; 2nd to understand IFF divisor is number 9, sequence numbers might vary; 3rd to develop AI accounting to correct mistyping ... ;
e.g. IFF EXCEL, each sheet can be AI ... ;
e.g. IFF ACCESS, each table can be AI ... ;
e.g. IFF accounting SOFTWARE, each 2D index can be AI ... ;
Concerning entry of data, by human beings, if repeatedly entering incorrect data, and then data (field) should be controlled by logical comparison operator to correct data (field) ... ,
e.g. itemA123 is set for 99$, therefore, logical expression "if A123 > 100, error" can be programmed ... ; aka filtering data (field) ... ; e.g. itemA321 is set for 199$, therefore, logical expression "if A321 < 198, error" can be programmed ... ; aka filtering data (field) ... ; Notice that when gathering GL, SQL statement e.g. select attribute (column ABC) from database XYZ WHERE attribute (column = A123) ... , and then grand total amount of A123 can be auditing e.g. MOD (grand total number, 99) IFF not zero here, error occurs ... ; Notice that when gathering GL, SQL statement e.g. select attribute (column ABC) from database XYZ WHERE attribute (column = A321) ... , and then grand total amount of A321 can be auditing e.g. MOD (grand total number, 199) IFF not zero here, error occurs ... ; This is a constraint method; Therefore, develop variable sequence number diff method;
So many logics can be created ... , depending on HOW human beings' logical control ... ; Also develop multiplication method, in addition to division method; Also develop numerological dimension method, in addition to numerical method ... ;
Monbusho is the highest level of knowledge based in Asia, therefore, do it yourself ... ; Develop constraint method, division method, numerological dimension method, variable sequence number diff method, even number vs. odd number verification method, ... ; Artificial Intelligence (auditing accounting) ... ;
Application reliability: software can simulate hardware; if software application is hard disk, hard disk can be simulated; if software application is CMOS setup, CMOS utility can be simulated; if software application is drive letter, drives can be simulated; if software application is processor, processor can be simulated;
simulating processor with
no COOKIE, i.e.
00, 101, 5, ... ;
WHILE simulating keyboard with
noCOOKIE, i.e.
101/102, KEYBOARD, ... ; WHILE
simulating hard disk with
noCOOKIE, i.e.
ColdBoot, Desktop, ... ; Notice that "live" ... , so LFS or
as a result, platform independent OS, hardware
independent OS, AI OS, ...
can be developed; WHY "live", if a software is
"live" without processor, its
reliability increases; if a software is
"live" without OS, its
reliability increases; if a software is "live"
without hard disk, its reliability
Therefore, develop application in
numerological dimension, develop application in
your own defined dimensions ... for example,
CALCULATOR based dimension, DICTIONARY based
dimension, TRANSLATOR based dimension,
GPS based
50G or 100G
dimension, Light rate based
dimension [also see: 1950s'
W particle aka Yang-Mills
field, also read: Professor Kaku's Hyperspace pg. 120, and 1970s'
theoretical infinite series, 2000s'
C sequence number structure,
2010s' 2*6, 7, iida
... ] and so on ... ; Develop hyper dimensional
applications because software's reliability increases ... ; also develop
in light_rate;
IFF gravity dimension processor ( light_rate) testing reliability;
... 。
Aqua water vs. dark and dark matter:
for each particle, define exactly 5W1H of Aqua and Black; For ACT2 and ACT3
stages developers only, must understand conditional variable logic before
analyzing particles because strings are in spin, for each string's spins in
M theory are all in nested layered
of conditional variables in computing, therefore ACT1 level logical knowledge of
..., ..., must be understood, ... 。
BASIC.HTML has been developed in numerological dimension, by using AI OS's Global Characters [each character has its own functional HAL value in computers]; Keywords can be tested via Text Editor; Programming language can also be developed via its numerological dimension; Graphics identity such as national flag among geographical domains can also be developed; dynamic ... also see: 123456789; Notice that IT becomes very simple in numerological dimension, so user might not confuse; operating systems are believed to be hardware embedded already, so numerological dimension might help configuration, easy to understand keywords among systems, numerological dimension might work with old style 24mm distance analog clock, might also work with Dictionary [approx. 12mm distance], might also work with Organizer [approx. 6mm distance], might also work with nowadays "beyond 88...88 light rate" products [approx. 3mm distance], ... ; Notice that distance is in number [also see: A, B, C, D, E, numbers ... ], therefore develop numerological dimension WHICH may work with distance in variable number, also see: gravity dimension computer [NOT available yet to public because 2,3 dimensional, light, DEE, 3,4 dimensional, directional soundȢ/WHEN_gravity_apply [think sound behaves like beam, so NOT in omni directional], directional EM/WHERE_ACT1gravity_apply [think like + and - in the middle of 8], ... are classified as ACT3 ... ], ... ; BASIC.HTML reduces uncountable complexity regions to countable complexity regions; ... 。
Biometric P vector, computing logic for PMD: FOR EACH mutation, at temperature T, develop to recognize mutant patterns of 1mm3 of proteins [kDa · each protein's molecular weight] at given 1 second by 8 synchronized-clock-dimension as "conditional statement" 。
BLI, Body Length Index, in addition to spaceBMI, BLI must be developed for space traveling in ACT2, and ACT3 stage; For solving ACT1 stage BLI problem, with splitter configuration and energy mapping, also see: Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology ... 。
