; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : November : 6th (Wednesday) : Services ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 6 : 11 : 2024 :  Services ;

Enjoy reading ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     https://acejaw.website ;
Enjoy reading ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     www.americamyanmar.net ;
Enjoy reading ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     this DOMAIN;
And wish you best of luck;
Readers may have different idea ...。

business; employ; service; use; utilize; Radical130;

A N POS, Alpha Numeric Point-Of-Sale (Services); e.g.

A N P O S        
A N P O S        
A N P O S        
A N P O S        
  , Alpha    
  Point - Of
  - Sale ;

Sale, also see: 2aComputer; Biz; Services;

Anti-Earthquake (Services); e.g.

Anti-Earthquake (Services) ... ; Remark: our earth only;

3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell (Algorithm, based), avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan (Services) ... ; Remark: Services for both JAPAN, and TAIWAN ;

Built-in; e.g.

Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in;

( ccTLD, ccTLD, ccTLD, ccTLD), country codes' Top Level DOMAIN .  .  . ;

Charter; e.g.

( Charter, Charter, Charter, Charter), e.g. ((private (aircraft, boat, bus)), written grant) i.e. charter ... , also see: cCharacterExtension1; kadosei Mobility; Services;

cloud; Cloud; CLOUD; e.g.

( cloud, cloud, Cloud, CLOUD) ... ;

3�D, a.k.a. 3D, a.k.a. three dimensional; e.g.

  Bright , Custom , Dim , Infinity ,  
  Matte , Metal , Normal , Parallel ,  
  Perspective , (288pt.) , (144pt.) , (72pt.) ,  
  (36pt.) , (0pt.) , Wire Frame , . .  
  . (3 D Setting s ) .  
  . . ; Also see : Browser ;  
  Services ; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ;          

Since July 4th, 2024, 3�D, designed & modeled by , for Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, Nanobot Programming, ... ; doko WHERE Purple Color is coming from (the biggest gravity spot), so response with Navy Blue Color (our earth, ACT1); if you're ( ACT3 Level, ACT2 Level) Space related ones, And Then, for each human beings livable moon (our universes), you need to edit the table with diff color codes;

ecg; Gene Therapy System (?G T S U : Services); e.g.

( , , ), also see: ecg Interpretation;

Gene Therapy System (Services), also see: index;

Remark: BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment, for each human beings livable moon is still in R&D HOW reversed yellowish variations can be defined by DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ;

global; e.g.

( global, global, global, global)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ; Also see: Action; g Character; Remark: "global" anime (captured font 8514oem (Font Size 12), 15x15 dimensional, 7.33 KB size, 500 ms speed), created since 02/14/2024, using Japanese . Syllabary . HTML (normal Yellowish Variation) characters, and world (our earth) 's 1st "normal Yellowish Variation," designed, modeled, and programmed by a "Tarzan" Rakhine American .  .  . ;  since 2024, "normal Yellowish Variation" has been defined, intentionally for (  (  ( Anti-Earthquake design model ones, Artificial Intelligence design model ones, Gene Therapy System design model ones, Idea Processor design model ones, international Band design model ones, Nanobot Programming design model ones  )  )  ) ;

Idea Processor (Services); e.g.

Idea Processor, for humanoids' nama, also see: Nama For Humanoid;
Idea Processor is beyond AAI, AI, AIA, Artificial Intelligence ... ;

Idea Processor is beyond , , , also see: Gravity Dimension Computer (Services) ... ;

Remark: before installing this DOMAIN 's contents, please measure your device's weight ... ;

Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; USB; Remark: if camera based, zoom from Top's 2 nodes to Bottom's 2 nodes; Purple Color % for ACT2 level and ACT3 level human beings livable moons in our universes; this "Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB" is not measuring Yellowish Variation (YV), but good for USB (A, B, C) ... ; Red Color is for traditional flat panel TV design model's background;

Payment; e.g.

( shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment, shiharai Payment) ... , also see: Action; Biz; p Character; Services; s Usage;

Service; Services; e.g.

avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan As Services ... ;

Gene Therapy System chiryoyaku Therapeutic service ... ;

Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence As Services ... ;

Manmade Global Weather (our earth only) As Services ... ;

servant; servants; serve; served; server; servers; service; services; serving; servings; Also see: s Character;

( service, service, service, service) ... ;

Taxi Cab (Also see: Icon), i.e. Services ... ;

( u a v, UAV) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle As Services ... ; Commercial; Military;

Umm!! Umm!! trillions of US Dollar worth as services (our earth only) ... ;

web services, also see: this DOMAIN;

share; sharing; e.g.

