; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 13th (Friday) : s : s Usage ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 13 : 9 : 2024 : s : S : s Usage ;

Sa (family name, surname); S a k u w a (family name, surname); S a s a (name); Radical358;

s a b i s u Service e.g. ( s a b i s u Service, s a b i s u Service, s a b i s u Service);

S a c h i k o (female name); S a k i (female name); Radical819;

sacred lotus ;      

S a d a m u (name); Radical752;

O r i (family name, surname); O r i s a k i (family name, surname); S a g a r i (name); Radical663;

S a i (again, repeated); Radical591;

S a i (family name, surname); Radical251;

s a i b o y o k a i Cytolysis, (disruption, dissolution) of bio cell, by external (agent, field, effect, Interference, interrupt, object, string, thing), also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Physics Law 145;

s a i k i Recursion, repeated (app, application, apps) of again-and-again (definition, function call, procedure) ... ; Also see: Optics;

s a i s h o k a Minimization, e.g. numerical optimization, numerological optimization, ... ;

S a k i (female name); S o u (place name); S o u s a k i (family name, surname); Radical817;

Osamu (family name, name, surname); S a k i h i r a (family name, surname); T a i r a (family name, name, place name, surname); Radical545;

F u k u (name); Sakae (female name); Shigeru (name); Radical953;

Sakai (family name, surname); Sakae (family name, surname); Radical957;

A y u m i (female name); S a k i (family name, female name, surname); S a k i z a k i (family name, surname); Radical498;

H i d e m i (female name); H i t s u j i (female name); S a k i (female name); Radical828;

s a k i Destination;

K e n s a k u (name); K o y o m i (female name); S a k u (family name, female name, surname); Radical699;

s a m a;

* * san, a suffix, to a given name, ... to a family name;

San (family name, surname); Radical326;

Sane (family name, surname); Radical791;

sanjiku Tri axial ( X, Y, Z) ... ; Also see: Radical794;

( sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation), also see: (( 3), ( Radical181), ( Radical451), ( Radical831)); 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Walls;

counter for s a t o k a g u r a songs; Also see: COUNTERS;

Akira (female name); K a k u (family name, surname); Satoshi (male name); Radical454;

Satoshi (name); Radical301;

Satoshi (male name); Setsu (family name, female name, surname); S e t s u j i (name); Radical1002;

S a t s u k a (family name, surname); Radical166;

Seki (name); Radical355;

S e n (family name, surname); Radical955;

M a t c h a tea; S e n c h a tea; Radical299;

k y u h y a k u Nine Hundred; s e n h a c h i h y a k u One thousand and eight hundred; e.g.

( k y u h y a k u Nine Hundred : ( 900, 900, 900, 900), s e n h a c h i h y a k u One thousand and eight hundred : ( 1800, 1800, 1800, 1800)) e.g. dual band radio pattern ... ; Also see: Browser; Number; PHONE; Router;

keibu Cervical; kyobu Thoracic; yotsui Lumbar; senkotsu Sacrum; bikotsu Coccyx; Also see: b G T S U; Physics Law 198;

S e n r i t s u (female name); S h i r a b e (family name; female name; surname); Radical611;

( war zone, s e n s o c h i t a i War Zone, war zone, War Zone, War Zone) ... ;

s e t s u d o Perturbation, deviation of the defined system, e.g. external magnetic induction vector; e.g. ((process, processed, processing) from its normal (state, stated, stating), (process, processed, processing) from its regular (state, stated, stating)) of moving (item, object, thing) 's path;

10th of shaku; measurement; Radical48;

Shakya (a.k.a. Swastika) King, the one and only ruler of imaginary hyper space in our universes ... ; Radical117, also see: Radicals;

s h i b o r i Aperture ( aperture, aperture, aperture), also see: Optics;

Shibusawa Eiichi, 10000 yen, Japanese monetary unit; Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931), Japanese industrialist, Japanese capitalism and Meiji Restoration;

shigeki Stimulate; Stimulate; e.g.

Inoculation, living (antigen, pathogen) into (alive, living) organism to ( shigeki Stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, Stimulate) the production of antibodies;

stimulate structural Battery Server ( Gravity Dimension Computer) ... ;

shiharai Payment; e.g.

( shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment) ... , also see: Action; Biz; p Character; Services; s Usage;

nerve; nerve; nerve; Nerve; Remark: ((deity; god; spirit; Radical370) + ( sutra, Buddha's scriptures)) = shinkei Nerve; Also see: n Character; n G T S U; s Usage;

( shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus, shikyu Uterus), also see: m Character; m G T S U; -time;

shikyu Uterus : shikyu Uterus : shikyu Uterus : shikyu Uterus : (during pregnancy, umbilical, umbilical cord (placenta (fetus)), umbilical cord bleeding WHEN umbilical cord falling-off, umbilical granuloma (Dx: increase in swelling (redness)), (umbilical hernia a.k.a. ventral hernia), umbilical hernia surgery; via umbilical cord (tube alike structural) kuru kuru WHILE developing baby inside womb a.k.a. uterus (the placenta (temporary organ)) during pregnancy) uterus; Also see: s Usage; u Character; u G T S U;

Shi (name); Shin (name); Radical321;

S h i i (female name, family name, surname); S h i i n a (female name); S h i i z a k i (family name, surname); Radical859;

