humanoid Jiwaka, updated on 11 : 12 : 2024 : knee;

Brief introduction: this webpage is using Gravity Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System index), intentionally nitotte For (chiryoyaku Therapeutic, curing, healing) of (abnormal knee, disordered knee, knee related diseases) to be normal knee;

Bone Formation ... ; Also see: Musculoskeletal; Orthopedic Dx;

Bone; frame; Radical224;

hiza Knee              
hiza Knee              
hiza Knee              
hiza Knee              

A C L,




also see: a G T S U ;  

L C L,



Ligament, also see: l G T S U ;  

M C L,



Ligament, also see: m G T S U ;  

P C L,

Posterior Cruciate Ligament, also see: p G T S U ;  




nearby Patella tendon ligament, and Quadriceps tendon
( Patella ) ;        




      femur bone ,      
( the heaviest ,            
the longest ,            
the strongest ) bone  a.k.a. thigh bone    
      patella     bone    
cartilage           cartilage  
meniscus meniscus meniscus   meniscus meniscus meniscus  
      Tibia     bone    
Fibula           Fibula    
    Bone ;      
  Bone ;      
  ( Femur    
Fibula Tibia Fibula ) i.e. hiza Knee

( hiza Knee, hiza Knee, hiza Knee, hiza Knee), also see: h Usage; k Character; k G T S U; knee;

I wrote: I've a quiz now, regarding chiryoyaku Therapeutic Gene Therapy System ("hiza Knee") i.e. WHAT kind of degree, WHICH color codes?

well trained kids!! replied: 105 degree for patella; 90 degree diff to USB (Black, Gray, Silver) for 2 stems alike ((Femur (muscle, sinew, tendon)), (hiza Knee is here to be chiryoyaku Therapeutic with its (cartilage (muscle, sinew, tendon), meniscus (muscle, sinew, tendon))), (( left Fibula (muscle, sinew, tendon)), Tibia (muscle, sinew, tendon), ( right Fibula (muscle, sinew, tendon)))) doko WHERE ( jintai Ligament, jintai Ligament) ligaments connect 2 bones, by using Dark Energy Engineering (DEE); Hmm!! Umm!!

underneath of the knee, tibia and fibula (with 2 stem-bones), and above the knee is femur (1 stem-bone), so altogether from 2 to 4 (still obeying BF2 in C Sequence Number);  WHEN (internal + external) lights go through the foot (Calcaneus (heel)), (Dorsum (top-of-the-foot)), (Plantar (sole)), (Tarsal (ankle)), And Then, 5 ((big toe, a.k.a. hallux, a.k.a. 1st toe), (long toe, a.k.a. 2nd toe), (middle toe, a.k.a. 3rd toe), (ring toe, a.k.a. 4th toe), (pinky toe, a.k.a. little toe, a.k.a. 5th toe)); (2,4,5) for 2 legs; (2 * 5) fingers, with (2 * 5) toes, in 4 diff location (i.e. 4 Planets Prediction) doko WHERE very very unique 2 as strands (DNA) to 6 Planets Prediction; Umm!! Hmm!! trade secret "6 Planets Prediction" sir, because (Day, Night) configuration of 4 ion channels (6 Planets Prediction) are our top secret;

I wrote: Indigo (Navy Blue) parallel lines as moon waves (our earth's nearby ones), so 90 degree diff, if our earth as Blue gate ones; DEE applies as USB 90 degree to Black, Gray, and Silver;
so, bamboo stem (regarding "bamboo stem," also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D) alike structural (90 degree Femur <> 105 degree Patella <> 90 degree (Tibia + Fibula)); 2 is very very unique is many ways (in this case, 2 Green horizontal ones) ... ; don't change IT IFF our earth, but if you're formulating BLI auto adjustment medicine for human beings livable moons, then change its color codes, e.g. 2 Green (horizontal ones) to 2 Yellow ones, with Yellow gate ones (2 suns refreshing planet), ... , And Then, try to figure out 4 ion channels (for factoring, for solving) BLI problems in our universes ;

capillaries for Nanobots (Artery red ones, Vein blue ones);

(( knee, knee) a.k.a. ( lap, lap)), also see: k Computer; knee; l Character;

Also see: chiryoyaku Therapeutic . kaibogaku Anatomy . facet; ( knee, knee) knee; ligament;

plasma, IFF "blood related ones," after blood sample is withdrawn, ASAP centrifugation ((rotating the blood till Yellow Color prompts), (spinning the blood till Yellow Color prompts)), And Then, Yellow Color centrifuged blood is called plasma; Remark: biomedical usage; e.g. for curing abnormal meniscus of the knee by injection medicine requires Real-time plasma; Also see: Orthopedic Dx;

Popliteus muscle (("\") character, posterior of the knee, ("/") character), triangular shape (flat & thin) muscle; because of its location, in common, knee injection (to cure (tear of meniscus, torn meniscus)) is injected (with the defined patient's ASAP plasma) laterally, kuru kuru WHILE (femur (thighbone) <90 degree angle> tibia (shinbone)); Also see: knee; m G T S U; 7pComputer;

Also see: DICOM;

Also see: Gene Therapy System;

Also see: ligament;

Also see: MD;

Also see: passage;

Bone Formation ... ; Also see: Musculoskeletal; Orthopedic Dx;

Bone; frame; Radical224;
