; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : January : 19th (Sunday) : b Character ;
; ; ; ; ; Updated on 19 : 1 : 2025 : b : B ; b Character; Also see: b Usage;
back; backing; e.g.
back; back; back; back; Also see: Background;
back; behind; later;
back; hips; lower back; lumbar; waist; Radical897;
coexistence, also see: front;
DEE Back; also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
toward the back ( k o b u Posterior), also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;
backbone; fortitude; spirit; Radical224;
backbone ; spine;
Also see: Gene Therapy System;
backdrop ;
background; Background; e.g.
Also see: Background;
background ; background ;
background image ; ; background image ; ;
backward; Also see: Directions, e.g. (backward, as opposed to forward);
base; background; Radical519;
bacteria; e.g.
Natto bacteria; Also see: b G T S U;
nattokin Natto bacteria;
bad; worse; worst; e.g.
bad, as opposed to good;
bad bad ;
bad; Radical100;
Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic disorders (491694591) : abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; disorders;
IFF prefix (e.g. bad * ; non* ; poor * ; un* ), Radical244;
no good;
y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;
bad ;
badge; badges; e.g.
uniform with badge (civil (e.g. D E A badge, FBI badge, marshal badge, police badge, ... ), military (e.g. air force badge, army badge, coastguard badge, navy badge, ... )) ... ;
using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;
badger; clawed dog; Radical186;
bag bag ;
baggage; cargo; freight; Radical416;
balance; balanced; balancing; e.g.
balance ;
( , ), also see: Physics Law 32123, Balancing the Mobility (imaginary hyperspace craft) ; Remark: in addition to jinko chino D G P, using ( Balancing, Balancing) to cure many neurological disorders ... ; jinko chino D G P, to do therapeutic brain; Also see: b G T S U;
( Balancing, Balancing, Balancing, Balancing) ... ;
heiko Balance heiko Balance heiko Balance (balance, equalisation, equalization, equilibrium, even scale), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (smart IoT (zcs)), using DEE _ Radio (i.e. to define its (center, central) 's (balance, level)) ... ; in addition, gene therapy ... ;
ball; e.g.
( ball, bulb, counter for baseball pitches, globe, sphere) ... ;
ball; sphere; e.g. red blood cells;
ballot; balloted; balloting; e.g.
ballot ballot ;
using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;
bamboo; e.g.
Chinese Traditional Lucky Bamboo;
bamboo ; bamboo; Radical155;
( BSV, Bamboo Stem Variation) As Factor, so one step closer to water flow gene therapy system ... , also see: Physics Law 789, Gene Therapy System ... ; Remark: for ACT3 imaginary hyper space;
banana ;
band; bands; e.g.
2563; 2020; CITIZEN (Eco-Drive, SATELLITE WAVE GPS), ANTIMAG.4800, 921051658, F150-S117402, GN-4W-S ( 6G), ... , i.e. this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's Personal (band, Clock, GPS, Satellite, -time, Time, Wireless Antenna), ... ; Remark: if you're a web developer WHO needs (Satellite Band (hydrogen), Satellite Band (Nitrogen), Satellite Band (Oxygen)), this DOMAIN recommends CITIZEN (Eco-Drive, SATELLITE WAVE GPS) is a must to have e.g. IoT, NFC, ... ; Remark: if this DOMAIN installed, you should change your own number regarding anti magnetic space environment (our earth) e.g. A N T I M A G . ????, ?????????, ????-???????, ??-??-? (?G), ... ;
band6; band5; band8; band4;
band; rim; ring; Radical915;
C-band; (e.g. L N B converter for C-band);
dual band radio pattern, also see: (Browser, Number, PHONE, Router) since 1990s;
frequency band ; ; frequency band ; ;
km band; km band; e.g. multi long length neutrino laser's string;
Time . Space . Action (i.e. oriental concept) : our earth's the most advance (method, procedure, technique) synchronization (band) would be: slow-down-time period synchronization ... ; Also see : -time;
waves, a.k.a. bands;
( banish, clear out, dispose of, pay, prune) doko WHERE "prune" is landscape & garden usage, "pay" is Biz usage, "dispose of" is waste management usage, "clear out" is content removal usage, "banish" is sending someone away from (nation, place), ... ;
bank; banking; banks; e.g.
