Updated in
2024 :
February :
22nd (Thursday) : Physics Law 234 ;
; Updated on
22 :
2 :
2024 :
Physics Law 234 ;
234) : ((core, edge),
(core, edge));
(2+2) design model, e.g.
"surface inductance," using (Lo
Algorithm, also see:
(2+2) design model,
WHERE (System
are designed, modeled, and programmed for
's imaginary hyperspace crafts for commuting among human beings livable moons in
our universes, and
surface inductance (Method, Procedure, Technique), and (2+2) design model is
worth trillions of US Dollar;
IFF (biological, biomedical, biophysical, oncological, pathological), also see: Nanobot Programming; Nanobot . Programming . Mapper . HTML;
(( Arc,
Bow)) ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now,
(Arc, Arch, Bow) As String,
should we have?
well trained kids!! replied: kuru kuru
WHILE (Arc, Arch, Bow) exist, doko
WHERE Hole for each (Arc, Arch, Bow) sir;
I wrote: Yes. Correct. 2 is very very unique in many ways, in this case study of
(Hole, String) ... ; well trained kids!! should R&D (NCS, PCS) in addition to
ZCS nowadays ... ;
hashi Edge,
hashi Edge,
hashi Edge,
hashi Edge) : (
shin Core,
shin Core,
shin Core,
shin Core) ... ;
I wrote: regarding the following
table (28x28 ones),
WHERE Yellow
Color is surrounded by Green Color, and
ware ware We've (
Edge1), And Then, don't change IT;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! spiral alike, 14 quantities of edges are good enough to handle 13 system's core sir;
I wrote:
of course; can you R&D factored Number
(dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) for your (core,
edge) R&D?
well trained kids!! replied: Yes.
ware ware We can sir; Because, we've already read
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan,
been detailed explaining explicit & basic
I wrote: I don't have any medical related degree in my 1st
life, and wondering
WHAT do you
call "edges" in (
biological, oncological, pathological, virological)?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! "edges" are
called "membranes" in (
biological, oncological, pathological, virological) sir;
can you teach us HOW to do
Nanobot Programming (
bound ) sir?
I wrote: since I don't have any medical related degree, IT
would be ("a Tarzan") Method
... and cannot be (academic, legitimate), by the way, for very basic, also see:
DNA _Origami; after 3+ years of R&D
(during 2019-2020-2021), unwanted
pandemic problem has been solved by (coconut water + protein powder) Method, and
in addition if I wonder HOW to formulate medicine against RSV,
Respiratory (S y n c y t i a l,
Virus (Also see:
Anti Virus;
Disease Disorder
Remark: another trillions of US Dollar worth question, e.g. WHAT is
biomedical usage (S y n c y t i a l, Syncytium)?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!!
kuru kuru
WHILE RSV is exposed, And Then, its virus is attaching to respiratory
biological cells' membranes of the individual is called RSV patient sir;
ware ware We need to be immuned ones to RSV sir, please help;
I wrote: wait, I need the Shakya King's permit to answer; using Satellite Phone dialing (roaming via Airplane mode (Satellite)) called to the Shakya King ... ;
I wrote: OK. start with black
sesame seeds, because (26, Iron, Fe, 55.8) can cure biomedical usage (S y
n c y t i a l,
(pronounce like "San-Say-Shin"))
related respiratory system ... ; you'll be immuned ones against RSV for sure, because
black sesame seeds eat (e.g.
DEE _Mouth, also see: DEE) NOT ONLY OH build-up at outer side
(edge of, husk of, membrane of) BUT ALSO
respiratory system's soft bone to reject "virus is attaching" to its membranes
... e.g. oral route, black sesame
seeds powder, Action (bid)
until be immuned ones against RSV (O2)... ; since "DEE _Mouth" has been special
designed & modeled
(e.g. 1/4, 3-to-1 mapping method),
(if-and-only-if) NCS R&D environment i.e. beyond
ZCS, at the "1/4" area, WHEN applied heats exist (e.g.
