Updated in
2024 :
8 :
10 :
Error ;
August 9, 2024, ("Real-time measurement") problem prompted ("double transactions" during online banking), ASAP corrected by defining "Real-time measurement" inside -time, for QA online banking via several rounds of Primary DOMAIN Controller (P D C) up-to-date Browser ... ;
Remark: "Real-time measurement" can be using for NOT ONLY "online banking," BUT ALSO in military Executable Application (s); many global telecommunication (companies, organizations) are using "Real-time measurement" WHILE browsing Internet ... , i.e. one of the top military secrets in our earth; knowledge level ("beyond Router and its routing table") ... ;
Also see: Error Log ;
error; fault; mistake;
06/14/2024 Error Log e.g. Error in IOCTL call. i.e. WHILE formatting a USB (disk, drive), unknown error, e.g. the USB (disk, drive) is no longer available to format;
Remark: I've done many mistakes in my
life, (because of beings a (bastard ones, child swapped ones, one of the DNA
mismatched siblings ones, war survival
ones)), so my apologies to you, and our earth is not simple like
WHAT I think
... ;
After a few steps
in formulation,
variable (ref) might prompt formula
here, I didn't (mention, say) variable (value, Val, VAL), because well trained
kids should not be confusing ... ;
e.g. in (1
1) advanced
method, upper
1 is
VAL, lower
1 is
then, if lower 1's
memory dump matched upper 1's keyword,
but with unexpected functional
result i.e.
e.g. in
artificial intelligence, WHILE heuristic searching, after a few
variable (ref) might prompt
e.g. in automata theory, after
a few iterations,
variable (ref) might prompt
e.g. in
programming languages,
equal sign is assignment
doko WHERE right side of equal sign is going to be assigned into left
side of equal sign; after a few
variable (ref) might prompt
AI (Time
. Space . Action)
error automatically, doko
2 dots
Cloud Computing, manager level
computing professionals
should be able to do 1 dot to structure 1 sentence
WHICH is beyond 1 word; Also see:
error span;
Artificial Intelligence
Error (e.g. Error Codes
exist, Error ID s
exist, Error messages
exist) ... ; archived; bin; cleanup;
defender; download; error; file; internet; log;
offline; per; program; recycle; report; setup; system; temporary; thumbnail;
update; user; webpage;
01/31/2024; if Error, And Then, Show (Check Point, Issue Type, Line, Page, Problem Detail, Problem Summary), also see: a Computer;
04/05/2023; System Warning popped-up with message stated : ("USB port 1 is not working. Please remove the USB device connected to this USB port.");
because, I wrongfully inserted USB-C connector to my computer's USB-A (Type-2) port (for charging power (2 beeps SPL) to my i Phone); Ah!!!! lights (lines, strings) are very very difficult to know ... ; Error was human beings' error, and the problem was solved by simply using the correct port;
06/20/2022; Internal Server Error; www.americamyanmar.net was unable to browse in the Internet for a few minutes;
Remark: after a phone called to its ISP, And Then, uploaded 6 index files into the ISP Server, error was solved; Keyword: resource ... ;
12/20/2021; The current directory is invalid.
10/07/2020; Low level format of CD/DVD media failed . . ;
2020; Error Checking, e.g. the mutated gene patterns, i.e. falsified ones, also see: Falsify;
(COVID-19, oncogene) are errors of we human beings' immunological system;
this DOMAIN 's y . x . falsified ones is a technique, regarding Error Checking, ... ;
The destination Web ignores case. The following pairs of
names will conflict.
% via explorer; One of the most important factors of quality assurance; Lesser error in percentage %, higher the quality is; Error can be trapped;
broadband service
is not available;
Broadband service is not available. ;
constraint violation error (for example: x + 1 < x);
Error Code (101) The connection was reset;
Error Code (105) Unable to resolve the server's DNS address;
Error Code (107) Secure sockets Layer protocol error;
Error Code (118) The operation timed out;
Error Code (324) The server closed the connection without sending any data;
Error Code (330) Content decoding failed;
Error Code (400) Bad request;
Error Code (403) Access denied;
Error Code (404) The requested URL / was not found on this server;
Error Code (408) Server Busy;
Error Code (409) Server Busy;
for example: The website is too busy to show the webpage; HTTP408 / HTTP409;
Error Code (500) Internal Server
Error Code (500) Server
Error Code (503) The service is unavailable;
for example: No server is available to handle the request.