bank bank bank bank bank bank ;
bank; Radical176;
bar; bars; e.g.
e.g. Barcode;
e.g. Barcode2D;
e.g. milli bar Pressure;
e.g. milli bar Pressure Sensitive;
bare bone; Radical100;
bark; husk; peel; rind; Radical136;
barrier; obstacle; Radical381;
base, based e.g.
base; background; Radical519;
base ; base ; base ; base ; k i c h i Base ; base ;
base; basis; foundation; root; Radical118, also see: Radicals;
Gene Therapy System, using Our Earth Based Tumor Remover, to remove tumors;
bashful ; ;
basic; basically; e.g.
2,3 dimensional Basic; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
basic ; ;
Basic Basic Basic;
base; basis; foundation; root; Radical118;
basic science;
functional k i c h i Base on m i c h i Way, also see: Command;
batteries; battery; e.g.
battery (cell); battery (electricity); Radical535;
battery battery battery battery ;
( our Earth Only _Gravity Spot _structural Battery), also see: Physics Law 179 ... ;
regarding Keywords (negative, positive) : using ({11,11,11} with {E3,E3,E3}) for negative; using ({E3,12,21} with {E3,E3,E3}) for positive;
battle; battled; battling; battles; e.g.
battle ; Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
counter for battles; counter for covered container; counter for matches; Radical692;
IFF battling with many diseases (i.e. Comorbidity), please use this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System for curing many abnormalities, diseases, disorders, ... ; HOW ? , also see: PHYSICS;
bay ;
be was were been ;
be (are, be, been, is, was, were);
be content; coax; pamper; sugary; sweet taste; Radical128;
be glad to ; ;
be named ;
be on target (hit);
be rotten;
be sufficient (adequate, enough); Radical190;
be worn out;
to be; Radical78, also see: Radicals; e.g. to be affirmation; to be location;
s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;
beach; seacoast; seashore; Radical450;
beach ;
beam; beams; e.g.
( beam, beam, beam, beam, beam), a ray, good natured look, of a light (light source) shine, shaft of light, smile radiantly, transmitting a radio signal in a (defined, specified, targeted) direction, ... ; Also see: b Character; Laser; Optics;
beam (directional flow of Particles, shaft of light e.g. ray); Radical400;
beam (e.g. Sound _Beam, e.g. X-ray);
steel beams, i.e. construction with frames: e.g. automotives, bridges, buildings, missile launch pad, train tracks, tunnels, ... ;
bean; e.g.
bean ;
bean; pea; Radical184, also see: Radicals;
nattokin Natto bacteria; Also see: n Usage; Water Clock;
bear; bearing; bears; e.g.
bear bore born borne ;
Bearing; course of action; Direction; geometry directional; Orientation; Way;
beat e.g.
beat beat ;
beat beat beaten;
beat; chime;
ring; snort; sound;
echo; resound;
ring; roar; rumble; sound;
beat; drum; muster; rouse; Radical248, also see: Radicals;
beats e.g. 9, 108, ... ; praying beats;
idea ♯ 279, Beating Form (our earth based), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3;
beautiful nation e.g. USA, also see: Numerological6;
beautiful ; ;
beautiful person (e.g. handsome man, e.g. pretty woman);
coexistence, also see: ugly;
beautiful ;
because; by means of; in view of; Radical594;
become; cause; come; due; next; Radical435;
become became become ;
become serious, Radical213, also see: Radicals;
consisting of; getting to be; growing to be; proving to be; reaching to be; to be composed of; to be promoted; to become; to complete; to play a role; to succeed; Radical752;
bed; seam; stream; Radical636;
any beech tree (chinquapin a.k.a. chinkapin); Radical859;
beef ;
beep; beeper; e.g.
