; ; ; ; ; ; Updated : year : month : day : s : S : s Character;

Also see: s Character Extension 1; s Usage;

s a b a, also see: Sushi;

sack  ; ;

sacred      sacred ;

sacred lotus;

(coccyx, sacrum), also see: r G T S U;

S A E      S A E ;

safe; safety; e.g.

a n z e n s e i Safety, also see: ( keeping well being, preservation, safety, security, welfare) ... ;

as is; safe; unaffected; Radical321;

guarded; safe ; safeguard; secure; shielded; unharmed;

guarded; safe; safeguard ; secure; shielded; unharmed;

Safe _ Mode;

safety; e.g. safe computing environment; e.g. safe living environment;

we (Mahayana, Theravada) believe THAT chanting, meditating, reading, realizing, speaking, thinking, ... of (24 pisayo, 24 pisayo, 24 pisayo) will be ... , also see: p Pali;

sail; sailed; sailing; e.g.

sailing ;     sailing ;

sail      sail ;

solar sail i.e. using yellow based green strings to be collecting natural energy (directional gravity, gravity, gravity spot) to continue, to live, to prosper, to travel, to visit, ... ; Remark: combustion technology is NOT a solution in space traveling ... ; in our universes, all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

sake, also see: Sushi;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (s a l p i n g a.k.a. e u s t a c h i a n tube)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

salutation ;

salute ; ;

salt e.g.

salt ; (salt; Radical698); (salt; Radical235);

(salt, strong jishaku Magnet, substances (with Water)) can train the proteins, so called this DOMAIN 's Nanobot ... , also see: Enzymes; DNA _Origami; Protein;

s a m b h o g a k a y a      s a m b h o g a k a y a ;

same       same  ; ;

same, as opposed to different;


SAMSUNG      Samsung Electronics      Samsung Electronics ;

samurai; e.g.

samurai ;

samurai; well respected man; Radical41, also see: Radicals;

S a m y e monastery, 1st Buddhist monastery in Tibet, also see: N y i n g m a;

fluid; juice; liquid; sap; secretion; Radical310;

satellite     satellite     satellite ;

sauce, also see: Sushi;

sauciness; Radical129, also see: Radicals;

save; saved; saving; e.g.

Connected; Saved; Also see: (Wireless, Network Topology) ... ;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

savor; suspicious looking; Radical646;

aroma; fragrance; odor; perfume; redolence; savor; smell; ... ;

saw      sawed      sawn ;

say e.g.

pretext; reason; say; Radical95;

say ; ;

say ; ;

say ; ;

say ; ;     said     said ;

say; word; Radical182;

scalable; scale; scaled; scaling; e.g.

angle degree, scale, temperature degree, ... ; Radical653;

scale     scale     scale ;

scan; scanned; scanner; scanners; scanning; e.g.

CT (Computed Tomography) scan;
CT (Computed Tomography) scan;

M R I (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan;
M R I (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan;

PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan;
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan;

scan ;

scanner      scanner;

scanty      scanty ;

crimson; red; scarlet; Radical188;

fly; scatter; Radical218, also see: Radicals;

scatter a.k.a. disarrange;

scattered in drops; Radical762;

scatter plot      scatter plot;

scenario scenario scenario scenario scenario scenario ;

scene; scenery; e.g.

field; ( g a m e n Screen, g a m e n Screen); photo; picture; scene; terminal screen;

scenery ; ;

odor; scent; smell; Radical646;

schedule; scheduled; scheduler; schedulers; scheduling; e.g.

schedule      schedule      schedule      schedule      schedule      schedule      schedule ; ;

Scheduler     Scheduler;

scheme; schemes; e.g.

( Fathom, Measure, Plan, Scheme);

fathom; measure; plan; scheme; Radical451;

measure; plan; plot; scheme; Radical731;

scheme     scheme      scheme      scheme ;

school; schooling; schools; e.g.

IFF suffix, e.g. * high school; Radical225, also see: Radicals;

school e.g. students and teachers together (group);

school      school      school;

learning; science; study; Radical398;

science      science ;

*sclerosis ;

scorch-free Yakitori chicken gizzard skewer, also see: Sushi;

scope; scoped; scoping; e.g.

hani Extent; hani Range; hani Scope; hani Sphere;

Physics Law 138, microscopy Default, ... ;     *scope ;

encoder, a.k.a. codec, scrambler;

screen; screened; screening; screens; e.g. 

(Blue Screen, Green Screen, Red Screen, Yellow Screen), also see: Walls;

field; ( g a m e n Screen, g a m e n Screen); photo; picture; scene; terminal screen;

screenplay screenplay a.k.a. script a.k.a. scenario ;

screen     screen     screen;     screen      screen ;

script script script ;

counter for book scroll; Radical794;

sea; e.g.

beach; seacoast; seashore; Radical450;

ocean; sea; Radical635;

sea; also see: maritime;

seafood      seafood ;

seal; Radical29;

seal ; ;

bed; seam; stream; Radical636;

search; searchable; searched; searching; e.g.

