2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2023 :
March :
19 (Sunday) : Updated : Enzymes ;
; year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2023 :
3 :
19 : Updated :
. biological
catalysts (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
. biological
(item, object, things) THAT accelerates chemical reaction (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
. biological
(item, object, things) THAT enables chemical reaction (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
I wrote: for "our earth" only, I'm going to create
3 handles,
regarding (
BIOPHYSICS) ... ; 500+ biomedical military officials,
TO WHOM (for each individual) should be assigned 10+ Enzymes only, And Then,
develop "Oral Route" medicines ... ; so, ((
5000+ Enzymes) can be
quickly review and R&D ... ;
Aqua Gray Handle For Enzymes;
Green Yellow Red Handle For Enzymes;
Navy Silver Handle For Enzymes;
Remark: I cannot teach you "human beings livable moons" based biophysics nanobot programming; so I've a quiz, i.e. HOW could I define 3 ZCS surfaces based handles?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! at the Command
Prompt Interpreter (e.g.
dir *zcs* /s
And Then, we can view THAT many *zcs* related ones ;
inside of
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index,
should be used sir, regarding 3 ZCS ... ;
I wrote: very good; well verses ... ; one more quiz, i.e.
WHICH surfaces would you like to define,
And Then, rename to define?
well trained kids!! replied: its (background-and-left-and-right) sir;
I wrote: Yes. I agree. please do define 3 ZCS surfaces based
And Then, don't forget to rename them;
well trained kids!! replied: 3 handles for enzymes are:
Aqua Gray Handle For Enzymes;
Green Yellow Red Handle For Enzymes;
Navy Silver Handle For Enzymes;
I wrote: regarding
2020s design model ("cascade Enzymes"), if you truly realize & understand
3,4 dimensional (e.g.
I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz
i.e. doko
WHERE the ("cascade Enzymes") should be located?
well trained kids!! replied: on the left hand side (of
sir; they ("cascade Enzymes") should belong to (4
ones) ... ;
I wrote:
of course (our earth only); Reminder: don't forget THAT
"consecutively next to each other" kadosei
... ; don't confuse e.g. right hand side's (3
ones) must obey 2 diff locations, kadosei
... ;
a good example would be: since I've been a "Tarzan" and
cabbage is one of my favorite vegetables, and a "Tarzan" wonders how many
cabbage (leafs, leaves) to be 1 whole induction logic? e.g. if you peel one leaf
after another and closely look at them, the usage "cascade" would be realized &
understood, so called a "Tarzan" way of understanding
WHAT is ("cascade Enzymes") ... ; unlike "eggs," cabbage's leaves obey
C Sequence Number
(BF2) ... ;
OK. I've a quiz now, i.e. since cabbage (leafs, leaves) must
obey the same (
T) DNA, and the same (
U) RNA, can you change its (the defined enzyme) ?
well trained kids!! replied: No. Sir. the defined enzyme must be 1 enzyme only, with knowing THAT 5000+ Enzymes exist; other wording would be: single inheritance (NOT multiple inheritance);
I wrote: (react + ion) may prompt a
New Enzyme,
And Then, inside of your Enzymes lab,
Complexity Regions may
begin, so don't be confused; e.g. I steamed a rice,
And Then, I applied a piece of fresh seafood next to the steamed
rice then put it under a shade of the sun,
And Then, I'm sure THAT I'll have a biological worm alive (from
rice to worm), Oh!! Oh!! (react + ion) may prompt a New Enzyme ... ; I've a quiz
WHAT was your (T<>U) factor, regarding DNA vs. RNA R&D ?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. we cannot share our trade secrets, as you said before, it might be worth billions of dollars; Remark: we're not "Tarzan" by the way, we've many bills to pay every month;
I wrote: TRUE though. a "Tarzan" doesn't understand WHAT is bill?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. you "Tarzan" don't know WHAT is bill;
I wrote: if a "Tarzan" (delivers, sends, ships) tons of (e.g. antiviral COVID-19) protein wrapper powder to you, and all you have to do is: mix with coconut water, and a "Tarzan" still doesn't understand WHAT is bill ... ; let me get back to this conversation regarding 2020s design model ("cascade Enzymes"), I've cabbage (leafs, leaves) for you ... ;
I wrote: have you ever (chopped, cut) the whole cabbage in a
half, And Then, realize THAT its stems are "" look alike (obeying
source as catalyzes hydrolysis)?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We don't like big and difficult words sir (e.g.
catalyzes hydrolysis); can
you explain in a "Tarzan" style sir?