(beep, beeper), also see: embedded devices; Radical693;
beeper beeper beeper;
beep, one of the keywords in Basic Programming;
buza Beeper;
e.g. at the command prompt, C:\Desktop\type 149.149 ;
vibrate and beep, i.e. one of the options of beeper device;
before; e.g.
ahead; before; future; precedence; previous; Radical498;
before ;
before, as opposed to after;
before; earlier; Radical496;
beforehand ; ;
commence; begin; Radical579;
begin began begun;
begin; come; commence; derive; emanated; embark; emerge; flow; initiate; issue; originate; proceed; something abstract but perceptible spread out from a source; stem; undertake; Also see: Physics Law 145, ... ;
beginning; former time; origin; Radical118;
back; behind; later;
being; e.g.
(alive, being in samsara (life-after-life), i k i t e i r u, life, live, lives, living), also see: PHYSICS (law fifty six) ... ;
being blamed by oneself; being blamed by others;
being helped; Radical396;
beings . culture . here, also see: Gene Therapy System;
belief; believe; e.g.
belief ; ; believe ;
s h i n j o Belief; s h i n j o Credo; s h i n j o Creed; Also see: (( Radical694), ( Radical925));
bell bell bell ;
Gene Therapy System : (Abdomen (belly), Armpit, Chest, Groin, Neck) doko WHERE 100+ Lymph Nodes ... ;
below; e.g.
below ; ;
below, as opposed to above;
below; Radical594;
belt; kimono sash; obi; region; sash; zone; Radical629;
B e n a r e s a.k.a. V a r a n a s i;
bench; pedestal; platform; podium; stage; stand; table; Radical754;
bend; bended; bending; e.g.
bend; break; fold; fracture; Radical663;
advantage; benefit ; profit; Also see: Numerological7;
benefit; chemical; enamel; gun powder; Radical377;
berth ;
beseech besought besought ;
besides ;
besides (in addition);
besiege; enclosure; keep; paling; preserve; store; surround; Radical323;
good; better; best;
the best; Radical1, also see: Radicals;
bet bet bet ;
beta i.e. Β, β;
as if; better; equal; such as; Radical392;
among; amongst; between; while; Radical512;
bevy ;
bevy e.g. group 66 assembly, e.g. group of company (crowd);
bi* ;
nijiku Biaxial ( X, Y) ... ; Also see: Radical794;
bid bid bid ;
bide bode bided ;
big; great; large; Radical44;
big; gigantic; great; large; Radical149;
big big ; ;
big, as oppose to small;
big ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (c h o l a.k.a. bile)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
bind; binding; bound; e.g.
bind; fasten; join; tie; Radical592;
bind bound bound ;
( binding, binding, binding, binding) ... ;
bio; biological; e.g.
Also see: Antiviral Schematic; DNA _Origami;
(any moving location of point, bio cell, dot, spot) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 113;
biological cell immune cell biological cell ;
bio marker (bio marker a.k.a. tumor marker) doko WHERE the defined marked pattern; Also see: P vector direction;
bio marker (e.g. (abnormal enzyme bio marker, normal enzyme bio marker) kouso enzyme) WHICH can predict and prevent diseases ;
bio marker, also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
bio marker, cell marker, FISH Marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing (e.g. Green Default);
bio medical systems, also see: MD; systems;
( BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS) ... ; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
directional (biological structure, body part, item, object, organ) position, also see: Directions;
biophysics Tool; Also see: Schematic Lipid;
physics; using 17 multi time lines, iroColourWaveForm (colors), NGS, UDNGS, ... ;
Real-time molecular biological (Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) a.k.a. PCR test),
using (amplification, amplified, amplify) segments of DNA,
WHICH can detect 1 viral genome, from (section of selected DNA, section of
selected RNA),
And Then, can indicate
(e.g. negative to the vector, e.g. positive to the
(indicate, indicated, indicating) PCR test whether
positive COVID-19, or
Anti Virus;
( SPARC, SPARC, SPARC, SPARC) bio, biological cell, cells, ... ; Also see: b Character; cCharacterExtension1; s G T S U; Secreted Protein Acidic & Rich in Cysteine (SPARC), a glycoprotein regulates inter-Action (the defined cells vs. Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM));
( biome, biome, biome, biome) e.g. aquatic, coniferous forest, desert, grassland, mountain, polar tundra, shrub land, temperate broadleaf forest, tropical rainforest, ... ;
embedded; Radical693 (BIOS, box (6 ZCS surfaces), browser) ... ;
bird; Radical234;
bird; old bird; Radical204;
birth; genuine; life; Radical129;
birthday e.g. Nippon Emperor's birthday, in Heisei era, also see: Time;
birthplace (refer to home, refer to house) ;
bishop ;
Radical181, also see: Radicals;
bite bit bitten ;
bitterness; sour; tart; Radical493;
biz a.k.a. business;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
black; Black; e.g.