boot: develop your own OS; 1st to understand stage by stage, step by step, ... in numerological dimension also see: BASIC.HTML; 2nd to understand boot; 3rd to understand DEE with human beings' visible rate approx. 20 c/s by lowering display's refreshing rate; dot dot dot ... can be indexed; dot dot dot ... can also be pattern like line; dot dot dot ... can be parameterized e.g. {x,y,color} so that diff colors; dot dot dot ... can be interactive by control i.e. via keyboard's std I/O, via mouse's serial I/O, via defined devices e.g. Bluetooth device's wireless I/O, via defined devices e.g. USB device's I/O by remote control, ... ; IFF without taskbar, so called browser based, so called platform independent, so called you name your own OS ... ; Hypergraphics study is necessary, because hypergraphics are interactive, because hypergraphics can be
interactive bar, including horizontal scroll bar, information bar, taskbar, title bar, vertical scroll bar, ... ;
button, including application layer close button, application layer minimize button, application layer maximize button, check box, list box, menu button, multiple tab, option button, OS close button, OS offline button, OS start button, ... ;
font, including font size, font style, font type, dot dot dot ..., ... ;
Remark: hardware engineering to prompt dot dot dot ... ; software engineering to prompt hypergraphics; and then combine hardware engineering and software engineering to be your own OS。
By simply looking at the printed papers, you can tell exactly WHERE the printer's location was ... also see: PrintingGuideToMiniDictionary; i.e. basic understanding of HOW AI printing system is ... ; Now is the time to develop "radio" locations, because each radio has its own number e.g. AM♯, FM♯, MW♯, SW♯, XM♯, ... ; Eavesdropping technique can be developed to do CRC alike checking of broadcasted patterns to compare, also to analyze, ... ; e.g. inside Mini Dictionary, AI characters prompt bold style ... depending on WHERE the location is ... , also depending on WHERE the printer is ... ; Using the same idea, develop Internet radio authentication system ... , as a result, radio stations can be secured ... ;
e.g. browser (title) domain address, for each level, so media player (play) audio patterns ... ; Like a retrievable location of printer was ... by simply looking at the printed papers ... , 1st to develop, e.g. for each computer, eavesdrop each location (radio) ... ; 2nd to compare original broadcasted pattern vs. eavesdropped pattern, 3rd to develop artificial intelligence global radio system ... , develop artificial intelligence universal radio system ... ;
IFF computer location is against global security, also see: Anti-Virus 1st; Issue digital certificate 2nd; IFF computer location is against global security, lower level (radio) of the computer location 3rd; IFF computer location is against global security, monitor the computer location ... ; IFF military, monitor the x-location and y-location, with ID, with GPS, with TV, with ... ;。
C Sequence
Number: Write algorithm to test the C-number's
variable brunching factor by its depth by super
computer within time constraint to compare among
And, assume that C number is in omni, and try to calculate
epi* ... for
strings; ACT2 and ACT3 parallel
time development is in progress,
number 4PP+JUN has been compared to
ACT1 pore-pore distance
[IFF ACT3 Heat Distance Simulation
to do, also read: Oct., 2007 Volume XVII Number 3 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY]。
Create your own complexity regions analysis, and then apply linear, vector, numbers [i.e. A, B, C, D, ..., AA, AB, ... ], topologies, ... , and then wonder the beautiful art of scientific mathematics, time, accomplishments, ... 。
Cycloid sticks pair, in 2,3 vectors must be developed ... 。
D number:
d number has been designed,
based on 2 point distances, in our
universe; Create D number for Lunar time; Create D number for JUN time
Create D number for Lunar time and JUN time; For each day, prove that
number in distance can be drawn to represent
distributed topology ... ; For next generation children, for approaching
ACT2 and ACT3 educational idea, create D number table, and let children draw
topological connections [ develop high school level,
ACT3 coordinate-less syllabus,
in Math
] ... ; ACT3 coordinate-less might be able
to solve problems
of infinity ... , and syllabus should be developed for next generation
Dark energy engineering, DEE must be developed in ACT1, ACT2, and ACT3 ... because ACT1 24mm natural time's stick and its 1mm hole varies in ACT2 and ACT3 to 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, ... , because the 1st crack can be cut by dark energy, also see: 108x310p。
Differentiable manifold in lie-groups must be mathematically proved; To do so, 1st to understand, star in Kanji writing character "sun at top, 2 green lines, 3 aqua lines [ for each stone ... apply 2 vertical writing strokes and 3 horizontal writing stokes in new manifold distribution formula ... ]", and then 2nd to understand 2,3 dimensional vector, and then design and engineer 2,3 dimensional distribution formula mathematically, 3rd to prove differentiable manifold in lie-groups [ for avoiding groups of stones in near future ACT2 space public traveling by PME ... ]。
Direction of
written on 2011/2/28, WHEN developing gravity dimension computer,
WHILE kuru kuru of 5 ...
, for each 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
in numerological dimension must be with its own
vector, so called
direction of
sign ... ; In addition to cell path,
develop vectors for gravity dimension computers ...
