; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : December : 28th (Saturday) : w Character;
; ; ; ; ; Updated on 28 : 12 : 2024 : w : W : w Character; Also see: w Usage;
W3C, World Wide Web (www) Consortium, https://www.w3.org;
2563; 2019; regarding browser based computing, (Web Authentication a.k.a. W e b A u t h n), a de facto standard (fingerprint, Security key) i.e. password free login, supporting Android, Chrome, Edge, Safari, ... ; W3C; Remark: micro SD (1000) IFF SQRT2 design model;
wago a.k.a. Yamato Kotoba, one of the 3 types of word in Nippon;
back; hips; lower back; lumbar; waist; Radical897;
hip; waist;
wait; waited; waiting; e.g.
expect; wait for; Radical269;
matte Wait ;
wait wait for ;
Wait! for a while ;
wake; waking; e.g.
wake woke woken ;
wake ;
((for each ( w a k u s e i Planet, w a k u s e i Planet)), gravity spot, SPL, yellowish variation), ... ; Ring, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty four, ... ;
walk walked walked ;
advance; A y u (female name); progress; walking ;
wall; walls; e.g.
Also see: PHYSICS, law thirty nine, e.g. Origin of Carbon Nano World; carbon nano wall, also see: 8cComputer;
idea ♯ 249; Walls; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls; Also see: DNA _Origami; Reforming Myanmar;
partition; wall; Radical381;
wall ;
wallpaper ; ;
Walls, also see: Schematic Dimensional; Walls;
wall; wall tile; Radical54;
WAN, Wide Area Network ;
also see: network;
want ;
Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol ( wanted ones, as opposed to unwanted ones; wanted ones (e.g. (good gene pattern; correct (Dx, Rx, Tx); joyful result; (negative (abnormalities, diseases, disorders) tumor marker))));
humanoid Global Military General; humanoid Global Military General; SymboticAsimoRadical344;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Calendar . Earth . Space . War
the highest level of military power
e.g. Using
IFF our earth only: Using Satellite
would be very high tech military, e.g.
As Invisibility
engineering products (other wording would be:
sliding light sheets onto its surfaces) ... ; another example
would be: Using
Yellowish Variation (YV) As Focal Point
of multi long length
neutrino LASER (no
object can exist at the focal point) ;
(language code mapping (Translator
Level), setting destinations (GPS
Level), zooming (dot, pixel, spot) to be
colorful Circle ones (Camera
Level) ;
structural Battery based directional gravity spots are this DOMAIN
's one of the military top secrets because our earth is not simple like WHAT I
think; Reminder,
i.e. (avoid, avoiding) civilians' locations e.g. hospitals, religious buildings,
and meaning of (battle, embattle, military war, missile strikes) mean a.k.a.
refer to military locations only;
( , , , ) i.e. Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER*, also see: Physics Law 678; "this DOMAIN 's contents are (ready, beings readiness) for Space War in our earth" ... ;
if you like to challenge, then start with
Anti-Earthquake (worldwide, i.e. our earth only) designing, modeling,
programming, ... ;
if you like to challenge, then start with
Nanobot Programming, to demolish millions of oncological gene patterns ... ;
e.g. 1 manageable 543+ ;
Casualty Sensitivity e.g.
Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (Drone, 1-to-N);
Plausible Deniability e.g. NOT Me tactic,
Coup Proofing e.g. distributed flags;
Internal Competition e.g. contest for (manageable power, wealth);
humanoid Global Military General;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Calendar . Earth . Space . War
war; warring; war zone; e.g.
