Updated in
2564 : on
2020 :
5 :
11 :
Physics Law 150 ;
150) :
ability to cope;
ability to cope;
realize and understand THAT
IPv6 e.g.
eight groups of 16 bit each :
Also see: PreSchoolEnglishTyping; Remark: very old program wrote in 2000s, if still working, good luck!!!;
Vector, also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 142, ... ; e.g. IFF biological, biomedical, ... : WHICH vector to cure COVID-19;
realize and understand THAT this DOMAIN 's 10 dimensional system WHICH has been cleverly using 4 subdirectories within its 10 directories (folders), so its internal (link, linked, linking) are within 4;
because, long long time
ago (approx. in 1990s),
window programming was designed with
(e.g. First, Second, Third, Fourth)
also see: Syntax vs.
Remark: only four parameters because of IPv4; eight parameters IPv6 e.g.
eight groups of 16 bit each;
realize and understand THAT IPv4, using ASCII (46) Period (Dot), in addition, IPv6, using ASCII (58) Column;
in computer programming, we're using
"Period (Dot)" for panels (e.g. First
. Second . Third . Fourth)
WHICH means
4 panels are using 3 Y (horizontal line) on the screen, in addition, we're using
"Column" for
8 Y and in programming (e.g. iroLED), right
side of the "Column" (cannot, can't, should not, shouldn't) go through to the
left side of the "Column" and it is like
Remark: level 7
Display factories, manufactures, OEM (s),
... are the latest and the most advance (method, procedure, technology) in our
earth, as of 2020; after level 7
Display factories,
manufactures, OEM (s), ... , we should stop our (method,
procedure, technology) because other Method (s) e.g. (6
surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, fetching ZCS Method, Rainbow Method) in the air
as Display ... ;
yellowish variation (100000), using 1080 nm (method, procedure, technique) to do gene therapy system (regarding unwanted biological virus), so we'll be healthy, and living longer with younger looks, so be (happy, healthy, wealthy) ones ... ;
regarding (SQRT3, SQRT2) designed models,
this DOMAIN is cleverly using both (floating points), and truncating point
a.k.a. mantissa point, doko
defined system's latches are ... ; don't forget THAT regarding (1&1) design
model, the bottom ones must obey the upper ones;
21st century & beyond
(floating points) ... e.g. in 2020,
8K quality, e.g. in 2010, 4K
quality, ... , and embedded devices must obey truncating point a.k.a. mantissa
point ;
I've a quiz i.e. HOW you'll be able to do ability to cope in SQRT2 design model ?
well trained kids! replied: in SQRT2 's (±98) Engineering Notation: we'll define ... 100000 : 10000 : 1000 : 100 : 10 ... so THAT right most 's 10 (local) must obey its left side 's 100 (remote), And Then, 100 (remote) must obey its left side 's 1000 (global), and so on ... ; so, we'll be able to do ability to cope from local to remote to global to universal to yellowish variation sir;
I wrote: 5 panes, 4 latches, good enough to do ability to cope;
well trained kids! should be :
champion; magnate;
master; tycoon;
well trained kids! should be with
metta (loving kindness) to :
good gene pattern
of selected DNA,
section of selected RNA)
as wanted ones,
And Then, Vector
should do good
kharma (khamma)
Action ..., also see: Physics Law 142,
... ;
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