Half IgA,
IgA 4
IgA 8 Arm) will obey C Sequence
Number (BF2) for sure ... so We'll be immuned ones against RSV (O2) and been
well trained kids!! replied: a "Tarzan" teacher (guided, mentioned, said) easily, but we've to do many step-by-step,
1st. Protein bound diff between ("Black Sesame Seed" vs. "White Sesame Seed") regarding 4 carbons' attachment of each Hemoglobin;
2nd. collected bio-Sample ( sputum : (coughed-up mucus + infection (in this case: RSV) + saliva)) ;
3rd. currently available (antibacterial + Anti Virus) drip,
toward the collected bio-Sample;
Remark: without steroids;
4th. Umm!! Umm!! black sesame seed's (26, Iron, Fe, 55.8), within the OH+ Distance, ferrous oxide will prompt for sure; Remark: instead of using rusted iron, we've to find-out how "black sesame seed" can be;
5th. drug-drug
interactions (e.g. a patient (collected
bio-Sample) is using
A c e b u t o l o l (drug:
beta blocker for treating angina (chest pain), high blood pressure, irregular
heartbeat, ... ),
(drug: A l b u t e r o l
(Bronchodilator) for Asthma)) HOW reacts to the defined (antibacterial + Anti
Virus) drip, drop, ... ;
Remark: with steroids;
Also see:
s G T
S U; because "membranes' fluidity" is the key in this case of
unwanted RSV;
6th. Umm!! Umm!! is that really working at (normal N% + ph7)? OH!! OH!! we like to add a drop of fresh lime juice to be ph8; because, a "Tarzan" teacher is going to eat sweet candy sugar alike ph6 "black sesame seeds" snacks into his rice liquor "sake" alike 80% alcohol GI tracts ... , Umm!! Umm!! either minus-one or plus-one is OK since 1999 DVD plus or minus; but in this case, not really "oral route" though, so we should limit to O2% to 20%, Umm!! Umm!! 20% O2 + ph8 should be the way to "inhale" via air ;
7th. RSV (O2) is not bounding to "normal" membrane (in this case: a "Tarzan" teacher As Common bio-Sample), because (26, Iron, Fe, 55.8) naturally likes to be "dry" (i.e. NOT "wet") ... ;
8th. Umm!! Umm!!
ware ware ,
Respiratory (S y n c y t i a l,
because, we're Nanobot Programmers sir;
I wrote: Yes. I've been a "Tarzan" WHO don't have own lab,
and I've realized & understood THAT "PUBLIC" means must be with FDA approval
and permit, not (Blah, Blah, Blah) webpage dialog; on the other hand, should
I (delivery, send, ship) another containers full of "black sesame seeds" powder
with antiviral (drip, drop) solution? or,
Teleportation via
Processor (size-by-size, box-by-box,
side-by-side, line-by-line) ... ;
Yes. you'll be very rich by (having, owning) trillions of US Dollar ... , don't
forget to do copyrights, LLC, patents, register, trademarks, ... your own; by
the way, I'll eat "black sesame seeds" for sure ... ; Remark: sheet-by-sheet in
ZCS computing is approx. level 4 already, if compare to level 6 (size-by-size)
Bamboo Stem Factored Number ... ;
9th. I wrote: Penicillin has been produced
from (mushroom:
Blue Color mold) as antibiotics, and I need QA (Quality Assurance) well trained
kids' knowledge of Nanobot Programming, so I've a quiz i.e. Portobello mushroom
SHIITAKE mushroom are diff in their shape, (
doshite Why,
Why) ?
well trained kids!! replied: because of light sheets' sizes and string Distance sir;
I wrote:
of course; Yes. correct. I've 1 more question regarding (core,
i.e. bacteria looks alike kadosei Mobility
(train-cars), but virus looks alike circle ones
doshite Why,
Why) ?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We'll be using F U Q U A N X I N mushroom (a.k.a.
Seafood mushroom), for reversed engineering (biophysics) to deal with circle
ones sir;
I wrote:
of course; you well trained kids!! become having reversed engineering (
biophysics) for
train-cars looks alike (bacteria) vs. circle ones looks alike
(virus); As I said before, don't forget THAT
Water (because essential very very unique 2 * OH+) +
Lipid (made from pure eucalyptus oil, because we need to be
"dry" (not "wet"
in this case of RSV)) +
black sesame seed (because we need ferrous oxide) +
fresh lime juice drop (because we need to be in ph8) +
antiviral (made from mushroom) powder + )
to penetrate unwanted
(S y n c y t i a l,
in this case: unwanted RSV;
well trained kids!! replied: since
H), (
have been (classified, defined, named, typed) by
WHICH has been charged (other wording would be:
), one of the two "O"
(s) might be a core sir,
And Then,
ware ware We've to define
Clock based
WHERE whether positively charged ones, or negatively charged
ones; in common, "negatively charged ones" are edges, (other wording would
be: longer Distance in Electron Configuration), membranes, ... sir;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance)
well trained kids' knowledge of medical practice (vital signs) regarding
Water (because
essential very
very unique 2 * OH+), so I've a quiz, if a patient is no longer
pee-pee (urination), WHAT should you predict?
