; ; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : 2 : 3 : Physics Law 131 ;

(law 131) : Auto Grow;

I wrote: hint to well trained kids!! i.e. reversed engineering (Method, Procedure, Technique) e.g. WHEN you see through ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) 2 eyes are forming naturally && automatically, think of two (1mm gravity spots) embedded inside of GPS since approx. 2007 (with ACTION Keyword), and there must be one USB light line between those 2 spots; Should I write another physics law? e.g. our human beings' brain (Left, Right) happen because of Auto Grow, because one USB light line between those 2 spots;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We don't confuse with 2 choroids plexuses (within the Walls of capillaries for Nanobots (Artery red ones, Vein blue ones) capillaries (ventricles), producing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) sir; (Left Cerebellum + one USB light line + Right Cerebellum) doko WHERE the one USB light line obeys Surface (by sizes) in SESSIONS sir;

I wrote: Excellent!! well trained kids!! be world's smartest Nanobot Programming programmers (Small Band), be world's smartest Anti-Earthquake programmers (Big Band); OH+ OH+ don't forget its ( speed, speed, speed), because I've NOT taught Comet Method yet;

Auto Grow; I wrote: I question to myself that HOW 2 eyes are related to "Big Band" like TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (2024 April 8) ? 1st. I highlighted "Auto Grow" with Blue Color, because TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE happens naturally in day time; 2nd. since I've been R&D wondering (100 day (counted as (31+29+31+8) And Then Plus One), 100 minute) and still cannot prove yet; 3rd. immediately after 01/01/2024, I've created Japanese . Syllabary . HTML, for defining "normal Yellowish Variation" with good reasons e.g. heat and light are at the same location (our earth only), but in winter time (northern hemisphere of our earth), those onsen (s) attract light, doko WHERE directional gravity spots are causing naturally disasters, so reversed engineering design model has been applied e.g. from NORTH to SOUTH, in winter time period, doko WHERE onsen (s) exist, esp. in Japan and Taiwan, yellow LED lighting from NORTH to SOUTH is recommended; Also see: Action; avoiding Earthquake in Japan and Taiwan; Distance; Parameter; Time; Hmm!! Umm!! our earth blinks also;

(( 1mmHoleBy24mmNaturalTimeACT1ACT2ACT3), ( 3, Myanmar _THREE, Three)), also see: Anti-Earthquake; Physics Law 131; 3; Remark: (100 day (e.g. from 01/01/2024 to April 8, 2024), 100 minute (e.g. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE)) as "blinking" string (doko WHERE 1mm Hole may prompt directional gravity spot as (pressure));

I wrote: for protecting the (hole, Hole) e.g., protect the color code, WHAT should we do?

well trained kids!! replied: since (Explicit, Specify) directional gravity spots are related to lights, ware ware We'll fetch (iroColourWaveForm, iro LED) Lights As String sir;

I wrote: so desu n a l (that's right); We need (a proof, to prove) i.e. avoiding earthquakes in the defined regions (our earth), that leads to Manmade Global Weather, believe IT or NOT, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, and Tarzans are Tarzan;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We should (deploy, implement) functional yellow LED lightings from NORTH to SOUTH next to each onsen ASAP, esp. in winter time period sir;

I wrote: Yes. you should, if you're Japanese and Taiwanese; don't forget to be with your own Anti-Earthquake system .  .  .  .  . ; a "Tarzan" Rakhine American way of thinking would be: very very big directional gravity spots happened by 01/01/2024 (because of light, OH!! OH!! those heats attract lights), exactly 100 days after, 100 minutes of 2 eyes are blinking; I believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, .  .  .  .  . ; Reminder: long long time ago, I said that our earth's sun as the biggest gravity spot; so this webpage's "Auto Grow" should be realized & understood;

well trained kids!! replied: blinked 2 times, Hmm!! Umm!! blinking;

I wrote: I've one more quiz (regarding "Auto Grow"), i.e. regarding Gene Therapy System (eye, eyes) index, the peoples who were born (during 100 days of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (50 days prior + 50 days after)), are they left-eye-index persons OR right-eye-index person?

well trained replied: Hmm!! Umm!! they're left-eye-index persons sir;

I wrote: of course; I've many reasons;

Auto Grow; I F F (our earth), bio cell ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

( airborne, airborne, airborne) e.g. Airborne Anti Virus;

I F F 2 eyes only, i.e. Default (our earth) ... ;
I F F (3,4,5) eyes forming naturally, it means closer to the sun;

Remark: "Auto Grow" is with Water; in 3,4 dimensional, we've to classify with water, or without water;

Cold _or _Hot _Universally; (108 x 108) dimensional; within our Solar System only (2,3 directional) ... ; apply BLINK momentum (If and only if (I F F) location is our earth) ... ; Remark: ACT2 level imaginary hyper space knowledge based;

Mussel _v s _Scallop; Also see: Schematic Dimensional;

solar sail; solar sailed; solar sailing;

plasma cluster Sensor, also see: Physics Law 178, plasma cluster Sensor, ... ;

well trained kids! replied: may we realize and understand WHAT is the different between Auto Grow and Mussel _v s _Scallop sir ?

I wrote: the diff is environmental and structural; accordance with Buddhism's documentation, regarding 31 realms of beings in samsara, life expectancy (Time) period may vary; (harder or softer) hada Skin may also vary depending upon HOW far away in Distance space e.g. 5 mm yellowish distance, e.g. 10 mm yellowish distance, ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHY 2 eyes happen naturally sir ?