diode Black, also see: iro LED;
black black ;
black; deep; mysterious; occult; profound; Radical126;
black; Radical241;
Origin of BF2 Black; Origin of BF2 Gray;
s y m p h y s i s pubis; (clitoris, urethra, urinary bladder), also see: r G T S U;
blade ; ;
Blade; blade of grass; counter for flat things; counter for leaves; counter for pieces of paper; fragment; Leaf; lobe; pine needle; Plane; spear;
blame; blamed; blaming; e.g.
blame; censure; condemn;
gain or loss, fame or defame, praise or blame, and pleasure or pain; Also see: mature knowledge;
blame; Radical355;
bleed bled bled ;
blend; blended; blender; blending; e.g.
alloy; blend; combine; fuse; meld ( y u k a i Melding); merge; mesh;
post pixel blending;
b l e p h a r; e.g.
b l e p h a r o p l a s t y, also see: a G T S U;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (b l e p h a r a.k.a. eyelid)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
bless; blessed; blessing; e.g.
bless blessed blest ;
blessing; fortune; luck; wealth; Radical332;
blink; blinked; blinking; blinks; e.g.
blink blink blink;
iro LED (blinking LED); Also see: Schematic Dimensional (Blinking a LED) ... ;
m a b a t a k i Blink;
Style . Format . Font (Effects (Blink)) ... ;
blister; bumpy; e.g.
(blister, bumpy, itchy patches, Red Color ones, scaly, welts), also see: Physics Law 89, hada Skin ... ;
block; blocked; blocking; blocks; e.g.
block block as data i.e. with or without sign bit, but without mnemonic (mnemonic a.k.a. op code); (imei, login, phone number, sign in) ;
block elements (e.g. ▀▄█▌▐░▒▓); Also see: AI FONT;
building block (square one at pillar's top); Radical90;
village; town; street; block ; Also see: Numerological7;
blood; bloody; blood vessel; e.g.
8 common blood types are ((O+, O-), (B+, B-), (A+, A-), (AB+, AB-)); Remark: since (2568 in Buddha Sasana Calendar, 2025 in Gregorian Calendar), this DOMAIN is using (Aqua Color with {11,11,11} Color) only for Gene Therapy System index (the blood), because ; Also see: b Character; C D G W T; index;
blood; blood; p h c h i Phlebotomy;
Blood Flow, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 280, Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
blood; Radical175;
( blood vessel, blood vessel, vein, Vein) ... ;
Electrolyte in the blood ... , also see: C D G W T; index; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point;
(immunoassay, occult blood, stool) Dx results (negative, positive) ... ; Also see: b G T S U; i G T S U;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (vas (cu) a.k.a. blood vessel)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
( Blood Pressure Control, Blood Pressure Control, Blood Pressure Control), also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; p G T S U;
(myoglobin, Myoglobin) ... ; Also see: m G T S U;
(nerve endings, small blood vessels, spores) As Cluster, e.g. capillaries (kidney tubule) filtering blood, producing waste, ... , also see: g G T S U ( Glomerulus, Glomerulus, Glomerulus, Glomerulus, i t o k y u t a i Glomerulus);
R h factor (absent minus, present plus) : blood protein : 8 common blood types are ((O+, O-), (B+, B-), (A+, A-), (AB+, AB-)); Also see: r G T S U;
using C Sequence Number, using DEE, using Gravity Dimension Computer, using Walls, TEST (e.g. Blood Test, WHOM), also see: C D G W T;
blot; disgrace; dishonor; shame; stain; stigma; taint;
blow blew blown ;
blue e.g.
