humanoid Jiwaka, updated in 2024 : December : 6th (Friday) : Orthopedic Dx; Updated on 6 : 12 : 2024 ;

artery; muscle; sinew; tendon; vein; Radical382;

(BMD, bone, bone marrow, Spinal Cord _chiryoyaku Therapeutic) ... , also see: b G T S U;
muscle ... , also see: m G T S U;

Bone ... ;

Bone Formation ... ;

bone; frame; Radical224;

Musculoskeletal ... ;

Orthopedic Dx (bone, muscle) correcting deformities ... , doko WHERE musculoskeletal (bone, muscle) for each (Patient (Pt), person, user) ... ;

jikuhoko Axial   orthopedic          
( two hundred and six ,      
  206 ) bone s ,      
also see : Number ;        
206 bones are with


Kanji :    
      muscle ;          
      sinew ;          
      tendon ;          
Z - Distribution ;          
Origin of Ribcage ;          
inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya _Body ;    
  Limb e.g.              
lower limb ( foot ankle , hip      
, knee , leg , thigh )      
upper limb ( arm , elbow ,      
forearm , shoulder , wrist & hand      
) ;                
  skeleton ;              

("Heat & Neck") is another specialty, regarding (artery; muscle; sinew; tendon; vein; Radical382), ( Bone), (bone; frame; Radical224), ... ;

axial; e.g.

( axial, axial, axial, axial, jikuhoko Axial) ... , also see: Directions; Hexaxial Reference System; Orthopedic Dx;

keibu Cervical; kyobu Thoracic; yotsui Lumbar; senkotsu Sacrum; bikotsu Coccyx; Also see: b G T S U; Physics Law 198;

knee; e.g.

knee .HTML;

ligament; Ligament; e.g.

( jintai Ligament, jintai Ligament) ligament ... ;

movements; e.g.

upper limb . arm . (abduction, adduction) ... ; Remark: easy to remember "AB" Distance;

upper limb . arm . (extension, flexion) folding arm position ... ;

upper limb . arm . (extension, flexion) straight arm position ... ;

upper limb . arm . (finger-and-thumb flexion, finger-and-thumb extension) ... ; doko WHERE "fist" position is called finger-and-thumb flexion, And Then, "slapping" position is called finger-and-thumb extension;

upper limb . arm . fingers' (abduction, adduction) ... ; doko WHERE "AB" Distance of the thumb is called thumb-abduction, if compare to its adduction (without "AB" Distance to the index-finger);

upper limb . arm . (medial (internal), lateral (external)) rotation ... ;

upper limb . arm . (thumb-and-small-finger, thumb-and-ring-finger, thumb-and-middle-finger, thumb-and-index-finger) oppositions ... ;

upper limb . arm . wrist (extension, flexion) ... ; doko WHERE palm's "up" position is called flexion, And Then, palm's "down" position is called extension;

lower limb . leg . foot (ankle eversion, ankle inversion) ... ; doko WHERE anterior sleeping position + straight foot position is called ankle eversion, And Then, turning inside position is called ankle inversion; Remark: regarding (ankle eversion, ankle inversion), NOT posterior position of sleeping;

lower limb . leg . (abduction, adduction) side ... ;

lower limb . leg . (extension, flexion) straight leg walking position by side ... ; like a walk, doko WHERE "front" is called flexion, And Then, "rear" is called extension;

lower limb . leg . foot (dorsal flexion, planar extension) ... ; doko WHERE "up slope alike toe is up" is called dorsal flexion, And Then, "down slope alike toe is down" is called plantar extension;  

lower limb . leg . standing position (extension, flexion) folding leg backward ... ; doko WHERE "folding leg" is called flexion, And Then, still standing ones is called extension;

Reminder: don't forget 120/80, doko WHERE upper limb belongs to 120, And Then, lower limb belongs to 80; ( Blood Pressure Control, Blood Pressure Control, Blood Pressure Control) is very important factor to be healthy ones, to be normal ones, also see: c G T S U;

PF; e.g.

