; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : 1 : 9 : Numbers in Computing ;

a side of Geometric Shape; e.g.

a side of Geometric Shape (GS) esp. of a rectangle, of a triangle, of a polygon, ... ;

( Shape, shape, shape, shape, shape) : ( a side of Geometric Shape) ... ;

Also see: Mathematics;

("Using Polygon Method, a.k.a. Triangle Method") e.g.

  natural Infix Fractions  
Polygon in Circle
Polygon in Directional
Polygon in Square
Triangles, a.k.a. Polygon
                , 2           reflection of hyperbola    
          e.g.   ( π , )     if wave s ,        
            define d by polygon ;  
          Also see : Number; Numbers in Computing ;  
          Also see : Numerical values in numerology ;  
          Also see : Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology ;  
          base Two 2 Point Eight Six                        

Remark: beyond "diamonds" (1-7 Polygon ones), this table's formula can be using for BLI, Body Length Index (year 2000s designed modeled C Sequence Number is still valid) automatic adjustment medicine formulary (human beings livable moons' BLI medicine), Directional Gravity Spots (Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather), eV (kadosei Mobility, structural Battery), Nanobot Programming (DNA _Origami), Natural Water Elevator (elevating imaginary hyperspace crafts), WORMHOLE Way LASER (military grade), ... ; Aqua color surrounding Navy Blue color is for our earth only; 2 Yellow colored cells are for 2 Sun refreshing planet (one of the human beings livable moons); don't forget, don't confuse, easy and simple (5 = 4 + 1), e.g. plus one to bunshi Numerator, kuru kuru WHILE plus four to bunbo Denominator, in (2π ones OR 4 SQUARE ones) design model ... (b u n s h i Numerator, b u n b o Denominator), e.g. Number above the line in a common fraction / Number below the line in a common fraction ... ; +A; +B; +C; +D; +E; -F; doko WHERE ("base point") ... ;

I wrote: can you (compile, define, make) your own (pi, 2pi) waves polygon system now for calculating incoming moon waves?

well trained kids!! replied: mochiron of course; ware ware We can ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' Processor design model knowledge, so quiz would be: regarding Triangles, a.k.a. Polygon, WHICH side belong to Instruction, And Then, WHICH side belong to Data?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy quiz sir; answer would be: left most Yellow Color (Polygon, Triangle) belongs to Instruction, And Then, its down slope belongs to its inversed ones sir; right side's Green Color belongs to Data and its inversed ones sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course, correct, thrive, so well trained kids are smart enough to design && model Idea Processor ... ;

I wrote: retrospectively 2.86, doko WHERE (two and thirteen fifteenths (2 13/15) = ((10 2/3) - (7 4/5))) ? Remark: you might not need "-4/5" with good reason;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! you're referring to 1980s' 1&&1 design model sir, doko WHERE 1+1 is 2, And Then, decimal point, And Then 86, so called 2.86 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 ... ;

I wrote: Hmm!! Umm!! I ( Rakhine American) truly graduated in 1986 (BS, Physics, Yangon University, Myanmar), also see: PHYSICS; Remember, all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by the Shakya King; believe IT or NOT, I've never seen above "Level 5 Instruction State," even after 33+ years of R&D in 2020s ... ;

Remark: items, objects, parts, things, ... and be beyond AAI, AI, AIA, ... by the way, Buddha's Abhidharma based Idea Processor is for humanoids' nama ... ; in 2024, I've been driven 2023 model "My Toyota Sienna AWD Platinum Hybrid," and I'm very OK with airborne Display, a.k.a. "Head-Up" Information Display at the front windshield glass, and I've realized && understood that Toyota has been beyond Triangle Method, a.k.a. Polygon Method ... ; I've been informed (Internet News) that since 2023, 12 Japanese companies have joined together R&D ("auto pilot kadosei Mobility") ... and should a "Tarzan" Rakhine "who has never been in Japan till 2024" give them lectures HOW ... ;

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... number; number;

(2, 4, 8, 16, ... , using SQRT2 design model), (3, 9, 27, 81, ... , using SQRT3 design model), also see: PHYSICS, law 129, duo-binary Gravity Spots, ... ;

Bus Connector and Port;

IFF programming ( 0 ~ 1) , i.e. fuzzy ( percentage) e.g. HOW many percentage is TRUE? e.g. HOW many percentage is FALSE?; e.g. toward uncertain is fuzzy, also see: Fuzzy;