campaign; duty; office; role; service; unpaid work; war;
declaration of war e.g. declaration of Browser War;
( war zone, s e n s o c h i t a i War Zone, war zone, War Zone, War Zone) ... ; Reminder, i.e. (avoid, avoiding) civilians' locations e.g. hospitals, religious buildings, and meaning of (battle, embattle, military war, missile strikes) mean a.k.a. refer to military locations only; war ; ; war ; ; Also see: Satellite (Space War, World War) worldwide ... ;
(2023-20??) ; Remark: ready to shoot-down any illegal missile, ready to shoot-down any illegal rocket, ready to shoot-down the defined nation's Satellites, believe IT or NOT; this DOMAIN 's contents are beyond Artificial Intelligence, Invisibility engineering (a.k.a. sliding light sheets onto its surfaces), Rainbow Method, wormhole way (multi long length neutrino LASER), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Yellowish Variation (YV: by the way, at the focal point of wormhole way yellowish variation, no object can exist, believe IT or NOT), ... ; OH!! OH!! My goodness, if you like to challenge, then start with Anti-Earthquake designing, modeling, programming, ... ; by the way, I like to be: "You make some money, I make some money," ... ; the Shakya King's (Flag, Permit) is a must, regarding Space War, because this DOMAIN 's contents are beyond 1990s modeled Samsara Machine (a.k.a. life-after-life) ... ; Reminder: in space, there is no joint venture for sure, so R&D as much as you can ... ;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Calendar . Earth . Space . War
humanoid Global Military General;
ward ;
to avert; to ward off; Radical981;
warn; warned; warning; warnings; e.g.
HTTP-EQUIV system variables (e.g. ( Name Info = Value warning _tsunami)), also see: WORMHOLE;
warning warning warning warning ;
W a t, also see: V a t t a k a;
water; watered; watering; waters; e.g.
ocean; sea; waters; Radical635;
water water water;
water level;
water; Radical106;
water ; river; stream; Radical55;
water tap ; ;
water water water ; water ;
with water (3 colors, Origin of Live Form) universally, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred, ... ;
turning point; watershed; Radical957;
wave; waves; wavy; e.g.
(Anti Heat Wave,
Heat Wave); moon waves;
from 1 mm to 100 km, e.g. radio
from 700 nm to 1
mm, e.g. Infrared wave, a.k.a. IR waves;
from 380 nm to 740 nm, e.g.
visible wave,
a.k.a. simply lights, a.k.a. visible light waves;
from 10 nm to 400 nm, e.g. Ultraviolet wave, a.k.a. UV waves;
from 0.01 nm to 10 nm, e.g. X-ray waves;
bands, a.k.a. waves;
big wave e.g. Moon Wave, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 214; Natural vs. Structural;
(cycle, frequency, wave), also see: Radical514;
electrode wave; EM wave; light wave; micro wave; radio wave; sound wave; ... ;
electromagnetic wave (a.k.a. EM wave); Radical535;
hacho Wavelength; hacho Wavelength; hacho Wavelength;
Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave;
reflection of hyperbola e.g. (π, 2π) if waves, defined by polygon, also see: Numbers in Computing;
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
moon | wave | ; | |||||||
R&D (moon wave), n i t o t t e For (Anti-Earthquake, avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, m Character; m G T S U; w Character; Weather; w G T S U) ... ; think that C Sequence Number (BF2), 2 eyes happen naturally, human beings livable moons (Body Length Index (BLI) problems exist e.g. Left and Right are not the same in equilibrium), our earth's moon (other side), parallel navy blue color on Jupiter, 2 suns refresh on one of the human beings livable moons, and ware ware We R&D (moon wave) e.g. regarding Yellowish Variations (YV: especially Australian kangaroo's gene code should be defined ones ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) 2 arms vs. 2 legs are not the same in equilibrium (our earth only)) ... ; Remark: ACT2 and ACT3 levels' hyperspace info are military top secrets, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
moon wave Wireless Antenna, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 274, moon wave wireless antenna;
Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot, also see: PHYSICS law seventy four ... ;
ultrasonic waves a.k.a. ultrasound;
Wavelength; Wavelength; Wavelength; Wavelength;
waves, a.k.a. bands;
waver ; ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (c e r u m i n a.k.a. waxy)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
way; ways; e.g.
appearance; form; shape; state; style; way; Radical537;
Bearing; course of action; Direction; geometry directional; Orientation; Way;
direction; way; Radical92;
functional k i c h i Base on m i c h i Way, also see: Command;
general principle; sense; way of things naturally; Radical598;
hoho (way), also see: w Usage; e.g. way should be (correct, proper) with metta (loving kindness) ... ;
means; technique; way; Radical298;
road; route; way; Radical963;
way way ; ; way ; ; way ; ; way ;
(wormhole way, static way, motor way, kinetic way, dynamic way, directional way, ... );
we; e.g.