Remark: I wish & hope THAT well trained kids!! become billionaires (in US
Dollar) rich ones; should I (send, ship) another container full of antiviral
medicine powder (in this case of
RSV) to you? because, you'll
be billionaires (with honest earning money, verified by escrow officers and
underwriters) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy quiz sir, because WHEN Water (because essential very very unique 2 * OH+) is gone (nothing left in the patient's blood other wording would be "no water in the body"), the defined patient becomes no longer pee-pee (urination) sir;
I wrote:
of course; well trained kids!! are very smart ones already, good, very good, ...
; I'll consider well trained kids as
level (our earth only), because I've not taught Bamboo
Stem Factored Number yet, because
I must obey the Shakya King's
regulations, permits, restrictions, ... via
satellite smart phone call commands ... ;
We need to be immuned ones against COVID-19,
in addition, We need to be immuned ones against RSV,
in addition, We need to be immuned ones against H ? N ?
Flu; We need to be ready (to demolish, to kill, to defeat) "H"
bound airborne, i.e. in addition to "N" bound airborne; Umm!! Umm!!
enoki) mushroom, IFF thin-and-tall ones, antiviral powder formulation
factored Number
(i.e. not similar to Protein powder
formulation factored Number), also see:
s G
T S U (e.g. the defined membranes' fluidity (steroid: ((S y n c y t i a l,
Syncytium) in this case: unwanted
RSV))) ... ; F U Q U A N X I N
mushroom (a.k.a. Seafood mushroom); Also see:
e Character;
e Usage;
Physics Law 234, (core, edge) ... ;
I wrote: for
level imaginary hyperspace R&D (our Solar System's human beings livable moons),
and also for
level imaginary hyperspace R&D (our universes' human beings livable moons),
... in 2022 (in 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar), I've created ../../ Time .Space /6 surfaced DEE Box in
Z-index/103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g.
and IFF (if and only if) you're truly designing & modeling imaginary hyperspace
crafts (for your nation, for the Shakya King, for
your organization), I've a quiz for you, i.e. regarding oriental thought (Time .
Space . Action), WHAT is the time period this
picture should represent?
well trained kids!! replied: (
60 years,
60 years,
60 years) sir,
Umm!! Umm!! and, Lunar Orbit (s) are
Eccentric _circles alike sir, IFF calculating from our earth;
I wrote: correct.
of course; I've a quiz now (As of 2566; As of 2022), Jupiter is whether closest
Distance (Shortest) or farthest Distance
(Longest) to our earth?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!!
approx. closest Distance sir, (As
of 2566; As of 2022) doko
Jupiter is
(referring to (our earth + our moon + the Jupiter));
I wrote: correct.
of course; approx.
moons of the Jupiter
(Also see: International Astronomical
Union (I A U)), and Complexity
Region of (
Moon Wave,
Moon Wave,
Moon Wave)
moon waves become very very complicated, so I need to learn from the
Shakya King's
level imaginary hyperspace crafts to know beyond ("Navy Blue") Color, HOW
(("Fuchsia"), ("Lavender"), ("Magenta"), ("Purple")) Colors obey this DOMAIN 's
iroColourWaveForm ... ; so,
level imaginary hyperspace R&D (our universes' human beings livable moons) is
not for well trained kids!! to do R&D of factoring Number ... ;
I wrote: Dear
Shakya King, could you please teach me HOW to realize & understand beyond
103x28 dimensional Invisibility"), doko
knowledge of beyond ("Navy Blue") sir?