I wrote:
WHAT do we (
k y o y u s u r u Sharing,
k y o y u s u r u Sharing,
k y o y u s u r u Sharing; Also see: "share")
in common? e.g. eating nutrients to be
Energy & Geometry,
so sharing
1 source;
Protein (high % protein, protein rich) fruits and vegetables are Apricot,
Artichoke, A r u g u l a, Asparagus, Avocado, Banana, Blackberries,
Brussels Sprout, Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Collard, Corn, E
d a m a m e (similar to Lima bean), Guava, Kale, Kiwi, Mushroom,
Orange, Pea, Peach, Raspberries, Spinach, Sprout, and Winter Squash (a.k.a.
Winter Melon); Also see: Protein;
Remark: a "Tarzan"
's trade secret : don't tell anyone : i.e. dried fish powder can
Protein (high % protein, protein rich) ... , regarding
's Protein Wrapper ... ; quiz would be: I've mentioned several
times 2 Nanobot Embedded antiviral medicines, And Then, if I like to apply 1+1
to be 2, HOW would you formulate "2 Nanobot Embedded" ones?
well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir, i.e. 1 Nanobot should be made from fruit and vegetable stated above, And Then, another 1 Nanobot should be made from "dried fish powder" so 1+1 should be "2 Nanobot Embedded" ones;
I wrote:
of course (our earth only);
Remark: for each human beings livable moon, in our universes,
ware ware We've to think harder than this, Umm!! Umm!! ... ; to penetrate into
COVID-19 virus, like we need to eat
"Fat," and cells do the same, so HOW do you design and model your "Chiral" ?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We'll use Judo Method sir;
because everyone likes to eat "Fat" (other wording "Chiral") WHICH can
penetrates into
COVID-19 virus, then demolish the (COVID-19
virus) ;
ware ware We'll use
"Black Color" sesame seeds oil (i.e. fat) a little bit sir,
because sesame seeds are iron rich ones, and "respiratory system" likes to eat
iron rich ones (i.e. a "Tarzan" 's Judo Method)
sir; since (
COVID-19 virus) has been airborne, and we've learnt
"unwanted nitrogen" a little bit in the air (1 source as catalyzes hydrolysis)
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! like you're, I don't like big and difficult words, so I'll go for Bamboo Stem factors (1 whole cabbage to be (chopped, cut) in a half ("")) ... ;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) the Space
(environment) of your Enzymes lab, i.e. don't forget to define the Top ZCS;
Remark: Top ZCS' Color should be the same like Left's Color and
Right's Color;
And Then, I'll accept your 3 handles for enzymes; Umm!! Umm!! well trained
kids!! are very very smart ones already;
well trained kids!! replied: can we apply 2 triangle ones at the (Background, Top) 's 2 edges sir?
at the (Background, Left, Top) 's edge, and
at the (Background, Right, Top) 's edge; Also see:
DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ;
I wrote: Fantastic!! be knowledge beyond lights' sheets ... ;
Physics Law 230, (aroma, fragrance, odor, perfume, redolence, savor, smell) ... ;
, also see: Physics Law 184;
Physics Law 178, plasma cluster Sensor ... ;
), also see: Physics Law 169;
Physics Law 153, EM Pull ... ;
Be your own ... ; Do good
Kharma Action
... ; so far, we've learnt (cabbage, steamed rice (Temperature,
Water), ... ) and I've a quiz i.e. can you start your own protein powder
(without (AAI, AI)) vs. protein wrapper powder (with (AAI, AI)),
WHERE intelligence starts with steamed rice (like a line, like a rod,
like a stick) must obey (3 ones) 's (gravity spots, heat sensing, strings) to
become alive biological worm; another example would be: if the steamed rice
become Sake (rice liquor) i.e. fermentation, so diff lives formation; therefore,
you may start your own "protein wrapper powder" (with intelligence of course)
... ; THE NEXT CHALLENGE : (this
DOMAIN (Reversed YV, Yellowish Variation),
this DOMAIN (YV, Yellowish
Variation)) 's
Programming, because the
Shakya King has been always with (Black Book vs. Red Book)
... ;
(defining, identifying, naming, regarding) "this DOMAIN," also see:
Analog Clock | |
Protein | |
this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp | |
well trained kids!! replied: rice is like carbohydrate (Fat), seafood is like Protein, Umm!! Umm!! GI (from stomach to rectum) is like 80% of alcohol, Umm!! Umm!! we're going to create our own "Oral Route" antiviral medicines sir; we're going to create world's the most advance protein wrapper powder sir; can we add more columns and rows into the above table?
