; Updated in
2564 : on
2021 :
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3 :
Physics Law 170 ;
170) :
leading 3 naturally ;
- a part of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space system (108 configuration) ... ;
Aero; Also see:
- BLI, Body Length Index, on leading 3 naturally;
- if you like to do R&D (SPL Engineering) yourselves,
start with (EM Pull, Magnet), then apply "without
magnet" to your defined space, kuru kuru
lights' ZCS are ... , then you'll realize and understand HOW to do R&D (SPL
Engineering) WHICH is one of the military top secrets, for each imaginary
hyper space craft, ... ; EM Pull, also see:
Physics Law 153, ... ; SPL Engineering, also
see: Magnet;
Physics Law 173, ... ;
- in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space system, leading 3 naturally is a part of IT;
- in suingu Swing-by Gravity Time, leading 3 naturally are next to each other consecutively;
- leading 3 naturally, human beings livable moons;
- leading 3 naturally must obey 2, e.g. IFF 3 is by a side, And Then, 2 must be by another side;
- on leading 3 naturally, unlike our earth's (carbon nano wall, carbon nano world), more parallel alike;
- solar system as secant segment of our universes, IFF 3,4 dimensional can be understood;
- variable DEE patterns exist on the leading 3 naturally;
- we've already understood all human beings parts e.g. 4 fingers happen naturally, because of leading 3 naturally;
- yellowish variations exist on the leading 3 naturally; (refer to 3 human beings livable moons nearby ones);
P vector direction) ...
also see: Radicals;
Remark: one of the highest technologies on human beings livable moons ... ;
because of "leading 3 naturally"
ware ware We've characters e.g.
in Chinese,
... are somehow related to "leading 3 naturally" (3 moon waves, Wireless)
... ; Also see: cr;
... are somehow related to "leading 3 naturally" (3 moon waves, Wireless)
... ; Also see: br;
... are somehow related to "leading 3 naturally" (3 moon waves, Wireless)
... ; Also see:
in Standard PS/2 Keyboard, ^, ), U, ], J, L, c, v, >, ... are somehow related to "leading 3 naturally" ... ;
in Symbol, ), >, ], ^, Ɔ, ɺ, ɿ, ʗ, ... are somehow related to "leading 3 naturally" ... ;
Remark: think that "leading 3 naturally" are planets and they causes BF2 (Also see: C Sequence Number); without understanding this (law 170), there is no way to understand 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space in ACT2 level ;
Remark: in
ACT3 level,
ware ware We've to think other factors e.g.
Even Time
Horizontal DEE, e.g.
variable DEE patterns,
e.g. yellowish
variations, ... ;
; remember, all human beings livable moons are owned by
Shakya King;
we have 2 eyes because of 2 human beings
livable moons are on the same orbit; e.g.
we have 3 holes in our skull because of 2 events of 3 lights are in 90 degree
(a.k.a. (2*6)
momentum); Also see:
I wrote: create a graphic picture, regarding leading 3 naturally, and take your time; I'll draw a picture for you later HOW leading 3 naturally should be pictured;
I wrote: I've another quiz i.e. WHAT
are the different between
parallel moon waves,
and leading 3 naturally, and HOW to use those to be functional
Global Weather to avoid earthquakes, also to be functional
geriatric strengthening muscle by this DOMAIN 's
Gene Therapy
System ;
Remark: with Water, think that 3 moon waves are coming from the east naturally, and causing 2 pairs of "Auto Grow" Number naturally and this (Method, Procedure, Technique), a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional ... ; Also see: Physics Law 131, Auto Grow, ... ;
well trained kids
replied: Umm!! Umm!! we're thinking now
2 and
3 are related ... ; we don't like our
"mean face" imaginary hyper space system teacher WHO used to drive taxis and
trucks, but we can't defeat him;
we don't want to be dead ones, because our "mean face" teacher's imaginary hyper
space system endorses 200+ millions enemies, foes, and opponents to be killed;
we need to use polite usage "sir" quite often, because we don't want to be
attached with his invisible insectoid remote nama reading and
invisibility engineering ... , so we need to use more polite usage "sir" to him
without any joke ... ; And, he has already mapped all nuclear related ones also
with 2+ hour (Method, Procedure, Technique) of embedded devices (GPS, IoT, NFC),
and we've no choice to oppose him, because we've learnt very much (more than
money) from our "mean face" teacher ... ;
I wrote: create a graphic picture, regarding leading 3 naturally, and take your time; I'll draw a picture for you later HOW leading 3 naturally should be pictured;
well trained kids! replied: WHY do we have 3 holes in our human beings kind's skull sir ?
