; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : November : 25th (Monday) : n G T S U ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 25 : 11 : 2024 : n : n G T S U, n Gene Therapy System Usage: ... ( A, C, G, T) ... , also see: Medical Doctor (MD (for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user), genetic code)), using ( Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer) G D C gas exchange (our earth, our moon), using (( iroColourWaveForm ( 5 Color, Color Codes)), label (98, 87, 76, 65, 54, 43, 32, 21, 10), ( Physics, Physics, Physics), (Radicals (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural)), ( SPL (( Layer, Layer, Layer), multi layers, sound beams))), ... QR Code: QR Code: QR Code : to correct; to cure; to fix; to heal; to repair; Radical959;
n* ; N* ;
(( te) 1st life, ( za) 2nd life, ( tsu) 3rd life, ( ne) 4th life, ( ma) 5th life, ( bu) 6th life, ( san) 7th life, ( na) 8th life, ( vi) 9th life, ( wai) 10th life), colloquial "short-form usage" representing samsara (life-after-life) in Buddhism; Also see: (DNA _Origami, Eccentric _circles), because Biological Cell (s) are like beings in samsara ... ;
... , regarding chiryoyaku Therapeutic, DNA _Origami patterns, gene therapy patterns, nanobot programming patterns, MD, medical device, oncological patterns, pathological patterns, pharmaceutical patterns, pharmacological patterns, radiological patterns, ... , also see: (Anti Virus . COVID-19) ;
(bio marker, cell marker, FISH Marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker) As Factor, also see: Schematic Dimensional;
FISH Marker, also see: FISH;
(( te) 1st life, ( za) 2nd life, ( tsu) 3rd life, ( ne) 4th life, ( ma) 5th life, ( bu) 6th life, ( san) 7th life, ( na) 8th life, ( vi) 9th life, ( wai) 10th life), colloquial "short-form usage" representing samsara (life-after-life) in Buddhism; Also see: (DNA _Origami, Eccentric _circles), because Biological Cell (s) are like beings in samsara ... ;
nasal; nasopharynx; e.g.
(dimensional, directional, numerological) i.e. 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, And Then, (logical: Idea Processor based ( jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( mRNA))), And Then, structural e.g. Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, And Then, using ( Origin of Carbon Nanowalls: chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ( DNA Origami)), to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic (for each Yellow Color), kuru kuru WHILE (flip-flopping Navy Color and Silver Color are (i.e. Single-Bio-Cell, surrounded by Green Color)), at 0.01 nm (Remark: 0.01 nm = 10^-10 meter), so messenger RNA ( mRNA) can be designed, modeled, and programmed to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic on (arterial, bone marrow, brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lung, lymph nodes, nasopharynx, thymus (T cells), ... ) tissues; Also see: Anti Virus; Teleportation; mRNA (messenger RNA) encodes Protein; Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st Nanobot Programming in HTML language to WHOM ... ;
beyond Keyword e.g. (directional, NOT heuristic), (NOT local, remote), (mapped, NOT unmapped), (zoom in, NOT zoom out), ... , this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, using Method e.g.
burning fat method,
remote burning tumor method
(e.g. to be free-of-tumor),
inter nasal holes method (e.g. to be good and healthy (inhale,
exhale) passage),
remote freezing wart method
(e.g. to be good and healthy skin),
remote gravity spot allocating method
(e.g. to be normal ones by avoiding neither hyper nor hypo),
remote heterodyning of strings toward
abnormal BMD location method (e.g. curing osteoporosis),
remote projecting sound beam method
(e.g. to be normal fluid of joints),
remote removing unwanted fluid method
(e.g. curing asthma),
remote strengthening muscle method
(e.g. to be normal musculoskeletal),
remote Walls method (e.g.
data set of (genotype, phenotype), this DOMAIN 's Dx),
remote ZCS method (e.g. to be normal brain color, to be normal protein bound),
... ; to be healthy ones ... ;
n e p h r o t i c ; e.g.
Protein .