I wrote: please do. keep your own specifications. don't be Blah!! Blah!! Blah!! like a "Tarzan" ... ; I've something else (more important ones) to do by now; remember, I don't have any bio related academic degree in my 1st life;
well trained kids!! replied: regarding "Green Yellow Red
Handle For Enzymes,"
WHICH Color (either Green or Red) should we define for its Top ZCS sir?
I wrote: since our earth has no yellowish variation, so we don't need to calculate (YV, Yellowish Variation) as deviation (Parameter); (1/2 Green and 1/2 Red) as Top ZCS is OK;
antiviral "Oral Route" medicines are worth more than billions of dollars (e.g. Anti Virus COVID-19); notice, realize, and understand THAT biomedical knowledge can be more powerful than "nuclear power" because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... ; regarding antiviral COVID-19, I've already given you answer i.e. coconut water + enzyme powder . Oral Route . medicine, believe IT or NOT; it took approx. 3 years to find-out a little bit of unwanted nitrogen, during 2019-2020-2021 pandemic worldwide; WHAT IS THE NEXT CHALLENGE ... e.g. a "Tarzan" can do iPS cells also ... e.g. 5W1H of regenerated ones, samsara (life-after-life) means from Green to Red, And Then, a "Tarzan" Method of from Red to Green means creating iPS cells also ... ; Umm!! Umm!! very very easy if you know, Umm!! Umm!! very very difficult if you don't know;
well trained kids!! replied: you should not use the usage "enzyme powder" instead you should use either "protein powder" or "protein wrapper powder" sir;
because, (definition of, usage of) enzyme is more related to "reaction" and don't forget "Syntax v s Semantics" logic sir in this case, all enzymes are protein, but not all proteins are enzyme;
I wrote: Yes. thanks for correction, i.e. I should use the usage either "protein powder" or "protein wrapper powder" and I shouldn't use usage "enzyme powder" ; Suggestion: learn from bio related academic degree holders because I don't have any bio related academic degree and, wondering are "protein powder" and "protein wrapper powder" the same?
well trained kids!! replied: if you're biophysicist, microbiologist, pharmacologist, pathologist, virologist, ... , you may realize and understand THAT
"protein wrapper
powder" is with
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence, if compare to
"protein powder" is without jinko chino Artificial Intelligence sir;
Protein Wrapper can be world's the most powerful biomedical weapon, because IT can be beyond "Markers" sir;
I wrote: Yes. thanks for correction,
please do let "Protein Wrapper" to promote antiviral antibodies (other
wording would be: better immunological),
please do let "Protein Wrapper" to demote (viral, viruses) ... ; be good
Nanobot Programmers, beyond "Markers" ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, wondering THAT
My) Protein Wrapper is built by
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence and knowing the
enzymes' reaction (approx. 5000+ reactions) whether (correct way or wrong way);
our earth . 78% Nitrogen in the air, for defining nitrogen's content ("our earth
only"), and kuru kuru
WHILE Usage: (catalysis,
c a t a l y t i c a l,
catalytic converter, (catalytic cracker,
cracking), catalyze,
c a t a l y z e r,
catalyzing), wondering
WHAT was your nitrogen %
WHEN attaching human beings' Protein to the defined virus (e.g. SARS-CoV-2
pathogen) ?
well trained kids!! Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, Not Me, ... WHO attached human beings' Protein to the defined virus (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 pathogen); Remark: we're afraid of your ("striking with a cane") other slang usage would be: "striking with your leather belt" for not knowing how to design and model "Protein Wrapper" POWDER to avoid COVID-19 ;
I wrote: I'm with
metta (loving kindness), so I'll not whip you well trained kids for not
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence
5000+ (
Protein Wrapper .
