humanoid Jiwaka,
humanoid Jiwaka,
humanoid Jiwaka, updated in
2025 :
February :
11th (Tuesday) : ; Updated on
11 :
2 :
2025 : Disease Disorder
Acronym : approx. 395+ kinds available to be (chiryoyaku
Therapeutic, cured, managed healthcare, revision) ... ;
(DNA, RNA, C micro RNA, NGS, Ultra Deep NGS a.k.a. UDNGS)
method, procedure, technique, ... to cure, to manage healthcare
(((abnormal, abnormality, ail ness,
ailment, bad condition, chaos, complication, confusion, discharge,
disease, disorder, dizziness, fatigue (weakness), illness, infection, irregularity, malady, mess, sickness,
tumors, untidiness, viruses, ...
))) ... ; Also see:
c G T S U;
d G T S U;
r G T S U;
u G T S U;
Remark: world (our
earth) 's the most advance system (this DOMAIN, WHOM) ... ;
p a t h y means disease; Also see:
Disease Disorder Acronym;
p G T
S U;
using Display, LTEXM, Method, IoT, NFC, ...
; this DOMAIN 's gene therapy system,
do gene therapy : for
having (abnormal, abnormality, ail ness, ailment, bad condition, chaos, complication,
confusion, discharge, disease, disorder, dizziness, fatigue (weakness), illness, infection, irregularity, malady, mess, sickness,
tumors, untidiness, viruses);
G D C Gas Exchange (Also see:
Physics Law 184) to cure Comorbidity (abnormal, abnormality, ail ness,
ailment, bad condition, chaos, complication, confusion, discharge,
disease, disorder, dizziness, fatigue (weakness), illness, infection,
irregularity, malady, mess, sickness, strangeness, untidiness, viruses) ... ;
with defined IT \ Symbol \ Schematic Dimensional \ D R Z C S Background, designed and modeled to fetch (marked, pattern), also see: x y Abnormalities;
abnormal Green Discharge Infection (e.g. green mucus discharge),
abnormal Yellow Discharge Infection (e.g. yellow mucus discharge), also see:
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Abdominal Pain, Body as whole; FP;
Accidental Injury, Body as whole; FP;
acne; D;
Acute Coronary Syndrome;
Addison disease;
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Amphetamine];
AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome [Contagion; Vol.2; No.2; 2005]; FP; ID;
Allergic Reaction, Body as whole; FP;
Allergic Rhinitis;
2565; June 8, 2021; NHK news; USA FDA has approved medicine to cure Alzheimer (Name: a d u c a n u m a b - a v w a, A d u c a n u m a d, A D U H E L M), jointly invented by ((Bio g en, URL:, (Eisai, URL:, world's 1st medical invention to cure Alzheimer; Remark: in USA, approx. 60,000+ Alzheimer patients (Pt) will be (cured, managed healthcare) ... ; Alzheimer, dementia of Alzheimer [J A M A; Feb. 2, 2005]; FP;
Amino acid metabolism disorder; Genetics disease;
anemia vs. pneumonia; e.g.
anemia, a (condition, state)
WHEN (dysfunctional red blood cells, lacks of red blood cells)
WHICH lead to abnormal O2,
And Then,
prompt Dx symptoms e.g. (dizziness, fatigue, faster heartbeat,
shortness of breath, skin pallor) ... ;
pneumonia, inflammation of the lung,
WHERE (pus, solid) are filling at (air sacs, lobes)
WHEN the lung is infected by either bacteria or virus;
if pneumonia (condition, state) become "septic"
And Then, anemia can happen ... ;
in common,
WHEN bones receive (Iron,
And Then, the (
Bone, (bone;
bones produce
O2 (oxygen)
... ; Syntax vs.
Semantic logical should be applied e.g.
WHEN pneumonia (condition, state) become "septic"
And Then, anemia can happen, on the other hand, anemia
(condition, state) doesn't cause pneumonia; rare case of (abnormal Thyroid
gland (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), also see:
WHICH leads to abnormal O2), so monitor
Dx (anemia,
... ;
angiomyolipoma; e.g.
to be having
AML, also see:
G T S U;
Oncological Dx;
G T S U;
G T S U;
angiosarcoma; e.g.
Using Nanobot
Programming (tumor
marker) to cure cardiac angiosarcoma (malignant
tumor) of the defined heart; if
Dx, cardiac
(malignant tumor) symptoms are cough, fever, Dyspnea (difficult breathing),
dysphagia (difficult swallowing), ... ; Also see:
G T S U;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
G T S U;
Anti p h o s p h o lipid Syndrome;
Anti t r y p s i n deficiency disorder; Liver; Lung; Genetics disease;
Antiviral, Anti Virus, also see: Physics Law 145; Physics Law 144; for preventing and protecting (bio-hazard) ... ;
Anxiety, Nervous System; FP;
structural benign OR weaker), defined by
of ("Purple ones" , "Red ones") by radiological report; if lesser density (other
wording would be lesser ("Purple ones" , "Red ones")) means higher risk of
(bleeding) at weaker area; Also see:
Cardiovascular Dx;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
m G T
S U;
A r t h r a l g i a, Musculoskeletal System;
A S D, Atrial S e p t a l Defect; Also see: 25612018 CME (Q&A) no.141;
Asthenia, Body as whole;
disease of the bowels), also see:
a G T
S U;
b G T
S U;
asthma, b r a d y c a r d i a, early septic shock, heart block, hyper c a r b i a, hypo v o l e m i a, hypoxia, late septic shock, lung diseases, pulmonary disorders, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary v a s c u l i t i s, vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, ... , also see: r G T S U (P V R, S V R P) ... ;
Respiratory System;
atherosclerosis; e.g.
