humanoid Jiwaka, updated in 2025 : January : 8th (Wednesday) : h G T S U ; Updated on 8 : 1 : 2025 : h G T S U, h Gene Therapy System Usage: ... ( A, C, G, T) ... , also see: Medical Doctor (MD (for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user), genetic code)), using ( Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer, Gravity Dimension Computer) G D C gas exchange (our earth, our moon), using (( iroColourWaveForm ( 5 Color, Color Codes)), label (98, 87, 76, 65, 54, 43, 32, 21, 10), ( Physics, Physics, Physics), (Radicals (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural)), ( SPL (( Layer, Layer, Layer), multi layers, sound beams))), ... QR Code: QR Code: QR Code : to correct; to cure; to fix; to heal; to repair; Radical959;
h* ; H* ;
for not having aortic dissection; e.g.
for NOT having : daido myaku kairi Aortic Dissection; Also see: Cardiovascular Dx; d Usage; h G T S U;
I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz
would be: WHAT would be the cause of "dissection"
(other wording would be: split)
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! "river stream meander" affects the
location, in this case: the defined heart's "inner-Walls" sir;
I wrote: WHAT is the diff between aortic dissection and aortic aneurysm?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! "aortic dissection" is more likely to
be happened at a "curved" area
(esp. male age 60-70 yr),
if compare to aortic aneurysm is more likely to be happened at the opposite side
of the "curved" area sir; think that inside of the defined heart's
"inner-Walls," Blood Flow is like "river stream" sir;
I wrote: ("inside of the defined heart's "inner-Walls," Blood Flow"), also see:
C D G W T; h G T S U;
Physics Law 113, any moving location of point;
S C A D, Spontaneous Coronary
Artery Dissection, a heart attack WHEN layers tear suddenly (S C A D can
block blood flow to the heart, S C A D can slow down blood flow); Also
Disease Disorder
Acronym; h G T S U;
x y
hada Skin; Our Earth's Dermatological Thrive ... , also see: Physics Law 89, hada Skin;
H C T D, Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders (Connected
. Tissue . Organ . System)
e.g. L D S, L o e y s - D i e t z Syndrome;
e.g. E D S, E h l e r s - D a n l o s Syndrome;
e.g. M F S, M a r f a n Syndrome;
(Connected .
Tissue . Organ . System)
<include> (Blood
& in common,
Dx by Causative
Genetic Variant; Also see:
Disease Disorder
Acronym; h G T S U;
Remark: from parent to offspring, i.e. heritable; other wording would be: est.
genetic variations (
degree IFF 1 Line of (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. Secant, Tangent),
(in numerological Factor of Lo Shu (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. 6),
(in numerological Factor of Sudoku (A, C, G, T, U) e.g. 3,6,9),
(in size IFF 2 mathematical hyperbolas of (A, C, G, T, U))
); if logical Lo Shu + Sudoku, e.g. (2+2) design model, And Then, also see: "surface Inductance" HOW ... ; Remark: written in 2024, (2+2) design model has been used in space, for approx. 28+ years already;
head injury; e.g.
( coma, coma, coma, coma), a state without consciousness, caused by (brain tumor, cardiological stroke, head injury, intoxication);
heart; e.g.
(brain, heart, kidney, pancreas) bio cells are ((very difficult to chiryoyaku Therapeutic "retro" to be young ones), (very difficult to regenerate good gene patterns)), so HIFU, a medical (device, equipment), using (Display + Projector + Ultrasound) to cure diseases remotely (i.e. PHYSICS Way, other wordings would be: Radiological Way) ... , e.g. pancreas cancer tumor growth can be stopped, And Then, pancreas cancer tumor can be shrunk, And Then, back to normal ... ; Remark: many (Chinese, Korean, Southeast Asians, ... ) visit to Japan, if chiryoyaku Therapeutic HIFU is necessary ... because, very high tech medical (device, equipment) are military top secrets (NOT allow to export) ... ;
(( everyday, everyday), repetition in Kanji Radical292), the cardiac muscle ( Heart), beating approx. (( 100) * ( 1000)) i.e. 100000 times ... ; Also see: Action; COUNTERS; h ECG; h G T S U; Physics Law 100000; Time;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) SQRT2 design model (floating points) to well trained kids!! i.e. HOW can be multiplexing (MUX) hundred and thousand?