approx. 5000+ Enzymes' reactions,
Protein Wrapper .
approx. 5000+ Enzymes' reactions,
Protein Wrapper .
approx. 5000+ Enzymes' reactions,
... ;
Remark: carbon nano walls are like ( pouches (holes) + bio-connection (strings)
), doko WHERE pouches (holes) like to be with water, on the other hand,
bio-connection (strings) like to be e.g. fiber, membrane, tissue, ... ;
I've quiz now, if I focus on multiple lines (strings) connections,
WHAT should I expect to have?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! iPS cells sir;
I wrote:
of course (our earth only); a "Tarzan" 's wild guess would
be: thicker the membrane (edge), harder to
penetrate into the core
(e.g. a chicken's egg vs. a turtle's
egg); Also see:
234, (core, edge)
... i.e. HOW you should keep your design principle
WHEN you do your own ... ;
Remark: like "
Hybrid" usage, (iPS cells, iPS cells engineering) are originally
designed and modeled by NIPPON a.k.a. Japan;
koji Substance (ceramides i.e. lipid molecules),
yeast) e.g. cultivated mold of (bean, rice, s o y a) to be fermented
(food, drink) e.g. miso, sake,
soy sauce, ... ; Fatty acid type ceramides are waxy lipid molecules, and
kuru kuru
WHILE formulating (within the Incubation Period), starch can be gone
away, ... ; Also see: Enzymes;
k G T S U;
Physics Law 145, Incubation Period;
Physics Law 169,
Schematic Lipid;
reaction; e.g.
reaction) ... ;
Enzymes | accommodate | other molecules | a.k.a. | substrate | WHICH | forms | New | ||
Enzymes | facilitate | ( | e.g. | glucose | + | O2 | ) | in | to |
CO2 | , | Energy | , | and | Water | ; | |||
* |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
* | a | s | e | i.e. | "Enzyme" | e.g. | one | of | |
the | reaction | in | respiration | ( | A | T | P | , | x |
y | l | o | s | e | ) | a.k.a. | hex | o | k |
in | a | s | e | 's | substrate | s | ; | ||
Enzymes | for | fat | s | , | a.k.a. | Fat | . | Enzymes | ; |
Enzymes | for | medication | , | a.k.a. | Oral | Route | medicine | ; | |
Enzymes | for | proteins | a.k.a. | Protein | . | Enzyme | s | ; | |
Enzymes | for | starches | , | a.k.a. | Starch | . | Enzymes | ; | |
e.g. | salivary | glands | produce | ptyalin | , |
![]() |
And | Then | , |
WHEN | saliva | mixes | with | the | Oral | Route | medicine | , | |
ptyalin | catalyzes | hydrolysis | ( | splitting | of | ||||
the | compound | by | adding | Water | ), | And | Then | , | |
![]() |
![]() |
: |
![]() |
: | ||||
g | i | : | G | I | : | stomach' | s | acidic | secretion |
s | denature | the | ptyalin | , | and | catalyze | d | by | enzyme |
s | obey | ( | optimized | temperature | , | acidity | levels | ); | |
; | this | DOMAIN | . | world's | 1st | . | Protein | Wrapper |
5000+ (
... ; approx.
five thousand (
... ;
SO, (
WHICH) ones accommodate other molecules ... ;
SO, (
WHICH) substrate forms New Enzymes ... ;
SO, (
WHICH) ones catalyze into (CO2, Energy, Water) ... ;
7eComputer (Enzymes) ... ;
e G T S U (Enzymes) ... ;
this DOMAIN . world's 1st. Protein Wrapper (unbeatable, unbreakable) e.g. Anti Virus . COVID-19, ... ;
I wrote: regarding the
Enzymes . GIF, doko
WHERE to focus the defined enzymes?
well trained kids!! replied: at the midst of the above picture (Enzymes) sir;
I wrote:
of course (our earth only), and WHAT kind of color
iroColourWaveForm based) can be representing Nitrogen?
well trained kids!! replied: Silver Color sir;
I wrote: at the midst of "the Enzymes," how many colors do you have?
well trained kids!! replied: Aqua Color, Blue Color, Navy Color, and Silver Color sir;
I wrote:
of course (our earth only), and regarding (
in common, (*
* a s e)
Suffix, suffixes indicate Enzymes ...
