; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 1st (Wednesday) : Japanese . Syllabary . HTML ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 1 : 1 : 2025 : Japanese . Syllabary .HTML ;

( bunka Culture, bunka Culture) ;

Remark: since year (2568, 2025), my humanoids indicate universal universes' color codes, i.e. beyond our earth; this webpage is intended for using Yellowish Variations (our universes) in ( kyori Distance, kyori Distance, kyori Distance);

                1199335566 .sys x One  
                21212929232325252626 .sys x Two  
                1111189189131315151616 .sys x Three  
                212138938921321325252626 .sys x Four  
                51515959535355555656 .sys x Five  
                81818989636385858686 .sys x Six  
                41414949434345454646 .sys x Seven  
                        717173737676 .sys x Eight  
                91919999939395959696 .sys x Nine  
                            51516655 .sys x Ten  
                71717979737375757676 .sys        
                818119919983383385858686 .sys        
                4141191948348345454646 .sys        
                21212929232325252626 .sys        
                71717979737375757676 .sys        
                                    Japan 's Flag  

since 2024, Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count 's one of the characters ( j i HIRAGANA, j i KATAKANA), and ( z u HIRAGANA, z u KATAKANA) have been (edited, integrated, modified, upgraded) to be j i i, and z u u;

, , , Idea Processor, ... ;

Information: (Windows (CRLF) | UTF-8), saved as Encoding (ANSI), created on January 8, 2024, And Then, compiled to be HTML File, And Then, Page Properties >> Language >> HTML encoding >> saved this document as US (ASCII) ; GIF (15x15) design model ones, so approx. "13" lines (Top && Bottom As 1&&1 design model), but the different is integrated by using "5" Colors, if compare to .. \ .. \ Myanmar \ Mini Dictionary \ Nippon \ Nippon Syllabary ; Reason (" doshite Why") is that after using approx. 20+ years of Maroon Color, concerning GIF (15x15) design model ones, and this DOMAIN developer has realized kuru kuru WHILE "winter time" period, very difficult to program Anti-Earthquake (e.g. in Japan, 3000+ onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot springs) are naturally attracting lights); so this DOMAIN developer decided to create Left Side's Hiragana characters with ("Light turquoise") Color, on the other hand, Right Side's Katakana characters with ("Indigo") Color; since 2023, this DOMAIN 's contents e.g. Table (s) with "23" Column, for better and integrated system design model, i.e. in addition to Table (s) with "10" Column; since no Yellowish Variation (our earth) if compare to human beings livable moons in our universes, Yellow Color dots inside of the characters are ( circumstances, happenstance, intentionally) for normal Yellowish Variation (s) .  .  . ;

ANSI, American National Standards Institute;
ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange;
GIF, Graphics Interchange Format;
HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language;
ICC, Integrated Circuit Card;
( card, card, card, card);
ICC, International Criminal Court;
US, United States;

don't change or modify above table's (color, colorful, iroColourWaveForm, iro LED) ... because "no Yellowish Variation (our earth)" has been (defined, identified, marked, programmed) inside of the characters; (((a^2) + (b^2)) / ((a b) + 1))) White Screen, a.k.a. Perfect Square has been defined by Inductance .HTML;

Find advanced (match case, regular expression, to ignore spacing diff, whole word only) .  .  . ;
Find directional (all, down, up) .  .  . ;
Find normal Yellowish Variation (YV) esp. onsen (s) exist .  .  . ;
Find tag e.g. (acronym, address, applet, area, blink, block, body, button, caption, center, cite, code, comment, embed, field, font, form, frame, head, group, HTML, index, input, label, layer, link, marquee, meta, object, option, plaintext, script, select, set, small, sound, span, strong, table, text area, title) .  .  . ;
Find WHERE (all, current, opened, selected) page (s) .  .  . ;

Find, e.g.
(look in value, look in formula, look in comment) .  .  . ;
(match entire content, match cell, match case) .  .  . ;
(search by row, search by column) .  .  . ;
(within sheet, within workbook) .  .  . ;
WHAT to Find (Textbox + List) .  .  . ;
WHAT to Find (choose format from cell) e.g. GIF Color, Image, Picture, .  .  . ; Also see: Location Awareness Response;

( Hex={FF,CC,99} Yellow Color), also see: Anti-Earthquake;

inside of Info \ index .h t m, 4 cells are ( circumstances, happenstance, intentionally) defined with Yellow Color, concerning one of the human beings livable moons . 2 suns refreshing planet's ((Val, Value) : BLI automatic adjustment medicine formulary is still R&D) and its reflection (4=2+2), thus don't change the Info \ index .h t m .  .  . ;, protect the Color Code IFF onsen (s) exist .  .  . ;, protect the Color Code IFF onsen (s) exist .  .  . ;

