; ; ; ; Updated in 2565 : on 2022 : 3 : 14 : Physics Law 86 ;
(law 86) : jinko chino DEE Box;
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
Box) i.e.
regarding (2*6), a part of ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7))
dimensional Time ... ;
regarding 6 surfaces as 1 (item, object, thing)
directional Space ... ;
regarding ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) computing
logical Action ...
well trained kids! replied: WHY do we need jinko chino DEE Box sir ?
I wrote : consider the PHYSICS, (Physics Law 85, our heart), And Then, realize and understand THAT 100 Percent Transparency DEE Box has been defined as , And Then, realize and understand THAT top surface and bottom surface were excluded in law eighty five (our heart) e.g. 2 lungs' ZCS holes WHICH prompt our heart beats naturally, therefore, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index must be defined in jinko chino Artificial Intelligence way ... ;
hacho Wavelength; hacho Wavelength; hacho Wavelength; Wavelength; Wavelength; Wavelength; Wavelength;
well trained kids! replied: can we design and engineer 1980s style ??86 Processor alike, by defining ( Wafer_By_2Gray_Handler, Wafer _duo _binary, Wafer _to _be _written _by _nodes) for each ZCS sir ?
I wrote : regarding ( 20, 86) common, please read and understand Idea Processor, and don't forget in ACT2 level imaginary hyper space , 2 methods are (either 1/2 of the defined circle or (mass * gravity) cosine theta for each light's wavelength (e.g. 402nm, 498nm, 571nm, 643nm)), adding to dimensional Time (t) 's rectangle for each ZCS ( iroColourWaveForm based, light) i.e. directional Space and its logical Action (dimensional Time (t)) at defined length would be : Distance (d) length is equal to (wavelength as height) d (t); so, either (circle at end) way or (triangle at end) way, for each surface (ZCS), therefore, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index begins ... ;
since ( DEE _Jitter _Adjustment X, also see: x Character), ( DEE _Jitter _Adjustment Y, also see: y Character), (Origin of Sound (( Begin Audio X), (Begin Audio Y)), also see: Schematic Dimensional), ( SPL, also see: Schematic Symbols), ... have been defined, we've jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( DEE Box) ... , therefore, we're able to define all (item, object, organ, part, thing) of human beings ... , And Then, do Gene Therapy System to be chiryoyaku Therapeutic way ;
: (Nautical Mile (NM, a.k.a. nm i)); (nm, a.k.a. Nanometer); (n M, a.k.a. nano Molar); (Nm (Newton metre));
well trained kids! replied: may we know the reason WHY did you draw ???nm (GIF Files) like left size is rounded 1/2 circle, and right size is 45° slope sir ?
wrote : in 1980s, "387"
as math processor WHEN adding numerological (1) to "386, " so called "embedded
calculator" to be computing; in 2000s
WHEN adding numerological (4) to flat screen, so called 1mm 2 gravity spots "
GPS" (location, location awareness, location locator) to be computing; in
2020s WHEN adding numerological
(6) to DEE Box, so called "6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index"
6 ZCS) to be computing; in 2040s, ...
; ((6
surfaced DEE box) in Z-index);
remember and don't forget 2 is very very unique in many ways : we've (Eccentric _circles way, and square way) :
e.g. in Eccentric _circle way, doko WHERE variations are alike;
e.g. in square way, doko WHERE variations are alike;
therefore, ???nm (GIF Files) were drawn like THAT; remember and don't forget both 1/2 of circle and 1/2 of square work very very well regarding (reversed yellowish variation, yellowish variation), and IT is easy and simple; Remark: combustion technology is NOT a solution regarding space traveling in ACT2 imaginary hyper space, and ACT3 imaginary hyper space; if you like to design and develop space technologies, you need to start with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (hole, string) 1st, And Then, lights as sheet (ZCS) 2nd, And Then, rounding & wrapping of surfaces 3rd, And Then, you'll know, realize, and understand THAT all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya (Shakya a.k.a. Swastika) King;
this DOMAIN 's wormhole way parameters are 45, 60, and 72;
well trained kids! replied: is it (mass * gravity) or mg sir ?
I wrote : regarding Western civilization's mg, we've already learnt "g" as "force" long long time ago; regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, we'll keep (mass * gravity) because of BLI (growth rate) diff, different DEE patterns, directional gravity diff, SPL diff, yellowish variations, ... ; if you like to calculate Western civilization's "mg" design model, then you need to add 1 way DEE (Ring alike) momentum for our earth, 2,3 dimensional momentum for ACT2 imaginary hyper space, 3,4 dimensional momentum for ACT3 imaginary hyper space, and so on ... ;
well trained kids! replied: HOW does your Gravity Dimension Computer work sir ?
I wrote : measure your device's weight before using IT 1st ; then, install this DOMAIN 's contents into your computer and test the device 2nd , because (elevating, landing) have been defined already long long time ago; 3rd , WHEN the defined device (FE) 's weight is become lighter-and-lighter, make sure (BE) device's weight is become heavier-and-heavier, because naturally zero gravity should be equal to (BE) 's weight minus (FE) 's weight;
Gravity Dimension Computer (this DOMAIN) 's imaginary hyper space crafts ... , and power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil ... ;
after reading this webpage, I personally expect and predict THAT you well trained kids! will be able to design, develop, and model gravity dimension computer based structural to do (elevating, landing), because I've explained very very much already HOW directional gravity, directional gravity spots, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: WHY do you have 7 Graphics files regarding wavelength sir ?
I wrote : to handle numerological (6), we need ( 7) Graphics files regarding wavelength ... ; in other words, kuru kuru WHILE (handle, handled, handling) 6 surfaced DEE Box, we truly need 7 Graphics files to handle numerological ( 6) ... ;
a handle; hikite Handle; Radical815;
IFF ACT1 imaginary hyper space (our earth) only, heat and light are at the same location, using one of the lowest mark of DEE _Horizontal _Marks (Remember: only 3 DEE marks exist in our universes regarding yellowish variations), we can also define our heart in reversed heat sensing way as reversed heat sensing way (think that heat sensing vessels obey on both left lung and right lung) ... ; in ACT2 imaginary hyper space (e.g. on human beings livable moons), heat and light are NOT at the same location, then more complicated Complexity Regions to be dealing with ... ; since heart beats (yellow heat, yellow light), audio, echo, noise, sound, tone, ... ;
well trained kids! replied: reversed heat sensing way's middle way seems protein bound alike, and can we add 1 more layer e.g. protein bound layer to your jinko chino DEE Box sir ?
I wrote : (yes; Radical751) "bold tie" looks alike ... ;
6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index;
6 ZCS based DEE box in Z-index;
Also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
if you still don't understand HOW directional gravity, directional gravity spots, elevating and landing of gravity related (device, IoT, item, object, thing) ... , I'll say "attahi attano nahto" in Pali language (the only language maintained by monks for thousands of years in Buddhism, and this document is written in 2563 sasana year in Buddhism (2019 year in Gregorian Calendar)) ... : meaning is : you're on your own ... ;
Blue | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Gray | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Green | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Indigo | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Maroon | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Orange | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Purple | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Red | Gravity | ; | |||||||
Yellow | Gravity | ; | |||||||
( Balancing, Balancing, Balancing, Balancing) ... ;
DEE Box vs. DEE Donut, also see: Physics Law 181 ... ;
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ... , also see: Physics Law 90 ... ;
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