(n e p h r o t i c syndrome (g l o m e r u l u s) . (proteins,
sodium (Na+), water) As Urine),
(n e p h r o t i c syndrome (blood, edema, e m i a, oncological
pressure, osmotic
pressure) . (
proteins, sodium (Na+),
water) As Urine) )
); Also see: Specialties
N E P;
Specialties N E P analyte;
nerve; nerve; nerve; Nerve; Remark: ((deity; god; spirit; Radical370) + ( sutra, Buddha's scriptures)) = shinkei Nerve; Also see: n Character; n G T S U; s Usage;
( , ), also see: Physics Law 32123, Balancing the Mobility (imaginary hyperspace craft) ; Remark: in addition to jinko chino D G P, using ( Balancing, Balancing) to cure many neurological disorders ... ;
Remark: if you're (age > 50 years), raise your head up and look forward, then standing with (1 foot, 1 leg) for 10+ seconds, without moving arms, change your position from (left foot, left leg) to (right foot, right leg) every 10+ seconds, i.e. a good neurological physical exercise, (2, 3) minutes daily ... ;
jinko chino D G P, to do therapeutic brain; Also see: b G T S U;
bright) ... ; Also see:
light) ... ;
G T S C A _for Antiviral Nervous System; G T S C A _for Nervous sys, also see: C ph T Root Words;
nerve cell a.k.a. neuron (structural nervous system);
abducent nerve;
accessory nerve;
brain a.k.a. encephalon ((cerebrospinal fluid), (composition and central
connection of Spinal),
(forebrain a.k.a. pros encephalon), (hindbrain a.k.a. rhomb encephalon),
(meninges of brain, medulla spinal i s), (midbrain a.k.a. m e s encephalon),
(pathways from-brain-to-spinal cord));
coccygeal nerve (Spinal);
cranial nerve ((
1. Olfactory), (
2. Optic), (
3. O c u l o motor), (
4. T r o c h l e a r), (
5. Trigeminal),
( 6.
A b d u c e n s), (
7. Facial), (
8. V e s t i b u l o cochlear), (
9. Gloss o pharyngeal),
( 10.
V a g u s), (
11. Accessory), (
12. Hypoglossal));
facial nerve;
gloss o pharyngeal nerve;
hypoglossal nerve;
o c u l o motor nerve;
optic nerve;
(brain stem), doko WHERE location is ((attached to, next to) the 13 central ones as vermis) WHICH brunch indicates muscles to control (the neck, shoulder, the upper back) turning the head;
(facial nerve), doko WHERE location is (next to the spinal cord, the nerve connects to the face, underneath of the vermis) WHICH indicates muscles to control (closing of eyes, frown, salivary glands (Water supplies to the mouth), smile, tear (lacrimal));
(glossopharyngeal nerve), doko WHERE location is (the nerve connects to the mouth, underneath of the vermis) WHICH regulates blood pressure and the muscles to control (back-of-the-throat (pharynx), neck, swallow); Remark: think of one "Hammer Antenna" is attached to the spinal cord naturally;
(hypoglossal nerve) doko WHERE (underneath of the vermis, the nerve connects to the jaw) WHICH indicates muscles to control tongue;
(vagus nerve), doko WHERE location is (approx. 5 cm underneath of the vermis, parallel to the spinal cord) WHICH indicates muscles to control cough, speak, swallow, (voice box (larynx + throat)); vagus nerve a.k.a. "wandering nerves" because it connects to the abdomen and chest;
(vestibulocochlear nerve), doko WHERE location is (next to the spinal cord, the nerve connects to the ears, underneath of the vermis) WHICH (Usage: NOT muscles) indicates (cochlear part, vestibular part, Yellow Color cochlear nerve (Also see: v Anatomy));
Origin of Nama;
Also see: Idea Processor;
Nama For Humanoid;
n G T S U;
n Pali;
Schematic Dimensional;
pudenda l nerve;
S2, S3, S4, S5) sacral nerves (Spinal);
spinal cord a.k.a. medulla spinal i s;
spinal nerve (31 pairs ((
1 coccygeal), (
5 lumber), (
5 sacral), (
8 cervical), (
12 thoracic)));
spinal nerve ((anterior division), (l u m b o sacral plexus), (posterior division),
(sacral and coccygeal), (thoracic));
sympathetic ((abdominal portion), (cephalic portion), (cervical portion), (great
(pelvic portion), (thoracic portion));
thoracic nerve;
trigeminal nerve;
t r o c h l e a r nerve;
v a g u s nerve (glands, heart);
vest i b u l o cochlear nerve;
structural nervous system (nerve cell a.k.a. neuron),
and nerves' names e.g.