Distance to measure
1st to understand 4
planet prediction, 2nd to understand full moon day, and no moon day, 3rd to
understand the hyperspace distance, 4th to calculate
FuzzySVM, multidimensional hyperspace, parallel world
[must read and understand Prof. Kaku's
Parallel World], ... ; Also related to explorer's arm accordance
with distribution of water's direction in Lunar time & JUN time;
ACT3 Heat
Distance Simulation; Also see:
Duo-binary automatic AI font should be developed, to do so: 1st to understand (PC)link and ㈰link [also see: \\Desktop\*.*; remark: numerological dimensional files are attrib +a +s +h +r +i, therefore cannot view by explorer unless attribute is -s -h -r ]; Inside DuoBinaryBit.htm, font size 11, and this DOMAIN had set its AI system values as: (PC)link is 1;㈰link is 1;duo-binary semiconductor device is out of a Myanmar's knowledge;2nd to understand font size: 10, 12, 14, ... and very advance AI knowledge is required to develop fully duplex functional all font sizes, ... ; 3rd to develop Duo-binary automatic AI font in system engineering, so reduce design study ... 。
Educational opportunities, also see: Organization Association Committee, WHERE so many projects are available ... 。
Even Time Horizontal DEE, this is
not our location in universe, and for future space touring and traveling, 1st to
understand 1 way DEE causes we, human beings do not see our back; 2nd to
understand Even Time Horizontal DEE, which causes symmetrical e.g. 2
eyes' distance, 2 hands' distance, 2 legs' distance, ...
also see: Space BLI; 3rd to understand
there is no 3 ways DEE yet in our universe;
WHILE redesigning a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space crafts, for future space touring and traveling:
1 way DEE i.e. our
location in universe and
2 to
be interior of the hyper space crafts, e.g. =
= ; Notice that whether day or night, in our location, DEE is
always 1 way ... ;
Basically, dimmer control with a bulb,
if the bulb is moving from east to west direction i.e. 1 way DEE simulation
... ;
2 ways DEE and symmetrical ... , WHERE this is not our location in universe, WHICH causes 2 to be symmetrical in distance, e.g. left, right, up, down; Creating 2 ways DEE might be difficult, because thoroughly understanding of gravity vs. light must be ... ; After simulating 2 ways DEE, iroColourWaveForm is recommended to engineer for gravity dimension computer ... ;
IFF 2,3 dimensional, there is no 3 ways DEE yet, by applying C Sequence Number as structure ... ;
Develop and simulate interior
environments for a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space crafts ... , e.g.
3, 2, 3 growth pattern by
3, 2, 3 growth pattern by
3, 2, 3 growth pattern by ... ; also
see: iroColourWaveForm;
Nowadays' high tech clocks e.g. Citizen Eco, Seiko kinetic, ... , are somehow related to Even Time ... , WHICH are beyond 24 mm tic tic tic, approx. 3mm with symmetrical of 2 inside ... , and ... ; To do so, 1st to understand 0.5 second momentum "like solar power swaying toy", 2nd to understand 1 way DEE vs. 2 ways DEE, 3rd to redesign a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space crafts, for future space touring and traveling ... ;
point parameters should be developed, because
WHEN floating,
left side is not
variable; Base
location is one of the parameters of Page
Properties..., WHERE
location can be either
Remark: a Myanmar's way of understanding
of location might be wrong; 27 aka by; IFF parameter value is
[also see:
autorun.INF] within a local system; IFF the
parameter is defined, parameterized values can be
online via Internet; Weakness of location as a base
is that system handshakes WHILE Roaming;
Weakness of location as a base is that system
triangulates IFF GPS spectrum is
matched AND
device GPS > 2; this DOMAIN try its base
Remark: approx.
15+ years old technology; 26 aka to; because
3D CRC might be with or without GPS or
Roaming, because
left side is not
variable WHEN floating,
Remark: base
calculator might be also known as tunnel IFF floating points are matched;
because mantissa points can be adjusted i.e.
either 16, OR
32, OR
64, OR
128, ... ; since
mantissa points can be adjusted, possible
variable energy mapping can be developed ...
; and then imaginary hyperspace craft can
SYN its
Parallel Time with
... ; Therefore, develop a system
a base;
Remark: 5928 aka with;
using artificial intelligence ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ... ) 。
Fuel Injector, in 1D, in ACT1 stage, mathematically prove that 4 holes should not be in full moon day vector; In ACT2 stage, gas injector whether should be in 2,3 vector? OR ... ? In ACT1 stage, solar clock has been engineered [30+ years old info] and 24mm natural time can be understood; And then, in ACT2 and ACT3 stage, engineer a water clock, a part of DEE development ... 。
Fuzzy [
2, 2 ], [ 3, 3,
] 2,3 dimensional fuzzy set should
be developed; IFF numbers in
computing does Action in numbers, and then Space can be in
fuzzy; So, Time in Parallel
Time can be SYN ... ; Prove D number in
method, so fuzzy space can be understood; How to solve number 31 as layers?
Fuzzy [2,2] [3,3,3]; Also see: 2,3
dimensional array [ also see: vision24+7_Array_in_2,3dimensional.GIF
] relates to dark energy [also see: DEE]
segment inside
artificial eyeballs ... 。
Fuzzy Gray Scale
Simulation, ACT3 stage ... ;
ACT3 Heat
Distance Simulation, ACT2 Heat vs.