I wrote: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, and inside of IT, 3,4 dimensional has been explained, and numerological mapping has been explicitly realized and understood; so, I've homework for well trained kids!! i.e. ;
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. we're busy;
I wrote: I agree with you, e.g. you need to be a Global
Commander (biomedical military), And Then, assign 1 military officer to map 1
enzyme only, And Then, gather 5000+
military officers' reports (
implement 2 nanobot embedded antiviral COVID-19 (Oral Route medicine) As green
tea ... so, safe nations ... ;
Also see: Invisibility; Invisibilities;
K i n a s e protein: k i n a s e enzyme modifies other proteins by adding phosphate; Protein k i n a s e;
well trained kids!! replied:
doshite Why,
Why) are you linking to (Invisibility; Invisibilities) sir?
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) your knowledge whether correct or pitfall, so I've a quiz i.e. WHAT is OLE (Object Linking & Embedding) in computer science?
well trained kids!! replied: if you update here, your linked network's (item, object, things) update there;
I wrote:
of course, well trained kids!! are very very smart ones
already ... ;
intentionally, (
doshite Why,
Why) do I need to mention (Invisibility, Invisibilities) here?
well trained kids!! replied:
5000+ (
are NOT 1 person's work to do sir, and also e.g. from liquid gasoline to gas
(catalytic converter (carbon monoxide, oxides of Nitrogen, unburned
hydrocarbon)) are (Invisibility,
Invisibilities) with our own eyes, but ... ;
I wrote: catalytic converters, inside of
Automotive are very expensive,
and I know they're (converting, prompting) chemical compound, NOT to be harmful
to living environments, other wording would be: air pollution reducing devices,
built by Carbon based; I'm a "Tarzan" alike Rakhine
American WHO don't have my
own lab, but I've another webpage called "kadosei
Mobility" and
happenstance, non-combustion (item, object, things) are focused inside of
kadosei Mobility
... ; a "Tarzan" way of realizing &
WHAT is the Usage: (catalysis,
c a t a l y t i c a l,
catalytic converter, (catalytic cracker,
c a t a l y z e r,
catalyzing) would be 1 way
DEE (reaction) ...
; very easy to remember e.g. (react + ion) doko
WHERE "Water" (approx. ±2 of the defined Ph7 Space, approx. ±3 of the
defined Ph7 Space) is very important regarding (react), of course, ion must be
with (
plus) 2 sides ones ... , so "reaction" is very easy to realize and
I need to QA (Quality
Assurance) very basic info e.g. regarding (
minus, ,
plus) 2 sides ones of "ion,"
WHAT kind of solution would be in minus side?
well trained kids!! replied:
very easy quiz sir, answer would be: ph OS ph ate sir; We become very
curious HOW "handles" are related to (
plus) 2 sides ones sir?
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! I've another quiz, i.e. inside of
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, I explained Explicit 3,4
dimensional, and I need to QA (Quality Assurance) HOW you well trained kids
really realized & understood, so
WHICH group is one-after-another-consecutively,
WHICH group is up-and-down alike 2 different locations?
Remark: if you're R&D for
decades, (item, object, thing, ... ) become
aesthetic (Also see:
i.e. a part of
philosophy; by the way, among systems WHICH company logo's slogan has
stated "aesthetic" and
doshite Why,
Why) ?
well trained kids!! Umm!! Umm!! multiple systems within 1 circuit board is a.k.a. multi-systems, invented by TOSHIBA since 1980s sir;
I wrote: the Shakya King informed me that "run-boy-run" because I explained very much already; Oh!! Oh!! I need to learn HOW to design 1990s Model "Samsara Machine" (Also see: Physics Law 1024) SO 98+ years old Shakya King becomes 22+ years old ones and very healthy in 2020s ... ; well trained kids!! will remember very easy (react + ion), so called "enzymes" sir; I've realized myself that we've civilization gap problems;
well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir i.e. 3-group is up-and-down alike 2 different locations, if compare to 4-group is one-after-another-consecutively; Remark: We'll find "cascade Enzymes" on the side of ("4-group") sir;
I wrote:
of course, well trained kids!! are very very smart ones
already ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, because I've my own reasons;
i.e. HOW many lines inside of
and (
doshite Why,
Why) ?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We don't know sir, please help;
I wrote: reversed (biological, biomedical, pathological, virological) engineering of enzymes should be called , originally (created, designed, modeled) by NIPPON a.k.a. Japanese;
I wrote: don't forget my quiz, i.e. HOW many lines?