BF2 Blue gray, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Blood Flow; inhale (breath in) as air; vein is green; vessel is blue; doko WHERE (CO (Carbon Monoxide) AND hemoglobin (H e m e group) formation prompts as (blue, green)), and output as CO2 (Carbon Dioxide from our nose as exhale (breath out)), meditation (meditation; Radical333) is recommended because our body is adding Oxygen as output naturally, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol (Blood Flow) ... ;
blue; green; Radical206;
blue sky i.e. azure sky;
blue Rounded rectangular callout Heat Sensor, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 258, Heat Sensor;
Blue Screen; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;
diode Blue, also see: iro LED; also see: R G B;
to be handling blue, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and eleven, ... ;
Bluetooth Tethering, also see: Gene Therapy System; Network Topology;
blunder ;
also see: mistake;
fix blurry, also see: Gene Therapy System (brain, eye, optical, nerve) ... ;
BMI BMI , Body Mass Index; (BLI, Body Length Index) automatic adjustment medicine formulary is still R&D, for each human beings livable moon in our universes ... ; this DOMAIN developer still cannot formulate (BLI, Body Length Index) automatic adjustment medicine;
( board, board, board, board), e.g. (Board Certification), e.g. (B O D, Board of Directors), e.g. (Electronic Circuit Board), e.g. (Embedded Board), . . . ; board board board board ;
boat; ship; Radical170;
B o d h G a y a, enlightenment place of Buddha, 100km South of P a t n a, India; Also see: L u m b i n i;
b o d h i b o d h i ;
B o d h i tree, a.k.a. b o - tree;
B o d h i, also see: S h r i Maha B o d h i, in Sri Lanka, in Buddhism;
b o d h i (enlightenment);
body; bodies; e.g.
body; counter for images; object; reality; substance;
body & mind ; body ; body ; body ; body & awareness;
directional (biological structure, body part, item, object, organ) position, also see: Directions;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (s o m a t a.k.a. body)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
bond; bonding; bonds; e.g.
bonds between people;
USB tethering; Bluetooth tethering;
bone; bones; bony; e.g.
33 individual bones, either Lateral (Side) or Posterior (Back); Also see: b G T S U; Physics Law 198;
Bone ;
bone and skin, as opposed to meat;
Bone Formation (BLI (Body Length Index) for each human beings livable moon), also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Specialties Skeletal; Remark: as of 2018/2562, we still cannot solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons; BLI problem might be because of DEE density, NOT (1 way DEE), yellowish variations EXIST;
bone; frame; Radical224;
bone joint, also see: Gene Therapy System;
bone joint infections; Also see: Specialties A P M;
Orthopedic Dx ... ;
vitamin K helps a Protein WHICH (is binding, binds, was bound) Calcium to be stronger bones ... ;
Remark: 206 bones (genuine human beings, musculoskeletal, normal Patient); Also see: b G T S U; Musculoskeletal;
book; booked; booking; books; e.g.
account book; album; notebook; Radical345;
account book; ledger; register;
book; book ; book ; book ; book ; book ; book ; book ; book ;
book of instructions (i.e. manual) ... ;
book; origin; Radical662;
counter for book scroll; Radical794;
counter for books; Radical150;
graph ruled composition book;
I C h i n g, a.k.a. book of changes;
notebook computer a.k.a. laptop computer;
telephone book a.k.a. telephone directory; Radical535;
The I C h i n g OR BOOK OF CHANGES, also see: Reference Books;
boost; boosted; booster; boosting; e.g.
