
ware ware We (ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar (Burma)) have civilization gap problems, e.g. 1st. do you have foods to survive? 2nd. do you have long pants to wear (if male kind)? 3rd. do you have electricity at your living space? 4th. do you have medicines to maintain your average life expectancy? 5th. do you have proper education (proper education means Specifications of Products, in addition to applying your degrees!!; Also see: Reforming Myanmar 80. (be presentable, be acceptable) by other peoples) to be knowledge based generations? 6th. do you have rights (civil rights, human rights, land-use rights, voting rights)? Suggestion: try to be "properly civilize" try to solve the questions 1-6; be constructive ones, and don't be destructive ones;

since 2025 January 9th (Sunday), this webpage (Arakan .HTML) has been created with Encoding: UTF-8 with BOM, as a part of Files in this DOMAIN 's web contents; this webpage (Arakan .HTML) located at \Buddha\Referral\ among Directories in this DOMAIN 's web contents ... ;

in numerological "Arakan" is (191215);
in numerological "Arakan" is

Remark: "Arakan" is better name than "Rakhine"; English language and its language code EN has been (meaningful, very smart, wise) WHAT kind of name to be (used, using) for centuries; in Union of Myanmar language, "Eng" means "truly yes" + "g a" means " 's " + "l i s h" sounds similar to "late" (roll) so maps were used long long time ago, and still valid in 21st century & beyond ... linguistically;

Remark: regarding "language usage," it is good to use, proper to be using originally English (British) definition i.e. "Arakan" ... ;

in Union of Myanmar, 'Arakan' in English (EN) language, a.k.a. transcript usage Rakhine;
in Union of Myanmar (Independent since 1948) but NOT really independent yet till 2025;

in rekishi History (World History), since 2025, European Union nations officially have (fully pledged embargoed, fully pledged sanctioned) China; since 2020s, USA-China Trade War has been until 20?? and winner is not known yet by 2025; Arakan Army (a.k.a. A A) has been established with 30,000+ active members in 2019, i.e. for demolishing military dictators' systems officially & globally;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw supports all (ethnic tribes + "B a m a" civilians) in Union of Myanmar; Reminder: don't be captive ones, because "killings" continue ... ;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has created humanoids, And Then, recommended humanoids for killing military dictators worldwide (our earth), a part of 200,000,000.98 killing projects in our earth;

ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War

this DOMAIN developer has assigned to hikite Handle ("Space . War") ;
this DOMAIN developer has assigned to hikite Handle ("Space . War") ;
this DOMAIN developer is a volunteer for supporting (Domain Name: .us), a.k.a.
United States of America, regarding ( "Space . War") ; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML ;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has designed & modeled Anti-Earthquake, intentionally ("3,4 dimensional") for Japan and Taiwan, e.g. avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has set World War 3 Ready Mode (Military War, Space War) since 2025;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw ("a.k.a. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American") has been a member of AAA since 2025;

if Blah Blah Blah "talking" without guns, cannot implement democracy and democratic way of managing a nation, and a good example would be: in USA, problem of "shootings at schools, by military dictators' counter persons" has been solved by allowing teachers (with license & training) to carry guns on campus, so legally 10+ teachers with guns can shoot-down illegal shooters; therefore, this DOMAIN recommends all ethnic tribes should have own guns, for shooting-down illegal military dictators' counter persons; this DOMAIN 's guns, also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War (webpage as gun); this DOMAIN doesn't allow (China, Russia) radio in Indian Ocean; this DOMAIN protects the USA by colour codes;

this DOMAIN supports democratic nations in Asia Radical383 (e.g. India, Japan (Japanese, NIPPON), Taiwan (Taiwanese (Chinese)), South Korea), so since 2025, World War 3 Ready Mode has been set intentionally (Biomedical War, Cyber War, Military War, Satellite War, Space War) for demolishing entire ("defined dictators, defined Domain Name, defined nation") military within 2+ weeks;

"B a m a" people, majority (population wise) of the peoples in Union of Myanmar have been under military dictatorship systems (several kings of Asia and his royal families support military dictatorship systems with many good reasons, very basic quiz would be (e.g. do you have your own medicine? e.g. do you have your family own products? e.g. do you have your own fabric garment manufacturing factory?), and remember our earth is not simple like WHAT I think) since 1948 Independent Day to the present 2020s nowadays, e.g. military coup after military coups, and every 20+ years flag changed in 20th century;

