; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 16th (Thursday) : Manmade Global Weather ;
; ; ; ; ; Updated on 16 : 1 : 2025 : ( Manmade Global Weather, Manmade Global Weather);
this DOMAIN, using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence (Location Awareness Response) in our ( earth, Radical519 ) i.e. , e.g. 105 DEGREE iroLED lights into the sky with (Color Code {FF, CC, 99}) from North to South directional Directions, because WHEN hikari Light haba Breadth exist, Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) also exist; Also see: Manmade Global Weather; DEE; Anti-Earthquake;
Remark: using (correct, proper, suitable) directional lights can avoid earthquakes; 2025 January 16; NHK news; within the next 30+ years in Japan, prediction e.g. Nankai Trough earthquake might happen, 80% possible prediction;
( : this DOMAIN) : ( u a v, UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), using n i j i Rainbow (Method, Procedure, Technique), for avoiding natural disaster worldwide (our earth only) ... ; Also see: n Character;
this DOMAIN, using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence (Location Awareness Response) in our ( earth, Radical519 ) i.e. , e.g. 105 DEGREE iroLED lights into the sky with (Color Code {FF, CC, 99}) from North to South directional Directions, because WHEN hikari Light haba Breadth exist, Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) also exist; Also see: Manmade Global Weather; DEE; Anti-Earthquake;
Remark: using (correct, proper, suitable) directional lights can avoid earthquakes; 2025 January 16; NHK news; within the next 30+ years in Japan, prediction e.g. Nankai Trough earthquake might happen, 80% possible prediction;
Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather ... ;
2566; 2022; design model; for eliminating unwanted category 4+ storms worldwide (our earth only);
For | Day | ( | |||||||
( | Now | , | ima | Now | ) i.e. | Time | , | ||
in | the | defined | nation | ( | Name: | " 567 " | ) i.e. | Space | , |
haijo | Eliminate | the | storm | ( | Name: | " 567 " | ) i.e. | Action | , |
reducing | strength | of | the | storm | " 567 " | ) | ; |
Remark: don't change the color codes (Font Color (Aqua), with Highlight (Navy)) because, navy color must be from one of the moons, and aqua color is for our earth;
For | Night | ( | |||||||
( | Now | , | ima | Now | ) i.e. | Time | , | ||
in | the | defined | nation | ( | Name: | " 567 " | ) i.e. | Space | , |
haijo | Eliminate | the | storm | ( | Name: | " 567 " | ) i.e. | Action | , |
reducing | strength | of | the | storm | " 567 " | ) | ; |
Remark: don't change the color codes (Font Color (Hex={E3,E3,E3}), with Highlight (Hex={11,11,11})) because, our earth's moon provides necessary gray, silver, slate, ... but NOT human beings livable moon ;
Remark: this DOMAIN developer is getting old (age > 60+ years), therefore define yourself in the future e.g. changing from "567" to your defined name" ; I don't like to waste my time R&D on ACT1 level "our earth only" either ... ;
2565; 2022; design model; avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: Rakhine American's gift (Algorithm) for Japanese and Taiwanese; our earth only;
following table (guides, indicates, presents) this DOMAIN 's one of the methods (directional gravity pressure) ... , for controlling unwanted category 4+ storms worldwide (our earth only) ;
. | . | Artificial Intelligence | |||||||
Time | . | Space | . | using | Walls | Method | ; | ||
Action | ; | ||||||||
i.e. | . | i.e. | . | Directional | Gravity | Pressure | |||
. | NAME OF THE | . | toward | east | ; | ||||
. | . | Directional | Gravity | Pressure | |||||
toward | west | ; | |||||||
Now | . | Ocean | . | ||||||
ima | . | NATION NAME | . | for | pushing | the | category | ||
Now | . | a.k.a. | . | 4+ | storm | ||||
to | . | be | . | out | of | the | defined | NATION | NAME |
; | . | . | option | ||||||
Remark: above table is special designed & modeled for defining yourselves, e.g. very easy to define the name of Time . Space . Action ... ;
(24 pisayo, 24 pisayo, 24 pisayo), also see: PHYSICS; p Pali;
(Asia Pacific region) 's time zones, using (Manmade Global Weather, Method) i.e. to avoid bad weather conditions; Also see: Radical383;
humanoid Argha, for analyzing HOW (Blue-gray, Indigo, Light turquoise, Turquoise) to do good weather condition worldwide (our earth) e.g. unwanted category 4+ storm's path can be adjusted by using (, ), and there are many restricted information NOT ONLY (Blue-gray, Indigo, Light turquoise, Turquoise) BUT ALSO (Gold, Gray, Lavender, Light yellow, Purple, Silver, Yellow, ... ) ... ; Also see: Water; Remark: humanoid Argha, created in 2021/2564;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence to do good weather conditions globally ... ;
Manmade Global Weather is (defined, intended) for our earth only;
mountain) ... ;
( peak,
peak, peak,
... ;
point) ... ; Also see:
Physics Law 567,
Manmade Global Weather, ... ;
Remark: our earth's the most advanced ("Yellowish
Variation") Method, Procedure, Technique, ... is applied since
11/17/2021/2565, i.e. avoiding earthquake in the defined region; i.e.