( booster, booster, booster), encouraging and helping to a source ... ;
Good Protein Booster; Also see: p G T S U; Physics Law 789; P vector direction;
if a source is "Antiviral Medicine" (e.g. COVID-19 vaccine), 2nd vaccination on the bioavailability (Number of days apart), a.k.a. Booster Shot; if a source is "combustion based" (e.g. rocket), trigger to run an another fully fueled ones is called Booster Rocket; if a source is "nuclear thermal rod engineering" (e.g. Nuclear1, Nuclear2), from 2 fold to 4 fold means a Booster Method; ... ;
boost; Ready Boost; WHEN 2 images are the same (e.g. (negative, positive)), boosts begin ... ; in SQRT2 design model, (±98) a.k.a. (minus, plus) e.g. DVD (±) ... ;
well trained kids! reply: Umm!
very easy, all we've to do is create 2 images and they should be negative and
positive sir ?
I wrote:
Yes, if you know, very easy IT; if don't know, very difficult IT; Also see:
Basic Understanding For Idea Processing;
boot; bootable; booted; booting; e.g.
boot e.g. ( boot load; bootstrap) ... ; Also see: A U I;
boots; Radical865;
the "BOOT" tab ;
border; e.g.
border; boundary; region; Radical957;
border; box; Radical986;
bore bored ;
borrow ;
both e.g.
and also, both ... and, as well as ;
both arms;
both countries;
both days;
both ends;
both eyes;
both feet;
both ligament and tendon are fibrous connective soshiki Tissue, AND the different is THAT tendon binds muscle to ( 1 bone, the bone), if compare to ligament binds 2 bones, ligament connects cartilage, and ligaments hold joint;
both parties;
both persons;
both sides;
both things;
both to be together, a.k.a. couple; coupling; Radical7;
both; together; Radical628;
both wings;
Cerebro Spinal Fluid ( CSF, CSF, CSF), for (protect, protected, protecting) the brain (both sides above the 13 central ones as vermis) AND its spinal cord (e.g. NOT to have trauma); Also see: c G T S U; s G T S U;
r y o h o Both;
b o t o x / d y s p o r t (minimizing wrinkles), also see: a G T S U;
b o - tree, a.k.a. b o d h i tree, a symbol of enlightenment; b o-tree, religious tree in Buddhism; also see: religious plant in Buddhism;
bottom e.g.
bottom ;
bottom ( 5); left (five); right (five); top ( five);
bottom of a package; bottom of a book; Radical519;
DEE Bottom, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
top and bottom are coexistence alike (top is not opposed to bottom);
bought ;
bound; bounded; bounding; Boundless-vast; e.g.
bound, also see: bag; bind;
bound; hop; jump; leap; spring; vault; Radical715;
bounding box; spindle; spool; Radical986;
boundless; broad; vast; wide;
bounds; degree; extent; limit; Radical625;
protein bound, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 264, Protein Bound;
boundless-vast; Desert; Obscure; Vague;
border; boundary; region; Radical957;
bow; Bow; bow and arrow; e.g.
(( Arc, Arc, Arc, Arc), ( Arch, Arch, Arch, Arch), ( Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow)) ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now,
(Arc, Arch, Bow) As String,
should we have?
well trained kids!! replied: kuru kuru
WHILE (Arc, Arch, Bow) exist, doko
WHERE Hole for each (Arc, Arch, Bow) sir;
I wrote: Yes. Correct. 2 is very very unique in many ways, in this case study of
(Hole, String) ... ; well trained kids!! should R&D (NCS, PCS) in addition to
ZCS nowadays ... ;
bow; Radical66;
bow and arrow;
( Asthma, disease of the bowels), also see: a G T S U; b G T S U;
box; boxes; e.g.
6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index;
6 ZCS based DEE box in Z-index;
Also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
cardboard small food box; wooden small food box; Radical663;
border; box; Radical986;
dialog box; Remark: since approx. 2000, browser based computing ... ; IFF SQRT2 design model (Engineering Notation) : e.g. local (10) dialog box, e.g. remote (100) dialog box, e.g. global (1000) dialog box, ... , also see : Cloud;
Drop box, a name of cloud computing system, in the Internet ... ;
every structural (box, cube, dice) has 6 ZCS, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and five, 24 pisayo must be variable, ... ;
( IR Box), ( UV Box), also see: FISH;
jinko chino DEE Box, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty six, ... ; Remark: ACT2 imaginary hyper space crafts' interior design ;
boy ; coexistence, also see: girl;
b r a c h i o p l a s t y (a.k.a. arm lift), also see: a G T S U;
assemble; association; braid; construct; cooperate; grapple; plait; unite; Radical366;
brain; Brain; brains; Brains; e.g.
