; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 5th (Wednesday) : t Character ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 5 : 2 : 2025 : t : T : t Character;     Also see: t Usage;

* t h a.k.a. Ordinals, e.g. 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, ... ; Also see: Number;

tab; tabbed; tabbing; tabs; e.g.

tab (character);

Tab key;

tab      tab ;

table; tables; e.g.

bench; pedestal; platform; podium; stage; stand; table; Radical754;

common salt; table salt; Radical698;

table (Tab♯);

( Table, Table, Table, Table) ... ; table      table ;     table ;

IFF Keyword : under table, text free and names are waiting ... ;

tablet; TABLET; e.g.

tablet ;     tablet ;      tablet ;

( Tablet, Tablet, Tablet, Tablet), also see: TABLET;

t a c h y * ;

tag; tagged; tagging; e.g. 

tag;     tag  ;    tag      tag ;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;

tai, also see: Sushi;

; ; ; ; Taiwan     Taiwan; ; ; ; ;


avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

Taiwan; e.g.

(Bay of Bengal, East China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Philippine sea, Sea of Japan, South China Sea), also see: 5bComputer; 8cComputer; 1gComputer; 6iComputer; 2pComputer; 6pComputer; 7sComputer; 2sComputer;

( During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake, During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake), also see: Manmade Global Weather; Physics Law 567; Weather; Remark: this DOMAIN is beyond "nuclear power" of civilizations ... , HOW also see: PHYSICS with metta ... ;

Japan And Taiwan In Winter Avoiding Earthquake, also see: j Character; w Manmade Global Weather;

Taiwan (Geographical domain: (.tw)); Taiwan ;

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (Taiwan), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

space : Location ( Japan, Taiwan), also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

take; taken; taking; took; e.g.

accept; comply; get; have; take; Radical417;

delude; taking a form of ; Radical661;

take ; ;     took      taken ;

take delight in ; ;

take out ; ;

taking form; taking form ;

to take ;

t a k o, also see: Sushi;

tale; Radical811;

talent; talented; e.g.

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

ability; capacity; skill; talent; Radical388;

function; gift; talent; Noh (traditional Japanese art theatre); Radical388;

talented ; ; talent;

Talent For Humanoid; ware ware We're beyond "Directional Gravity Spot" , "Nanobot Programming" , "Water Elevators" , ... and this "Talent For Humanoid" symbolizes Idea Processor (Level (s)) among human beings livable moons' (life-ones, talented lives, living ones) in our universes ... ; Remark: don't change its color code;

talk; talked; talking; talks; e.g.

chat; conversation; speech; story; talk; Radical811;

talk ;


expensive; high; tall; Radical225, also see: Radicals;

t a m a g o, also see: Sushi;

t a m a g o, jade, precious stone;

akin; early; tantamount; Radical887;

tantamount: seriousness equivalence; virtually as same as;

Tao, a religion in China; also see: Buddhism; also see: Chin dynasty's s h e n d a o; also see: Japan's Shinto;     Taoism   , a.k.a. Tao; also see: Swastika; shakya;

tap; tapped; tapping; e.g.

e.g. double-tap;


tap ; ;

tap      tap ;

tapping ; ;      tapping ;

tape      tape ;

tardy ; ;

target; targeted; targeting; targets; e.g.

adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;

emblem; evidence; imprint; mark; seal; signpost; souvenir; stamp; symbol; target; trademark;

(mark, target, cure), also see: m G T S U; n G T S U;

target target a.k.a. aim;

bitterness; sour; tart; Radical493;

task; tasking; tasks; e.g.

task a.k.a. process;

task ;

task, Radical130, also see: Radicals;

taste; tasted; taster; tasting; e.g.

care; desire; heart; liking; mind; taste; Radical898;

chic; romantic; spicy; tasty; the second mentioned; witty; Radical5;

((experiment; test; try; Radical765), (food; foodstuff; meal; Radical219)) shishoku Tasting;

Idea Processor (one of the fives (form): 1&1; tasting (1&1)) ... ;

sweet taste; Radical128;

taste: hot, i.e. taste is hot; med  hot, i.e. taste is medium hot; mild, i.e. taste is mild;

tasty      tasty ; ;

drink ; smoke; take; Also see: Numerological3;

t a u i.e. Τ, τ;

duty; tax; Radical612;

taxi      taxi      taxi ;

T D I H S C D P; Also see: Battery; PHYSICS;

tea; Radical299;

tea ;

(teach, taught, taught); teacher; teachers; teaching; e.g.

bussetsu Buddha's teaching; Also see: Buddha Radicals;

teach      taught      taught ;

teacher ; ;     teacher  ; ;     teaching ; ;

teachings of Buddhist ;  ;     teachings of Buddhist;

teaching of Confucian ;  ;     teachings of Confucian;

team; teamed; teaming; e.g.