Error Code (504) Page not found;
Error Code (1005) URL does not exist;
Error ID: 53 (00000035)
for example: Windows Server 2003's %PATH% not exists; Cluster cannot start services on node 'xxx . xxx . xxx . xxx' ;
Error Level: Integer value;
Remark: Can be traced manually WHILE Data Access >> Microsoft Local Test Manager >> MS D A SQL >> Commands >> Pre and Post >> *.* >> Run; For testing: Register as Adds >> Test Modules . d l l (Dynamic Linked Library);
Error log, developer's human errors ... ;
File:\$ L D R $, boot error;
File:\n t l d r, boot error;
Error occurs while executing database query AND VENDOR ERROR CODE=1205; that is: 40001;
Hardware BIOS beep errors: read beep codes from manufactures; In common 1 beep is okay WHICH includes NOT able to switch from BIOS to CPU to be in protected mode; NOT cache memory latches failure; NOT C M OS shutdown register failure; NOT CPU error; NOT memory refresh failure; NOT parity error; NOT POST failure; NOT ROM checksum doesn't match BIOS's value; NOT system timer failure; NOT video failure; ... if hear more than 1 beep WHILE booting a system means error / failure / unable;
I Error Info: WHILE interface I ID_ ID B Initialize, MD AC v.2.5, OLE DB;
invalid source (that is: browser based);
invalid value for registry (that is: control panel);
Link not available;
no internet
No Internet connection. ;
OLE DB Errors: Get Error Info, I Error Info, I Error Records, I SQL Error Info, I Unknown, Set Error Info, ... ;
Potential Windows Update Database error detected 0x80070490;
Relative error: In fuzzy
simulation with fuzzy_ set {...} that is for
engine {,
after performing numbers of cycles [that is 5000 cycles], possibility [that is 0.908],
and relative error [that is <3%];
SQL Error: Microsoft ODBC ASCII >> Diagnosis >> SQL Error >> ... ;
SQL Installer Error: SQL Installer Error, SQL Post Installer Error, ... ; Microsoft ODBC Unicode >> Installer ...;
Syntax error: Also see: Syntax vs. Semantic;
The remote procedure call failed;
The server name or address could not be resolved;
Windows 8, installing into Trans Meta Processor, for example: Your PC needs to restart. Please hold down the power button. Error Code: 0x0000005D Parameters:0xaddress;
Windows Update components must be repaired;
Windows OS and boot error: c h k d s k /f /r <enter>; %Recovery Console% c h k d s k /f /r <enter> fix m b r <enter> fix boot <enter> exit <enter>; c d i386 <enter> copy n t l d r c: <enter> copy n t detect .com c: <enter>;
WinHomeServer08 installation error, Error is 2 after stage 1 step 0;
;remark: NOT linked by AI OS 's Global Characters;
error, NOT
and then
Error Log;
fix logic error=123456789Ⓞ〩〩;
; IFF syntax error, AND
and then
Error Log;
fix syntax error=123456789Ⓞ〩〩;
error, OR
and then
Error Log;
fix semantics error=123456789Ⓞ〩〩;
ELSE IF mistake a.k.a. Error, GO TO: X HTML
ELSE ...
Error was: ASCII vs. Unicode in VBScripts; D HTML browser instantiation; full Window . move To(... , ...); get Element By Name () function call; Instantiation of undefined variable; Object expected in line143; Object expected in line428; Object expected in line653; Object Name; Image swap function call; Mail button from ISP causes FALSE thread; Object required for Document THIS Element . ; page Name; R S S pod cast button; ServerSideAppCharError_line36.htm; Syntax error line294; T T L time out; User ID; window . move To()_line65;
Also see: Error Log;
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