Light, ACT1 dissipation of heat, gravity symbols i.e.
water7gravity2, ... , time in Lunar Time 2*7
& JUN Time 2*5 [Also see: 4PP+JUN=6],
... , must be understood before developing Fuzzy Gray Scale Simulation;
Because, light becomes only available resource as
5 gray sections, 2 times daily, holes and sticks in
theory, ... ; Develop fuzzy gray scale simulation, and calculate possible
time diff along with diff kinetic vector ... for example stars and galaxies
locations vary in ACT2 stage, and still do not know exactly WHY gray scale's
distribution is not equilibrium, also
G system in strings, testing ACT2 and ACT3 stage technology such as 5 pressure machines at sea level ACT1, and distance(s) of the pressure machines somehow will prove G gravity system in strings ... ; For example HOW water2gravity7 transforms to water7gravity2, and vice versa, ... ; Before developing G system in strings, 44 sticks of light with 4 holes at natural time t, and mb pressure dimension, and notice the pressure machine engine's kinetic vector ... ; Also see: Artificial light 。
Help system,
a.k.a. context sensitive help system, WHEN
developer /professional /professor /researcher /scientist /... do not have time
to do Ctrl+F inside all old non-relational flat-files, WHERE files'
format may vary such as *.doc, *.inf, *.htm, *.txt, ... , action of
compilation of data so that each word can be indexed, and then available to be
searched within a few clicks; Develop help systems in ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ... ;
This DOMAIN 's
sample cs.hlp, WHICH took 6 minutes of
compilation time to gain 0.2 MB old data in a time period of approx. 6 years
Hyperplane 1 & 2' parallel time to be synchronized in ACT2 stage parallel time symbol, also see: hyperplane1' parallel time 1 and 2 in symbol; Notice that 4th triangle time must be matched to 4th rectangle's time。
Hyperspace Parallel Universe Positioning System Synchronization: hyperspace GPS synchronization has been developed, but reduce design sqrt 2 only, in numerological dimension; Develop 2.01, 2.09, 2.19, ... , in numerological dimension 9; Develop 2.01, 2.09, 2.19, ... , in numerological dimension 23; 50 is prior to 88...88 IFF with reduce design sqrt 2 only; A Myanmar's imaginary ACT3 stage hyperspace craft still cannot SYN due to 24mm Natural Time slow down ... ; 1st to read and understand Professor Michio Kaku's PARALLEL WORLDS, 11th dimension, GPS and relativity, Pg. 257;
* * * * * ;
Ȣ * * * * * ;
_ IFF Satellite_DNS_Domain
via GPS device
triangulate: ɟ ♯ Ȣ
* * * * * ;
Processor: develop idea processor, also
see: Imaginary GUI and
numerological dimension; Concerning Imaginary GUI,
each painting should be read very carefully because 23 paintings explain HOW GUI
can be implemented/engineered step by step ... ; Use cell path
by opening a spreadsheet, and insert AI OS characters
into and save it, and test it, ... ; Approx. 30+ years old info, however GUI is
essential because human beings like "naturally" ... ;
3 rows and 10 columns can be functional
Processor to be filling Bitmap。
If you were an architect, or a civil engineer, or a structural engineer, this DOMAIN 's proposed Heavenly Wheel Topology can be in 2 spheres style, so infrastructures such as airports, seaports, centers, ... can also be built ... ; Green color sphere will be cooler than Blue color sphere; Green color sphere is bigger than Blue color sphere; If D Number is available, variable distance can also be applied; Chinese traditional style, incoming and outgoing of air flow can also be applied to the spheres; therefore, simulation of "fixed structured" can be not only in mathematical approach, but also in engineering approach such as cable, gravity dimension computer, networking, space craft interior and/or exterior, structural infrastructure development, telecommunication, time machine, and etc. ... ; 。
Universal Positioning System
using DEE e.g. 2 events of 90°,
using orbit e.g. direction to 2,3
dimensional as
2, WHICH orbit lines are in
distance, and HOW many mm
in distance? e.g.
7.50; using variable time lines
(i.e., 24mm, 12mm, 6mm, 3mm) with variable surfaces (i.e.,
7*2) dimensional coordinate axis alike ...
Develop Universal Positioning System with Gray Scale Simulation ... ; prove that object (17) ... ; prove that Dark Energy are coming from our universe; prove that stars are stones alike but lights within 2,3 dimensional; prove that WHEN and WHERE light exists but dark does not exist?
IFF 3, three different directional orbits are a part of 108 ... ; Lighting our universe project ... ;
IFF time line with
((2*5) X, (2*6) Y, (2*7) Z) = 17 ... ,
WHERE x, y, z are
variables ...