(team, set, group, class) ... ; Radical366;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (d a c r y a.k.a. tear OR tear duct)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

tear      tore      torn ;

tech a.k.a. technique; techniques; e.g.

art; magic; means; resource; skill; technique; trick; Radical298;

g i j u t s u Technique     g i j u t s u Technique;

w a z a Technique     w a z a Technique;

teeth (plural noun); Also see: tooth (singular noun);

   t e l e      t e l e    ;


telegram; telegraphy; Radical535;

telemetry      telemetry ;

wire (e.g. telephone line );

telephone e.g.

telephone book a.k.a. telephone directory;

telephone instrument; Radical535;

telephone a.k.a. phone (landline, mobile (Also see: PHONE));

teleportation      teleportation      teleportation ;

telescope      telescope ;

television, a.k.a. TV;

tell  ; ;      told      told ;

tell ;  ;

tell fortune ; ;

temper; Radical174, also see: Radicals;

temperature; Temperature; e.g.

angle degree, scale, temperature degree, ... ; Radical653;

humanoid Jiwaka .  .  . (e.g. keeping the liver temperature 0.23°C lower than rectal temperature, ondo Temperature of the Liver) .  .  . ; Also see: l G T S U; r G T S U;

micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . Heat) ... ; micro calorimeter; (( micro calorimeter) . ondo Temperature) ... ; Also see: Energy & Geometry; h Character; m Character; Meter; Physics Law 1024; t Character;

normal human body temperature, also see: i G T S U; Physics Law 144; t G T S U;

ondo Temperature; ( Temperature, Temperature, Temperature, Temperature) ... ; Also see: Energy & Geometry; Schematic Lipid;

temperature      temperature      temperature ;     temperature, a.k.a. heat;

( thermodynamics, thermodynamics, Thermodynamics, n e t s u r i k i g a k u Thermodynamics), also see: Water Clock;

storm; tempest;

template ; ;

temple; temples; e.g.

church; sanctuary; temple;

monastery; temple (a.k.a. sacred place);

Shinto shrine (a.k.a. temple);

temple, also see: pagoda;

Temple of Heaven;

temple      temple      temple  ; ;

tempo ; ;

temporary cessation of breathing during sleep; Also see: a G T S U;

temporary     temporary     temporary;
temporary; transient; transitory;

the temporary period (e.g. z a n t e i Interim), also see: Time;

tempura, also see: Sushi;

ten; e.g.

(10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ) Engineering Notation, based on SQRT2 design model, also see: Number; man Ten thousand     man Ten thousand;

ten quadrillion; 10^16; 10,000,000,000,000,000; Radical316;

ten; Radical27;

ten      ten 10     j u u Ten ;

ten thousand u n d e c i l l i o n i.e. (10^40); Radical567;

ten ;

tenacity ; ;

T e n d a i Buddhism, also see: S h i n g o n Buddhism; Nippon Buddhism;

IFF suffix: mood; style; tendency; Radical611;

air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;

tender ;

tendon; e.g.

(ligament, muscle, tendon), also see: m G T S U; Physics Law 146, NMR, ... ; Physics Law 169, immunological, ... ;

muscle; sinew; tendon; Radical382;

Also see: ligament;

IFF suffix : form; tense; Radical537;

tensor     tensor     tensor ; tensor, also see: Optics;

tent; tenting; tents; e.g.

curtain; net; tent; veil; Radical345;

dotted tent; Radical134;

(put up tent, spread); Radical562;

tenth      1/10;

Tera tera-      tera- ;

term; termed; terms; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term ( j o b u Long-Term); permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

appoint; duty; entrust; responsibility; term; Also see: Radical432;

(date; period; term; time; Radical919); (interval; space; Radical952);

Long Term Evolution (LTE), also see: XM .HTML ;

k i k a n Term e.g. Do you believe in Buddha ? also see: ..\..\..\Buddha\index;

term     term     term; term; ;

term e.g. ima nan desu ka ? ; doko desu ka ? ... ;
term e.g. What time is it now? ; Where is it? ... ;

T e r m a n, unclassified name; T e r m e, place name; also see: t Usage;

terminal; terminator; e.g.

