; New Year Day of the year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2022 :
April :
17 (Sunday) : Updated : c
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8 consciousnesses ( 1 for each of the 5 senses;
consciousness of the mind; self-consciousness and store consciousness )
in Sanskrit, mental factors a.k.a.
caitasika, caitika,
in Tibetan, mental factors a.k.a. semjung,
sems byung);
Also see: Idea
Processor, cause-to-citta, a.k.a. cause-to-nama
(form): 52 (13, 14, 25), ... ;
cakka, a.k.a. Shakya; Also see: Swastika;
walking meditation;
; c a n k a m a walk, walking up and down;
v i j j ā c a r a ṇ a (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);
Cariyā pitaka, Modes of conduct; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; 5.*
carya, austerity;
c a t u p ā r i s u d d h i s ī l a, 4 fold purification morality; Also see: s ī l a;
C a t u m m a h ā r ā j i k a; T ā v a t i m s a; T u s i t a; N i m m ā n a r a t i; P a r a n i m m i t t a V a s a t t i; Y ā m a; a.k.a. 6 heavenly ones, also see: l o k a;
human beings livable moons, Body Length Index (
BLI) automatic adjustment begins
... , e.g.
Gene Therapy System
to be computing, to compute, ... , (this DOMAIN), (this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace craft), computational for each human beings livable moon, ... (e.g. 5 mm yellowish variation diff Distance, e.g. 5 mm yellowish variation diff growth rate (BF2), ... ) Remember: Shakya King owns all human beings livable moons in our universes ... , also see: Computers;
c a t u r ā r a k k h a kamma ṭ ṭ h ā n a, 4 protective meditations;
cetana, volition that generates dāna; also see: kusala akusala cetanā;
c e t a s i k a, mental state;
Cetiyanganavasaka Dhammacariya, academic degree in Pali; also see: \..\..\..\ Monastery \ M e t t a n a n d a \ About;
approx. 10 years to earn the Cetiyanganavasaka Dhammacariya degree;
c e t o p a r i y a ñ ā ṇ a, penetrating to others' minds; v i j j ā c a r a ṇ a (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);
e.g. monks' computer system program is smarter than common ones, e.g. religion is truly penetrating, e.g. without capturing others' systems with defined RFC and protocols, e.g. without magical convincing, e.g. without media propaganda;
c e t o v i m u t t i, freedom of mind, p a n n a v i m u t t i, freedom of wisdom; c e t o v i m u t t i, freedom of the mind, v i m u t t a, liberated; Also see: S a t i p a t t h a n a meditation;
Chabyaputta, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
c h a n d a, will; Also see: i d d h i p ā d a, 4 means of accomplishment;
chandā-dhipati, ambition; ambition, moral courage, willpower, and reasoning power are 4 factors of accomplishments, prior to 3 types of sīla; visudhimagga classifies sīla into 3 types as hīna-sīla, majjhima-sīla, and panita-sīla;
fragrant C h a n d a n a tree, in E r a n d a forest;
C h a p ā n a s u t t a;
C h u g u j i Temple; Pensive Bodhisattva;
c i r a ṁ t i ṭ ṭ h a t u s a d d h a m m o, true dhamma (a.k.a. dharma) prevails for long period of time;
cintā-maya-ñāna, a
kind of knowledge, WHO gained from logical thinking;
durable concentration, one of the 5 benefits of cankama;
citta, thought; Also see: i d d h i p ā d a, 4 means of accomplishment;
thoughts, 2nd object yogi will observe WHEN meditating;
also see:
bodhi + citta, aka mind of
awakening, aka awakened mind [Joyful
Wisdom; 2009];
citta and c e t a s i k a;
citta b h a v a n a, development of the mind;
citta niyāma, order of mind or psychic law, for example:
processes of consciousness aka citta vithi power of
mind; also see: order 4. of niyāma
CITTA V A G G A; also see: v a g g a;
citta v i s u d d h i, consciousness purification; citta v i s u d d h i, purification of mind; Also see: S a t i p a t t h a n a meditation;
citta vithi, processes of consciousness; also see: citta niyāma;
citta v i v e k a, mental separation from passions; also see: v i v e k a;
cittā-dhipati, willpower; ambition, moral courage, willpower, and reasoning power are 4 factors of accomplishments, prior to 3 types of sīla; visudhimagga classifies sīla into 3 types as hīna-sīla, majjhima-sīla, and panita-sīla;
awareness of mind; 1st to understand bhāvanā-maya-ñāna;
cittānupassanā, a.k.a. cittā-nupassanā; cittānupassanā, contemplation of thoughts;
4 foundations of mindfulness (kāyānupassanā, vedanānupassanā, cittānupassanā, dhammanupassanā); also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, B o d h i p a k k h i y a d h a m m a = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;
c i t t a s s e k a g g a t a, unification of mind;
M a h ā y ā n a j ā t a k a citta b h ū m i p a r ī k ṣ a s ū t r a;
s a m a citta s u t t a;
citta things (a.k.a. "cittazayok")
means adding (1 citta, 19
cause-to-citta) to be together,
also see: Idea
cittruttāsa-bhaya, living in fear;
cittutrāsa-bhaya, fearful mental state, also see: 3 kinds of bhaya;
M a h ā a s s a p u r a s u t t a; C ū ḷ a a s s a p u r a s u t t a;
c ū ḷ a d u k k h a k k h a n d h a s u t t a;
V i n a y a, C ū ḷ a v a g g a;
c ū ḷ a m ā l u n k y a s u t a n t a;
c ū ḷ a s a c c a k a s u t t a;
Culla-Vyūha and Maha-Vyūha sutta;
cullavagga pali, aka shorter section, aka khandaka part II, one of the discipline books for monks and nuns;
Cunda, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm; C u n d ī s u t t a;
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