A :
abdominal aortic, a b d u c e n s, accessory, accessory o b t u r a t o r, Alderman's, a n o coccygeal, a n s a cervical i s, anterior inter osseous, anterior superior alveolar, Auer b a c h 's plexus, au r i cu lo temporal, ax ill a r y, ... ,
B :
brachial plexus, bu c cal branch (facial), ... ,
C :
cardiac plexus, cavernous, cavernous plexus, celiac ganglia, cervical (facial), cervical plexus, c h o r d a tympani, c i l i a r y ganglion, coccygeal, cochlear, common fibular, common palm a r, common palm a r (digital, medium), ... ,
vestibule . cochlear nerve, also see: v Anatomy;
D :
deep branch radial, deep fibular, deep temporal, diagonal Bro ca band, d i gastric branch (facial), dorsal branch (u l n a r), dorsal (clitoris), dorsal (penis), dorsal scapular, ... ,
E :
esophageal plexus, e t h m o i d a l, external laryngeal, external nasal, ... ,
F :
facial, femoral, frontal, ... ,
G :
gastric plexus, g e n i c u l a t e ganglion, genital branch (g e n i t o femoral), g e n i t o femoral, gloss o pharyngeal, greater auricular, greater occipital, greater pet r o s a l, ... ,
H :
hepatic plexus, hypoglossal, ... ,
I :
I l i o hypo gastric, I l i o inguinal, inferior alveolar, inferior anal,
inferior cardiac, inferior cervical ganglion, inferior g l u t e a l, inferior
hypo gastric plexus, inferior mesenteric plexus, inferior pal p e bra l, infra orbital,
infra orbital plexus,
infra t r o c h l e a r, inter costal, inter cost o brachial, intermediate c u t a n e o u s,
internal carotid plexus, internal laryngeal, interneuron, ... ,
J :
jugular ganglion, ... ,
L :
l a c r i m a l, lateral cord, lateral c u t a n e o u s (forearm), lateral c u t a n e o u s (thigh), lateral pectoral, lateral plantar, lateral p t e r y g o i d, lesser occipital, lingual, long c i l i a r y, long root (c i l i a r y ganglion), long thoracic, lower sub scapular, lumbar, lumbar plexus, lumbar s p l a n c h n i c, l u m b o inguinal, l u m b o sacral plexus, l u m b o sacral trunk, ... ,
M :
man d i b u l a r, marginal man d i b u l a r (facial), mass e t e r i c, maxillary, medial cord, medial c u t a n e o u s, medial c u t a n e o u s (arm), medial c u t a n e o u s (forearm), medial pectoral, medial plantar, medial p t e r y g o i d, median, m e i s s n e r plexus, mental, middle cardiac, middle cervical ganglion, middle m e n i n g e a l, motor, m u s c u l o c u t a n e o u s, m y l o hyoid, ... ,
N :
n a s o c i l i a r y, n a s o palatine, n e r v u s inter m e d i u s, n e r v u s s p i n o s u s, n o dose ganglion, ... ,
Neuro therapeutics ... (Aqua Color surrounded + internal Blue-gray Color reflection), And Then, Maroon to Yellow to Green (opposite of happening fruit), And Then, edges, membranes, outer-sides, And Then, kuru kuru WHILE (Navy, Silver) are flip-flopping at core (Nanobot Programming), so called Neuro therapeutics ... ; Reminder: pay attention to the "width" of Ninja's triangle throwing star alike 2 Lipids (Also see: n G T S U; Schematic Lipid) ... ;
I wrote: if Neuro therapeutics is happening at a
Chiral level, doko
WHERE would be its (head, heading) ?