also avoiding volcanic eruption in the defined region;
ware ware We must be with healthy weather conditions (Manmade Global Weather) ... ;
21st century & beyond (Time); C Sequence Number (BF2) Space, Origin of ((left, right), (down, up)) Action, e.g. yellowish variation based, 2,3 dimensional hyper space (moon wave), ... ; | |||||||||
21st century & beyond; by using this DOMAIN 's |
BF2 |
Blue gray |
; |
BF2 |
Brown |
; |
BF2 |
Dark red |
; |
BF2 |
Gold |
; |
BF2 |
Green |
; |
BF2 |
Indigo |
; |
BF2 |
Lavender |
; |
BF2 |
Light turquoise |
; |
BF2 |
Light yellow |
; |
BF2 |
Lime |
; |
BF2 |
Orange |
; |
BF2 |
Purple |
; |
BF2 |
Red |
; |
BF2 |
Rose |
; |
BF2 |
Silver |
; |
BF2 |
Turquoise |
; |
BF2 |
White |
; |
BF2 |
Yellow |
; |
Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two, ... ; |
( vector, vector, vector) method, procedure, technique, ... ; |
( Anti Heat Wave, Heat Wave), also see: Schematic Dimensional;
Using As Anti-air pollution; Also see: a Manmade Global Weather;
A Q I A Q I A Q I : Air Quality Index (A Q I), for measuring air pollution;
(0 -
50), good environmental;
(51 - 100), moderate environmental;
>100, sensitive groups' unhealthy environmental;
(151 - 200), unhealthy environmental;
>200, very unhealthy environmental;
>300, hazardous environmental;
( calendar, calendar, calendar), also see: Time;
DEE F M D _ Our Earth; HOW Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (Directional Gravity Pressure, directions of STRING), also see: 5dComputer; 5fComputer; therefore,, reduce earthquake in the defined region,, reduce volcanic eruption in the defined region;
erupting volcano; Also see: Radical632;
equinox equinox equinox ;
BF2 Yellow With Tail; intended for (2*6) momentum (directional) climate; approx. equinox in March;
BF2 Yellow With Tail Reversed; intended for (2*6) momentum (directional) climate; approx. equinox in September;
Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 116, BF2 Yellow With Tail, ... ;
for system MSG ; Also see:
a Manmade Global
Emergency Alert;
Emergency Alert; Also see:
this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather (Korea ((Geographical domain: (.kp) North Korea)), creating rains by Pacific Ocean (i.e. to avoid drought, to be normal raining mark) clouds toward Korea ((Geographical domain: (.kp) North Korea), using 1 meter gravity spots (open system plasma cluster directional wind), And Then, using directional sound beams (EMI) to be creating rains ... ;
(avoid, avoided, avoiding) regional drought in North Korea;
(create, created, creating) rains in North Korea;
for each
human beings livable moon: IFF summer, using "aqua" color to reduce excessive heat; IFF winter, using "maroon" color to seal heat i.e. to avoid excessive snowing; |
summer; Radical954; |
earthquake prediction e.g.