Chin State and Rakhine State had been the least developing states in Union of Myanmar (remember: don't blame on "B a m a," blame on yourself concerning world's least developing states), under "B a m a" military dictatorship systems (1948-2025), and Arakan Army with 30,000.98 active members should reform your own (identity, nation, state) in your own constructive ways; Reminder: don't blame on "B a m a," blame on yourself if you're ethnic tribes in Myanmar (Burma);

I've lived in the USA for approx. 35+ years (by the year 2025), and I've noticed (Chin and Rakhine) peoples very rarely come to "B a m a" peoples' monasteries in USA; maybe (Chin and Rakhine) peoples are (afraid of, scare of)  "B a m a"  military dictators behind (starting from all prisons' heads are "B a m a" kind in USA), e.g. WHEN (dharma ceremony, festival) events exist, I invite my DNA mismatched siblings (brothers and sisters), to WHOM rarely come and participate, i.e. based on "TRUE STORY" ;

this DOMAIN supports democracy and democratic way of managing all nations in our earth, with knowing "all" cannot be defined; Remark: nowadays, very very very advanced system architects are programming .  .  . "50" , 1/2 Way, ... only .  .  . ; Hmm!! Umm!! 90 degree to the USB design model;

this DOMAIN recommends humanoids for demolishing unknown military dictators' illegal ICBM (s), within a few minutes, kuru kuru WHILE flying in sky (our earth); Remark: military grade Rainbow Method in WORMHOLE Way has been programmed since 2024;

You (Arakan) should be aware of counter peoples of other nations, e.g. military dictators sold your natural resource (Natural Gas) to China; believe IT or NOT, in my life, I've never bad rumouring against military dictators because I (notice, realize, understand) THAT "military dictators" mean NOT alone (think e.g. military dictators mean big gangsters alike, and very deeply rooted by generations-by-generation); I've never involved in any party for any reason either, because I don't like to deal with (counter persons, informants, security persons, spy persons, undercover agents);

You (Arakan) should be aware of counter peoples of other nations, e.g. military dictators sold coastal fishing area in Indian Ocean to Thailand; many other examples remain "NOT written here," so don't think THAT military dictators easily give-up and reforms the ways public civilians like, because it has been generations-by-generations already; Remark: several kings involved in military dictatorship systems behind, military generals mean their (the kings') commands (executors, followers);

You (Arakan) should be aware of (child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched ones) like my six siblings, a proof of human rights violation in World History; notice, realize, and understand THAT "wrong-after-wrong" for decades should be corrected & rescued (e.g. I've been rescued by the Shakya King for sure), because many hidden (enemies, foes) are unknown ones;

You (Arakan) should practice metta (loving kindness), e.g. if you're truly powerful by Gene Therapy System, Idea Processor System, language (English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, Pali) learning (e.g. Mini Dictionary) system, Manmade Global Weather, Satellite systems, ... , And Then, you (Arakan) should do good ACTION (s) ... e.g. after reading this DOMAIN 's web contents, Do-IT-Yourself (DIY) projects should begin ... And Then, compare IT, copy IT, share IT, Similarity to IT, ... And Then, you'll be your own for sure ... ; Remark: don't forget THAT a combination of (items, objects, parts, things) is called ("system" , "System" , "SYSTEM"); so, be with your own Arakan systems ... ;

You (Arakan) should discipline yourself, e.g. I like rice liquor ('sake' in Japanese; "sa" means ("beginning" , "initializing") in Myanmar language; "ke" means "outspoken-and-dancing with loved ones" in Myanmar language, so very meaningful "sake" in Japanese; OH+ OH+ I use "sake" for chicken streamed recipe also) but NOT everyday drinking (Alcohol) liquors, and once-a-week should be the most WHEN I was young (age < 55 years), because discipline self is the way to be healthy ones;

Remark: I need to exchange my systems, for collecting beheaded ones (using Ninja grinders for (enemies' , foes' ) brains to be grinded for sure), for killings continue (approx. 182,000,000.98 to complete the civilizations-changing projects), for deploying an-eye-for-all-eyes military tactic (beyond hates and bashings), and so on ... very large scale e.g. democratic ways of managing nations vs. military dictators' ways of managing nations, so be ready for Biomedical War, Cyber War, Military War, Satellite War, Space War, Trade War, ... ; since 1999, samsara machine ( PHYSICS) has been for life-after-life but I need only good peoples, and I don't need military generals since humanoids are reliable; so be good ones, if you're Arakan, and don't forget that we've civilization gap problems;