( , ) We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problem in our earth, also see: (Inductance, Reforming Myanmar) . . . ;
2564; 2020; our earth; ware ware We're at war against COVID-19 virus pandemic;
our; we; Radical639;
ware ware We ;
we (my spouse, our); Radical512;
we ; our ; us ;
we we we we ware ware We ;
Remark: be immune d to COVID-19, be immune d to flu, be immune d to oncogene, ...
weak; weaken; weakening; weakness; e.g.
weak ; ;
weak, as opposed to strong;
weak point;
wealth; e.g.
amount of PROPERTY TAX payment annually indicates HOW (rich, wealthy) you're, also see: Biz;
blessing; fortune; luck; wealth; Radical332;
wealth ;
weapon; e.g.
21st century & beyond : the most powerful weapons are :
embedded device
(GPS) :
e.g. 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting of GPS destinations;
invisibility engineering
: e.g. invisible drone, invisible missile;
invisible from
remote nama reading
: e.g. invisible insectoid reports to animaloids report to
unwanted bio-virus
: e.g. unwanted COVID-19;
(epidemic, pandemic) bio hazard virus;
weather condition
: e.g. very bad weather conditions;
the most powerful weapons
in 21st century
century & beyond, modelled by directional gravity spots,
variable DEE patterns, yellowish variations and its reversed yellowish
... , are the most advance (Method, Procedure, Technique) in
21st century &
beyond ... ; hurry up! and complete the "nuclear
disarmament" in our earth, because this DOMAIN (endorses, recommends)
"nuclear disarmament"
in our earth, because you don't want your nuclear related ones exploded by
unknown reasons (e.g.
at the focal point of multi
long length neutrino laser, no material can exist,
wormhole way LASER (focal point) from Satellite)
... ; Also see: Nuclear1;
wear wore worn ;
s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;
wear out ;
weather; weathered; e.g.
climate; season; weather; Radical269;
Manmade Global Weather, as opposed to natural disaster happens;
((( Manmade Global Weather , Naturally Weather Log ))), also see: Weather;
services do good weather conditions globally ... ;
weather weather Weather weather weather
weather measurement station;
y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. Avoid bad gene patterns, e.g. Avoid bad weather conditions, e.g. Avoid storm's strength category >1+ storm, e.g. Avoid magnitude 4+ earthquake, e.g. Avoid meter height tsunami, e.g. Avoid unwanted ones, e.g. Avoid volcanic eruption) ;
fabric; weave; Radical551;
o r i k o Weaver; Weaver;
weave wove woven ;
web; Web; webbed; webbing; webpage; e.g.
posting | web | pages | ... | ; | |||||
web address |
; |
web form | ; | ||||||||
webpage |
; |
web | ; | Radical320 | ; | ||||||
Web server | Web server | ; | |||||||
website | website | website | ; | ||||||
Web | Site | ; | ( | directory | , | file | , | folder | |
, | system | ) | ... | ; | OUR | WEBSITE | ; | ||
power | of | the | Internet | must | be | peaceful | & | tranquil | |
; | |||||||||
web | web | web | ; | ||||||
webpage | Webpage | webpage | webpage | ; |
wed; wedded; wedding; e.g.
wed wed wed ;
week; weekly; weeks; e.g.
2 weeks time period to be recovery; Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
weep wept wept ;
j u r y o Weight; kan Weight; weigh; weight; weighted; weighting; e.g.