brain, also see: Brain .HTML;
brain brain brain ;
(dimensional, directional, numerological) i.e. 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, And Then, (logical: Idea Processor based ( jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( mRNA))), And Then, structural e.g. Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, And Then, using ( Origin of Carbon Nanowalls: chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ( DNA Origami)), to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic (for each Yellow Color), kuru kuru WHILE (flip-flopping Navy Color and Silver Color are (i.e. Single-Bio-Cell, surrounded by Green Color)), at 0.01 nm (Remark: 0.01 nm = 10^-10 meter), so messenger RNA ( mRNA) can be designed, modeled, and programmed to do chiryoyaku Therapeutic on (arterial, bone marrow, brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lung, lymph nodes, nasopharynx, thymus (T cells), ... ) tissues; Also see: Anti Virus; Teleportation; mRNA (messenger RNA) encodes Protein; Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st Nanobot Programming in HTML language to WHOM ... ;
I F F Pt (Patient), if disease, e.g. brain stroke (hemorrhagic stroke (blood leakage of the vessel), ischemic stroke (no longer flowing blood inside the vessel)), remark: edit WHOM file (e.g. define all possible info inside the FILE : WHOM .txt), then insert this DOMAIN 's contents (e.g. USB drive) into a TV's USB port (e.g. service), then turn on the TV onward to the defined one; I F F Bio way, WHEN recovery time period, don't forget baby aspirin diet, green tea diet, and lime juice; Also see: Gene Therapy System;
brake ;
2-branch tree; Radical144;
branch ; brunch;
branch; support; sustain; Radical87, also see: Radicals;
branch off; diverge; Radical494;
bravery ; prowess ;
breadth; e.g.
breadth ;
haba Breadth; Also see: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, nitotte For Toyota;
haba Breadth; haba Width; Radical717;
break; broke; broken; e.g.
bend; break; fold; fracture; Radical663;
break broke broken ;
break up;
broken gate; fight; fighting; Radical227, also see: Radicals;
breakfast breakfast ;
breast; e.g.
breast ; ;
breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, also see: a G T S U;
female breast; Also see: b G T S U;
female breast gland (breast); Also see: g G T S U;
(breath-in, breath-out); breathing; e.g.
breathing difficulty; breathlessness; Also see: a G T S U;
(posture, breathing, mind) i.e. Zen Buddhism, also see: index;
breed bred bred ;
k a n k e t s u Brevity, concise and exact use of words;
bridge; bridging; bridges; e.g.
bridge; Radical994;
bridges, e.g. e Civil;
bright; brighter; brightest; e.g.
be bright; glow; Radical646;
bright bright ;
bright; clever; Intelligence; smart; wise;
sun and moon are to be bright, clever, light, ... ; Radical294;
bring brought brought ;
bristle; hair ornament; Radical69;
broad; e.g.
broad a.k.a. wide; e.g. broadband internet;
something broad; something flat; Radical545;
broadcast; broadcasted; broadcasting; e.g.
broadcast broadcast broadcast;
Remark: regarding SQRT2 (±98) design model: if local is 10, remote is 100, And Then, broadcasting would be 1000, location awareness might be 10000, ... ;
bronchodilator and steroid, also see: c G T S U;
brother: elder brother younger brother ;
brown e.g.
BF2 Brown, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
2,3 dimensional Default Green and Brown, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
brown; Radical299;
browsed; browser; BROWSER; browsers; BROWSERS; browsing; e.g.