atherosclerosis of the aorta (plaque built-up (Walls of the main artery) i.e. age (age > 60+ year) related in common), so Gene Therapy System (atherosclerosis) ... ;
autoimmune diseases (alopecia a r e a t a, a n k y l o s i n g s p o n d y l i t i s, autoimmune disease, celiac disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, poly m y a l g i a r h e u m a t i c a, S j ö g r e n 's syndrome, temporal a r t e r i t i s, type 1 diabetes, v a s c u l i t i s);
Axon), also see:
a G T
S U;
Brain; Disease Disorder
Acronym; Specialties N;
Remark: one of the most difficult to cure diseases i.e. Axonal Degeneration
Axonal Degeneration Syndrome
Axon), also see:
a G T S U;
Specialties N;
Back Pain, Body as whole; FP;
B i l i r u b i n metabolism disorder; Genetics disease;
Bipolar Disorder; Bipolar I Disorder; FP; P;
Blood, blood & lymph, hematology, Specialties Disorders; FP;
Blood & cancer, hematology and oncology, Specialties Disorders; FP;
Blood coagulation factors disorder; Genetics disease;
Bone, Musculoskeletal, skeletal, orthopedics, Specialties Disorders; FP;
(bowel inflammation, colorectal adenomas abnormalities, colorectal cancer, h a m a r t o m a t o u s poly p o s i s); [American Family Physician, January 15, 2018, Vol. 97, No. 2, ]; Also see: Specialties GE;
B P H inflammation; Also see: p G T S U;
Bursitis, Musculoskeletal System; Bursitis, inflammation of bursa (e.g. Bursitis in the elbow, Bursitis in the knee, Bursitis in the shoulder);
CAD, Coronary Artery Disease), also see:
c G T S U;
cancer; Cancer; e.g.
Oncological Dx "atypical cells" (are found, are identified) mean Disease
Disorder Acronym (e.g. unwanted cancer is spreading), so ASAP markers (e.g.
1 Arc minute UDNGS (color codes) marker,
1 Arc minute NGS (color codes) marker,
1 Arc minute C micro RNA marker,
1 Arc minute RNA marker,
1 Arc minute DNA marker) should be defined,
And Then, "atypical cells" As (focused on, pinpointed,
specified, targeted) to be cured till (atypical cells are no longer exist,
atypical cells NOT
EXIST) i.e. fully
Nanobot Programming (
means another trillion of US Dollar worth of medicines against oncological
cells) ;
NanobotSample1, also
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper;
Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, our
earth's the largest healthcare provider
... ;
(cancer, cancer cell, cancerous tumor) also see: FP; Specialties ON;
abnormal-spot, also see: Oncological Dx;
well trained kids!! replied: Why using Highlight
(Hex={51,51,51}) with Font Color (Hex={E3,E3,E3}), regarding "abnormal-spot"
Usage sir?
I wrote: because, (iro LED . (
GPS) . Level), we need to be
detailed & specific,
and common color definition cannot be functional; Also
t G T S U;
cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), a.k.a.
enlargement of the defined abnormal heart, increased in
cardiothoracic ratio,
measured by diameter of the defined abnormal heart, e.g. bigger size
(cardiac-silhouette>10%, cardiac-silhouette>20%, cardiac-silhouette>30%,
cardiac-silhouette>40%, cardiac-silhouette>50%) than normal heart,
acute M R is indicated by (normal left atrial (LA) + abnormal left
ventricular (LV)) of chambers; Usage, e.g. a patient without sign of "Acute
Heart Failure" but (enlarged heart, enlargement of heart) is called chronic M
R; both acute M R and chronic M R, a.k.a.