I wrote: we need to realize and understand 2 moons are on a same orbit, and we need to realize & understand parallel moon waves are coming naturally, And Then, think that parallel moon waves are strings, because of naturally coming, there must be holes form naturally also, remember 2 is very very unique in many ways (hole, string), also see: Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;

Remark: human beings (cloning, grafting), rebuilding back to normal, regenerating to be alive again, restructuring to be normal again, zombie (i n g) from dead to alive, ... , started since 1990s ... ;

I wrote: I learnt from NHK news stated THAT we've 36 billions cells alive to be a human beings, and regarding (band, callout (cloud, oval, rounded rectangular), curve, DEE As String, diamond, down arrow, five point star ( 72), four point star, Energy-In-Way, hexagon, left arrow, line, oval, pentagon, polygon, rectangle, right arrow, right triangle ( 45), rounded rectangle, six point star ( 60), triangle, up arrow, wave (e.g. tidal waves), ... ) in Graphics, WHICH one would you like to choose WHILE programming Auto Grow 's lower (Ref., Val.) for your imaginary hyper space environments ?

well trained kids! replied: we'll choose 1/2 hexagon like I CHING 's algorithm sir;

I wrote: regarding 3x3 GUI, 4x4 GUI, WHICH Algorithm would you like to choose to (mark, map, note, tag) WHEN programming directional and numerological ?

well trained kids! replied: we'll choose Lo Shu, and Sudoku sir;

I wrote: may I know WHAT are your approx. dimensional, regarding Lo Shu and Sudoku ?

well trained kids! replied: Lo Shu seems graphical 20-23, if compare to Sudoku seems graphical (5,6,7) sir;

I wrote: did you use my 2000 design model C Sequence Number, for remote heat sensing, regarding 3x3 GUI, 4x4 GUI ?

well trained kids! replied: Yes! we've copied IT already sir ;

I wrote: HOW to implement functional "slow down time period" R&D, regarding (B L I, growth rate) for each human beings livable moon ?

well trained kids! replied: camcorder a.k.a. video recorder's slowly retrospective replay way sir ;

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids! are very very smart ones already, i.e. goody good; sure do!!; Oh! Oh! I've a quiz i.e. is this (Auto Grow) with Water, or without Water ?

well trained kids! replied: with Water sir ;

Zero Curvature Surface : for each Z C S, using : e.g. (( c/s (coefficient √FM cycle per second)), ( Hz (coefficient √FM Hertz))) : e.g. input noise, noise floor, noise on a surface, ... ;



Aero ;        
      D C S D D ;        
      plasma cluster Sensor ;    

; ; ; with Water, kuru kuru WHILE (Auto Grow) ... , think of Idea Processor 's aroma, odor, scent, and smell (1&1), nioi Smelling (1&1); Radical646, ... ; Remember: in sasana calendar 2564, Gregorian calendar 2020, plasma cluster Sensor is designed & modelled for good wills purpose, to do good Action ... ; Also see: PHYSICS;

Origin of 2 Eyes form naturally, because of 3 parallel moon waves, mochiron of course with Water; Also see: Physics Law 789 ... ;

Automatic; e.g.

jido Automatic     jido Automatic     jido Automatic; Also see: a Character; j Usage;

crayon; e.g.

( crayon, crayon, crayon, crayon, kureyon Crayon) ... ;

I wrote: accordance with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, if I need to define ((heterodyning (moon waves) imaginary hyper space), (non-heterodyning (moon waves) imaginary hyper space)), for each ("Auto Grow"), inside of our imaginary hyperspace crafts (directional gravity spots), HOW would you crayon the ("Auto Grow") ? Remark: 2 is very very unique in many ways ... ;

well trained kids! replied: very very easy sir, i.e. Auto Grow With Heat; Remark: our guess: 2, 2 to the power of hair grow toward the ("Red Color") directions, and in our labs, hair never grow toward the ("Black Color") directions, and we still don't know HOW to solve (your home work assignment) BLI automatic adjustment project on the human beings livable moons; ware ware We (Nanobot Programmers) do R&D on bamboo stem growth rates, along with Water, but still can't solve WHAT makes BLI diff ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course;


directional green, also see: Physics Law 136, ... ;

Nanobot Programmer; e.g.

Nanobot Programmer, also see: DNA _Origami;

( shigeki Stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, Stimulate) ... ;

structural Amino Acids (4D, 5D) doko WHERE 5 Proteins bound are ... ; Remark: 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, because easy to understand and step-by-step explanation of (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) HOW ... ;

sunlight; Also see: Physics Law 106, our earth's sunlight (4, 5, 6) ... ; Remark: our earth is one of the human beings livable moons in our universes; suingu Swing-by Gravity Time 's "right side" should be considered as moonlight; for each human beings livable moon, the biggest gravity spot (ones) should be considered as sunlight;

ware ware We've to be immuned ones to survive ... ; since the ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ virus is transported by air (airborne), antiviral medicine must be airborne also (e.g. air-to-air missile alike, airborne antiviral medicine to the ꌁvirus COVID-19ꌁ);

Gene Therapy System; Also see: DNA _Origami;

leading 3 naturally; Also see: Physics Law 170 ... ;

Auto Grow; Also see: Physics Law 131 ... ;

origin of branching factor; origin of brunching factor; Also see: Physics Law 82 ... ;