(indexed, sorted) provide better & faster searching results ... ;

search engine;

search      search ;

beach; seacoast; seashore; Radical450;

season e.g.

climate; season; weather; Radical269;

((( Manmade Global Weather , Naturally Weather Log ))), also see: Weather;

period, phase, season , stage, time;

season ; ;     season ;

time, stage, season , phase, period;

second e.g.

again; second time; twice; Radical591;

second; * n d ; e.g. 2nd;

second generation;

secondhand ; ;

second      second;

conceal; fishhook; hidden; minute; mysterious; secret; small; Radical287;

fluid; juice; liquid; sap; secretion; Radical310;

section; sectioned; sectioning; sections; e.g.

character; letter; section of village; word; Radical569;

class; copy; part; portion; section; Radical998;

section      section      section ;

secure; secured; securing; security; securities; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable ( j o b u Secure-AND-Stable); strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

a n z e n s e i Security, also see: ( keeping well being, preservation, safety, security, welfare) ... ;

guarded; safe; safeguard; secure ; shielded; unharmed;

national security : USA (United States of America) National Security (e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS of automotives) ... ;

secure      secure;

security; e.g. system security, also see: Security;

chance; hope; idea; look at; see; visible; Radical180;

see       saw     seen ;


see ;

miru Seeing;

class; kind; seed ; species; variety; 14 strokes in Kanji, also see: Numerological5;

seeding ; ;

seek     sought     sought ;

segment; segmented; segmenting; e.g.

( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, s h a k u / , share, ( understand, know));

( jishinkatsudo Seismicity, jishinkatsudo Seismicity), also see: Naturally Weather Log;

select; selected; selecting; selection; selections; e.g.

select      select ; ;


self; e.g.

also see: I (OR me) oneself;

discipline; master oneself; self-study (ascetic practice in Buddhism e.g. s a d h a n a); well conducted self; Radical380;

fast; finally; follow; here; relate; self; Radical164;

IFF prefix: from ... ; self * ; this (compare to that) ... ; Radical166;

self activation (i.e. without service call); United States of America Cable Internet Services (DOC S IS 3.0, DOC S IS 2.0) i.e. cable labs certified ( device) service calls;

self; Radical265;

self control;

self denial selfishness;

self     self     self     self ;

web (e.g. World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW), World Wide Web (WWW)) bot (bot, a.k.a. robot) self, also see: --WEBBOT-SELF-- ;

sell , also see: Numerological7;

sell      sold     sold ;

sell, as opposed to buy;

half * ; just a little; partially; semi * ; somehow; somewhat; vaguely; Radical129, also see: Radicals;

semi * ;

semi * ; ;

semi *  ; ;

semi* ;


semiconductor      semiconductor;

* s e n , a suffix;

send; sender; senders; sending; e.g.

display; exhibit; offer; present; send ; Also see: Numerological7;

escort; send; Radical767;

send ;

sending; transmission; transmit; transmitting; Radical767;

send     sent     sent ;

justice system's greater court ranks; senior; upper; Radical567;


leader; long; senior; superior; Radical201, also see: Radicals;

senior teacher;

bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;

sense; sensing; sensor; sensors; e.g.

awareness; consciousness; mano-vijnana ; sense ; Buddha's a b h i dhamma based Idea Processor senses (sequence of mind) ... ;

Earth Based Medical Sensor, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

general principle; sense; way of things naturally; Radical598;

idea ♯ 253, Remote Heat Sensing, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3;

Light Red For Yellowish Therapeutic, And Then, apply C Sequence Number in the middle, And Then, you will notice & realize yellow dots flow at the left-and-bottom the symbol WHICH obeys 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space momentum, i.e. from ACT3 and ACT2 imaginary hyper space crafts' lab result (a gift) for Gene Therapy System developers, regarding HOW to sense yellow dots in dimensional ... ; Remark: this Method can be used in military application, a.k.a. "L" bound method of radio specifications ... ;

light sensor, also see: C d S (Cadmium Sulfide), because sulfur (atomic number 16, S) is somehow light sensitive ... ; C d S is OK for ACT1 imaginary hyper space because heat and light are at the same location in our earth only;

sense of sight ;

sense  ;    sense ;

sensor      sensor     sensor      sensor; (equilibrium based sensors, equilibrium based sensors), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

V D E E P D G P sensor, also see: Physics Law 172, V D E E P D G P, Variable DEE Pattern Directional Gravity Pressure;

Z C S LASER _Sensing _At _Blue; Remark: there're many (sense, sensed, sensing, ... ) within this DOMAIN, so search e.g. at the Drive Letter (C:\), type * s e n s * /s enter; designing & modeling (sense, sensed, sensing, ... ) is the most advance and the highest procedures, methods, technologies, ... ; the most advance ones would be "invisibility engineering" e.g. invisible drones ... ;

s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

sensuality ; ;

art; decoration; figures; literacy radical; literature; plan; sentence; style; Radical89, also see: Radicals;

sentence       sentence   ;

another; extra; particular; separate; Radical494;

9 September ;

sequence; sequenced; sequencing; sequent; e.g.

instruction; procedure; process; protocol; sequence;

next; order; sequence; Radical980;

sequence      sequence ;

serial; series; e.g.

serial number; turn; Radical534;

serial      serial      serial      serial ;




become serious; Radical213;

servant; servants; serve; served; server; servers; service; services; serving; servings; e.g.

campaign; duty; office; role; service; unpaid work; war;

C S E, Common Service Entity; Also see: IoT; resource;

fixing; mending; repairing; servicing ; Also see: Radical380;

servant; Radical179, also see: Radicals;

serve ;

server server server;

server      server      server      server      server ;

service     service    service      service ;

serving ;

s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

video server     video server; Also see: Server;

s a b i s u Service e.g. ( s a b i s u Service, s a b i s u Service, s a b i s u Service);

session; sessions; e.g.

session ;

session of parliament; term in office; Radical919;

set; sets; setting; e.g.

ability; container; implement; instrument; receptacle; set ; tool; utensil; vessel; Radical317;

antithesis; couple; pair; set; Radical991;

discontinue; except; give up; lay aside; set aside ; suspend;

logical set; logical sets;

reset; resetting;
e.g. multiplying (Ref.) by zero i.e. (reset, resetting);
e.g. press and release ("reset" button) to do a short circuit of 4 lines i.e. (reset, resetting);
e.g. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) based systems prompt (black, white) only i.e. (reset, resetting);
e.g. Z-index (2*6) dimensional prompts DEE patterns NOT exist i.e. structural (re
set, resetting) of DEE Box in Z-index (Gravity Dimension Computer, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' space system);

set ;     set ;     set  ;     set ;     set     set ;     set     set     set     set ;

setting ;