0_Default Light And Its Weight; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; this symbol seems very easy & simple, on the other hand, very advance like ACT3 imaginary hyperspace crafts' DEE density and simulation WHICH obeys BLI (Body Length Index) for each human beings livable moons in our universes; to calculate and solve BLI problems on human beings livable moons, this symbol symbolizes e.g. we need to realize & understand THAT every light has its own distance and its weight; circle is 100x100 (because 1%, 100, ... are somehow related to local system, 1 processor based); intentionally green is at the top because of we human beings are naturally on our earth as default; intentionally blue is at the bottom because we've learnt "blue away" events regarding LED design & radio specification (e.g. neutrino); yellow is at the top for calculating yellowish variations WHICH exist on many human beings livable moons in our universes; red is a limitation to 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space; Remark: one of the origins of water (purple) is intentionally excluded; because of Yellowish Variation As Distance, we're able to design and engineer reversed yellowish variation also WHICH leads to gain e.g. naturally perceiving energy to prosper ... ; Reminder: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;
1000 kg; metric ton; ton; Radical123;
estimate; quantity; weight; Radical831;
(Gram, Imperial ton, j u r y o Weight, kan Weight, Kilogram, Metric ton, Microgram, Milligram, Ounce, Pound, Stone, US ton) ... ; using Gravity Dimension Computer, also see: ( elevating (as opposed to landing)), ( landing (as opposed to elevating)); regarding gravity spots, also see: PHYSICS, e.g. (2, 4, 8, 16, ... , using SQRT2 design model), (3, 9, 27, 81, ... , using SQRT3 design model), duo-binary Gravity Spots, e.g. directional gravity spots (gravity spots), e.g. Gravity Spot, e.g. Gravity Spot (s) must start with 1mm ones, And Then, Gravity Spot (s) must be limited to NOT bigger than 1 meter ones, e.g. Integral's vertical DEE "Y" line must obey its biggest Gravity Spot, e.g. remote gravity spot allocating method, ... ;
j u r y o Weight; j u r y o Weight; weight; j u r y o Weight; weight;
(2 Kg weight, boiling at 100°C) e.g. Water ... ;
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (approx. 1000-10000 Daltons), also see: Cardiovascular Dx; vitamin K;
mass (e.g. gram, kilogram, pound) ... ;
(metabolism, weight) ... ; Also see: Gravity Dimensional Computer; m Character; m G T S U; w Character;
metric system unit of mass (g, gram); Radical127;
SQRT2 design Model (±98) WHICH prompts Engineering Notation (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ), therefore, using Artificial Intelligence (Gravity Dimension Computer) 's Engineering Notation latches As Level e.g. (10 Kg, 100 Kg, 1000 Kg, 10000 Kg, 100000 Kg, ... ), e.g. (10 g, 100 g, 1000 g, 10000 g, 100000 g, ... ) kuru kuru WHILE ( elevating, landing) ... ; Remark: since 1990s WHEN N M D (No Moon Day) only, kuru kuru WHILE ( elevating, landing), this DOMAIN has launched its imaginary hyper space crafts ... , therefore, as of 2020s, this DOMAIN ... national security, regional security, global security, also see: Security; national security starts with directional plasma cluster wind's directions of the flags in front of government office buildings because of Gravity Spots, And Then, regional security starts with rivers' water flow and water level marks, And Then, global security starts with this DOMAIN 's contents e.g. power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil ... ;
unit of mass (453.6 g, pound); unit of weight (600 g); Radical91;
weigh ; weigh ;
weight ; weight ; kan Weight kan Weight ; weight ;
... and its weight is approx. 3 lb (pounds), the largest solid organ ..., also see: liver;
a n z e n s e i Welfare, also see: ( keeping well being, preservation, safety, security, welfare) ... ;
well; e.g.
discipline; master oneself; self-study (ascetic practice in Buddhism e.g. s a d h a n a); well conducted self; Radical380;
nicely; properly; well; Radical735;
to be cured; to be healed; to get well; Radical959;
well; well crib; Radical119;
well ;
welts; e.g.
(blister, bumpy, itchy patches, Red Color ones, scaly, welts), also see: Physics Law 89, hada Skin ... ;
go went gone;
west; e.g.
