; ; ; ; Updated in 2565 : on 2022 : 2 : 27 : P : p ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



P a a S, Platform as a Service (i.e. cloud) ... ; Also see: Cloud; service;

Pacific Time, , , , ♯;

SONY time zone (GMT-7:00) Pacific Time  ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;

      page ;        
advance d ; back ground sound ; base ;  
  custom ; form at ; general ; language ;
location ; keyword ;            
IFF FRONT PG , i.e. front page app ;  

palate; taste; Radical38, also see: Radicals;

(19) Panasonic; Also see: Daewoo; H a n n spree; Hitachi; LG/Gold star; Magnavox; Mitsubishi/M G A; NEC; Philips; Pioneer; RCA; Samsung; Sanyo; Sharp; Sony; Toshiba; OEM TV Code number;

        panel ;      
    Panel ; Panel ;    

Also see: Physics Law 58, Solar Panel, ... ;

Paraguay, , , , 595;

parameter ; parameter ;  

e.g. IFF any 3 parameters of (e.g. You; ace jaw .net; America Myanmar .net; net .net; Me), (e.g. Me; America Myanmar .net; ace jaw .net; net .net; You) are working ... and then triangulation; e.g. numerological dimension parameters are (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) WHERE numbers are aggregate sum as one whole entity; Notice that zero behaves like multiplier;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement e.g. idea ♯ 163; Pixel's p Parameter; Intentionally written e.g. notice that Katakana character "t a" is in broken style of writing, because parameter can be null, void, ... ;

    pass ;          
B P F , band pass filter ;    
H P F , high pass filter ;    
L P F , low pass filter ;    
Band - Pass Filter ; - pass ( e
. g . compiler ) ; pass ( verdict )

Keyword e.g. (Schematic Lipid; penetrate; go into; can pass through); Also see: Schematic Lipid;

passive e.g. (back-to-back Z e n e r diode, bead, conductive polymer capacitor, G D T (Gas Discharge Tube), Harsh Environment, High Isolation, Multilayer V a r i s t o r, square terminal package, Thermal Cutoff), also see: electronic;

        passive ( 11 oppose d
26 active ) ... ;          

passive sonar, also see: sonar;

password security, also see: Security;

IFF queue ,            
; previous time to present ( i.e.   past )
IFF direction a l   cell path ,
  past ( as oppose d to next ) ;



this DOMAIN, using sound patterns of electronic piano keys as its system security ... ; key; Radical374;

        pattern ;      
    bit - ; data tag ; desktop ;
  grid ; hole ; interior style ; match ;
match i n g ; null ; online pattern analysis
and recognition system ; pictorial pattern recognition ; routing ;
search ; style ; table ; test ; traffic ;
pattern ; pattern ; pattern ; pattern ; pattern ;
attack Virus ;              

1 second clock tic tic tic as sound pattern (i.e. normal sound pattern) in our earth, artificial intelligence to decide either (abnormal sound pattern) OR (normal sound pattern); Also see: WORMHOLE;

Also see: 98, overestimate of SQRT 2, underestimate of SQRT 2;

on line pattern analysis and recognition system, using artificial intelligence (Anti Virus) to attack virus;

ର; motion capture sensor; pattern recognition; remote heat sensing;

♯GB; ♯KB; ♯MB; ♯P B; ♯TB; Also see: items; multiplier; mono window (e.g. DOS *.pif) 's size info may vary if compare to multi window (e.g. Windows' explorer) 's size info, because of diff time lines;

PC (personal computer);     PC, Personal Computer;

>ABS<; ; >PC<; ; >T P E<;

H W S, Humane Wake System ( radio) kHz/step, MHz/step, ... ;

p C i / L, a unit to (measure) quality drinking water, AI analyzes (the quality drinking water) and then indicate abnormal (location, condition);

P C I - X        
P C I e 3 i.e. P C I Express 3  
          e.g. line s 26
memory controller s , I / O , ... ;

BC; C D P; D C P; DP; EH; O T G; P C I e; S D P; T B T; T P L; USB; USB-IF BC;

additional vocals, background vocals, banjo, bass, congas, drums, electric rhythm guitar, guitar, harmonica, harmonium, keyboards, lead guitar, organ, percussion, piano, piano & organ, rhythm guitar, saxophone, slide guitar, spinet, talking drum, trumpet, twelve string guitar, violin, violin & mandolin, vocal, vocals, ... ;


personal; Special Radical 253, also see: Radicals;

sign of the times (Gregorian calendar year number) IFF leap year, initialization phase changes to 29 days in the month of February automatically ... ;

