dotNET Software Names: #     Last updated on 2010     7     26, a full moon day;

Names Remark; 2001 ~ 2006;   ASCII . = 46
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64 bit NetCOBOL for .NET .NET Framework platform by Fujitsu in 2005;
Abderaware FTP for .Net v.1; 2003; Synchronous FTP method; Asynchronous FTP method;
Abderaware Mail for .Net v.1; 2003; MIME class e-mail specification for *.different_file_types; SMTP class for sending e-mail; POP3 class for querying and retrieving e-mail contents; Not using CDO, or IIS;
Abderaware SNMP for .Net v.1; 2003; MIB file-parser; ASN; BER; 
Alachisoft TierDeveloper v.2 Pro. For VB.Net ; 2003; Object mapping to relational data; Object mapping in Parent-Child relationship; SQL query Obm. Method, SQL procedure Obj. Method; ASP.Net; 
AppDepot Web Services ADXstudio; 2003; Web content management tool; Browser based;
AppsChannel Class Builder .Net v.1; 2003; VB6, VB.Net, C# code sample;
AppsChannel Code Drop Pro for MS.Net v.1; 2003; C# code sample, VB code sample;
AppsChannel DevBrowser v.1; 2003; VS.Net code sample;
Archisoft Visual Watch .Net ; 2003; VS.Net;
ArtinSoft WinFormsToWeb; 2003; Conversion from VB.Net forms to ASP.Net forms;
Bennet-Tec Information Systems MetaDraw.Net WinForms Edition; 2003; Imaging tool; 
Bennet-Tec Information Systems TList.Net WinForms Edition; 2003; VS.Net; ActiveX support; 
Cambro DBCombo v.4.1; 2003; Dataset property functionality; HTML 3.2 tag support; Complying CLS; C#;
Cambro ImageAdmin Pro v.2; 2003;  
Cambro QuickAdmin Pro v.2; 2003; Database admin page / VS.Net; C#; 
Chilkat Email.Net; 2003; POP3, S/MIME, SMTP; XML;
ComponentOne Chart for .Net; 2003;  
ComponentOne DataObjects for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne FlexGrid for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Preview for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Reports for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise; 2003;
ComponentOne Studio for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Studio for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne True DBGrid for .Net; 2003;
ComponentOne WebChart for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne WebDataObjects for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne WebGrid for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne WebMenus and WebBars for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne WebReports for ASP.Net; 2003;
ComponentOne Zip for .Net; 2003;
Compuware DevPartner Studio v.7; 2003;
For managing .Net project software development; Less cost N-tier application development; 
Compuware DevPartnerDB Debugger, Oracle Visual Studio Edition; 2003;
Debug and analyze Oracle PL/SQL; Oracle VS.Net;
Dart Communication PowerTCP FTP for .Net; 2003; v.1.2
FTP C# component; Proxy support; 
Dart Communication PowerTCP Mail for .Net v.2; 2003;
.Net; MessageStream bi-directionally; 
Dart Communication PowerTCP SSL Socket for .Net; 2003;
HIPAA standard; Telnet for .Net included; TCP, UDP included;
Data Dynamics ActiveReports for .Net v.2; 2003;
C#, and VB.Net development; Supporting ADO.Net;
DataCast Systems VBeXpress.Net v.2; 2003;
ASP.Net, C#, HTML, Jscript, SQL, VB.Net, XML; SQL server support; Microsoft DAO data access support; IDE prompts IntelliSense checking and syntax checking in run-time;
DataDirect Connect for .Net; 2003;
MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase; VS.Net; 
DBI Technologies DBI Calendar Tools for .Net; 2003;
I-Cal standard Internet calendar;
Desaware NT Service Toolkit for .Net; 2003;
Testing, debugging Win NT, 2000 services; COM;
Desaware SpyWorks Pro v.7; 2003;
Standard Win APIs can call .Net libraries; So called Dynamic function export technology;
Desaware StateCoder; 2003;
.Net framwork; Multithreaded code, asychronous code;
Desaware StorageTools v.3; 2003;
Multiple-data-types in compound document / hierrarchical-storage; .Net;
DevComponents DotNetBar Suite v.3; 2003;
Configuration in XML; Toolbar, Menu, Sidebar; This user-interface tool, written in C# in .Net platform; 
DevPower Solutions DevPower Button Bar .Net Component v.1.2; 2003;
UI component including colors, fonts, cursors, and etc.