You (Arakan) should be aware of counter peoples of "B a m a" kingdom, e.g. to be military officials (military officer cadet trainees), you must have internal clearance by N a G a D a w O o (the origin of "B a m a" kingdom's female kind (Origin of Flower Basket)); Remark: the kings (male kind) truly don't like (Na G a D a w O o (Origin of Flower Basket) kind because internally "foods become risky" but monks like them; if you don't know, and never heard of it " the name N a G a D a w O o " before; I surprise and wonder, why "B a m a" kingdom's 2nd generations, 3rd generations, ... are working for NHK news in Japan; I surprise and wonder Arakan families are working for VOA (Voice of America) by generations-by-generations; I surprise and wonder Chin ethnic tribes'  families are working for (CIA + Pentagon) in USA by generations-by-generations; so you (Arakan) should be aware of whether

shorui Dossier kind (arranged marriage ones are in common because royal families mean 10000+ times healthier, higher living standard, and wealthier than commoners),

Dragon (the Shakya King's seal "h a n k o" stamp) kind,

falsified kind (e.g. bank owners are with Social Security assistant),

falsified kind (e.g. child-swapped ones, ID Thefts),

falsified kind (in common, undercover agents are falsified ones with multi ID (s)),

Flower Basket kind (for positions, for ranks, for scholarships),

Flower Basket kind (since 2000s, capturing alive began by "whore buildings" for bio parts),

grant awarded kind (don't be jealous, grant means NOT for commoners, and judged by the kings),

hassle kind (including bad rumouring, cursing, yelling),

Hidden Camera kind,

House maid kind,

HOW to design directional gravity spots kind (in common, military top secret),

HOW to design lights kind (in common, thieves are coming for bypassing R&D cost),

individual breaks though kind (don't be jealous, if New Algorithm, if New Formularies),

individual Lotto Winner kind (don't be jealous to the God blessed ones),

inherited kind (don't be jealous, if dealing with inherited ones),

"medicine exchange" kind,

LION Symbol kind,

Mobile Cell Phone call kind (via hub and local host),

Mobile Cell Phone call kind (bypassing hub and local host),

"NOT you" military tactic kind (in common, employments never start),

prepaid (manhunt, woman hunt) kind (e.g. get paid 300+ US Dollar per month for foods to sex),

professionally cheated kind (who receives questions prior to exams),

remedial (classes, courses) required kind (i.e. academic usage e.g. during 1995-1997, I was taken remedial (classes, courses) required by Dean of the School),

remedial (classes, courses) required kind (Remark: don't be shy, if you're a "Tarzan"  like me),

Tiger kind,

Time Gained kind (e.g. 98+ years old Shakya King is look alike 22+ years old),

Time Lost kind (e.g. 4+ years old ones become 60+ years old look alike),

Slave kind,

Snake kind,

Special trained geisha kind (well manner),

the worst kind (e.g. (child, children) hunter ones),

this DOMAIN developer kind is the worst kind (e.g. 200,000,000.98 (enemies, foes) must be killed, if "captured terrorists" I like to eat the terrorists as hotdog + soda for sure),

try to be good as much as you can i.e. a kind for constructive good wills,

vandalizing kind (i.e. non-constructive kind, very bad destructive ones),

WHAT is your rank (in common, military & armed forces practice) kind,

whore lover kind ((handicap ones, single seniors, ugly ones) need whore for sure),

wrong way kind (in common, Recovery by rescue Action (s)) e.g. my childhood loved ones were in wrong ways so they need to be rescued,

wrong way kind (since 1948's Independent Day, "B a m a" kind has been (not correct, not proper) ways, e.g. world's one of the least developing nations in our earth, e.g. civilization gap problems exist in Union of Myanmar (Burma), e.g. dealing with dead bodies manually in 21st century),

"you (female kind) can't say "NO" to him if he asks for a date" (already deployed & implemented & continue on human beings liveable moons (except our earth)) kind,

"you're not allowed next to be the genius ones" because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER kind (similar to shorui Dossier kind),

you should have your own kinds (no Blah, Blah, Blah, in common),

Zen monks'  kind (e.g. with metta (loving kindness) to everyone) so mountains are mountain, rivers are river, "Tarzan" are "Tarzans" and if you do good kharma actions, good results will,

 ... ;

Reminder: the kings'  house maids are richer than 5+ millions USD Level, believe IT or NOT, if lower ones e.g. without having 5+ million USD assets then the kings never hire as house maids; so you (Arakan) should be aware of ... and don't underestimate military dictators ... ;