A. (Right, Top);
B. (Right, Bottom);
C. (Left, Bottom);
D. (Left, Top);
well trained
kids!! replied: A. (Right, Top), because in our earth, the-one-and-only-sun
starts in the East, regarding (Light, lighting) sir;
I wrote: difficulty level i.e. Water
behaves like substances, and defining WHEN (Acidity, Alkaline) for (Aqua Color
surrounded + internal Blue-gray Color reflection) ... ;
Neuro therapeutics (POST OP, after medical surgery (neurotization) procedure); transferring healthy nerve for restoring (abnormal motor pathway, damaged sensory), also repairing abnormal nerves is called Neurotization;
O :
o b t u r a t o r, o b t u r a t o r i n t e r n u s, o c u l o motor, olfactory, ophthalmic, optic, o t i c ganglion, ovarian plexus, ... ,
P :
palatine, palm a r branch median, palm a r branch u l n a r, pancreatic plexus, patellar plexus, (
(pelvic floor, pelvic floor I s c h i a l spine, pelvic floor Lumbar spine, pelvic floor muscles, pelvic floor neutral spine, pelvic floor spine) ... ; Also see: Pelvic), pelvic s p l a n c h n i c,
perforating c u t a n e o u s, p e r i n e a l posterior femoral c u t a n e o u s, p e r i n e a l, p e t r o u s ganglion, pharyngeal v a g u s, pharyngeal glass o pharyngeal, pharyngeal, pharyngeal plexus, p h r e n i c, p h r e n i c plexus, p i r i form i s, posterior auricular, posterior cord, posterior spinal, posterior c u t a n e o u s (arm), posterior c u t a n e o u s (forearm), posterior c u t a n e o u s (thigh), posterior scrotal, posterior superior alveolar, proper palm a r (digital, median), pro static plexus, p t e r y g o i d canal, p t e r y g o palatine ganglion, p u d e n d a l, p u d e n d a l plexus, pulmonary v a g u s, ... ,
Q :
quad r a t u s f e m o r i s, ... ,
R :
radial, recurrent laryngeal, renal plexus, ... ,
S :
sacral plexus, sacral s p l a n c h n i c, s a p h e n o u s, sciatic, s e m i l u n a r
ganglion, sensory, short c i l i a r y, s p h e n o palatine, s p l e n i c plexus, s t a p e d i u s,
s t y l o hyoid (facial), sub c l a v i u s, sub costal, sub man d i b u l a r ganglion, sub occipital,
superficial fibular, superficial radial, superior cardiac, superior cervical
ganglion, superior ganglion gloss o pharyngeal, superior ganglion v a g u s, superior
g l u t e a l, superior hypo gas tic plexus, superior labial, superior laryngeal,
superior lateral c u t a n e o u s (arm), superior mesenteric plexus, superior rectal
plexus, supra c l a v i c u l a r,
supra orbital, suprarenal plexus, supra scapular, supra t r o c h l e a r, s u r a l,
sympathetic trunk, ... ,
T :
temporal (facial), third occipital, thoracic aortic plexus, thoracic s p l a n c h n i c, t h o r a c o abdominal, t h o r a c o d o r s a l, t i b i a l, transverse cervical, trigeminal, t r o c h l e a r, tympanic, ... ,
U :
u l n a r, upper sub scapular, u t e r o vaginal plexus, ... ,
V :
v a g u s, ventral r a m u s, v e s i c a l nervous plexus, vestibular, v e s t i b u l o cochlear, ... ,
13 central ones as vermis, also see: v Anatomy;
X :
Also see: x Anatomy;
Y :
Also see: y Anatomy;
Z :
Also see: z Anatomy;
z y g o m a tic (facial), z y go m a tic, z y go ma tic o facial, z y go ma tic o temporal, ... ;
essential O2, Oxygen (Aqua, Green) : Central Nervous System ( CNS) neurological (disease, disorder), e.g. (dementia of Alzheimer, Encephalopathy (any brain disease), Epilepsy, (M N D, Motor Neurone Disease), Parkinson's disease, Seizure, ... ) WHICH ones cause (Autoimmune disorders, CNS Tumors, degeneration, infection, stroke, spinal cord disorder, trauma) ... ;