Cardiovascular Dx;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
h G T
S U; -ratio;
We've to cure (cardio myopathy
and pneumonia) kuru kuru
WHILE Tx (COVID-19) because (cardio myopathy and
pneumonia) is fatality rate of
positive ones;
C D A D, Clostridium D i f f i c i l e Associated Diarrhea [Contagion; Vol.2; No.3];
Chest Pain, Body as whole; FP;
(C H F, early septic shock, hyperthermia, (hyper v o l e m i a (too much fluid in blood)), late septic shock, MI), ... also see: s G T S U (SI, S V) ... ;
(chickenpox, shingles, herpes) e.g. (brain, infant with herpes infection, lip (mucous membrane), mouth (mucous membrane), sex organs (genitals), skin) prompt (blisters, cold sores);
(age>50+ yr.) needs 2 doses of shingles vaccine; Also see: Ace Jaw's Personal Health Info ;
consult your MD, if (age>19+ yr.) with weakened immune system e.g. shingles vaccine Tx in addition to Acyclovir ;
if infected, also see: Medicine Name: Acyclovir;
(shingles, herpes, chickenpox), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; Dx; s G T S U;
Child, Pediatrics, Specialties Disorders; FP;
C i p r o, a.k.a. Ciprofloxacin can (cure, manage healthcare) acute sinusitis, anthrax infection, bone & joint infection, b r o n c h i e c t a s i s, chronic bacterial p r o s t a t i t i s, infectious diarrhea, local o d o n t o g e n i c infection, lower respiratory tract infection, n o s o c o m i a l pneumonia, pediatric cystic (gallbladder, urinary bladder), pediatric cholera (severe vomiting & diarrhea), plague, urethral & cervical g o n o c o c c a l infection (STD, Sexually Transmitted Disease), UTI (urinary tract infection), ... ; Remark: consult to your MD, e.g. comorbidity, implant, drug-drug interactions, second life biomedical, third life biomedical, ... ;
CKD) Chronic Kidney Disease; Also see:
c G T S U;
k G T
S U; Specialties N E P;
Specialties N E P analyte;
CA19-9 >37 (U / m L, Units per milliliter) can indicate disease disorders (colon
cancer, cystic fibrosis, gallbladder cancer, gallstones, infection of pancreas,
liver disease, lung cancer, pancreas cancer), also see:
c G T
S U;
g G T
S U;
l G T
S U;
Oncological Dx;
p G T
S U;
Colitis, Digestive System;
coma, a state without consciousness, caused by (brain tumor, cardiological stroke, head injury, intoxication);
brain tumor, also see: t G T S U;
cardiological stroke, also see: s G T S U;
head injury, also see: h G T S U;
intoxication, also see: i G T S U;
Gene Therapy
System :
Comorbidity (i.e. at the same time, in a patient
(Pt), simultaneously presence of diseases and
disorders); Also see: MD;
Specialties ID;
Comorbidity) e.g. Comorbid conditions (chronic pain, painful stimuli,
psychiatric, syndromes, taken non-steroid anti-inflammatory), related to
Disease Disorder
Acronym medical conditions, simultaneously (exist,
present) in a patient (Pt); Also see:
Character Extension 1;
c G T
S U;
((C H F,
Congested Heart Failure) + (high blood pressure) + post (anemia vs. pneumonia)),
and taking water pills for NOT ONLY "high blood pressure" BUT ALSO not having
water inside the lung, so fully
Recovery will be
... ;
POTASSIUM CL ER 20 M E Q tablet (e.g. 1 tablet per day with food)
would be excellent Tx ... ;
Congenital heart disease; Genetics disease;
Conjunctivitis, Skin & Appendages; OPH;
Connective tissue disorder; Genetics disease;
Constipation, Digestive System; FP;
C O P D, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [Medical Economics; Vol. 82; No.1; 2005];
Cough, Respiratory System; FP;
C V D, Cardio Vascular Disease; Also see:
c G T S U;
d G T S U;
v G T S U;
Cystic fibrosis [Harrison's 15th Edition; Principle of Internal Medicine; 2001]; Genetics disease;
Cystitis, U r o genital System; O B G; U r o;
C y t o genetics; Chromosomal disorder; Genetics disease;
(dacrocytosis, fibrosis, thrombosis); Also see: d G T S U; f G T S U; t G T S U;
(Deep Vein Thromboses (DVT), Myocardial
Infarction (MI), Pulmonary Embolism (PE), Venous Thrombo Embolic (VTE) disease),
also see:
Cardiovascular Dx; C D G
W T;
vitamin K; e.g. (
LMWH) ... ;
(dementia, hypertension, kidney disorder, stroke) ... , also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; p G T S U;
antidiabetes; diabetes; Diabetes; pre diabetic; e.g.
