2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2022 :
August :
2 (Tuesday) : Updated : Physics Law 154 ;
; year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2022 :
8 :
2 : Updated : Physics Law 154
154) :
Digital; e.g.
2021; design model;
Navy Silver Pressure PCB _Holes;
well trained kids! replied: WHY did you draw 2 spots are NOT horizontally align sir?
I wrote: Also see:
Energy & Geometry; Physics Law 154;
Physics Law 140;
Schematic Light;
before understanding "Navy Silver Pressure PCB _Holes," (2 second, 4 second) are
adjusted by
because in ACT2
and ACT3
imaginary hyper space straight lines must be adjusted, e.g. our solar system as
a secant of our universe ... ;
2 holes at the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), doko
pressure is defined by iroColourWaveForm (Navy,
Silver) ... ;
think THAT our universe's naturally comets are the longest straight lines, on
the other hand, regarding Manmade (multi long length neutrino laser), straight
lines are much shorter than (our universe's naturally comets are);
of wormhole way (Comet, Rainbow, Wall) method, procedure, and technique, any
illegal missile can be shot-down, any illegal moving military vehicle can be
well trained kids! replied:
look alike there're 2 fishes, swimming in Water
sir; by the way, can we change the dark blue and silver colors to our own (
Crayon) colors?
I wrote: agree, i.e. with Water; No, you shouldn't change its (Navy, Silver) colors, because in Zen Way, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... (remember within this DOMAIN, every picture has its own meaning, if you change its colors, then meaning of the picture will change, then out-of-symmetrical, ... ); Pi by Two (π/2) diff, regarding ("there're 2 fishes, swimming in Water") ... ; by a glance, you should know (Aqua, Cyan, Green) side of our universe, if compare to other (Maroon, Purple, Red) side of our universe, regarding our universes ... ; moon waves are very very unique, and moon waves prompt supreme power, unique power, ... , believe it or not, i.e. ACT2 level imaginary hyper space info;
Kanji: construction; craft; Also see:
I wrote: I've a quiz i.e.
regarding "diameter" of
Eccentric _circles, in EN
(English) language,
WHICH letter
can represent ("diameter" of Eccentric _circles)?
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We've learnt already
WHEN we're
very young, answer would be: Capital Letter ("H") sir,
WHERE 2 sides can represent 2 tangents ... ;
I wrote:
of course; after understanding ("Navy Silver
Pressure PCB _Holes"), try to understand Jaw and HOW our (teeth, tooth) are
naturally formed in Zen Way ... ;
don't forget THAT long long time ago, I said every part of human beings' (bio,
organ, part, tissue, ... ) has its own very very meaningful ... ;
I wrote: after understanding
"every part of human beings' (bio, organ, part, tissue, ... ) has its own very
very meaningful ... ,"
WHAT would
you like to do?
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We'll be
Nanobot Programmers sir; we'll develop
Teleportation (Method, Procedure, Technique)
Gene Therapy
System ... ;
I wrote:
of course;
2021; Modeled
HTML executable
Analog Clock
... ;
Remark: might not be working with all
kinds of Browser;
astronomical Clock : perfect timing, position of the sun, position of the moon, (ratio of distance around the circle to the distance across it, also see: Pi), rotational tilt of the planet (e.g. daylight saving time), zodiac dial, ... ;
digital clock e.g. digital style; if "focus" And Then "ring" (cursor, mouse) is captured; IT \ Executable Application \ 時 Time Ticks . exe ; visible "second" is advantage, for local (10) system time, for system programmer, ... ;
... ;
JST), Japan Standard Time
... ;
transportable _Atomic _Clock (1 way DEE, atom timekeeping, our earth, portable, time zone) ... ;
well trained kids! I've a quiz i.e. among
10000+ items in this DOMAIN, I like to be using only 1 picture, to be
clocking for our imaginary hyper space crafts in our universes, so
would you like to choose, and WHY?
well trained kids! replied: Umm! thinking ... ;
I wrote: OK. take your time and I'll give you 1 week to think for answering my quiz; Remark: later I've decided THAT I cannot give you 1 week, because of national security and regional security; even though "Week" is the lowest Parameter regarding "slow-down-time" period ... ; Sorry, in space, you're on your own, because many challenges exist ;
I wrote: I've another quiz regarding "slow-down-time" period Century , "slow-down-time" period Decade , "slow-down-time" period Year , "slow-down-time" period Month , and "slow-down-time" period Week , among the following options (A, B, C, D), WHICH one would you like to choose to clock an imaginary hyper space craft ?