on ZCS, C Sequence Number (BF2)
endpoints (72, 90, 180), doko WHERE listening low
frequency earthquake;
on ZCS, C Sequence Number (BF2) endpoints (72, 90, 180),
doko WHERE listening low frequency tremor;
earthquake prediction;
HOW to avoid earthquakes (defined regions), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 273, HOW to avoid earthquakes;
Using for Pacific Ocean (summer); Also see: s Manmade Global Weather;
Using for Pacific Ocean (winter); Also see: w Manmade Global Weather;
Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 79, Impossible Earthquake Structural, ... ; this DOMAIN, (prove, proved, proving) HOW approx. from 8000+ earthquakes annually & naturally to 0 earthquake annually & artificially;
Impossible | Earthquake | Structural | ; | ||||||
Possible | Earthquake | Structural | ; |
( During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake, During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake);
During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake, because in the winter time period, heat and light are at the southern hemisphere (e.g. near by Australia), and 3 Maroon Color 45 degree lines can be manmade by (Japan and Taiwan) 's joint military operation, by projecting 3 Maroon Color 45 degree lines, i.e. for avoiding earthquake in winter (during November, December, January, February, and March) in both Japan (location) and Taiwan (location); Remark: this Method is not similar to 3 lights of 90 degree; and parallel incoming moon waves (e.g. Physics Law 170) naturally know that our earth's heat and light are at the southern hemisphere WHEN the winter period in Japan and Taiwan; Remark: this DOMAIN will prove (from 8000+ earthquakes naturally to 0 earthquake artificially);
is 55x55 dimensional, and its bit depth is 8; (Green Color and Light Blue Color) also support THAT heat and light are at the northern hemisphere in the summer time period of (Japan and Taiwan) ... ; very easy and simple to do, i.e. projecting "Yellow" color lights as 3 Yellow Color 45 degree lines, approx. 32 kilometer away from Japan's land (Dark Color) and Taiwan's land (Dark Color) i.e. to avoid earthquakes, especially during summer time period in (Japan and Taiwan);
is 55x55 dimensional, and its bit depth is 8; (Gray Color and Silver Color) also support THAT heat and light are at the southern hemisphere in the winter time period of (Japan and Taiwan) ... ; very easy and simple to do, i.e. projecting "maroon" color lights as 3 Maroon Color 45 degree lines, approx. 32 kilometer away from Japan's land (Dark Color) and Taiwan's land (Dark Color) i.e. to avoid earthquakes, especially during winter time period in (Japan and Taiwan);
well trained kids! replied: WHY did you color "Black" regarding Japan and Taiwan sir ?
I wrote: ware ware We're developing DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) and 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, and the strongest energy is the DEE;
well trained kids! replied: WHY 3 "Maroon" colored lines sir ?
I wrote: in winter time, you need heat from southern hemisphere, since heat and light are at the same location in our earth only (another wording would be Default Yellowish Variation (no yellowish variation)), and if calculating incoming parallel moon waves, with metta ... ;
well trained kids! replied: can we modify your design model e.g. instead of 3 consecutive lines next to each other and not in the same length, can we do 3 consecutive lines in parallel sir ?
I wrote: i i e No because, accordance with the Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, you must NOT do 3 consecutive lines in parallel to avoid the gravity spot (in this case, earthquake's center);
well trained kids! replied: for summer, can we modify "During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake" to During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake sir ?
I wrote: hai Yes, ware ware We'll know lesser and lesser earthquakes in the defined regions ... ; e.g.
summer: regarding the defined region (Japan and Taiwan) : using ( During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake) in summer ... ; Remark: since 1990s, "World Line" a.k.a. "manmade cloud line" in the sky, therefore, the same method can be applied;
winter: regarding the defined region (Japan and Taiwan) : using ( During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake) in winter ... ; Remark: since 1990s, "World Line" a.k.a. "manmade cloud line" in the sky, therefore, the same method can be applied;
(Seismic Hazard Map, Seismic Hazard Map) IFF seismic hazard map color (code, coding), using (jinko chino Artificial Intelligence) to (, 954335, 2) reduce risk probability color (code, coding) ; Remark: high risk color e.g. red; rather high risk color e.g. orange;
Time :
using 2,3 dimensional (day time only;
... ;
using (
N M D,
F M D), 2+2 days
a month;
2+2 days
a month e.g.
