; ; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : 1 : 2 : o : O ;
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | ||
odd | ; | ||||||||
odd | ; | ||||||||
odd | number | ; | |||||||
odd | number | ; |
odd number e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, ... ; in our universe, light weights are not the same between left and right i.e. this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' gray scale simulations' results ... believe it or not; Also see: even number;
O D M, Original Design Manufactures;
Oersted, a unit of magnetic field strength (79.58 amperes per meter); Also see: Magnet;
O H - ; e.g.
. heavy ion : e.g. ( (Calcium), (Chlorine), (H y d r o n a.k.a. Proton), (Potassium), (Magnesium), (Manganese), (Sodium), (Hydroxide), ... ), also see: 4cComputer; 6cComputer; DNA _Origami; 8hComputer; 2kComputer; 2mComputer; 9mComputer; 6nComputer; 5oComputer; structural Amino Acids;
OLE, Object Linking
and Embedding;
OLE, Object
Linking and Embedding;
Oman, , , , 968;
using Artificial Intelligence ( AI) to fix e.g. cannot open page ... ;
ORGANIZER (Organizer address; Organizer name);
language code (1408) Oriya language; Also see: Keyword to Port Number;
osteoporosis, IFF bone disorder gene codes exist (e.g. skeletal deformities), G D C ( Gene Therapy System) ... ;
(Input e.g. (, , , , , ), Output e.g. (, , , , , )), also see: Mathematics;
output | |||||||||
output | ||||||||
IO | |||||||||
( | I | - | O | ) | i.e. | input | - | output | ; |
output | |||||||||
output | ; | ||||||||
e.g. | cons | vs. | pros | ; | |||||
e.g. | exhaust | vs. | intake | ; | |||||
e.g. | give | vs. | take | ; | |||||
e.g. | out | vs. | in | ; | |||||
e.g. | recognize | vs. | perceive | ; | |||||
e.g. | send | vs. | receive | ; | |||||
also | see | : | input | ; | |||||
analog | output | channel | amplifier | ; | aspect | s | of | output | primitive |
s | ; | BIOS | , | basic | input | - | output | system | ; |
channel | ; | COM | , | computer | output | micro | film | system | ; |
COM | printer | , | computer | output | micro | film | printer | ; | data |
; | ( | data | ) | ; | device | ; | diagnostic | ; | display |
element | ; | extend | ed | result | output | function | ; | file | ; |
format | ; | graphic | primitive | ; | IO | control | , | input | - |
output | control | ; | IOC | , | Input | - | Output | Controller | ; |
IOC | S | , | Input | Output | Control | System | ; | IO | P |
, | input | - | output | processor | ; | IO | P | , | Input |
- | Output | processor | ; | line | ; | mode | ; | parametric | output |
primitive | ; | port | ; | primitive | ; | procedure | ; | process | ; |
Programmed | Input | - | Output | ; | queue | ; | ( | re | ) |
direction | ; | record | ; | section | ; | standard | ; | statement | ; |
std | out | ( | computer | ) | standard | output | file | ; | sub |
system | ; | unit | ; | verbose | ; |
if Files (e.g. User defined variable : WHOM .txt), from (abnormal, disease, disorder) to normal, OR to be fully Recovery means excellent functional working "output" (Gene Therapy System) . . . Hmm!! Umm!! . . . ;
inputs and outputs; this DOMAIN 's output has been specially designed for 6 moons in our universe doko WHERE we human beings can live, therefore, please do not change above table's defined keywords; time (e.g. momentum) and structural space are hidden (unknown at software level);
I/O, a.k.a. (Input, Output) ... ; Also see: Security;
brightness, hibernate, lock, mute, output, power plan, sleep, touch pad, wireless, zoom; Also see: FN;