(autoimmune disease, Diabetes, hypertension), also see:
a G T S U;
d G T S U;
h G T S U;
Diabetes type 2; FP; Also see: Pedometer;
(pre diabetic, diabetes, ... ) because of (>5.6 % H g b A1C % and > 126 mg/d L Est. Avg. Glucose), also see: h G T S U;
medicine) ... ; Also see: (Dx,
QA drug-drug interaction ... ; ("a Tarzan") 's remark: Using (
Cyber Knife,
Cyber Knife,
Cyber Knife,
Cyber Knife) i.e. medical equipment, to cut the bottom part of
stomach and its next GI Track for a few inches (approx. 5-10 cm) will solve
diabetes disorder after the surgery and fully recovery within a few hours of
medical procedure, so called "Cyber Knife antidiabetes surgery procedure," ... ;
Diabetes mellitus; Genetics disease;
Diabetic, Endocrine Disorders, Specialties Disorders; FP;
Diarrhea, Digestive System; FP;
Digestive System : GI :
A n g i o d y s p l a s i a;
D i v e r t i c u l a r Bleeding;
Inflammatory Bowel Disease; infectious colitis;
disease's stage;
Dizziness, Nervous System; FP;
Dry Mouth, Digestive System; FP;
DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; P;
D V T, Deep Vein Thrombosis), also see:
d G T S U;
Dyslipidemia Lower the cholesterol, healthier the life style;
Dyspepsia, Digestive System;
Dyspnea, Respiratory System;
ear related disorder e.g. for curing "Ringing Ear" disorder ... ; Also see: e Character; e G T S U; mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;
E c c h y m o s i s, H e m i c & Lymphatic;
Electrolytes are (Dx, measured, monitored) if heart failure, high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver disease, ... ;
(emphysema, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension), also see: d G T S U;
Encephalopathy (any brain disease), also see: c G T S U; e G T S U; n G T S U;
Endometrial cancer; Malignant neo p l a s m s [Menopausal/C e n e s t i n; The Female Patient; Vol.30; No.1]; O B G; ON;
Epilepsy; Memory Disorders; Movement Disorders; Parkinson's Disease; Sleep Dysfunctions; Stroke; Also see: Specialties N;
2024 designed modeled,
13 central ones as vermis (Also see:
v Anatomy), if you're a male, having
erectile dysfunction (Disease
Disorder Acronym), instead of taking S i l d e n a f i l
(e.g. Viagra) bio medical medicine, you can use "13
central ones as vermis" As
Gene Therapy
System ... ;
E V D, Ebola
Virus Disease;
Eye, ophthalmology, Specialties Disorders; FP;
chiryoyaku Therapeutic . kaibogaku Anatomy . facet .HTML;
Back Pain; Facet; impingement; Radiculopathy; e.g.
Facet (abnormal hip joints, arthritis, back pain, Bursitis, butt muscle injury,
butt muscle strain, herniated disk (spinal disc herniation), inflamed sacroiliac
joints (ilium), (perianal abscess a.k.a. perirectal abscess a.k.a. anorectal
abscess), (pilonidal cyst a.k.a. pilonidal sinus), Piriformis syndrome (pain in
buttocks and down to the legs), sciatica (impingement of the lumber nerve root),
swelling veins in the anus and rectum (hemorrhoids), (upper-body-posterior facet
(e.g. impingement shoulder) or lower-body-posterior facet (e.g. lower back
lumber radiculopathy (nerve in lumber spine, compressed by surrounding (bone,
cartilage, muscle, tissue
) )
) ;
e.g. back pain, difficult walking on the heels, difficult walking on the toes,
... ; Dx e.g. if (weakness in the legs + numbness in the legs + pain in buttocks
and down to the legs) i.e.
("radiculopathy") also; a
("Tarzan") 's wild guess would be e.g.
peoples are exposed to (Invisibilities,
Invisibility) spread spectrum
Laser (approx. 1ft light breadth),
Facet can happen;
Tx, e.g. 1st. C e l e b r e x 50mg with foods + TIGER BALM
SPORTS RUB, for a few days; if NOT cure yet, start using L i d o c a i n e
patches with C e l e b r e x 200mg with foods 2nd, for a few more days;
if NOT cure yet, consult your MD, for (better
medications (e.g. steroid injections), better surgery, physical therapies, Rx
400mg C e l e b r e x) until fully
Recovery ... ; 3rd. "fully
rest" is recommended
e.g. out-of-computers, out-of-LASER,
out-of-light-emitting-screen, out-of-operating-panels, out-of-TV (s), ...
; OTC (over-the-counter) pain relievers and Non-Steroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) is recommended, for
Facet; if taken
OTC medication e.g. Tylenol Arthritis 650mg (Acetaminophen) Extended Release
(ER) tablets, And Then, pain worsen or lasts more than 10 days, consult your MD
ASAP; Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;
f G T
S U;
r G T
S U;
Female, obstetrics and g y n o c o l o g y, Specialties Disorders; FP; OB/G Y N; O B G; Women;
Flatulence, Digestive System;
reduce risk of (DVT, VTE),
if and only if "
IFF" (coagulation vs. anticoagulation) in
Fontan patient (single-ventricle) ... ; Also see:
Cardiovascular Dx; Disease
Disorder Acronym;
f G T S U;
"for not having aortic dissection," also see: Cardiovascular Dx;
GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder [www .l e x a p r o .com; Forest Pharmaceuticals; 2004]; FP;
Gallbladder disease [Menopausal/C e n e s t i n; The Female Patient; Vol.30; No.1];
Gastric Ulcer [www .N e x i u m-us .com;
A s t r a Zeneca; 2005]
Gastritis, Digestive System;
Gastroenteritis, Digestive System;
Gastrointestinal Disorder, Digestive System;
Genetics diseases; FP;
G E R D, Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 1; 2005]; FP; (P e p c i d (e.g. F a m o t i d i n e) , P r i l o s e c (e.g. O m e p r a z o l e)) As Medicine to manage G E R D; Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; g G T S U;
geriatrics sarcopenia, also see: geriatrics;
GIST e.g.