(21) Philips; Also see: Daewoo; H a n n spree; Hitachi; LG/Gold star; Magnavox; Mitsubishi/M G A; NEC; Panasonic; Pioneer; RCA; Samsung; Sanyo; Sharp; Sony; Toshiba; OEM TV Code number;

; ; ; Phone     Phone     Phone;

      phone ;        
P H O N E PHONE ;    

additional vocals, background vocals, banjo, bass, congas, drums, electric rhythm guitar, guitar, harmonica, harmonium, keyboards, lead guitar, organ, percussion, piano, piano & organ, rhythm guitar, saxophone, slide guitar, spinet, talking drum, trumpet, twelve string guitar, violin, violin & mandolin, vocal, vocals, ... ;

oracle (PING, Interconnect Latency Measurement) D B A;

(16) Pioneer; Also see: Daewoo; H a n n spree; Hitachi; LG/Gold star; Magnavox; Mitsubishi/M G A; NEC; Panasonic; Philips; RCA; Samsung; Sanyo; Sharp; Sony; Toshiba; OEM TV Code number;

essence; key to; main point; need; pivot; Radical365;

P K C S , also see : PKCS ;

place on host CPUs;

play; player;

      plug ;        
  E P P , Electricity Power Plug s ;


plug a.k.a. connector ;


e.g. File System (FS+) ... ; 1 method, so called Plus Method;

(minus Z) is light depth, (plus Z) is hologram, vice and versa, IFF (minus Z) is hologram, (plus Z) is light depth; Also see: layer;

symboli.e.plus; Also see: OEM;


firmware (e.g. pmap) ... ;

P M E, Pressure Machine Engine,

WHERE DEE are pivotal in 2,3 dimensional; WHERE DEE are also in 3,4 dimensional;
artificial intelligence (Dimensional Gravity) to balance Pressure Machine Engine (i.e. P M E) parameters e.g. altitude, location, orbit, position, triangulation, UPS (i.e. Universal Positioning System), ... ;

Graphics ( any type) e.g. BMP, *.bmp, *.dib; E M F, *.e m f; GIF, *gif; JPEG, *.j f i f, *.jp e, *.jpeg, *.jpg; PNG, *.png; TIFF, *.t i f, *.tiff; W M F, *.w m f;

      757 IFF numerological dimension ( a.k.a. )
      PnP e.g. device s ;
Also see : OEM ;        

Also see: a k a .INF; Oh My Lord .htm;

(icons, menus, pointers, windows) ... ; 2D (i.e. two dimension) GUI without z-distribution; 3D (i.e. three dimension) GUI with z-distribution;

        polygon ;      
triangle , 3 -
corner e d polygon ;        

regarding surface (negative curvature, positive curvature, zero curvature) analysis, WHEN 3 or more line based sides with angles EXIST, i.e. polygon; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 224, (60, 72) omni directional;

concave polygon; convex polygon; regular polygon; triangle, 3-cornered polygon; polygon, WHERE 3 or more lines are connected together; also see: graphics usages;

Polysilicone     Polysilicone     Polysilicone (e.g. Poly-Silicone-15, Poly-Silicone-11, Poly-silicone, ... ), a.k.a. Sunscreen (solar panel), made of material from human beings livable moons' imported Solar System Material; As of 2565 in 2021, China is the Solar System (Electricity) supplier nation, already designed, already functional, already manufactured, already modeled, ... and, China becomes unique powerful nation in our earth, surpassing G7 nations, G20 nations, ... , and still maintaining our earth's peaceful & tranquil diplomatic solution (not colonizing any nation yet, as of 2565 in 2021), regarding "our earth" ... ; this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper spacecrafts are supplying China's demand (Solar System Material) ... ; As of 2565 in 2021, all nations' nuclear related ones have been mapped already by ( GPS), and China maintains our earth's peaceful & tranquil diplomatic solutions e.g. (not colonizing any nation yet, as of 2565 in 2021), regarding "our earth" ... ; Remark: human beings livable moons' natural resources are valuable ... ; beyond 1980s modeled C d S light sensor and material engineering (absorbing UVB radiation, approx. 310nm); Remember, Gravity Machines (without combustion) are elevated and dispatched on no moon days, since 1990s approx. at the same time as "Zombie" Machine designing time period; because of solar panel (Fusion), solar power automotive (car, bus, drone, flight, ship, train, truck, van, ... ), solar power home, solar power imaginary hyper spacecraft (solar power animaloid, solar power humanoid, solar power insectoid), solar power plant, solar power satellite, solar power space station, ... ; Gravity Dimension Computer ( Polysilicone, Polysilicone, Polysilicone), also see: Electricity Power Plug; Fusion; GPS; 1pComputer; Satellite;