Also see: Browser;
browser browser browser browser browser ;
e.g. C Sequence Number
(BF2, Brunching Factor 2) for 2,3 dimensional
imaginary hyper space ... ;
brunch e.g. BF1 Analysis (BLI, Body Length
System, for 3,4 dimensional
imaginary hyper space ... ;
brush; brushed; brushing; e.g.
brush; Radical164, also see: Radicals;
BT BT (Blue Tooth) a.k.a. Bluetooth;
buck; hop; jerk; leap up; prance; splash; spring; sputter; Radical715;
Buddha Buddha Buddha Buddha 仏 ;
Buddha image; merciful person; Radical1001;
B u d d h a s, also see: Bodhisattvas; IFF Mahayana: A k s h o b y a; A m i t a b h a; Shakyamuni; V i r o c h a n a; Buddhism, a religion to practice morality, wisdom, ... more than 2500+ years, in m a j j h i m ā p a t i p a d ā, accordance with tipitaka;
Buddhist countries are:
China [also see: Tao] a.k.a. Z h o n g G u o a.k.a. PRC,
Cambodia a.k.a. Kampuchea,
Hong Kong, a.k.a. China,
Japan [also see: Mahayana, S h i n g o n, Shinto, Zen] a.k.a. Nippon,
Myanmar a.k.a. Burma,
Sri Lanka a.k.a. Ceylon,
Taiwan [also see: Mahayana] a.k.a. ROC,
Thailand a.k.a. Siam,
Tibet [also see: Mahayana], a.k.a. China,
USA, United States of America (many Buddhist monasteries, peoples, shrines, and temples exist in USA),
... ;
Buddhist priest ;
Buddhist priest, monk; Radical338;
Buddhist teaching ; Buddhist teaching ;
bussetsu Buddha's teaching; Also see: Buddha Radicals;
counter for Buddhist images; Also see: COUNTERS; i Character; Image;
sutra, Buddha's scriptures; Also see: b Character; Referral; s Character Extension 1; s Pali;
Remark: Buddhist countries were Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, ... ;
bug; insect; cricket; moth; worm; Radical174;
build; building; buildings; built; e.g.
build build build build; ken Build;
building block (square one at pillar's top); Radical90, also see: Radicals;
building e.g. amusement park; apartment; auto-shop; bank; car parking; carwash; center; complex; condo; courthouse; dormitory; factory; financial; gym; hall; home; hospital; hotel; house; jail; jetty; laboratory; lighthouse; lot; market; monastery; movie; museum; office; plant; port; prison; public parking; quarter (head-quarter, military-quarter, teaching-quarter, training-quarter); reactor; recycle; religious building; restaurant; school; sewer; stadium; station; storage; store; studio; supermarket; theatre; tower; tunnel; warehouse; waste management; water-treatment; work-shop; ... ; Also see: building;
Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in; Built-in;
B u k k y o k a i, also see: R e n g o k a i;
bulb; e.g.
( ball, bulb, counter for baseball pitches, globe, sphere) ... ;
in bulk; e.g.
( crowded, in bulk, include, mixture) ... ;
adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;
bun ;
bundle bundle ;
bear a burden; shoulder a gun; Radical416;
bureau e.g.
bureau ;
(bureau, division, department) of an organization; club; Radical998;
Burma = Myanmar;
IFF invisible animaloid (bird), monitor and report WHO trashes illegally (e.g. throwing items on street, throwing items onto backyard), and then report WHO trashes illegally to humanoids, and then mark the illegal trash person in educational program database to be corrected HOW to be hygiene;
burn burnt burnt ;
burst burst burst ;
bury; e.g.
bury; to fill up; Radical693;
bury ;
business; e.g.
biz a.k.a. business;
business affair;
business ; business ; business ;
business; employ; service; use; utilize; Radical130;
businessman ;
bust bust bust ;
but; e.g.
but but but but but ;
but; however; nevertheless; yet; Radical161, also see: Radicals;
demo But demo But demo But;
IFF conjunction: but; however; nevertheless; Radical321;
IFF butterfly, also see: index HOW the butterfly knows ... ;
button ;
buy bought bought ;
購買 buy ;
buy, as opposed to sell;
B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;
by; e.g.
already; by this time; now; Radical817;
by (i.e. by individual person);
by the way;
by the way ; in passing; in this connection; incidentally;
presented by; presented by;
because; by means of; in view of; Radical594;
byte e.g. 1GB is 1073741824 bytes;