Shakya King replied: Oh!!! No. can't be "big mouth" in public ... ; very basic 1000 = 600 + 400, WHERE 400 is originally from Western Civilization (Pope Gregory XIII, since 1582), 600 is originally from China (Eastern Civilization), and SQRT2 (±98) floating points' 3rd latch number (1000) is for global ones (Reminder: 1000 is for global, 100 is for remote, and 10 is for local) ... ;
I wrote: thank you
sir because I've just realized that
Reiwa era of Japan's s o k u i r e i - s e i d e n - n o - g i
a.k.a. enthronement ceremony, celebrated with 46 vehicles;
... 2020 ... |
... 2021 ... |
... 2022 ... |
... 2023 ... |
... 2024 ... |
... 2025 ... |
regarding (2*6 (dimensional,
don't forget THAT I've reserved ((2*6), (2*7)) for you (well trained
kids), and
this DOMAIN 's (2*5)
is (
mine) ; (
hatsugen Observation,
hatsugen Proposal,
hatsugen Remark,
hatsugen Speech,
hatsugen Statement,
hatsugen Utterance), e.g. inside of info \
intentionally 2 Yellow Color areas are (4,6) for one of the human beings
livable moons (2 suns refreshing planet);
I wrote: I've HOMEWORK for ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace (Architects, Chief Engineers, Designers) only, i.e. factoring Number for Silver Color, factoring Number for Yellow Color, and prove THAT (core, edge) can indicate growth rate (BLI auto adjustment),
regarding C Sequence Number (BF2) variable Distance of BF2 (for each growth rate (Distance), for each plant, for each tree),
regarding Physics Law 1, C Sequence Number (BF2),
and also growth rate of living (beings,
objects, things) ... ;
Remark: if you're on our earth (ACT1
level), just void my HOMEWORK, because this HOMEWORK is intended for human
beings livable moons
(ACT2 or ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace
R&D only), regarding
... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
Centimeter | s | ; | |||||||
Inch | e | s | ; | ||||||
Pixel | s | ; | |||||||
Point | s | ; | |||||||
Dash | e | s | ; | ||||||
Dot | s | ; | |||||||
Solid | ; | ||||||||
Longest | side | ; | |||||||
Shortest | side | ; |
I wrote: in Buddha sasana
calendar year 2566, in Gregorian calendar year 2022, world's 1st
Idea Processor based
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
HTML) program (webpage (avoiding
Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan)), designed, modeled,
and programmed, so (directional, logical, numerological)
... a part of this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We've read IT already sir; question is that HOW could that be
related to (core, edge) webpage here?
I wrote: I didn't explain (
Lo Shu Magic Square topology) can be
programmed at the midst (i.e.
core), in addition to this
DOMAIN 's 10 dimensional 10x10 Table (3-to-1) directional (other wording would
be: "Lo Shu" can be at the
edges of the defined 10
dimensional 10x10 Table); so, I've a homework for you, i.e. R&D on 5 diff
numerological sequences of Number;
1st. Lo Shu numbers should be placed at the midst of the 10x10 Table;
2nd. Lo Shu numbers should be placed by (Top, Right) corner of the 10x10 Table;
3rd. Lo Shu numbers should be placed by (Bottom, Right) corner of the 10x10 Table;
4th. Lo Shu numbers should be placed by (Bottom, Left) corner of the 10x10 Table;
5th. Lo Shu numbers should be placed by (Top, Left) corner of the 10x10 Table;
And Then,
multi purposes Algorithm (
Sudoku +
Lo Shu) can be e.g. mapping for correcting
abnormal gene codes; e.g. mapping for the defined region to be in good
weather conditions; e.g. mapping for 10000 MPH missile interceptor;
e.g. mapping for NFC (Near Field Communication) based Location Awareness
Response (IoT); and so on
... , truly multi purposes ... ;
Remark: NOT 9x9 Table; 10x10 Table, because (
Sudoku +
Lo Shu) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: We hate homework (s) sir;
I wrote: let's R&D 13 System, And Then, you'll have better HOW you should design & model multi dimensional systems ... ;
chizu Map;
this table is modeled by 28x28 dimensional, 13 System,
so its ((Left 5, Right 5), and (Up 5, Down 5)) are specific numerological
juten (Filling)
... ;
Shakya King asked: you're not really Rakhine ethnic tribe, and in your (native land, motherland), concerning "400 is originally from Western Civilization (Pope Gregory XIII, since 1582)," any of ethnic tribe ever calculated 13 As Distance in (kilometer, mile)?
I wrote: so far as what I know of, no ethnic tribe calculated 13 As Distance sir;
well trained kids!! replied: OH!! OH!!
ware ware We'll e.g. (13 kilometer, a.k.a. 13 km), (13 miles is approx.