; (2*5) iroColour time line surface; (2*6)
iroColour time line surface
... ; (2*7) iroColour time line
surface ... ;
intelligence (Universal Position System) start ... ; specific spectrum as
wireless antenna, using
In addition to numerological dimension, another numerological dimension can be developed, so called NumerologicalDimension9, NumerologicalDimension15, NumerologicalDimension23, ... ; To do so, 1st to understand numerical values in numerology; 2nd to write algorithm in 2D with control loop WHILE which prompts number9 while adding ... ; 3rd to develop ACT2, ACT3 stage testing time reversely ... ;
9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | |
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
9 |
Incense fragrance environmental engineering:
1st to understand mW LED, also
, ...
in Schematic Symbols;
2nd to understand omni direction of light becomes 2,3 dimensional light; DEE, light vs. dark, ... are still in research and development;
3rd to understand natural [not chemical] incense fragrances including natural fragranced wood [only naturally exists in tropical zones], wax, ... also see: Japanese standard incense ... ;
Therefore, develop incense fragrance environmental device at 24mm natural time, by deploying internal transformer technology via 1.5V battery, for expanding potential diff for more than 1 JUN time period, ... so ACT2 stage interior living household item will be ... 。
JUN time,
a time period of 10 days, originally from Japanese katakana language;
QA space time can be further developed by
JUN time, therefore calculation for simulation in ACT2 and ACT3 stage can be
further developed for Myanmar's imaginary hyperspace craft's time, parallel
time, ...
, for both full
moon day and no moon day, AND
neither full moon day nor no moon day。
Laser deployment &
development: separate +energy states from -energy states
by using laser beams; Wormhole hint is:
Because, in squeezed states, negative energy and positive energy coexist。
Light rate CRC: after understanding 1.... and 1, after understanding "light rate" bridge, it is a time to develop "light rate" CRC by deploying C Number; also see: light depth vs. 5 Audio;
1st to understand even parity, odd parity;
2nd to understanding C Sequence Number;
3rd to develop C Number's relationship between base whole number vs. exp. number aka power number; And then test and develop "light rate CRC" among systems ... 。
mb independent temperature, in ACT2 stage; To understand mb independent temperature, 1st to understand I ref by avoiding V ref, so that heat vs. light can be further studied, and then 2nd to understand mb pressure by avoiding psi pressure so that Artificial Light can be further studied; After understanding ACT2 basic, and then time to develop ACT3 mb independent temperature, so that a factor might be a cause of problem [neither crack nor infinity] in a Myanmar's imaginary hyperdimensional hypercraft's time slows down problem ... 。
develop meta analysis prototype tables in
numerological dimension
a part of parallel time development [ for basic understanding, also see:
numerical values
in numerology ]; concerning time, 2*5 Jun vs. 2*7 Lunar;
WHERE 2*5:
WHERE 2*7: Full moon, No moon; also see:
data analysis
in P vector's direction in 8 synchronized clock design; develop
ACT3 3,4 dimensional
3 vs. 2*2 in numerological
dimension; 4 planets
prediction can also be applied for 4 so that find and build holes
THIS numerological dimension can also be applied in hardware engineering [ for
basic understanding, also see: node as
dual band
transmitter ... ] 。
Military Top
Secret, therefore this DOMAIN 's
information might not be 100% true.
Regardless of whether in ACT1, or in ACT2, or in ACT3, heterodyned indexes,
distance reference table of holes and sticks, sticks of light in dark energy,
... , are military's top secrets, thus detailed information is not available to
public. In addition,
homology vs.
homotopy of ACT2 objects such as 2 and 3 vector
directions, 2*5 JUN time, 2*7 lunar co-existences, 3 to 1 dimensions, ...
are not available to public yet, somehow nowadays in China, so many concerts
perform presentation of ACT2 objects' information such as: 2 times tidal waves,
2 and 3 vector directions, 3 to 1 dimensions, distance to SUN < distance to
MOON, why full moon day happens scientifically, why no moon day happens
scientifically, ... [i.e. via CCTV channels]。
mono OR
stereo can
be understanding by black and white, white and yellow, prior to
video; Concerning light rate,
iroColour can be developed i.e. black
LED, white LED, yellow LED, to be matched decoder chip's patterns; IFF patterns
are matched,
audio can be defined by light; After
defining audio by using lights, then
gravity dimension computers can be built with
water's weight ... ; Develop from mono to stereo,
from stereo to HD audio, from HD audio to 3D GUI, from 3D to defined light rate,
from the defined light rate to ACT1 stage's water weighted, from lights
to gravity dimensions in ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, from gravity
dimensions to gravity dimension computers,
from 2*5 2*6 2,3 dimensional to 2*6, 2*7 3,4 dimensional, ... 。
Mutual exclusion problem in ACT3 stage: mathematically prove the diff of 2π mechanical toggle vs. physical hole toggle; Time.Space.Action, and ACT1 space's time t1 must synchronize to ACT2 hyperspace's time t1, and ACT2 hyperplane's time t1 must synchronize to ACT3 ... 。
number, Numerological dimensional number, which can be developed; To
do so, 1st do understand basic
2nd to understand C number,
and develop D number; 3rd to understand numerological dimensions [also see:
NumerologicalDimension23]; 4th to
understand diff numbers along with diff dimensions ... ; 5th to develop N number
... because 2D WHILE loop with AND
gate prompts diff ... 。
Never ever secant y moon, after understanding -tan x, +tan x
of 4 planet prediction: And predict
tidal globally, also see: a draft
tidal prediction
error may occur in Vista, due to comdlg32.ocx
file] which was written in Thailand, in 2001, however this tidal prediction software
has not been configured yet for ACT2 stage, and in this software, water's
location, lunar orbit's synchronized events, gravitons/anti-gravitons, and ...