Tumor (
(blood in stool, loss of appetite, nausea, pain, swelling abdomen, very
dark-colored stools, vomiting, weight loss) but very difficult to know early
because small size tumors don't prompt symptoms to Dx in (small intestine,
approx. age (40 -70) year adults; Also see:
Disease Disorder Acronym;
Oncological Dx;
if glaucoma, IOP (intraocular pressure) is 21-70 mm Hg; if hypotony, IOP (intraocular pressure) is 5 mm Hg or lesser (possibly down to 0 mm Hg); Also see: e G T S U; i G T S U;
G l o m e r u l o p a t h i e s [Hereditary]; Genetics disease;
Glycogen storage metabolism; Genetics disease;
gout, also see: c G T S U; j G T S U; s G T S U;
Gout and hyper u r i c e m i a; Genetics disease; FP;
antimicrobials class Chlorhexidine is indicated for gingivitis (a gum disease) ... ; (gum disease), (R C T), ... also see: Dental Implant;
H C T D, Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders (Connected
. Tissue . Organ . System)
e.g. L D S, L o e y s - D i e t z Syndrome;
e.g. E D S, E h l e r s - D a n l o s Syndrome;
e.g. M F S, M a r f a n Syndrome;
(Connected .
Tissue . Organ . System)
<include> (Blood
& in common,
by Causative Genetic Variant; Also see: Disease
Disorder Acronym;
h G T
S U;
Remark: from parent to offspring, i.e. heritable; other wording would be: est.
genetic variations (
degree IFF 1 Line of (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. Secant, Tangent),
(in numerological Factor of Lo Shu (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. 6),
(in numerological Factor of Sudoku (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. 3,6,9),
(in size IFF 2 mathematical hyperbolas of (A, C, G, T, U))
Head & Neck (e.g.
Ringing Ear) disorder,
also see:
Dental Implant;
Headache, Body as whole; FP;
heart attach, few consecutive days of symptoms, e.g. (check pain, cold & sweaty, flu alike symptoms, abnormal heartburn feeling, abnormal indigestion feeling, more tiresome than usual, nausea, pain in the left arm, pain in the neck, short of breath) ... ;
(heart-attack, heart disorder, abnormal heart), also see: h G T S U; t G T S U; Remark: troponin levels;
Heart, cardiovascular disorders, Specialties Disorders; FP;
Heart Failure;
Remark: regarding (Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, Nama For Humanoid), we realize & understand ((Without Water vs. With Water; worm alike happen if "With Water"), And Then, (Air, And Then, WHEN 2 "aqua" strings are moving toward a defined location (i.e. Blood Flow, because of (Air, Blood Flow) method (yellow flows))), And Then, ("Heart Failure" symbolizes "orange" and "yellow" themselves prompt abnormal cardiac efficiency, abnormal cardiac output, cardiac hypertrophy, heart muscle failure, and heart wall is thickening; Remark: worm alike "Rounded rectangle" is no longer "Rounded rectangle")); after realize & understand correct and therapeutic ways, for curing WHAT is wrong (e.g. Heart Failure);
H e m o c h r o m a t o s i s; Genetics disease;
Hemoglobin disorder; Genetics disease;
Hernia, Body as whole; FP;
HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection [Contagion; Vol.2; No.2; 2005]; FP; ID;
H S D D, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder [O B G Management; March 2005]; FP;
Hyper c a l c e m i a [Menopausal/C e n e s t i n; The Female Patient; Vol.30; No.1];
higher than normal level of
Potassium in the
(hyper k a l e
m i a) can cause heart attack (Also see:
Cardiovascular Dx); Reminder (
Comorbidity (Also see: Disease Disorder
Acronym) :
Kidney disease causes
high potassium in the bloodstream)
HPV; e.g.
Human Papilloma
Virus (
HPV) prompt similar symptoms of (Anal cancer, Cervical cancer, Oropharyngeal
cancer, Penile cancer), so
humanoid Jiwaka, using
Soft Method) kuru kuru
from Red Color to light Yellow Color of (either
Blood Way or
Lymph Nodes Way) if HPV
related ones, And Then,
humanoid Jiwaka, using (3 degree, 6 degree, 9
hikari Light
haba Breadth (triangle ones) ... until "atypical
cells" are gone; Also see: Anti Virus;
Disease Disease Acronym;
Oncological Dx;
Hyper lipoprotein e m i a s; Genetics disease;
Hyper t a n i a, Nervous System;
(dementia, hypertension, kidney disorder, stroke) ... , also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; p G T S U;
Cardiovascular System;
Hyper triglyceride m i a disorder
[Hospital Physician; Vol.41; No.3; March 2005];
hypoglycemia (abnormal low in sugar);
h y p o k a l e m i a (abnormal low in Potassium);
h y p o m a g n e s e m i a (abnormal low in Magnesium);
i j o Abnormalities, also see:
x y Abnormalities;
Immune deficiency diseases; Genetics disease; FP;
in common (e.g.