(team, set, group, class) ... ; Radical366;

settle  ; ;

settled ;

seven      seven 7     nana Seven      s h i c h i Seven      n a n a t s u Seven ;

seven ;

seventeen = 17 = XVII;

many; several ; together; various;

several ; ;     several ; ;

several days later;

sew     sewed     sewn ;

sewing ; ;

sewing; Radical243, also see: Radicals;

sex; sexed; sexier; sexiest; sexy; e.g.

gender; nature; sex; Radical755;


axis; axle; shaft; Radical794;

shake; shaking; e.g.

change; motion; move; shake ; shift;

quiver; shake; Radical938;

shake; shift; Radical739;

shake     shook     shook ; Remark: shock (verb), feeling surprised or upset;

Shakyamuni Buddha, 6th century B C , at L u m b i n i Park, present day India-Nepal border; also see: swastika;

shall     should ;

blot; disgrace; dishonor; shame; stain; stigma; taint;

shape; shaped; shapes; shaping; e.g.

appearance; figure; form; shape; Radical793;

form; shape; style; Radical537;

shape ; ;

star glyph; star shape; star symbol; Radical462;

share; shared; sharing; e.g.

( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, shaku/, share, ( understand, know));

k y o y u s u r u Sharing; k y o y u s u r u Sharing; k y o y u s u r u Sharing;

share      share ; ;

IFF 3 gravity pressure area (refer to each surface) , Gravity Pressure Share Radical, also see: Radicals;

many devices (collecting, sharing, timing) data i.e. IoT;

sharing     sharing     sharing;

sharp; sharpness; e.g.

precipitous; sharp; steep; unexpected; Radical839;

sharpness      sharpness ;

SHARP, official URL: www.sharp.co.jp;

Sharp TV, also see: TV;

k a n o j o She      she ;

  her     her;

coexistence, also see: k a r e He;

shear     sheared     shorn ;

sheath; shell; wrapping; Radical136, also see: Radicals;

shed     shed     shed ;

sheep; Radical159;

sheep      sheep ;

Also see: zodiac;

sheet; sheeted; sheeting; sheets; e.g.

counter for sheet; Radical260;

leaf; one-sided; sheet; Radical113, also see: Radicals;

sheet      sheet ;

shell; SHELL; e.g.

carapace; grade A; instep; shell; the 1st party; Radical256;

sheath; shell; wrapping; Radical136;

shell; shellfish; Radical187;


shield; shielded; shielding; e.g.

guarded; safe; safeguard; secure; shielded ; unharmed;


shield     shield     shield; Remark: invisibility engineering, invisible ones, ... , e.g. invisibility insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, ... ; IFF military, also see: Walls Method;

shift; shifted; shifting; e.g.

change; motion; move; shake; shift ;

shake; shift; Radical739;

SHIITAKE, mushroom;     Also see: Sushi;

shine       shone     shone ;


S h i n g o n , a Buddhism, in Nippon form;

also see: prefix shin; T e n d a i;

Shinto shrine Shinto shrine           Shinto, a religion in Japan; also see: Buddhism; ancestor worship;     also see: China's Tao;     Shinto, also see: Shinto shrine;

ship; shipped; shipping; ships; e.g.

boat; ship; Radical170;

deliver; ship; Radical767;

: ship > 500 tons, e.g. aircraft carrier, destroyer, military ship, warship, ... ;

suffix for ship name: -ship; Radical838;

avert; ward off; shirk; Radical981;

shit     shat     shitted     shat ;

quake; shiver; tremble; Radical938;

shoe; Radical865;

shoe     shod     shod ;

s h o g i, Japanese chess;

shogun, Japanese military commander;

shoji, Japanese home furniture, made of wood framework with light screen [made of paper], for either interior or exterior spacing;

shoot       shot     shot ;

shop ; ;     shop  ; ;     shop ; ;

shore  ; ;

(short; shorter; shortest); shortage; shortening; shortness; e.g.

abbreviation; contraction; curtailment; reduction; shortening ;

close; near; short (Distance); Radical887;

fur; short hair; Radical69;

humble; lower; shorter;

shortage (e.g. seasonal rain shortage) ; ;

shortness of breath; Also see: a G T S U;

short thread; Radical61;

shot ; ;

shoulder  ; ;

shoulder to shoulder;

showing; (show, showed, shown); e.g.

display; show; Radical142, also see: Radicals;

( show position, show position, show position) e.g. geo-location, showing a position Info of the current location, the Browser's Location Awareness, also see: this DOMAIN 's one of the buttons (Show Position) Latitude Number, Longitude Number, ... ;

show      showed     shown ;

show      show;

S h r i Maha B o d h i, in Sri Lanka [Buddhism], also see: b o d h i;

shrine       shrine  ;

shrine, in Shinto;

shrine      shrine;     Also see: guardians;

shrine, also see: stupa;

shrink     shrank     shrunk     shrunken ;

shrive     shrove     shriven ;

evade; shun; Radical981;

shut; e.g.

do away with; fold; shut up; Radical923;

shut      shut     shut ;

shy  ; ;

Siam a.k.a. Thailand ;

* s i a n = * e s e  =  * r e a n  =   * ;

Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic disorders (491694591) : abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; disorders;

side; sided; sides; siding; e.g.