also have not been configured yet ... ; After understanding tidal and each
chains' complex, and then mathematically prove
that the moon has never ever been in -secant y, +secant y i.e.
in ACT1 stage。
Non life form becomes life form, 1st to understand heat vs. light, dark energy, gravity, ... , and then develop a break-table, aka a crack-table, 5W1H of symmetry breaks in ACT2, and in ACT3 ... 。
Dimension SERVER:
Duo-binary style with DOS.GIF vs. DOSWINDOWS.GIF background, pipelining
qualitative approach, reduce design, ACT3 stage parallel time testing,
with AI
WHICH has been developed; therefore,
develop NumerologicalDimension23, ... ;
IFF Windows Safe Mode AND
step by step, also see:
Out of a Myanmar's knowledge: Also see: Q.htm。
Parallel time calculation: prove 2*5 JUN time to 6*2 as 1 year round configuration; prove 108 to replace 22/7 in ACT3 stage; prove 10,7,10 to 3,3,12 parallel time shifts; prove diff numbering system in our universe。
Plasmacluster display should be developed, also see: Technology vs. Display, 2AA battery-powered lighting candle produces not only light but also scent, because potential diff can be light i.e. LED, and then WHEN light stimulates cells, those cells may become plasmacluster, therefore human beings can sense not only light as vision, but also good odor as better sensation ... ; Develop diff odor(s) within the same principle of light stimulates cells ... ; Recommended vectors are 2,3 dimensional vectors in ACT2 stage, because potential diff is in 1D only in ACT1, because light is directly propositional to gravity, the gravity is in 2,3 dimensional surrounded by Dark energy, WHEN light exists Dark also exists, use of Dark energy as a carrier [ EMF is included if potential diff, but in 1D, impossible to carry, therefore 2,3 dimensional is a must ... ] WHICH might be a solution to achieve diff odor(s), so that plasmacluster display should be developed ... 。
PP, Particle Pump, produces energy unlimitedly, i.e. WHEN 0.5 second momentum, WHERE 9526 1 hole, WHICH influx of energy, ... ; IFF 1 chain reaction, IFF 1 steady flow of, ... ; ride the specific wave e.g. natural green color by using iroColourWaveForm, from solar energy to deliver energy unlimitedly, so called PP, Particle Pump ... ; From 1/5 HP of human being's muscles, IFF 1,2 HP can be produced by PP, Particle Pump naturally, civilization type steps up ... , civilization type increases, ... ; Develop PP, Particle Pump ... ; Also read, Pg. 257, Chapter 14 Perpetual Motion Machines, Part III, Class III Impossibilities, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, MICHIO KAKU, 2008;
1st to understand WHAT is PP, Particle Pump by step by step, very basic understanding of gravity by applying "lights vary WHEN gravity is applied" ... ;
2nd to understand solar powered i.e. naturally ... ; i.e. time with distance without specific time line surfaces, without time travel in (2*5, 2*6, 2*7), without artificial interior lighting, ... ;
3rd to develop HOW civilization can be stepping up from 1/5 HP to 1,2 HP naturally ... ; think that 2500+ years old shakya symbol becomes ... ; So many high tech idea are in Mahayana painting ... therefore, when developing ACT3 stage or ACT2 stage, Mahayana paintings are recommended to understand because painting will make you understand more about iroColours, gravity, yellow paper notepad as key, EM as a ring or spring curve, ion's steady flow of ... as painting strokes WHERE DEE line curves, and etc.
Remark: you don't need billions and billions of dollar to create gravity, you might need a few hundred dollars and "made in Japan" 0.5 second momentum toy e.g. solar powered swaying toy; And then, do it yourself gravity ... like do it yourself digital quartz in 1970s ... ;。
Proxy server analysis: in dictionary, proxy is defined as agent, therefore a proxy server is an agent server to switching network; assuming that after setting fixed IP address for switching network connection, and either DNS resolved or WINS resolved address for a proxy, and then test all world class servers; To do so, test servers must be at switching network side。
vs. qualitative:
prompts its "quantity alike" internal
addresses, so "quality alike" XHTML
[X means "something related to",
"something network to" in oriental thought], "quality alike" fully
distributable network, ... ; in compiler
[compiler does text to control; any text
editor can be compiler but
analysts/developers/engineers/programmers/scientists/... should not change
character map; this DOMAIN used only 1 Font WHILE developing ... ],
each procedure should be with address; in
network, each port♯ aka keyword should be with address
also WHILE remote connect to-and-from computers; there are numerological
dimension files inside Desktop\*.* /s aka AI OS
[IFF Windows, attrib *.* to see all
files ... ], since each numerological dimension prompts address, so file name
[i.e. number:
123456789, 123, 2.01, ... ] should be
to its address
[for example: a system prompts via
noCOOKIE, that internal address of file 123456789 is so its
alias should be 123456789; that internal address of file 31911 is so
its alias should be 31911; and so on ... ];
- develop and test fully distributable network ... ;
- develop and test USB Flash Drive [to do so, each drive letter should be alias ... ], XHTML ... ;
- develop and test numerological dimension for gravity dimension computers。
RNA, DNA: pairs of sticks vs. turtle and turtle eggs; And, scientifically prove that spiral G waves cause each turtle egg becomes predictable female turtle, or male turtle; And then, after embryo's fertilization stage, mathematically prove and predict that spiral G waves causes to be female human beings, male human beings, and ... ; Also see: Symmetry Breaking。
