OS.txt aka AI global characters     Last updated on 2016/2560 10 16, a full moon day;

OS.txt a.k.a. AI global characters were done in July, 2009, a part of 2.01 system testing; As a result, also see: Ready Made Directory, and available to test it concerning automatic link, directory encryption, global character as a directory, global characters as AI configurable/functional/programmable/..., green color font aka system font to memory, "light rate bridge" among wire/wireless/satellite, roaming, www.sys, and etc. ... ;

1st, autorun.inf, desktop.ini files were created [total of 10 files at root, after burning CD/DVD/BD/..., 1 file might be hidden automatically inside ... ], and then applying ACTION keyword inside autorun.inf [ACTION keyword is originally from SONY GPS System], and then system can be defined to a local machine;

2nd, this DOMAIN had been developed into desktop vs. server, so that 1 system can be both desktop and server; to do so, \\Desktop\*.* directory was created at root [total of 10 folders at root]; After project was done, *.* all files and directories inside of \\Desktop\*.* were converted from "open architecture" to "close architecture", and then only 1 file was created by nero burner as \\Info\FileListing\Desktop.nrg 10443+KB of 101+ files and 15 folders

3rd, only inside of \\Desktop\ and its subdirectories, AI global characters were tested along with 2.01 system, so called "light rate bridge", and then creating stores this DOMAIN via the directory prior to operating system load, and then creating \\ACCESS\www.sys to test www via wire/wireless/satellite, ... ; After project was done, as a result, reduce design \\Desktop\*.* can be able to prove directory encryption, automatic link, global character as a directory, "light rate bridge", operating system <> storage installation tool, roaming, and etc.

 OS    〱    sys    〱    BIOS/CMOS    〱   

OS.txt and a few files, allocated at C:\2553\Desktop\*.* are testing functional OS for multiple devices, multiple machines, multiple operating systems, ... ; this DOMAIN wonders HOW to adjust "l i g h t rate" in 0.5 second:

- 20c/s voice patterns can be associated within G cycles per second speed of ...
- 60c/s current AC can be "electric fast" backend servers within Gc/s speed of ..., aka sink bypassing ...
- 0.23 second transparent cursor can be associated within Gc/s speed of ...
- 108 avg. letters/minute of keyboard input can be associated with cursor within Gc/s speed of ...
- 75c/s refreshing rate, associated within Gc/s speed of ... which prompts display camera trick alike

c/s is cycles per second, inside, no more use of such name "Hertz", or Hz ...

so, instead of having human un-understandable files and folders, just to compute i.e. OS aka operating system, it is good to have simple OS.txt with a few files ... therefore ACT2 and ACT3 stage OS should be in reduce design ...

because being in computer science is like a fool alike and then sick of such *.dll, *.drv, *.sys, ... human un-understandable files and folders with thousands of built-in API, thousands of components, ... , and noticing wasting time ... because all developers need to know is: 1 letter 1st, and then a word 2nd, and then do you own software, because hardware already provides embedded OS ..., for example, inside Microsoft files, start with MZ ... is just to understand millisecond M with impedance Z ..., just 2 letters acting like 1word MZ ..., so test and develop oriental concept approach, so do time 1st, and then space 2nd, and then action ... [oriental thought is the one & only way to follow...] ; Please notice that nowadays the most important "time" becomes in "light rate" ... ; It is worth to know all characters inside OS.txt, rather than just 2 letters MZ ... ;

Hint: 1st to understand ||| xtal ... ; 2nd to understand light as frequency ... [ for example: inserting 12V into 5V USB will prompt 0.5 second "light rate", but power exceed error will occur ... ]; 3rd to develop such putting all into 1 aka adjusting 0.5 second "light rate" ... ;


For Monbusho level developers, also see: ACT2 and ACT3 stage Monbusho level knowledge enhancement .htm#bridge;

For Monbusho level developers, also see: ACT2 stage AI global characters IQ development ... ;

IFF year (2554) AND OS (NEC*) then

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11 \ Desktop  
Windows Home Server 2008 \ Desktop    
Cent OS 5 \ 4512267      
Debian GNU \ Linux \ Desktop    
UNIX \ Net BSD        
\ this DOMAIN     \    
UNIX \ Free BSD \ Desktop    
Free BSD \ Desktop        
Red Hat Linux \ Desktop      
Ubuntu \ 4512267          
Fedora Core \ 4512267        
UNIX \ Open BSD \ Desktop    
\ this DOMAIN     \    
XPM \ 4512267          
Vine Linux \ Desktop        
Red Hat Enterprise Linus \ Desktop    
Turbo Linux \ 4512267        
Windows Server 2008 R2 \ Desktop    
MIRACLE LINUX \ Desktop        
Apple OS X \ Desktop      
Windows 7 \ 4512267        
sparc \ Solaris 10 \ Desktop    
. \

... 。