2,3 dimensional 1D light to the side; also see: Schematic Light;

other side as ahead, a front, head of a line; Radical498;

side by side;

side      side       side ;

side-to-side Distance measurement of something; Radical717;

Two Sided Handler; Two Sided Handler; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing;

sigma i.e. Σ, σ ;

IFF final sigma, i.e. ς ;

sign; signage; signed; signing; signs; e.g.

signage; Remark: (sign + age), e.g. this DOMAIN 's longest signage time period would be 30 years (lower priority), this DOMAIN 's shortest signage time period would be 10 milliseconds (urgent), also see: timestamp;

sign of the times ; ;

sign ; ;     sign ;     sign ;     sign sign ;      sign ;     sign      sign ;

reception; signal; Radical535;

signal ;

cause; reason; significance; Radical254, also see: Radicals;

Zen Buddhism, silent meditation; Radical333;

silicon      silicone (oxidized form) ;

BF2 Silver, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

silver ;

silver lining;

alike; equal; similar; Radical251;


similar to dash character in English; similar to minus sign in math; Radical1;

merely; one; simple ; single;

IFF adverb: just; merely; only; simply; Radical321;

IFF suffix: since; Radical435;

since ; ;

fidelity; honesty; sincerity; Radical694;

fidelity; honesty; sincerity; Radical791;

muscle; sinew; tendon; Radical382;

sinfully selfish ;

sing     sang     sung ;

Singapore       Singaporean;

merely; one; simple; single  ;

singular, as opposed to plural; Radical1, also see: Radicals;

sink     sank     sunk ;

* s i o n, suffix to be noun; also see: * t i o n;

sister ;

elder sister ;

older sister ;

younger sister ;

sister in law   ;

sit      sat     sat ;

sit ;

sit ;

site; sites; e.g.

site      site      site ; ;     site ;

Web Site; (directory, file, folder, system) ... ; OUR WEBSITE; power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

located in; resident in; situated in; Radical888;

circumstance; situation; Radical951;

IFF suffix: condition; situation; state; Radical692;

six; e.g.

(2*6) is one of the ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) dimensional ... ; Remark: 2 is very very unique in many ways;

form cons (6) as (1,1,1,1,1,1), And Then, naming (6), also see: Idea Processor;

six months later ;

six      six 6     r o k u six ;

six surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, a.k.a. 6 surfaced DEE Box ( zcs) ... ;

sixteen     16     XVI ;

sixty     60     sixtieth ; 60th ;

six ;

size; sizes; sizing; e.g.

according to Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, ( size, size, size) s of ro (a.k.a. Window) define Q u b i t As Block, doko WHERE each ZCS obeys DEE Box; Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty eight, 3 * square ones, ... ;

size ;      size ;

bone; frame; remains; skeleton; Radical224, also see: Radicals;

to come through; to penetrate; to pierce; to skewer; Radical711;

skill; skilled; skillful; skillfully; e.g.

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

ability; capacity; skill; talent; Radical388;

art; magic; means; resource; skill; technique; trick; Radical298;

skill ; ;

skilled; skillful; Radical735;

skillful ;  ;     skillful ; ;

skin; skinny; e.g.

bone and skin, as opposed to meat;

fur; hide; pelt; skin; Radical136;

hada Skin; hada Skin; skin;

skin; Radical213;

skin      skin ;

sky; e.g.

heavens; imperial; sky ; in Buddhism, Y a m a is one of the heavens, also see: y Pali;

sky     sky     sky;     sky ;

world's 1st "flying car" (Sky Drive), also see: Automotive;

dark gray, dark grey, slate color, slate colour; Radical249;

genocide; massacre; slaughter;

slave; Radical179;

slay     slew     slain ;

sleep; sleeping; sleepy; slept; e.g.

sleep apnea; Also see: a G T S U;

sleep ;

sleepy ; ;

sleep     slept     slept ;

slice ;

slide; slideshow; sliding; e.g.

slideshow, (photographic slides, projected images, Zero Curvature Surfaces (Z C S)) based presentation ... ;

slide     slide     slide;

slide     slid     slid ;

w a k u Frame; w a k u Slide;

sling     slung     slung ;

slink     slunk     slunk ;

aperture; cave; den; hole; slit; Radical145;

slit     slit     slit ;

slow      slow ;

chasm; dell; gorge; ravine; slum; valley; Radical183;

slum ;

small; e.g.

conceal; fishhook; hidden; minute; mysterious; secret; small; Radical287;

little; small; Radical48;

small  ; ;

small, as oppose to big;

small: * i c l e, *ole, * u l a, * u l e ;

smart; e.g.

bright; clever; Intelligence; smart; wise;

smart phone; Also see: iro LED; NFC ( IoT); Wireless Antenna;

smart      smart ;

incense; perfume; smell; Radical221;

smell     smelt     smelt

aroma; fragrance; odor; perfume; redolence; savor; smell; ... ;

odor; smelling; Radical646;

in 2018/2562, www.google.com translator's writing style ( smelling);
in 2018/2562, www.jisho.org Japanese online dictionary's writing style ( smelling);

smite     smote     smitten ;

drink ; smoke; take; Also see: Numerological3;

smooth; e.g.

(even, flat, level, smooth), (calm, composed, placid, stable, tranquil); Radical545;

snail      snail ;

snake; Radical186, also see: Radicals;

snake , also see: zodiac;

sign of snake; serpent; Radical266;

detective; snoop; spy; Radical115;

beat; chime; ring; snort; sound;
echo; resound; ring; roar; rumble; sound;

nose; snout; Radical250;

so       so  ; ;

awake; sober up; Radical454;

sobriquet      sobriquet ; ;

social; socially; societies; society; e.g.

a society's member ;

age; generation; society; world; Radical148;

floor; layer; social class; story; stratum; Radical636;

society ;

calcium sulfate; sodium chloride; etc. ; Radical698;

soft e.g.

e.g. each bamboo stem ( hard, soft), doko WHERE Water is like "Soft," on the other hand, its outer part is "Hard" like wood, also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D ... ;

Hardware; Software; Also see: Computer Science;

(item, object, organ, part, thing) coexistence: (hard, soft) ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

soft      soft     soft      soft;

soft a.k.a. gentle ;

softball; Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

soil e.g.

