; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : August : 22 (Monday) : Updated : unmanned aerial vehicle ;

; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : 8 : 22 : Updated : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ;

Brief Introduction: this webpage is intended for (("u a v"), ("U A V")) and font size is defined by 10 pt only, and page . properties . language has been set as English (United States), and this webpage ("title") is without ("ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網") because this DOMAIN developer has decided not a hybrid style (e.g. Katakana + Kanji + English) to its file extension s h t m l, and without using either ("u a v") or ("U A V") as a Keyword because this DOMAIN developer has decided that to be using complete words instead of Acronym (definition, Event, logical, Usage) ... ; 

Also see: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle .HTML;

    DEE , Dark Energy Engineering :  
    dark - gray ; Radical249 ;  
    golden - yellow ; Radical200 ;  
    green - blue ; Radical206 ;  
    innocence - white ; Radical135 ;  
    maroon - red ; Radical188 ;  

unmanned aerial vehicle ...

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . INDEX .X HTML ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . Unmanned Aerial Vehicle .S HTML ;

( dark-gray Satellite, golden-yellow Satellite, green-blue Satellite, innocence-white Satellite, maroon-red Satellite, ... ), also see: kadosei Mobility; Network Topology; Satellite; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Wireless;

Remark: world's 1st "a Tarzan" Rakhine American's imaginary hyper space crafts (e.g. u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... , designed, engineered, modeled, ... by DEE, Dark Enginery Engineering, i.e. the most advance, advanced, the highest technology, up-to-date worldwide, ... , and beyond SPL Pattern (s) e.g. Origin of Sound;

u a v , unmanned . aerial . vehicle
U A V , Unmanned   Aerial   Vehicle  ;
a.k.a. drone ;              
a.k.a. DRONE ;              
  OEM , Original Equipment     Manufacture ...
    Verify 3 ;        
    Verify 2 ;        
      verify   radio ;  
    our earth a.k.a. world wide ;    
u a v ;   U A V ;  

mujin Unmanned ( unmanned, unmanned, unmanned, unmanned) ... ; Also see: Automotive; kadosei Mobility;

mujin Unmanned e.g.

Autopilot without commuter inside,
Autopilot without operator inside,
Full self-driving without commuter inside,
Full self-driving without operator inside,
kadosei Mobility without commuter inside,
kadosei Mobility without operator inside,
u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,
... ;

mujin Unmanned ( unmanned, unmanned, unmanned, unmanned) ... ; Also see: PHYSICS;

mujin Unmanned e.g.

Autopilot without commuter inside,
Autopilot without operator inside,
Full self-driving without commuter inside,
Full self-driving without operator inside,
kadosei Mobility without commuter inside,
kadosei Mobility without operator inside,
u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,
... ;

Remark: "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" is S HTML file, and its directory (folder) is Time . space / unmanned . aerial . vehicle / , and its (Page language) is English (United States), ... radio mapping by Browser (locking of the defined illegal radio station, pinpointing of the defined moving object, verifying of illegal drone, verifying of U A V) ... ; special designed & modeled for capturing illegal ones ... ;

Also see: Internet Connection .  .  . ;

ten nine eight seven six five four three two one
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
          lock   e d  
          pin point e d  
          dot       ;
          map p e d  
          target location ;    

Invisibility engineering (Method, Procedure, Technique) are not in the textbooks to learn ... ;

Remark: number seven ("7") means data is verified among (B D C, P D C, S D C) for seven times to do QA (Quality Assurance) of radio ... , doko WHERE common banking systems do approx. 3 or 4 times; don't forget that "Browser" means Radio Specification ... ;

I wrote: I've done with my own 10D system (ten dimensional) already, and what would be intentionally left dimensions for you?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! 12D system (twelve dimensional), and 14D system (fourteen dimensional) sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; don't forget that two is very very unique many ways e.g. (2 * 5), (2 * 6), (2 * 7), ... ; doko WHERE b o d h i tree, monastery, pagoda, shrine, temple (Buddhist), ... how many claps to worship Buddha, deity, deities?