Remark: ware ware We've to maintain (({E3,E3,E3} a.k.a. Silver), ((Green, including Aqua) with White)) And Then, NOT to be Amber Color, i.e. regarding (CNS, Central Nervous System), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 146, NMR ... ; neurological;
Remark: regarding structural nervous system, IFF Katakana ( K, W, X, Y), NOT (initialize, initializing) nerve cell a.k.a. neuron ... ;
nerve i.e. in the body, fibers are transmitting impulses (sensation) to (brain, muscle, spinal cord) organs, also see: n Character;
N K Cell; N K Cell; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 169, immunological, ... ;
Orthostatic Hypotension e.g. Neuro g e n i c Orthostatic Hypotension;
(epinephrine (adrenaline), neurotransmitter, nor epinephrine (nor adrenaline)) substance, relating to the nerve cells; Also see: a G T S U (agonist);
2564; 2020 May 8, NHK news; Kitasato University School of Medicine (K U S M), www.kitasato-u.ac.jp , neutralizing antibody as medicine against Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19;
Nanobot Programmer; e.g.
Nanobot Programmer, also see: DNA _Origami;
ninja triangle throwing star (to penetrate biological cells, gene codes (oncological, pathological, virological), hada Skin, tissues) in 3,4 dimensional factored Number, also see: Schematic Lipid; world's 1st numerological mapping, using ( Lo Shu, Sudoku) Algorithm, ... ;
nioi, also see: n Usage; nioi; Also see: Physics Law 230;
NGS; e.g.
1 Arc minute UDNGS (color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute NGS (color codes) marker;
1 Arc minute C micro RNA marker;
1 Arc minute RNA marker;
1 Arc minute DNA marker;
NGS (oncogene, Tumor Marker);
NGS; UDNGS; Also see: u G T S U;
nitrogen NMR; Also see: Chemical _Elements; Physics Law 146; Physics Law 184; Physics Law 789;
NO2, Nitrogen Dioxide;
nose; e.g.
(dripping nose, nasal, nasal breathing, nasal congestion, nasal decongestion, nasal discharge, nasal inflammation, nasal mucus, nasal voice, nosebleed, rhinitis (inflammation, irritation, p i t u i t a (nasal secretion), ... )) ... ;
nose nose nose; Radical250;
normal nose is without (bleeding, congestion, discharge, dripping, infection, inflammation, irritation, secretion), and normal nose can sense many kinds of aroma, fragrance, incense, nioi Smelling, odor, perfume, redolence, savor, scent, smell, ... ; Also see: Physics Law 230;
NP; using Artificial Intelligence to cure Comorbidity (e.g. patient with (Pneumonia, CHF, ARDS) and COVID-19) ;
kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine kakuigaku Nuclear Medicine; Also see: Graphics;
tumor marker by applying (DNA, RNA, C micro RNA, NGS,
Ultra Deep NGS);
bad gene patterns (tumor markers) by using defined base
pair (♯, ♯, ♯);
curing (repairing) either
nucleolus way, or
membrane way;
so called (mark,
cure) by
MD ... ;
this DOMAIN 's NMR must obey iroColourWaveForm, and iroLED;
Remark: before understanding NMR, Keyword (s) e.g. hydrogen's color code, inductance, nitrogen's color code, oxygen's color code, precession, ... , And Then, M R I (Graphics, imaging, picture), providing medical healthcare services (Graphics, imaging, picture) to MD ... ; PHYSICS, law 146, NMR ... ;
invisible insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids ( Confirmation Field, Confirmation Field, Confirmation Field) : (asymptomatic, symptomatic) symptoms, gene patterns, normal vital signs, ... ;
Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;