field; ( g a m e n Screen, g a m e n Screen); photo; picture; scene; terminal screen;

iro LED terminator (e.g. blue terminator, green terminator, silver terminator) ... ;

terrible ; ;

terrific ; ;

territory; Territory; e.g.

area; domain; field; regime; region; r y o i k i; territory ;

place; territory; Radical519;

Territory (Anterior, Interior, Lateral, Posterior, Right ventricle, Septal (Septa, Septum)), And Then, depending upon the leads ... ; Also see: Directions; s G T S U; t Character; t ECG;

territory ; ;     territory ; ;      territory ; ;

www.google.com translator's writing style: territory;
www.jisho.org online dictionary's writing style: territory;

experiment; test; try; Radical765;

endocrine system (gland, glands, ovaries, ovary, pancreas, testes, ... ) ... ; Also see: e G T S U;

(ejaculatory duct, e p i d i d y m i s, prostate gland, (scrotum, testis), seminal vesicle, vas deferens), also see: r G T S U;

tether; tethered; tethering; e.g.

Bluetooth tethering (i.e. sharing INTERNET connection via Bluetooth) ... ;
USB tethering (i.e. sharing internet connection via USB) ... ;
tie (bonds between people, chain, connection, free W i F i, link, relationship, rope, tethered automotive) ... ;

text e.g.

text ; ;

Text Box;

textbook (world (our earth) 's the 1st electronic textbook system (education system)), also see: electronic;

Team Foundation Server (TFS) i.e. Microsoft platform ... ;

Thailand      Thailand     Siam ;

IFF GPS ( location) is Bangkok regional area in Thailand, Manmade Global Weather (directional gravity, gravity spots) keep water level of rivers 1 meter lower than normal water level i.e. to avoid regional flood;



thank; thankful; e.g.

arigatoh g o z a i m a s u, thank you; Also see: a Usage;

goodbye, goodnight, thank you; Radical5;

thank; thanks!; thanks a lot!; thank you; thank you very much;

to be thankful e.g. 24 pisayo, also see: p Pali;

that; e.g.


that is;

that is, i.e. ...  ;

that is not;

that one over there, also see: k u d a s a i Give Me;

that      that ;

the; e.g.

( the, the, the), one of the articles (a, an, the); "the" is more likely to be with (certain one, defined one, non-heuristic one, particularly one, referenced one, selected one, specific one, specified one, unique one) to indicate, if compare to (a, an); e.g.

at the present; ; ; ; ; this DOMAIN, using Idea Processor, ... ;

carapace; grade A; instep; shell; the 1st party; Radical256, also see: Radicals;

cause; circumstances; consequently; especially; happenstance; intentionally; reason; the late, therefore;

the absolute ; ;

the instance ; ;

the moment ; ;

the most, for our earth only; e.g.

( the most, the most, the most, the most) i.e. for our earth only ... ; Also see: Physics Law 100000; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; t Character;

the other ;

the past ;

the people (citizens);

The Times ;

the way of proper conduct ;  ; the way of proper conduct (dogma);

the world ; ;     the world ; ;

theatre; theatres; e.g.

counter for theatres; Also see: COUNTERS;

theatre director ;

them ;

then ; ;

theoretical; theoretically; theories; theory e.g.

doctrine; theory; Radical1002;

explanation; opinion; rumor; theory;

theory ;

Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization,
Big Bang Theory of Western Civilization, also see: 1tComputer;

since 1970s, Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization has been designed, developed, engineered, model, and tested, but NOT exist officially, therefore, if you like to develop your own space systems in (2*6) dimensional and (2*7) dimensional, you must copy this ((2*5) dimensional systems) DOMAIN 's contents, And Then, be your own happy, healthy, and wealthy ... ;

therapeutic; therapies; therapy;  e.g.

chiryoyaku Therapeutic; chiryoyaku Therapeutic Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

chiryoyaku Therapeutic FUO, chiryoyaku Therapeutic FUO, chiryoyaku Therapeutic FUO, also see: f G T S U; o G T S U; u G T S U;

in Hiragana: chi* (e.g. chiryoyaku Therapeutic) ... ; Radical959;

therapeutic way;
therapeutic way;

therapy      therapy      therapy; ;

Theravada Buddhism, in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, ... ;

there; e.g.

here and there; Radical762;

there be ;

therefore ;

thereof ;

there; there, physically distant (e.g. over there, that place, there is) ... ;

thermal; thermodynamics; e.g.