well trained kids!! replied: 2 claps to worship Buddha, deity, deities, and bow (manners, etiquette) to pay respect also ... ;

I wrote: Yes. one day, WHEN you visit to one of the human beings livable moons (in our universes), do the same ... ;

2566; 2022; USA, United States of America . US House of Representatives has passed a law ("Full self-driving"), for Department of Motor Vehicles, naming: "Auto Pilot" , "Full self-driving" , ... ; DMV, Department of Motor Vehicle; this DOMAIN . this Webpage . following table is for (local (10), remote (100), global (1000), universal (10000)), without YV, Yellowish Variations WHICH means our earth (worldwide) only ... ;

Key word : Auto pilot e . g .  
Key word : Full self - driving   e.g.  
    Radical693 ( to fill up ,  
          be filled with )  
GPS navigate s anzensei Safety    
              Bearing ,
          course of action ,
              Direction s,
            geometry directional ,
              Orientation ,
              Way to
          your ( destination ,  
          address in Chinese language,
          address in Japanese language)
and your own Name of OEM ... ;

Remark: above table is special designed & modeled, e.g. (Table . Borders . Color is (R G B (11,11,11))), e.g. (Table . Borders . Size is 5), e.g. (Table . Layout . Alignment is Center), e.g. (Table . Width (515px in pixels)), ... ; since this DOMAIN developer has driven many (Lexus, Toyota), if you're designing for JAXA, Toyota, ... , no need ask me for copyrights, just copy IT and use it ... ; very simple, very easy to understand, bug free, ... ; this DOMAIN has been designed & modeled for 500+ years (Remember: in Buddhism documents, deities life expectancy starts with 500+ years) ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! "5" is like either left side or right side sir; ware ware We still cannot figure out HOW (5, 1, 5) would be ;

I wrote: Oh!! trillions of currency money in global businesses, mochiron of course, NOT in the textbooks to learn, because axis of zahyo Coordinate is the Shakya King's top secret books in his cabinet ... ;

2566; 2022; Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) . K D D I . drone ;

can be used for roadway construction inspection;

Drone Name: Unknown;

70 Km Distance remote control;

(mobile phone, smart phone) remote control app;

URL : https://www.kddi.com

2566; 2022; Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) . Soft Bank . drone, e.g. Futaba drone;

Drone Name: Futaba;

20 kg weight elevating;

URL : https://www.softbank.jp

2566; 2022; Taiwan government + Taiwanese scientists + Taiwanese supply chain companies, started drone R&D center for U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ... ;

Also see: https://www.globalsecurity.org ;

Also see: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw ;

this DOMAIN (imaginary hyperspace system developer ) would like to provide (Services, service) to world (our earth's) most advanced organizations e.g. ( JAXA, NASA, ... ), regarding (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ;

JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ;

NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ;

this DOMAIN 's Color Codes;

2566; 2022; USA (a.k.a. United States of America) . Boeing . flights ;

Drone Name: 777X;

Invisibility: e.g. sliding light sheets onto its surfaces ... , a part of DEE;

our earth (Nation Name) . your airport control towers;
our earth (worldwide) . USA . military bases;

URL : https://www.boeing.com ;

Remark: be ready to launch 10000+ MPH missile interceptor (locked . pinpointed . dot) worldwide ... ;

Remark: be ready to deploy WORMHOLE way Laser (mapped location . target location) worldwide ... ;

2565; 2021; Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) . SONY . drone, e.g. Air peak drone;

Drone Name: (Air peak) ;

URL : https://electronics.sony.com ;

URL : https://www.sony.jp ; (Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana) ... ;

USA, United States of America, doko WHERE this DOMAIN developer lives ... ; in our universes (for each human beings livable moon), the longest Distance Router is camera ... ;

; ; ; ; e.g. capturing illegal drones ... ;

; ; ; ; e.g. collecting 200+ million of beheaded ones worldwide ... ;

; ; ; ; e.g. seizing illegal u a v, unmanned aerial vehicle ... ;

U.S. military : N D A A, National Defense Authorization Act ... ;

humanoid Global Military General ... ; GPS; PHYSICS; Satellite;