I wrote: think of upper limit, and
lower limit; regarding 2 eyes, long long time ago, we learnt
WHILE 1 eye
moves, another eye moves in the same directional, because 2 human beings livable
moons are on the same orbit as (upper limit, lower limit) ; we need something
(good food) to eat, like bio cells do, so we've to add 1 more hole; therefore,
regarding 3 holes, 2 holes should be the same, but other hole is like adding 1
more hole to eat, like bio cells, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: we've
long long time ago (like bio cells), and we wonder WHY do we have 2 holes as
ears at the side, and 2 holes as nose, if excluding skeletal bone (skull),
regarding juten Filling (alive) form sir ?
I wrote: believe IT or not, regarding "geriatric strengthening muscle" picture's left most horizontal (4 lines) are wireless antenna alike, if with water (inside of nose's holes), so THAT "nose" alike, and they are not ears alike;
well trained kids! replied: do we need
to add this
Physics Law 170,
leading 3 naturally, for
our currently going on BLI automatic adjustment project for each human
beings livable moon, doko
we human beings' variable sizes to be common ones like our earth standard sir ?
I wrote: Yes, I've many (fact, factor, factors, facts) out of my knowledge, and still cannot solve e.g. BLI automatic adjustment (for each human beings livable moon), ... ; Remark: it is NOT easy to measure gravitational density, it is NOT easy to measure gravity's density, it is NOT easy to measure gravity spot's density, ... ; you well trained kids! should drive taxis and trucks like I did, for different idea (s) while dealing with all different peoples ... ; you well trained kids! need lab results from human beings livable moons' scientific laboratories to do so ... ;
- measuring
gravitational density;
- measuring gravity's density;
- measuring gravity spot's density;
keywords would be: (closed system, open system) regarding environment; (heuristic, structural) regarding directional; ... ;
well trained kids! replied: WHY you didn't mention "reversed yellowish variation" in this webpage sir ?
I wrote: I can't teach you everything,
because, some human beings are very nasty with sins;
using "Red Book" for good wills purpose with metta, I've to overwrite "Black
Book" ... ; you well trained kids! will know
WHEN you
become 56+ years old ones, e.g. life is not that easy and simple, e.g. for male
kind, if I dispatch "you can't say no" beautiful female kind, many male kinds
failed, and I've many many methods, procedures, techniques, ... , therefore,
life is not that easy and simple ... ;
life of "bastard" ones, life of "child swapped" ones, ... would be harder than
"life is not that easy and simple" ... ; Remark: many peoples (are,
were) against me in my life, therefore, I must rely on
Remark: I'm NOT against
Western Civilization's Big Bang theory, however, in
Theory of Eastern Civilization, HOW nesting should be realized and
understood, therefore, I've written this webpage intentionally i.e.
leading 3
naturally causes (2,3)
... ; think THAT (2*6) is a part of
this DOMAIN 's ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) dimensional, doko
WHERE "2" is very very
unique in many ways like SQRT2, And Then, (5,6,7) are like variations ... ; think THAT "2" is like (2*6)
momentum, a.k.a. China's traditional calendar's zodiac signs;
leading 3 naturally; Also see: Physics Law 170 ... ;
Auto Grow; Also see: Physics Law 131 ... ;
origin of branching factor; origin of brunching factor; Also see: Physics Law 82 ... ;
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