; Updated in
2023 :
October :
(Sunday) : Inhibitor Acronym ;
; Updated on
29 :
10 :
2023 : Inhibitor Acronym
approx. 54+ inhibitors are available to be Working... with this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System;
Remark: don't confuse
between 2 similar usages:
inhabit vs. inhibit, doko
WHERE (inhabit e.g. dwell, live, reside, ... ) if compare to (inhibit e.g.
blocking (defined, specified) ones like inhibitors; Also see:
Inhibitor Acronym;
"AI" becomes very important!! in
chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ... ;
α- g l u c o s i d a s e inhibitor [G l y s e t; M P R RESIDENTS' EDITION; 2005];
β l a c t a m a s e inhibitor [U n a s y n; M P R RESIDENTS' EDITION; 2005];
abnormal enzyme
+ inhibitor = normal
protein; ;
M G;
M G P;
P M G;
Also see: generic names, and brand names;
ACE Inhibitor, A n g i o t e n s i n converting enzyme [The American Journal of Medicine; Vol. 118, No.4]; Blocking an enzyme, reducing high blood pressure; ACE inhibitor, Albert L a s k e r medical research award, since 1999 [J A M A; Vol. 294; No. 11; 2005];
(a n g i o t e n s i n converting enzyme inhibitor a.k.a. a n g i o t e n s i n receptor blocker) for CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease); [American Family Physician; December 15, 2017];
Anti-neo-plastic e p o t h i l o n e microtubule inhibitor, breast cancer treatment, [I x e m p r a, M P R, 2008];
Anti-retroviral HIV1 i n t e g r a s e strand transfer inhibitor, [I s e n t r e s s, M P R, 2008];
Bacterial F i m b r i a l A d h e s i n Inhibitor (S i b o f i m l o c), for C r o h n 's Disease; Remark: Takeda Pharmaceutical;
beta-l a c t a m with beta-l a c t a m a s e inhibitor (lung abscesses); Also see: Specialties PC C;
B c r A b l k i n a s e inhibitor, anti n e o plastic, treatment for Ph+, Philadelphia chromosome post i v e chronic m y e l o g e n o u s leukemia, [T a s i g n a, M P R, www . Prescribing Reference . com, 2008];
(carbonic a n h y d r a s e inhibitor for decreasing aqueous production, on the other hand, R h o - k i n a s e inhibitor for increasing aqueous outflow), also see: g G T S U; Inhibitor Acronym;
Carbonic a n h y d r a s e inhibitor, also see: D o r z o l a m i d e Hydrochloride 2% ophthalmic solution a.k.a. T r u s o p t vs. B r i n z o l a m i d e 1% ophthalmic suspension a.k.a. A z o p t;
Cholesterol 24-hydroxylase Inhibitor for rare epilepsies (S o t i c l e s t a t), Lennox-G a s t a u t syndrome and D r a v e t syndrome; Remark: Takeda Pharmaceutical;
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor, also see: E z e t i m i b e 10mg; E z e t i m i b e + S i m v a s t a t i n (V y t o r i n) 10mg + 10mg;
Cholinesterase inhibitors; i.e. a r i c e p t, e x e l o n, r e m i n y l, ... ;
C M V protein k i n a s e Inhibitor for post-transplant C M V infection (M a r i b a v i r); Remark: Takeda Pharmaceutical;
COMP inhibitor, anti-Parkinson; [Touchstone Health; 2005];
COX2 Inhibitor, Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor [Internal Medicine News; Vol. 38; No. 6];
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor; Also see: 25652021CME;
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, NSAID inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2; inflammatory, in musculoskeletal system; C E L E C O X I B; R O F E C O X I B;
CYP3A4/5 inhibitors
(c y t o chrome P450)
co-administer with P G P (P-G l y c o Protein); American Heart
Association recommends D O A C s (Drug-Drug interactions with direct Oral
Route Anti-Coagulants), instead of using Vitamin
K Antagonists (V K A s);
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE; Vol. 134, No. 8, August 2021;
Also see: Inhibitor Acronym;
Specialties CD;
CYP3A4 inhibitors: If true (a t a z a n a v i r; c l a r i t h r o m y c i n; erythromycin; i n d i n a v i r; i t r a c o n a z o l e; k e t o c o n a z o l e; r i t o n a v i r; s a q u i n a v i r), and then lower L e v i t r a;
Cytokine inhibitor, also see: Specialties D;
DHS inhibitor; Human enzymes d e o x y h y p u s i n e s y n t h a s e, and D H H, d e o x y h y p u s i n e h y d r o x y l a s e might block HIV-I Rev function [viral mRNA] by eIF-5A, Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 5A [Contagion; Vol. 2; No. 7; 2005];