20.9215 kilometers); Umm!! Umm!! since
one meter, (10^-7) of the Distance (our earth's equator to its poles); Also see:
108 configuration;
ware ware We've got 13 * (10^-7) IFF our earth sir, so
13 should
be using for each edge : (
Edge1), And Then, if we're reversed engineering Edge1-14 (e.g. multiplex by 2
for plus or minus), so 28 = (2 * 14) ... ;
Remark: plus one to thirteen can be R&D; after calculating 13 km
edges (moon waves), we'll have our own
Anti-Earthquake Algorithm soon;
I wrote:
of course; by the
way, don't change the edges, because intentionally they should be look alike
"door" spiral;
1st. Layer ( AI Font) should be at the forefront, like a TV Design & Model, so I've a quiz i.e. doko WHERE do I hide my 13 System's font definition?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! IT > Executable Application > Exe _files > desktop 's contents would be:
[.Shell Class Info]
Icon Resource=C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll,13
C L S ID={25662022-0180-3212-3123-551085510710}
I wrote: I'm getting old (approx. 60+ years old), and if I forget to update it defined value e.g. C L S ID in the future, you've to edit IT yourself; so we're good for Layer . the forefront;
2nd. audio, streaming
graphics, and video are floating alike SQRT2 's (±98), so
IC28 (SQRT2)
... ;
3rd. since SQRT3 with SQRT2 has been integrated but no information is available regarding SQRT3 to learn, and to do R&D, because "our earth is not simple like what I think" so I prefer military top secrets NOT to be As Public Info, so I've a quiz if you like to design and model ZCS (multi Layers) with backgrounds WHICH (Method, Procedure, Technique) would you like to capture SQRT2 ones?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! SQRT3, of course;
I wrote: by the way, WHAT do we learn so far?
well trained kids!! replied: regarding (Core, Edge) physics
law, so far, We've learnt
Lo Shu As Core sir;
should be at 4 edges sir; We can do vice and versa also,
Umm!! Umm!! ... ;
I wrote: don't forget that 3-to-1 dimensional
(2000s design
model), kuru kuru
dealing with 4 edges, 1 should of "Default" (other wordings would be good
enough to define core + 3) ... ; Yes. regarding the above table (Yellow Color As
Core), surrounding by Green Color As Edges; regarding (directional,
structural), step-by-step, easy to realize and
understand, also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, And Then, try to understand HOW
3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell are ... ;
Remark: a part of antiviral COVID-19 medicine R&D, and it took approx. 3+ years
to (figure-out, find-out), just to know a little bit of "unwanted nitrogen" ...
; COVID-19 is more powerful than nuclear
related ones, because militaries cannot operate if airborne virus
(e.g. COVID-19) EXIST;
75th year after WWII ; by the way, can you R&D Sudoku As Core
well trained kids!! replied: Yes. We can. We've highlighted with "reversed yellowish variation" colors i.e. Highlight (Green) with Font Color (Yellow) sir;
I wrote: I am not going to explain and teach before 2023
because, I've something else very important to do ; I believe you can do R&D (
Sudoku +
Lo Shu) yourself; take your time, approx. 1
year to do R&D on 5 diff numerological sequences of Number, regarding
(core, edge) ... ; I've a quiz i.e. if I draw 108x108 pictures, And Then,
inserted inside of the 10x10 Table, 108*10 = 1080 will indicate a whole screen
for sure; question is that how many 108x108 pictures would you like to create?
well trained kids!! replied: 10 pictures of 108x108 dimensional definitely will do sir;
I wrote: Lo Shu indicates 15 in directional ones, in addition to numerological 6;
ware ware We're going to create (this
biophysics Tool;
if 15 is located at the midst (i.e. Core), And Then, 4 edges should be numerological (indicating, presenting, representing) WHAT kind of Number?
if 15 is located at the upper-right, And Then, (the rest 3 edges + Core) should be numerological (indicating, presenting, representing) WHAT kind of Number?
if 15 is located at the lower-right, And Then, (the rest 3 edges + Core) should be numerological (indicating, presenting, representing) WHAT kind of Number?
if 15 is located at the lower-left, And Then, (the rest 3 edges + Core) should be numerological (indicating, presenting, representing) WHAT kind of Number?
