; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 7th (Saturday) : : chiryoyaku Therapeutic : Gene Therapy System; this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System : v Anatomy;

; ; ; ; Updated on 7 : 9 : 2024 : v Anatomy;

4 valves of the heart are aortic valve ( between
aorta and left-ventricle ) , mitral valve ( between left-artrium
and left-ventricle ) , pulmonary valve ( between pulmonary artery
and right-ventricle ) , tricuspid valve ( between right-atrium and
right-ventricle ) ;              
lymph 's valve s ( inner part of the lymph
node ( medulla ) , if compare to outer part
of the lymph node ( cortex ) ;    
lymphatic vessel ( arteries , veins ) hilum area (
    nm scale d , mm scale d )
    of the lymph ;        
lymphatic vessel ( lymph 's valve ) , doko WHERE
    lymphatic valve s ( each lymph ) prevent
    backflow of the lymph ;      
lymphatic vessel ( lymph 's valve ) , doko WHERE
    outgoing lymphatic vessel ( valve ) transport s
    lymph ;            
in common , several lymphatic valve s prevent backflow of
the lymph , if compare to only 1 " outgoing
lymphatic vessel ( valve ) " ; ) ; think
of a processor with multiple instruction s are IN from
several line s , And Then , single OUT
from 1 line ;            
vaginal ( ( arteries ) , ( veins ) ,
( vaginal nerve ) , ( vagina ) ) ;
( ( vantus lateralis ) , ( vantus medialis )
muscle s ( between hip and knee ) ;  
veins : ( Blue Color for veins ) ;
( Blue Color for veins ) ;
( Blue Color for veins ) ;
( Blue Color for veins ) ;
vein s of the brain , doko WHERE Red Color
ones ( ( anterior cerebral arteries to central part of
the brain ) + ( cerebella arteries to cerebellum )
) ;                
ventricles ( brain ) , fluid fill ed cavities inside
the brain , doko WHERE Walls produce C e l e b r o Spinal Fluid
( C S F ) , and each side
of cerebrum has lateral ventricle , and 3rd ventricle (
mid line ) receive s CSF via small - opening
call ed " inter ventricular foramina " ;    
vermis : approx. 13 central ones separate 2 (
hemispheres , sides ) inside the brain e . g
.   13 central ones as vermis ;  
vertebral ( arteries , column ) , doko WHERE (
( cervical ( C1 , C2 , ... , C4
) ) , ( thoracic ( T6 ) ) ,
inter - vertebral disc s , ( lumbar ( L2
) ) , sacrum and coccyx are backbone , a.k.a.
spine , a.k.a. vertebral column ) , And Then
, 2 paired of vessel s ( internal carotid ,
vertebral arteries ) inside of the brain , And
Then , a ring of arteries is call ed "
circle of Willis " ; on the other hand ,
cerebral vein s collect venous blood ( large - sinuses
) And Then , drain in to the paired
internal jugular vein s ( returning blood from the brain
to the heart ) , doko WHERE " large -
sinuses " are ( ( superior sagittal sinus ( frontal
top ) + ( cavernous sinus ( eyes ) )
+ ( sigmoid sinus ( next to vermis ) )
+ ( transverse sinus ( back of the skull )
) ) ; Remark : if CT ( e.g. X-Ray
Film ) , White Color line s indicate sinus ;
vestibule ( chamber , channel ) , ( open ,
opened , opening ) in to another e.g. ( basilar
membrane , tectorial membrane , vestibular membrane ) , and
its Sound Pressure Level ( SPL ) with 3
fluid filled spiral channel s , doko WHERE Yellow Color
cochlear nerve goes through at the midst ; upper fluid
filled channel is called Scala Vestibuli , and lower fluid
filled channel is called Scala Tympani ; at the midst
( tectorial ) is located over the hair cell s
( stereo cilia ) ; structural lining collection of the cell
s is called " organ of Corti "   WHICH
detects pressure changes ; 1 Yellow Color cochlear nerve (
for each ear ) looks alike 1 BF2 + ;
chiryoyaku Therapeutic . . .          
DEE Left
DEE Right

Remark: don't modify the above (Left, Right) 's Yellow Color, because chiryoyaku Therapeutic ("cochlear nerve") ... ;

visceral peritoneum . . . . .      


Seeing (1&1) , Radical180 i.e. vision (
cornea , lens , hyperopia a.k.a. long sightedness ,  
myopia a.k.a. short sightedness , retina ) ;    

Also see: kaibogaku Anatomy;

Also see: MD;

Also see: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System;