keeping thermal, also see: PHYSICS, law seventy six ... ;

thermodynamics; thermodynamics; Thermodynamics; n e t s u r i k i g a k u Thermodynamics;

(▲Energy = (Energy In) - (Energy Out)) : (∆ Thermodynamics = (Heat, Temperature) - Work);
calories e.g. INCREMENT Time . 1 atmosphere (Space) of Pressure . doko WHERE 1 g of Water from 14.5 degree C to 15.5 degree C, i.e. calories;
joule e.g. kuru kuru WHILE (weigh, weighting) Time . (Item, Object, Things) Distance (Space) of 1 Meter . (to be elevating, to be lifting, to be moving) by 1 Newton, a.k.a. Nm (Newton meter);
1 calorie is 4.18 Joule, i.e. thermodynamics; Also see: Water Clock;

theta i.e. Θ, θ;

they      their      them ;

thick ; ;

thin ; ;

thing; things; mono Things; e.g.

any (component, device, entity, item, object, part, piece, thing, tuple) WHICH ;

article; object; stuff; substance; thing; ( mono Matters, mono Objects, mono Substances, mono Stuffs, mono Things) ... ;

thing      thing   ;

things  ; ;

IoT, Internet of Things ;

things a.k.a. item; things a.k.a. object;

things to offer to do d ā n a ;

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (component, device, entity, item, object, part, thing, tuple), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

counter for long and narrow items (e.g. candle, gun, hoe, ink stick, oar, scissor, spade) ... ; Radical260;

think      thought      thought ;

s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

third = 3rd Ordinals, e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ... ;

thirteen a.k.a. 13 a.k.a. XIII ;

thirty ;

30; thirty; Radical264;

this; This; THIS; e.g.

( Idea Processor, Idea Processor, Idea Processor) this DOMAIN; Also see: this DOMAIN .htm;

IFF prefix: from ... ; self * ; this (compare to that) ... ; Radical166;

IFF prefix: present; this; Radical662;

this ;

this, also see: k u d a s a i Give Me;

this is ;

this is not ;

this month ;

this week ;

this year ;

thoracic; Thoracic; e.g.

keibu Cervical; kyobu Thoracic; yotsui Lumbar; senkotsu Sacrum; bikotsu Coccyx; Also see: b G T S U; Physics Law 198;

thorn ; ;

those days ;

though ; ;

thought; thoughts; e.g.

attention; desire; feeling; idea; sense; thought; wish;

feelings; thoughts; Radical898;

thought       s h i s ō Thought ;

thought (idea);

thousand      thousand 1000     s e n Thousand ;

string; thread; yarn; Radical157;


short thread; Radical61;

three; 3; e.g.

s a n , also see: Number;

three      san Three      three 3 ;

three ;

3-in-1;     3-in-1;

three; Radical69;

three kinds of d ā n a ;

come; plough; three branch tree; Radical162;

thrive      throve      thrived ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (e s o p h a g a.k.a. esophagus (throat to stomach, muscular tube with mucous membrane))), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (t h r o m b a.k.a. clot)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

throne; e.g.

about; crown; grade; rank; some; throne;

to come through; to penetrate; to pierce; to skewer; Radical711;

through (a.k.a. via);

throw; e.g.

abandon; discard; give up; hurl; invest in; join; launch into; sell at a loss; throw;

throw away;

throw     threw      thrown ; ;

throw up ; ;

thrust      thrust      thrust ;

thus ; ;

t h y m; thymus; e.g.

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (t h y m a.k.a. thymus)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

Thymus gland (chest); Thyroid gland (neck); Also see: g G T S U;

*tic ;

dot; tick; Radical3, also see: Radicals;

ticket; ticketed; ticketing; e.g.

ticketing machine;

ticket ;     ticket ; ; ;

( Ticket, Ticket, Ticket, Ticket) ... ;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;

darn; fix; groom; mend; patch-up; repair; tidy-up ; trim;

tie; tied; tier; tiers; e.g.

bind; fasten; join; tie; Radical592;

tie ; ;

tier;      mid tier;

tiger  ;

also see: zodiac;

tile; Radical127;


time; timeline; timelines; timing; times; timestamp; e.g.

About; Time; Toward;

(Artificial Intelligence, Idea Processor) timeline timeline timeline (graphic representation of passage of time as line) e.g. app activity, audio activity, location history, rediscover places, sharing locations, traveled routes, voice activity, web activities, you're in control, ... ;

attitude; consider; degrees; times; Radical653;

clock time;

close in relationship; close in time; Radical887;

hour; jikan;

hour; time; Radical501;

Oriental concept e.g. Time . Space . Action;

period, phase, season, stage, time ;

period; time; Radical919;

real-time i.e. actual time of 1 event;
real-time i.e. actual time of 1 process;

Remote Modulator Timing, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

tempo; time; Radical611;

this DOMAIN 's position Info with Timestamp; Remark: can be using for your Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, Naturally Weather Log, ... and etc.

