IronPython v.1, .NET v.2 vs. C#     Last updated on           , a full moon day

IFF code (snippets) also see: keyword;

>>> from System.Collections import *

>>> = Hashtable ( )

>>> [ "abc" ] = "Your_defined_initialized_name1"

>>> [ "xyz" ] = "Your_defined_initialised_name2"

i.e. >>> [ "abc" ]


i.e. >>> [ "xyz" ]



abc , Your_defined_initialized_name1

xyz , Your_defined_initialised_name2


Therefore, in Python vs. C#
Python C#
x, y = ,

x, y = y, x


void function_name(ref int x, ref int y) {

int temporary_variable = x;

x = y;

y = temporary_variable;


int x = , y = ;

function_name(ref x, ref y);

A function with 2 parameters to get values; Notice that parameter gets dir/file number, parameter gets M strings
def function_to_get_values ( ) :

return , " "

x_dimension, m_string = function_to_get_values ( )

object [ ] function_to_get_values ( ) {

object [ ] return_result_of_THIS_{ } = new object [ ];

object [ ] = ;

object [ ] = " ";

return return_result_of_THIS_{ };


object [ ] return_result_of_THIS_{ } = function_to_get_values ( );

int x_dimension = (int data_type_cast_to_integer) return_result_of_THIS_{ } [ ];

string m_string = (string data_type_cast_to_characters) return_result_of_THIS_{ } [ ];




IFF IronPython v.1, .NET v.2 vs. XML

>>> import clr clr module

>>> clr.AddReference ( " System.Xml " )

>>> from System.Xml import *

>>> d_for_document = XmlDocument ( )



IFF concatenated string

>>> m_string = "Burmese Python"

>>> m_string.Trim ( )

Traceback , line number , in <stdin>########8

>>> import clr

>>> m_string.Trim ( )



IFF fancy graphics labeling

>>> import winforms
>>> from System.Windows.Forms import *
>>> from System.Drawing import *
>>> from ...
>>> instant_form = Form ( )
>>> instant_form.Show ( )
>>> instant_form.Text = "Window's title phrase here"
>>> def click ( Left_dir/file_form , Right_data ): WHEN a mouse click, window will prompt texts
>>> text_object = Label ( Text = "" )
>>> text_object.Location = Right_data.Location
>>> Left_dir/file_form.Controls.Add ( text_object )
>>> Left_dir/file_form.Click += click
>>> for i_integer_counter in Left_dir/file_form.Controls: i_integer_counter.Font = Font ( "System", 15 )
>>> for i_integer_counter in Left_dir/file_form.Controls: i_integer_counter.Text = ""
>>> Left_dir/file_form.Controls.Clear ( )
>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReferenceToFile ( " Previously_built_dynamic_link_library.dll " )
>>> import Simple_class
>>> dir ( Simple_class )
[ 'Equals' , 'GetHashCode' , 'GetType' , 'ToString' , '__new__' , '__repr__' ... ]
>>> string_to_print = Simple_class (10)
>>> print string_to_print

IFF building dynamic link library file *.dll; Languages: C#, JAVA, VB, ...

using System;

using System.Collections;

public class Simple_class {

private int data_for_Right_pane;

public Simple_class (int data_for_Right_pane ) {

this.data_for_Right_pane = data_for_Right_pane;


public override string ToString ( ) {

return String.Format ("Simple_class<{ 0 } >" , data_for_Right_pane );


} At this stage dll named Simple_class.cs as file in %PATH% and Mutual exclusion must have {TRUE}


For further reading:;;