154 . A . Replication;
154 . B . Synchronization;
154 . C . Duplication;
154 . D . Multiplexing;
Also see:
well trained kids! replied: for the best authentication (wake-up) and verification (wake-up), we'll choose 154 . B . Synchronization sir;
I wrote: since (graphics, image, photo, picture) is the best
(Method, Procedure, Technique), I've a gift to you i.e.
Shakya Synchronization;
well trained kids! replied: should we use Green background (highlight color) with Yellow forefront (font color), a.k.a. we've already learnt IT as "reversed yellowish variation" and Yellow background (highlight color) with Green forefront (font color) a.k.a. we've already learnt IT as "yellowish variation" to clock our imaginary hyper space craft As Solar Sail (Method, Procedure, Technique) sir ?
I wrote:
of course;
well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt THAT Directional Gravity Pressure, and gravity spots, to do (elevating, landing) with different codes sir, and question is HOW to define DEE Density ?
I wrote: I don't know. WHO taught you 2 (1mm ones) gravity spots embedded since 1990s in GPS, but our earth only; in this DOMAIN, we're NOT discussing, learning, talking, ... ACT1 level (i.e. our earth only);
well trained kids! replied: Umm! Umm! very stuck-up and no proof officially yet sir; we've already searched and swapped yours, and we've NOT found anything related to "space craft" yet sir;
I wrote: I don't need (proof, prove, proving) since
website is a part of human rights, and you'll
know WHEN you're on one of the human beings livable moon ... ; (imaginary,
imagination) is like (dream, idea), also see:
this DOMAIN 's
Idea Processor ... ;
Reminder: (
) I've already programmed
Invisibility Engineering ones e.g. invisible drone, e.g.
invisible insectoid reports to invisible animaloid reports to invisible
humanoids, e.g. invisible
Shield, ... ; you'll know yourselves WHEN you notice & realize e.g. avoiding bad
weather conditions; avoiding earthquakes; avoiding tsunami; ...
level (i.e. our earth only);
( web;
wrapped for you to be in healthy living environment ... ;
well trained kids! replied: should
ware ware We be using your
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, regarding "wrapped for you to be in healthy living environment"
sir ?
I wrote: Yes.
of course;
Reminder: don't forget THAT 3 kinds of (Method, Procedure, Technique) are Comet,
Rainbow, and Wall; that's IT;
well trained kids! replied: should
ware ware We create ZCS clocks sir ?
I wrote: use "L" (Method, Procedure, Technique) for each ZCS, And Then, apply 1 way DEE; regarding (measure, measured, measuring), also see: Optics;
by the way, (
) I've already programmed e.g. reversed
engineering of 4 points of "L" on the defined area as line
(e.g. 1 km apart each other),
and in 2,3 dimensional momentum (our earth only), there is no 4 holes
form naturally, so if 3 "L" points' locations is defined by
iroColourWaveForm (iro LED) And Then, (the
intentionally reserved one,
i.e. NOT using iro LED based lighting, ) i.e. 1 "L" point must be the defined active
volcano's location (e.g. peak point), And Then,
ware ware We (
) ' v e already programmed i.e. (avoid,
avoided, avoiding) active volcano's eruption in the defined region; Also
Manmade Global Weather (our
earth) ... ; very easy & simple e.g.
"wrapped for you to be in healthy living environment"
... ; Also see: Physics Law 156,
Idea Processor
... ;
Shakya (DEE) : e.g. CCW _Shakya; e.g. CW _Shakya; Remark: for DEE, Dark Energy Engineering;
timeline; Also see:
Physics Law 154;
x Character;
x G T S U;
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
Coordinate) ... ;
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