S h i j i m i clam, also see: Sushi;

shika Dental ... ; Also see: Dental Implant;

S h i k a z a k i (family name, surname); Radical236;

Shiki (family name, female name, surname); S h o k u (name); Radical992;

( shimesu Denote, shimesu Evince, shimesu Exhibit, shimesu Indicate, shimesu Point-out, shimesu Show) .  .  . ;

Akira (female name); Shin (family name, female name, surname); Shino (female name); Radical694;

Shin (family name, female name, surname); Shinji (name); Susumu (family name, surname); Radical796;

S h i n a n o river, the longest river in Japan;

s h i n j o Belief; s h i n j o Credo; s h i n j o Creed;

shin shin, snow falling lightly at night ... ;

S h i n a (family name, surname); Radical222;

s h i n d o Oscillatory; Also see: Optics;

En (family name, surname); S h i o (family name, female name, surname); Radical698;

S h i r a (name); S h i r a s a k i (family name, surname); Radical135;

s h i r a b e Tone; Radical611;

s h i r a u o, also see: Sushi;

shishoku Tasting;

s h i s u Indices, (alphabetical, periodical) list with references ... ; Also see: Optics;

Dai (family name, surname); H a m a m u r o (family name, surname); S h i t s u (family name, surname); Radical966;

s h i t s u r e i s h i m a s u, similar to "excuse me", WHILE entering into house or office, if calling attention, say s h i t s u r e i s h i m a s u , phone rings WHILE eating together, say s h i t s u r e i s h i m a s u to people before answering, "excuse me" alike ... ; also see: s u m i m a s e n;

s h i t o s h i t o, lightly rain from the sky ... ;

  Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic s h i y o u g a i ( disorders); s h o g a i ( disorders);

S h i y u (family name, surname); Radical101;

S h i z u k a (female given name); Radical126;

S h i z u k u (female name); Radical259;

s h o r u i Dossier (account, annals, archives, casebook, case history, case study, catalog, chronicles, data, diary, documentation, documents, evidence, file, information, inventory, journal, log, logbook, list, memoir, notes, register, report) ... ;

Shou (family name, surname name); Shouzaki (family name, surname); Radical567;

Chi (family name, surname); Koochi (family name, surname); Shouchi (family name, surname); Radical519;

Shouichi (name); Shouji (name); Radical793;

s h u k u e k i s e i, post-station town system;

shuri repairing, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 259, DNA repairing enzyme;

s h u s a Aberration, (departure from norm, variation from WHAT is normal), ... ; Also see: Optics;

( s h u s h u k u k i H F, s h u s h u k u k i Systolic H F), also see: h G T S U;

s h u s o k u s u r u Convergent ... ;

shutsuketsusei Hemorrhagic, also see: s G T S U;

S h u u (i.e. female name); Radical170;

S h u u d o u i n (place name) also see: Monastery;

A t s u r u (name); Atsushi (name); S h u u j i (name); Radical886;

shuzoku Species; e.g.

shuzoku Species;
shuzoku Species;
shuzoku Species;
shuzoku Species;

Also see: Physics Law 789; Protein; s G T S U; Teleportation;

sogaizai Inhibitor-COVID19; Remark: ware ware We've to be immuned ones, to do so, 4 "Red" ones (e.g. 4 COVID-19 cells) must NOT be bounding;

Also see: Inhibitor Acronym;

Sokkoujo (place name); weather measurement station;

sonobade In situ, (in the original place, situated in the original place), also see: FISH; i Character; Location Awareness Response; s Usage;

sono Its (context, geo location, producer, unit, URI) ... ;

soshiki Tissue; Also see: tGTSU;

soshin Send; Radical767;

sound of one flat surface (e.g. paper) ... ;

space between;

square on a grid ; also see: bUsage;

suchi Numerical; numerical;

Masaru (family name, surname); Suguru (family name, surname); Radical759;

... suki desu, , I like OBJECT ... , e.g.

"ABC" ga suki desu, I like "ABC",

bara ga suki desu, I like roses,

tako ga suki desu, I like octopus,

camera ga suki desu, I like camera;

also, can be used for "activity" e.g. playing badminton, playing table tennis a.k.a. ping pong, ... ;

Sumi (family name, surname); Radical181;

Sumihiro (name); Sumitoshi (name); Radical612;

sumimasen , Excuse me!, ... ; also see: shitsurei shimasu, ;

suiron Deduction; suiron Inference;

one thousandth of sun; Radical103;

Naoshi (name); Sunao (name); Tsukasa (name); Radical735;

Surprise!, also see, taihen ... ;

suru : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

sushiyani ikitai desu, "let's go together & eat sushi" ...;

Susumu (name); Radical7;

Susumu (name); Radical261;

figures; numbers; suu Counting; Also see: c Character Extension 1; COUNTERS;

suya suya, sleeping peacefully ... ;

( Suzuki, Suzuki, Suzuki); world's 1st waterway sanitation motorboat (commercial ones), also see: Automotive;

Numbers in Dhamma;

sad, sad, pun pun; cry;    

shiku shiku, cry, cry;

(to remove positive (abnormalities, diseases, disorders) shuyomaka Tumor Marker tumor marker), also see: .. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ Basic Understanding For Idea Processing;