QFE, also see: 1qComputer;
QFE, also see: this DOMAIN;

regarding the above table, Left Side's Purple Color is for moon-wave beyond Solar System (our earth as origin), and Right Side's (Aqua Color, Navy Blue Color) are for our earth and its nearby ones only, and (Black Color, Gray Color, Silver Color) are based on USB (lights) WHICH has been approx. 28+ years of knowledge based (Remark: this webpage is written in 2024, for the most difficult programming (Anti-Earthquake Programming, Nanobot Programming)) ... ;

humanoid Global Military General: regarding ("ICC, International Criminal Court"), Using USB based integrated laser to shoot down illegal drones worldwide, i.e. (Global, National, Regional) Security;

              Ten 10 y Ten         hiragana ICC .sys      
              Nine 9 y Nine              
              Eight 8 y Eight              
              Seven 7 y Seven              
              Six 6 y Six              
              Five 5 y Five              
              Four 4 y Four              
              Three 3 y Three              
              Two 2 y Two              
              One 1 y One              

Remark: in this table (Specify width is 480px in Pixel), RGB(FF,CC,99) Color (intentionally for Reflection); for each cell inside of directional, dimensional, logical, numerological, structural (23 x 13) table, juten Filling should be using (Lo Shu + Sudoku) Algorithm, i.e. easy, free-of-error, simple, .  .  . ;

well trained kids!! replied: Why you didn't create "hiragana ICC .sys" sir?
I wrote:
attrib +a +s +x katakana ICC .sys is good enough; remember Japaneses are smarter than Rakhine, they Japaneses can be better Food System, better Gene Therapy System, better Hardware System, better kadosei Mobility System, better Manmade Global Weather System, better normal Yellowish Variation Definition System, better rice liquor Sake, better Software System, better Sumo System, ... , and so on;

x One . 1                           katakana ICC . sys
x Two . 2                          
x Three . 3                          
x Four . 4                          
x Five . 5                          
x Six . 6                          
x Seven . 7                          
x Eight . 8                          
x Nine . 9                          
x Ten . 10                          

Remark: in this table (Specify width is 640px), RGB(FF,CC,99) Color (intentionally for Reflection); for each cell inside of directional, dimensional, logical, numerological, structural (23 x 13) table, juten Filling should be using (Lo Shu + Sudoku) Algorithm, i.e. easy, free-of-error, simple, .  .  . ; ( circumstances, happenstance, intentionally) 13 system's "Y" should obey 1&&1 design model .  .  . ; Domain \ Idea Processor \ Idea Processor _files \ katakana \ katakana ICC .sys for Hardware && Software designers, Hardware && Software engineers, .  .  . ;  RGB(FF,CC,99) Color (intentionally for Reflection) Procedure, Method, Technique is a must to deploy, because in winter time, onsen, onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot springs) are attracting lights, WHICH causes unwanted earthquake (our earth), so (defining, identifying) normal Yellowish Variation means to be normal .  .  . ; normal means without earthquake; Also see: Anti-Earthquake Hardware && Software; don't change this table (23 x 13), because "13" system is valid for another 100+ years ... ;

(created on 01/24/2024, ( Domain \ Idea Processor \ Idea Processor _files \ katakana \ "katakana ICC .sys"), (Encoding (Unix (LF) | UTF-8)), (16.3KB Size)) :  define, defined, defining : (normal Yellowish Variation, normal Yellowish Variation) in our earth only; normal Yellowish Variation can be used for Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, Nanobot Programming, Military Application, PHYSICS, and so on;

regarding ("katakana ICC .sys"), if Center is defined by "E," 5‡2, And Then, "H" Horizontal alignment .  .  . ;

for normal Yellowish Variation, also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML ;

I wrote: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) do we need to define normal Yellowish Variation?

well trained kids!! replied: in winter time, doko WHERE heat related locations (e.g. hydrothermal hot springs) exist, And Then, ware ware We need to define normal Yellowish Variation sir, because Manmade Global Weather (Anti-Earthquake) to be functional up-and-running sir;

I wrote: ( mochiron, mochiron, mochiron, mochiron Of Course) : (of course, certainly, naturally); I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz would be: among diodes inside of iro LED, WHICH ones would you like to (deploy, implement, use) to be functional up-and-running Anti-Earthquake?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! ware ware We'll (choose, pick, select) both diode Gold, and diode Yellow sir;

I wrote: ( mochiron, mochiron, mochiron, mochiron Of Course) : (of course, certainly, naturally); I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz would be: kuru kuru WHILE in winter time, and fetching ( diode Gold, diode Yellow) based light sheet, ( geometry directional, Orientation) of Directions should be?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! since "Refection of Hyperbola," ware ware We'll fetch the ( diode Gold, diode Yellow) based light sheet from the North to South (our earth . Location: nearby onsen (hydrothermal hot springs)) sir;