You (Arakan) should be aware of counter peoples of other nations, e.g.  "B a m a"  military dictators TO WHOM you should be selected ones to be in medical schools; don't be scare e.g. 5+ persons must be killed by the selected doctor; dental schools are only for "B a m a" villagers kind, and if you're ethnic tribes, you should be afraid of professional "B a m a" dentists; divide-and-rule military tactics (e.g. ethnic tribes are NOT allowed to attend dental schools) work very well in Union of Myanmar (Burma);

You (Arakan) should be aware of counter peoples of other nations, e.g.  "B a m a"  military dictators sold female virgins to Jewish Israel nation, a.k.a. "Origin of Flower Basket" by "Na G a D a w O o"; Remark: kings don't like "Na G a D a w O o" kind, because "sold-out" ones are very dangerous for both sides (Eastern Civilization, Western Civilization); in western civilization, commoners say that "nothing good will be if dealing whore" ... ; this DOMAIN developer still doesn't understand HOW (diesel power, gasoline power, jet fuel) arrive and available to use in Union of Myanmar, e.g. some young (female, women) be sold to Middle East nations by "Na G a D a w O o" in very wrong ways; after knowing internal links of "B a m a" military dictators and Israel; Suggestion: if you're "Arakan," don't be against Israel because Jewish controls USA by assets, banking, biochemical, biomedical, financials, technologies, ... ; Jewish peoples are very similar to Muslin peoples e.g. they don't eat other peoples' foods, they don't drink rice liquor, ... ;

you (Arakan) should be aware of NFC IoT devices, including Mobile PHONE, doko WHERE Remote Nama Reading RDBMS begins ... ;

You (Arakan) should be aware of Thailand and Thai peoples WHO hate "B a m a" too much internally and externally worldwide, e.g. at least once-a-week, (condemning, bashing) article against "B a m a" in Bangkok Post newspaper for several decades already;

You (Arakan) should be aware of Thailand and Thai peoples WHO hate "B a m a" too much historically, internally and externally worldwide, e.g. approx. 5,000,000.98 Union of Myanmar citizens As Refugee, in Thailand, since 2019 military coup by military dictators; humanoid Global Military General requests to the Shakya King, i.e. please don't dispatch any "Thai" related peoples to my Primary Home, because my revenge would be very huge and un-protect-able (Manmade Global Weather is not a joke), and I'm still trying to be good ones;

You (Arakan) should be aware of the worst kind, e.g. Buddhist peoples by religion seem with metta (loving kindness) but, but, but, but, but, 5 precepts if I measure (Buddhist "B a m a" vs. Buddhist Thai) e.g. (alcohol drinking continues, intoxicated drugs continue), e.g. killings continue, e.g. sexually misconducts exist, e.g. stealing (fishing area in Indian Ocean) continues, e.g. TRUE LIES exist; Suggestion: give a free smile to anyone, get a nice reflection in common; try to keep 5 precepts (Sila) as much as you can;

You (Arakan) should be aware of undercover agents WHO search your Automotive, Computers, kadosei Mobility, Office, Primary Home, work place, ... ; if you're (Arakan a.k.a. Rakhine) undercover agents, be constructive, don't be destructive, and nowadays because of insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, the Shakya King's punishments are severe, so be constructive, don't be destructive WHEN performing your undercover agent duties;

You (Arakan) should practise Distribution of land-use right yourselves (Reminder: don't forget every land must pay Property Tax), 30,000.98 Active Members (Armed Forces) should own at least 100 acres per Active Member, and approx. 1 acre of land can produce $150 US Dollar per month revenue (farming); buy more guns, because without guns, there is no way to be democratic ways; this DOMAIN developer ("a Tarzan Rakhine American") 's guns, also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War (webpage as gun);

You (Arakan) should have your own currency, e.g. Arakan Currency; if not possible within 2-3 years, then use neighbouring nations' currencies;

You (Arakan) should have your own guns; believe IT or NOT, democracy & democratic way of managing starts with everyone has guns (TRUE ESSENCE alike aesthetics, a part of philosophy);

You (Arakan) should have your own passport, e.g. Arakan Passport; (laser printing + offset printing), with in person verification method;

You (Arakan) should have your own systems, e.g. own & self education systems, own & self government systems, own & self legislations (written laws & regulations), military systems, own & self telecommunication systems, ... ;