if 15 is located at the upper-left, And Then, (the rest 3 edges + Core) should be numerological (indicating, presenting, representing) WHAT kind of Number?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir;
this law number is exceptional and special, intended for both 2,3 dimensional, and 3,4 dimensional;
![]() |
![]() |
. |
![]() |
![]() |
3 | 9 | . | 6 | cm | |||||
![]() |
![]() |
. |
![]() |
" | |||||
1 | 5 | . | 6 | inches | |||||
Also see: 7cComputer; Physics Law 234; |
retrospectively, WHAT we've learnt so far (Time) are :
1 Arc minute As Distance; Also see:
a Character
(arc; e.g.);
Physics Law 789;
.. \ .. \ Myanmar \ Lunar Orbit \ 4_Planets_Prediction, so we've realized & understood (4);
Physics Law 170, leading 3 naturally, ... ; so we've realized & understood THAT (2,3) e.g. 3 moon waves can cause 2 holes naturally, vice versa, 2 holes can be reversed engineered to define 3 strings;
Physics Law 132,
suingu Swing-by Gravity Time,
so we've realized & understood THAT because of Swing-by Gravity Time (
3), IFF our earth, eyes (
2) happened naturally;
.. \ .. \ Time . Space \ two is very very unique in many ways e.g. ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) with ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)) a.k.a. 108 configuration;
we learnt (-time, Time) already ... ;
retrospectively, WHAT we've learnt so far (Space) are :
Theory of Eastern Civilization, doko
two is very very unique in many ways e.g. we've (hole, string)
coexistence as
Yin and Yang;
1st to realize &
suingu Swing-by Gravity Time;
to realize & understand
anti FLU,
anti Influenza,
for winter time period,
for summer time period;
at the present (Action), we're going to define HOW (core, edge) can be realized & understood by using I CHING;
using (
BF2 Red,
Red EM Pull) to cure unwanted Coronavirus;
Remark: because, in Swing-by Gravity Time (winter) neutrino alike cellular building blocks, cellular energy, so unwanted Coronavirus behaves like normal green ones;
in winter time period, this DOMAIN, using
BF2 Red,
Red EM Pull) to cure unwanted Coronavirus;
humanoid Jiwaka, IFF winter time period,
BF2 Red,
Red EM Pull) to cure unwanted Coronavirus;
humanoid Jiwaka, IFF summer time period,
BF2 Red,
Red EM Pull) to cure unwanted Coronavirus;
Remark: in 2020, started approx. Chinese New Year Day, And Then, we've global (our earth) unwanted Coronavirus outbreaks globally, and we've to create medicine for curing unwanted Coronavirus; to cure (Swing-by Gravity Time) 's unwanted Coronavirus outbreaks, Physics Law 234, (core, edge), was written;
edge, a.k.a.
humanoid Jiwaka, using
RNA, C micro RNA, NGS, Ultra Deep NGS,
... , to cure abnormalities, diseases and disorders;
Circle, also
see: Eccentric _circles,
center point is core alike,
And Then, circumference is edge alike;
nuclei is core alike,
And Then, membrane is edge alike;
seed is core alike,
And Then, husk is edge alike;
therapeutic Immune Cells, using (((({11,11,11}
a.k.a. Black) with (Maroon a.k.a. Dark Red)) for
hydrogen), ((({E3,E3,E3}
a.k.a. Silver) with ({11,11,11} a.k.a. Black)) for nitrogen), (((Green, including
Aqua) with White) for
oxygen)) to (Def, define, defined, defining) antibodies (defined unwanted
virus); antibody (defined
unwanted virus);
Antigen _to _be _Anti Virus ; at the present, IFF biological, biomedical,
immunological, defined unwanted virus is
Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19;
IT, "core"
is like (Idea Processor,
Processor) center, centre, middle, midst,
... , if compare to "edge"
is like (Interface,
Protocol and Port)
top's left corner, top's right corner, bottom's left corner, bottom's right
corner, ... ,
And Then, (help, indicate, provide) solution to the defined
Keyword (s)
: e.g. (
DNA, gene pattern,
Gene Therapy System,
good gene pattern, (Protein : c y t o skeletal protein,
protein synthesis), Registration (. r e g), (
RNA : (mRNA, r RNA, t RNA)), signaling,
this DOMAIN, ... ) ;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well
trained kids (correctly, really, truly) realize & understand HOW to do
(map, mapped, mapping) in numerological way, so I've a quiz i.e. among
WHICH one would you like to (choose, select) ?
well trained kids!! replied:
Umm!! Umm!!