Also see: Directions;
(east pacific, west pacific), also see: Weather, e.g. in summer, (creating clouds in east pacific, creating clouds in west pacific) i.e. to be avoiding earthquakes in Pacific (our earth) in summer ... ; Remark: many ways to avoid earthquakes, e.g. configuration (ACT2 imaginary hyper space) 's 2,3 dimensional leading 3 naturally (also see: Physics Law 170, ... ), e.g. , e.g. "L" (Method, Procedure, Technique), e.g. parallel moon waves' gravity spots location awareness, ... ;
IFF our earth, civilizations exist e.g. African civilization, Eastern civilization, Indian civilization, Middle East civilization, south American civilization, Western civilization, ... ; start with how to eat, how to dress up, how household items are, how to define word, and so on ... ;
Spain; west; Radical178;
wet; e.g.
wet, as opposed to dry;
( wet, wet, wet), also see: Physics Law 789; w G T S U;
wet wet wet ;
what; What; WHAT; e.g.
ima nan desu ka ? What time is it now ?
what ;
whatever e.g. WHILE meditation, nama (mind) wanders whithersoever (Remark: at beginner or commoner level); n ā m a without direction (heuristic) to whatever place can be controlled by s a m ā d h i (concentration) mindfulness;
WHAT ; n a n i What ; also see: w Usage;
What's your name ?
what time ;
What what what ; ;
wheel; wheeling; wheels; e.g.
circle; link; ring; wheel; Radical915;
( wa Astronomical planetary ring, wa Circle, wa Circle of friends, wa Hoop, wa Loop, wa Ring, wa Wheel); Also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D; 4 Planets Prediction; w Usage; Structural Symbol;
( wa Circle, wa Ring, wa Wheel); counter for flowers; counter for wheels; Also see: COUNTERS;
wheel; Radical855;
wheel wheel ; ;
wheeze; Also see: a G T S U;
when; When; WHEN; e.g.
Artificial Intelligence to decide WHEN using timestamps ... ;
where; Where; WHERE; e.g.
accordingly; from; whereupon; Radical36;
doko desu ka ? Where is it ?
doko WHERE;
whereabouts, also see: destination;
Where ; d o k o d e Where ; doko WHERE; WHERE ;
wherever, whithersoever;
Whey protein concentrate; Also see: Protein; w Character; w G T S U;
which; Which; WHICH; e.g.
after (collection, option, select), which (number, one, way) ... ;
Which ; which ; Which ; WHICH ;
while; While; WHERE; e.g.
among; amongst; between; while; Radical512;
kuru kuru WHILE ... ;
in Hiragana: while (i.e. preposition in English);
n a k a While;
Radical255; Also see: Radicals;
while (i.e. conjunction in English);
While ; While ; WHILE ;
white; e.g.
BF2 White, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
diode White, also see: iro LED;
Text format (Digits, Letters, Other, White space) Radical124;
usage "a pale white glow" (blood bumping) through veins, also see: Physics Law 146, NMR, ... ;
(white pin, red pin) audio, And Then, yellow must be for video (e.g. HDMI);
white; Radical135;
whithersoever (i.e. wherever);
e.g. WHILE meditation, nama (mind) wanders whithersoever (Remark: at beginner or commoner level); n ā m a without direction (heuristic) to whatever place can be controlled by s a m ā d h i (concentration) mindfulness;
who; WHO; whose; e.g.
IFF Chinese,
i.e. 's in English;
IFF Nippon,
i.e. 's in English;
somebody; someone; who; Radical586;
whose (associated with, belonging to) WHICH person;
all; complete; entire; fulfill; whole; Radical399;
(all; complete; entire; overall; whole); IFF prefix, (omni*, pan*, t o t i *) i.e. all;
whole number a.k.a. integer;
wholesomeness a.k.a. wholesome mental states;
whom; WHOM; e.g.
create (bio, biological, biogenetic, biomedical, biomedical, biophysical, immunological, oncological, pathological, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, radiological, therapeutic) antiviral as antibodies (TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN); Radical259;
for whom; e.g. FOR WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Remark: inquiry writing; resume writing;
immune _cell; immunological; WHOM;
this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System has been designed and programmed with WHOM .txt FILE, and the WHOM .txt file is editable, and you ( user) need to define (providing information of the Pt As User) all possible info inside the file: ..\..\..\Domain\Gene Therapy System\WHOM .txt; in English language (EN), "whom" is passive voice usage, and "who" is active voice usage; Also see: Gene Therapy System (WHOM) ... ;
doshite Why; why; Why; WHY; e.g.