5 elements in your life;

clay; dirt; earth; mud; soil; Radical40;

ground; land; soil; Radical519;

soil       soil ;

soil  ;

solar; solar panel; e.g.

solar     solar     solar;

(( solar, solar, solar), ( panel, Panel, Panel, Panel, panel)), also see: Physics Law 58;

solar powered (automotive, home, window) ... ;

solid ;

solution e.g.

answer; reply; response; solution; Radical789;

answer; solution ;

( absolve, answer, minute, solve, understanding);

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (somat a.k.a. body)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

some; some * ; e.g.

half * ; just a little; partially; semi * ; somehow; somewhat; vaguely; Radical129, also see: Radicals;

like something; Radical665;

person; someone; Radical659;

some  ; ;

some time ago ; ;

son  ; ;

coexistence, also see: daughter;

sonar      sonar ;

song; songs; e.g.

; u t a Song; song ;

S o n g k r a n, a festival in Thailand [Buddhism] ;

sonography     c h o o n p a k e n s a Sonography     c h o o n p a k e n s a Sonography     c h o o n p a k e n s a Sonography;

s o n y; e.g.


Sony TV, also see: TV;

IFF conjunction: again; and; from now on; just about; or; soon; Radical344;

soon, in a short time;     soon ; ;     soon ; ;

at any time soon;

alchemy; enchantment; magic; sorcery ; witchcraft; wizardry;

sort e.g.

class; genus; kind; sort; variety;

kind; sort; type; Radical86;

sort      sort      sort ;

Sort Out (a.k.a. classify, sift through);

soul; spirit; Radical633;

sound; sounded; soundly; soundproof; sounds; e.g.

as mantra in Buddha & Buddhism;

boon Soundproof; Soundproof     Soundproof     Soundproof; Also see: Physics Law 139,  noise cancellation a.k.a. soundproof, ... ;

in 2,3 dimensional space, sounds obey C Sequence Number (BF2, Brunching Factor 2) ... ;

in common, "noise" usage refers to negative sense e.g. noisy;

noise; sound; Radical215;

o t o Sound; o t o Sound; o t o Sound; Also see: PHYSICS, law ninety three, ... ;

Sound Beam is originally invented by Japan a.k.a. NIPPON; Also see: Similarity;

sound     sound     sound (a.k.a. tone);     also see: audio;

sound;     sound;     sound ;     sound;

ultrasound (other vibration, sound, ultrasonic frequency), used in medical imaging ... ;

usage : adjective : deep and undisturbed (of sleep); sound beatings pistons are severe; in a sound condition is in a good condition;

usage : adverb usage : soundly e.g. sound asleep;

usage : verb usage : e.g. buzzing; emitting sound; making noise; resonating; resounding; ... ;

bitterness; sour; tart; Radical493;

sour taste; sourness;

source; sourced; sourcing; sources; e.g.

Also see: language (preposition) from;

electrical power; power button on; source of electricity; Radical535;

origin; source; Radical118;

( source, source, source) ... ; source ;     source ;      source ;     source ;

south; southeast; southbound; southern; southwest; e.g.


south      south ;


king; monarch; ruler; sovereign; Radical117;

sovereign ; ;

sow     sowed     sown ;

soy; soybean; Radical184, also see: Radicals;

place; space; spot; e.g.

(( place, place, place), ( space, space, space), ( spot, spot, spot));

cosmos; space ; universe;

area; environment; region; space; spot; Radical957;

Numeric format (Decimal (Comma, Period), Grouping (Comma, Period, Space (numerical value of the key is 32))); Radical124;

Oriental concept e.g. Time . Space . Action;

(reducing, removing) destructive enlargement of air spaces, also see: c G T S U;

space ; ;


Spain; west; Radical178;

spam; spamming; e.g.

spamming toward left;

spamming toward right;

spam     spam      SPAM ;

span      span ;


egg; ovum; roe; spawn ; Also see: Numerological7;

speak; speaking; speaker; speakers; e.g.

speak ; ;

speak ;

speak     spoke     spoken ;

speaker cable (amplifier, equalizer, mixer, receiver) ... ; dB . m ... ;

speaker e.g. ( OEM name TV *00: ♯%) ... ;

speaker      speaker      speaker ;  ;    speaker ;

spear; spearhead; e.g.

Blade; blade of grass; counter for flat things; counter for leaves; counter for pieces of paper; fragment; Leaf; lobe; pine needle; Plane; spear;

halberd; spear; Radical84, also see: Radicals;

lead; spearhead; Radical300;

special; specially; specialties; e.g.

Special Designation;

Special Name;

special sensory, surgical patient care, also see: MD;


specially; Radical494;

specific      specific ;

clean; evident; explicit; obvious; plain;
elucidation; explicit statement; specification;

specified items ;  ;     specified items ; ;

speck; e.g.

decimal point; speck; Radical762;

spectrum (radio; ) ;

guess; speculation; Radical54;

assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;

speech; e.g.

chat; conversation; speech; story; talk; Radical811;

IFF speech (congratulatory OR appreciative) also see: greeting;

speech  a.k.a. dialect ;

speed; speeding; speedy; e.g.