because, iPS cells engineering is not that easy and simple like WHAT I
think; IT is like
WHEN parallel lines
exist, holes form
naturally, believe
IT or NOT; a "Tarzan" need to learn WHAT is bio Glue
((regenerating, regeneration, self repairing) naturally if applied, other
wording would be:
ware ware We no longer need (stitches, sutures, transplants)), and answer
would be:
iPS cells
, ... ; believe IT or NOT, since
samsara machine (also see:
Physics Law 1024; other
wording would be: dead bodies become alive again means being in
samsara in Buddhism, believe IT or NOT),
Remark: you must (belief, believe) in Buddhism ... ;
I've a quiz now, i.e. as of
2022, 16000+ items, in this DOMAIN,
WHICH ones would you like to (choose, select) to define iPS cells engineering,
inside of
Schematic Dimensional ?
well trained kids!! replied: (,
for top-to-down (1&&1) design model sir;
Remark: "top-to-down" directional means 1 way DEE also;
I wrote: Yes. Correct. i.e. HOW
iPS cells engineering have been designed & modeled, and IT is like
reversed biomedical engineering of Enzymes (holes) ... however, I prefer 5V (different potential) if you've done "ion" (because 3.3V and
5V have been computing since 1980s) ... , and don't tell me your Nitrogen %, and
Potential Diff (
V) for your space environment's specifications, your ingredients
substrate (contents . compound .
your specific way (reaction's result as
catalyzing, reaction's result as exhaust system), ... because I don't need to
know, and I don't want to know, since I've been a "Tarzan" ...
; Remark:
your enzymes lab doesn't need to be equipped with expensive ones,
e.g. ((negative charged, positive charged), (minus, plus), two sided ones (ion))
can be implemented by (3.3V, 5V) Potential Diff, by using
Also see: Physics Law 179, naturally rechargeable battery;
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot; e.g.
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality
well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz, i.e. regarding Japanese (a.k.a.
NIPPON) 's invention (biological, directional,
iPS (also see:
Nanobot iPS Cells),
WHERE Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's
directional Action should be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's directional Action should be toward 3's side (a.k.a. right side of the Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot) ... ;
I wrote: so
desu (correct), and I wonder
kind of characteristic its behavior Action would be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! (CCW (Counter Clock Wise), and CW (Clock Wise)) behaves like flip-flop, similar to earth-worm's movement sir;
I wrote: so
desu (right), and I guess that "earth-worm's movement" because of 4's
side, and regarding programmable, WHICH area of the (Single-Bio-Cell
Programmable Nanobot) should you focus on? Remark:
500 nm;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're Nanobot Programmers sir, focus on
Yellow Color (kuru
WHILE flip-flopping Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color) only;
I wrote: regarding (Plus a.k.a. Positive, Minus a.k.a. Negative), if I'm using (2+ phosphate (bi-phosphate), 3+ phosphate (tri-phosphate)) then ion should be Negative or Positive?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! Negative should be charging sir;
I wrote: inside of
Schematic Lipid (e.g.
Lipid), And Then, WHERE should be flip-flopping Aqua Color and
Navy Blue Color)?
well trained kids!! replied: 4's side sir;
I wrote: OK. OK. good enough for
"programmable" regarding
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot
... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
I wrote: be good
Nanobot Programmers!! and keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e.
don't attach viral pathogen to human beings' Protein,
because we're not in a war, and I believe in Zen Buddhism, mountains are
mountain, rivers are river, ... ;
WHEN you become older, and if you like to earn "tons of money,"
And Then, instead of
attaching viral pathogen to human beings'
Protein, you can attach oncological pathogens to human
beings' Protein,
And Then, your own
programmable nanobots will make you "tons of money" And Then, your
own formula, your own medicine, ... ; knowing, realizing, and understanding of
(messenger RNA, mRNA), also see: DNA
_Origami; Enzymes;
Reforming Myanmar;
Water Clock;
I wrote: should
I write another additional physics law, for flip-flopping e.g. we need (wake-up,
sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ... , accordance with (Time .
