Error is MM_swap_test1234 as swap_image function call;     Last update on       

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<td width = "263" rowspan = "3"><img src = "_test1234_/top_en.jpg" alt = "Your online radio, i.e. Your news agency" width="263" height = "119" border = "0"></td>
<td width = "46" rowspan = "3"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "40" height = "1"></td>
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<table width = "SixFortyFive" border="0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan = "4" align = "center"><img src = "_test1234_/at_this_moment_en.gif" alt = "at_this_moment" width = "496" height = "19"></td>
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<td width = "80"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "80" height = "1"></td>
<td width = "404">
<p>Nippon online radio offers at_this_moment radio programs on the Internet which are originally aired outside Japan over short waves. Programs are written in Real Player format and Windows Media Player format.</p>
<p>Please click the appropriate button below.</p></td>
<td width = "81"><img src = "_test1234_/radio.gif" alt = "at_this_moment programs" border = "0"></td>
<td width = "80"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "80" height = "1"></td>
<table width = "SixFortyFive" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0">
<td width = "76"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "76" height = "1"></td>
<td width ="164" align = "center"><a href="ram/en/at_this_moment.ram" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_55', '', '_test1234_/listen_en02.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_55" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/listen_en01.gif" width = "100" height = "25" alt = "Real Player Format 28&amp; 56 kbps"></a><br>
<font size = "-1">Real Player Format<br>
28kbps &amp; 56kbps </font></td>
<td width="164" align="center"><a href="asx/rjwmt28.asx" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_56', '', '_test1234_/listen_en02.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_56" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/listen_e01.gif" width = "100" height = "25" alt = "Windows Media Format 28 kbps"></a><br>
<font size = "-1">Windows Media Format<br>
28kbps </font></td>
<td width = "164" align = "center"><a href = "asx/rjwmt56.asx" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_57', '', '_test1234_/listen_en02.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_57" border="0" src = "_test1234_/listen_en01.gif" width = "100" height = "25" alt = "Windows Media Format 56 kbps"></a><br>
<font size = "-1">Windows Media Format<br>
56kbps </font></td>
<td width = "77"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "77" height = "1"></td>
<table width = "SixFortyFive" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0">
<td align = "center"><a href = "http://www.Your news news agencyworld/english/at_this_momentprogram_body_en.html" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_58','','_test1234_/pg02.gif',1)" target = "_blank"><img name = "_test1234_58" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/pg01.gif" alt = "Program Guide" width = "144" height="23"></a></td>
<table width = "SixFortyFive" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0">
<td colspan = "3" align = "center"><img src = "_test1234_/demand_en.gif" alt = "On demand" width = "496" height = "19" border = "0"></td>
<td colspan = "3" align = "center"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "1" height = "10"></td>
<td width = "80"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "80" height = "1"></td>
<td width="485">
<p>Language option<br>
Also please check the <a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top"> &quot; Daily News&quot;</a> website for news scripts in

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">English</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Arabic</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Chinese</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">French</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Korean</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Portuguese</a>,

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Russian</a> and

<a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top">Spanish</a>.

<td width = "80"><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "80" height = "1"></td>
<table width = "SixFortyFive" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0">
<td align = "center">
<table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" width = "400">
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<div align = "center">

<a href = "javascript : showSmallWin_nippon()" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_ ('_test1234_29', '', '_test1234_/nippon_l.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_29" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/_EN_nippon.gif" alt = "Nippon" width = "133" height = "24"></a><br>
<td colspan = "2" valign = "top" height = "45">

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</td><td width="102">

<div align="center">

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</td><td width="117">

<div align = "center">

<a href = "javascript : showSmallWin_myanmar()" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_33', '', '_test1234_/myanmar.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_33" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/_EN_myanmar.gif" alt = "Myanmar" width = "95" height = "24"></a>
</td><td width = "95">

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</td><td width = "102">

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<a href = "javascript : showSmallWin_hindi()" onmouseout = "MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover = "MM_swap_test1234_('_test1234_37', '', '_test1234_/hindi.gif', 1)"><img name = "_test1234_37" border = "0" src = "_test1234_/_EN_hindi.gif" alt = "hindi" width = "95" height = "24"></a>
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</td><td width="102">

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</td><td width="117">

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</td><td width = "95">

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<table width = "SixFortyFive" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0">
<td><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "76" height = "1"></td>
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<td colspan = "3"><img src = "_test1234_/pod_f01e.gif" alt = "Podcasting" width = "494" height = "44"></td>
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<td><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "12" height = "1"></td>
<td width = "470">

<p align = "center">You listen to your world's news agency by podcasting.</p>

<p align = "right"><a href = "podcast/index.html"><font size = "-1">podcasting list &raquo;</font></a></p>

<td><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "12" height = "1"></td>
<td colspan = "3"><img src = "_test1234_/pod_f02.gif" width = "494" height = "10"></td>
<td><img src = "_test1234_/very_dark_in_space.gif" width = "75" height = "1"></td>
<table width = "SixFortyFive" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" border = "0">
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<td rowspan = "2"><img src = "_test1234_/mail_en.gif" width = "157" height = "80" alt = "Please send your opinions and questions on our programs."></td>
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<p><a href = "http://www.Your news" target = "_top"><font size = "-1">Policy is here<br>
</font></a><font size = "-1">Copyrighted by your news agency (i.e. NHK)<br>
All rights reserved by your online news agency</font><br>
<img src = "_test1234_/logo.gif" alt = "Your news agency LOGO"></p>