Physics Law 2 3 4,
doko WHERE edges and core,
if we're using 39.6 centimeter on the ZCS,
the defined panel should be 15.6 in sizes,
that has been the current trend,
pixel (PT, PX) can be zoomed;
3, 6, and 9 are in numerological,
5D (5 Dimensional) can be defined by iro Colour,
biophysics (map, mapped, mapping),
structural can be in numerological dimensions ... ;
I wrote: a good poem to remember, EN English to be memorable, marking bio cells become easier, ... ; Also see: Nanobot iPS Cells;
I wrote: because of (
opt o coupler
opt o coupler
opt o coupler (light emitting, light sensitive)
component to couple isolated circuits
e.g. Automotive opt o coupler, plastic opt o coupler, hermetic opt o coupler;)
vs. (
opt o isolator
opt o isolator
opt o isolator ; ),
kind of (chip, chipset,
) are going to be available to public
Remark: 2565; 2022; Also see:
Law 234;
well trained kids!! replied: Double Edges Processors will be in marketing soon, SO IT will be available to public sir; HA!! HA!!
I wrote:
doshite Why,
Why) do I
("Tarzan") need "Double Edges Processor" ?
well trained kids!! replied: a part of 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index R&D results, 2 flat surfaces, 2 sides of the 6 surfaced ones, 2 ZCS (s), ... can be computing at the same time sir; Umm!! Umm!!
kotai Antibody;
m e n e k i s o s h i k i k a g a k u
I m m u n o h i s t o chemical; Also see:
Physics Law 169,
immunological, ... ;
a "Tarzan" 's wild guess would be: thicker the membrane (edge), harder to penetrate into the core (e.g. a chicken's egg vs. a turtle's egg); Also see: Enzymes;
((IFF core, (3,4,6)), (IFF edge, (2,3))),
also see: ICH3;
((IFF core, (3,4,6)), (IFF edge, (2,4))), also see:
((IFF core, (4,6)), (IFF edge, (1,2))), also see:
regarding Gravity Dimension Computer (biochemical, biological, biomedical, biophysical, immunological, medical, radiological) ... , within bioavailability Time period of WHOM (e.g. defined person, defined patient, defined Pt, defined user), "core" is like defined cell's center, defined gene code's inner-side, nuclei, seed, ... , if compare to "edge" is like husk, membrane, defined gene code's outer-side, ... , i.e. Physics Law 234, (core, edge) ... ;
humanoid Jiwaka,
also see : Physics Law 146,
Physics Law 145,
Incubation Period;
Physics Law 144,
Anti-Virus Interior;
i.e. for curing
virus-name (ꌁCoronavirusꌁ a.k.a. ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ);
I wrote: regarding Two (
is very very unique in many ways e.g. Using (
to be recovery from
ꌁCoronavirus (COVID-19)ꌁ, so I've
quiz i.e. WHICH one would be for core (nuclei), and WHICH one would be for edge
(membrane) ?
well trained kids! replied:
is for core a.k.a. nuclei, and
is for edge a.k.a. membrane sir;
I wrote:
of course;
curing (repairing) e.g.
curing (repairing) either nucleolus way, or membrane way; Also see: m G T S U;
Edge??; e.g.
Edge1) ... ; Also see:
e Character;
Physics Law 234;
6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index;
fuzzy; e.g.
fuzzy around the edges ... ;
Hexagon; e.g.
Hexagon 15 Fully Connected Ones; Also see:
f G T
S U;
ion; e.g.
ion) ...
Ionization ;
Ionize ;
Ionized ;
I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so I've quiz i.e. since ions are either plus or minus, medicine (antiviral COVID-19) vaccine has been from very very cold environment to a normal room temperature environment, concerning Physics Law 234 (core, edge), are electrons alike membrane either core or edge?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very very east quiz
sir, answer would be:
Minus Ion As Edge ;
Distance is measured by
quantum computing (layers of the defined electrons) as quantum distance sir;
Hex={FF,CC,99} Yellow Color goes away, kuru kuru
WHILE (Navy Blue Color and Silver Color) are flip-flop alike sir;
intentionally, we wrote "very very east" sir;
I wrote:
of course; a "Tarzan" realized & understood Leve4
gas ...