Research & develop numerical dimensions: 1st to analyze 5W1H of diff between 2D/3D vs. Numerological dimensions, also see: Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology; 2nd to analyze 5W1H of diff between dimension and topology,
for example: a brunch inside a structure can be defined either 1 way or 2 ways, if compare to 2D/3D, there is no way in 2D/3D, WHERE AND HOW such brunch can be in half duplex or full duplex;
for example: C Sequence Number provides Tree Structure, if compare to 2D/3D, Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure can be 2 aka coexistence, except in ACT3 stage because in ACT3 stage such 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, parallel time NOT able to SYN, except in ACT3 stage DEE diff, ... ;
for example: by using Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology, it is easy to swap, maintain, and solve BLI problems, IFF path's location is defined; Therefore, it is not heuristic;
for example: in near future, biological BLI problems will be solved, by gravitational genetic engineering, by gravity dimension computers; At this present, gravity dimension computers are not available yet to public; Light rate base computers might be a risk in ACT3 stage due to DEE diff; Fixed structure base gravitational computers might be a solution for future's ACT3 stage hyper imaginary space craft, WHICH went very very very far in distance ... ;
3rd to develop from Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology to fixed structured gravitational dimensional computers for ACT3 stage space crafts, with energy map, with parallel time SYN aka 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, aka 10,7,10, ... ; also see: Heavenly Wheel Topology;
SATELLITE DNS has been developed by this DOMAIN [C31 and later version], but NOT in ns, ps, ... with RFID for "flying automotives", sync with ACT3 hyper-spacecraft's IN CK, FN CK, ... yet;Therefore, develop DNS to be in ns, ps, ... with RFID ... with SYNC; IFF server, also see: alias; ... 。
Schematic Symbol: X; |||; Asimo humanoid engineers only; Electrical compressors have been in market by heterodyning; Engineer electrical compressor reversely to make electrical condenser; Once an EM condenser can be made, an orbiter machine can be sent toward/outward the Sun。
Set theory in ACT2, deployment of 2500+ years old document, to be searching and understanding HOW the important time can travel into ACT3 space, 1st to understand Time.Space.Action oriental concept, 2nd to understand ACT1 Set Theory in algebra, 3rd to develop set theory in 3 lights, 4th has been designed as 4 Planet Prediction, also 2500+ years old document, 5th to do develop yourself Set Theory in ACT2 Space ... , 6th ... 。
Static as a part of DEE, so that solve and find a solution along with Parallel Time; For example, static diff WHERE in ACT1 along with temperature diff, static diff WHERE in ACT1 potential gathers, static diff WHERE in ACT1 capacitance still holds such energy inside even though power is off already, ACT2 ... , ACT3 ... ; Solve and prove that static vs. dynamic in Parallel Time。
Synchronization between 2 clocks cannot be done, till 2005, because clock on Earth beats normal [also see: natural time], but clock inside an orbiter machine traveling outward of Earth becomes slower and slower; Develop algorithm/method/ ... to synchronize the clocks; Graviton, Anti-graviton particles must be understood before developing the synchronization, and water measurement by distance with heterodyned indexes, NOT in fluid theory, NOT in pH, NOT in pressure, NOT in volume, NOT in weight, only by 4 planet predicted full moon day vs. no moon day's distance ... ; For example: 1mm hole, 2mm hole, 3mm hole, ... 。
telepathy center, like data center, the collected
data can be analyzed;
... ;
Also see: Invisibility; Develop a
telepathy center ... 。
Topology: AB distance to N point distance in barcode scanner was designed/engineered/invented, so that bus topology to mesh topology can be understood; Nowadays, after year 2544, RFID scanners must be further developed ... for example, mesh topology with central outward / eccentric WAP can also be further developed ... 。
Transformer has been engineered for
varying potentials, so that high voltage can be gained. Engineer ACT3
transformer by 4 layer
gas' dielectric strength approach, so that a Myanmar's imaginary
hyperdimensional space craft can light in very very very far away
[lighting our
universe project]... 。
Tsunami prevention system, quake
prevention system, tsunami protection system, quake protection system, and
reduce tsunami, and reduce quake, should be engineered; 1st to basic understand
DEE line, aka
WHEN light exists,
dark exists also; IFF reverse,
can be built, aka World Line, aka
Cloud Line, ... ; 2nd
to basic understand 1
time machine i.e.
distance based,
and then develop parallel time, time line, and so
on; 3rd to
basic understand radio network i.e.
2, by using attenuation of radio
antennas with
1 time machine, therefore location can be
pinpointed, e.g. there is a
time, e.g.
location based
time; 4th to basic understand GPS as a device within a domain system,
... ; 5th to develop GPS as a device
WHICH signals
(normal or abnormal),
e.g. GPS equipped floating balls in
with abnormal signal can be calculated tsunami's direction,
distance, location, speed,
... ; Therefore, prevention system can be built; In addition to the
prevention system, protection system WHICH reduce tsunami can be built, to do
so, build GPS network i.e.