I wrote: ( mochiron, mochiron, mochiron, mochiron Of Course) : (of course, certainly, naturally); easy, free-of-error, simple, and simply the best (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... ; I've something else to do, e.g. banking, cooking, donating, driving, healthcare, property management, shopping, traveling, watching NHK news, Web contents development, R&D factors, ... ; Good luck to you!! You can do IT yourselves .  .  . ; Also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML; Physics Law 232 . HTML; do good kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) Action, good results will ... mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Tarzans are Tarzan, ... ;

keywords, e.g. (auto complete, console, hide network, log XML http requests, preserve log, selected context, treat code evaluation as users' action) .  .  . ;

I wrote: for defining keywords, if ware ware We've defined Light Sheet Storage (Also see: Products) As Level 6 (referring to *µSD Card), WHAT should be each definition to "The Next" ?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! ( Blue-gray sound pattern, Green sound pattern, Light turquoise sound pattern, Lime sound pattern, sound pattern) sir;

I wrote: Yes. Correct. SPL based Computers program should be, And Then, try yourselves ((("directional gravity pressure"), ("directional gravity spot")): throw), by defining ( lights' pattern, lights' pattern, lights' pattern) .  .  . , And Then, don't forget that (heat and lights) are at the same location (our earth) .  .  . , And Then, keep IT as one of your military top secrets (our earth only: catch); Umm!! Hmm!! do good kharma, a.k.a. khamma Action, good results will .  .  . ;

normal Yellowish Variation in winter time, onsen, onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot springs) are attracting lights, WHICH causes unwanted earthquake (our earth), so (defining, identifying) normal Yellowish Variation means to be normal, (i.e. normal means without earthquake in the defined region) ... ; Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming; Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ index; Japanese . Syllabary; Physics Law 567;

finding a yellow; Also see: DEE; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Remark: remember, this is the one and only file, for defining "normal yellowish variation" because in winter time period (e.g. in the northern hemisphere of our earth), naturally onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot springs) are attracting lights, And Then, ware ware We don't want earthquakes because of ("naturally onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot springs)") ... ; very difficult to define Yellowish Variation (YV), and YV, Yellowish Variation can be military long range weapon, so "military top secret" should be applied, kuru kuru WHILE R&D Yellowish Variation (YV) ... ; a "Tarzan" Rakhine should be working for (Japanese military + Taiwan military), because some (idea, knowledge) should be military top secrets rather than Public Data (Blah, Blah, Blah as Internet Webpage) ... ; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War ;

This is the one and only file, ( circumstances, happenstance, intentionally) for normal Yellowish Variation (s) ... because, in winter time period, heat is naturally attracting lights WHICH causes unwanted earthquakes (our earth). this Webpage's Information; e.g.

Japan's Flag .PNG file (108 x 108 dimensional), created on January 23, 2024, And Then, via the Internet (converted by ICO Converter), created an icon file i.e. Japan's Flag .ICO file (125 KB) with system (Val, Value), set e.g. Sizes with (16 Pixel, 32 Pixel, 48 Pixel, 64 Pixel, 128 Pixel, 256 Pixel), And Then, its system Bit Depth, set e.g. 32 Bit (approx. 16.7 million colors with Alpha Transparency); Also see: Icon;

katakana ICC .GIF, anime with 500 ms Speed;
katakana ICC .GIF, anime with 500 ms Speed;

this Webpage's Keywords: normal Yellowish Variation;
this Webpage's Keywords: normal Yellowish Variation;

this Webpage: ( (0:05@1,000Kbps), ( 1234 x 567; Remark: ("ICC, Integrated Circuit Card"); Also see: 6iComputer ), (HTML encoding: US (ASCII)), (Share Point: Custom); (Custom (Schema version: Internet Explorer 4.0 / Navigator 4.0)) ) ;

volcanic is nothing to do with hydrothermal hot spring; volcano is NOT hydrothermal hot spring; (volcanic, volcano) are somehow heat related;

I wrote: don't confuse (i.e. heat and light are at the same location in our earth), and for ( hankazanfunka Anti-volcanic eruption, hankazanfunka Anti-volcanic eruption), WHAT we've (deployed, done, implemented, programmed)?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! Using ("L" (Method, Procedure, Technique) + reversed momentum (Method, Procedure, Technique)), i.e. we placed 3 "L" structural lighting next to the active volcano, so THAT naturally we can avoid the 4th spot ((e.g. the peak point of the active volcano's location ... ), by applying 3 "L" ones) with 1 defined location on the straight line), Hmm!! Umm!! very easy, free-of-error, simple sir;

I wrote: That's right. Aye. Correct. so we don't confuse; Also see: Anti-Volcanic Eruption;

avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

Physics Law 232, (Yellowish Variations, Yellowish Variations) ... ;

x Character; x Computer;

y Character; y Computer;

Reminder: don't change, i.e. "Main Page" is intentionally linked to INDEX . XHTML;

written, programmed, modeled, and designed, by Rakhita Rakhine American, in 2024;
written, programmed, modeled, and designed, by Rakhita Rakhine American, in 2024;