( TIME), ( TIME3), ( TIME2), also see: Time; Time;

timeframe; Timeframe; e.g.

( jikan-waku Timeframe, timeframe, timeframe, Timeframe, timeframe), also see: j Usage; Physics Law 100000; Radical693; t Character; -time; Time;

TIME3; TIME; TIME2; e.g. humanoid Global Military General (cyber war, CYBER WAR, cyber wars, CYBER WARS) worldwide, "killing (processes, services, tasks) of the defined (enemies, enemy, foe, foes)" in our earth .  .  . ; Remark: since 11/18/2024, 1000th Day of Ukraine-Russia War; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War;

time , stage, season, phase, period;

time ;     time      time      time      time ;

time machine;

timer; timer, a.k.a. countdown timer;

Time . Space . Action (i.e. oriental concept) : our earth's the most advance (method, procedure, technique) synchronization would be: slow-down-time period synchronization ... ; Also see : -time;

time zone     time zone     time zone; ;


times ; comeback; repetitions;     times      times ;

timestamp;     timestamp      timestamp ;

( Bio Clock) timestamp, also see: Idea Processor;

timetable a.k.a. schedule;

many devices (collecting, sharing, timing) data i.e. IoT;

tin can;

tin can; Radical158, also see: Radicals;

child; miniature; tiny; Radical184;

* t i o n , suffix to be noun; also see: * s i o n;

tip; tipped; tipping; tips; e.g.

end point of nozzle; pencil's point; pen's point; tip; Radical498;

tip ; ;

tipsy ; ;

tired ; ;

tissue; e.g.

soshiki Tissue; (Also see: Radical366, Radical551);

( tissue, tissue, tissue) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 789;

( tissue, tissue, tissue), also see: Physics Law 567; t G T S U; Water;

call; item; name; nickname; number; pseudonym; title; Radical299;

title      title      title      title ;

*t i v e , suffix to be adjective; also see: *ed;

to; e.g.

also see: destination;

ni HIRAGANA preposition : to ; to ; to ; (at , in , into , on , to , upon );

to and fro ;

to be; Radical78, also see: Radicals; e.g. to be affirmation; to be location;

to ;     to ;

* t o c i a ;

T o d a i j i Temple, world's great bronze statue of Buddha, also see: Nara;

today ;

tofu, bean curd;     also see: Sushi;

together e.g.

( adjoin, closely touch, to graft onto a tree, to join a contact, to piece together, to set bones) ... ;

both; together; Radical628;

many; several; together ; various;

IFF suffix: together; Radical692;

together ;

Toggle Button of Power; a.k.a. on/off button; Also see: Schematic Symbols;

diligent; toil; Radical566;

hardship; toil; trouble; Radical698;

token      token      token      token ;

Tokyo Bay ;

acceptable; fair; passable; tolerable; Radical328;

tolerance ; ;

tomb, also see: imperial tomb;

tome; Radical150;

tomography      tomography ;

tomorrow     a s u Tomorrow ;

* t o m y ;

ton; Radical123;

ton      ton      ton;

tone; e.g.

musical key; pitch; tone; Radical611;

tone      tone ;

tongue; Radical169;


too      too much ;

tool; tools; e.g.

ability; container; implement; instrument; receptacle; set; tool ; utensil; vessel; Radical317;

biophysics Tool; Also see: Schematic Lipid;

(construction, engineering) tools e.g. (angle drill, angle grinder, angle impact driver, angle impact wrench, auto feed screwdriver, band saw, blower, brad nail e r, caulking gun, chain saw, circular saw, cleaner, combination hammer, concrete vibrator, cut-out tool, cyclone cleaner, die grinder, driver drill, drywall saw, fan, fast charger (rechargeable battery), finish nail e r, flashlight radio, garden sprayer, grass shear, grass trimmer, hammer driver drill, hedge trimmer, impact driver, impact wrench, jig saw, job site radio, job site speaker, lawn mower, LED flashlight, LED work light, metal cutter, metal shear, multi function power head, multi tool, nibbler, oil-pulse driver, pin nail e r, planer, plate joiner, plunge cut saw, pruning shear, random orbit sander, rear handle saw, rechargeable battery, RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM ION BATTERY, reciprocal saw, robotic cleaner, rotary hammer, screwdriver, shear wrench, slide compound miter saw, stapler, steel rod cutter, straight shear, string trimmer, threaded rod cutter, trimmer, vacuum cleaner, vacuum pump, wheelbarrow) ... , also see: Makita, battery powered ((1.5 Ah, 2.0 Ah, 3.0 Ah, 4.0 Ah, 5.0 Ah, 6.0 Ah), 18V Lithium-Ion, 18V x 2 (36V), L X T) ... ; NFC ( IoT) ... ;