well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir, answer is ( 2, 3), other wording would be: ((2nd Parameter of SQRT2 (±98) floating points), MUX, (3rd parameter of SQRT2 (±98) floating points)) ... ; Also see: Computer Architecture; Parameter;
I wrote: Yes. that's the reason ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) either Minus or Plus is OK, since 1990s (e.g. DVD) ... ; approx. Time to penetrate 3,4 dimensional bio Physics; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
( heme, heme, heme, heme, heme), Iron (Porphyrin Class) WHICH forms non-Protein (Hemoglobin), and also forming other bio molecules; Also see: h Character; h G T S U; Physics Law 113; Reminder: Iron itself is a component of Hemoglobin, and a type of Protein; O2% + sayana + Water + your own formula of Protein Powder As Substance to be initialized e.g. (51) count (also see: counter) of zero (s) e.g. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000, also see: Idea Processor;
Heparin (Tx of thrombosis) ... also see: Cardiovascular Dx; h G T S U;
Inferior Vena Cava ( IVC) filter placement, regarding (coagulation vs. anticoagulation), doko WHERE IVC prompt (s) stopping-blood-clot, (for preventing blood-clot in (heart, lungs) AND for reducing risk of pulmonary embolism); if blockage at IVC filter, And Then, symptoms e.g. pain & swelling in the leg (Suggestion: replace the IVC filter), so (DVT, VTE) can be fully Recovery . . . ;
inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya _Body (cardio, heart, lungs, pulmonary), also see: Nanobot Programming; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point; Physics Law 789, Gene Therapy System;
(dimensional, directional, numerological) i.e. 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, And Then, (logical: Idea Processor based ( jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( mRNA))), And Then, structural e.g. Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, And Then, using ( Origin of Carbon Nanowalls: chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ( DNA Origami)), to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic (for each Yellow Color), kuru kuru WHILE (flip-flopping Navy Color and Silver Color are (i.e. Single-Bio-Cell, surrounded by Green Color)), at 0.01 nm (Remark: 0.01 nm = 10^-10 meter), so messenger RNA ( mRNA) can be designed, modeled, and programmed to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic on (arterial, bone marrow, brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lung, lymph nodes, nasopharynx, thymus (T cells), ... ) tissues; Also see: Anti Virus; Teleportation; mRNA (messenger RNA) encodes Protein; Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st Nanobot Programming in HTML language to WHOM ... ;
(taking antiarrhythmics medicine i.e. to control heart rate or rhythm) ... ; Also see: (Dx, Dx, Dx, Dx, Dx) QA drug-drug interaction ... ;
H F; e.g.
Gene Therapy System ( s h u s h u k u k i H F, s h u s h u k u k i Systolic H F), using (, ) for curing either diastolic dysfunction (a.k.a. abnormal relaxation, filling abnormality), or systolic dysfunction (a.k.a. reduced ejection fraction), WHICH can cause congestive H F, Heart Failure; Remark: NOT to be Heart Failure (H F);
M R; e.g.
cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), a.k.a. enlargement of the defined abnormal heart, increased in cardiothoracic ratio, measured by diameter of the defined abnormal heart, e.g. bigger size (cardiac-silhouette>10%, cardiac-silhouette>20%, cardiac-silhouette>30%, cardiac-silhouette>40%, cardiac-silhouette>50%) than normal heart, doko WHERE acute M R is indicated by (normal left atrial (LA) + abnormal left ventricular (LV)) of chambers; Usage, e.g. a patient without sign of "Acute Heart Failure" but (enlarged heart, enlargement of heart) is called chronic M R; both acute M R and chronic M R, a.k.a. cardiomegaly (MITRAL REGURGITATION (M R)); Also see: Cardiovascular Dx; Disease Disorder Acronym; h G T S U; -ratio;
troponin normal levels (from 0.00 to 0.04 nano grams per milliliter) in the blood; Also see: index;
lower troponin level (e.g. troponin < 5 nano grams per milliliter) in the blood i.e. OK to safe discharge as Out-Patient with heart disorder from a hospital;
higher troponin level (e.g. troponin > 5 nano grams per milliliter) in the blood must be ongoing monitoring (ICU) as In-Patient with heart disorder in a hospital;
Remark: (fresh clam, coconut water, muscle milk, fresh mussel, ... ) daily diet, because Protein (troponin) to cure (heart-attack, heart disorder, abnormal heart), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym; NOT to be (troponin > 0.04 nano grams per milliliter) ;
Also see: Cardiovascular Dx;
( HAL, HAL, HAL) ... ;
H D L; e.g.
H D L, High Density Lipoprotein, a.k.a. good cholesterol; H D L absorbs cholesterol, And Then, carries back to the liver, and H D L can lower heart (disease, stroke) risk; Also see: l G T S U; index;
(Calcaneus (heel)), (Dorsum (top-of-the-foot)), (Plantar (sole)), (Tarsal (ankle)), also see: ( knee, knee) knee;
(h e m o dynamic, h e m o dynamics) flow of blood, by ((L/min), (ml), (mm Hg), ... ) e.g. after load, e.g. kuru kuru WHILE heart is beating, flow of blood into the aorta, so naturally resistance (blood viscosity, v a s o activity) occurs ... i.e. after load; preload, e.g. kuru kuru WHILE diastole, a combination of (pulmonary blood filling the atria and stretching of myocardial fibers), regulated by intravascular volume variability, and intravascular volume increases will cause (increase preload, MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure), SI (Stroke Index)), on the other hand, intravascular volume reduction decreases preload, i.e. preload; Also see: Gene Therapy System index; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ; (h a e mo dynamics), a.k.a. (h e m o dynamics);
Hexagon; e.g.
Hexagon; Hexagon 15 Fully Connected Ones; Also see: f G T S U;
hemoglobin; H g b, Hemoglobin; e.g.
hemoglobin ( 1. hemoglobin is Protein, 2. hemoglobin carries O2 (in red blood cells), 3. (absorbing O2, offloading O2) i.e. hemoglobin function, 4. amino acid (binding, non-binding) 's regions (Membrane's Chain (a.k.a. Side Chain)), 5. (Oncological Dx (e.g. abnormal BP, abnormal O2 Level), And Then, ASAP to pinpoint the unwanted mass a.k.a. unwanted tumor), 6. using ( defined tumor markers, marked tumor markers, targeted tumor markers), for (defeating, demolishing) the unwanted mass a.k.a. unwanted tumor (e.g. unwanted tumor is (found, identified) in gastrointestinal tract); . . . 7. , so functional Gene Therapy System (hemoglobin) . . . ;
( H g b A1C) Standard Range, also see: Gene Therapy System . index; in common, "H g b A1C" measurement determines whether healthy or unhealthy;
g l y c a t e d hemoglobin, a form of H g b (Hemoglobin) that's bio-chemically linked to sugar (sugar, e.g. g a l a c t o s e, glucose, fructose);
well trained kids! replied: HOW to keep the standard range (<=5.6 % H g b A1C %, and 85 - 126 (m g / d L) estimated average Glucose) sir ?