IANA, also see: Keyword to Port Number;

Protocol and Port;


Concerning alphanumeric, each alpha and number has its own meaning ... ;

SQRT3     SQRT3     SQRT3;

The following table contains a few computational related numbers: numbers in integer, real, float, string, .... Ref. column shows that its complexity among IEEE usages, quantity, R F C s, specifications, and so on ... ;

AI () name Note e.g.            
Number / Attribute _Number Ref. / Attribute _Name Remark

Attribute _Format; Attribute _Value; Vendor; Description;

Bibliography Index            
... ... ... ...            
#.#.#.#.#.#.#.# group _objectid Windows OS; Also see: RFC s; [SDK, Microsoft, 2001]            
#.#.#.#.#.#.#.# object _identifier Windows OS; Also see: RFC s; [SDK, Microsoft, 2001]            
0 Value $p $g %PATH%regedit*  Registry Editor            
0 Phone Calling Card Card Types: Calling Card via 0 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SS ID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
1 Value $p $g %PATH%regedit* Registry Editor            
F 1 2 3


Key-letters & Key-numbers Microsoft Office 2007; Layered alphanumeric; e.g. in Excel 2007, highlight a cell, and then press /            
1   6   11 Wireless channel 1 Japan 6 Myanmar 11 Thailand SS ID            
1.414 100% sine wave Peak value = 1.414 * r ms; AC; Also see: Peak-to-peak value = 2.828 * r ms; [Physics Demystified, Stan Gibilisco, McGraw-Hill; 2002]            
1.44 Disk format capacity Floppy disk %PATH%\System32\format /?            
ZYXW99999999 12 alphanumeric %USER PROFILE%, Drive _letter(C:), (X:) Drive _letter, file:///, ... HEX a.k.a. base16 and alphanumeric are similar to each other but ... ;            
123AB 4CD56 78EFG H9012 3IJK4 20 alphanumeric OS number; Tab characters among alphanumeric; a.k.a. OS key number; Microsoft Windows;            
99F99A99999B9EFDBC9F99999C 26 alphanumeric; 2*6 In 2008, Link Sys Wireless G router's security number for WLAN; 5*2+ 23... +3, similar to GPS SYN;

Also see: *.v e m;

5*2 machine numbers are not available to public, military top secret;            
90101019-8888-11D1-8CFE-0133322443C9 32 alphanumeric 9 machine 9 + 2*2 + 2*2 + 2*2 + (2+(5*2)) WHERE 2 can be swapped ... ;

Also see: 12 alphanumeric intelligent system;

Microsoft Office's post installation MS O Cache Folders:            
002 Server option Time offset; U T C offset in sec; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
2.01 FS 2.01 USB (Hub) vs. Router Hub;

3 or more buses;

2.2. concurrency and then, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, ... ; Also see: address;            
003 Server option Ordered by preference; array of router add r; Router; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
004 Server option Time server; Array of time server add r; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
4C85-2006-3005-4001-0556-76E0-0900-4026-X8E5-0K1A 40 alphanumeric In 2008, SONY DVD/CD Rewritable Drive's storage number; 20 + 20; 3 is hidden; www.sony.net;            
005 Server option Name server; Array of name server I EN 116; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
006 Server option DNS server; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
64FF-AF7E 8 alphanumeric Volume Serial Number IFF download via Vista, install into standalone XP via CD-R might prompt problem;            
7 Port Echo TCP/IP service; Basic TCP/IP service listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
7E   FF   03 PPP frame 5Bytes header of PPP frame(1st Byte (Flag)   2nd Byte (Address)   3rd Byte (Control)   and 2 Bytes for protocols); [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
007 Server option Log server; Array of M IT _LCS UDP log server on subnet [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
008 Server option Cookie server; Array of cookie servers RFC 865 [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
9 Port Discard TCP/IP service; Basic TCP/IP service listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
009 Server option L P R server; Array of 1179RFC; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
010 Server option Impress server; array of imagen impress server; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
11 Filter-Id Octet String; Attribute _Value; RADIUS; User requests authentication through specific filter list;              
011 Server option Resource location server; Also see: array of 887 RFC Re s Loc server on subnet; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
012 Server option Host name of client; Also see: 1035 RFC [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
13 Port Daytime TCP/IP service; Basic TCP/IP service listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
013 Server option Size of boot file; 512 octet blocks [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
014 Server option Path name of merit dump file [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
10102220 Phone Calling Card Card Types: MCI via 10102220 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SS ID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
10102221 Phone Calling Card Card Types: MCI Direct Dial via 10102221 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SSID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
10103330 Phone Calling Card Card Types: US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103330 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SSID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
10103331 Phone Calling Card Card Types: US Sprint via 10103330 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SSID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
1010ATT0 Phone Calling Card Card Types: AT&T via 1010ATT0 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SSID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            
1010ATT1 Phone Calling Card Card Types: AT&T Direct Dial via 1010ATT1 ... Manage>> Wireless Network Connection with SSID i.e. Network Adapter>> Advanced >> Remote Access Preferences... >> Phone and Modem Options >> Calling Card >> ...            