Tool; dogu Tool; Tool; Tool;

tool      tool      tool      tool      tool ; ;     tool ; ;

teeth; tooth; e.g.

Dental Implant;

teeth (plural noun); Also see: tooth (singular noun);

tooth ;

tooth; Radical245;

top e.g.

bottom and top are coexistence alike (bottom is not opposed to top);

bottom ( five); left (five); right (five); top ( 5);

DEE Top, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

like fruits & flowers, above ground, or at top; Radical75;

top ; ;     top ; ;

topic      topic      topic ;

motif; project; subject matter; theme; topic;

topology      topology      topology      topology      topology     topology ;


using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no tornado, NOT to be tornado;

unwanted tornado;     Also see: Weather;


tortoise; turtle; Radical238, also see: Radicals;

Toshiba     Toshiba     Toshiba      TOSHIBA ;

Toshiba; e.g.

angiogram CT with 320-detector-rows (Toshiba), also see: Physics Law 113;

toss ; ;

total ;

IFF prefix: in total; total of; Radical731;

sum of money i.e. exact amount of certificate, envelop, invoice, receipt, slip, ... ; Radical78;

touch; touchdown; touching; e.g.

adjoin; contact; piece together; touch;

chakuriku; landing ; landing ; touchdown ; touchdown ; e.g. Landing;

fureru Touching; Radical892;

touch ; ;

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough ( j o b u Tough); undying;

tour ; ;

toward; e.g.

About; Time; Toward;

toward  ; ;

towards ;

toward the midline ( uchigawano Medial), also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;

toward uncertain logic, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 265; Logic;

cloth; towel; Radical59;

town; towns; e.g.

community; town; Radical119;

town (quarter);

townspeople (citizen);

town; village; Radical556;

village; town ; street; block; Also see: Numerological7;

*toxic ;

toy ;

origami; paper toy;

trace      trace ;

track; tracked; tracking; tracks; e.g.

line; track; Radical955;

( line, track);     track      track      track ;

tracks ; ;

trade ; ;

emblem; evidence; imprint; mark; seal; signpost; souvenir; stamp; symbol; target; trademark;

traffic; e.g.

avenue; commute; pass through; traffic; Radical711;

using Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway traffic, commuting traffic, fluid flow traffic, gas traffic, manufacturing logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic, public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow traffic, R F C protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic, waterway traffic, ... ) ... ;

trail; Radical765;

train      train      train ;

train station;

training e.g.

drill; exercise; hands-on training; practical training; practice in the field; training ;

training; Radical340;


tranquil; tranquility; e.g.

(even, flat, level, smooth), (calm, composed, placid, stable, tranquil); Radical545;

peaceful & tranquil ; Also see: Buddha Radicals;

trans      trans      trans      trans      trans      trans      trans      trans ;

trans* ;

transfer fat, also see: a G T S U;

transform      transform      transform ;

s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

transient; e.g.

h a k a n a i Transient; h a k a n a i Transient; h a k a n a i Transient;

i c h i j i t e k i Transient; i c h i j i t e k i Transient; i c h i j i t e k i Transient;


Transient Elasticity ( TE, TE) a.k.a. v i s c o elasticity; Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty nine, hada Skin, ... ;

transition; transition?; Transition; e.g.

Transition; Move; Change;

( transition, transition1, transition2, transition3, transition4, transition5), also see: Physics Law 126 ... ;

translate; translated; translating; translation; e.g.

ACTION of explaining, i.e. Explanation, Interpretation, Translation, ... ; kaishaku Interpretation ... ;

Automatic speech translation software, a.k.a. T a b i t s u, originally invented by Japan a.k.a. NIPPON; Also see: Similarity;

embedded; Radical693 (translator) ... ;

IFF suffix e.g. translated version; Radical951;

NAT (Network Address Translation), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 266, Radio Specification of Computer System; Also see: Server (e.g. R U N A T);

translate      translate ; ;

translation ; ;

translator      translator      translator;

translator based codes: e.g. archive; configuration; format-converter; linker; loader; manager; package; tool; ... ;

sending; transmission; transmit; transmitting; Radical767;

transparent; transparency; e.g.