3, by using
satellite GPS data,
... ;
IFF normal
satellite GPS data,
analyze the location, prevent (quake or tsunami)
... ;
IFF abnormal
satellite GPS data,
analyze the location, protect and reduce (quake or tsunami)
... ;
_ IFF normal
ocean water,
prevent ...
; using artificial
_ IFF abnormal
ocean water,
reduce ...
; using artificial
Visibility and water: For ACT2, ACT3 space developers only, develop visibility without water。
We, human
beings have been caused by 1 way DEE i.e.
in 1 way DEE, aka momentum of our location
in universe e.g. 0.5 second, 1.0 second, ... ;
Thousands of years, because of 1 way DEE, we, human
beings don't see our back; Because of 1 way DEE,
as 2,
) DEE (
blue ) ripping
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ;
11 2,
IFF ( =
DEE ( blue
) ripping
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ;
Notice that DEE is 180° to the Sun, WHERE our location in universe;
Even Time
Horizontal DEE, aka 2 ways DEE, WHERE
DEE ( green
) stretching
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ; aka
ACT2 location
... ; without the Sun, and 2 identical 2 ways DEE are 180°
to the object ... ; Concerning
space BLI, because of 2 ways
DEE, we human beings have symmetrical eyes, hands,
... ;
In addition to Gray Scale Simulation, in addition to
adjust time with
a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space craft's interior
(i.e. new model after year 2555)
should be re-designed with above stated factor
(i.e. with time line surfaces),
should be re-designed with Universal Positioning System
by using Time . Space of location of 2 events of 90°
of 3 lights, and simulate and develop
Even Time Horizontal DEE, by building AI DEE interior "housing", and
prove that there is a space, Time . Space i.e. 2 ways DEE exists in our
universe ... ;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網
find 3 ways DEE
in our universe (285 universe
i.e. 2,3 dimensional
3,4 dimensional) ...
; IFF 3 ways DEE is found,
send data
... ;
Nowadays' reverse engineers build hole boards i.e. a paper thin sheet with 1mm holes, for filtering strings, within defined momentums ... ; Develop and simulate artificial 2 ways DEE ... 。
With brunching factor 2 [larger the factor number, harder the logic], by transistors, reversely engineer from leaf depths [deeper the tree depth, longer the path] to root, use of A, B, C, D, E, ... , and fully distributed connection ((N (N-1)) / 2 ), and make advance nama logic for Asimo Ukon and later ... 。
WHEN an engineer needs a processor is WHEN 2 or more feedbacks exist to control a device, WHEN complexity regions are gathered for multiple processing e.g. while listening music, user may want to print, at the same time the user may want to browse Internet, a.k.a. 1 word "simultaneous", WHEN the most important time must be shared so computers, satellite, server, can be understood, ... [ and notice that \\25520\*.* directories and its files are for parallel time testing, parallel time might not be able to share and then start thinking of how to SYN ] and then start thinking of HOW to engineer a parallel time processor ... thus develop a parallel time processor, if feedback time can be engineer? if 10710 vector at 6*2? how to share 2,3 dimensional hyperspace? ... 。
WHY divided by 2, WHY not divided by 3, 4, 5, 6, ... ; For ACT2 stage developers only, mathematically prove that WHY divided by 2; WHY N - 1 i.e. MOON is neither static nor dynamic; WHEN 2 pairs make recurring OR splitting; ACT1 stage 22 divided by 7 is no longer a solution in ACT2 and ACT3 stage, also see: 108 configuration。
WORMHOLE was written in 2554, because very very big plates were happened, in early 21st century, in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, and there must be a way to prevent, a way to protect, ... ; IFF from 3,4 dimensional to 2,3 dimensional, also see: AI FONT, WHERE a Myanmar's imaginary hyper space ... ; IFF 24mm Natural Time, with fixed time line, in 3,4 dimensional, WHERE wormholes are parallel to each other |||| naturally, in our universe, also see: DEE; Develop Gray Scale Simulation, to prove 31 realms in our universe, beyond 3,4 dimensional, beyond 108 ... ; Scientifically prove that the Prof. Kaku's Hyperspace, 1994, Pg. 225, the structure can be proved by DEE, the structure can prompt HOW dark energy is coming from our universe to our Earth; And, scientifically prove that Gravity (time, space) ... make sure here, specific surfaced time and specific swapped light are not affected by gravity, by simulating incoming DEE, by engineering Gravity Dimension Computer by fetching lights into ... , by proving lights vary if gravity is applied, ... ; IFF antenna can be fixed and defined by specific spectrum, and then design specific wormholes with specific time lines for reaching beyond 3,4 dimensional with 1 Myanmar's imaginary hyper space antenna ... ; Reduce and reuse design is recommended for future Myanmar's imaginary space crafts ... ; 1st to develop variable Time Line, so time lines ... for CALCULATOR frames, so base can be not only CALCULATOR based but also variable time lines based; 2nd to develop specific lights in nm, also see: Swap; 3rd to develop wormholes ... with defined surfaces, also see: 24mm Natural Time Clock ... ; 。
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