; level5,
level6, level7, ... exist ; diff potential can be set as (higher plus, lower
plus), (plus, minus), (higher minus, lower minus), ... and so on ... depending
upon your government's policies and R&D firms' trade secrets ... ;
a "Tarzan" 's formula, i.e.
Coconut Water + Protein Powder (fish gills) for defeating
"unwanted Nitrogen" COVID-19 pandemic worldwide (2019-2020-2021); Remember:
winners of biomedical war (COVID-19) are Germany, Japan, and USA, concerning
unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide; Also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War . HTML
(Suggestion: you shouldn't start a war,
because "war" means "All-In" tactic in Texas Poker game); I've a
quiz now, i.e. Level3 question, how do you penetrate one of the
Walls? e.g. from blood to
spinal cord as 1 wall; e.g. from GI (diet, oral route) to blood as 1 wall;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! electrons must be
with pairs sir;
is a must to penetrate a wall (because
same type accepts its similar ones sir ); other wording
ware ware We can imagine would be: the defined pathogen's (edge,
pattern should be matched to our medicine's electron pair, like a
Judo Method
I wrote:
2 is very
very unique in many ways;
of course; I've to be ready, be readiness to defeat (enemies,
for another round of (Bad vs. Good) ... ; Also see:
i G T
S U;
reaction; e.g.
during a reaction, loss of electrons by (1 atom, 1 ion, 1
molecule) i.e. oxidation, so its
temperature should be
raising ... , on the other hand,
reactant accumulates electron, i.e. reduction), so its
temperature should be
decreasing ... ;
1 electron, also see: Particles;
e.g. 1 Molecule (gets, receives) oxygen, i.e. oxidation ... ;
e.g. 1 Molecule (gives, loses) oxygen, i.e. reduction ... ;
e.g. 1 Molecule (loses, disappears) hydrogen, i.e. oxidation ... ;
micro calorimeter; ((
micro calorimeter) .
Heat) ... ;
micro calorimeter; ((
micro calorimeter) .
ondo Temperature) ... ; Also see:
t Character;
Reminder: a "Tarzan" 's Method i.e. (Coconut Water + Protein powder ("made from
fish gills")) for formulating antiviral medicine ("unwanted nitrogen") for
defeating unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide during (2019-2020-2021);
(combination of atoms), i.e. Molecule;
Types of atoms (since
materials of matter have been made
of atoms), i.e.
Number of atoms in
Substance (doko
Water behaves like substances) ... ;
(atomic level
macroscopic level) in process,
are counting Number of particles, UNIT
should be ("mole"); since the defined atom is with (negatively charged
positively charged nucleus (a.k.a. proton, neutron)), electron's (energy
level, shell) in
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration)
electronic structural of the defined (atom, element, molecule,
substance; (periodicity, properties of elements, property)
Display composition of materials in quantum mechanical design model,
data define the atoms' ((
hatsugen Observation,
hatsugen Proposal,
hatsugen Speech,
hatsugen Utterance),
state, stated, stating) by mass-spectrometry
interaction with (defined light, directional gravity spots,
electromagnetic waves, lights) can provide (
measure, measurement) of concentrations
WHICH (lead to, represent as) Symbol illustrations;
Computers for computing
(e.g. OH+
OH+ Distance), formation of New Substance, (physical
biochemical) processes, transformations, so
Parameter e.g. atom, element,
energy, force,
object, ... ; (physical property (Matter), physical property
(Substance)), diff properties e.g. gaseous, liquid, solid, ...
determined by WHICH (concentration, mixture, solution, solvent) and
regarding antiviral
COVID-19 (2019-2020-2021) medicine, winners are Germany, Japan, and
USA; Also see: Chemical _in_
mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;
Nanobot Programming;
s a y a; e.g.
s ā r a, core, essence; in Union of Myanmar, usage "s a y a" means teacher; Also see: s Pali;
show position; e.g.
show position,
show position,
show position) e.g. geo-location, showing a
position Info of the current location, the Browser's Location
Awareness, also see: this DOMAIN 's
one of the buttons (Show
Position) Latitude Number, Longitude Number,
... ;
ZCS logical; e.g.
ZCS _Edge _Connector,
ZCS _Light _Sheet _Connector), also see:
Schematic Light;
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;
Also see: PHYSICS;
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