Last updated on 2017/2561
a full moon day;
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idam me sīlam magga-phala-ñānassa paccayo hotu, my sīla contributes to path and fruition knowledge; in common, individual presents precepts to monk verbally in pali language;
4 kinds of ganthas (ties) are abhijjhā (covetousness), vyā-pāda (ill will), silabbataparāmāsa (indulgence in wrongful rites and ceremonies), and idaṁ saccābhinivesa (adherence to preconceptions as truth);
Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhana Society ( www.budaedu.org ), The Dhammapada (ISBN [1988]: 983-99523-0-7; ISBN [1992]: 983-99523-1-5), K. Sri Dhammananda, Buddha Vagga, Page 379, written: " Iddhi. By mental development it is possible to fly through the air, walk on water, dive into the earth, etc. Such kinds of powers are psychic and supernormal, but not miraculous. " ;
iddhi vidha, psychic power; vijjā caraṇa (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);
e.g. knowing without informed; e.g. manipulating human beings (can be either bad or good way);
different psychic powers, a.k.a. one of the supernormal powers
iddhipāda, 4 means of accomplishment;
chanda, will;
viriya, energy;
citta, thought;
Also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, Bodhipakkhiyadhamma = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;
idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati ātāpi sampajāno satimā vineyya loke abhijjhā domanassam, monks, a monk in this holy order spends his time observing physical phenomena in body, being energetic, clearly comprehending, and mindful, getting rid of greed and aversion;
e.g. bedrocks as column that stand inside our earth; e.g. chief column that stands at city entrance;
indriya, 5 faculties;
viriya, energy;
sati, mindfulness;
Also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, Bodhipakkhiyadhamma = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;
indriya, faculty; also see: upatthana ... ;
indriya samvara sīla,
faculties restraint morality; one of the high level moralities, practiced by
monk e.g. pātimokkha
samvara sīla (a.k.a. 227
rule); To be a good person, 5 precept is recommended (in
Pali a.k.a. paccayasanissita sila,
requisites related morality)
then meditation can begin; Also see:
IriyapathaPabba (posture section); Also see: A Study of First MulaMinGoneZetawonSayadaw’s Insight Meditation Technique in Burma, Ashin Panyacekka, Alodawpyie Meditation Monastery, Newark, CA 94560, U.S.A. (This research paper, submitted to United Nation Day of Vassak, the International Association of Buddhist University, MC University, Bangkok, Thailand), on January 13, 2016;
Isana, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Iti vuttaka, “Thus said” Discourses; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; 5.* ; Itivuttaka;
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