"invisible," also see: Invisibilities; Invisibility; movie;

99% transparency plastic, GUI, Window, ... , also see: Radical882; Radical881; Radical883; Radical880;

transparency      transparency ; (hidden %, opaque %, transparency %), also see: Physics Law 140, (roll-able, ZCS, flat panel, screen, CRT) Resolution, ... ;

transport; transportation; transportations; transporting; e.g.

Automotives based;

marine transportation, also see: maritime;

transport ; ;

trap; trapped; trapping; traps; e.g.

magic; plot; stratagem; trap; trick; Radical298;

trash; trashes; trashing; e.g.

dirt; dump; garbage; litter; refuse; trash; Radical956;

travel e.g.

to drive; to travel; Radical189;

to travel along; Radical711;

travel  ; ;     traveled      traveled ;

travel time;

tray ; ; ;

tread      trod      trodden ;


controversy theory; disputable essay; treatise comment; Radical301;

treat; treated; treating; e.g.

treatment ;

treatment; Radical959;

trick or treat (i.e. usage especially using on Halloween);

tree; trees; e.g.

2-branch tree; Radical144;

any beech tree (chinquapin a.k.a. c h i n k a p i n); Radical859;

cinnamon tree; Japanese Judas tree;

tree ;  ;     tree ;

quake; shiver; tremble; Radical938;

tremendous ; ;

change; development; fluctuation; motion; move; movement; trend;

trespass; trespassed; trespassing; e.g.

trespass      trespass;

trespass ; ; violation of rights, crime;

tri* ;

Triangles, a.k.a. Polygon, also see: Numbers in Computing ... ;

sanjiku Tri axial ( X, Y, Z) ... ; Also see: Radical794;

( sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation), also see: (( 3), ( Radical181), ( Radical451), ( Radical831)); Triangulation; Triangulation; Triangulation;

triangulation (      on one surface in the Internet) triangulation;

triangulation system member (e.g. this DOMAIN 's contents are installed) ... ;

tribe; e.g.

family; tribe;

magic; plot; stratagem; trap; trick; Radical298;

(hexagram, trigram) e.g. Trigram     Trigram     Trigram, also see: I CHING;

lightly; trifling; unimportant;

darn; fix; groom; mend; patch-up; repair; tidy-up; trim ;

clip; pick; pinch; pluck; summarize; trim; Radical258;

tripod; Radical229, also see: Radicals;

eulogy; hymn; paean; song of praise; triumph;

troops ; ;

*tropic ;

trouble e.g.

difficult; laborious; troublesome; Radical224;

hardship; toil; trouble; Radical698;

trouble ; ;

truck      truck      truck      truck , Also see: track;

true e.g.

present; real; true; Radical662;

through meditation, finding true, truth, ... ; Radical333;

true      true;     TRUE;

true word in Buddhism, a.k.a. mantra;

true word in Buddhism;

trunk ; ;

trust; trusted; trustful; trusting; e.g.

appoint; duty; entrust; responsibility; term; 

arrangement; justice; truth; Radical598;

confidence; reliance; trust; Radical694;

trust ;

reality; truth; Radical791;

truth      truth      truth ;

experiment; test; try; Radical765;


using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no tsunami, NOT to be tsunami;

IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

unwanted tsunami;     Also see: Weather;

(unwanted) tsunami tsunami;

y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;


pipe; pipes; piping; e.g.

pipe; tube; Radical555;

to pull; to tug; to lead a horse; Radical815;

tui Joyous; (lake);

tui Joyous, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

tumor; tumors; e.g.

DEE _ Therapeutic Removing Tumors, also see: 6tComputer;

Gene Therapy System, using Our Earth Based Tumor Remover, to remove tumors (dataset of ????? tumors) ... ;

lesion, a.k.a. abnormal-spot; Also see: Oncological Dx;

tumor marker (biomarker), found in blood, tissue, and urine; presence of cancer diseases can be detected because of tumor marker; Also see: MD; Specialties ON; Remark: in common, if FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin),  Dx tumor markers exist or not;

bio marker, cell marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing (e.g. Green Default);

tune; tuner; tuners; tuning; e.g.

dish tuner;

investigate; meter; musical key; prepare; tone; tune; writing style; Radical611;

tuner     tuner; e.g. kuru kuru WHILE sharing resource's (..♯) ... ; also see: bury; embedded; Radical693;

( kyoku Tune, kyoku Tune, kyoku Tune, kyoku Tune) ... ;

tuple; e.g.