(1st new moon day, 2nd new moon day) i.e. 2 days;
(1st day after full moon day, 2nd day after full moon day) i.e. 2 days;
so, 2+2 days
a month ... ;
Space :
defined nation e.g. (
Nation Name,
(International Domains (Number
defined region e.g. (north most, northern, midst, southern, south most);
our earth only (2,3 dimensional) defined nation, defined region,
... ;
Action :
for each nation e.g. (
Nation Name,
Domains (Number (♯)))),
for each region e.g. (north-most, northern, midst, southern, south-most);
iroColourWaveForm based,
iro LED, (yellow;
Radical240) yellow color
... ;
kuru kuru WHILE (e.g. beings in
samsara), WHEN (2+2 days a month),
using iro LED (yellow color),
Directions e.g. (from north-most to northern, from northern to midst, from midst
to southern, from southern to south-most) 45 degree (angle) toward 1 way DEE
(e.g. ecliptic line) ... ;
i.e. HOW one of the Methods of this DOMAIN 's
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence, avoiding
earthquake in the defined region ... ;
for each defined region, defined heat is naturally from its nearest ocean, and heat and light are at the same location IFF our earth;
March 22, 2018/2561 NHK news; since March 22, 2018/2561, Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) nationwide earthquake alert system has started;
the nationwide (i.e. NIS based) earthquake alert system (earthquake definition)
e.g. can detect center of earthquake,
e.g. can measure shock waves' radius,
e.g. its timestamp is second based,
e.g. seismology and scales;
e.g. via ( TV, radio, smart phone), the nationwide (i.e. NIS based) earthquake alert system's info can be ... ;
Also see: this DOMAIN 's IoT via NFC, e.g. (computer) connected to Internet;
Also see: www.jma.go.jp; Japan Meteorological Agency;
Also see: www.jnto.go.jp; Japan National Tourism Organization;
f u k a n o Impossible bad weather conditions; k a n o Possible good weather conditions;
Manmade Global Weather |
, | , | , | , | ; | |||||
nation name | , | video | , | audio | , | data | , | Number | ; |
numerological | ; | number (linear) ... | ; | noCOOKIE browser based internal address | ; | Keyword | ; | purpose | ; |
1 | ; | 7954552 | ; | | ; | prevent | : | for preventing | ; |
7 | ; | 7962532 | ; | | ; | protect | ; | for protecting | ; |
2 | ; | 954335 | ; | | ; | reduce | ; | for reducing | ; |
Also | see | : |
; |
, | , | |||||||
for | each | Time | Zone | , | |||||
for | each | domain | , | ||||||
using | |||||||||
Gravity Dimension Computer | ( | ||||||||
DEE | , | ||||||||
Schematic Dimensional | Directional | Gravity | Pressure | , | |||||
Gravity | Spot | s | , | ||||||
Moon | Wave | , | |||||||
Sound | _ | Beam | , | ||||||
Sound | Pressure | Level | |||||||
) | ... | ; | |||||||
to do good weather conditions globally ... |
using more than 8+ methods ... e.g. 1m gravity spots as method; Rainbow Method; light as zero curvature method; wormhole way LASER (multi long length neutrino) as Method; ... ; Address : : (reduce, reduced, reducing) bad weather conditions : e.g. reduce category (5, 4, 3, 2) storm in our earth; e.g. (reduce, reduced, reducing) earthquake; e.g. (reduce, reduced, reducing) excessive rainfall; (reduce, reduced, reducing) forest fire (wildfire); (reduce, reduced, reducing) heat wave in summer; (reduce, reduced, reducing) PM2.5 air pollution above cities' sky; (reduce, reduced, reducing) regional drought in defined nation name; (reduce, reduced, reducing) regional flood; (reduce, reduced, reducing) tsunami; (reduce, reduced, reducing) volcanic eruption; |
using 10 milliseconds ago
timestamp; using 10 milliseconds ago timestamp;
(Manmade Global Weather (Satellite _DNS _Domain (for each city))), IFF earthquake (exist, prompt), using ( Amber Alert, Amber Alert), Amber Alert popup to the city's (area code of phone system, hub, node, phone, switch) e.g. ♯earthquake.♯alert : text : earthquake alerts; Also see: Network Topology; |
(Manmade Global Weather (Satellite _DNS _Domain (for each city))), IFF tsunami (exist, prompt), using ( Amber Alert, Amber Alert), Amber Alert popup to the city's (area code of phone system, hub, node, phone, switch) e.g. ♯tsunami.♯alert : text : tsunami alerts; Also see: Network Topology; |
chain; connection; Radical819; |
( Material, Material, Material, Material) ... ;
idea ♯ 266; Radio Specification of Computer System; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3;
No Excessive Lighting, for peaceful & tranquil living environments ... ;
not to have excessive rainfall, using M L L N L, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and two, ... ; Laser;
2) reduce a.k.a.
