4PP + JUN = 6 Last updated on 2014/2558 10 8, a full moon day;
1st to understand 4 Planets Prediction, 2nd to understand JUN time, 3rd understand hyperplane 1 and hyperplane 2, 4th to further study FuzzySVM with numerology [number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... number] in momentum of universe, 5th to study oriental characters and literature, 6th to develop ACT2, and ACT3 stages ... ; Notice that Time.Space.Action oriental though has been applied; Actions of developing algorithms, actions of programming modules, actions of simulating fuzzy set {...... , ... can be further developed [for example: 1 worm=hole by 2 spin strings can be in time, IFF on JUN time in 2 * 5]; 4PP+JUN=6 .GIF is 504x1236;
ACT2 water tank , and its vector directions must be further studied ... ;
1, 2, 3 behaves , , . Therefore, Lunar_time 2 * 7, 1 * 12, ... in ACT2 stage vs. JUN_time 1 * 10, 2 * 5, 3 * 10, 52 * 10 ... in ACT3 stage can be further developed ...;
ACT2 stage coexistence of closer_distance and farther_distance; 2; SYN; NOT triangulate;
ACT3 numbers such as 2*5=1JUN, 2*6=1year, ... must be further studied until number 31 can be scientifically solved ... , to do so, develop D number, DEE, Water Clock, ... ;
ACT3 stage 108 configuration must be further developed, to basic understand 108 configuration, ... ;
ACT3_HyperdimensionalCraft_Imaginary_Panel_KA.GIF 4PP + down JUN = 6 panel_KA;
108x108 pixel; 2,3 dimensional; 3 lights = Right;
ACT3_HyperdimensionalCraft_Imaginary_Panel_YA.GIF 4PP + up JUN = 6 panel_YA;
108x108 pixel; 2,3 dimensional; 3 lights = Left;