Space . Action) Oriental Thought,, and
WHAT is this
's flip-flopping (Silver Color and Navy Blue Color) time period for a
well trained kids!! replied: the shortest time period of flip-flopping sir;
I wrote: if I wonder WHAT is the longest time period of flip-flopping, and we need to guess?
well trained kids!! replied: 500 years sir, because in Buddhism's documentations, deity life expectancy starts with 500 years in 31 realms of beings;
I wrote: if I wonder 1000 years, how do you describe IT?
well trained kids!! replied: 1000 years = (600 years + 400 years) sir, and 600 years is originally from China's documentation, and 400 years is originally from Gregorian Calendar (Western Civilization) in our earth sir;
I wrote: you
should write a new physics law,
WHEN you become older, regarding flip-flopping time period for
(wake-up, sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ...
WHICH should lead to BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment for
many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;
Timeline . Enzymes ; e.g.
21st century & beyond | : | this | DOMAIN | 's | nanobot | base | d | Protein | Wrapper | ; |
this | DOMAIN | 's | nanobot | base | d | Protein | Wrapper | ; | ||
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i | P | S | Cell | s | ; | |||||
> | 2020 | s | : | cascade | Enzyme | s | ||||
> | 2010 | s | : | C | . | S | i | bond | forming | Enzyme |
s | , | trans | a | min | as | e | for | Name | synthesis | ; |
> | 1990 | s | : | directed | evolution | , | lipase | produces | chiral | amines |
> | 1980 | s | : | Polymerase | Chain | Reaction | ( | a.k.a. | PCR | test |
) | ; | |||||||||
> | 1970 | s | : | immobilized | Penicillin | ac | y | l | ase | for |
semi | synthetic | antibiotic | s | ; | 1st | recombinant | DNA | ; | immobilize | |
d | glucose | is | o | me | r | ase | ; | DNA | sequencing | ; |
Site | - | direct | e | d | mutagenesis | ; | Insulin | , | the | 1st |
. | recombinant | Protein | ; | directional | evolution | ; | ||||
> | 1960 | s | : | Gene | e | tic | code | ; | restrict | , |
restricted | , | restriction | based | Enzyme | s | ; | ||||
> | 1950 | s | : | immobilization | s | of | Protein | s | ; | sequence |
of | insulin | ; | structural | base | d | DNA | ; | structural | Protein | ; |
Induce | d | fit | Model | ; | ||||||
> | 1930 | s | : | a | symmetric | microbial | synthesis | ; | ||
> | 1920 | s | : | enzymes | are | protein | s | ; | ||
> | 1900 | s | : | 1st | cofactor | s | ; | |||
> | 1890 | s | : | cell | free | ferment | at | ion | ; | |
Lock | AND | Key | Model | ; | ||||||
> | 1830 | s | : | 1st | enzyme | , | discover | , | discovery | ... |
> | prior | to | 1830s | , | yeast | , | ferment | sugar | in | to |
alcohol | e.g. | Sake | a.k.a. | rice | liquor | ; |
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) HOW well trained kids!! realized and understood fluently e.g. this DOMAIN 's nanobot based Protein Wrapper, so I've a quiz i.e. how many ("*DEE*mouth*") we've already defined?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! they're:
Domain > Gene
Therapy System > chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage >
Antiviral Schematic >
DEE _Mouth _unwanted Nitrogen;
IT > Note >
IT > Symbol >
Schematic Dimensional >
Time . Space >
DEE _Mouth;
well trained kids!! replied: (
doshite Why,
Why) do we need to know ("*DEE*mouth*") sir?