orthopedics ( PF, PF, PF) Plantar Fasciitis, doko WHERE abnormal fasciitis (inflammation of fascia (blood vessels, connected tissues, muscles, nerves)) can be fully Recovery; Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; 4pComputer; p G T S U;

plasma, IFF "blood related ones," after blood sample is withdrawn, ASAP centrifugation ((rotating the blood till Yellow Color prompts), (spinning the blood till Yellow Color prompts)), And Then, Yellow Color centrifuged blood is called plasma; Remark: biomedical usage; e.g. for curing abnormal meniscus of the knee by injection medicine requires Real-time plasma; Also see: Orthopedic Dx;

vitamin K helps a Protein WHICH (is binding, binds, was bound) Calcium to be stronger bones; vitamin K, good for Recovery of (bone fracture, osteoporosis) ... ; vitamin K (blood clotting) WHICH helps the wound heals; vitamin K to produce p r o t h r o m b i n; vitamin K rich foods are carrot, edamame a.k.a. lima bean, fermented soy (Natto), grapes and blueberries, green ones (e.g. broccoli, collard green, kale, spinach, turnip green), okra, roasted cashews (nuts), (soybean oil, olive oil, canola oil); Also see: Sushi;

X-ray Report;
X-ray Report;

beyond 2023, based iro LED : 3D : 3D : (( eiga Film, eiga Film, eiga Film, eiga Film) film, Print, Printer, printing) based colorful Digital ("paperless") RDBMS medical imaging, e.g. colorful 3D Medical Imaging As File, And Then, 3D X-ray Report would be this DOMAIN 's World 1st medical ... (Also see: MD) And Then, the most advance (support, supporting) to Orthopedic (Surgeon, Surgery) doko WHERE mm scaled high precision vision ... via ( ... , 8K TV, 4K TV, i.e. ZCS based), And Then, a "Tarzan" notices & realizes & understands THAT animals know their own groups by (lights + visions) like bone's (cells, genes) know each other in (DNA Origami, Nanobot Programming), sealing "not-to-be" bleeding, ... ; radiological department's x-ray report can indicate whether the defined bone is normal or abnormal; k e i r y o Lightweight based (Invisibilities, Invisibility) design model, because light (s) can go through ... 60% Water of our bodies (Hard, Soft) doko WHERE 60% water behaves like soft, ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We like to be World's 1st Medical Imaging inventors (e.g. Real-time 3D 4K TV Display, Real-time 3D 8K TV Display, ... ) sir, so quiz would be: How to measure light's weight?

I replied: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: Processor ("size-by-size") i.e. hole Method, on the other hand, Anti-Earthquake i.e. string Method, and don't forget 2 is very very unique in many ways ... ; by the way, 2 circles exist inside of English Language (EN) language ("sixty") ... and their sizes are not the same, so don't change; Reminder: whenever you see 2 circles are next to each other, and their sizes are not the same, i.e. similar to one of the human beings livable moons' 2 Sun refreshing momentum believe IT or NOT; (a "Tarzan") 's imaginary i.e. ( Nitrogen, Nitrogen Based _Virus, nitrogen NMR), created during biomedical war (battling unwanted Nitrogen based COVID-19 pandemic worldwide (2019-2020-2021)), but ( active, alive) orthopedic bones seem Red Color ones (i.e. unlike dead bones (Silver Color ones)) in addition to our bones need Air; Can you create a picture called "chiryoyaku Therapeutic Orthopedic? Remark: based on "Air" and just change its color code;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy, so chiryoyaku Therapeutic Orthopedic, because lights goes through our bodies sir;

I wrote: a "Tarzan" wonders i.e. doshite Why well trained kids are not using (Red Color, Silver Color), OH!! OH!! (Umm!! Hmm!! without "Red" H) our earth . 78% Nitrogen in the air, also see: DNA _Origami;

beam (e.g. X-ray); Also see: x Character;

Reminder: regarding this DOMAIN 's one of the contents (Orthopedic Dx), consult to your MD ... because, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has not earned any (biological, biomedical, biophysical, pathological, pharmaceutical, radiological) related degree as of 2023 ... ;

I wrote: in English (EN) language, happenstance written e.g. "consult to your MD," and I didn't write "chatted with medical doctor," "conversation with MD," "debate to MD," "discuss with MD," ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!!  phonetics ("con + saw"), ("corn + salt") similarity sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids become knowing of aesthetics, also see: philosophy;

Remark: in addition to the above info ( happenstance written) in ACT1 level, if you're in (ACT3 level, ACT2 level) imaginary hyperspace, And Then, Physics Law 1024, Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) can replace good gene (orthopedic cells) during Dx, Rx, Tx, ... , i.e. HOW 300+ years of life expectancy in 2nd life, 3rd life, ... ;

Also see: Cardiovascular Dx;

Also see: Dx;

Also see: Oncological Dx;

Also see: Orthopedic Dx;

Also see: Referenced Books;