I wrote: in our body, only 3 parts (liver, muscle, pancreas) are somehow related to (Glucose and H g b A1C %); pancreas regulates sugar by producing insulin, muscles need sugar to be energetic, and liver also like sugar to be healthy ones, therefore, if disorder exists (pre diabetic, diabetes, ... ) because of (>5.6 % H g b A1C % and > 126 (m g / d L) Est. Avg. Glucose), then
1st. get ( sweat),
because you need your muscles consume more sugar;
2nd. drink lots of hot green tea (lots of water), because your liver digest not
only sugar but also with lots of water;
3rd. promote pancreas' functionalities;
Remark: disorder
will be gone, and be back to normal for sure ... ; remember, I don't have any
("bio" , "medical") related degree, therefore, consult to your medical doctors ... ;
Remark: as of (2565; 2021), only in Japan (our earth), laser surgery (cutting (taking-off) the GI Tract) on the portion of the defined bad intestine (in common, ending area of stomach, and approx. 5 cm length of the bad intestine), And Then, a few days later (pre diabetic, diabetes) can be cured 100% ... ;
human beings' body can't (make, produce) hemoglobin WHEN having not enough Iron (e.g. anemia), so MD (orders (Rx), treats (Tx)) patient (Pt) with intravenous (IV) iron, iron infusion, to be normal (hemoglobin, iron) levels inside of human beings' body; IV iron replacement chiryoyaku Therapeutic would be Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA); Also see: Iron;
this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, using Gravity Dimension Computer to cure ((Digestive System : GI : (disease, disorder)) Hemorrhoids), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;
hip capsule and its capsular ligaments (anterior intra pelvic, lower limb, pelvis) e.g. iliofemoral ligament (hip + hip joint), ilioinguinal ligament (inguinal (f a l x i n g u i n a l i s, Inguinal Canal, inguinal p o u part, inguinal region, inguinal ring), spinal L4, spinal L5), iliolumber ligament (pelvic + spine), iliopectineal ligament (l a c u n a r ligament + pectineal lines + pubic bone), ischiofemoral ligament (hip joint internal rotation + femur), pubofemoral ligament (hip), ... ; Also see: ( jintai Ligament, jintai Ligament) ligament;
((waters; Radical635), (horse; Radical223)) hippocampus, hippocampus, hippocampus (elongate, long in a relation to width) ridges of each lateral ventricle of the brain; Also see: 2hComputer; h G T S U; Specialties N; Remember: NOT to be amber color brain;
( hormone, hormone, hormone, hormone) . . . . . ; hormone hormone hormone; horumon Hormone; Also see: h Character; 7hComputer;
( aqua blue Therapeutic Hormone Receptor, green Therapeutic Hormone Receptor), also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
kuru kuru WHILE transporting inside the defined tissue ( blood, sap-stimulating of specific cell, soshiki Tissue's Action) regulatory substance is called horumon Hormone ... ;
( hospital, hospital, hospital, hospital) . . . ;
Accurate Patient (Pt)
info, info,
info, e.g.
Address +
Eliminate transfusion Error (Pt);
Evidence based ((Acute), (multi-drugs-resistant)), ... ; e.g. BLI (Body Length
Index) diff human beings, normal 1st life, samsara
machine (2nd life ones, 3rd life ones, ... ) ;
Hospital should be a CDC, Center for Disease Control (by the way, in
Biz :
1st. Financial,
2nd. Plan,
3rd. Control),
e.g. your own nation's (government, org) with World Health Organization (WHO);
Label All e.g. anticoagulant
chiryoyaku Therapeutic;
Label All
e.g. Lab's (Val, Value) for coagulation;
ID (healthcare, Services,
Treatment (Tx));
ID (identify suicide) e.g. annually approx. 20,000+ suicides in Japan can
be reduced to annually approx. 20+ suicides in Japan, by (a "Tarzan") 's
Method of WHAT do they need? e.g.
overcoming bad credit records; e.g. tapping smart phone for verifying whether
homicide or suicide, e.g.
this DOMAIN developer (
Rakhine, an ethnic tribe of Union of
Myanmar) has been attacked several times (e.g.