Disease Disorder Acronym
: abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia),
CNS related (coma, confusion, dementia),
Kidney related (kidney failure, kidney stone), bone related
osteoporosis (
Density)) because of
infection, (affected, caused, infected) by germs called bacteria, e.g. (abdominal (intra and complicated) infection, anthrax germs infection (via inhalation), bone infection, bone-joint infection, chronic prostate infection, dermatological (skin) infection, diarrhea as ID (Infectious Disease, also see: Specialties ID) infection, fever (e.g. typhoid (enteric) infection, viral (COVID-19 airborne, Flu airborne, RSV airborne) infection, with low WBC count), gonorrhea (cervical, urethral, STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) infection), lower respiratory (lungs) tract infection, n o s o c o m i a l pneumonia infection, plague germs infection (via inhalation), sinus (nose) infection, Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)), ... ;
Infection, Body as whole; FP; ID;
Infectious Disease, Disorders, Specialties Disorders; FP;
inflammation; e.g.
reduce inflammation; Also see: vitamin D;
Insomnia, Nervous System;
IRS, Immune Reconstitution
[Contagion; Vo.2; No.3;];
I S D, Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency [The Journal of Reproductive Medicine; Vol. 50; No. 3];
K e l o i d s; D;
(dementia, hypertension, kidney disorder, stroke) ... , also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; p G T S U;
kidney failure;
Also see: CT; u G T S U; e.g. rule-out, e.g. kidney cancer? ;
Kidney, Nephrology, Specialties Disorders; FP;
L e u k o r r h e a, U r o genital System;
L i p o dystrophies; Genetics disease;
L L P D D, Late L u t e a l Phase D y s p h o r i c Disorder; P;
L T B I, Latent T u b e r c u l o u s Infection [Johns Hopkins J H A S I M; Vol.4; No.10]; Also see: TB, T S T;
(lung diseases, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma); Also see: theophylline Tx ... ;
lymphoma e.g. (
D L B C L, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma), (
L L, L y m p h o c y t i c Lymphoma), (
M C L, Mantle Cell Lymphoma), (
M Z L, Marginal Zone Lymphoma), also see:
Kinase inhibitor;
l G T
S U;
L y s o s o m a l storage disease; Genetics disease;
malignancies (blood vessels, bone, cartilage, connective tissue, fat, muscles, nerve sheaths) ... , after biopsy result, evidence of malignancy ... Oncological; Also see: m G T S U; t G T S U;
MAS, M e c o n i u m Aspiration Syndrome [Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey; Vol. 60; No.1];
Melanoma; D;
Membrane transport defect disorder; Genetics disease;
Mental, Psychiatry, Specialties Disorders; FP;
teni Metastasis, also
Oncological Dx;
MI, Myocardial Infarction), also see:
m G T S U;
MI, Myocardial Infarction [Physician Forum; Vol. 1; No. 3]; CD;
Migraine Headache;
Multi organ inflammatory disorder, also see: Specialties A P M;
Multiple endocrine neo p l a s i a; Genetics disease;
muscle weakness, e.g. (myasthenia gravis), ... ;
M y a l g i a, Musculoskeletal System;
Nausea, Digestive System; FP;
Neck Pain, Body as whole; FP;
Neoplasm, Body as whole;
Nervous system degenerative disease; Genetics disease;
Nervousness, Nervous System; FP;
Neuralgia, Nervous System;
Neurological disorders, Specialties Disorders; FP;
Neuropathies disorder [Hereditary]; Genetics disease;
N M S, Neuro l e p t i c Malignant Syndrome [R i s p e r i d o n e; Janssen P h a r m a c e u t i c a; J A M A; Vol. 293; No.2; 2005]; P;
Oral disorders; FP;
osteoporosis; Osteoporosis; e.g.
(Osteoporosis) e.g. (complete blood count, complete metabolic panel,
25-hydroxy vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, phosphate, urine collection for
Calcium, urine collection for c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours
time period)) ... ;
Remark: a "Tarzan" way of thinking e.g. 25-hydroxy means 2,5 pairs of OH,
metabolic means something related to "weight" , ... ;
Radiology e.g. (
D E X A (
BMD) T-Score < -2.5) i.e. osteoporosis;
Also see: F R A X score;
O t i t i s Media, Skin & Appendages;
Overdose, Body as whole; FP;
Pain, Body as whole; [Tylenol; Acetaminophen; McNeil; Johns Hopkins J H A S I M; Vol.4; No.10]; FP;
pancreas disorder ... , also see:
p G T
S U;
p a n c r e a t i t i s, inflammation of pancreas, also see: p G T S U, using (Bit depth 24, 578x433, Pancreas, BMP File) to cure ... ; Remark: using (F u t h a n (Also see: f Brand Names) and A v i g a n (Also see: a Brand Names)) together to cure COVID-19;
PAS, P e r i n a t a l Arterial Ischemic Stroke [J A M A; Vol.293; No.6; Feb. 9, 2005];
P a r e s t h e s i a, Nervous System;
Pelvic pain syndrome; ID; O B G;
Pen Allergic = Penicillin Allergic [Contemporary Surgery; Vol. 61; No.3]; FP;
periodontal disease (e.g. periodontitis (infected gum) can cause abnormal jaw bone, serious health complications like ringing ears, sinus, also see: Dental Implant;
Peripheral Edema, Metabolic & Nutritional Disorders;
PF; e.g.