doshite Why,
Why, Why,
... ;
doshite Why,
Why) e.g. finding a cause of, for
purpose, searching for a reason, ... ; Also see:
Idea Processor;
inverted; opposite; reverse; wicked;
wide ;
wide a.k.a. broad;
width; e.g.
h a b a Breadth; h a b a Width; Radical717;
hanging scroll; width; Radical59;
( for location) accuracy, Wi-Fi, Wide Fidelity;
legitimate wife; Radical281;
wildcard character wildcard character e.g. *.*;
will would ;
will (intention), And Then, perseverance (self control), And Then, determination (resolution): you'll be successful ... ;
excel; prevail; victory; win ;
win won won ;
win ; ;
wind; e.g.
air; manner; style; wind; Radical217;
wind ;
winding ; ;
wind-instrument; Radical555;
wind wound wound ;
window; windowing; windows; e.g.
99% transparency plastic, GUI, Window, ... , also see: Radical882; Radical881; Radical883; Radical880;
24 pisayo must be variable e.g. ((left, x), (left, y)), ((right, x), (right, y)) a.k.a. right click of 1 window; Also see: Parameter; PHYSICS;
m a d o Window;
OS, Operating System (e.g. AI OS, Web OS, window) ... ;
pane; window; Radical1080;
Window Aqua Silver; Window Gray White; Window Yellow Brown;
Window, i.e. IFF offline ((e.g. with OEM I M E I only), (e.g. without service phone number)) ... ;
window window window;
wine, also see: alcohol;
wing; Radical160;
delayed; late; winter; Radical42;
wipe ;
wire ; wire ;
basically e.g. current is flowing in a wire, And Then, if a coil is moving near to the wire, the current also flow in the coil;
basically lines (black, blue, green, red, white, yellow)' connection whether good or bad can be determined by the wire's resistance, e.g. if wall outlet, WHILE breaker is off (i.e. must be no current flow in the wire), And Then, WHEN connecting 2 wires (e.g. black, red) at the breaker, And Then, on the other hand (e.g. other side, e.g. wall outlet) using multi-meter's 2 pins (1 pin on Black, 1 pin on Red) to measure (Ohm) resistance, And Then, do reading multi-meter (Ohm) resistance; if no resistance, line's connection is bad (i.e. between the breaker and wall outlet); if measuring resistance, line's connection is good; don't forget to disconnect 2 wires (e.g. black, red) at the breaker side;
basically to avoid voltage drop (a.k.a. to avoid wire becomes very hot inside), thickness of wire e.g. A W G must be matched to its wire specification; e.g. you should not connect AWG16 wire to run 30A application in 500 ft away; wire's thickness should be accordance with American Wire Gauge (A W G) specification; wiring (e.g. BE, hard wiring, internal wiring, wiring diagram);
printed wiring board, a.k.a. Printed Circuit Board (PCB); Radical510;
telegraph wire; telephone line; Radical535;
wire (e.g. Optical, a.k.a. Fiber Optics wire) ... ; iro LED; in addition to wire (e.g. Cable (Category 6 Coax, Category 5 Coax)) ... ; dB . m; in addition to wire (e.g. Ethernet (a.k.a. RJ45)) ... ; (multiplex, twisted pairs); in addition to wire (e.g. telephone line (a.k.a. RJ11)) ... ; (Pulse, Tone); basically;
wireless radio ;
wisdom ;
wise; e.g.
bright; clever; Intelligence; smart; wise;
wise ; wise ; wise ; wise ;
attention; desire; feeling; idea; sense; thought; wish;
alchemy; enchantment; magic; sorcery; witchcraft ; wizardry;
with; e.g.
