Trap, human beings' prediction: 5W1H logic ...; Last updated on June 13, 2006
When CRC check prompts; While parity bits are not the same between computers; Which script traps what kind of error?
IFF [Services] Error; System configuration level trap;
IFF "alpha_numberic=If($sockerr != 0){halt}|. ...}"; Socket level trap;
IFF Error Code = 40001, Serialization failure; Application level trap;
IFF Error Level = 1, goto Script's configured/defined allocation address;
IFF Error Number = 2, Service == NOT; System OS configuration level trap;
IFF ODBC Error Code = 37000; Syntax error;
IFF ODBC Error Code = S1T00; Timeout expired;
IFF On Error Resume Next; Basic language level trap;
IFF ...