Light Speed Measurement, also see: Schematic Dimensional; Remark: approx. 28+ years old info as of 2018/2561; IFF ZCS, 90 degree to (bottom, left, right, top) may begin, and 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (computing) may also begin;

long long time ago, whenever dealing with (invisibilities, invisibility, invisible), we had to do (matching rpm, matching speed, matching timing) ... ;

speed     sped     sped ;

speed      speed ;

spell     spelt     spelt ;

spell checking ;

sperm      sperm ;

also see: ovum;

Tail Alike Momentum (Origin of (Oval & Sperm)), also see: Schematic Dimensional;

hani Extent; hani Range; hani Scope; hani Sphere;

fragrant herb; grow; spiced liqueur; spread; Radical228;


chic; romantic; spicy; tasty; the second mentioned; witty; Radical5;

spin     spun     spun ;

bounding box; spindle; spool; Radical986;

spine; Radical859;

backbone; spine ;

Also see: Gene Therapy System;

spirit e.g.

backbone; fortitude; spirit; Radical224;

deity; god; spirit; Radical370;

heart; ki Feeling; mind; spirit;

heart; mind; spirit; Radical83;

soul; spirit; Radical633;

spirit ; ;

various deities; the gods; 19 strokes in Kanji, also see: Numerological1;

spit ; ;     spat     spat ;

SPL; e.g.

SPL (Sound Pressure Level) component ... ;

SPL     SPL     SPL; Also see: C D G W T;

buck; hop; jerk; leap up; prance; splash; spring; sputter; Radical715;

bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;

splendid ; ;

split ; ;     split     split ;

split ;

spoil     spoilt     spoilt ;

bounding box; spindle; spool; Radical986;

spool      spool      spool ;

spontaneity     spontaneously ; ;

spoon; Radical25;

spoon ;

sporadically; Radical762;

spore      spore      spore ;

sport     sport     sport      sport ;

spot;  spots; spotted; spotting; e.g.

(any moving location of point, bio cell, dot, spot) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 113;

area; environment; region; space; spot; Radical957;

dot; mark; spot; star;

(dot, pinpoint, pixel, point, spot) ... ;

mark; point; spot; Radical762;

Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot, also see: PHYSICS law seventy four ... ;

spot (a.k.a. position);     spot  ; ;

spotlight     spot lit     spot lit ;

spot verifier i.e. system configuration's one of the tasks;

(SQRT3 (3 dots to be the same); SQRT2 (2 dots to be the same); spot; point; pixel; pinpoint; marker; focal point; dot) usage may vary depending up on Computer Mini Dictionary 's definitions ... ;

star; spot; mark; dot; Radical462;

emit; erupt; flush out; spout; Radical632;

spread; spreading; e.g.

fragrant herb; grow; spiced liqueur; spread; Radical228, also see: Radicals;

(put up tent, spread); Radical562;

spread     spread     spread ;

spring; e.g.

bound; hop; jump; leap; spring; vault; Radical715;

spring     sprang     sprung ;

detective; snoop; spy; Radical115;

( SQL, SQL, SQL,  SQL) ... ;

square; squared; squares; squaring; e.g.

both 1/2 of circle and 1/2 of square , also see: PHYSICS, law eighty six, jinko chino DEE Box ... ;

cube; square; Radical181, also see: Radicals;

square      square      square;

Sri Lanka a.k.a. Ceylon [Buddhism];

stable; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable ( jobu Secure-AND-Stable); strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

(even, flat, level, smooth), (calm, composed, placid, stable, tranquil); Radical545;

stabilize  ; ;     stability     stable  ; ;

stack      stack      stack ;

stage; stages; staging; e.g.

bench; pedestal; platform; podium; stage; stand; table; Radical754;

disease's stage; Radical919;

stage; ;

stalk; stem; Radical794;

stamp      stamp ;

stand; e.g.

bench; pedestal; platform; podium; stage; stand; table; Radical754;

stand  ;     stand ;

stand      stood     stood ;

to rise; to stand; Radical146;

standard; e.g.

(( standard, standard, standard), ( measure, measure, measure)) ... ;

standard      standard      standard ;

staple ; ;

star; stars; e.g.

dot; mark; spot; star;

star; spot; mark; dot; Radical462;

star      star      e.g. ; ; group of stars, a.k.a. Constellations;

stare; e.g.

glance; look; stare; Radical138;

stare at  ; ;

start; started; starter; starting; e.g.

start ;  ;      start ; ;

IFF kuru kuru, also see: me to start ... ; e.g. imaginary hyper space contents ... ;

to start; Radical579;

*stasis ;

state; stated; states; stating; e.g.

appearance; form; shape; state; style; way; Radical537;

condition; health; manner; state ;

hatsugen Stating;     hatsugen Stating;     hatsugen Stating;

IFF suffix: condition; situation; state; Radical692;

state     state      state ;     state ;     state      state ;

remark; statement; word; Radical182;

statesman ;

static image ;

station       station      station ;

figure; image; picture; portrait; statue; Radical793;

statue ; ;

stave     stove     stove ;

stay      stay ; ;

steal     stole     stolen ;

steam ; ;

carbon steel;

steep; e.g.

precipitous; sharp; steep; unexpected; Radical839;

steep; Radical1005;

stem; e.g.

begin; come; commence; derive; emanated; embark; emerge; flow; initiate; issue; originate; proceed; something abstract but perceptible spread out from a source; stem; undertake; Also see: Physics Law 145, ... ;

stalk; stem; Radical794;

stem ; ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (s t e n o s i s a.k.a. narrow)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

step e.g.

step      step ;


step aside ;

stereo; e.g.

component stereo ;

stereo ;

stereo mixer     stereo mixer; doko WHERE Red and White are for Audio, Yellow for Display ... ;

bronchodilator and steroid, also see: c G T S U;