Also see: s Character Extension 1; 4sComputer; 6sComputer;

this DOMAIN 's ... ; e.g.

( this DOMAIN 's USB Type-C Network Topology, this DOMAIN 's RJ45 Ethernet Network Topology), also see: IoT; Router; Services; USB;

well trained kids!! replied: WHAT is the diff between "Type-C" and "RJ45" sir?
I wrote: kuru kuru WHILE (wrap, wrapped, wrapping) 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, multiple SPL, Sound Pressure Level 's (pressure points, spots) are used for "Type-C," on the other hand, only 1 SPL (pressure point) is used for "RJ45" pairs, regarding (Time . Space . Action) ... ; Remark: trillions of US Dollar worth because banking systems, government systems, healthcare systems, military systems, ... ; 33x15 dimensional ones because basic understanding (1900s design model CRT to Flat Panel, 2000s design model ZCS, 2010s directional gravity spots with structural Battery, 2020s design model (ZCS + PCS + NCS) remote nama reading via insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, ... ) ... ; Also see: Network Topology;

timeframe; Timeframe; timeframes; e.g.

( jikan-waku Timeframe, timeframe, timeframe, Timeframe, timeframe), also see: j Usage; Physics Law 100000; Radical693; t Character; -time; Time;

elapsed-time, in common (constant (NOT variable), fixed) k a n k a k u Interval (timeframes) based, camera photo shots are taken, so those photos are sequenced (like Anime, e.g. 20+ frames per second in common) by time period, so called elapsed-time ( event-by-event in ( action, action) Action); Remark: (elapsed-time is recommended if modeling DEE, in addition to very slow-time is recommended if modeling DEE, if you're beyond ZCS, And Then, R&D (NCS, PCS));

(u a v), (U A V), (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle : Services); e.g.

, also see: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Services); Wireless Antenna; Remark: unmanned aerial vehicle can be using for NOT ONLY Manmade Global Weather BUT ALSO for military ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) "Aqua Color" is at the top sir?

( I, I, I, I) wrote: Oh!!!! you well trained kids!!!! need to learn, realize, and understand Projector, And Then, nowadays' popular Virtual Reality ( v r, V R) Products ... ; those 2 steps alike become our 2 eyes alike, very basic would be USB 's 4 lights As String, And Then, kuru kuru WHILE rounding "Aqua Color" like USB-C Port alike, And Then, nowadays' popular Virtual Reality ( v r, V R) Products can be designed & modeled, i.e. Step-By-Step R&D ... ; trillions of currencies worth and the Shakya King's one of the top secret books in his cabinet HOW ... ; I've a quiz now, i.e. to be avoiding volcanic eruption in the defined location, WHAT kind of (Method, Procedure, Technique) would you like to (choose, select)?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!!!! Umm!!!! 3 "L" with 1 peak location sir; Remark: altogether "4" nodes, and reversed engineering method of 4 planets are almost tangent sir, so we can avoid the defined location to be avoiding "volcanic eruption" ...;

( I, I, I, I) wrote: mochiron of course; regarding Anti-Earthquake, to be using "3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell" based Algorithm ... ;

USB ON-THE-GO ( O T G), i.e. without PC Services, 2+ USB device (s) : talk to each other, SPL each other, peer-to-peer each other, one host <> USB peripheral each other, ..., so called O T G; a good example would be: USB-C Type AND USB-2; think THAT kuru kuru WHILE Fusion of Lights, directional gravity spots, Gravity Dimension Computer, LASER Fusion boxes doko WHERE 1 Way DEE may prompt ("lighting one directional" a.k.a. 1 way DEE), And Then, THAT "Time" is called ( O T G); 2 networking keywords are ("content" , "feature"), And Then, Keyword ( O T G) is more related to "feature"  ... ; very difficult to do know, realize, and understand, but a "Tarzan" is Tarzan, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... (Global Security, Regional Security, National Security) ... ; Also see: Fusion; o Computer; Services; USB;


WHAT is Triangulation System? WHEN 3+ domains are in the Internet, and interconnected together kuru kuru WHILE as screen surface ... , so called triangulation system ... ;

  Gravity 1            
service ...              
Service ...              
Service ...              
service ...