14.4K; 28.8K; 56.6K; 128K; 384K; 512K; 768K; 1.5M; 10M; ... ;


Bus, Connector, Port, ... , 's estimated data communication speed Also see: Dial up modem; Networking devices;  www.usamyanmar.net            
15 Byte NetBIOS' computer account byte [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
015 Server option DNS domain name for resolving client machine [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
016 Server option Swap server; address of client's swap server; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
17 Port Quote of the Day TCP/IP service; Basic TCP/IP service listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
017 Server option Root path; Character set NV T ASCII; Path name for client root disk [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
018 Server option Extension path; *.t ftp file for option extension; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
19 Callback _Number Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; Callback phone number;              
19 Port Character Generator TCP/IP service; Basic TCP/IP service listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
019 Server option Forwarding IP layer; Disable/enable IP layer forwarding to "xxx" client [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
20 Port FTP over Internet while a client opens connection the port 20 becomes command channel, and when server opens connection to the client port 21 becomes data channel; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
20 Byte UP N User account's byte [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
020 Server option Source routing, non-locally; Disable/enable non-local datagram; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
21 Port FTP / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
021 Server option Policy filter mask; To filter source route, destination/mask IP add r pairs; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
0021 PPP IP datagram, one of the three protocol types of IP over PPP; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
C021 PPP Link control data packet, one of the three protocol types of IP over PPP; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
22 Port Secure Shell / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
022 Server option Datagram reassembly maximum size = 576; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
23 Port Telnet / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
023 Server option Default IP TTL for outgoing datagram; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
024 Server option Path to M T U;  Timeout aging path MTU; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
25 Class Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; Classified _account _record;              
25 Port SMTP; Mail server listens the port [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
25 X.25 X.121 is an add r. of remote X.25 server for logon setting;              
025 Server option Path to M T U Plateau-table; where M T U >= 68; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
026 Server option M T U where M T U >= 68; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
027 Server option All local subnets; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
28 Byte in length 28 data byte and 10 padding byte; ARP, R ARP packet; Ethernet; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
028 Server option Broadcast address; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
029 Server option Performing mask discovery; Clients use IC MP subnet masking discovery; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
030 Server option Mask supplier; Via IC MP, clients response to subnet mask requests; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
031 Server option Performing router discovery; Also see: 1256 RFC; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
032 Server option Router soliciting address; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
033 Server option Static route; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
034 Server option Trailer encapsulation; Also see: 983 RFC; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
035 Server option ARP cache timeout [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
036 Server option Ethernet encapsulation: Zero means client uses E Net v.2; One means IEEE 802.3; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
037 Server option TCP default TTL [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
38 Byte in length Ethernet packet's minimum length in byte; Also see: 1492 Byte in length; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
038 Server option Keep-alive interval [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
039 Server option Keep-alive garbage in octet; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
040 Server option NIS domain name [MM  C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
041 Server option NIS server; Add r of NIS server on client's subnet; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
042 Server option NTP server; Address of NTP server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
043 Server option Vendor Specific Info [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
044 Server option WINS NB NS server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
045 Server option NetBIOS over TCP/IP NB DD; priority order [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
046 Server option WINS N B T Node Type; 0x1 is B _node; 0x2 is P _node; 0x4 is M _node; 0x8 is H _node; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
047 Server option NetBIOS Scope ID [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
048 Server option X Window System Font [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
049 Server option X Window System Display [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
50; 50/60; 60; c/s Frequency Hz EPP Electricity Power Plugs;            
53 Port DNS service; If DNS service has been installed, file server listens the port; At port 53, DNS serves UDP; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
63 Byte DNS's computer account byte; if F Q D N, computer account byte contains 255 byte; also group account byte; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
064 Server option NIS+ Domain name [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
065 Server option NIS+ server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
066 Server option Boot-server host name [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
067 Server option Boot-file Name [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
068 Server option Mobile IP Home Agent [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
069 Server option SMTP [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
70 Port Gopher / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
070 Server option POP3 server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
071 Server option NNTP server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
072 Server option WWW server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
073 Server option Finger server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
074 Server option IRC server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
075 Server option Street Talk server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
076 Server option STD A server [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
80 Port WWW HTTP / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
80, 132, 1~32767 Print options Auto, 80, 132, min = 1, max = 32767; Reflection; IBM;            
81 Tunnel-Pvt-Group-ID Octet String; ; RADIUS; Group ID at OSI Session layer;              
82 Tunnel-Assignment-ID Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; Specific tunnel at OSI Session;              
85 Acct-Interim-Interval Integer; ; RADIUS Standard; Length of interval in sec., interim update of NAS _send;              
87 NAS-Port-Id Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; NAS authenticates users;              
90 Tunnel-Client-Auth-ID Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; Specific name used by tunnel to authenticate;              
91 Tunnel-Server-Auth-ID Octet String; String OR Hex.; RADIUS; Specific name used by tunnel to terminate tunnel authentication;              
100; 110; 110/220; 120; 120/127; 120/240; 127/220; 127/230; 200/220; 220; 220/230; 230; 230/240; 240; Voltage v EPP Electricity Power Plugs;            
110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, ...