DevPower Solutions DevPower FTP .Net Component v.1.2; 2003;
FTP .Net component; VS.Net;
DevPower Solutions DevPower Web Version Check .Net Component v.1; 2003;
Checking of Internet, Intranet .Net applications' versions;
Dundas Software Dundas Chart for ASP.Net Enterprise Edition v.3.1; 2003;
ASP.Net Charting;
Dundas Software Dundas Chart for ASP.Net Pro. Edition v.3.1; 2003;
ASP.Net Charting;
Dundas Software Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise Edition; 2003;
ASP.Net Charting; VS.Net;
Dundas Software Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Pro Edition; 2003;
ASP.Net Charting; VS.Net;
FarPoint Technologies Input Pro for Windows Forms; 2003;
from COM component migrates to .Net; C#;  
FarPoint Technologies Spread for Web Forms; 2003;
C# spread grid component; ADO.Net connectivity;
Fesersoft VB.Net XML Comment Creator; 2003;
Comment creator in VB.Net XML for matching C# features; 
FMS Total .Net Analyzer v.1.1; 2003;
FMS Total .Net Developer Suite; 2003;
FMS Total .Net SourceBook v.1.1; 2003;
Codes for C#, C++, HTML, Java, JavaScript, VB.Net, VB6, VBA, XML;
FMS Total .Net Xref v.1.1; 2003;
C# code, VB.Net code;
Gavin Joyce .Net N-tier Framework Generator; 2003;
C# Datasets, C# Data Access; C#, VB.Net, XML;
Hunter Stone Web.Config Editor v.2; 2003;
All web.config files can be edited; ASP.Net web configuration and management;
InfoSoft FusionCharts v.2; 2003;
Source code outsource; .Net;
InfoSoft Fxgraph v.4; 2003;
Source code outsource; .Net;
Infragistics NetAdvantage Vol.2, 2003
WinForms, ASP.Net component, COM component; presentaional framework layer components for .Net, ASP.Net, and COM;
Innovasys Document! X v.3; 2003;
XML documentation / C# compiler's syntax checking, tag checking, source comment; .Net source code documentation; VS.Net automatic context sensitive help;
Innovasys HelpStudio v.1; 2003;
Creating HTML help, PDF booklet;
InteSoft ASPAccelerator for .Net; 2003;
Managing web.config file to control web functions; 
IP*Works! .Net Developer Subscription; 2003;
Support AVS data; 
IP*Works! CC Icharge v.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
IP*Works! IM v.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
Protocols for Instant Messaging: AIM, MSN Messenger, SMPP, SMS, SNPP, Jabber; ASP.Net; C#;
IP*Works! S/MIME v.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
C# .Net; Encrypt/Decrypt in S/MIME v.2 standard; IMAP4, NNTP, POP3, SMTP; Certificate management;
IP*Works! SSL v.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
C#, 128bit SSL encryption; 
IP*Works! V.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
C# .Net compact framework; FTP, HTTP, IMAP, MIME, NNTP, SMTP, SNMP, POP, SOAP, TELNET, XML;
IP*Works! Zip v.5 .Net Edition; 2003;
Janus Systems GridEX for .Net v.1; 2003;
Data aware of calendar, time, schedule, bars;
Janus Systems Winforms Controls for .Net v.1; 2003;
Key Technology .Net Internet Component Suite v.1; 2003;
Codes for all 7 internet components; DNS .Net class-library; E-mail Checker .Net class-library; FTP .Net class-library;  ICMP .Net class-library; Internet Time .Net class-library; Trace Route .Net class-library; WhoIs .Net class-library; 
Key Technology .Net Visual Component Suite v.1; 2003;
Controls such as Marquee .Net control, Time Zone Picker .Net control, Country Picker .Net control, State Picker .Net control;
Key Technology DNS .Net Class Library v.1; 2003;
Parsing and constructing DNS messages; Synchronous/Asynchronous Send, Receive;
Key Technology Email Checker .Net Class Library v.1; 2003;
Without sending e-mail to User, SMTP checks; Synchronous call, Asynchronous call;
Key Technology ICMP .Net Class Library v.1; 2003;
ICMP parsing; Send/Receive asynchronously/synchronously;
Key Technology Registry Toolkit; .Net Class Library v.1; 2003;
Windows Registry 5 format, or XML can be imported/exported; 
Key Technology Trace Listeners; .Net Class Library v.1; 2003;
LEAD Technologies LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro v.13; 2003;
140+ file formats can be exported, imported; TWAIN; C# for .Net platform interface; Data compressions such as G3, G4, JPEG, JPEG2000, LZW, MRC; 60+ filters and transformations;
LeadByte NetworkSmart Developer v.1; 2003;
VS.Net; Can predict network bottleneck such as user-response-time of the network's bandwidth, the network's latency, and more;
