; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : September : 30th (Saturday) : 6xComputer ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 30 : 9 : 2023 : x : X ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



➏; x;

(x, y) coordinate a.k.a. two dimensional (2D); Radical7, also see: Radicals;

IFF Active X, both ways e.g. (from left to right) OR (from right to left), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, idea ♯ 171; Full Duplex Characteristic;

IFF               ActiveX

Active X, also see: active, as oppose to Passive X;

Active X, also see: Active Y;

Gravity Dimension Computer (DEE, palm), doko WHERE X is thumb alike EM and then Y is fingers (4 Planets Prediction's sequence, Concurrency's 2.2., DNA's 2 ends of chromosome as gene) alike directional gravity in 2, 3 dimensional only WHICH means among 6 ; Also see: 6yComputer;

IFF TV, also see: Panasonic;

X I , e.g.      
Ξ , ξ ;            

alpha; beta; gamma; delta; epsilon; zeta; e t a; theta; iota; kappa; l a m d a; m u; n u; xi; omicron; pi; r h o; sigma; t a u; upsilon; phi; chi; p s i; omega; iota with d i a l y t i k a; upsilon with d i a l y t i k a; alpha with t o n o s; epsilon with t o n o s; e t a with t o n o s; iota with t o n o s; upsilon with d i a l y t i k a and t o n o s;

(multi time lines) artificial intelligence patterns (e.g. , , , ♯) (code pages) using translator ... ;

Xmas Island, , , , 672;

SPL, Sound Pressure Level; ( dB . m ( Rx, Tx)) i.e. level; IFF SQRT2, ( minus, plus) ... ;

is equal to * , also see: Schematic Symbols (Y = X2);

there is 90° ; inside of both x variable and y variable;

              x variable ;
        X variable ;      

IFF (x variable) read the next line, also see: Server; in common, read the next line is WHAT server does;

using idea processor 's AI (Artificial Intelligence) to do auto correct IFF end of the line results error;