Baud rate: for broadband, narrowband, wireless Internet, ...


Also see: bps;

104 yellowish variations on all human beings livable moons; 104 = 2 √26;            
110 Port POP3; Mail server listens the port; With SS L become 995; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
113 Port Filter ID EN T: i.e. Link sys broadband router's filter port; [Link Sys, Cisco, Broadband Router; 2005]            
119 Port Net News NNTP / Server; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
120; 240; 600; c/s Frequency Hz Also see: Television; Electricity Power Plugs, EPP;            
135 Port RPC Locator service; If Windows NT has been installed, file server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
137 Port NetBIOS name service; If WINS server has been installed, file server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
143 Port IMAP; Mail server listens the port; IMAP4; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
187 Ascend-Multilink-ID Integer; ; Ascend Communications; Multi-channel multi-link protocol, Multi-link protocol plus, function-call of Multi-link bundle;              
220 Port IMAP3;              
249 Server Option Classless static route [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
255 Byte F Q D N 's computer account byte; [MM C 2 V.5; MICROSOFT; 2004]            
➌➑➏ 386 numerological dimension ( processor);            
➂➇➅ 386 numerological dimension ( processor);            
400 SYNC Also see: Synchronization; devices of this DOMAIN;            
404 Error Code It prompts when web page is not accessible [MICROSOFT IE V6; 2003]            
443 Port Secure HTTP, HTTPS; Internet server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
488 IEEE G P I B, H P I B; Between computer and electronic instruments;              
512 Bytes Windows default allocation size: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K, ... ; %PATH%\System32\format /? <enter> ; Microsoft;            
515 Port L P R service; If TCP/IP print service has been installed, file server listens the port; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
530 Port RPC; File server listens the port [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
600 Synchronization e.g. 6 wheel drive vehicle SYNC;            
792 RFC Also see: IC MP;              
802 IEEE LAN, MAN;              
802.1p Protocol LAN switch; Layer 2              
802.1q Protocol LAN switch; Layer 2              
802.1x IEEE Authentication              
802.2 IEEE RFC 1042; Ethernet;              
802.3 IEEE RFC 1042; Ethernet; 10BaseT for twisted pair wires;              
802.11 IEEE Suffix: a, b, g, n, ac, ...; Wireless networking; WLAN; .11a, 5GHz, 54Mbps WLAN; .11b, 2.4GHz, 11Mbps WLAN; WiFi; .11e = .11b + Q OS; .11g, 2.4GHz, 22Mbps WLAN; .11i, 2.4GHz, 11Mbps WLAN; Also see: Router;            
802.16 IEEE Samsung's W i MAX forum interoperates with IEEE 802.16 and E T S I Hi per MAN Wireless MAN;              
815 RFC Also see: Rfc1213.Mof, and IP reassembly algorithm, ... fragments integrity problem [SDK, MICROSOFT, 2001]            
865 RFC Cookies server;              
877 RFC Also see: rfc877-x25(5)              
887 RFC Re s Loc server              
894 RFC Ethernet frame specification [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
904 RFC Also see: E G P;              
983 RFC Use of trailers by negotiating from client; Trailer encapsulation;              
995 Port Also see: 110 POP3;              
0800 Standard Ethernet It specifies IP datagram; Frame specification; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
0806 Standard Ethernet It specifies ARP; Frame specification; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
1033 Value Locale _Identifier [Windows Server 2003; Microsoft; 2004]            
1034 RFC Domain names, concepts and facilities;