( Steroid, Steroid, Steroid), also see: Gene Therapy System; MD; s G T S U;

stick; sticky; e.g.

stick     stuck     stuck ;

stick to a surface; stick to a substance; Radical975;

even now; still; Radical828;

still ;  ;     still ; ;

but; however; still; Radical161, also see: Radicals;

sting ; ;     stung      stung ;

stinger ; ;

stink; stinking; Radical646;

stink     stank     stunk ;

stir ; ;

St. Kitts, , , , 1;

stock; stocked; stocks; stocking; e.g.

item; quality; stock; Radical222;

(((Buy, Sell), or Holding) stock, stock, stock) i.e. Money Market ((Name of Brokerage, Name of Fund, Name of Exchange, Name of Security, Share, Symbol of the Stock) Trade) ... ; e.g. this DOMAIN developer 's HOLDING, also see: Biz; Stock;

stock ; ;

stockholder ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (g a s t r a.k.a. stomach)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

stone; Radical141, also see: Radicals;

stone (rock);

(immunoassay, occult blood, stool) Dx results (negative, positive) ... ; Also see: b G T S U; i G T S U;

stop; stopped; stopping; stops; e.g.

going man; linger; loiter; stop; Radical70;

IFF Symbol ( Stop), also see: Schematic Symbols;

stopping; Radical171;

stop ;  ;    stop ;  ;    stop ; ;     stop ; ;

store; stored; stores; storing; e.g.

besiege; enclosure; keep; paling; preserve; store; surround; Radical323;


store fruit & vegetable for preserving; Radical323;

store ;  ;     store ; ;

get pay; income; obtain; reap; to receive supply; to store; Radical622;


using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no storm, NOT to be storm;

defined & mapped storm's (direction, path) can be (guided, shifted, steered) ... ;

storms (e.g. Cyclone, Hurricane, Typhoon), also see: Weather;

storm; tempest;

unwanted storm;

yokeru Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;

stories; story; e.g.

chat; conversation; speech; story; talk; Radical811;

floor; layer; social class; story; stratum; Radical636;

straight; e.g.

direct; straight; Radical989;

frankness; honesty; straightaway; Radical989;

strange ; ;

duplicate; fishhook; latter (the second mentioned); quaint; queer; strange; witty; Radical5, also see: Radicals;

strata; stratagem; stratification; stratified; s t r a t i g r a p h y; stratocumulus; stratum; stratus; e.g.

floor; layer; social class; story; stratum; Radical636;

magic; plot; stratagem; trap; trick; Radical298;

stratum ; ;

streak; stripe; Radical925;

stream; streamed; streaming; e.g.

bed; seam; stream; Radical636;

current; flow; stream ;

river; stream; Radical55;

street; streets; e.g.

m i c h i Lane, m i c h i Passage, m i c h i Path, m i c h i Road, m i c h i Street; Radical963;

street  ;      street ;

village; town; street ; block; Also see: Numerological7;

strength; strengthen; e.g.

strength ; ;

strengthen      strengthen ;

stress; stressed; stressful; e.g.

pressure; stress; Radical593;

stress ; ;

stretch; stretched; stretching; e.g.

expand; extend; increase; lengthen; stretch ; Also see: Numerological7;

lengthen; stretch; Radical562;

long stride; stretching; Radical63;

prolong ; stretching ;

stretch      stretch      stretch      stretch ;

strew     strewed     strewn ;

stride     strode     stridden ;

strike      struck     struck ;

strike ; ;

striking the head (in kendo martial art); Radical212, also see: Radicals;

string e.g.

in Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, (hole, string) are coexistence alike;

in PHYSICS, string is structural pattern, e.g. band, callout (cloud, oval, rounded rectangular), curve, DEE As String, diamond, down arrow, five point star ( 72), four point star, Energy-In-Way, hexagon, left arrow, line, oval, pentagon, polygon, rectangle, right arrow, right triangle ( 45), rounded rectangle, six point star ( 60), triangle, up arrow, wave (e.g. tidal waves), ... ; regarding P r o g I d (Programming ID) in Computer Science (AI, Artificial Intelligence), any character (e.g. ima nan desu ka? can be as string, e.g. doko desu ka? can be as string) defined by dictionary can include <string> as library e.g. F7;

string; thread; yarn; Radical157;

string      strung     strung ;

stringed instrument; Radical313;

(approach; line of action; policy; position; principle); beam (e.g. X-ray); (line, track); (contour; form; outline); division; level; (railroad track, route, lane); stripe ; wire (e.g. telephone line);

streak; stripe; Radical925;

strive     strove     striven ;

stroke; stroked; strokes; stroking; e.g.

kanji stroke i.e. writing characters;

stroke     stroke     stroke;     Also see: s G T S U;

strong; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy ( j o b u strong and sturdy); tough; undying;

chief; elder; head; leader; major; merit; strong point; superiority; Radical210;

strong ;

strong, as opposed to weak;

structural; structure; structured; structuring; e.g.