Enzyme inhibitor, also see: process of drug causes metabolism of enzyme inhibitor vs. enzyme inducer ... ;
G A B A reuptake inhibitor [Gabitril; MPR RESIDENTS' EDITION; 2005];
G l u c a n synthesis inhibitor [Mycamine; MPR RESIDENTS' EDITION; 2005];
Glycoprotein I I b / I I I a Inhibitor [Clinical Evidence Concise; B M J; 2005];
Fusion inhibitor, anti-HIV agent, i.e. F u z e o n;
G l y c i n e, because one of its functionalities behave like neurological inhibitor, also see: structural Amino Acids;
H A A R T, Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy, 1996 AIDS treatment, is 1 protease inhibitor + 2 antiretroviral drugs;
hair Growth Inhibitor, also see:
Gene Therapy
System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
(gray scale
simulation: {11,11,11} color, {E3,E3,E3} color, black color, gray color, silver
color) Remark:
hairs grow because of blue-to-green ({E3,E3,E3} color, silver color); (either
maroon color or red color) is one of the limitations in 2,3 dimensional
imaginary hyper space environment (a.k.a.
white color is Dermis; yellow color is Sebaceous gland;
H B V polymerase inhibitor, Hepatitis B Virus polymerase inhibitor, Nucleoside analogue antiviral [M P R Residents' Edition; www . Prescribing Reference .com; 2005];
I n t r a t h e c a l formulation of E l a p r a s e for Hunter Syndrome (TAK-609 Inhibitor); Remark: Takeda Pharmaceutical;
Kinase inhibitor e.g.
Location Awareness
Response (Abdomen
Lymph Nodes
are producing lymph (fluid;
juice; liquid;
sap; secretion;
fluid (i.e.
immune cells)
to fight against (germs, infections) ... ; Kinase inhibitor ((hemorrhage
related), (Lymph Nodes' pathological))
D L B C L, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma;
L L, L y m p h o c y t i c Lymphoma;
M C L, Mantle Cell Lymphoma;
M Z L, Marginal Zone Lymphoma;
(Advice, Comment, Suggestion, Remark) would be : monitor Complete Blood Count (CBC), for each Tx (Kinase inhibitor) ... ; Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; Inhibitor Acronym;
Liver cells: after cancer cells spreading, good normal liver cells can be reengineered, [ April 1, 2008; NHK news; Uni. of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan]; In the near future, it might be called "liver cell inhibitor" which can restraint cancer cells' spreading;
MAO, Monoamine O x i d a s e Inhibitors; i.e. m a r p l a n, n a r d i l, p a r n a t e, ... ;
M A O I, Monoamine O x i d a s e Inhibitors [Resident & Staff Physician; Vol.51; No.4];
Mitotic inhibitor, a.k.a. Plant Alkaloid;
Molecule target inhibitor; i.e. E R B I T U X, G L E E V E C, I R E S S A, T A R C E V A, V E L C A D E, V E S A N O I D, ... ;
N N R T I, Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor [J A M A; Vol.293; No.18]; ART; Anti-viral; Anti-HIV agent;
N R T I, Nucleoside [Sometimes, with Nucleotide] Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor [J A M A; Vol.293; No.18]; Single N R T I; Dual N R T I; ART; Anti-viral; Anti-HIV agent;
PCR inhibitor: PCR inhibitors are blood preservatives EDTA, blood preservatives heparin, hemoglobin, i m m u n o g l o b i n, l a c t o f e r r i n, ... [I n v i t r o g e n, QUEST, vol.4, iss.1, 2007];
PCSK9 inhibitor (incremental decreases of L D L-C), also see: Cardiovascular Dx;
PDE5 inhibitor; vision loss risk; [www . l e v i t r a . com/ h c p / index . html; 2007];
P h o s p h o d i e s t e r a s e type 5 inhibitor [R e v a t i o; M P R RESIDENTS' EDITION; 2005];
PI, Protease Inhibitor [J A M A; Vol.293; No.18]; ART; Targeting microbes, binding protease inhibitors to infected enzymes, causing new virus with normal protein, so called HIV vaccine; Anti-viral; Anti-HIV agent;
Platelet aggregation inhibitor, P A I, [M e d S u r g Notes; F. A. Davis Company; 2004] = Glycoprotein inhibitor [I I b, I I I a];
Protein Wrapper is
nothing to do with pathogen; a "Tarzan" alike
Rakhine American's way of understanding WHAT
Inhibitor is : if (defined, marked, specific, specified) gene codes (T
<> U) ... , also see: Inhibitor Acronym;
Protein Wrapper (Method,
is beyond Inhibitor, because
Wrapper is with
Intelligence built-in, if compare to common
Inhibitors are not AI built-in;
(block, blocked, blocking) the (marked, specific, specified) ones, a.k.a.