orthopedics (
abnormal fasciitis (inflammation
of fascia (blood vessels, connected tissues, muscles, nerves)) can
be fully
Recovery; Also see:
Disease Disorder Acronym;
p G T
S U;
P G L, Para gang l i o m a syndrome [J A M A; Vol. 294; No. 16; 2005]; Head & Neck;
P h a r y n g i t i s, Respiratory System;
PHN) Post Herpetic Neuralgia, doko WHERE
(herpes zoster, Shingles rash, a.k.a. Zoster) was; if
Dx, shingles symptoms, e.g. (chills, fever, headache, rash with
blisters, stomach-upset), And Then, Shingles can cause complications
(blindness (eyes),
death, encephalitis (brain
inflammation), hearing problem (ears),
pneumonia (lungs))
... ; (2nd dose of
shingles vaccine;
1st dose of
shingles vaccine), also see: Ace
p h r e n o p a t h y; e.g.
EEG) electroencephalography can indicate whether (normal p h r e n o
(Mind)) or (abnormal p h r e n o p a t h y (brain disease)); Also
G T S U;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
Remark: (LASER Beam Toward Head, Remote Heat Sensing At Head,
Sound Beam Toward Head, YV (Yellowish Variation) Focal Point As Head) can be
very harmful to human beings, therefore, careful & wise to be
safe & secure
living environments in 21st century & beyond ... ;
Pituitary gland disorder [Hospital Physician; Vol. 41; No.8; 2005];
plaque e.g.
Artery plaque doko
calcium and cholesterol buildup (e.g.
atherosclerosis (approx.
age>55+ years, physical exercises are recommended i.e.
to have atherosclerosis, also see:
passage)); plaque e.g.
chronic autoimmune disease
can cause plaque
psoriasis (in common,
elbows' skin lesion);
plaque e.g. dental plaque doko
harmful bacteria (built-up, formed) as colorless, soft and sticky film
cause (Brown Color
Yellow Color
tartar; Also see:
Dental Implant;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
p G T S U (
Pneumonia, Respiratory System; IFF ultrasound (abnormal lung B lines), also see: 26512018 CME (Q&A) no.165;
We've to cure (cardio myopathy
and pneumonia) kuru kuru
WHILE Tx (COVID-19) because
(cardio myopathy and pneumonia) is fatality rate of
COVID-19 positive ones;
Also see: DOMAIN \ Gene Therapy System \ Gene Therapy System Usage \ a G T S U # pneumonia ... ;
P o r p h y r i a s; Genetics disease;
2025 design model POC; e.g.
Point-Of-Care (
medical Device Acronym,
e.g. blood gas analyzer, coagulation (
area: International Normalized
Ratio (I N R))
structural ketone (R-C-R')),
meter, i-Stat
analyzer, urinalysis (urinary)
analyzer, Virus (e.g. COVID-19, Flu) indicator, and etc.
nitotte For
e.g. (instant Dx, New Patient (Pt) to be registered, Patient As Member, patient
without medical record
(e.g. a "Tarzan" for humanity),
rapid Dx,
... with
timestamp to define (normal or abnormal) in Disease
Disorder Acronym;
prostate gland related diseases and disorders, ... also see: 6pComputer; p G T S U;
P r u r i t u s, Skin & Appendages;
embolism, blood clog in the lungs
(affecting other organs, decreasing O2 level in the blood, large blockage can be
fatal); Remark:
shortness of breath as symptom; Also see:
Anti Virus;
Comorbidity . pulmonary embolism;
e G T S U;
p G T S U;
pulmonary embolism (shortness of breath); Respiratory System;
no Pus
no Pus;
Rash, Skin & Appendages; FP;
skin rash, a note to think about, also see: Physics Law 89, hada Skin ... ;
Rectal Disorder, Digestive System;
Red cell disorder; Genetics disease;
Renal tubules disorder; Genetics disease;
rheumatoid arthritis (RA);
Rhinitis, Respiratory System;
RSV, Respiratory (S y n c y t i a l, Syncytium) Virus; Respiratory System; Also see: Physics Law 234, (core, edge) ... ;
sarcoma, musculoskeletal system (Oncological, Orthopedic);
e.g. soft tissue sarcoma in (elderly, older) adults;
e.g. o s t e o sarcoma, a.k.a. Ewing's sarcoma;
e.g. l e i o m y o sarcoma (muscle, soft tissue);
e.g. c h o n d r o sarcoma (cartilage);
S C A D, Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection, a heart attack WHEN layers tear suddenly (S C A D can block blood flow to the heart, S C A D can slow down blood flow); Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; h G T S U; x y Abnormalities;
seizures, also see: specialties N;
Sexual differentiation disorder; Genetics disease; FP;
Sinusitis, Respiratory System; FP;
((SI, Stroke Index), (S V, Stroke Volume)), also see: Gene Therapy System index;
S j ö g r e n syndrome; N E P;
SIRS, Systemic inflammatory response syndrome [Med S u r g Notes; F . A . Davis Company; 2004];
Skin Carcinoma, Skin & Appendages;
Skin, Dermatology, Specialties Disorders; FP;
S L E, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [Hospital Physician; Vol.41; No.4]; [THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of MEDICINE; Volume 133; Number 7; July 2020]; abnormal R B C size;
sore throat, e.g. (p h a r y n g i t i s i.e. viral infection), (streptococcal i.e. bacterial infection);
specific antiviral (COVID-19) treatment (Tx) ;
t Computer;
specific antiviral (W N V, West Nile Virus) treatment (Tx) ;
spinal; e.g.
