; ; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 15th (Wednesday) : ( c t) : CT, Computing Tomography;
( airborne, airborne, airborne) ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ...
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
Computed Tomography ... ;
Tomography is a form, in WHICH motion of X-ray (detector, source) are controlled by Computers, And Then, producing (medical images, medical imaging, processed data, radiological info, radiological information) ... ;
ct (Computed Tomography) Scanner;
CTU Urogram; e.g.
(( CTU, CTU, CTU, CTU), ( CTU, CTU, CTU, CTU)) urogram (bladder + kidney + ureter (a tube carries urine from kidney to bladder) + urethra (a tube (allow urine to exit) from the bladder; Remark: approx. 8 inches long in a man, if compare to approx. 1.5 inches long in a woman));
Dx "gross
hematuria" (blood in the urine) if NOT menstruation,
rule-out, e.g. bad bacteria test (urine)?
rule-out, e.g. infection?
rule-out, e.g.
kidney cancer?
rule-out, e.g. stone formation in renal?
rule-out the last option, e.g. scopy
Also see: CT;
u G
T S U;
world's 1st, a "Tarzan" 's Gene Therapy System ("kidney cancer") to be fully Recovery!!
densities; Density; e.g.
BMD (±1 SD) is normal; Bone Mass Density (BMD); BMD (±1 T-Score) is normal; BMD T-Score (between +1 and -1) is normal; Also see: Gene Therapy System . index;
( Density, Density, Density, Density), degree of compactness, (e.g. densities) : biomedical sample's density; bone density; (fruit & vegetable) 's density; gemstone's density; (metallic bonding) 's density; Object's density; population density; substance's density; tissue density; tooth numbering system . defined tooth's density; ... ; Also see: CT; d Character; variable;
film; Film; e.g.
( eiga Film, eiga Film, eiga Film, eiga Film) ... ;
( film, film, film, film) ... ;
geometry; e.g.
doko WHERE ((Aqua Color is (Human Being, Object) 's location), (Green Color is Detector Array), (Red Color is X-ray beam)) ... ; | |||||||||
Number | |||||||||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 1 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 2 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 3 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 4 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 5 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 6 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 7 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 8 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 9 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 10 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 11 | ; | |||
CT | _ | X-ray | _ | Geometry | 12 | ; | |||
I wrote: regarding Red Color, we've (narrow
area, wide area) ... ; I've a quiz i.e. WHICH area is X-ray Tube
(emitting source), and WHICH area is X-ray Detector Array?
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, regarding "Red Color," narrow area is , and wide area is (Green Color); they're rotating together either CCW (Counter Clock Wise), or CW (Clock Wise), kuru kuru WHILE scanning ( ct Scanner) As (read, readable, reading) Data ... ; I wrote: since 1970s, 3 types of ct Scanner (s) are (rotate-rotate geometry, rotate-stationary geometry, translate-rotate geometry), And Then, WHAT would you like to think of this DOMAIN 's geometry is? well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, both X-ray Tube (emitting source) and X-ray Detector Array are simultaneously rotating together, this DOMAIN 's geometry is rotate-rotate geometry; I wrote: if I don't let the X-ray Detector Array (move, moved, moving) WHILE scanning, then WHAT would be the type of IT? well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, answer would be rotate-stationary geometry sir; I wrote: if X-ray Detector Array and X-ray Tube (emitting source) are on 2 diff axis (s), WHAT would be the type of IT? well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, answer would be translate-rotate geometry sir; I wrote: mochiron of course; Remark; Using rotate-rotate geometry, in common ... ; many common CT scanners are rotate-rotate geometry ones ... ; |
Nanobot Programming; Nanobot . Programming . Mapper;
Physics Law 91, medical equipments, also see: PHYSICS;
Physics Law 32, medical physicist, e.g. CT (Computed Tomography); Also see: tomography ... ;
positions; e.g.
( 90° Red Position CT, 60° Yellow Position CT, 30° Green Position CT, 0° Blue Position CT) ... ; Also see: 9pComputer;
object; e.g.
( Object, Object) ... ; Also see: CT; DNA _Origami; Energy & Geometry; o Character;
scanning aerospace components
(rocket assemblies, turbine blades) i.e. Object ... ;
scanning images of (gemstones, fruit & vegetable, insects, tiny specimens) i.e.