        multi ;      
        time ;      
        line s ;    
      port ;        
keyword to port number ;      


        portal ;      
  portal site i.e. internet portal enterprise information

regarding old design, positive is color coded by "red" , on the other hand, negative is color coded by "black" ; however, this DOMAIN 's one of the Schematic Symbols e.g. Diff Potential, base on (green vs. green) design model, defined by X 's amplitude, WHICH means longer the dots represent "positive" , on the other hand, shorter the dots represent "negative" ; because, this DOMAIN has been designed for ACT1, ACT2, and ACT3 imaginary hyper space ... ;

  Diff Potential ;
positive ( as oppose
d to negative ) ;          

Also see: plus;

( action; center; clock; indicator; input; network; power; volume; ... );

(book; cell; formula; name; sheet; value; ... );

artificial intelligence ( power-up plug position) for smart grid line connections ... ; E P P;

V P N (IP Sec, L2TP, P P T P) ... ; pass; through;

p r a g m a (i.e. keyword) a d a programming language ... ;

production-ready (p r d c n - r d y) ... ;

1, 7994125 (_private) ... ;

Directional Gravity Pressure (D G P) ... ; for 2,3 dimensional only; colors of ( left, right) may vary depending on dimensional gravity WHILE developing gravity dimension computer ... ;

Artificial Intelligence NETWORK () e.g. Default Gateway ♯.♯.♯.♯; IP Address ♯.♯.♯.♯; Primary DNS ♯.♯.♯.♯; Secondary DNS ♯.♯.♯.♯; Subnet Mask ♯.♯.♯.♯; Wireless; Satellite; Cable; ... ;

primary key, unique column, in database; also see: NF;

print i n g ;  
            printing ;  
  background ; i.e. bi direction a l ;
calculator ; display and printing calculator ;    
off set ; remote ;        

EM Pull to _Printer, also see: Physics Law 153 ... ;

private house; Special Radical 253;

private line;

private, as opposed to public; Also see: Cloud Computing;

producer; Special Radical 253, also see: Radicals;

product key e.g. ♯♯♯♯♯-♯♯♯♯♯-♯♯♯♯♯-♯♯♯♯♯-♯♯♯♯♯ doko WHERE numbers are logically calculated to be ... ; 1st to understand time lines; 2nd to understand aggregated space i.e. to be 1; 3rd to prompt YES if 1 or NO if not 1; Basically, Digital Copy Code is Product Key;

programming e.g. ( dynamic, goal, integer, linear, multi level, multi objective, nonlinear, toward uncertain) using numerological dimension ... ; Also read the book: 1999; Uncertain Programming; Baoding liu; publisher John Wiley & Sons;

pros and cons, yin and yang; Also see: 2; cause and effect;

      prove ;        

Puerto Rico, , , , 1;

monitor (SYS (# mmHg) e.g. 120 mmHg, D I A (# mmHg) e.g. 80 mmHg, PULSE per minute e.g. 70 pulse/min) Also see: measurement;

general punctuation, also see: AI FONT;

track the last purchase, e.g. smart card, also see: UPC vs RFID;

P Y N, Psychiatry Neurology, also see: Medical Acronym;

this DOMAIN 's gene therapy system, ( do, get it done) do gene therapy for NOT having P Y N disease ... ; e.g. try to be normal salt level inside brain; e.g. salt inside the brain should be neither hyper nor hypo;

NOT to have Carotid Artery plaque buildup; e.g. NOT to have strokes (fatty plaque buildup inside brain); IFF ultrasound scan report indicates that plaques EXIST (i.e. risk of strokes, e.g. fatty plaque buildup inside brain, e.g. carotid artery plaque buildup), do gene therapy ... ;


cord unplugged, environment, power failure, security issue, stop error, system failures, system unresponsive, unplanned, other: AI (fix) ... ; Electricity Power Plugs;