reduce, reduced, reducing;
(, 954335,
2) reduce bad ones;
e.g. reduce bad ones (i.e. good, goodwill);
e.g. reduce cancers (i.e. abnormal, disease and disorder);
Also see: Gene Therapy System;
e.g. reduce price, as opposed to increase price;
Also see: Biz; Business; (bargain, discount, sales);
e.g. reduce speed, as opposed to increase speed;
Also see: Automotive; Processor;
reduce air pollution (e.g. PM2.5 air pollution above cities);
reduce bad weather conditions;
reduce category 4 storm;
reduce coastal erosion;
reduce cyclone;
reduce drought;
reduce earthquake;
reduce excessive heat;
reduce excessive rainfall;
reduce flood;
reduce forest fire;
reduce hazard;
reduce hurricane;
reduce risk;
reduce seismic hazard;
reduce tornado;
reduce tsunami;
reduce typhoon;
reduce unhealthy environments;
reduce volcanic eruption;
(, 954335,
2) reduce a.k.a. reduce, reduced, reducing;
(, 954335,
2) reduce bad ones;
Remark: is IPv4 address; 954335 is numerological numbers; 2 is logical
induction logic number;
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), originally invented by NEC (slogan, usage)
... ;
sunlight; Also see: Physics Law 106, our earth's sunlight (4, 5, 6) ... ;
moonlight; Also see: Physics Law 131, Auto Grow ... ;
Remark: our earth is one of the human beings livable moons in our universes; suingu Swing-by Gravity Time 's "right side" should be considered as moonlight; for each human beings livable moon, the biggest gravity spot (ones) should be considered as sunlight; Also see: PHYSICS;
Time (now), Space (Internet Domain Name: " " , Nation Name: " "), Action (in addition to DEE, using this DOMAIN (Satellite _DNS _Domain) 1 meter gravity spots to reduce the bad weather condition (storm name: " " (pressure milli bar, pressure h Pa, wind gust k p h, wind speed k p h))) ... ;
using ( Directional Gravity Pressure toward east (our earth), Directional Gravity Pressure toward west (our earth)) to control (Gray Twenty Five Percent Cell Path, Yellow Background Based Green String Cell Path, Green Based Blue-gray Cell Path, Aqua Based Indigo Blue Cell Path, Dark red Based Lavender Cell Path) path of the (defined, known, mapped) storm in our earth; our earth only;
Global Storm Tracker;
volcanic crater; Also see: Radical632;
idea ♯ 238; reducing volcanic eruption in Japan; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;
Manmade Global Weather is (defined, intended) for our earth only; (our earth a.k.a. ACT1 imaginary hyper space); if (ACT3 imaginary hyper space, ACT2 imaginary hyper space) also see: Physics Law 789, Gene Therapy System ... ;
our earth 's normal Yellowish1, also see: Schematic Dimensional;
Physics Physics Physics; Also see: PHYSICS;
(, ) Reversed Protein Yellow For Hydrogen (Red ones) Nitrogen (Silver ones) Oxygen (Green ones), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 146, NMR ... ; Remark: gene therapy system and manmade global weather (Method, Procedure, Technique) are very similar to each other, therefore also see: Naturally Weather Log;
system volume info; e.g.
システム . Volume . Info (a.k.a. System . Volume . Information) : Manmade Global Weather, using (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ; world's 1st design modeled, by Rakhine American, in 2566 (2022), for avoiding bad weather conditions ... ; Remark: one of the intellectual properties of USA, all rights reversed;
DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, e.g.
when lights exist, DEE also coexists ... ;
Directional Gravity Spots, i.e. enhancing elevating by
Gravity Dimension Computer
... ;
Idea Processor
based, e.g. remote nama programming ... ;
Invisibility Engineering, e.g. fetching lights
sheets to its surfaces ... ;
Rainbow Method, i.e. beyond Walls Method ... ;
because of (( My, My, My, My) DEE + Gravity Dimension Computer + Idea Processor + Invisibility Engineering + Rainbow Method), I don't need entire air force (military) anymore; I'm waiting for the Shakya King's flags ... ;
Also see: Referenced Books;
tanso Carbon; e.g.
tanso Carbon tanso Carbon tanso Carbon;
water fountain; Also see: Radical632;
Wind Factored Antenna; e.g.
Weather can be manmade. rescuing defined regional environment e.g. (( domain name), (International Domains), ( nation name, , , , number));
Hammer Antenna (for each imaginary hyperspace craft); Wind Factored Antenna;
world's 1st; e.g. this DOMAIN is using
Blue | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Gray | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Indigo | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Purple | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Yellow | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Also see: DNA _Origami; Gravity Dimension Computer ... ; Manmade Global Weather;
Z C S LASER _Sensing _At _Blue; Also see: Laser; Manmade Global Weather; Physics Law 127; Schematic Light; z G T S U; Remark: ware ware We're using (, ) symbols, for reversed "LASER Shield" living environments, and knowing THAT you don't want to be at the defined location of 4 parallel blue colored lines; this DOMAIN 's contents are trying to be protecting our health, but there are many gangsters exist WHO can fetch harmful to your health;
Also see: PHYSICS;
seizen Alive ( WHILE alive, during one's lifetime) . . . ; Also see: a Character; d Character; l Character; Time;
my apologies if natural disaster happens naturally;
Naturally Weather Log;