; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : August : 25th (Friday) : Complexity Region ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 25 : 8 : 2023 : Complexity Region ;
( Redox, Redox, Redox, Redox, Redox), one ( , , , , ) Substance's electron transfer, AND, the defined molecule is reduced by (oxidized, oxidation) process ... ; ( , ), e.g. regarding (share, shared, sharing) Electron-pairs AND Bond Length, ... also see: (Nuclear1, Complexity Region of ..., Nuclear2) ... ;
approx. 103+ moons of the Jupiter, and Complexity Region of ( Moon Wave, Moon Wave, Moon Wave) moon waves ... , also see: Physics Law 234 ... ;
reversed (engineering, method, model, procedure, technique), also see: Physics Law 183 ... ;
naturally rechargeable battery; , also see: Physics Law 179 ... ;
( BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS) kinetics ... , also see: structural Amino Acids;
(Eccentric _circle way, square way), also see: PHYSICS, law eighty six, jinko chino DEE Box ... ;
Inside hardware: whenever triggering ((forward, forwarded, forwarding), (reverse, reversed, reversing)) loops, cycling strings, ... , complexity regions occur;
Inside software: whenever calling recursive functions, whenever testing counters, ... , complexity regions occur;
To understand WHAT is complexity region (either circle way or square way), and HOW to logically analyze ... ; Symbols are used to represent human beings' acceptable logic, conceptual decision, flowcharts, knowledge based idea, ... ; Tactical representation of 3-to-1 reasoning, to ease virtual abstract understanding to readers; Also see: Processor;
And then, WHEN must be logically do ... ;
Notice that at@ time t, 3 complexity regions exist, and then WHICH way ... ;
After understanding 5W1H of complexity regions and then time to do modeling; After understanding modeling, and then to do prototyping, simulation, and testing; After understanding the ACT1, and then time to do Chinese language learning; And then ACT2, 3, ... ; Also see: larger the brunches, ... ;
IFF office, the following numbers prompt complexity regions, in ACT1:
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 this DOMAIN numerological dimension file 56353.123;also see: Numerical values in numerology; IFF commands by *.bat, also see: 123.bat;
_ IFF Imaginary GUI, also see: (math) complex number ;
For Monbusho level future scientists: create your own complexity regions analysis, and then apply linear, vector [i.e. FSVM, ... ], numbers [i.e. A, B, C, D, ..., Z, AA, AB, ... ], topologies, ... , and then wonder the beautiful art of scientific mathematics, time, accomplishments, ... ;
7 complexity regions exist inside this DOMAIN 's #4 and #3, i.e. share access;
BASIC .HTML reduces uncountable complexity regions to countable complexity regions ... ;
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