Living Address Living Doc.Net; 2003;
Automatic documentation in .Net, ASP, SQL;
LogiXML IgxAppDev Server Pro. Edition; 2003;
CRM; Web services; XML;
LogiXML IgxAppDev Studio Pro. Edition; 2003;
CRM; Web services;
LogiXML IgxReportDev Server Pro. Edition; 2003;
CRM; Web services;
LogiXML IgxReportDev Studio Pro. Edition; 2003;
CRM; Web services;
Mabry DNS NET component v.1; 2003;
DNS/Net class; Server-resource classes: CanonicalName, Location, MailDestination, MailExchange, MailForwarder;
Mabry FTP NET Component v.1; 2003;
While executing Synchronous method AND Asynchrous method, DirectoryItem Event, Progress Event, StateCharged Event throws; 
Mabry FTP Server NET Component v.1; 2003;
Handshake to client's request at given IP address OR Port number;
Mabry Mail NET Component v.1; 2003;
Madinina Software CodeObject Premium v.3; 2003;
C# Code optimizer standardizer 
Math Point Numerical Libraries v.2; 2003;
Can access numeric-functionalities from any .Net;
MicroGold WithClass for C# 2000; 2003;
UML diagram tool: activity, collaboration, deployment, sequence, state, use-case; Its class diagram generates C# code, HTML customizable code, Text report; 
NetToolWork.Net SNMP Tool v.1; 2003;
SNMP v.1,2,3 decoder/encoder; MIB parsing; 
NetToolWorks.Net FTP Tool v.3; 2003;
Make your own Proxy by supporting DOS dir parsing, File streaming, File transfering, Memory streaming, UNIX dir parsing; 
NetToolWorks.Net Mail Tool v.1; 2003;
File-streaming, HTML, Memory-streaming, MIME, POP, SMTP; 
Nogoop Software .Net Component Inspector v.1.8; 2003;
Obj. of .Net;
Pegasus ImagXpress Pro v.6; 2003;
Imaging tool; 
Pegasus SmartScan Xpress Barcode v.3 with Basic Developer Kit; 2003;
Imaging tool; 
Pegasus TwainPro v.3; 2003;
Imaging tool; 
Progeneric Systems File Template Library for .Net v.1; 2003;
32 bit container addressing, 64 container addressin;
Proposion N2N v.1; 2003;
Without COM, or ODBC, Lotus Notes/IBM, Domino/IBM can be integrated into .Net framework, VS.Net; ADO.Net lets ASP.Net application to access IBM Lotus Notes and Domino data;
ProtoCube IPVSuite .Net v.1.2; 2003;
C# source code; Internet intranet protocol/component including daytime, finger, gopher, pop, smtp, socket, whois; ASP.Net, Mobile Web .Net, Windows;
QBS Software Sharp Reports v.1.3; 2003;
Either file output, or stream output: including HTML, PDF, QXD, XML, XSL; Report can pull data from ADO DB, ODBC, OLE DB, XML stream from file, XML stream from URL;
QSC Quality Software Component Team Coherence v.7; 2003;
VS.Net; Source code management system;
Recursion Software C# Rapid DevKit; 2003;
Exception class, Ienumerator class; More than 50 generic algorithms; 11 optimized data-structures;
Red Gate Software ANTS Profiler; 2003;
Can find slow-code in .Net & Web Services; C#, VB.Net, C++, COBOL;
SAPIEN Technologies PrimalCode v.3; 2003;
.Net; C#; VB.Net; JSCRIPT.Net; ASP/PHP/Perl support; Use of <20MB drive space with streamlined design;
SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript v.3; 2003; Barcode Pro Edition v.1.1; 2003; Connected Framework Pro; 2003;
Source code provided; Serial communication support RS232C and RS485 ports with MSComm control for VB 2, Crescent PDQComm control, Sax ActiveX Comm;
SoftAura .Net WebComponent Suite; 2003;
Open source code; Chat component, Forum component, Shopping-cart component; 
SoftLite ScriptWorx.Net; 2003;
Web page design and development; XML; WYSIWYG MS Office file support;
Software FX Chart FX for .Net v.6; 2003;
.Net; ADO.Net; OLAP; VS.Net; XML; 
Synergy Media smNetServerControls v.1.52; 2003;
Document wizard for ColdFusion Studio 4.5, 5.0; and HomeSite;
The Imaging Source TX Text Control .Net v.10; 2003;
Ruler control, Status bar control, Text control, Toolbar control; Can export in CSS, HTML, MS Word, RTF, XML; 
Vista Software Apollo .Net v.6; 2003;
VB.Net source code; Data bound control integration; Data encryption in file level;
VisualSoft FTP for .Net v.1; 2003;
File transfer component to upload, to download files; Firewall authenticated;
VisualSoft Mail for .Net v.1; 2003;
WeOnlyDo! SSH.Net v.1; 2003;
C# source code; SSH1, SSH2, Telnet, RAW protocol mode; 
Wimdows Component MailCheck.Net; 2003;
Confirming email in real-time;

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