; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : April : 30 (Saturday) : Updated : k : K ;
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | ||
K + ; e.g.
. heavy ion : e.g. ( (Calcium), (Chlorine), (H y d r o n a.k.a. Proton), (Potassium), (Magnesium), (Manganese), (Sodium), (Hydroxide), ... ), also see: 4cComputer; 6cComputer; DNA _Origami; 8hComputer; 2kComputer; 2mComputer; 9mComputer; 6nComputer; 5oComputer; structural Amino Acids;
The K computer, also see: Computers;
with The K computer, calculations e.g. entropy, methane hydrate, pattern recognition (binding patterns, 500 compound types, 388 protein types), Z INDEX computational science (microscope as zoom in, telescope as zoom out) can be very quick ... ;
KB i.e. 1024; MB; GB; TB; P B; E B; Z B; Y B; a; ka; ; ; ; ... ;
non-numerological number 1024's internal address is;
Kenya, , , , 254;
SONY time zone (GMT+3:00) Nairobi ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;
artificial intelligence path (d n s a p i .d l l, kernel32.dll, Kernel Base .d l l, n t d l l .d l l) ɟ ( component functions) noCOOKIE;
(d n s a p i .d l l, kernel32.dll, Kernel Base .d l l, n t d l l .d l l) Microsoft's dynamic link library files and basically the files' locations are at (e.g. ..\\windows\) doko WHERE dynamic links are ... ; WHY DLL are needed? because WHILE multi functions, multi layers, multi lines, ... are running, they are linking each other like web ... ; Similar to nowadays' ACTION, i.e. between line start and line end; If you can slow down the time with control (e.g. <20 c/s), you have your own system for sure; and then, step-by-step, stage-by-stage, layer-by-layer, ... ; so called true system engineering is; otherwise, you can be a user;
energy (keV) e.g. in common, X-Ray is measured by ( keV, Count);
keyword | |||||||||
keyword | a.k.a. | key | ; | ||||||
Keyword | ; | ||||||
buzz | word | ; | catch | phrase | ; | key | word | ; | index |
i | n | g | term | ; | search | term | ; |
kilo*, also see: Prefix And Suffix;
kilometers (km) or miles (mi);
Kinetic Energy In 2,3 dimensional, also see: Schematic Symbol;
Kiribati Republic, , , , 686;
Kuwait, , , , 965;
SONY time zone (GMT+3:00) Kuwait ... ; IFF Even Time Horizontal DEE, iroColourWaveForm ( Internet) e.g. Green Blue Internet, Green Gray Internet, Gray Blue Internet, Gray Green Internet, ... universally; (Time Zone) ... ;
structural K factor, in addition to A T C G, also see:
Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 218; Heat;