For parsing VC++ v.7     Last updated on            , a full moon day

IFF code (snippets) also see: keyword;

a part of lexical analyzer;

if ( index >= TokenID::Key_word() ) {

/* index is bigger than or equal to TokenID's scope of key_word function; Notice that :: is scope operator, therefore key_word function is a member function of TokenID class */

string token = tokenString(index);

/* index becomes string as token; similar to nowadays' digital signatures , digital certificates */

if ((isdigit(array_of_tokens[0])) (array_of_tokens[0] == '-' )) {

/* so many tokens to and fro */


display("!! TokenSet::tokenIdentify: ",
"literal_digit: ", token);

/* VGA standard graphics mode display */


/* pre-processor d derivative No If Define ... */

return TokenID::_Literal;

/* if {TRUE}, result value returns as TokenID class' _Literal function */