((alike, all, and), (neither, with)); Radical628;
(because of, by means of, with); Radical594;
matching matching, complementary equivalent (amount, color, design, number, pattern) corresponding with ... ;
with ; ; with ; ;
within; e.g.
inside; within; Radical512;
(out of reach, within a reach) ... ;
without without ;
chic; romantic; spicy; tasty; the second mentioned; witty; Radical5;
alchemy; enchantment; magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry ;
woman ;
coexistence, also see: man;
female; woman; Radical45;
wonderful wonderful wonderful ;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
tongue-piece of wood, connecting 2 boards; Radical791;
word; wording; words; e.g.
( character, letter, section of village, word) ... ;
character; letter; section of village; word; Radical569;
embedded; Radical693 (word processor) ... ;
kotoba | Word | ; | kotoba | Word | ; | kotoba | Word | ; | kotoba | Word | ; | ||||||||||||||
Word | ; | Word | ; | Word | ; | Word | ; | ||||||||||||||||||
Also see: Action; Keyword; k Usage; Language Translator; w Character; |
(language, word), (language, word), (language, word);
remark; statement; word; Radical182;
through meditation, finding true, truth, ... ; true words; Also see: meditation; Radical333;
word-processor; word-processor;
word word word ;
work; worked; worker; workers; working; workload; works; e.g.
factory worker; Radical57;
( workload, workload, workload, workload);
work (physics term) ;
work work work work work ;
world; worldly; worlds; e.g.
age; generation; society; world; Radical148;
our (earth, globe, l o k a, planet, world) ... ;
worldly connection worldly connection;
worm e.g.
after understanding ( with water, without water), And Then, With Water, "worm" alike Instance without Intelligence; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 281, we're human beings;
Anti Virus, if IT (Information Technology) 's usage (worm);
bug; insect; cricket; moth; worm; Radical174;
wormhole; wormhole way; e.g.
node e.g. wormhole way As Node, also see: this DOMAIN 's Color Codes;
our earth's the most advance system (for 21st century & beyond) e.g. jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (Gene Therapy System, Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol), a part of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ("Red Book" implementation), ... ;
Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 268;
worshipping Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha world ;
would you like ;
wrap; wrapped; wrapper; wrapping; e.g.
( Anti-Earthquake Indigo Blue-gray wrapper, Anti-Earthquake Indigo Blue-gray wrapper, Anti-Earthquake Indigo Blue-gray wrapper, Anti-Earthquake Indigo Blue-gray wrapper), also see: Anti-Earthquake; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; w Character; w Manmade Global Weather;
( Our Earth's Good Protein Wrapper, Our Moon's Good Protein Wrapper), also see: Physics Law 789; Plus One;
paper wrapper esp. on book, BD, CD, DVD, ... ; Radical629;
( protein coat, protein coat, protein coat), a.k.a. ( Protein Wrapper, Protein Wrapper, Protein Wrapper) ... ; Also see: c G T S U; p G T S U; w G T S U;
sheath; shell; wrapping; Radical136, also see: Radicals;
wrapped; Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; capture method begins at the end of the defined wormhole (Wrapped);
Wrapped; i.e. one of the very very important symbols of this DOMAIN, because this symbol can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ; Here, so far, we've learnt wormhole way parameters (e.g. (45, 60, 72)), And Then, (180, 180) as 360 degree; symbolizes (2 * 180) i.e. regarding "Wrapped" ... ; in 2 plus 2 method (ACT3 imaginary hyper space), doko WHERE Ref can be either addition or multiplication (e.g. to be 360, Ref 180 can be ... ) ... ;
Wrapped; wrap ; ; Wrapped; Wrapped;
wring wrung wrung ;
e.g. squeeze fruit to extract juice; e.g. to wring (rag, towel) ... ;
determined; pinch; twist; wring;
(crumpled, disheveled, d i s h e v e l l e d, wrinkled), also see: c G T S U; d G T S U; w G T S U;
wrist; Also see: w G T S U;
write; writing; writer; writer; writers; e.g.
investigate; meter; musical key; prepare; tone; tune; writing style; Radical611;
write write write ;
write wrote written ;
written document;
wrong; Radical100;
this DOMAIN 's www _ links;
B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; Fx, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; Wx, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;