Inhibitor ... ; Also see:
DNA Origami;
Proton pump inhibitor; i.e. : A C I P H E X, E S O M E P R A Z O L E; L A N S O P R A Z O L E; N E X I U M, O M E P R A Z O L E; P R E V A C A I D, P R O T O N I X, R A B E P R A Z O L E; ... ; also see: Digestive;
R A S i, R e n i n - A n g i o t e n s i n System inhibitor, for severe chronic kidney disease;
Also see: Inhibitor Acronym;
Specialties NEP;
Specialties N E P analyte;
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE; Vol. 134, No. 8, August 2021;
R e n i n a n g i o t e n s i n a l d o s t e r o n e system inhibitor, R A A S I; [Touchstone Health; 2005];
Sodium channel inhibitors; i.e. c a r b a m a z e p i n e, d i l a n t i n, k e p p r a, p h e n y t o i n, t e g r e t o l, t r i l e p t a l, ... ;
s o g a i z a i Inhibitor-COVID19;
ware ware We've to be immune d ones, to do so, 4 "Red" ones (e.g. 4
cells) must NOT be bounding;
S S R I, Neuro-endocrine agent; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor [The Journal of Reproductive Medicine; Vol. 50; No. 3]; Hypoglycemic;
statin; e.g.
statin (s), a.k.a. h y d r o x y methyl g l u t a r y l co-Enzyme (A r e d u c t a s e) inhibitor (be aware of age constraint e.g. (age > 55 years, age > 65 years, age > 75 years)) ... ; Also see: Blockers; Cardiovascular Dx; Inhibitor Acronym;
Sumo Inhibitor, for various cancer diseases; Remark: Takeda Pharmaceutical;
Tyrosine K i n a s e Inhibitor (
T K I)
(can be targeting, can target) As chiryoyaku
Therapeutic ... ; Also see:
Inhibitor Acronym;
Oncological Dx;
t G T
S U;
T N F Inhibitor, a.k.a. T N F Blockers;
Topical sebum inhibitor, also see: Specialties D;
T o p o i s o m e r a s e inhibitor; i.e. C A P T O S A R, H Y C A M P T I N, V U M O N, ... ;
tyrosine k i n a s e inhibitor e.g. I m a t i n i b, (
Tx for d e r m a t o fibro sarcoma
pro t u b e r a n,
Tx for gastrointestinal (GI, GE) s t r o m a l tumor,
Tx for hyper e o s i n o p h i l i c syndrome,
Tx for leukemia,
Tx for (m y e l o d y s plastic, m y e l o pro life r a t i v e) disease,
Tx for systemic m a s t o c y t o s i s ) ... ;
XO inhibitor, X a n t h i n e o x i d a s e inhibitor, Tx for chronic hyper u r i c e m i a gout, e.g. U l o r i c;
For advanced medical professionals only: find your own binding values [biometrics genetics code], while binding, IF NOT in PMD, getting a normal protein means breaking through a new medication;
1st. Cell must be marked whether cultured OR not-cultured;
2nd. Do immune cells recruitment, collecting immune cells data;
3rd. Gene functionalities must be sorted;
4th. Lookup PMD; So, make sure must be NOT in PMD;
5th. Make your own ... [copyright, not-copyright], [market, not-market], [patented, not-patented], [ public / private / restricted ], ... ;
Also see:
Agonist Antagonist Acronym;
Bio Chemical Physical
Gene Therapy
Also see: Blockers; Inhibitor Acronym;
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