( Impossible Earthquake Structural, Impossible Earthquake Structural 1, Impossible Earthquake Structural 2), also see: PHYSICS, law seventy nine ... ;

structural      structure      structure ; ;

Structural Equilibrium Of Light Structural Equilibrium of Light in ACT3, also see: 2;

structure, also see: infrastructure ;

structural particle 's;

struggle against  ; ;

student; students; e.g.

class of students; group of peoples; set of items; Radical366;

learning; science; study; Radical398;

research; study; Radical295;

(study of) pharmacy ;

s t u p a, also see: temple;

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, , , , 1;

style; styled; styles; styling; e.g.

archaism (very old, old fashioned, old style) usage;

art; decoration; figures; literacy radical; literature; plan; sentence; style; Radical89, also see: Radicals;

ceremony; style; Radical992;

form; shape; style; Radical537;

IFF suffix: mood; style; tendency; Radical611;

style      style ;

sub* ;

Sub-6; Also see: Multiple Nodes Authorization Letter; Reforming Myanmar;

be at peace; calm down; conserve; quell; subdue; Radical959;

Contents; detail; import; matter; subject; substance;

subject       subject       subject ;

Radical179, also see: Radicals;

submit; submitted; e.g.

submit  ; ;

submit; yield; Radical663;

subordinate ;

subordinate; Also see: superior;

subroutine, a part of routine; Also see: route;

subscribe  ; ;

subsidiaries (companies are controlled by 1 company) a.k.a. group, also see: Biz;

Contents; detail; import; matter; subject; substance;

content; substance; Radical791;

agency; agent; deputy; proxy; representing; substitute ;

substitute      substitution a.k.a. replace;

country; countryside; outskirts; suburbs; Radical888;

consisting of; getting to be; growing to be; proving to be; reaching to be; to be composed of; to be promoted; to become; to complete; to play a role; to succeed; Radical752;

successful      successful ; ;

as if; better; equal; such as; Radical392;

sudden; suddenly; Radical839;

Sudoku   also see: Numerical values in numerology;

suffer ;

sufficient ; ;

Radical190, also see: Radicals;

cover; obstruct; suffocate; Radical208;

sugar; sugary; e.g.

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (g l y c a.k.a. sugar)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

sugary; Radical128;

* suffix   * ;

Also see: CphT Pharmaceutical Terminological Prefixes And Suffixes;

fit; join; suit; Radical692;

capable; occasional; qualified; rare; suitable; Radical257;

sum; e.g.

sum of money i.e. exact amount of certificate, envelop, invoice, receipt, slip, ... ; Radical78;

sum (Mathematics); Radical850;

sum up ; ;

Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;

clip; pick; pinch; pluck; summarize; trim; Radical258;

summer; Radical954;

lower the UV index, better the living environment, in summer;

summit      summit      summit ;

sun; e.g.

day; Japan; sun; Radical94;

sun ; ;

sun Gentle, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

sun Gentle; (wood);

sunlight; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 106 ... ; Physics Law 131 ... ;

sunlight through a gate;

sunset     sunset;

(the one and only sun, the sun) i.e. our earth ... ;

sunflower      sunflower ;

sunken  ; ;

chief; elder; head; leader; major; merit; strong point; superiority; Radical210;

super* ;

super- ; ;

outstanding; plausible; superb; Radical263;

bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous;

superior ;

leader; long; senior; superior; Radical201, also see: Radicals;

superior; Also see: subordinate;

superior merit;

duty; responsibility; supervision of staff; Radical355;

supine ; medical e.g. WHILE patient is lying supine on the examination table, ... ;

a person, lying face upward (i.e. supine); IFF Gene Therapy System, also see: index;

supine, as opposed to prone;

supplement     supplement ; ;

supplement (accompany);

supplied; supply; supplying; e.g.

get pay; income; obtain; reap; to receive supply; to store; Radical622;

supply; Also see: pay;

support; supported; supporting; e.g.

branch; support; sustain; Radical87, also see: Radicals;

holder; rack; support; Radical754;


support      support; ;

assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;

supra* ;

supreme soul ;

surface; surfaced; surfaces; surfacing; e.g.

NCS (Negative Curvature Surface) ... ;

PCS (Positive Curvature Surface) ... ;

surface; Radical212, also see: Radicals;

( surface, Surface, Surface, 面 surface, surface, surfaces, surface) ... ;

ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) a.k.a. flat surface (flat panel, flat screen) ... ;

surmise; Radical831;

surname ; ;

IFF prefix: per; surplus; Radical759;

besiege; enclosure; keep; paling; preserve; store; surround; Radical323;

surround  ; ;

surrounding district (vicinity);

*suru, a suffix, "to do", in Nippon ;

sushi      also see: Sushi;

discontinue; except; give up; lay aside; set aside; suspend ;

a y a s h i Dubious; doubtful; suspicious;

savor; suspicious looking; Radical646;

branch; support; sustain; Radical87, also see: Radicals;

( Suzuki, Suzuki, Suzuki); world's 1st waterway sanitation motorboat (commercial ones), also see: Automotive;

swarm ;

swarm (clump);

flying bees together;

swastika      Swastika ;

swear     swore     sworn ;

sweep     swept     swept ;

sweet ;

sweet taste, Radical128, also see: Radicals;

swell     swelled     swollen ;

swift; Radical839;

swiftly      swiftly ;

swim     swam     swum ;

swing; e.g.

suingu Swing-by Gravity Time, also see: Physics Law 132; Schematic Dimensional;

swing     swung     swung ;

switch     SWITCH      switch      switch      switch ;

sword ;

B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; D x, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (P t); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); O x, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; T x, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical D x wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

sym* ;

star glyph; star shape; star symbol; Radical462;

symbol      symbol      symbol      symbol      symbol ;

, one of the symbols to share gravitation pressure; also see: Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

sympathy ;

sympathetic joy;

synchronization; synchronize; synchronized; synchronizing; e.g.

s y n * ;


synchronization      synchronization ;

Time . Space . Action (i.e. oriental concept) : our earth's the most advance (method, procedure, technique) synchronization would be: slow-down-time period synchronization ... ; Also see : -time;

synthesis ;

system e.g.

form; function; method; system; Radical992;

system     system       system      system     system     system      system;

(computer) systems administrator;

systolic dysfunction (a.k.a. reduced ejection fraction), h G T S U;

Also see: s Character Extension 1; s Usage;