chiryoyaku Therapeutic (spinal
facet, spinal facet arthropathy, spinal facet arthrosis, spinal facet
degeneration, spinal facet hypertrophy, spinal facet joints)
WHERE ((arthritis (inflammation) type joints (i.e. arthropathy)), (muscle
fibers become thickening (i.e. hypertrophy)), (non-inflammation but
degeneration disorder (i.e. arthrosis))); Also see:
Disease Disorder Acronym;
G T S U; directional gravity spots (
Gravity Dimension
Computer) for curing (abnormal joints, arthropathy, arthrosis,
degeneration, facet, hypertrophy) . (location, site) ... e.g.
muscle fibers become thickening
if (cardiac hypertrophy, spinal facet hypertrophy)
Sexually Transmitted
(dementia, hypertension, kidney disorder, stroke) ... , also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; p G T S U;
Stomach, Digestive system disorders, Specialties Disorders; FP;
subarachnoid space (CSF), and a quiz would be: green onion's internal fluid (our earth only); in common, subarachnoid hemorrhage means dead; Also see: s G T S U; c G T S U;
S V T,
S V T,
S V T) Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, certainly abnormal
fast heartbeat; certainly abnormal heart rhythm (heart arrhythmias), above
the ventricles (supra ventricular), in the AV node or atria; Also see:
s G T S U;
t G T S U;
v G T S U;
Syncope, Cardiovascular System; CD;
Tendon Disorder, Musculoskeletal System;
T h r o m b o t i c disorders; Genetics disease;
Thyroid; e.g.
Also see: t G T S U (Neck, Thyroid gland ("heart shape alike" surrounding at neck area), may be because of "jaw" formation, "heart shape alike" happen naturally) for curing (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, "thyroid"), (MG, Multi nodular Goiter Thyroid, GS), (T e p e z z a Thyroid Eye disease), "thyroid", (Thyroid Eye disease), ... ;
TMJ disorder, also see: j G T S U; m G T S U; t G T S U;
Tooth Disorder, Digestive System; FP;
Traumatic Bone Fracture, Musculoskeletal System; Skeletal;
tumor, also see:
tumors, also see:
wart, also see:
Also see: high precision robotic radio-surgery;
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), U r o genital System; FP; O B G; U r o; (e.g. using Nitro f u r a n t o i n antibacterial) ... ;
Vasodilatation, Cardiovascular Systems; CD;
Vertigo, Nervous System;
humanoid Jiwaka :
Antivirus (virus :
Coronavirus a.k.a.
COVID-19) ;
VF; e.g.
AED (Automated
External Defibrillator)
CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) if VF (Ventricular
Fibrillation) e.g. dropping blood pressure, loss of consciousness,
and possible death
prompt Ventricular
Fibrillation (VF), doko
the heart (ventricles) quiver but
pumping blood, so VF won't stabilize
(e.g. life-threatening heart rhythm, rapid inadequate heartbeat);
Cardiovascular Dx;
Disease Disorder Acronym;
v G T
S U;
Vomiting, Digestive System; FP;
V S D; e.g.
V S D, Ventricular Septal Defect, a birth defect of the heart (a hole in
the wall of 2 lower chambers (ventricular)); Also see:
Disease Disorder
s G T
S U;
x y
V T E, Venous T h r o m b o embolism), also see:
v G T S U;
V V S, V u l v a r V e s t i b u l i t i s Syndrome [J R M, The Journal of Reproductive Medicine; Vol.50; No.1; 2005];
Wilson's disease; Genetics disease;
W P W syndrome;
xiphoid process prompts disorder e.g. discomfort, pain, swelling; Also see: x Anatomy;
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