I've never received any (A, A+) in my academic history in Myanmar (Burma), even
though I answered correctly (knowing exam
board results are
selected only by "military
dictatorship system")); e.g. I don't know who are the ones night
Security guards; e.g. I don't know
who are the ones behind (
radio) calls (<include> phone calls via hub),
phone calls via Satellite),
phone calls via switch); I don't know who are the ones behind
I should have "f--- that" mentality, if I don't get WHAT I want (e.g. I drove taxi
cabs with My MS degree in
Computer Science); e.g. I don't know myself that I'm here in the USA for
either Exchange
or Insurance,
because DNA mismatched siblings, infant swapped ones, war
survival ones, ... (excluding "manhunt")
Remark: in USA, no one is invited, if you like to be in USA, you live, on the
other hand, if you don't like to be in USA, don't live, and no one is invited;
Report (Diagnosis (Dx), test results, timely Procedure, Post-OP);
H2S, a.k.a. Hydrogen Sulfide, a gas WHICH characteristic by (Acute Toxic, colorless gas, can be found inside of crude oil, can be found inside of natural gas, corrosive, Environmental Hazard, flammable, hazardous gas, may cause irritation to the eyes, may cause irritation to the respiratory, poisonous, rotten egg odor, Water soluble, ... ) ... ;
( CO2, H2S) inside of GI, also see: Nanobot Programming;
HTML executable Analog Clock, using Bio Clock . i c o;
2565; 08/28/2021; this DOMAIN 's Origin of Human Beings (Gene Def (Male + Female) in the midst); Also see: Antiviral Schematic; DNA _Origami; Protein; Remark: ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace environments, for each human beings livable moon ... ;
Anti Virus "Oral Route" medicine (Alcohol%, Calories, Carbohydrate, Cholesterol, Fiber, (Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Sodium)), Protein, Saturated Fat, Total Fat), (Confidence Interval ( CI) range of Value), (Hazard Ratio ( HR) calculation of (Bacteria, (Prion (Escherichia coli, "Mad Cow" , Salmonnella, Swine flu)), Virus (COVID-19, E V D))); Remark: for developing "Oral Route" Anti Virus (capsule, pill, tablet) ;
Hybrid Being; 500+ years of ware ware We human beings' life expectancy ... ; Also see: Computer Science; Gene Therapy System; Idea Processor; layer;
hydrogen NMR; Also see: Chemical _Elements; Physics Law 146; Physics Law 184; Physics Law 789;
(autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hypertension), also see: Disease Disorder Acronym;
(AAI, AI, AIA) timestamp Dx e.g. (abnormal high blood pressure, (abnormal metabolism (hormone insulin, glucose in blood, glucose in urine)), admission timestamp Albumin mg/dL, admission timestamp Cholesterol mg/dL, admission timestamp Glucose mg/dL, admission timestamp Potassium mEq/L, admission timestamp Sodium mEq/L, age, acute infection, Alanine transaminase IU/L, anemia, Alkaline phosphatase IU/L, Aspartate transaminase IU/L, average Glucose mg/dL, C O P D exacerbation, chronic renal failure, Creatinine mg/dL, CRP mg/L, gender, Hemoglobin g/dL, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, laboratory report, liver damage %, peripheral vascular disease, (steroids (e.g. glucocorticoids) immune system regulation), total cholesterol mg/dL, WBC ((cells/(mm^3)) x (10^3)), WBC count); (cm scale, mm scale) directional gravity pressure, gravity spot, for each patient (Pt); autoimmune diseases (alopecia areata, ankylosing spondylitis, autoimmune disease, celiac disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, Sjögren 's syndrome, temporal arteritis, type 1 diabetes, vasculitis);
using 1080 NM (Method, Procedure, Technique), also see: PHYSICS (DEE, invisibility engineering); Physics Law 144, Anti-Virus Interior, ... , IFF Comorbidity, e.g. COVID-19 with (autoimmune diseases, diabetes, hypertension); our earth only; Remark: NOT in imaginary hyper space crafts; NOT on human beings livable moons;
Orthostatic Hypotension e.g. Neuro g e n i c Orthostatic Hypotension; Also see: n G T S U;
Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;