You (Arakan) should request NAME from England a.k.a. Great Britain (British) a.k.a. UK a.k.a. United Kingdom because, if granted, IT works e.g. in WWII, kuru kuru WHILE (in 1940s) bombings, "B a m a" delegation went to UK and requested NOT to bomb at Pagan Ancient Land, And Then, as result ("request a NAME"), if granted, IT works, i.e. no bombings exist at Pagan; believe IT or NOT, in our earth, I saw Queen Elizabeth in her 5+ years old 2nd life in 2020s; seem to me, she (the queen) likes to throw trashes in public place;

You (Arakan) should request a report from North Korea nation (listing of captive ones, in Washington DC, USA), believe IT or NOT, senators have been captive ones in Washington DC, USA; Remark: you'll get a free smile, if you're not captive ones;

You (Arakan) should request a report (listing of Flower Basket kind (including female-and-male)) from China nation, with knowing 30,000.98 (1980s Price) US Dollar per educated virgin for "sex-and-title position" only (including male-and-female) since "just after WWII ended in 1944," because you can have "youngest daughter" WHO don't know night securities, living environments security, guards, in military tactics; Remark: you'll get a free smile, if you're not captive ones;

You (Arakan) should request a report (listing of Flower Basket kind (including female-and-male)) from Japan (NIPPON) nation, with knowing 500+ undercover geisha agents per year, since "just after WWII ended in 1944," because "defeated by a war" means different ways of military tactics should be ... ; this DOMAIN developer doesn't surprise TRUE army commander is farmer, TRUE naval commander is fisherman, TRUE Space War commander is a teacher, TRUE Prime Minister means agents of other nations endorsed by royal families of Europe, ... ; Remark: you'll get a free smile, if you're not captive ones;

You (Arakan) should request a report (listing of Flower Basket kind (including female-and-male)) from Jewish Israel nation, with knowing there is no Jewish population in Myanmar (Burma); Remark: you'll get a free smile, if you're not captive ones;

You (Arakan) shouldn't be captive ones; You (Arakan) should be aware of captive ones, starting from 1999 designed modeled samsara (life-after-life) machine, to be 2nd life ones, 3rd life ones, ... , captive ones in samsara (life-after-life) ... ;

You (Arakan) shouldn't be stepping stones by other peoples, e.g. you don't know a banker (e.g. 100+ millions USD worth ones) 's daughter has a child with you, and have a heir (inherited) ones, so you don't exist (because, living with (enemies, foes) starting from housemaids who are the bankers), you don't belong to their bank, and so on bypassing the most stupid like me (not knowing other peoples' side); our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;  in Myanmar (Burma), living with (enemies, foes) prompt world's one of the least developing nations in our earth, i.e. shame on me, and I'm not proud of being a Arakan, or "B a m a," Rakhine, Union of Myanmar (Burma) ethnic tribes, ... ; so, I've practiced, tried (good manners, good moralities, good ways, good wills) as much as I can, and you should do the same, by knowing (WHAT is correctly right, WHAT is wrong), and discard wrong-after-wrong; Remark: I've never been in a private jet, and in this life, I'll NOT afford to purchase a new HONDA Jet; because "Tarzan" are "Tarzans" WHO don't know the other peoples' side;

You (Arakan) shouldn't be the most stupid like me (child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched siblings, personal attack, professional attack, strategic attack), e.g. I've been never employed (approx. 2+ years of employment (W-2 Form) in my 35+ years (by 2025) of living life in the USA); Remark: I believe in "an-eye-for-eyes" military tactic;

You (Arakan) shouldn't be welfare recipient, so try to survive in your own ways, and try to be healthy ones as much as you can, also see: Ace Jaw, a "Tarzan" Rakhine American WHO still don't need to take any medications at the age > 60+ years;

You (Arakan) should try to keep & maintain 103 moral codes ( ethics) of Rakhine Kingdom; with knowing (Arakan kingdom, "B a m a" kingdom, Chinese kingdom, Mon kingdom, (Pyu kingdom, a.k.a. Bagan Ancient Land)) no longer exist;

Myanmar, , , , 95;

ware ware We (ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar (Burma)) have civilization gap problems, e.g. 1st. do you have foods to survive? 2nd. do you have long pants to wear (if male kind)? 3rd. do you have electricity at your living space? 4th. do you have medicines to maintain your average life expectancy? 5th. do you have proper education (proper education means Specifications of Products, in addition to applying your degrees!!; Also see: Reforming Myanmar 80. (be presentable, be acceptable) by other peoples) to be knowledge based generations? 6th. do you have rights (civil rights, human rights, land-use rights, voting rights)? Suggestion: try to be "properly civilize" try to solve the questions 1-6; be constructive ones, and don't be destructive ones;