1035 RFC Domain names, implementation and specifications; Host name of client;              
1042 RFC Also see: 802.2, 802.3; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
1073 IEEE Medical Device Communication Standard;              
1155 RFC Also see: SMI              
1157 RFC SNMP              
1179 RFC server; also see: L P R server;              
1191 RFC Path M T U; Time-out for aging;              
1212 RFC Also see: M I B              
1213 RFC Also see: \\Misc \W M I \SNMP \MOFS\ SNMPV1\RFC s\Rfc1213.Mof [SDK, MICROSOFT; 2001]            
1256 RFC With this RFC, clients solicit routers;               
1394   Network connection through net adapter; Wire;  1394 connection is recommended to test handshake; After 1394 connection is succeeded, take the wire off, and then WE P WLAN with Key password is recommended; Also see: FireWire;               
1414 RFC Also see: SNMP              
1433   SQL Server 2005 TCP Port, where DB Engine Listens; i.e. AND 30K ms TTL AND 1K ms TTL; Open UDP 1434; [Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager; 2005];            
1434   UDP 1434 if f 1433;              
1492 Byte in length Ethernet packet's maximum length in byte; Also see: 38 Byte in length; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
1500 Byte in length PPP frame's maximum length; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
1515 RFC Also see: MAU;              
1674 Resources Max numbers of resources (62 resource monitors * 27 each monitor) [WINDOWS CLUSTER ADMINISTRATOR V.5; 2004]            
1700 RFC IP services listing; [Security Complete; Sybex; 2001]            
2049 Port At transport layer, N FS uses UDP to communicate; [Security Complete; Sybex; 2001]            
2535 RFC DNS SEC;   [Security Complete; Sybex; 2001]            
3261, 3262, 3263, 3264 RFC SIP v2 Session Initiation Protocol [VoIP; VON AGE; 2005]            
3389 Port Windows Terminal service; By using R D P protocol, for accepting connections, file server listens the port; Remote desktop; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
4096 Value Packet _Size [Windows Server 2003; Microsoft; 2004]            
4161 Allowed-Certificate-ID String; ; Microsoft; Certificate or object identifier [O ID] in dot-decimal-notation allowed in certificate based authentication with E AP-TLS;              
8021 PPP Network control data, one of the three protocol types of IP over PPP; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
8035 Standard Ethernet It specifies R ARP; Frame specification; [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
♯.♯.9200; ♯.♯.8400; ♯.♯.7600; Build Version Microsoft's Windows operating systems; system;            
9660 ISO In file system, this standard constraints path depth>8level OR/AND pathname>256char;              
11095 US R-R M M IE-Manufacutere-ID Integer; ; U.S. Robotics; ;              
11119 US R-P W-VPN-ID Integer; ; U.S. Robotics; ;              
11140 US R-V PN-GW-Location-Id Octet String; ; U.S. Robotics; ;              
65526 # of clusters FAT<65526; 65526<FAT32<4177918 %PATH%\format /? <enter>            
88023 ISO Also see: iso88023-csmacd(7)              
88024 ISO Also see: iso88024-tokenBus(8)              
88025 ISO Also see: iso88025-tokenRing(9)              
88026 ISO Also see: iso88026-man(10)              
165535 Byte in length IP packet's maximum size in 16bit [FIREWALLS 24SEVEN, MATTHEW STREBE, CHARLES PERKINS; SYBEX; 2002]            
... ... ... ...            