RDBMS; tuple (RDBMS' finite ordered list of elements), also see: entity, object, ... ;

(column, layer, row, surface (NCS, PCS, ZCS), Z-index) ... ;
(column, layer, row, surface (NCS, PCS, ZCS), Z-index) ... ; Gene Therapy System, and 10 dimensional (2*5) is a part of ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)), and well trained kids! have already learnt THAT (5,6,7) are variations ((reversed yellowish variation, yellowish variation), and yellowish variations EXIST on human being livable moons in our universes ... ), and very very unique 2 based, and this DOMAIN reserves (2*6) and (2*7) dimensions for you ... e.g. 5D;

(column, layer, row, surface) i.e. 4D;

( column, layer, row) i.e. 3D;

( column, row) i.e. 2D;

( 1 way DEE) i.e. 1D; e.g. IFF our earth, (sunrise from the east, sunset to the west) ... ;

RDBMS' finite ordered list of elements i.e. tuple (composite key, foreign key, primary key) ... ;

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (component, device, entity, item, object, part, piece, thing, tuple), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

turbo      turbo ;

turn; turned; turning; turns; e.g.

elapse; turn into; Radical752;

serial number; turn; Radical534;

turn ; ;

turning point; watershed; Radical957;

BF2 Light turquoise, BF2 Turquoise, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

turquoise, also see: aqua;

tortoise; turtle; Radical238, also see: Radicals;

tutor ; ;

TV; e.g.

( TV, TV, TV, TV), a.k.a. Television ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 33234, ccTLD, ... ;

good luck in your SQRT3 development WHICH leads to duo binary ... ; Remark: "duo binary" usage is originally by Japanese multinational provider of Information Technology (IT) NEC (Nippon Electric Corporation, www.nec.co.jp; also see: NEC Online TV, www . n e c .com / en / global / online t v / en / index .html); Also see: Monbusho _level _knowledge _enhancement _3, idea ♯ 262, countless, h a k a r i s h i r e n a i, incalculable, ... ;

humanoid Jiwaka, using (( ... , 8K TV, 4K TV, BRA VIA, ... ), biomarker) to cure, to do therapeutic, also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

Television, a.k.a. TV; TV; Television, a.k.a. TV; Television, a.k.a. TV; e.g. 8K, also see: 1kComputer; e.g. 4K, also see: 6kComputer; Television, a.k.a. TV; TV      TV;

this DOMAIN recommends (4K, 8K) TV, because NOT ONLY heart rate, BUT ALSO very detail images of blood flow, organs, ... ; (without vision, OEM never manufacture display), therefore, don't do sex in front of TV;

tweeter ;

  twelve a.k.a. 12 a.k.a. XII ;

20; twenty; Radical64;

twenty ;

twice; e.g.

again; second time; twice; Radical591;

twice     twice     twice;

twill      twill ;

determined; pinch; twist; wring;

two; 2; e.g.

n i , also see: Number;

(( one, the only entity), ( halves (plural Usage), a.k.a. one half (singular Usage)), ( minus one, a.k.a. negative one), ( two, two), ( actually express, a.k.a. denoting is intended to be, a.k.a. indicated), ( one part of three equal parts, one third), ( a quarter, a.k.a. one-fourth, a.k.a. 1 out of four equal parts of the entity)), also see: Mathematics; Numbers in Computing;

2 months later     2 months later;

Two Sided Handler; Two Sided Handler; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing;

two      two      two      two 2     n i Two ;

B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

champion; magnate; master; tycoon; Radical117;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (t y m p a n a.k.a. eardrum)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

type; TYPE; typed; typing; e.g.

IFF Mobile network : preferred network type : e.g. (G S M, L T E, this DOMAIN, W C D M A) preferred ... ;

kind; sort; type; Radical86, also see: Radicals;

TYPE drive;
TYPE path;
TYPE filename;
e.g. type
drive letter\directory name\file name >PRN
; i.e. to a printer;
e.g. type drive letter\folder name\file name >creating another file name with same contents
; i.e. create a file;

type      type      type ; ;

Typhoon; e.g.

Manmade Global Weather; Weather; Typhoon is storm; unwanted Typhoon;

typical; e.g.

*like; typical; Radical419;


blot; disgrace; dishonor; shame; stain; stigma; taint;