Object ... ;
scanning images of (biomedical samples) i.e. Object ... ;
structural of the nuclear warhead (i.e. Object) ... ;
scanning the interiors of the box (i.e. Object) ... ;
scanning the interiors of the check bag (i.e. Object) ... ;
well trained kids! replied: ware ware We've realized and understood THAT dental (medical images, medical imaging, processed data, radiological info, radiological information) at a dentist's clinic would be "rotate-stationary geometry" sir, because we need to (locate, place) our (chin, lower jaw) at the fixed location before X-ray's taken;
I wrote: Yes. I've a quiz i.e. if you're imaginary nanobot programmers, regarding among CT _X-ray _Geometry (1-12), WHICH Parameter should be excluded?
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 7") should be excluded in programming, because our (chin, lower jaw) should not be the location, doko WHERE X-ray (emitter, source) is located; e.g. include, included, including ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 1"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 2"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 3"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 4"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 5"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 6"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 8"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 9"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 10"), ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 11"), and ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 12"), on the other hand, exclude, excluded, excluding ("CT _X-ray _Geometry 7") ... ;
I wrote: since we've learnt approx. degrees e.g. (15°), (30°), (45°), (60°), (75°), (90°), ... , so I've a quiz i.e. regarding CT scanning, WHICH degree would you like to be using?
e.g. ((45°), (60°), (72°)), a.k.a. (45, 60, 72) for
WORMHOLE Way ... ; e.g.
Gene Therapy
Global Weather;
e.g. ((30°), (60°), (90°), (120°), (240°)) for
Hexaxial Reference System ... ;
e.g. ((plus or minus) a.k.a. ("±")) 15° for Motor Way (CD, DVD, BD) ... ;
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir, we'll be using (approx. 60°) for CT scanning;
I wrote: mochiron of course; 2 is very very unique in many ways (e.g. Motor Way, Wormhole Way) ... ; Oh!! Oh!! I need to mention more knowledge based (ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace), regarding "WORMHOLE Way," WHAT kind of knowledge would you like to learn?
well trained kids! replied: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index with Walls sir;
I wrote: attahi attano nahto ... in Pali (Also see: Mini Dictionary) language means you're on your own, and if you do good kharma () Action, good results will ... ; Remark: be WHAT you want to be e.g. Nanobot Programmer ... ; in ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace, we're dealing (abnormalities, uncertain programming, unprecedented) e.g. for each human beings livable moon: HOW to solve BLI diff problems, reversed yellowish variations, variable DEE patterns, ... ; Remark: Nama For Humanoid, programmed in Pali language transcript words ... , and remote nama (Also see: Idea Processor, regarding "nama") reading is one of the highest (Methods, Procedures, Techniques) in our universes ... ;
virtual cardiologist; Virtual Cardiologist; e.g.
in USA (doko WHERE world's largest Healthcare Provider e.g. KAISER PERMANENTE), if vital signs are abnormal and if you think that "heart related" (other wording would be: Cardiovascular Dx) disorders exist, ASAP (within 20+ minutes) reach directly to any hospital's ER (Emergency Room), And Then, get healthcare e.g. 's Dx (kuru kuru WHILE taking radiological dept. CT), And Then, if NOT (bleeding inside (other wording would be hemorrhaging)), special formula medicine for rescuing (your life, your loved ones' life) ... ; Remark: virtual cardiologist's Dx while taking CT is one of the highest (methods, procedures, techniques) in our earth nowadays in 2020s;
x-ray; X-ray; e.g.
beam (e.g. X-ray);
( CT, CT, CT, CT, CT), also see: CT, Computed Tomography; x Character;
energy (keV) e.g. in common, X-Ray is measured by ( keV, Count); Also see: CT; e Character; Energy & Geometry;
x-ray absorptiometry; DEXA, Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry; Also see: bGTSU; Remark: Absorptiometry (imbibe + obtain + measure + determine + law), regarding Kanji characters;
X-rays, electromagnetic waves, corresponding with (Frequency Range ((30 * (10^16)) Hz to (30 * (10^19)) Hz)), AND Energy Range (100 eV to 100 K eV), AND (Wave Length Range (0.01 - 10) nanometer), i.e. X-rays, electromagnetic waves;
X-rays, electromagnetic waves, corresponding with (Frequency Range (30 peta Hertz to 30 exa Hertz)), AND Energy Range (100 eV to 100 K eV), AND (Wave Length Range (0.01 - 10) nanometer), i.e. X-rays, electromagnetic waves;