I wrote: think like a "Tarzan" e.g. to be
energetic and healthy (Also see:
Energy & Geometry),
ware ware We've to eat,
And Then, (
reaction) ... so called "enzymes"
... ;
another good
example would be: Enzymes like to eat :
Hormone; Also see:
h G T S U;
another good example would be: antiviral COVID-19 medicine formula would be : made of a "Tarzan" 's (coconut water + enzymes powders);
Remark: I need to formulate 2 nanobot
embedded Protein Wrapper As Green Tea;
Remark: I need to formulate 2 nanobot embedded
Protein Wrapper As Sake a.k.a. rice liquor;
Usages; e.g.
yeast; fermentation ... ;
Ribosome), also see:
molecular biology; biotechnological; biochemistry;
mixture of Amylase (diastase), invert ase, ... (Enzymes) ..., since 1833 ... ;
"ion" is originally Greek word, since 1834 ... ;
hydrolysis reactions of transformations ... ;
ferment sugar into alcohol ... ;
bio-catalysis, i.e. (Enzymes Engineering) ... ;
am fungi; a r b u s c u l e; endophyte, inside plant, help each other and live together; spore; naturally give and take; Also see: a Computer; Enzymes;
any changes by themselves ... ;
2022; design model; chiryoyaku Therapeutic (
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts), also see:
c G T S U;
DNA _Origami;
Physics Law 145;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids'
knowledge to be correct and right-to-the-point, so I've a quiz i.e.
kuru kuru
WHILE mapping "unwanted Amoeba" (one of the pathogens), among
(Top, Midst, Down)
WHICH one indicates "cysts" ?
well trained kids!! replied: Top one ("its look alike eccentric circles") sir;
I wrote:
of course;
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts,
noho Cysts ((bladder), (hollow organ), (liquid secretion
(cavity)), (pocket's cross-section image), (Sac, a sac), (thin-Walls),
(vesicle)) ... ; if I wonder (Time
(Incubation Period) .
Space (doko
WHERE (combating, fighting)) .
Action (react + ion))
would be for formulating
(antiviral, Anti Virus) ?
well trained kids!! replied: NOT at the Top sir, other wording would be: We should let our to fight against pathogens at the (either Midst or Down) stage, state, ... sir;
I wrote:
of course; please don't attach human beings' protein to
the defined pathogen (e.g. (SARS-CoV-2)) because COVID-19 pandemic caused "militaries
cannot operate," because
COVID-19 is one of the most
powerful biomedical weapons (more powerful than "nuclear power") ... ;
WHAT was your nitrogen % content in your lab WHILE developing
well trained kids!! replied: NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, who attached human beings' protein to the defined pathogen SARS-CoV-2;
I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! IT took approx. 3+ years (2019-2022-2021)
to figure-out, find-out
WHAT is a little bit "unwanted nitrogen" believe it or not;
doshite Why,
structural Amino
Acids are (("
yo KATAKANA" character alike in NIPPON
language), ("E" character alike in English language)) ?
well trained kids!! replied: they are consecutively next to each other and spiral sir; Umm!! Umm!! 1/2 because they belongs to (4 ones) 's side in 3,4 dimensional sir; (1/2 + 1/2) would be whole 1 "bow tie" alike sir;
Umm!! Umm!! if we copy
4D, a.k.a. 4 Dimensional, it would be for marking (4D, a.k.a. 4 Dimensional);
I wrote:
of course; UDNGS, and NGS are color coded ones, and very very
difficult to realize and understand "unwanted nitrogen" bound
Protein Wrapper (e.g. antiviral COVID-19 medicine), so I need to
study more bio related ones
(I'm going to buy lots of bio related
books and read all of them) ... ; can you teach me HOW to (tame,
train) human beings' protein to be with intelligence (e.g. knowing NOT to
bound the marked pathogen way means immunological ones ; e.g. (
Lipid knows (good vs. bad)
And Then open-to-good-ones, close-to-bad-ones) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. we cannot teach you. Remark: we cannot be "big mouth" ones sir; you said THAT "COVID-19" is more powerful than "nuclear related ones" ... ; we're scare of you because you might be the one WHO invented "COVID-19" ;
I wrote: NOT Me, NOT Me; don't forget THAT "a person WHO doesn't own lab" is called "Tarzan" ... ; Remark: I've never owned my own bio lab in my 1st life, so I'm a "Tarzan" without bio related academic degree ... ;
Protein; Enzymes; DNA _Origami; e.g.
H2O), a.k.a. Water
... ;
catalysts (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
(item, object, things) THAT accelerates chemical reaction (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
(item, object, things) THAT enables chemical reaction (i.e. enzyme)
... ;
Also see: Referenced Books;
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