Motor Last updated on 2014/2558 12 6, a full moon day;
AC motor;
C N C, Computer's Numerical Control ... ;
DC motor; In common, DC motor can be better control than AC motor;
H T S motor, also see: E E R, W * hr, ... ;
IFF MAC address exists, 1st 3 numbers are for OEM's company name, last 3 numbers are for its unique serial number;
IPM motor, commonly use in air conditioners, pumps, washers; FOC and sensor-less therefore cost effective variable speed control; Also see: IPM motor's Torque calculation;
l, low power mode, also see: Mode;
n, normal power mode, also see: n Computer;
noise cancellation, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement e.g. idea ♯ 157; THE ORIGIN OF SOUND; and then, try to understand structural ... ;
Servo motor, with sensors in common, therefore higher resolution than IPM; Variable speed control;
using artificial intelligence 26 control motor ( x, y, z) ... ; data;